%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% @doc egd_render %% -module(egd_render). -export([binary/1, binary/2]). -export([eps/1]). -compile(inline). -include("egd.hrl"). -define('DummyC',0). binary(Image) -> binary(Image, opaque). binary(Image, Type) -> parallel_binary(precompile(Image),Type). parallel_binary(Image = #image{ height = Height },Type) -> case erlang:min(erlang:system_info(schedulers), Height) of 1 -> % if the height or the number of schedulers is 1 % do the scanlines in this process. W = Image#image.width, Bg = Image#image.background, Os = Image#image.objects, erlang:list_to_binary([scanline(Y, Os, {0,0,W - 1, Bg}, Type) || Y <- lists:seq(1, Height)]); Np -> Pids = start_workers(Np, Type), Handler = handle_workers(Height, Pids), init_workers(Image, Handler, Pids), Res = receive_binaries(Height), finish_workers(Pids), Res end. start_workers(Np, Type) -> start_workers(Np, Type, []). start_workers( 0, _, Pids) -> Pids; start_workers(Np, Type, Pids) when Np > 0 -> start_workers(Np - 1, Type, [spawn_link(fun() -> worker(Type) end)|Pids]). worker(Type) -> receive {Pid, data, #image{ objects = Os, width = W, background = Bg }} -> worker(Os, W, Bg, Type, Pid) end. worker(Objects, Width, Bg, Type, Collector) -> receive {Pid, scan, {Ys, Ye}} -> lists:foreach(fun (Y) -> Bin = erlang:list_to_binary(scanline(Y, Objects, {0,0,Width - 1, Bg}, Type)), Collector ! {scan, Y, Bin} end, lists:seq(Ys,Ye)), Pid ! {self(), scan_complete}, worker(Objects, Width, Bg, Type, Collector); {Pid, scan, Y} -> Bin = erlang:list_to_binary(scanline(Y, Objects, {0,0,Width - 1, Bg}, Type)), Collector ! {scan, Y, Bin}, Pid ! {self(), scan_complete}, worker(Objects, Width, Bg, Type, Collector); {_, done} -> ok end. init_workers(_Image, _Handler, []) -> ok; init_workers(Image, Handler, [Pid|Pids]) -> Pid ! {self(), data, Image}, Handler ! {Pid, scan_complete}, init_workers(Image, Handler, Pids). handle_workers(H, Pids) -> spawn_link(fun() -> handle_workers(H, H, length(Pids)) end). handle_workers(_, 0, _) -> ok; handle_workers(H, Hi, Np) when H > 0 -> N = trunc(Hi/(2*Np)), receive {Pid, scan_complete} -> if N < 2 -> Pid ! {self(), scan, Hi}, handle_workers(H, Hi - 1, Np); true -> Pid ! {self(), scan, {Hi - N, Hi}}, handle_workers(H, Hi - 1 - N, Np) end end. finish_workers([]) -> ok; finish_workers([Pid|Pids]) -> Pid ! {self(), done}, finish_workers(Pids). receive_binaries(H) -> receive_binaries(H, []). receive_binaries(0, Bins) -> erlang:list_to_binary(Bins); receive_binaries(H, Bins) when H > 0 -> receive {scan, H, Bin} -> receive_binaries(H - 1, [Bin|Bins]) end. scanline(Y, Os, {_,_,Width,_}=LSB, Type) -> OLSs = parse_objects_on_line(Y-1, Width, Os), RLSs = resulting_line_spans([LSB|OLSs],Type), [ lists:duplicate(Xr - Xl + 1, <<(trunc(R*255)):8,(trunc(G*255)):8,(trunc(B*255)):8>>) || {_,Xl, Xr, {R,G,B,_}} <- RLSs ]. resulting_line_spans(LSs,Type) -> %% Build a list of "transitions" from left to right. Trans = line_spans_to_trans(LSs), %% Convert list of "transitions" to linespans. trans_to_line_spans(Trans,Type). line_spans_to_trans(LSs) -> line_spans_to_trans(LSs,[],0). line_spans_to_trans([],Db,_) -> lists:sort(Db); line_spans_to_trans([{_,L,R,C}|LSs],Db,Z) -> line_spans_to_trans(LSs,[{{L,Z,start},C},{{R+1,Z,stop},C}|Db],Z+1). trans_to_line_spans(Trans,Type) -> trans_to_line_spans(simplify_trans(Trans,Type,[],{0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0},[])). trans_to_line_spans(SimpleTrans) -> trans_to_line_spans1(SimpleTrans,[]). trans_to_line_spans1([],Spans) -> Spans; trans_to_line_spans1([_],Spans) -> Spans; trans_to_line_spans1([{L1,_},{L2,C2}|SimpleTrans],Spans) -> %% We are going backwards now... trans_to_line_spans1([{L2,C2}|SimpleTrans],[{?DummyC,L2,L1-1,C2}|Spans]). simplify_trans([],_,_,_,Acc) -> Acc; simplify_trans([{{L,_,_},_}|_] = Trans,Type,Layers,OldC,Acc) -> {NextTrans,RestTrans} = lists:splitwith(fun({{L1,_,_},_}) when L1 == L -> true; (_) -> false end, Trans), {C,NewLayers} = color(NextTrans,Layers,Type,OldC), case OldC of C -> %% No change in color, so transition unnecessary. simplify_trans(RestTrans,Type,NewLayers,OldC,Acc); _ -> simplify_trans(RestTrans,Type,NewLayers,C,[{L,C}|Acc]) end. color(Trans,Layers,Type,OldC) -> case modify_layers(Layers,Trans) of Layers -> {OldC,Layers}; NewLayers -> {color(NewLayers,Type),NewLayers} end. color([],_) -> {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; color([{_,C}|_],opaque) -> C; color(Layers,alpha) -> color1({0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0},Layers). color1(Color,[]) -> Color; color1(Color,[{_,C}|Layers]) -> color1(alpha_blend(Color,C),Layers). modify_layers(Layers,[]) -> Layers; modify_layers(Layers,[{{_,Z,start},C}|Trans]) -> modify_layers(add_layer(Layers, Z, C), Trans); modify_layers(Layers,[{{_,Z,stop },C}|Trans]) -> modify_layers(remove_layer(Layers, Z, C), Trans). add_layer([{Z1,_}=H|Layers],Z,C) when Z1 > Z -> [H|add_layer(Layers,Z,C)]; add_layer(Layers,Z,C) -> [{Z,C}|Layers]. remove_layer(Layers,Z,C) -> Layers -- [{Z,C}]. alpha_blend({R1,G1,B1,A1}, {R2,G2,B2,A2}) when is_float(A1), is_float(A2)-> Beta = A2*(1.0 - A1), A = A1 + Beta, R = R1*A1 + R2*Beta, G = G1*A1 + G2*Beta, B = B1*A1 + B2*Beta, {R,G,B,A}. parse_objects_on_line(Y, Width, Objects) -> parse_objects_on_line(Y, 1, Width, Objects, []). parse_objects_on_line(_Y, _Z, _, [], Out) -> lists:flatten(Out); parse_objects_on_line(Y, Z, Width, [O|Os], Out) -> case is_object_on_line(O, Y) of false -> parse_objects_on_line(Y, Z + 1, Width, Os, Out); true -> OLs = object_line_data(O,Y,Z), TOLs = trim_object_line_data(OLs, Width), parse_objects_on_line(Y, Z + 1, Width, Os, [TOLs|Out]) end. trim_object_line_data(OLs, Width) -> trim_object_line_data(OLs, Width, []). trim_object_line_data([], _, Out) -> Out; trim_object_line_data([{_, Xl, _, _}|OLs], Width, Out) when Xl > Width -> trim_object_line_data(OLs, Width, Out); trim_object_line_data([{_, _, Xr, _}|OLs], Width, Out) when Xr < 0 -> trim_object_line_data(OLs, Width, Out); trim_object_line_data([{Z, Xl, Xr, C}|OLs], Width, Out) -> trim_object_line_data(OLs, Width, [{Z, erlang:max(0,Xl), erlang:min(Xr,Width), C}|Out]). % object_line_data % In: % Object :: image_object() % Y :: index of height % Z :: index of depth % Out: % OLs = [{Z, Xl, Xr, Color}] % Z = index of height % Xl = left X index % Xr = right X index % Purpose: % Calculate the length (start and finish index) of an objects horizontal % line given the height index. object_line_data(#image_object{type=rectangle, span={X0,Y0,X1,Y1}, color=C}, Y, Z) -> if Y0 =:= Y ; Y1 =:= Y -> [{Z, X0, X1, C}]; true -> [{Z, X0, X0, C}, {Z, X1, X1, C}] end; object_line_data(#image_object{type=filled_rectangle, span={X0, _, X1, _}, color=C}, _Y, Z) -> [{Z, X0, X1, C}]; object_line_data(#image_object{type=filled_ellipse, internals={Xr,Yr,Yr2}, span={X0,Y0,X1,Y1}, color=C}, Y, Z) -> if X1 - X0 == 0; Y1 - Y0 == 0 -> [{Z, X0, X1, C}]; true -> Yo = trunc(Y - Y0 - Yr), Yo2 = Yo*Yo, Xo = math:sqrt((1 - Yo2/Yr2))*Xr, [{Z, round(X0 - Xo + Xr), round(X0 + Xo + Xr), C}] end; object_line_data(#image_object{type=filled_triangle, intervals=Is, color=C}, Y, Z) -> case lists:keyfind(Y, 1, Is) of {Y, Xl, Xr} -> [{Z, Xl, Xr, C}]; false -> [] end; object_line_data(#image_object{type=line, intervals=Is, color=C}, Y, Z) -> case dict:find(Y, Is) of {ok, Ls} -> [{Z, Xl, Xr, C}||{Xl,Xr} <- Ls]; _ -> [] end; object_line_data(#image_object{type=polygon, color=C, intervals=Is}, Y, Z) -> [{Z, Xl, Xr, C} || {Yp, Xl, Xr} <- Is, Yp =:= Y]; object_line_data(#image_object{type=text_horizontal, color=C, intervals=Is}, Y, Z) -> [{Z, Xl, Xr, C} || {Yg, Xl, Xr} <- Is, Yg =:= Y]; object_line_data(#image_object{type=pixel, span={X0,_,X1,_}, color=C}, _, Z) -> [{Z, X0, X1, C}]. is_object_on_line(#image_object{span={_,Y0,_,Y1}}, Y) -> if Y < Y0; Y > Y1 -> false; true -> true end. %%% primitives to line_spans %% compile objects to linespans precompile(Image = #image{ objects = Os }) -> Image#image{ objects = precompile_objects(Os) }. precompile_objects(Os) -> precompile_objects(Os, []). precompile_objects([], Out) -> lists:reverse(Out); precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = line, points = [P0,P1] }| Os], Out) -> precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = ls_list2dict(line_ls(P0,P1)) } | Out]); precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = filled_triangle, points = [P0,P1,P2] } | Os], Out) -> precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = triangle_ls(P0,P1,P2) } | Out]); precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = polygon, points = Pts } | Os], Out) -> precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = polygon_ls(Pts) } | Out]); precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = filled_ellipse, span = {X0,Y0,X1,Y1} } | Os], Out) -> Xr = (X1 - X0)/2, Yr = (Y1 - Y0)/2, Yr2 = Yr*Yr, precompile_objects(Os, [ O#image_object{ internals={Xr,Yr,Yr2} } | Out]); precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = arc, points = [P0,P1], internals = D }| Os], Out) -> Es = egd_primitives:arc_to_edges(P0, P1, D), Ls = lists:foldl(fun ({Ep0, Ep1}, D0) -> ls_list2dict(line_ls(Ep0, Ep1), D0) end, dict:new(), Es), precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ type = line, intervals = Ls } | Out]); precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = text_horizontal, points = [P0], internals = {Font, Text}} | Os], Out) -> precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = text_horizontal_ls(P0, Font, Text) } | Out]); precompile_objects([O|Os], Out) -> precompile_objects(Os, [O|Out]). % triangle triangle_ls(P1,P2,P3) -> % Find top point (or left most top point), % From that point, two lines will be drawn to the % other points. % For each Y step, % bresenham_line_interval for each of the two lines % Find the left most and the right most for those lines % At an end point, a new line to the point already being drawn % repeat same procedure as above [Sp1, Sp2, Sp3] = tri_pt_ysort([P1,P2,P3]), triangle_ls_lp(tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(Sp1,Sp2)), Sp2, tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(Sp1,Sp3)), Sp3, []). % There will be Y mismatches between the two lists since bresenham is not perfect. % I can be remedied with checking intervals this could however be costly and % it may not be necessary, depending on how exact we need the points to be. % It should at most differ by one and endpoints should be fine. triangle_ls_lp([],_,[],_,Out) -> Out; triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, P1, [], P2, Out) -> SLSs = tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(P2,P1)), N2 = length(SLSs), N1 = length(LSs1), if N1 > N2 -> [_|ILSs] = LSs1, triangle_ls_lp(ILSs, SLSs, Out); N2 > N1 -> [_|ILSs] = SLSs, triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, ILSs, Out); true -> triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, SLSs, Out) end; triangle_ls_lp([], P1, LSs2, P2, Out) -> SLSs = tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(P1,P2)), N1 = length(SLSs), N2 = length(LSs2), if N1 > N2 -> [_|ILSs] = SLSs, triangle_ls_lp(ILSs, LSs2, Out); N2 > N1 -> [_|ILSs] = LSs2, triangle_ls_lp(SLSs, ILSs, Out); true -> triangle_ls_lp(SLSs, LSs2, Out) end; triangle_ls_lp([LS1|LSs1],P1,[LS2|LSs2],P2, Out) -> {Y, Xl1, Xr1} = LS1, {_, Xl2, Xr2} = LS2, Xr = lists:max([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]), Xl = lists:min([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]), triangle_ls_lp(LSs1,P1, LSs2, P2, [{Y,Xl,Xr}|Out]). triangle_ls_lp([],[],Out) -> Out; triangle_ls_lp([],_,Out) -> Out; triangle_ls_lp(_,[],Out) -> Out; triangle_ls_lp([LS1|LSs1], [LS2|LSs2], Out) -> {Y, Xl1, Xr1} = LS1, {_, Xl2, Xr2} = LS2, Xr = lists:max([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]), Xl = lists:min([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]), triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, LSs2, [{Y,Xl,Xr}|Out]). tri_pt_ysort(Pts) -> % {X,Y} lists:sort( fun ({_,Y1},{_,Y2}) -> if Y1 > Y2 -> false; true -> true end end, Pts). tri_ls_ysort(LSs) -> % {Y, Xl, Xr} lists:sort( fun ({Y1,_,_},{Y2,_,_}) -> if Y1 > Y2 -> false; true -> true end end, LSs). % polygon_ls % In: % Pts :: [{X,Y}] % Out: % LSs :: [{Y,Xl,Xr}] % Purpose: % Make polygon line spans % Algorithm: % 1. Find the left most (lm) point % 2. Find the two points adjacent to that point % The tripplet will make a triangle % 3. Ensure no points lies within the triangle % 4a.No points within triangle, % make triangle, % remove lm point % 1. % 4b.point(s) within triangle, % polygon_ls(Pts) -> % Make triangles Tris = polygon_tri(Pts), % interval triangles lists:flatten(polygon_tri_ls(Tris, [])). polygon_tri_ls([], Out) -> Out; polygon_tri_ls([{P1,P2,P3}|Tris], Out) -> polygon_tri_ls(Tris, [triangle_ls(P1,P2,P3)|Out]). polygon_tri(Pts) -> polygon_tri(polygon_lm_pt(Pts), []). polygon_tri([P1,P2,P3],Tris) -> [{P1,P2,P3}|Tris]; polygon_tri([P2,P1,P3|Pts], Tris) -> case polygon_tri_test(P1,P2,P3,Pts) of false -> polygon_tri(polygon_lm_pt([P2,P3|Pts]), [{P1,P2,P3}|Tris]); [LmPt|Ptsn] -> polygon_tri([P2,P1,LmPt,P3|Ptsn], Tris) end. polygon_tri_test(P1,P2,P3, Pts) -> polygon_tri_test(P1,P2,P3, Pts, []). polygon_tri_test(_,_,_, [], _) -> false; polygon_tri_test(P1,P2,P3,[Pt|Pts], Ptsr) -> case point_inside_triangle(Pt, P1,P2,P3) of false -> polygon_tri_test(P1,P2,P3, Pts, [Pt|Ptsr]); true -> [Pt|Pts] ++ lists:reverse(Ptsr) end. % polygon_lm_pt % In: % Pts :: [{X,Y}] % Out % LmPts = [{X0,Y0},{Xmin,Y0},{X1,Y1},...] % Purpose: % The order of the list is important % rotate the elements until Xmin is first % This is not extremly fast. polygon_lm_pt(Pts) -> Xs = [X||{X,_}<-Pts], polygon_lm_pt(Pts, lists:min(Xs), []). polygon_lm_pt([Pt0,{X,_}=Ptm | Pts], Xmin, Ptsr) when X > Xmin -> polygon_lm_pt([Ptm|Pts], Xmin, [Pt0|Ptsr]); polygon_lm_pt(Pts, _, Ptsr) -> Pts ++ lists:reverse(Ptsr). % return true if P is inside triangle (p1,p2,p3), % otherwise false. points_same_side({P1x,P1y}, {P2x,P2y}, {L1x,L1y}, {L2x,L2y}) -> ((P1x - L1x)*(L2y - L1y) - (L2x - L1x)*(P1y - L1y) * (P2x - L1x)*(L2y - L1y) - (L2x - L1x)*(P2y - L1y)) >= 0. point_inside_triangle(P, P1, P2, P3) -> points_same_side(P, P1, P2, P3) and points_same_side(P, P2, P1, P3) and points_same_side(P, P3, P1, P2). %% [{Y, Xl, Xr}] ls_list2dict(List) -> ls_list2dict(List, dict:new()). ls_list2dict([], D) -> D; ls_list2dict([{Y, Xl, Xr}|Ls], D) -> case dict:is_key(Y, D) of false -> ls_list2dict(Ls, dict:store(Y, [{Xl, Xr}], D)); true -> ls_list2dict(Ls, dict:append(Y, {Xl, Xr}, D)) end. %% line_ls %% In: %% P1 :: point() %% P2 :: point() %% Out: %% {{Ymin,Ymax}, LSD :: line_step_data()} %% Purpose: %% Instead of points -> intervals line_ls({Xi0, Yi0},{Xi1,Yi1}) -> % swap X with Y if line is steep Steep = abs(Yi1 - Yi0) > abs(Xi1 - Xi0), {Xs0, Ys0, Xs1, Ys1} = case Steep of true -> {Yi0,Xi0,Yi1,Xi1}; false -> {Xi0,Yi0,Xi1,Yi1} end, {X0,Y0,X1,Y1} = case Xs0 > Xs1 of true -> {Xs1,Ys1,Xs0,Ys0}; false -> {Xs0,Ys0,Xs1,Ys1} end, DX = X1 - X0, DY = abs(Y1 - Y0), Error = -DX/2, Ystep = case Y0 < Y1 of true -> 1; false -> -1 end, line_ls_step(X0, X1,Y0, DX, DY, Ystep, Error, X0, Steep, []). %% line_ls_step_(not)_steep %% In: %% Out: %% [{Yi, Xl,Xr}] %% Purpose: %% Produce an line_interval for each Yi (Y index) line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, X0, false = Steep, LSs) when X < X1, E >= 0 -> line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y+Ys,Dx,Dy,Ys, E - Dx + Dy, X+1, Steep, [{Y,X0,X}|LSs]); line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, X0, false = Steep, LSs) when X < X1 -> line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y,Dx,Dy,Ys, E + Dy, X0, Steep, LSs); line_ls_step(X, _X1, Y, _Dx, _Dy, _Ys, _E, X0, false, LSs) -> [{Y,X0,X}|LSs]; line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, _X0, true = Steep, LSs) when X =< X1, E >= 0 -> line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y+Ys,Dx,Dy,Ys, E - Dx + Dy, X, Steep, [{X,Y,Y}|LSs]); line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, X0, true = Steep, LSs) when X =< X1 -> line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y,Dx,Dy,Ys,E + Dy, X0, Steep, [{X,Y,Y}|LSs]); line_ls_step(_X,_,_Y,_Dx,_Dy,_Ys,_E,_X0,_,LSs) -> LSs. % Text text_horizontal_ls(Point, Font, Chars) -> {_Fw,Fh} = egd_font:size(Font), text_intervals(Point, Fh, Font, Chars, []). % This is stupid. The starting point is the top left (Ptl) but the font % offsets is relative to the bottom right origin, % {Xtl,Ytl} ------------------------- % | | % | Glyph BoundingBox | % | -------- | % | |Bitmap| Gh | % FH |-Gx0-|Data | | % | -------- | % | | | % | Gy0 | % | | | % Glyph (0,0)------------------------- Gxm (Glyph X move) % FW % Therefore, we need Yo, which is Yo = FH - Gy0 - Gh, % Font height minus Glyph Y offset minus Glyph bitmap data boundingbox % height. text_intervals( _, _, _, [], Out) -> lists:flatten(Out); text_intervals({Xtl,Ytl}, Fh, Font, [Code|Chars], Out) -> {{_Gw, Gh, Gx0, Gy0, Gxm}, LSs} = egd_font:glyph(Font, Code), % Set offset points from translation matrix to point in TeInVe. Yo = Fh - Gh + Gy0, GLSs = text_intervals_vertical({Xtl+Gx0,Ytl+Yo},LSs, []), text_intervals({Xtl+Gxm,Ytl}, Fh, Font, Chars, [GLSs|Out]). text_intervals_vertical( _, [], Out) -> Out; text_intervals_vertical({Xtl, Ytl}, [LS|LSs], Out) -> H = lists:foldl( fun ({Xl,Xr}, RLSs) -> [{Ytl, Xl + Xtl, Xr + Xtl}|RLSs] end, [], LS), text_intervals_vertical({Xtl, Ytl+1}, LSs, [H|Out]). %%% E. PostScript implementation eps(#image{ objects = Os, width = W, height = H}) -> list_to_binary([eps_header(W,H),eps_objects(H,Os),eps_footer()]). eps_objects(H,Os) -> eps_objects(H,Os, []). eps_objects(_,[], Out) -> lists:flatten(Out); eps_objects(H,[O|Os], Out) -> eps_objects(H,Os, [eps_object(H,O)|Out]). eps_object(H,#image_object{ type = text_horizontal, internals = {_Font,Text}, points = [{X,Y}], color={R,G,B,_}}) -> s("/Times-Roman findfont\n14 scalefont\nsetfont\n~.4f ~.4f ~.4f setrgbcolor\nnewpath\n~p ~p moveto\n(~s) show~n", [R,G,B,X,H-(Y + 10), Text]); eps_object(H,#image_object{ type = filled_ellipse, points = [{X1,Y1p},{X2,Y2p}], color={R,G,B,_}}) -> Y1 = H - Y1p, Y2 = H - Y2p, Xr = trunc((X2-X1)/2), Yr = trunc((Y2-Y1)/2), Cx = X1 + Xr, Cy = Y1 + Yr, s("~.4f ~.4f ~.4f setrgbcolor\nnewpath\n~p ~p ~p ~p 0 360 ellipse fill\n", [R,G,B,Cx,Cy,Xr,Yr]); eps_object(H,#image_object{ type = arc, points = [P0, P1], internals = D, color={R,G,B,_}}) -> Es = egd_primitives:arc_to_edges(P0, P1, D), [s("~.4f ~.4f ~.4f setrgbcolor\n", [R,G,B])|lists:foldl(fun ({{X1,Y1},{X2,Y2}}, Eps) -> [s("newpath\n~p ~p moveto\n~p ~p lineto\n1 setlinewidth\nstroke\n", [X1,H-Y1,X2,H-Y2])|Eps] end, [], Es)]; eps_object(H,#image_object{ type = line, points = [{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}], color={R,G,B,_}}) -> s("~.4f ~.4f ~.4f setrgbcolor\nnewpath\n~p ~p moveto\n~p ~p lineto\n1 setlinewidth\nstroke\n", [R,G,B,X1,H-Y1,X2,H-Y2]); eps_object(H,#image_object{ type = rectangle, points = [{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}], color={R,G,B,_}}) -> s("~.4f ~.4f ~.4f setrgbcolor\nnewpath\n~p ~p moveto\n~p ~p lineto\n~p ~p lineto\n~p ~p lineto\n~p ~p lineto\n1 setlinewidth\nstroke\n", [R,G,B,X1,H-Y1,X2,H-Y1,X2,H-Y2,X1,H-Y2,X1,H-Y1]); eps_object(H,#image_object{ type = filled_rectangle, points = [{X1,Y1}, {X2,Y2}], color={R,G,B,_}}) -> s("~.4f ~.4f ~.4f setrgbcolor\nnewpath\n~p ~p moveto\n~p ~p lineto\n~p ~p lineto\n~p ~p lineto\n~p ~p lineto\nclosepath\nfill\n", [R,G,B,X1,H-Y1,X2,H-Y1,X2,H-Y2,X1,H-Y2,X1,H-Y1]); eps_object(_,_) -> "". s(Format, Terms) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Terms)). eps_header(W,H) -> s("%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n%%Creator: Created by egd\n%%BoundingBox: 0 0 ~p ~p\n%%LanguageLevel: 2\n%%Pages: 1\n%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n",[W,H]) ++ "%%BeginProlog\n/ellipse {7 dict begin\n/endangle exch def\n/startangle exch def\n/yradius exch def\n/xradius exch def\n/yC exch def\n/xC exch def\n" "/savematrix matrix currentmatrix def\nxC yC translate\nxradius yradius scale\n0 0 1 startangle endangle arc\nsavematrix setmatrix\nend\n} def\n" "%%EndProlog\n". eps_footer() -> "%%EOF\n".