%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(disksup). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start_link/0]). -export([get_disk_data/0, get_check_interval/0, set_check_interval/1, get_almost_full_threshold/0, set_almost_full_threshold/1]). -export([dummy_reply/1, param_type/2, param_default/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% Other exports -export([format_status/2, parse_df/2]). -record(state, {threshold, timeout, os, diskdata = [],port}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% API %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, disksup}, disksup, [], []). get_disk_data() -> os_mon:call(disksup, get_disk_data, infinity). get_check_interval() -> os_mon:call(disksup, get_check_interval, infinity). set_check_interval(Minutes) -> case param_type(disk_space_check_interval, Minutes) of true -> os_mon:call(disksup, {set_check_interval, Minutes}, infinity); false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. get_almost_full_threshold() -> os_mon:call(disksup, get_almost_full_threshold, infinity). set_almost_full_threshold(Float) -> case param_type(disk_almost_full_threshold, Float) of true -> os_mon:call(disksup, {set_almost_full_threshold, Float}, infinity); false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. dummy_reply(get_disk_data) -> [{"none", 0, 0}]; dummy_reply(get_check_interval) -> minutes_to_ms(os_mon:get_env(disksup, disk_space_check_interval)); dummy_reply({set_check_interval, _}) -> ok; dummy_reply(get_almost_full_threshold) -> round(os_mon:get_env(disksup, disk_almost_full_threshold) * 100); dummy_reply({set_almost_full_threshold, _}) -> ok. param_type(disk_space_check_interval, Val) when is_integer(Val), Val>=1 -> true; param_type(disk_almost_full_threshold, Val) when is_number(Val), 0= true; param_type(disksup_posix_only, Val) when Val==true; Val==false -> true; param_type(_Param, _Val) -> false. param_default(disk_space_check_interval) -> 30; param_default(disk_almost_full_threshold) -> 0.80; param_default(disksup_posix_only) -> false. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% gen_server callbacks %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), process_flag(priority, low), PosixOnly = os_mon:get_env(disksup, disksup_posix_only), OS = get_os(PosixOnly), Port = case OS of {unix, Flavor} when Flavor==sunos4; Flavor==solaris; Flavor==freebsd; Flavor==dragonfly; Flavor==darwin; Flavor==linux; Flavor==posix; Flavor==openbsd; Flavor==netbsd; Flavor==irix64; Flavor==irix -> start_portprogram(); {win32, _OSname} -> not_used; _ -> exit({unsupported_os, OS}) end, %% Read the values of some configuration parameters Threshold = os_mon:get_env(disksup, disk_almost_full_threshold), Timeout = os_mon:get_env(disksup, disk_space_check_interval), %% Initiation first disk check self() ! timeout, {ok, #state{port=Port, os=OS, threshold=round(Threshold*100), timeout=minutes_to_ms(Timeout)}}. handle_call(get_disk_data, _From, State) -> {reply, State#state.diskdata, State}; handle_call(get_check_interval, _From, State) -> {reply, State#state.timeout, State}; handle_call({set_check_interval, Minutes}, _From, State) -> Timeout = minutes_to_ms(Minutes), {reply, ok, State#state{timeout=Timeout}}; handle_call(get_almost_full_threshold, _From, State) -> {reply, State#state.threshold, State}; handle_call({set_almost_full_threshold, Float}, _From, State) -> Threshold = round(Float * 100), {reply, ok, State#state{threshold=Threshold}}; handle_call({set_threshold, Threshold}, _From, State) -> % test only {reply, ok, State#state{threshold=Threshold}}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(timeout, State) -> NewDiskData = check_disk_space(State#state.os, State#state.port, State#state.threshold), {ok, _Tref} = timer:send_after(State#state.timeout, timeout), {noreply, State#state{diskdata = NewDiskData}}; handle_info({'EXIT', _Port, Reason}, State) -> {stop, {port_died, Reason}, State#state{port=not_used}}; handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> clear_alarms(), case State#state.port of not_used -> ok; Port -> port_close(Port) end, ok. %% os_mon-2.0.1 %% For live downgrade to/upgrade from os_mon-1.8[.1] code_change(Vsn, PrevState, "1.8") -> case Vsn of %% Downgrade from this version {down, _Vsn} -> State = case PrevState#state.port of not_used -> PrevState#state{port=noport}; _ -> PrevState end, {ok, State}; %% Upgrade to this version _Vsn -> State = case PrevState#state.port of noport -> PrevState#state{port=not_used}; _ -> PrevState end, {ok, State} end; code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Other exports %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- format_status(_Opt, [_PDict, #state{os = OS, threshold = Threshold, timeout = Timeout, diskdata = DiskData}]) -> [{data, [{"OS", OS}, {"Timeout", Timeout}, {"Threshold", Threshold}, {"DiskData", DiskData}]}]. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- get_os(PosixOnly) -> case os:type() of {unix, sunos} -> case os:version() of {5,_,_} -> {unix, solaris}; {4,_,_} -> {unix, sunos4}; V -> exit({unknown_os_version, V}) end; {unix, _} when PosixOnly -> {unix, posix}; {unix, irix64} -> {unix, irix}; OS -> OS end. %%--Port handling functions--------------------------------------------- start_portprogram() -> open_port({spawn, "sh -s disksup 2>&1"}, [stream]). my_cmd(Cmd0, Port) -> %% Insert a new line after the command, in case the command %% contains a comment character Cmd = io_lib:format("(~s\n) receive {Port, {data, N}} -> case newline(N, O) of {ok, Str} -> Str; {more, Acc} -> get_reply(Port, Acc) end; {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}) end. newline([13|_], B) -> {ok, lists:reverse(B)}; newline([H|T], B) -> newline(T, [H|B]); newline([], B) -> {more, B}. %%--Check disk space---------------------------------------------------- check_disk_space({win32,_}, not_used, Threshold) -> Result = os_mon_sysinfo:get_disk_info(), check_disks_win32(Result, Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, solaris}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/usr/bin/df -lk", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, irix}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/usr/sbin/df -lk",Port), check_disks_irix(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, linux}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -lk -x squashfs", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, posix}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("df -k -P", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, dragonfly}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -k -t ufs,hammer", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, freebsd}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -k -l", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, openbsd}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -k -l", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, netbsd}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -k -t ffs", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, sunos4}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("df", Port), check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold); check_disk_space({unix, darwin}, Port, Threshold) -> Result = my_cmd("/bin/df -i -k -t ufs,hfs,apfs", Port), check_disks_susv3(skip_to_eol(Result), Threshold). % This code works for Linux and FreeBSD as well check_disks_solaris("", _Threshold) -> []; check_disks_solaris("\n", _Threshold) -> []; check_disks_solaris(Str, Threshold) -> case parse_df(Str, posix) of {ok, {KB, Cap, MntOn}, RestStr} -> if Cap >= Threshold -> set_alarm({disk_almost_full, MntOn}, []); true -> clear_alarm({disk_almost_full, MntOn}) end, [{MntOn, KB, Cap} | check_disks_solaris(RestStr, Threshold)]; _Other -> check_disks_solaris(skip_to_eol(Str),Threshold) end. %% @private %% @doc Predicate to take a word from the input string until a space or %% a percent '%' sign (the Capacity field is followed by a %) parse_df_is_not_space($ ) -> false; parse_df_is_not_space($%) -> false; parse_df_is_not_space(_) -> true. %% @private %% @doc Predicate to take spaces away from string. Stops on a non-space parse_df_is_space($ ) -> true; parse_df_is_space(_) -> false. %% @private %% @doc Predicate to consume remaining characters until end of line. parse_df_is_not_eol($\r) -> false; parse_df_is_not_eol($\n) -> false; parse_df_is_not_eol(_) -> true. %% @private %% @doc Trims leading non-spaces (the word) from the string then trims spaces. parse_df_skip_word(Input) -> Remaining = lists:dropwhile(fun parse_df_is_not_space/1, Input), lists:dropwhile(fun parse_df_is_space/1, Remaining). %% @private %% @doc Takes all non-spaces and then drops following spaces. parse_df_take_word(Input) -> {Word, Remaining0} = lists:splitwith(fun parse_df_is_not_space/1, Input), Remaining1 = lists:dropwhile(fun parse_df_is_space/1, Remaining0), {Word, Remaining1}. %% @private %% @doc Takes all non-spaces and then drops the % after it and the spaces. parse_df_take_word_percent(Input) -> {Word, Remaining0} = lists:splitwith(fun parse_df_is_not_space/1, Input), %% Drop the leading % or do nothing Remaining1 = case Remaining0 of [$% | R1] -> R1; _ -> Remaining0 % Might be no % or empty list even end, Remaining2 = lists:dropwhile(fun parse_df_is_space/1, Remaining1), {Word, Remaining2}. %% @private %% @doc Given a line of 'df' POSIX/SUSv3 output split it into fields: %% a string (mounted device), 4 integers (kilobytes, used, available %% and capacity), skip % sign, (optionally for susv3 can also skip IUsed, IFree %% and ICap% fields) then take remaining characters as the mount path -spec parse_df(string(), posix | susv3) -> {error, parse_df} | {ok, {integer(), integer(), list()}, string()}. parse_df(Input0, Flavor) -> %% Format of Posix/Linux df output looks like Header + Lines %% Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on %% udev 2467108 0 2467108 0% /dev Input1 = parse_df_skip_word(Input0), % skip device path field {KbStr, Input2} = parse_df_take_word(Input1), % take Kb field Input3 = parse_df_skip_word(Input2), % skip Used field Input4 = parse_df_skip_word(Input3), % skip Avail field % take Capacity% field; drop a % sign following the capacity {CapacityStr, Input5} = parse_df_take_word_percent(Input4), %% Format of OS X/SUSv3 df looks similar to POSIX but has 3 extra columns %% Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted %% /dev/disk1 243949060 2380 86690680 65% 2029724 37555 0% / Input6 = case Flavor of posix -> Input5; susv3 -> % there are 3 extra integers we want to skip Input5a = parse_df_skip_word(Input5), % skip IUsed field Input5b = parse_df_skip_word(Input5a), % skip IFree field %% skip the value of ICap + '%' field {_, Input5c} = parse_df_take_word_percent(Input5b), Input5c end, % path is the remaining string till end of line {MountPath, Input7} = lists:splitwith(fun parse_df_is_not_eol/1, Input6), % Trim the newlines Remaining = lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> not parse_df_is_not_eol(X) end, Input7), try Kb = erlang:list_to_integer(KbStr), Capacity = erlang:list_to_integer(CapacityStr), {ok, {Kb, Capacity, MountPath}, Remaining} catch error:badarg -> {error, parse_df} end. % Parse per SUSv3 specification, notably recent OS X check_disks_susv3("", _Threshold) -> []; check_disks_susv3("\n", _Threshold) -> []; check_disks_susv3(Str, Threshold) -> case parse_df(Str, susv3) of {ok, {KB, Cap, MntOn}, RestStr} -> if Cap >= Threshold -> set_alarm({disk_almost_full, MntOn}, []); true -> clear_alarm({disk_almost_full, MntOn}) end, [{MntOn, KB, Cap} | check_disks_susv3(RestStr, Threshold)]; _Other -> check_disks_susv3(skip_to_eol(Str),Threshold) end. %% Irix: like Linux with an extra FS type column and no '%'. check_disks_irix("", _Threshold) -> []; check_disks_irix("\n", _Threshold) -> []; check_disks_irix(Str, Threshold) -> case io_lib:fread("~s~s~d~d~d~d~s", Str) of {ok, [_FS, _FSType, KB, _Used, _Avail, Cap, MntOn], RestStr} -> if Cap >= Threshold -> set_alarm({disk_almost_full, MntOn}, []); true -> clear_alarm({disk_almost_full, MntOn}) end, [{MntOn, KB, Cap} | check_disks_irix(RestStr, Threshold)]; _Other -> check_disks_irix(skip_to_eol(Str),Threshold) end. check_disks_win32([], _Threshold) -> []; check_disks_win32([H|T], Threshold) -> case io_lib:fread("~s~s~d~d~d", H) of {ok, [Drive,"DRIVE_FIXED",BAvail,BTot,_TotFree], _RestStr} -> Cap = trunc((BTot-BAvail) / BTot * 100), if Cap >= Threshold -> set_alarm({disk_almost_full, Drive}, []); true -> clear_alarm({disk_almost_full, Drive}) end, [{Drive, BTot div 1024, Cap} | check_disks_win32(T, Threshold)]; % Return Total Capacity in Kbytes {ok,_,_RestStr} -> check_disks_win32(T,Threshold); _Other -> [] end. %%--Alarm handling------------------------------------------------------ set_alarm(AlarmId, AlarmDescr) -> case get(AlarmId) of set -> ok; undefined -> alarm_handler:set_alarm({AlarmId, AlarmDescr}), put(AlarmId, set) end. clear_alarm(AlarmId) -> case get(AlarmId) of set -> alarm_handler:clear_alarm(AlarmId), erase(AlarmId); undefined -> ok end. clear_alarms() -> lists:foreach(fun({{disk_almost_full, _MntOn} = AlarmId, set}) -> alarm_handler:clear_alarm(AlarmId); (_Other) -> ignore end, get()). %%--Auxiliary----------------------------------------------------------- %% Type conversion minutes_to_ms(Minutes) -> trunc(60000*Minutes). skip_to_eol([]) -> []; skip_to_eol([$\n | T]) -> T; skip_to_eol([_ | T]) -> skip_to_eol(T).