%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(reltool_utils). %% Public -export([root_dir/0, erl_libs/0, lib_dirs/1, split_app_name/1, prim_consult/1, default_rels/0, choose_default/3, normalize_dir/1, assign_image_list/1, get_latest_resize/1, wait_for_stop_motion/2, mod_conds/0, list_to_mod_cond/1, mod_cond_to_index/1, incl_conds/0, list_to_incl_cond/1, incl_cond_to_index/1, elem_to_index/2, app_dir_test/2, split_app_dir/1, get_item/1, get_items/1, get_selected_items/3, select_items/3, select_item/2, get_column_width/1, safe_keysearch/5, print/4, add_warning/3, create_dir/1, list_dir/1, read_file_info/1, write_file_info/2, read_file/1, write_file/2, recursive_delete/1, delete/2, recursive_copy_file/2, copy_file/2, throw_error/2, decode_regexps/3, default_val/2, escript_foldl/3, call/2, cast/2, reply/3]). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include_lib("wx/include/wx.hrl"). -include("reltool.hrl"). root_dir() -> code:root_dir(). erl_libs() -> case os:getenv("ERL_LIBS") of false -> []; LibStr -> string:tokens(LibStr, ":;") end. lib_dirs(Dir) -> case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(Dir) of {ok, Files} -> [F || F <- Files, filelib:is_dir(filename:join([Dir, F]), erl_prim_loader)]; error -> [] end. %% "asn1-1.6.2" -> {"asn1", "1.6.2"}; "asn1" -> {"asn1", ""} split_app_name(Name) -> Pred = fun(Elem) -> if Elem =:= $\. -> true; Elem >= $0, Elem =< $9 -> true; true -> false end end, case lists:splitwith(Pred, lists:reverse(Name)) of {Vsn, [$- | App]} -> {list_to_atom(lists:reverse(App)), lists:reverse(Vsn)}; _ -> {list_to_atom(Name), ""} end. normalize_dir(RelDir) -> Tokens = filename:split(filename:absname(RelDir)), filename:join(lists:reverse(normalize_dir(Tokens, []))). normalize_dir([".."|Dirs], [_Dir|Path]) -> normalize_dir(Dirs, Path); normalize_dir(["."|Dirs], Path) -> normalize_dir(Dirs, Path); normalize_dir([Dir|Dirs], Path) -> normalize_dir(Dirs, [Dir|Path]); normalize_dir([], Path) -> Path. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% prim_consult(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case erl_scan:string(unicode:characters_to_list(Bin,encoding(Bin))) of {ok, Tokens, _EndLine} -> prim_parse(Tokens, []); {error, {_ErrorLine, Module, Reason}, _EndLine} -> {error, Module:format_error(Reason)} end; prim_consult(FullName) when is_list(FullName) -> case erl_prim_loader:get_file(FullName) of {ok, Bin, _} -> prim_consult(Bin); error -> {error, file:format_error(enoent)} end. encoding(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case epp:read_encoding_from_binary(Bin) of none -> epp:default_encoding(); E -> E end. prim_parse(Tokens, Acc) -> case lists:splitwith(fun(T) -> element(1,T) =/= dot end, Tokens) of {[], []} -> {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}; {Tokens2, [{dot,_} = Dot | Rest]} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens2 ++ [Dot]) of {ok, Term} -> prim_parse(Rest, [Term | Acc]); {error, {_ErrorLine, Module, Reason}} -> {error, Module:format_error(Reason)} end; {Tokens2, []} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens2) of {ok, Term} -> {ok, lists:reverse([Term | Acc])}; {error, {_ErrorLine, Module, Reason}} -> {error, Module:format_error(Reason)} end end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% default_rels() -> %% kernel and stdlib are added automatically in every release [ #rel{name = ?DEFAULT_REL_NAME, vsn = "1.0", rel_apps = []}, #rel{name = "start_sasl", vsn = "1.0", rel_apps = [#rel_app{name = sasl}]} ]. choose_default(Tag, Profile, InclDefs) when Profile =:= ?DEFAULT_PROFILE; InclDefs -> case Tag of incl_sys_filters -> ?DEFAULT_INCL_SYS_FILTERS; excl_sys_filters -> ?DEFAULT_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS; incl_app_filters -> ?DEFAULT_INCL_APP_FILTERS; excl_app_filters -> ?DEFAULT_EXCL_APP_FILTERS; embedded_app_type -> ?DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE end; choose_default(Tag, standalone, _InclDefs) -> case Tag of incl_sys_filters -> ?STANDALONE_INCL_SYS_FILTERS; excl_sys_filters -> ?STANDALONE_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS; incl_app_filters -> ?STANDALONE_INCL_APP_FILTERS; excl_app_filters -> ?STANDALONE_EXCL_APP_FILTERS; embedded_app_type -> ?DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE end; choose_default(Tag, embedded, _InclDefs) -> case Tag of incl_sys_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_INCL_SYS_FILTERS; excl_sys_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS; incl_app_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_INCL_APP_FILTERS; excl_app_filters -> ?EMBEDDED_EXCL_APP_FILTERS; embedded_app_type -> ?EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% assign_image_list(ListCtrl) -> Art = wxImageList:new(16,16), [wxImageList:add(Art, wxArtProvider:getBitmap(Image, [{size, {16,16}}])) || Image <- ["wxART_ERROR", "wxART_WARNING", "wxART_QUESTION", "wxART_TICK_MARK", "wxART_CROSS_MARK", "wxART_GO_HOME"]], wxListCtrl:assignImageList(ListCtrl, Art, ?wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% get_latest_resize(#wx{obj = ObjRef, event = #wxSize{}} = Wx) -> receive #wx{obj = ObjRef, event = #wxSize{}} = Wx2 -> get_latest_resize(Wx2) after 10 -> Wx end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% wait_for_stop_motion(ObjRef, {_,_}=Pos) -> receive #wx{obj = ObjRef, event = #wxMouse{type = motion, x=X, y=Y}} -> wait_for_stop_motion(ObjRef, {X,Y}) after 100 -> Pos end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mod_conds() -> ["all (ebin + app file)", "ebin + derived", "app file + derived", "derived", "none"]. list_to_mod_cond(List) -> case List of "all" ++ _ -> all; "ebin" ++ _ -> ebin; "app" ++ _ -> app; "derived" -> derived; "none" -> none end. mod_cond_to_index(ModCond) -> case ModCond of all -> 0; ebin -> 1; app -> 2; derived -> 3; undefined -> 3; none -> 4 end. incl_conds() -> ["include", "exclude", "derived"]. list_to_incl_cond(List) -> case List of "include" -> include; "exclude" -> exclude; "derived" -> derived end. incl_cond_to_index(ModCond) -> case ModCond of include -> 0; exclude -> 1; derived -> 2 end. elem_to_index(Elem, List) -> elem_to_index(Elem, List, 1). elem_to_index(Elem, [H | T], Index) -> case Elem =:= H of true -> Index; false -> elem_to_index(Elem, T, Index + 1) end; elem_to_index(Elem, [], _) -> erlang:error({not_found, Elem}). app_dir_test(Dir1, Dir2) -> {Name1, Vsn1, Parent1} = split_app_dir(Dir1), {Name2, Vsn2, Parent2} = split_app_dir(Dir2), if Name1 < Name2 -> true; Name1 > Name2 -> false; Vsn1 < Vsn2 -> false; Vsn1 > Vsn2 -> true; Parent1 =< Parent2 -> true; true -> false end. split_app_dir(Dir) -> ParentDir = filename:dirname(Dir), Base = filename:basename(Dir), {Name, Vsn} = split_app_name(Base), Vsn2 = try [list_to_integer(N) || N <- string:tokens(Vsn, ".")] catch _:_ -> Vsn end, {Name, Vsn2, ParentDir}. get_item(ListCtrl) -> case wxListCtrl:getItemCount(ListCtrl) of 0 -> undefined; _ -> case wxListCtrl:getNextItem(ListCtrl, -1, [{geometry, ?wxLIST_NEXT_ALL}, {state, ?wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED}]) of -1 -> ItemNo = wxListCtrl:getTopItem(ListCtrl), case wxListCtrl:getItemText(ListCtrl, ItemNo) of "" -> undefined; Text -> {ItemNo, Text} end; ItemNo -> Text = wxListCtrl:getItemText(ListCtrl, ItemNo), {ItemNo, Text} end end. get_items(ListCtrl) -> case wxListCtrl:getItemCount(ListCtrl) of 0 -> []; Count -> case get_selected_items(ListCtrl, -1, []) of [] -> ItemNo = wxListCtrl:getTopItem(ListCtrl), case wxListCtrl:getItemText(ListCtrl, ItemNo) of "" -> []; Text when Text =/= ?MISSING_APP_TEXT -> [{ItemNo, Text}]; _MissingText when Count > 1 -> case wxListCtrl:getItemText(ListCtrl, ItemNo + 1) of "" -> []; Text -> [{ItemNo, Text}] end; _MissingText -> [] end; Items -> Items end end. get_selected_items(ListCtrl, PrevItem, Acc) -> case wxListCtrl:getNextItem(ListCtrl, PrevItem, [{geometry, ?wxLIST_NEXT_ALL}, {state, ?wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED}]) of -1 -> Acc; ItemNo -> case wxListCtrl:getItemText(ListCtrl, ItemNo) of Text when Text =/= ?MISSING_APP_TEXT -> get_selected_items(ListCtrl, ItemNo, [{ItemNo, Text} | Acc]); _Text -> get_selected_items(ListCtrl, ItemNo, Acc) end end. select_items(_ListCtrl, _OldItems, []) -> %% No new items. Nothing to select. false; select_items(ListCtrl, [], Items) -> %% No old selection. Select first. select_item(ListCtrl, Items); select_items(ListCtrl, _OldItems, [Item]) -> %% Only one new item. Select it. select_item(ListCtrl, [Item]); select_items(ListCtrl, OldItems, NewItems) -> %% Try to propagate old selection to new items. Filter = fun({_OldItemNo, Text}) -> case lists:keysearch(Text, 2, NewItems) of {value, Item} -> {true, Item}; false -> false end end, case lists:zf(Filter, OldItems) of [] -> %% None of the old selections are valid. Select the first. select_item(ListCtrl, NewItems); ValidItems -> %% Some old selections are still valid. Select them again. lists:foreach(fun(Item) -> select_item(ListCtrl, [Item]) end, ValidItems) end. select_item(ListCtrl, [{ItemNo, Text} | Items]) -> case Text =:= ?MISSING_APP_TEXT of true -> select_item(ListCtrl, Items); false -> StateMask = ?wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, State = wxListCtrl:getItemState(ListCtrl, ItemNo, StateMask), State2 = State bor ?wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxListCtrl:setItemState(ListCtrl, ItemNo, State2, StateMask), wxListCtrl:refreshItem(ListCtrl, ItemNo) end; select_item(_ListCtrl, []) -> ok. get_column_width(ListCtrl) -> wx:batch(fun() -> {Total, _} = wxWindow:getClientSize(ListCtrl), Total - scroll_size(ListCtrl) end). scroll_size(ObjRef) -> case os:type() of {win32, nt} -> 0; {unix, darwin} -> %% I can't figure out is there is a visible scrollbar %% Always make room for it wxSystemSettings:getMetric(?wxSYS_VSCROLL_X); _ -> case wxWindow:hasScrollbar(ObjRef, ?wxVERTICAL) of true -> wxSystemSettings:getMetric(?wxSYS_VSCROLL_X); false -> 0 end end. safe_keysearch(Key, Pos, List, Mod, Line) -> case lists:keysearch(Key, Pos, List) of false -> io:format("~p(~p): lists:keysearch(~p, ~p, ~p) -> false\n", [Mod, Line, Key, Pos, List]), erlang:error({Mod, Line, lists, keysearch, [Key, Pos, List]}); {value, Val} -> Val end. print(X, X, Format, Args) -> io:format(Format, Args); print(_, _, _, _) -> ok. add_warning(Format, Args, {ok,Warnings}) -> Warning = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format,Args)), case lists:member(Warning,Warnings) of true -> {ok,Warnings}; false -> {ok,[Warning|Warnings]} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create_dir(Dir) -> filelib:ensure_dir(Dir), case file:make_dir(Dir) of ok -> ok; {error, eexist} -> ok; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("create dir ~s: ~s", [Dir, Text]) end. list_dir(Dir) -> case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(Dir) of {ok, Files} -> Files; error -> Text = file:format_error(enoent), throw_error("list dir ~s: ~s", [Dir, Text]) end. read_file_info(File) -> case file:read_file_info(File) of {ok, Info} -> Info; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("read file info ~s: ~s", [File, Text]) end. write_file_info(File, Info) -> case file:write_file_info(File, Info) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("write file info ~s: ~s", [File, Text]) end. read_file(File) -> case file:read_file(File) of {ok, Bin} -> Bin; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("read file ~s: ~s", [File, Text]) end. write_file(File, IoList) -> case file:write_file(File, IoList) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("write file ~s: ~s", [File, Text]) end. recursive_delete(Dir) -> case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of true -> case file:list_dir(Dir) of {ok, Files} -> Fun = fun(F) -> recursive_delete(filename:join([Dir, F])) end, lists:foreach(Fun, Files), delete(Dir, directory); {error, enoent} -> ok; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("delete file ~s: ~s\n", [Dir, Text]) end; false -> delete(Dir, regular) end. delete(File, Type) -> case do_delete(File, Type) of ok -> ok; {error, enoent} -> ok; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("delete file ~s: ~s\n", [File, Text]) end. do_delete(File, regular) -> file:delete(File); do_delete(Dir, directory) -> file:del_dir(Dir). recursive_copy_file(From, To) -> case erl_prim_loader:list_dir(From) of {ok, Files} -> %% Copy all files in the directory create_dir(To), Copy = fun(F) -> recursive_copy_file(filename:join([From, F]), filename:join([To, F])) end, lists:foreach(Copy, Files); error -> %% Copy single file copy_file(From, To) end. copy_file(From, To) -> case erl_prim_loader:get_file(From) of {ok, Bin, _} -> case file:write_file(To, Bin) of ok -> FromInfo = read_file_info(From), ToInfo = read_file_info(To), FromMode = FromInfo#file_info.mode, ToMode = ToInfo#file_info.mode, ToMode2 = FromMode bor ToMode, FileInfo = FromInfo#file_info{mode = ToMode2}, write_file_info(To, FileInfo), ok; {error, Reason} -> Text = file:format_error(Reason), throw_error("copy file ~s -> ~s: ~s\n", [From, To, Text]) end; error -> Text = file:format_error(enoent), throw_error("copy file ~s -> ~s: ~s\n", [From, To, Text]) end. throw_error(Format, Args) -> throw({error, lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Args))}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% decode_regexps(Key, {add, Regexps}, Old) when is_list(Regexps) -> do_decode_regexps(Key, Regexps, Old); decode_regexps(_Key, {del, Regexps}, Old) when is_list(Regexps) -> [Re || Re <- Old, not lists:member(Re#regexp.source, Regexps)]; decode_regexps(Key, Regexps, _Old) when is_list(Regexps) -> do_decode_regexps(Key, Regexps, []); decode_regexps(Key, Regexps, _Old) when is_list(Regexps) -> Text = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [{Key, Regexps}])), throw({error, "Illegal option: " ++ Text}). do_decode_regexps(Key, [Regexp | Regexps], Acc) -> case catch re:compile(Regexp, [unicode]) of {ok, MP} -> do_decode_regexps(Key, Regexps, [#regexp{source = Regexp, compiled = MP} | Acc]); _ -> Text = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [{Key, Regexp}])), throw({error, "Illegal option: " ++ Text}) end; do_decode_regexps(_Key, [], Acc) -> lists:sort(Acc). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% default_val(Val, Default) -> case Val of undefined -> Default; _ -> Val end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% escript_foldl(Fun, Acc, File) -> case escript:extract(File, [compile_source]) of {ok, [_Shebang, _Comment, _EmuArgs, Body]} -> case Body of {source, BeamCode} -> GetInfo = fun() -> file:read_file_info(File) end, GetBin = fun() -> BeamCode end, {ok, Fun(".", GetInfo, GetBin, Acc)}; {beam, BeamCode} -> GetInfo = fun() -> file:read_file_info(File) end, GetBin = fun() -> BeamCode end, {ok, Fun(".", GetInfo, GetBin, Acc)}; {archive, ArchiveBin} -> zip:foldl(Fun, Acc, {File, ArchiveBin}) end; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% call(Name, Msg) when is_atom(Name) -> case whereis(Name) of undefined -> {error, {noproc, Name}}; Pid -> call(Pid, Msg) end; call(Pid, Msg) when is_pid(Pid) -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), Pid ! {call, self(), Ref, Msg}, receive {Ref, Reply} -> Reply; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]), {error, Reason}; {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. cast(Pid, Msg) -> Pid ! {cast, self(), Msg}, ok. reply(Pid, Ref, Msg) -> Pid ! {Ref, Msg}.