%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(percept_html). -export([ page/3, codelocation_page/3, databases_page/3, load_database_page/3, processes_page/3, concurrency_page/3, process_info_page/3 ]). -export([ value2pid/1, pid2value/1, get_option_value/2, join_strings_with/2 ]). -include("percept.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). %% API page(SessionID, Env, Input) -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, header()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, menu()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, overview_content(Env, Input)), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, footer()). processes_page(SessionID, _, _) -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, header()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, menu()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, processes_content()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, footer()). concurrency_page(SessionID, Env, Input) -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, header()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, menu()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, concurrency_content(Env, Input)), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, footer()). databases_page(SessionID, _, _) -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, header()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, menu()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, databases_content()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, footer()). codelocation_page(SessionID, Env, Input) -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, header()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, menu()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, codelocation_content(Env, Input)), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, footer()). process_info_page(SessionID, Env, Input) -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, header()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, menu()), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, process_info_content(Env, Input)), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, footer()). load_database_page(SessionID, Env, Input) -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, header()), % Very dynamic page, handled differently load_database_content(SessionID, Env, Input), mod_esi:deliver(SessionID, footer()). %%% --------------------------- %%% %%% Content pages %%% %%% --------------------------- %%% overview_content(_Env, Input) -> Query = httpd:parse_query(Input), Min = get_option_value("range_min", Query), Max = get_option_value("range_max", Query), Width = 1200, Height = 600, TotalProfileTime = ?seconds( percept_db:select({system, stop_ts}), percept_db:select({system, start_ts})), RegisteredProcs = length(percept_db:select({information, procs})), RegisteredPorts = length(percept_db:select({information, ports})), InformationTable = "<table>" ++ table_line(["Profile time:", TotalProfileTime]) ++ table_line(["Processes:", RegisteredProcs]) ++ table_line(["Ports:", RegisteredPorts]) ++ table_line(["Min. range:", Min]) ++ table_line(["Max. range:", Max]) ++ "</table>", Header = " <div id=\"content\"> <div>" ++ InformationTable ++ "</div>\n <form name=form_area method=POST action=/cgi-bin/percept_html/page> <input name=data_min type=hidden value=" ++ term2html(float(Min)) ++ "> <input name=data_max type=hidden value=" ++ term2html(float(Max)) ++ ">\n", RangeTable = "<table>"++ table_line([ "Min:", "<input name=range_min value=" ++ term2html(float(Min)) ++">", "<select name=\"graph_select\" onChange=\"select_image()\"> <option disabled=true value=\""++ url_graph(Width, Height, Min, Max, []) ++"\" />Ports <option disabled=true value=\""++ url_graph(Width, Height, Min, Max, []) ++"\" />Processes <option value=\""++ url_graph(Width, Height, Min, Max, []) ++"\" />Ports & Processes </select>", "<input type=submit value=Update>" ]) ++ table_line([ "Max:", "<input name=range_max value=" ++ term2html(float(Max)) ++">", "", "<a href=/cgi-bin/percept_html/codelocation_page?range_min=" ++ term2html(Min) ++ "&range_max=" ++ term2html(Max) ++ ">Code location</a>" ]) ++ "</table>", MainTable = "<table>" ++ table_line([div_tag_graph()]) ++ table_line([RangeTable]) ++ "</table>", Footer = "</div></form>", Header ++ MainTable ++ Footer. div_tag_graph() -> %background:url('/images/loader.gif') no-repeat center; "<div id=\"percept_graph\" onMouseDown=\"select_down(event)\" onMouseMove=\"select_move(event)\" onMouseUp=\"select_up(event)\" style=\" background-size: 100%; background-origin: content; width: 100%; position:relative; \"> <div id=\"percept_areaselect\" style=\"background-color:#ef0909; position:relative; visibility:hidden; border-left: 1px solid #101010; border-right: 1px solid #101010; z-index:2; width:40px; height:40px;\"></div></div>". -spec url_graph( Widht :: non_neg_integer(), Height :: non_neg_integer(), Min :: float(), Max :: float(), Pids :: [pid()]) -> string(). url_graph(W, H, Min, Max, []) -> "/cgi-bin/percept_graph/graph?range_min=" ++ term2html(float(Min)) ++ "&range_max=" ++ term2html(float(Max)) ++ "&width=" ++ term2html(float(W)) ++ "&height=" ++ term2html(float(H)). %%% process_info_content process_info_content(_Env, Input) -> Query = httpd:parse_query(Input), Pid = get_option_value("pid", Query), [I] = percept_db:select({information, Pid}), ArgumentString = case I#information.entry of {_, _, Arguments} -> lists:flatten( [term2html(Arg) ++ "<br>" || Arg <- Arguments]); _ -> "" end, TimeTable = html_table([ [{th, ""}, {th, "Timestamp"}, {th, "Profile Time"}], [{td, "Start"}, term2html(I#information.start), term2html(procstarttime(I#information.start))], [{td, "Stop"}, term2html(I#information.stop), term2html(procstoptime(I#information.stop))] ]), InfoTable = html_table([ [{th, "Pid"}, term2html(I#information.id)], [{th, "Name"}, term2html(I#information.name)], [{th, "Entrypoint"}, mfa2html(I#information.entry)], [{th, "Arguments"}, ArgumentString], [{th, "Timetable"}, TimeTable], [{th, "Parent"}, pid2html(I#information.parent)], [{th, "Children"}, lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(Child) -> pid2html(Child) ++ " " end, I#information.children))] ]), PidActivities = percept_db:select({activity, [{id, Pid}]}), WaitingMfas = percept_analyzer:waiting_activities(PidActivities), TotalWaitTime = lists:sum( [T || {T, _, _} <- WaitingMfas] ), MfaTable = html_table([ [{th, "percentage"}, {th, "total"}, {th, "mean"}, {th, "stddev"}, {th, "#recv"}, {th, "module:function/arity"}]] ++ [ [{td, image_string(percentage, [{width, 100}, {height, 10}, {percentage, Time/TotalWaitTime}])}, {td, term2html(Time)}, {td, term2html(Mean)}, {td, term2html(StdDev)}, {td, term2html(N)}, {td, mfa2html(MFA)} ] || {Time, MFA, {Mean, StdDev, N}} <- WaitingMfas]), "<div id=\"content\">" ++ InfoTable ++ "<br>" ++ MfaTable ++ "</div>". %%% concurrency content concurrency_content(_Env, Input) -> %% Get query Query = httpd:parse_query(Input), %% Collect selected pids and generate id tags Pids = [value2pid(PidValue) || {PidValue, Case} <- Query, Case == "on", PidValue /= "select_all"], IDs = [{id, Pid} || Pid <- Pids], % FIXME: A lot of extra work here, redo %% Analyze activities and calculate area bounds Activities = percept_db:select({activity, IDs}), StartTs = percept_db:select({system, start_ts}), Counts = [{Time, Y1 + Y2} || {Time, Y1, Y2} <- percept_analyzer:activities2count2(Activities, StartTs)], {T0,_,T1,_} = percept_analyzer:minmax(Counts), % FIXME: End PidValues = [pid2value(Pid) || Pid <- Pids], %% Generate activity bar requests ActivityBarTable = lists:foldl( fun(Pid, Out) -> ValueString = pid2value(Pid), Out ++ table_line([ pid2html(Pid), "<img onload=\"size_image(this, '" ++ image_string_head("activity", [{"pid", ValueString}, {range_min, T0},{range_max, T1},{height, 10}], []) ++ "')\" src=/images/white.png border=0 />" ]) end, [], Pids), %% Make pids request string PidsRequest = join_strings_with(PidValues, ":"), "<div id=\"content\"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>" ++ table_line([ "", "<img onload=\"size_image(this, '" ++ image_string_head("graph", [{"pids", PidsRequest},{range_min, T0}, {range_max, T1}, {height, 400}], []) ++ "')\" src=/images/white.png border=0 />" ]) ++ ActivityBarTable ++ "</table></div>\n". processes_content() -> Ports = percept_db:select({information, ports}), UnsortedProcesses = percept_db:select({information, procs}), SystemStartTS = percept_db:select({system, start_ts}), SystemStopTS = percept_db:select({system, stop_ts}), ProfileTime = ?seconds( SystemStopTS, SystemStartTS), Processes = lists:sort( fun (A, B) -> if A#information.id > B#information.id -> true; true -> false end end, UnsortedProcesses), ProcsHtml = lists:foldl( fun (I, Out) -> StartTime = procstarttime(I#information.start), EndTime = procstoptime(I#information.stop), Prepare = table_line([ "<input type=checkbox name=" ++ pid2value(I#information.id) ++ ">", pid2html(I#information.id), image_string(proc_lifetime, [ {profiletime, ProfileTime}, {start, StartTime}, {"end", term2html(float(EndTime))}, {width, 100}, {height, 10}]), mfa2html(I#information.entry), term2html(I#information.name), pid2html(I#information.parent) ]), [Prepare|Out] end, [], Processes), PortsHtml = lists:foldl( fun (I, Out) -> StartTime = procstarttime(I#information.start), EndTime = procstoptime(I#information.stop), Prepare = table_line([ "", pid2html(I#information.id), image_string(proc_lifetime, [ {profiletime, ProfileTime}, {start, StartTime}, {"end", term2html(float(EndTime))}, {width, 100}, {height, 10}]), mfa2html(I#information.entry), term2html(I#information.name), pid2html(I#information.parent) ]), [Prepare|Out] end, [], Ports), Selector = "<table>" ++ table_line([ "<input onClick='selectall()' type=checkbox name=select_all>Select all"]) ++ table_line([ "<input type=submit value=Compare>"]) ++ "</table>", if length(ProcsHtml) > 0 -> ProcsHtmlResult = "<tr><td><b>Processes</b></td></tr> <tr><td> <table width=700 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td align=middle width=40><b>Select</b></td> <td align=middle width=40><b>Pid</b></td> <td><b>Lifetime</b></td> <td><b>Entrypoint</b></td> <td><b>Name</b></td> <td><b>Parent</b></td> </tr>" ++ lists:flatten(ProcsHtml) ++ "</table> </td></tr>"; true -> ProcsHtmlResult = "" end, if length(PortsHtml) > 0 -> PortsHtmlResult = " <tr><td><b>Ports</b></td></tr> <tr><td> <table width=700 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td align=middle width=40><b>Select</b></td> <td align=left width=40><b>Pid</b></td> <td><b>Lifetime</b></td> <td><b>Entrypoint</b></td> <td><b>Name</b></td> <td><b>Parent</b></td> </tr>" ++ lists:flatten(PortsHtml) ++ "</table> </td></tr>"; true -> PortsHtmlResult = "" end, Right = "<div>" ++ Selector ++ "</div>\n", Middle = "<div id=\"content\"> <table>" ++ ProcsHtmlResult ++ PortsHtmlResult ++ "</table>" ++ Right ++ "</div>\n", "<form name=process_select method=POST action=/cgi-bin/percept_html/concurrency_page>" ++ Middle ++ "</form>". procstarttime(TS) -> case TS of undefined -> 0.0; TS -> ?seconds(TS,percept_db:select({system, start_ts})) end. procstoptime(TS) -> case TS of undefined -> ?seconds( percept_db:select({system, stop_ts}), percept_db:select({system, start_ts})); TS -> ?seconds(TS, percept_db:select({system, start_ts})) end. databases_content() -> "<div id=\"content\"> <form name=load_percept_file method=post action=/cgi-bin/percept_html/load_database_page> <center> <table> <tr><td>Enter file to analyse:</td><td><input type=hidden name=path /></td></tr> <tr><td><input type=file name=file size=40 /></td><td><input type=submit value=Load onClick=\"path.value = file.value;\" /></td></tr> </table> </center> </form> </div>". load_database_content(SessionId, _Env, Input) -> Query = httpd:parse_query(Input), {_,{_,Path}} = lists:keysearch("file", 1, Query), {_,{_,File}} = lists:keysearch("path", 1, Query), Filename = filename:join(Path, File), % Check path/file/filename mod_esi:deliver(SessionId, "<div id=\"content\">"), case file:read_file_info(Filename) of {ok, _} -> Content = "<center> Parsing: " ++ Filename ++ "<br> </center>", mod_esi:deliver(SessionId, Content), case percept:analyze(Filename) of {error, Reason} -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionId, error_msg("Analyze" ++ term2html(Reason))); _ -> Complete = "<center><a href=\"/cgi-bin/percept_html/page\">View</a></center>", mod_esi:deliver(SessionId, Complete) end; {error, Reason} -> mod_esi:deliver(SessionId, error_msg("File" ++ term2html(Reason))) end, mod_esi:deliver(SessionId, "</div>"). codelocation_content(_Env, Input) -> Query = httpd:parse_query(Input), Min = get_option_value("range_min", Query), Max = get_option_value("range_max", Query), StartTs = percept_db:select({system, start_ts}), TsMin = percept_analyzer:seconds2ts(Min, StartTs), TsMax = percept_analyzer:seconds2ts(Max, StartTs), Acts = percept_db:select({activity, [{ts_min, TsMin}, {ts_max, TsMax}]}), Secs = [timer:now_diff(A#activity.timestamp,StartTs)/1000 || A <- Acts], Delta = cl_deltas(Secs), Zip = lists:zip(Acts, Delta), Table = html_table([ [{th, "delta [ms]"}, {th, "time [ms]"}, {th, " pid "}, {th, "activity"}, {th, "module:function/arity"}, {th, "#runnables"}]] ++ [ [{td, term2html(D)}, {td, term2html(timer:now_diff(A#activity.timestamp,StartTs)/1000)}, {td, pid2html(A#activity.id)}, {td, term2html(A#activity.state)}, {td, mfa2html(A#activity.where)}, {td, term2html(A#activity.runnable_count)}] || {A, D} <- Zip ]), "<div id=\"content\">" ++ Table ++ "</div>". cl_deltas([]) -> []; cl_deltas(List) -> cl_deltas(List, [0.0]). cl_deltas([_], Out) -> lists:reverse(Out); cl_deltas([A,B|Ls], Out) -> cl_deltas([B|Ls], [B - A | Out]). %%% --------------------------- %%% %%% Utility functions %%% %%% --------------------------- %%% %% Should be in string stdlib? join_strings(Strings) -> lists:flatten(Strings). -spec join_strings_with(Strings :: [string()], Separator :: string()) -> string(). join_strings_with([S1, S2 | R], S) -> join_strings_with([join_strings_with(S1,S2,S) | R], S); join_strings_with([S], _) -> S. join_strings_with(S1, S2, S) -> join_strings([S1,S,S2]). %%% Generic erlang2html -spec html_table(Rows :: [[string() | {'td' | 'th', string()}]]) -> string(). html_table(Rows) -> "<table>" ++ html_table_row(Rows) ++ "</table>". html_table_row(Rows) -> html_table_row(Rows, odd). html_table_row([], _) -> ""; html_table_row([Row|Rows], odd ) -> "<tr class=\"odd\">" ++ html_table_data(Row) ++ "</tr>" ++ html_table_row(Rows, even); html_table_row([Row|Rows], even) -> "<tr class=\"even\">" ++ html_table_data(Row) ++ "</tr>" ++ html_table_row(Rows, odd ). html_table_data([]) -> ""; html_table_data([{td, Data}|Row]) -> "<td>" ++ Data ++ "</td>" ++ html_table_data(Row); html_table_data([{th, Data}|Row]) -> "<th>" ++ Data ++ "</th>" ++ html_table_data(Row); html_table_data([Data|Row]) -> "<td>" ++ Data ++ "</td>" ++ html_table_data(Row). -spec table_line(Table :: [any()]) -> string(). table_line(List) -> table_line(List, ["<tr>"]). table_line([], Out) -> lists:flatten(lists:reverse(["</tr>\n"|Out])); table_line([Element | Elements], Out) when is_list(Element) -> table_line(Elements, ["<td>" ++ Element ++ "</td>" |Out]); table_line([Element | Elements], Out) -> table_line(Elements, ["<td>" ++ term2html(Element) ++ "</td>"|Out]). -spec term2html(any()) -> string(). term2html(Term) when is_float(Term) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.4f", [Term])); term2html(Term) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Term])). -spec mfa2html(MFA :: {atom(), atom(), list() | integer()}) -> string(). mfa2html({Module, Function, Arguments}) when is_list(Arguments) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p", [Module, Function, length(Arguments)])); mfa2html({Module, Function, Arity}) when is_integer(Arity) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p:~p/~p", [Module, Function, Arity])); mfa2html(_) -> "undefined". -spec pid2html(Pid :: pid() | port()) -> string(). pid2html(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> PidString = term2html(Pid), PidValue = pid2value(Pid), "<a href=\"/cgi-bin/percept_html/process_info_page?pid="++PidValue++"\">"++PidString++"</a>"; pid2html(Pid) when is_port(Pid) -> term2html(Pid); pid2html(_) -> "undefined". -spec image_string(Request :: string()) -> string(). image_string(Request) -> "<img border=0 src=\"/cgi-bin/percept_graph/" ++ Request ++ " \">". -spec image_string(atom() | string(), list()) -> string(). image_string(Request, Options) when is_atom(Request), is_list(Options) -> image_string(image_string_head(erlang:atom_to_list(Request), Options, [])); image_string(Request, Options) when is_list(Options) -> image_string(image_string_head(Request, Options, [])). image_string_head(Request, [{Type, Value} | Opts], Out) when is_atom(Type), is_number(Value) -> Opt = join_strings(["?",term2html(Type),"=",term2html(Value)]), image_string_tail(Request, Opts, [Opt|Out]); image_string_head(Request, [{Type, Value} | Opts], Out) -> Opt = join_strings(["?",Type,"=",Value]), image_string_tail(Request, Opts, [Opt|Out]). image_string_tail(Request, [], Out) -> join_strings([Request | lists:reverse(Out)]); image_string_tail(Request, [{Type, Value} | Opts], Out) when is_atom(Type), is_number(Value) -> Opt = join_strings(["&",term2html(Type),"=",term2html(Value)]), image_string_tail(Request, Opts, [Opt|Out]); image_string_tail(Request, [{Type, Value} | Opts], Out) -> Opt = join_strings(["&",Type,"=",Value]), image_string_tail(Request, Opts, [Opt|Out]). %%% percept conversions -spec pid2value(Pid :: pid()) -> string(). pid2value(Pid) -> String = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Pid])), lists:sublist(String, 2, erlang:length(String)-2). -spec value2pid(Value :: string()) -> pid(). value2pid(Value) -> String = lists:flatten("<" ++ Value ++ ">"), erlang:list_to_pid(String). %%% get value -spec get_option_value(Option :: string(), Options :: [{string(),any()}]) -> {'error', any()} | boolean() | pid() | [pid()] | number(). get_option_value(Option, Options) -> case catch get_option_value0(Option, Options) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> {error, Reason}; Value -> Value end. get_option_value0(Option, Options) -> case lists:keysearch(Option, 1, Options) of false -> get_default_option_value(Option); {value, {Option, _Value}} when Option == "fillcolor" -> true; {value, {Option, Value}} when Option == "pid" -> value2pid(Value); {value, {Option, Value}} when Option == "pids" -> [value2pid(PidValue) || PidValue <- string:tokens(Value,":")]; {value, {Option, Value}} -> get_number_value(Value); _ -> {error, undefined} end. get_default_option_value(Option) -> case Option of "fillcolor" -> false; "range_min" -> float(0.0); "pids" -> []; "range_max" -> Acts = percept_db:select({activity, []}), #activity{ timestamp = Start } = hd(Acts), #activity{ timestamp = Stop } = hd(lists:reverse(Acts)), ?seconds(Stop,Start); "width" -> 700; "height" -> 400; _ -> {error, {undefined_default_option, Option}} end. -spec get_number_value(string()) -> number() | {'error', 'illegal_number'}. get_number_value(Value) -> % Try float case string:to_float(Value) of {error, no_float} -> % Try integer case string:to_integer(Value) of {error, _} -> {error, illegal_number}; {Integer, _} -> Integer end; {error, _} -> {error, illegal_number}; {Float, _} -> Float end. %%% --------------------------- %%% %%% html prime functions %%% %%% --------------------------- %%% header() -> header([]). header(HeaderData) -> "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" ++ "<html> <head> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"> <title>percept</title> <link href=\"/css/percept.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/javascript/percept_error_handler.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/javascript/percept_select_all.js\"></script> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/javascript/percept_area_select.js\"></script> " ++ HeaderData ++" </head> <body onLoad=\"load_image()\"> <div id=\"header\"><a href=/index.html>percept</a></div>\n". footer() -> "</body> </html>\n". menu() -> "<div id=\"menu\" class=\"menu_tabs\"> <ul> <li><a href=/cgi-bin/percept_html/databases_page>databases</a></li> <li><a href=/cgi-bin/percept_html/processes_page>processes</a></li> <li><a href=/cgi-bin/percept_html/page>overview</a></li> </ul></div>\n". -spec error_msg(Error :: string()) -> string(). error_msg(Error) -> "<table width=300> <tr height=5><td></td> <td></td></tr> <tr><td width=150 align=right><b>Error: </b></td> <td align=left>"++ Error ++ "</td></tr> <tr height=5><td></td> <td></td></tr> </table>\n".