%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% This code was originally written by Dan Gudmundsson for png-handling in %% wings3d (e3d__png). %% %% @doc egd %% -module(egd_png). -export([binary/3]). -include("egd.hrl"). -define(MAGIC, 137,$P,$N,$G,$\r,$\n,26,$\n). -define(GREYSCALE, 0). -define(TRUECOLOUR, 2). -define(INDEXED, 3). -define(GREYSCALE_A, 4). -define(TRUECOLOUR_A,6). -define(MAX_WBITS,15). -define(CHUNK, 240). -define(get4p1(Idx),((Idx) bsr 4)). -define(get4p2(Idx),((Idx) band 16#0F)). -define(get2p1(Idx),((Idx) bsr 6)). -define(get2p2(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 4) band 3)). -define(get2p3(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 2) band 3)). -define(get2p4(Idx),((Idx) band 3)). -define(get1p1(Idx),((Idx) bsr 7)). -define(get1p2(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 6) band 1)). -define(get1p3(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 5) band 1)). -define(get1p4(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 4) band 1)). -define(get1p5(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 3) band 1)). -define(get1p6(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 2) band 1)). -define(get1p7(Idx),(((Idx) bsr 1) band 1)). -define(get1p8(Idx),((Idx) band 1)). binary(W, H, Bitmap) when is_binary(Bitmap) -> Z = zlib:open(), Binary = bitmap2png(W, H, Bitmap, Z), zlib:close(Z), Binary. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Begin Tainted bitmap2png(W, H, Bitmap,Z) -> HDR = create_chunk(<<"IHDR",W:32,H:32,8:8,(png_type(r8g8b8)):8,0:8,0:8,0:8>>,Z), DATA = create_chunk(["IDAT",compress_image(0,3*W,Bitmap,[])],Z), END = create_chunk(<<"IEND">>,Z), list_to_binary([?MAGIC,HDR,DATA,END]). compress_image(I,RowLen, Bin, Acc) -> Pos = I*RowLen, case Bin of <<_:Pos/binary,Row:RowLen/binary,_/binary>> -> Filtered = filter_row(Row,RowLen), compress_image(I+1,RowLen,Bin,[Filtered|Acc]); _ when Pos == size(Bin) -> Filtered = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), Compressed = zlib:compress(Filtered), Compressed end. filter_row(Row,_RowLen) -> [0,Row]. % dialyzer warnings %png_type(g8) -> ?GREYSCALE; %png_type(a8) -> ?GREYSCALE; %png_type(r8g8b8a8) -> ?TRUECOLOUR_A; png_type(r8g8b8) -> ?TRUECOLOUR. create_chunk(Bin,Z) when is_list(Bin) -> create_chunk(list_to_binary(Bin),Z); create_chunk(Bin,Z) when is_binary(Bin) -> Sz = size(Bin)-4, Crc = zlib:crc32(Z,Bin), <<Sz:32,Bin/binary,Crc:32>>. % End tainted