-- %CopyrightBegin%
-- Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
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    MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI

    LAST-UPDATED "200305090900Z"
    ORGANIZATION "Ericsson"
       "Contact:  Erlang Support see license agreement for Erlang/OTP."
       "The root MIB module for OTP."

    REVISION     "200305090900Z"
        "Changed CONTACT-INFO as it was outdated, made it more generic
	to avoid such changes in the future."
    REVISION     "199902020900Z"
       "Cleaned up OBJECT IDENTIFIER registration.  Changed the name
       of the MODULE-IDENTITY of this module to non-conflicting name

    REVISION     "199712010900Z"
       "The initial revision of MIB module OTP-REG."
    ::= { otpModules 1 }

ericsson       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {enterprises 193}
otp            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ericsson 19}

-- sub-tree for registraions, including Modules
otpReg	       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otp 1}
otpModules     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otpReg 1}
-- otpTcModule         2
-- otpModule           3
-- otpOsMonModule      4
-- otpSnmpeaModule     5
-- otpEvaModule        6
-- otpLogModule        7
-- otpEvaLogModule     8
-- otpSnmpeaLogModule  9
-- otpMeshModule      10

-- sub-tree for OTP-wide objects and events
otpGeneric     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otp 2}

-- sub-tree for product specific objects and events
               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otp 3}
-- otpMib           1
-- otpOsMonMib      2
-- otpSnmpeaMib     3
-- otpEvaMib        4
-- otpLogMib        5
-- otpMeshMib       6

-- sub-tree for agent implementation capabilites
otpCaps	       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otp 4}
-- otpMibImplV10        1 (vsn of mib implementation, e.g. otp_mib)
-- otpOsMonMibImplV10   2
-- otpSnmpeaMibImplV10  3
-- otpEvaMibImplV10     4
-- otpLogMibImplV10     5

-- sub-tree for requirement specifications
otpReqs	       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otp 5}

-- sub-tree for experimental modules within OTP
otpExpr        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otp 6}

-- sub-tree for SSL within OTP
-- Note that this subtree is not MIB related, but it
-- is defined in this MIB file to avoid clashes.  
ssl            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {otp 10}