%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(egd_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). %% Test server specific exports -export([all/0, suite/0]). -export([init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1]). -export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]). %% Test cases -export([image_create_and_destroy/1, image_shape/1, image_primitives/1, image_colors/1, image_font/1, image_fans/1, image_png_compliant/1]). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap, {minutes, 1}}]. all() -> [image_create_and_destroy, image_shape, image_primitives, image_colors, image_font, image_fans, image_png_compliant]. init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) -> rand:seed(exsplus), Config. end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Config. init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> [{max_size, 800}|Config]. end_per_testcase(_Case, _Config) -> ok. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Tests %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Image creation and destroy test. image_create_and_destroy(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)), Image = egd:create(W, H), ok = egd:destroy(Image), ok. %% Image color test. image_colors(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)), Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), Image = egd:create(W, H), put(image_size, {W,H}), RGB = get_rgb(), Black = egd:color({0,0,0}), Red = egd:color({255,0,0}), Green = egd:color({0,255,0}), Blue = egd:color({0,0,255}), Random = egd:color(Image, RGB), ok = egd:line(Image, get_point(), get_point(), Random), ok = egd:line(Image, get_point(), get_point(), Red), ok = egd:line(Image, get_point(), get_point(), Green), ok = egd:line(Image, get_point(), get_point(), Black), ok = egd:line(Image, get_point(), get_point(), Blue), HtmlDefaultNames = [black,silver,gray,white,maroon,red, purple,fuchia,green,lime,olive,yellow,navy,blue,teal, aqua], lists:foreach(fun (ColorName) -> Color = egd:color(ColorName), ok = egd:line(Image, get_point(), get_point(), Color) end, HtmlDefaultNames), Png1 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Image,png,[{render_engine, alpha}]), File1 = filename:join(Dir,"image_colors_alpha.png"), ok = egd:save(Png1,File1), ct:log("<p>Image alpha:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File1]), Png2 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Image,png,[{render_engine, opaque}]), File2 = filename:join(Dir,"image_colors_opaque.png"), ok = egd:save(Png2,File2), ct:log("<p>Image opaque:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File2]), ok = egd:destroy(Image), erase(image_size), ok. %% Image shape API test. image_shape(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)), Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), put(image_size, {W,H}), Im = egd:create(W, H), Fgc = egd:color({255,0,0}), ok = egd:line(Im, get_point(), get_point(), Fgc), ok = egd:rectangle(Im, get_point(), get_point(), Fgc), ok = egd:filledEllipse(Im, get_point(), get_point(), Fgc), ok = egd:arc(Im, get_point(), get_point(), Fgc), ok = egd:arc(Im, get_point(), get_point(), 100, Fgc), Pt1 = get_point(), Pt2 = get_point(), ok = egd:filledRectangle(Im, Pt1, Pt2, Fgc), Bitmap = egd:render(Im, raw_bitmap), ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt2, Fgc), ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt1, Fgc), Bin = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, raw_bitmap, [{render_engine, alpha}]), Png = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin), File = filename:join(Dir,"image_shape.png"), ok = egd:save(Png,File), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File]), ok = egd:destroy(Im), erase(image_size), ok. %% Image shape API test. image_primitives(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)), Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), put(image_size, {W,H}), Im0 = egd_primitives:create(W, H), Fgc = egd:color({25,25,255}), Bgc = egd:color({0,250,25}), Im1 = lists:foldl(fun ({Function, Arguments}, Im) -> erlang:apply(egd_primitives, Function, [Im|Arguments]) end, Im0, [{Fs, [get_point(), get_point(), Bgc]} || Fs <- [line, rectangle, filledEllipse, arc]] ++ [{pixel, [get_point(), Bgc]}, {filledTriangle, [get_point(), get_point(), get_point(), Bgc]}]), Pt1 = get_point(), Pt2 = get_point(), Im2 = egd_primitives:filledRectangle(Im1, Pt1, Pt2, Fgc), Bitmap = egd_render:binary(Im2, opaque), ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt2, Fgc), ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt1, Fgc), Bin = <<_/binary>> = egd_render:binary(Im2, alpha), Png = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin), File = filename:join(Dir,"image_primitives.png"), ok = egd:save(Png,File), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File]), erase(image_size), ok. %% Image font test. image_font(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)), Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), put(image_size, {W,H}), Im = egd:create(W, H), Fgc = egd:color({0,130,0}), Filename = filename:join([code:priv_dir(percept),"fonts","6x11_latin1.wingsfont"]), Font = egd_font:load(Filename), % simple text ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, "Hello World", Fgc), <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), GlyphStr1 = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./", % Codes 32 -> 47 NumericStr = "0123456789", % Codes 48 -> 57 GlyphStr2 = ":;<=>?@", % Codes 58 -> 64 AlphaBigStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", % Codes 65 -> 90 GlyphStr3 = "[\\]^_`", % Codes 91 -> 96 AlphaSmStr = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", % Codes 97 -> 122 GlyphStr4 = "{|}~", % Codes 123 -> 126 ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr1, Fgc), Png1 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), File1 = filename:join(Dir,"text1.png"), ok = egd:save(Png1,File1), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File1]), ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, NumericStr, Fgc), Png2 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), File2 = filename:join(Dir,"text2.png"), ok = egd:save(Png2,File2), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File2]), ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr2, Fgc), Png3 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), File3 = filename:join(Dir,"text3.png"), ok = egd:save(Png3,File3), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File3]), ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, AlphaBigStr, Fgc), Png4 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), File4 = filename:join(Dir,"text4.png"), ok = egd:save(Png4,File4), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File4]), ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr3, Fgc), Png5 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), File5 = filename:join(Dir,"text5.png"), ok = egd:save(Png5,File5), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File5]), ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, AlphaSmStr, Fgc), Png6 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), File6 = filename:join(Dir,"text6.png"), ok = egd:save(Png6,File6), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File6]), ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr4, Fgc), Png7 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png), File7 = filename:join(Dir,"text7.png"), ok = egd:save(Png7,File7), ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File7]), ok = egd:destroy(Im), erase(image_size), ok. %% Image png compliant test. image_png_compliant(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)), put(image_size, {W,H}), Im = egd:create(W, H), Fgc = egd:color({0,0,0}), ok = egd:filledRectangle(Im, get_point(), get_point(), Fgc), Bin = egd:render(Im, png), true = binary_is_png_compliant(Bin), ok = egd:destroy(Im), erase(image_size), ok. image_fans(Config) when is_list(Config) -> W = 1024, H = 800, Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), Fun = fun({F,Args},Im) -> erlang:apply(egd_primitives,F,[Im|Args]) end, %% fan1 Ops1 = gen_vertical_fan(1,{0,400},egd:color(red),1024,800,-15), Ops2 = gen_horizontal_fan(1,{512,800},egd:color(green),1024,0,-15), Im0 = egd_primitives:create(W,H), Im1 = lists:foldl(Fun, Im0, Ops1 ++ Ops2), Bin1 = egd_render:binary(Im1, opaque), Png1 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin1), File1 = filename:join(Dir,"fan1_opaque.png"), ok = egd:save(Png1,File1), ct:log("<p>Image opaque width 1:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File1]), Bin2 = egd_render:binary(Im1, alpha), Png2 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin2), File2 = filename:join(Dir,"fan1_alpha.png"), ok = egd:save(Png2,File2), ct:log("<p>Image alpha width 1:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File2]), %% fan2 Ops3 = gen_vertical_fan(7,{0,400},egd:color(red),1024,800,-15), Ops4 = gen_horizontal_fan(7,{512,800},egd:color(green),1024,0,-15), Im2 = lists:foldl(Fun, Im0, Ops3 ++ Ops4), Bin3 = egd_render:binary(Im2, opaque), Png3 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin3), File3 = filename:join(Dir,"fan2_opaque.png"), ok = egd:save(Png3,File3), ct:log("<p>Image opaque width 7:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File3]), Bin4 = egd_render:binary(Im2, alpha), Png4 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin4), File4 = filename:join(Dir,"fan2_alpha.png"), ok = egd:save(Png4,File4), ct:log("<p>Image alpha width 7:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File4]), ok. gen_vertical_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X,Y,Step) when Y > 0 -> [{line,[Pt,{X,Y},Wd,C]}|gen_vertical_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X,Y + Step,Step)]; gen_vertical_fan(_,_,_,_,_,_) -> []. gen_horizontal_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X,Y,Step) when X > 0 -> [{line,[Pt,{X,Y},Wd,C]}|gen_horizontal_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X + Step,Y,Step)]; gen_horizontal_fan(_,_,_,_,_,_) -> []. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Auxiliary tests %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,_}, {X,Y}, C) -> {CR,CG,CB,_} = egd_primitives:rgb_float2byte(C), N = W*Y*3 + X*3, << _:N/binary, R,G,B, _/binary>> = Bitmap, case {R,G,B} of {CR,CG,CB} -> ok; Other -> io:format("bitmap_point_has_color: error color was ~p, should be ~p~n", [Other, {CR,CG,CB}]), {error, {Other,{CR,CG,CB}}} end. binary_is_png_compliant(PngBin) -> {Bin, _} = split_binary(PngBin, 10), List = binary_to_list(Bin), case lists:sublist(List, 2,3) of "PNG" -> true; Other -> io:format("img -> ~p~n", [Other]), false end. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Auxiliary %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- get_rgb() -> R = random(255), G = random(255), B = random(255), {R,G,B}. get_angle() -> random(359). get_point() -> get_point(get(image_size)). get_point({W,H}) -> X = random(W - 1), Y = random(H - 1), {X,Y}. get_size(Max) -> W = trunc(random(Max/2) + Max/2 + 1), H = trunc(random(Max/2) + Max/2 + 1), io:format("Image size will be ~p x ~p~n", [W,H]), {W,H}. get_points(N) -> get_points(N, []). get_points(0, Out) -> Out; get_points(N, Out) -> get_points(N - 1, [get_point() | Out]). random(N) -> trunc(rand:uniform(trunc(N + 1)) - 1).