%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %% @doc Percept - Erlang Concurrency Profiling Tool %% %% This module provides the user interface for the application. %% -module(percept). -behaviour(application). -export([ profile/1, profile/2, profile/3, stop_profile/0, start_webserver/0, start_webserver/1, stop_webserver/0, stop_webserver/1, analyze/1, % Application behaviour start/2, stop/1]). -include("percept.hrl"). %%========================================================================== %% %% Type definitions %% %%========================================================================== %% @type percept_option() = procs | ports | exclusive -type percept_option() :: 'procs' | 'ports' | 'exclusive' | 'scheduler'. %%========================================================================== %% %% Application callback functions %% %%========================================================================== %% @spec start(Type, Args) -> {started, Hostname, Port} | {error, Reason} %% @doc none %% @hidden start(_Type, _Args) -> %% start web browser service start_webserver(0). %% @spec stop(State) -> ok %% @doc none %% @hidden stop(_State) -> %% stop web browser service stop_webserver(0). %%========================================================================== %% %% Interface functions %% %%========================================================================== %% @spec profile(Filename::string()) -> {ok, Port} | {already_started, Port} %% @see percept_profile %% profiling -spec profile(Filename :: file:filename()) -> {'ok', port()} | {'already_started', port()}. profile(Filename) -> percept_profile:start(Filename, [procs]). %% @spec profile(Filename::string(), [percept_option()]) -> {ok, Port} | {already_started, Port} %% @see percept_profile -spec profile(Filename :: file:filename(), Options :: [percept_option()]) -> {'ok', port()} | {'already_started', port()}. profile(Filename, Options) -> percept_profile:start(Filename, Options). %% @spec profile(Filename::string(), MFA::mfa(), [percept_option()]) -> ok | {already_started, Port} | {error, not_started} %% @see percept_profile -spec profile(Filename :: file:filename(), Entry :: {atom(), atom(), list()}, Options :: [percept_option()]) -> 'ok' | {'already_started', port()} | {'error', 'not_started'}. profile(Filename, MFA, Options) -> percept_profile:start(Filename, MFA, Options). -spec stop_profile() -> 'ok' | {'error', 'not_started'}. %% @spec stop_profile() -> ok | {'error', 'not_started'} %% @see percept_profile stop_profile() -> percept_profile:stop(). %% @spec analyze(string()) -> ok | {error, Reason} %% @doc Analyze file. -spec analyze(Filename :: file:filename()) -> 'ok' | {'error', any()}. analyze(Filename) -> case percept_db:start() of {started, DB} -> parse_and_insert(Filename,DB); {restarted, DB} -> parse_and_insert(Filename,DB) end. %% @spec start_webserver() -> {started, Hostname, Port} | {error, Reason} %% Hostname = string() %% Port = integer() %% Reason = term() %% @doc Starts webserver. -spec start_webserver() -> {'started', string(), pos_integer()} | {'error', any()}. start_webserver() -> start_webserver(0). %% @spec start_webserver(integer()) -> {started, Hostname, AssignedPort} | {error, Reason} %% Hostname = string() %% AssignedPort = integer() %% Reason = term() %% @doc Starts webserver. If port number is 0, an available port number will %% be assigned by inets. -spec start_webserver(Port :: non_neg_integer()) -> {'started', string(), pos_integer()} | {'error', any()}. start_webserver(Port) when is_integer(Port) -> application:load(percept), case whereis(percept_httpd) of undefined -> {ok, Config} = get_webserver_config("percept", Port), inets:start(), case inets:start(httpd, Config) of {ok, Pid} -> AssignedPort = find_service_port_from_pid(inets:services_info(), Pid), {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(), %% workaround until inets can get me a service from a name. Mem = spawn(fun() -> service_memory({Pid,AssignedPort,Host}) end), register(percept_httpd, Mem), {started, Host, AssignedPort}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {inets, Reason}} end; _ -> {error, already_started} end. %% @spec stop_webserver() -> ok | {error, not_started} %% @doc Stops webserver. stop_webserver() -> case whereis(percept_httpd) of undefined -> {error, not_started}; Pid -> Pid ! {self(), get_port}, receive Port -> ok end, Pid ! quit, stop_webserver(Port) end. %% @spec stop_webserver(integer()) -> ok | {error, not_started} %% @doc Stops webserver of the given port. %% @hidden stop_webserver(Port) -> case find_service_pid_from_port(inets:services_info(), Port) of undefined -> {error, not_started}; Pid -> inets:stop(httpd, Pid) end. %%========================================================================== %% %% Auxiliary functions %% %%========================================================================== %% parse_and_insert parse_and_insert(Filename, DB) -> io:format("Parsing: ~p ~n", [Filename]), T0 = erlang:now(), Pid = dbg:trace_client(file, Filename, mk_trace_parser(self())), Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), parse_and_insert_loop(Filename, Pid, Ref, DB, T0). parse_and_insert_loop(Filename, Pid, Ref, DB, T0) -> receive {'DOWN',Ref,process, Pid, noproc} -> io:format("Incorrect file or malformed trace file: ~p~n", [Filename]), {error, file}; {parse_complete, {Pid, Count}} -> receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, normal} -> ok after 0 -> ok end, DB ! {action, consolidate}, T1 = erlang:now(), io:format("Parsed ~p entries in ~p s.~n", [Count, ?seconds(T1, T0)]), io:format(" ~p created processes.~n", [length(percept_db:select({information, procs}))]), io:format(" ~p opened ports.~n", [length(percept_db:select({information, ports}))]), ok; {'DOWN',Ref, process, Pid, normal} -> parse_and_insert_loop(Filename, Pid, Ref, DB, T0); {'DOWN',Ref, process, Pid, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. mk_trace_parser(Pid) -> {fun trace_parser/2, {0, Pid}}. trace_parser(end_of_trace, {Count, Pid}) -> Pid ! {parse_complete, {self(),Count}}, receive {ack, Pid} -> ok end; trace_parser(Trace, {Count, Pid}) -> percept_db:insert(Trace), {Count + 1, Pid}. find_service_pid_from_port([], _) -> undefined; find_service_pid_from_port([{_, Pid, Options} | Services], Port) -> case lists:keyfind(port, 1, Options) of false -> find_service_pid_from_port(Services, Port); {port, Port} -> Pid end. find_service_port_from_pid([], _) -> undefined; find_service_port_from_pid([{_, Pid, Options} | _], Pid) -> case lists:keyfind(port, 1, Options) of false -> undefined; {port, Port} -> Port end; find_service_port_from_pid([{_, _, _} | Services], Pid) -> find_service_port_from_pid(Services, Pid). %% service memory service_memory({Pid, Port, Host}) -> receive quit -> ok; {Reply, get_port} -> Reply ! Port, service_memory({Pid, Port, Host}); {Reply, get_host} -> Reply ! Host, service_memory({Pid, Port, Host}); {Reply, get_pid} -> Reply ! Pid, service_memory({Pid, Port, Host}) end. % Create config data for the webserver get_webserver_config(Servername, Port) when is_list(Servername), is_integer(Port) -> Path = code:priv_dir(percept), Root = filename:join([Path, "server_root"]), MimeTypesFile = filename:join([Root,"conf","mime.types"]), {ok, MimeTypes} = httpd_conf:load_mime_types(MimeTypesFile), Config = [ % Roots {server_root, Root}, {document_root,filename:join([Root, "htdocs"])}, % Aliases {eval_script_alias,{"/eval",[io]}}, {erl_script_alias,{"/cgi-bin",[percept_graph,percept_html,io]}}, {script_alias,{"/cgi-bin/", filename:join([Root, "cgi-bin"])}}, {alias,{"/javascript/",filename:join([Root, "scripts"]) ++ "/"}}, {alias,{"/images/", filename:join([Root, "images"]) ++ "/"}}, {alias,{"/css/", filename:join([Root, "css"]) ++ "/"}}, % Logs %{transfer_log, filename:join([Path, "logs", "transfer.log"])}, %{error_log, filename:join([Path, "logs", "error.log"])}, % Configs {default_type,"text/plain"}, {directory_index,["index.html"]}, {mime_types, MimeTypes}, {modules,[mod_alias, mod_esi, mod_actions, mod_cgi, mod_include, mod_dir, mod_get, mod_head % mod_log, % mod_disk_log ]}, {com_type,ip_comm}, {server_name, Servername}, {bind_address, any}, {port, Port}], {ok, Config}.