%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(memsup). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start_link/0]). % for supervisor -export([get_memory_data/0, get_system_memory_data/0, get_check_interval/0, set_check_interval/1, get_procmem_high_watermark/0, set_procmem_high_watermark/1, get_sysmem_high_watermark/0, set_sysmem_high_watermark/1, get_helper_timeout/0, set_helper_timeout/1, get_os_wordsize/0]). -export([dummy_reply/1, param_type/2, param_default/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% Other exports -export([format_status/2]). -include("memsup.hrl"). -record(state, {os, % {OSfamily,OSname} | OSfamily port_mode, % bool() mem_usage, % undefined | {Alloc, Total} worst_mem_user, % undefined | {Pid, Alloc} sys_only, % bool() memsup_system_only timeout, % int() memory_check_interval, ms helper_timeout, % int() memsup_helper_timeout, ms sys_mem_watermark, % float() system_memory_high_watermark, % proc_mem_watermark, % float() process_memory_high_watermark, % pid, % undefined | pid() wd_timer, % undefined | TimerRef ext_wd_timer, % undefined | TimerRef pending = [], % [reg | {reg,From} | {ext,From}] ext_pending = [] % [{ext,From}] }). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% API %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). get_os_wordsize() -> os_mon:call(memsup, get_os_wordsize, infinity). get_memory_data() -> os_mon:call(memsup, get_memory_data, infinity). get_system_memory_data() -> os_mon:call(memsup, get_system_memory_data, infinity). get_check_interval() -> os_mon:call(memsup, get_check_interval, infinity). set_check_interval(Minutes) -> case param_type(memory_check_interval, Minutes) of true -> MS = minutes_to_ms(Minutes), % for backwards compatibility os_mon:call(memsup, {set_check_interval, MS}, infinity); false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. get_procmem_high_watermark() -> os_mon:call(memsup, get_procmem_high_watermark, infinity). set_procmem_high_watermark(Float) -> case param_type(process_memory_high_watermark, Float) of true -> os_mon:call(memsup, {set_procmem_high_watermark, Float}, infinity); false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. get_sysmem_high_watermark() -> os_mon:call(memsup, get_sysmem_high_watermark, infinity). set_sysmem_high_watermark(Float) -> case param_type(system_memory_high_watermark, Float) of true -> os_mon:call(memsup, {set_sysmem_high_watermark, Float}, infinity); false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. get_helper_timeout() -> os_mon:call(memsup, get_helper_timeout, infinity). set_helper_timeout(Seconds) -> case param_type(memsup_helper_timeout, Seconds) of true -> os_mon:call(memsup, {set_helper_timeout, Seconds}); false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. dummy_reply(get_memory_data) -> dummy_reply(get_memory_data, os_mon:get_env(memsup, memsup_system_only)); dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data) -> []; dummy_reply(get_os_wordsize) -> 0; dummy_reply(get_check_interval) -> minutes_to_ms(os_mon:get_env(memsup, memory_check_interval)); dummy_reply({set_check_interval, _}) -> ok; dummy_reply(get_procmem_high_watermark) -> trunc(100 * os_mon:get_env(memsup, process_memory_high_watermark)); dummy_reply({set_procmem_high_watermark, _}) -> ok; dummy_reply(get_sysmem_high_watermark) -> trunc(100 * os_mon:get_env(memsup, system_memory_high_watermark)); dummy_reply({set_sysmem_high_watermark, _}) -> ok; dummy_reply(get_helper_timeout) -> os_mon:get_env(memsup, memsup_helper_timeout); dummy_reply({set_helper_timeout, _}) -> ok. dummy_reply(get_memory_data, true) -> {0,0,undefined}; dummy_reply(get_memory_data, false) -> {0,0,{self(),0}}. param_type(memsup_system_only, Val) when Val==true; Val==false -> true; param_type(memory_check_interval, Val) when is_integer(Val), Val>0 -> true; param_type(memsup_helper_timeout, Val) when is_integer(Val), Val>0 -> true; param_type(system_memory_high_watermark, Val) when is_number(Val), 0= true; param_type(process_memory_high_watermark, Val) when is_number(Val), 0= true; param_type(_Param, _Val) -> false. param_default(memsup_system_only) -> false; param_default(memory_check_interval) -> 1; param_default(memsup_helper_timeout) -> 30; param_default(system_memory_high_watermark) -> 0.80; param_default(process_memory_high_watermark) -> 0.05. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% gen_server callbacks %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), process_flag(priority, low), OS = os:type(), PortMode = case OS of {unix, darwin} -> false; {unix, freebsd} -> false; {unix, dragonfly} -> false; % Linux supports this. {unix, linux} -> true; {unix, openbsd} -> true; {unix, irix64} -> true; {unix, irix} -> true; {unix, sunos} -> true; {win32, _OSname} -> false; vxworks -> true; _ -> exit({unsupported_os, OS}) end, Pid = if PortMode -> spawn_link(fun() -> port_init() end); not PortMode -> undefined end, %% Read the values of some configuration parameters SysOnly = os_mon:get_env(memsup, memsup_system_only), Timeout = os_mon:get_env(memsup, memory_check_interval), HelperTimeout = os_mon:get_env(memsup, memsup_helper_timeout), SysMem = os_mon:get_env(memsup, system_memory_high_watermark), ProcMem = os_mon:get_env(memsup, process_memory_high_watermark), %% Initiate first data collection self() ! time_to_collect, {ok, #state{os=OS, port_mode=PortMode, sys_only = SysOnly, timeout = minutes_to_ms(Timeout), helper_timeout = sec_to_ms(HelperTimeout), sys_mem_watermark = SysMem, proc_mem_watermark = ProcMem, pid=Pid}}. handle_call(get_os_wordsize, _From, State) -> Wordsize = get_os_wordsize(State#state.os), {reply, Wordsize, State}; handle_call(get_memory_data, From, State) -> %% Return result of latest memory check case State#state.mem_usage of {Alloc, Total} -> Worst = State#state.worst_mem_user, {reply, {Total, Alloc, Worst}, State}; %% Special case: get_memory_data called before any memory data %% has been collected undefined -> case State#state.wd_timer of undefined -> WDTimer = erlang:send_after(State#state.timeout, self(), reg_collection_timeout), Pending = [{reg,From}], if State#state.port_mode -> State#state.pid ! {self(), collect_sys}, {noreply, State#state{wd_timer=WDTimer, pending=Pending}}; true -> OS = State#state.os, Self = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> MU = get_memory_usage(OS), Self ! {collected_sys,MU} end), {noreply, State#state{pid=Pid, wd_timer=WDTimer, pending=Pending}} end; _TimerRef -> Pending = [{reg,From} | State#state.pending], {noreply, State#state{pending=Pending}} end end; handle_call(get_system_memory_data,From,#state{port_mode=true}=State) -> %% When using a port, the extensive memory collection is slightly %% different than a regular one case State#state.ext_wd_timer of undefined -> WDTimer = erlang:send_after(State#state.helper_timeout, self(), ext_collection_timeout), State#state.pid ! {self(), collect_ext_sys}, {noreply, State#state{ext_wd_timer=WDTimer, ext_pending=[{ext,From}]}}; _TimerRef -> Pending = [{ext,From} | State#state.ext_pending], {noreply, State#state{ext_pending=Pending}} end; handle_call(get_system_memory_data, From, State) -> %% When not using a port, the regular memory collection is used %% for extensive memory data as well case State#state.wd_timer of undefined -> WDTimer = erlang:send_after(State#state.helper_timeout, self(), reg_collection_timeout), OS = State#state.os, Self = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> MemUsage = get_memory_usage(OS), Self ! {collected_sys, MemUsage} end), {noreply, State#state{pid=Pid, wd_timer=WDTimer, pending=[{ext,From}]}}; _TimerRef -> Pending = [{ext,From} | State#state.pending], {noreply, State#state{pending=Pending}} end; handle_call(get_check_interval, _From, State) -> {reply, State#state.timeout, State}; handle_call({set_check_interval, MS}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State#state{timeout=MS}}; handle_call(get_procmem_high_watermark, _From, State) -> {reply, trunc(100 * State#state.proc_mem_watermark), State}; handle_call({set_procmem_high_watermark, Float}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State#state{proc_mem_watermark=Float}}; handle_call(get_sysmem_high_watermark, _From, State) -> {reply, trunc(100 * State#state.sys_mem_watermark), State}; handle_call({set_sysmem_high_watermark, Float}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State#state{sys_mem_watermark=Float}}; handle_call(get_helper_timeout, _From, State) -> {reply, ms_to_sec(State#state.helper_timeout), State}; handle_call({set_helper_timeout, Seconds}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State#state{helper_timeout=sec_to_ms(Seconds)}}; %% The following are only for test purposes (whitebox testing). handle_call({set_sys_hw, HW}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State#state{sys_mem_watermark=HW}}; handle_call({set_pid_hw, HW}, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State#state{proc_mem_watermark=HW}}; handle_call(get_state, _From, State) -> {reply, State, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. %% It's time to check memory handle_info(time_to_collect, State) -> case State#state.wd_timer of undefined -> WDTimer = erlang:send_after(State#state.helper_timeout, self(), reg_collection_timeout), if State#state.port_mode -> State#state.pid ! {self(), collect_sys}, {noreply, State#state{wd_timer=WDTimer, pending=[reg]}}; true -> OS = State#state.os, Self = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> MU = get_memory_usage(OS), Self ! {collected_sys,MU} end), {noreply, State#state{pid=Pid, wd_timer=WDTimer, pending=[reg]}} end; _TimerRef -> {noreply, State#state{pending=[reg|State#state.pending]}} end; %% Memory data collected handle_info({collected_sys, {Alloc,Total}}, State) -> %% Cancel watchdog timer (and as a security measure, %% also flush any reg_collection_timeout message) TimeSpent = case erlang:cancel_timer(State#state.wd_timer) of false -> State#state.helper_timeout; TimeLeft -> State#state.helper_timeout-TimeLeft end, flush(reg_collection_timeout), %% First check if this is the result of a periodic memory check %% and update alarms and State if this is the case State2 = case lists:member(reg, State#state.pending) of true -> %% Check if system alarm should be set/cleared if Alloc > State#state.sys_mem_watermark*Total -> set_alarm(system_memory_high_watermark, []); true -> clear_alarm(system_memory_high_watermark) end, %% Check if process data should be collected case State#state.sys_only of false -> {Pid, Bytes} = get_worst_memory_user(), Threshold= State#state.proc_mem_watermark*Total, %% Check if process alarm should be set/cleared if Bytes > Threshold -> set_alarm(process_memory_high_watermark, Pid); true -> clear_alarm(process_memory_high_watermark) end, State#state{mem_usage={Alloc, Total}, worst_mem_user={Pid, Bytes}}; true -> State#state{mem_usage={Alloc, Total}} end; false -> State end, %% Then send a reply to all waiting clients, in preserved time order Worst = State2#state.worst_mem_user, SysMemUsage = get_ext_memory_usage(State2#state.os, {Alloc,Total}), reply(State2#state.pending, {Total,Alloc,Worst}, SysMemUsage), %% Last, if this was a periodic check, start a timer for the next %% one. New timeout = interval-time spent collecting, case lists:member(reg, State#state.pending) of true -> Time = case State2#state.timeout - TimeSpent of MS when MS<0 -> 0; MS -> MS end, erlang:send_after(Time, self(), time_to_collect); false -> ignore end, {noreply, State2#state{wd_timer=undefined, pending=[]}}; handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, State) when is_pid(Pid) -> %% Temporary pid terminating when job is done {noreply, State}; %% Timeout during data collection handle_info(reg_collection_timeout, State) -> %% Cancel memory collection (and as a security measure, %% also flush any collected_sys message) if State#state.port_mode -> State#state.pid ! cancel; true -> exit(State#state.pid, cancel) end, flush(collected_sys), %% Issue a warning message Str = "OS_MON (memsup) timeout, no data collected~n", error_logger:warning_msg(Str), %% Send a dummy reply to all waiting clients, preserving time order reply(State#state.pending, dummy_reply(get_memory_data, State#state.sys_only), dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data)), %% If it is a periodic check which has timed out, start a timer for %% the next one %% New timeout = interval-helper timeout case lists:member(reg, State#state.pending) of true -> Time = case State#state.timeout-State#state.helper_timeout of MS when MS<0 -> 0; MS -> MS end, erlang:send_after(Time, self(), time_to_collect); false -> ignore end, {noreply, State#state{wd_timer=undefined, pending=[]}}; handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, cancel}, State) when is_pid(Pid) -> %% Temporary pid terminating as ordered {noreply, State}; %% Extensive memory data collected (port_mode==true only) handle_info({collected_ext_sys, SysMemUsage}, State) -> %% Cancel watchdog timer (and as a security mearure, %% also flush any ext_collection_timeout message) erlang:cancel_timer(State#state.ext_wd_timer), flush(ext_collection_timeout), %% Send the reply to all waiting clients, preserving time order reply(State#state.ext_pending, undef, SysMemUsage), {noreply, State#state{ext_wd_timer=undefined, ext_pending=[]}}; %% Timeout during ext memory data collection (port_mode==true only) handle_info(ext_collection_timeout, State) -> %% Cancel memory collection (and as a security measure, %% also flush any collected_ext_sys message) State#state.pid ! ext_cancel, flush(collected_ext_sys), %% Issue a warning message Str = "OS_MON (memsup) timeout, no data collected~n", error_logger:warning_msg(Str), %% Send a dummy reply to all waiting clients, preserving time order SysMemUsage = dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data), reply(State#state.ext_pending, undef, SysMemUsage), {noreply, State#state{ext_wd_timer=undefined, ext_pending=[]}}; %% Error in data collecting (port connected or temporary) process handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) when is_pid(Pid) -> {stop, Reason, State}; handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> if State#state.port_mode -> State#state.pid ! close; true -> ok end, clear_alarms(), ok. %% os_mon-2.0.1 %% For live downgrade to/upgrade from os_mon-1.8[.1] and -2.0 code_change(Vsn, PrevState, "1.8") -> case Vsn of %% Downgrade from this version {down, _Vsn} -> %% Kill the helper process, if there is one, %% and flush messages from it case PrevState#state.pid of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> unlink(Pid), % to prevent 'EXIT' message exit(Pid, cancel); undefined -> ignore end, flush(collected_sys), flush(collected_ext_sys), %% Cancel timers, flush timeout messages %% and send dummy replies to any pending clients case PrevState#state.wd_timer of undefined -> ignore; TimerRef1 -> erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef1), SysOnly = PrevState#state.sys_only, MemUsage = dummy_reply(get_memory_data, SysOnly), SysMemUsage1 = dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data), reply(PrevState#state.pending,MemUsage,SysMemUsage1) end, case PrevState#state.ext_wd_timer of undefined -> ignore; TimerRef2 -> erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef2), SysMemUsage2 = dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data), reply(PrevState#state.pending, undef, SysMemUsage2) end, flush(reg_collection_timeout), flush(ext_collection_timeout), %% Downgrade to old state record State = {state, PrevState#state.timeout, PrevState#state.mem_usage, PrevState#state.worst_mem_user, PrevState#state.sys_mem_watermark, PrevState#state.proc_mem_watermark, not PrevState#state.sys_only, % collect_procmem undefined, % wd_timer [], % pending undefined, % ext_wd_timer [], % ext_pending PrevState#state.helper_timeout}, {ok, State}; %% Upgrade to this version _Vsn -> %% Old state record {state, Timeout, MemUsage, WorstMemUser, SysMemWatermark, ProcMemWatermark, CollProc, WDTimer, Pending, ExtWDTimer, ExtPending, HelperTimeout} = PrevState, SysOnly = not CollProc, %% Flush memsup_helper messages flush(collected_sys), flush(collected_proc), flush(collected_ext_sys), %% Cancel timers, flush timeout messages %% and send dummy replies to any pending clients case WDTimer of undefined -> ignore; TimerRef1 -> erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef1), MemUsage = dummy_reply(get_memory_data, SysOnly), Pending2 = lists:map(fun(From) -> {reg,From} end, Pending), reply(Pending2, MemUsage, undef) end, case ExtWDTimer of undefined -> ignore; TimerRef2 -> erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef2), SysMemUsage = dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data), ExtPending2 = lists:map(fun(From) -> {ext,From} end, ExtPending), reply(ExtPending2, undef, SysMemUsage) end, flush(reg_collection_timeout), flush(ext_collection_timeout), OS = os:type(), PortMode = case OS of {unix, darwin} -> false; {unix, freebsd} -> false; {unix, dragonfly} -> false; {unix, linux} -> false; {unix, openbsd} -> true; {unix, sunos} -> true; {win32, _OSname} -> false; vxworks -> true end, Pid = if PortMode -> spawn_link(fun() -> port_init() end); not PortMode -> undefined end, %% Upgrade to this state record State = #state{os = OS, port_mode = PortMode, mem_usage = MemUsage, worst_mem_user = WorstMemUser, sys_only = SysOnly, timeout = Timeout, helper_timeout = HelperTimeout, sys_mem_watermark = SysMemWatermark, proc_mem_watermark = ProcMemWatermark, pid = Pid, wd_timer = undefined, ext_wd_timer = undefined, pending = [], ext_pending = []}, {ok, State} end; code_change(_Vsn, State, "2.0") -> %% Restart the port process (it must use new memsup code) Pid = case State#state.port_mode of true -> State#state.pid ! close, spawn_link(fun() -> port_init() end); false -> State#state.pid end, {ok, State#state{pid=Pid}}; code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Other exports %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- format_status(_Opt, [_PDict, #state{timeout=Timeout, mem_usage=MemUsage, worst_mem_user=WorstMemUser}]) -> {Allocated, Total} = MemUsage, WorstMemFormat = case WorstMemUser of {Pid, Mem} -> [{"Pid", Pid}, {"Memory", Mem}]; undefined -> undefined end, [{data, [{"Timeout", Timeout}]}, {items, {"Memory Usage", [{"Allocated", Allocated}, {"Total", Total}]}}, {items, {"Worst Memory User", WorstMemFormat}}]. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-- Fetching kernel bit support --------------------------------------- get_os_wordsize({unix, sunos}) -> String = clean_string(os:cmd("isainfo -b")), erlang:list_to_integer(String); get_os_wordsize({unix, irix64}) -> 64; get_os_wordsize({unix, irix}) -> 32; get_os_wordsize({unix, linux}) -> get_os_wordsize_with_uname(); get_os_wordsize({unix, darwin}) -> get_os_wordsize_with_uname(); get_os_wordsize({unix, netbsd}) -> get_os_wordsize_with_uname(); get_os_wordsize({unix, freebsd}) -> get_os_wordsize_with_uname(); get_os_wordsize({unix, dragonfly}) -> get_os_wordsize_with_uname(); get_os_wordsize({unix, openbsd}) -> get_os_wordsize_with_uname(); get_os_wordsize(_) -> unsupported_os. get_os_wordsize_with_uname() -> String = clean_string(os:cmd("uname -m")), case String of "x86_64" -> 64; "sparc64" -> 64; _ -> 32 end. clean_string(String) -> lists:flatten(string:tokens(String,"\r\n\t ")). %%--Replying to pending clients----------------------------------------- reply(Pending, MemUsage, SysMemUsage) -> lists:foreach(fun(reg) -> ignore; ({reg, From}) -> gen_server:reply(From, MemUsage); ({ext, From}) -> gen_server:reply(From, SysMemUsage) end, lists:reverse(Pending)). %%--Collect memory data, no port---------------------------------------- %% get_memory_usage(OS) -> {Alloc, Total} %% Darwin: %% Uses vm_stat command. This appears to lie about the page size in %% Mac OS X 10.2.2 - the pages given are based on 4000 bytes, but %% the vm_stat command tells us that it is 4096... get_memory_usage({unix,darwin}) -> Str1 = os:cmd("/usr/bin/vm_stat"), {[Free], Str2} = fread_value("Pages free:~d.", Str1), {[Active], Str3} = fread_value("Pages active:~d.", Str2), {[Inactive], Str4} = fread_value("Pages inactive:~d.", Str3), {[_], Str5} = fread_value("Pages speculative:~d.", Str4), {[Wired], _} = fread_value("Pages wired down:~d.", Str5), NMemUsed = (Wired + Active + Inactive) * 4000, NMemTotal = NMemUsed + Free * 4000, {NMemUsed,NMemTotal}; %% FreeBSD: Look in /usr/include/sys/vmmeter.h for the format of struct %% vmmeter get_memory_usage({unix,OSname}) when OSname == freebsd; OSname == dragonfly -> PageSize = freebsd_sysctl("vm.stats.vm.v_page_size"), PageCount = freebsd_sysctl("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count"), FreeCount = freebsd_sysctl("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count"), NMemUsed = (PageCount - FreeCount) * PageSize, NMemTotal = PageCount * PageSize, {NMemUsed, NMemTotal}; %% Win32: Find out how much memory is in use by asking %% the os_mon_sysinfo process. get_memory_usage({win32,_OSname}) -> [Result|_] = os_mon_sysinfo:get_mem_info(), {ok, [_MemLoad, TotPhys, AvailPhys, _TotPage, _AvailPage, _TotV, _AvailV], _RestStr} = io_lib:fread("~d~d~d~d~d~d~d", Result), {TotPhys-AvailPhys, TotPhys}. fread_value(Format, Str0) -> case io_lib:fread(Format, skip_to_eol(Str0)) of {error, {fread, input}} -> {[0], Str0}; {ok, Value, Str1} -> {Value, Str1} end. skip_to_eol([]) -> []; skip_to_eol([$\n | T]) -> T; skip_to_eol([_ | T]) -> skip_to_eol(T). freebsd_sysctl(Def) -> list_to_integer(os:cmd("/sbin/sysctl -n " ++ Def) -- "\n"). %% get_ext_memory_usage(OS, {Alloc, Total}) -> [{Tag, Bytes}] get_ext_memory_usage(OS, {Alloc, Total}) -> case OS of {win32, _} -> [{total_memory, Total}, {free_memory, Total-Alloc}, {system_total_memory, Total}]; {unix, linux} -> [{total_memory, Total}, {free_memory, Total-Alloc}, %% corr. unless setrlimit() set {system_total_memory, Total}]; {unix, freebsd} -> [{total_memory, Total}, {free_memory, Total-Alloc}, {system_total_memory, Total}]; {unix, dragonfly} -> [{total_memory, Total}, {free_memory, Total-Alloc}, {system_total_memory, Total}]; {unix, darwin} -> [{total_memory, Total}, {free_memory, Total-Alloc}, {system_total_memory, Total}]; _ -> % OSs using a port dummy % not sent anyway end. %%--Collect memory data, using port------------------------------------- port_init() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Port = start_portprogram(), port_idle(Port). start_portprogram() -> Command = filename:join([code:priv_dir(os_mon), "bin", "memsup"]), open_port({spawn, Command}, [{packet, 1}]). %% The connected process loops are a bit awkward (several different %% functions doing almost the same thing) as %% a) strategies for receiving regular memory data and extensive %% memory data are different %% b) memory collection can be cancelled, in which case the process %% should still wait for port response (which should come %% eventually!) but not receive any requests or cancellations %% meanwhile to prevent getting out of synch. port_idle(Port) -> receive {Memsup, collect_sys} -> Port ! {self(), {command, [?SHOW_MEM]}}, get_memory_usage(Port, undefined, Memsup); {Memsup, collect_ext_sys} -> Port ! {self(), {command, [?SHOW_SYSTEM_MEM]}}, get_ext_memory_usage(Port, [], Memsup); cancel -> %% Received after reply already has been delivered... port_idle(Port); ext_cancel -> %% Received after reply already has been delivered... port_idle(Port); close -> port_close(Port); {Port, {data, Data}} -> exit({port_error, Data}); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}); {'EXIT', _Memsup, _Reason} -> port_close(Port) end. get_memory_usage(Port, Alloc, Memsup) -> receive {Port, {data, Data}} when Alloc==undefined -> get_memory_usage(Port, erlang:list_to_integer(Data, 16), Memsup); {Port, {data, Data}} -> Total = erlang:list_to_integer(Data, 16), Memsup ! {collected_sys, {Alloc, Total}}, port_idle(Port); cancel -> get_memory_usage_cancelled(Port, Alloc); close -> port_close(Port); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}); {'EXIT', _Memsup, _Reason} -> port_close(Port) end. get_memory_usage_cancelled(Port, Alloc) -> receive {Port, {data, _Data}} when Alloc==undefined -> get_memory_usage_cancelled(Port, 0); {Port, {data, _Data}} -> port_idle(Port); close -> port_close(Port); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}); {'EXIT', _Memsup, _Reason} -> port_close(Port) end. get_ext_memory_usage(Port, Accum, Memsup) -> Tab = [ {?MEM_SYSTEM_TOTAL, system_total_memory}, {?MEM_TOTAL, total_memory}, {?MEM_FREE, free_memory}, {?MEM_BUFFERS, buffered_memory}, {?MEM_CACHED, cached_memory}, {?MEM_SHARED, shared_memory}, {?MEM_LARGEST_FREE, largest_free}, {?MEM_NUMBER_OF_FREE, number_of_free}, {?SWAP_TOTAL, total_swap}, {?SWAP_FREE, free_swap} ], receive {Port, {data, [?SHOW_SYSTEM_MEM_END]}} -> Memsup ! {collected_ext_sys, Accum}, port_idle(Port); {Port, {data, [Tag]}} -> case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, Tab) of {value, {Tag, ATag}} -> get_ext_memory_usage(ATag, Port, Accum, Memsup); _ -> exit({memsup_port_error, {Port,[Tag]}}) end; ext_cancel -> get_ext_memory_usage_cancelled(Port); close -> port_close(Port); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}); {'EXIT', _Memsup, _Reason} -> port_close(Port) end. get_ext_memory_usage_cancelled(Port) -> Tab = [ {?MEM_SYSTEM_TOTAL, system_total_memory}, {?MEM_TOTAL, total_memory}, {?MEM_FREE, free_memory}, {?MEM_BUFFERS, buffered_memory}, {?MEM_CACHED, cached_memory}, {?MEM_SHARED, shared_memory}, {?MEM_LARGEST_FREE, largest_free}, {?MEM_NUMBER_OF_FREE, number_of_free}, {?SWAP_TOTAL, total_swap}, {?SWAP_FREE, free_swap} ], receive {Port, {data, [?SHOW_SYSTEM_MEM_END]}} -> port_idle(Port); {Port, {data, [Tag]}} -> case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, Tab) of {value, {Tag, ATag}} -> get_ext_memory_usage_cancelled(ATag, Port); _ -> exit({memsup_port_error, {Port,[Tag]}}) end; close -> port_close(Port); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}); {'EXIT', _Memsup, _Reason} -> port_close(Port) end. get_ext_memory_usage(ATag, Port, Accum0, Memsup) -> receive {Port, {data, Data}} -> Accum = [{ATag,erlang:list_to_integer(Data, 16)}|Accum0], get_ext_memory_usage(Port, Accum, Memsup); cancel -> get_ext_memory_usage_cancelled(ATag, Port); close -> port_close(Port); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}); {'EXIT', _Memsup, _Reason} -> port_close(Port) end. get_ext_memory_usage_cancelled(_ATag, Port) -> receive {Port, {data, _Data}} -> get_ext_memory_usage_cancelled(Port); close -> port_close(Port); {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> exit({port_died, Reason}); {'EXIT', _Memsup, _Reason} -> port_close(Port) end. %%--Collect process data------------------------------------------------ %% get_worst_memory_user() -> {Pid, Bytes} get_worst_memory_user() -> get_worst_memory_user(processes(), self(), 0). get_worst_memory_user([Pid|Pids], MaxPid, MaxMemBytes) -> case process_memory(Pid) of undefined -> get_worst_memory_user(Pids, MaxPid, MaxMemBytes); MemoryBytes when MemoryBytes>MaxMemBytes -> get_worst_memory_user(Pids, Pid, MemoryBytes); _MemoryBytes -> get_worst_memory_user(Pids, MaxPid, MaxMemBytes) end; get_worst_memory_user([], MaxPid, MaxMemBytes) -> {MaxPid, MaxMemBytes}. process_memory(Pid) -> case process_info(Pid, memory) of {memory, Bytes} -> Bytes; undefined -> % Pid must have died undefined end. %%--Alarm handling------------------------------------------------------ set_alarm(AlarmId, AlarmDescr) -> case get(AlarmId) of set -> ok; undefined -> alarm_handler:set_alarm({AlarmId, AlarmDescr}), put(AlarmId, set) end. clear_alarm(AlarmId) -> case get(AlarmId) of set -> alarm_handler:clear_alarm(AlarmId), erase(AlarmId); _ -> ok end. clear_alarms() -> lists:foreach(fun({system_memory_high_watermark = Id, set}) -> alarm_handler:clear_alarm(Id); ({process_memory_high_watermark = Id, set}) -> alarm_handler:clear_alarm(Id); (_Other) -> ignore end, get()). %%--Auxiliary----------------------------------------------------------- %% Type conversions minutes_to_ms(Minutes) -> trunc(60000*Minutes). sec_to_ms(Sec) -> trunc(1000*Sec). ms_to_sec(MS) -> MS div 1000. flush(Msg) -> receive {Msg, _} -> true; Msg -> true after 0 -> true end.