The files PKIX1Algorithms88.asn1 PKIX1Explicit88.asn1 PKIX1Implicit88.asn1 PKIXAttributeCertificate.asn1 are from RFCs 3279, 3280 and 3281. We have edited PKIX1Explicit88.asn1, PKIX1Implicit88.asn1, and PKIXAttributeCertificate.asn1 as follows: 1. Removal of definition of UniversalString and BMPString: diff -r1.1 PKIX1Explicit88.asn1 15c15 < UniversalString ::= [UNIVERSAL 28] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING --- > -- UniversalString ::= [UNIVERSAL 28] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING 18c18 < BMPString ::= [UNIVERSAL 30] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING --- > -- BMPString ::= [UNIVERSAL 30] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING 2. Removal of definition of BMPString: diff -r1.1 PKIX1Implicit88.asn1 13c13,14 < BMPString, UTF8String, -- end "new" types -- --- > -- BMPString, > UTF8String, -- end "new" types -- 3. Addition of definition of UTF8String, and correction of a typo. diff -r1.1 PKIXAttributeCertificate.asn1 46c46 < -- UTF8String ::= [UNIVERSAL 12] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING --- > UTF8String ::= [UNIVERSAL 12] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING 55c55 < version AttCertVersion -- version is v2, --- > version AttCertVersion, -- version is v2 4. Definitions of public keys from PKCS-1.asn1 present in PKIX1Algorithms88.asn1 where removed as we take them directly from PKCS-1.asn1