%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(release_handler). -behaviour(gen_server). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). %% External exports -export([start_link/0, create_RELEASES/1, create_RELEASES/2, create_RELEASES/4, unpack_release/1, check_install_release/1, check_install_release/2, install_release/1, install_release/2, new_emulator_upgrade/2, remove_release/1, which_releases/0, which_releases/1, make_permanent/1, reboot_old_release/1, set_unpacked/2, set_removed/1, install_file/2]). -export([upgrade_app/2, downgrade_app/2, downgrade_app/3, upgrade_script/2, downgrade_script/3, eval_appup_script/4]). %% Internal exports -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, terminate/2, handle_cast/2, code_change/3]). %% Internal exports, a client release_handler may call this functions. -export([do_write_release/3, do_copy_file/2, do_copy_files/2, do_copy_files/1, do_rename_files/1, do_remove_files/1, remove_file/1, do_write_file/2, do_write_file/3, do_ensure_RELEASES/1]). -record(state, {unpurged = [], root, rel_dir, releases, timer, start_prg, masters = false, client_dir = false, static_emulator = false, pre_sync_nodes = []}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% status action next_status %% ============================================= %% - unpack unpacked %% unpacked install current %% remove - %% current make_permanent permanent %% install other old %% restart node unpacked %% remove - %% permanent make other permanent old %% install permanent %% old reboot_old permanent %% install current %% remove - %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% libs = [{Lib, Vsn, Dir}] -record(release, {name, vsn, erts_vsn, libs = [], status}). -define(timeout, 10000). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% The version set on the temporary release that will be used when the %% emulator is upgraded. -define(tmp_vsn(__BaseVsn__), "__new_emulator__"++__BaseVsn__). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Assumes the following file structure: %% root --- lib --- Appl-Vsn1 --- <src> %% | | |- ebin %% | | |_ priv %% | |_ Appl-Vsn2 %% | %% |- bin --- start (default; {sasl, start_prg} overrides %% | |- run_erl %% | |- start_erl (reads start_erl.data) %% | |_ <to_erl> %% | %% |- erts-EVsn1 --- bin --- <jam44> %% | |- <epmd> %% | |_ erl %% |- erts-EVsn2 %% | %% |- clients --- ClientName1 --- bin -- start %% <clients use same lib and erts as master> %% | | |_ releases --- start_erl.data %% | | |_ Vsn1 -- start.boot %% | |_ ClientName2 %% | %% |- clients --- Type1 --- lib %% <clients use own lib and erts> %% | | |- erts-EVsn %% | | |- bin -- start %% | | |_ ClientName1 -- releases -- start_erl.data %% | | |_ start.boot (static) %% | | |_ Vsn1 %% | |_ Type2 %% | %% |- releases --- RELEASES %% | |_ <Vsn1.tar.Z> %% | | %% | |- start_erl.data (generated by rh) %% | | %% | |_ Vsn1 --- start.boot %% | | |- <sys.config> %% | | |_ relup %% | |_ Vsn2 %% | %% |- log --- erlang.log.N (1 .. 5) %% %% where <Name> means 'for example Name', and root is %% init:get_argument(root) %% %% It is configurable where the start file is located, and what it %% is called. %% The paramater is {sasl, start_prg} = File %% It is also configurable where the releases directory is located. %% Default is $ROOT/releases. $RELDIR overrids, and %% {sasl, releases_dir} overrides both. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, release_handler}, ?MODULE, [], []). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Args: ReleaseName is the name of the package file %% (without .tar.Z (.tar on non unix systems)) %% Purpose: Copies all files in the release package to their %% directories. Checks that all required libs and erts %% files are present. %% Returns: {ok, Vsn} | {error, Reason} %% Reason = {existing_release, Vsn} | %% {no_such_file, File} | %% {bad_rel_file, RelFile} | %% {file_missing, FileName} | (in the tar package) %% exit_reason() %%----------------------------------------------------------------- unpack_release(ReleaseName) -> call({unpack_release, ReleaseName}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Checks the relup script for the specified version. %% The release must be unpacked. %% Options = [purge] - all old code that can be soft purged %% will be purged if all checks succeeds. This can be usefull %% in order to reduce time needed in the following call to %% install_release. %% Returns: {ok, FromVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason} %% Reason = {illegal_option, IllegalOpt} | %% {already_installed, Vsn} | %% {bad_relup_file, RelFile} | %% {no_such_release, Vsn} | %% {no_such_from_vsn, Vsn} | %% exit_reason() %%----------------------------------------------------------------- check_install_release(Vsn) -> check_install_release(Vsn, []). check_install_release(Vsn, Opts) -> case check_check_install_options(Opts, false) of {ok,Purge} -> call({check_install_release, Vsn, Purge}); Error -> Error end. check_check_install_options([purge|Opts], _) -> check_check_install_options(Opts, true); check_check_install_options([Illegal|_],_Purge) -> {error,{illegal_option,Illegal}}; check_check_install_options([],Purge) -> {ok,Purge}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Executes the relup script for the specified version. %% The release must be unpacked. %% Returns: {ok, FromVsn, Descr} | %% {continue_after_restart, FromVsn, Descr} | %% {error, Reason} %% Reason = {already_installed, Vsn} | %% {bad_relup_file, RelFile} | %% {no_such_release, Vsn} | %% {no_such_from_vsn, Vsn} | %% {could_not_create_hybrid_boot,Why} | %% {missing_base_app,Vsn,App} | %% {illegal_option, Opt}} | %% exit_reason() %%----------------------------------------------------------------- install_release(Vsn) -> call({install_release, Vsn, restart, []}). install_release(Vsn, Opt) -> case check_install_options(Opt, restart, []) of {ok, ErrorAction, InstallOpt} -> call({install_release, Vsn, ErrorAction, InstallOpt}); Error -> Error end. check_install_options([Opt | Opts], ErrAct, InstOpts) -> case install_option(Opt) of {error_action, EAct} -> check_install_options(Opts, EAct, InstOpts); true -> check_install_options(Opts, ErrAct, [Opt | InstOpts]); false -> {error, {illegal_option, Opt}} end; check_install_options([], ErrAct, InstOpts) -> {ok, ErrAct, InstOpts}. install_option(Opt = {error_action, reboot}) -> Opt; install_option(Opt = {error_action, restart}) -> Opt; install_option({code_change_timeout, TimeOut}) -> check_timeout(TimeOut); install_option({suspend_timeout, TimeOut}) -> check_timeout(TimeOut); install_option({update_paths, Bool}) when Bool==true; Bool==false -> true; install_option(_Opt) -> false. check_timeout(infinity) -> true; check_timeout(Int) when is_integer(Int), Int > 0 -> true; check_timeout(_Else) -> false. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Called by boot script after emulator is restarted due to %% new erts version. %% Returns: Same as install_release/2 %% If this crashes, the emulator restart will fail %% (since the function is called from the boot script) %% and there will be a rollback. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- new_emulator_upgrade(Vsn, Opts) -> Result = call({install_release, Vsn, reboot, Opts}), error_logger:info_msg( "~w:install_release(~p,~p) completed after node restart " "with new emulator version~nResult: ~p~n",[?MODULE,Vsn,Opts,Result]), Result. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Makes the specified release version be the one that is %% used when the system starts (or restarts). %% The release must be installed (not unpacked). %% Returns: ok | {error, Reason} %% Reason = {bad_status, Status} | %% {no_such_release, Vsn} | %% exit_reason() %%----------------------------------------------------------------- make_permanent(Vsn) -> call({make_permanent, Vsn}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Reboots the system from an old release. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- reboot_old_release(Vsn) -> call({reboot_old_release, Vsn}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Deletes all files and directories used by the release %% version, that are not used by any other release. %% The release must not be permanent. %% Returns: ok | {error, Reason} %% Reason = {permanent, Vsn} | %%----------------------------------------------------------------- remove_release(Vsn) -> call({remove_release, Vsn}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Args: RelFile = string() %% Libs = [{Lib, LibVsn, Dir}] %% Lib = LibVsn = Dir = string() %% Purpose: Tells the release handler that a release has been %% unpacked, without using the function unpack_release/1. %% RelFile is an absolute file name including the extension %% .rel. %% The release dir will be created. The necessary files can %% be installed by calling install_file/2. %% The release_handler remebers where all libs are located. %% If remove_release is called later, %% those libs are removed as well (if no other releases uses %% them). %% Returns: ok | {error, Reason} %%----------------------------------------------------------------- set_unpacked(RelFile, LibDirs) -> call({set_unpacked, RelFile, LibDirs}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Args: Vsn = string() %% Purpose: Makes it possible to handle removal of releases %% outside the release_handler. %% This function won't delete any files at all. %% Returns: ok | {error, Reason} %%----------------------------------------------------------------- set_removed(Vsn) -> call({set_removed, Vsn}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Makes it possible to install the start.boot, %% sys.config and relup files if they are not part of a %% standard release package. May be used to %% install files that are generated, before install_release %% is called. %% Returns: ok | {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} %%----------------------------------------------------------------- install_file(Vsn, File) when is_list(File) -> call({install_file, File, Vsn}). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Returns: [{Name, Vsn, [LibName], Status}] %% Status = unpacked | current | permanent | old %%----------------------------------------------------------------- which_releases() -> call(which_releases). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Returns: [{Name, Vsn, [LibName], Status}] %% Status = unpacked | current | permanent | old %%----------------------------------------------------------------- which_releases(Status) -> Releases = which_releases(), get_releases_with_status(Releases, Status, []). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% check_script(Script, LibDirs) -> ok | {error, Reason} %%----------------------------------------------------------------- check_script(Script, LibDirs) -> release_handler_1:check_script(Script, LibDirs). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% eval_script(Script, Apps, LibDirs, NewLibs, Opts) -> %% {ok, UnPurged} | %% restart_emulator | %% {error, Error} %% {'EXIT', Reason} %% If sync_nodes is present, the calling process must have called %% net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true) before calling this function. %% No! No other process than the release_handler can ever call this %% function, if sync_nodes is used. %% %% LibDirs is a list of all applications, while NewLibs is a list of %% applications that have changed version between the current and the %% new release. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------- eval_script(Script, Apps, LibDirs, NewLibs, Opts) -> catch release_handler_1:eval_script(Script, Apps, LibDirs, NewLibs, Opts). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: create_RELEASES(Root, RelFile, LibDirs) -> ok | {error, Reason} %% Types: Root = RelFile = string() %% Purpose: Creates an initial RELEASES file. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- create_RELEASES([Root, RelFile | LibDirs]) -> create_RELEASES(Root, filename:join(Root, "releases"), RelFile, LibDirs). create_RELEASES(Root, RelFile) -> create_RELEASES(Root, filename:join(Root, "releases"), RelFile, []). create_RELEASES(Root, RelDir, RelFile, LibDirs) -> case catch check_rel(Root, RelFile, LibDirs, false) of {error, Reason } -> {error, Reason}; Rel -> Rel2 = Rel#release{status = permanent}, catch write_releases(RelDir, [Rel2], false) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: upgrade_app(App, Dir) -> {ok, Unpurged} %% | restart_emulator %% | {error, Error} %% Types: %% App = atom() %% Dir = string() assumed to be application directory, the code %% located under Dir/ebin %% Purpose: Upgrade to the version in Dir according to an appup file %%----------------------------------------------------------------- upgrade_app(App, NewDir) -> try upgrade_script(App, NewDir) of {ok, NewVsn, Script} -> eval_appup_script(App, NewVsn, NewDir, Script) catch throw:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: downgrade_app(App, Dir) %% downgrade_app(App, Vsn, Dir) -> {ok, Unpurged} %% | restart_emulator %% | {error, Error} %% Types: %% App = atom() %% Vsn = string(), may be omitted if Dir == App-Vsn %% Dir = string() assumed to be application directory, the code %% located under Dir/ebin %% Purpose: Downgrade from the version in Dir according to an appup file %% located in the ebin dir of the _current_ version %%----------------------------------------------------------------- downgrade_app(App, OldDir) -> case string:tokens(filename:basename(OldDir), "-") of [_AppS, OldVsn] -> downgrade_app(App, OldVsn, OldDir); _ -> {error, {unknown_version, App}} end. downgrade_app(App, OldVsn, OldDir) -> try downgrade_script(App, OldVsn, OldDir) of {ok, Script} -> eval_appup_script(App, OldVsn, OldDir, Script) catch throw:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. upgrade_script(App, NewDir) -> OldVsn = ensure_running(App), OldDir = code:lib_dir(App), {NewVsn, Script} = find_script(App, NewDir, OldVsn, up), OldAppl = read_app(App, OldVsn, OldDir), NewAppl = read_app(App, NewVsn, NewDir), case systools_rc:translate_scripts(up, [Script],[NewAppl],[OldAppl]) of {ok, LowLevelScript} -> {ok, NewVsn, LowLevelScript}; {error, _SystoolsRC, Reason} -> throw(Reason) end. downgrade_script(App, OldVsn, OldDir) -> NewVsn = ensure_running(App), NewDir = code:lib_dir(App), {NewVsn, Script} = find_script(App, NewDir, OldVsn, down), OldAppl = read_app(App, OldVsn, OldDir), NewAppl = read_app(App, NewVsn, NewDir), case systools_rc:translate_scripts(dn, [Script],[OldAppl],[NewAppl]) of {ok, LowLevelScript} -> {ok, LowLevelScript}; {error, _SystoolsRC, Reason} -> throw(Reason) end. eval_appup_script(App, ToVsn, ToDir, Script) -> EnvBefore = application_controller:prep_config_change(), AppSpecL = read_appspec(App, ToDir), Res = release_handler_1:eval_script(Script, [], % [AppSpec] [{App, ToVsn, ToDir}], [{App, ToVsn, ToDir}], []), % [Opt] case Res of {ok, _Unpurged} -> application_controller:change_application_data(AppSpecL,[]), application_controller:config_change(EnvBefore); _Res -> ignore end, Res. ensure_running(App) -> case lists:keysearch(App, 1, application:which_applications()) of {value, {_App, _Descr, Vsn}} -> Vsn; false -> throw({app_not_running, App}) end. find_script(App, Dir, OldVsn, UpOrDown) -> Appup = filename:join([Dir, "ebin", atom_to_list(App)++".appup"]), case file:consult(Appup) of {ok, [{NewVsn, UpFromScripts, DownToScripts}]} -> Scripts = case UpOrDown of up -> UpFromScripts; down -> DownToScripts end, case systools_relup:appup_search_for_version(OldVsn,Scripts) of {ok,Script} -> {NewVsn,Script}; error -> throw({version_not_in_appup, OldVsn}) end; {error, enoent} -> throw(no_appup_found); {error, Reason} -> throw(Reason) end. read_app(App, Vsn, Dir) -> AppS = atom_to_list(App), Path = [filename:join(Dir, "ebin")], case systools_make:read_application(AppS, Vsn, Path, []) of {ok, Appl} -> Appl; {error, {not_found, _AppFile}} -> throw({no_app_found, Vsn, Dir}); {error, Reason} -> throw(Reason) end. read_appspec(App, Dir) -> AppS = atom_to_list(App), Path = [filename:join(Dir, "ebin")], case file:path_consult(Path, AppS++".app") of {ok, AppSpecL, _File} -> AppSpecL; {error, Reason} -> throw(Reason) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% call(Request) -> Term %%----------------------------------------------------------------- call(Req) -> gen_server:call(release_handler, Req, infinity). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Call-back functions from gen_server %%----------------------------------------------------------------- init([]) -> {ok, [[Root]]} = init:get_argument(root), {CliDir, Masters} = is_client(), ReleaseDir = case application:get_env(sasl, releases_dir) of undefined -> case os:getenv("RELDIR") of false -> if CliDir == false -> filename:join([Root, "releases"]); true -> filename:join([CliDir, "releases"]) end; RELDIR -> RELDIR end; {ok, Dir} -> Dir end, Releases = case consult(filename:join(ReleaseDir, "RELEASES"), Masters) of {ok, [Term]} -> transform_release(ReleaseDir, Term, Masters); _ -> {Name, Vsn} = init:script_id(), [#release{name = Name, vsn = Vsn, status = permanent}] end, StartPrg = case application:get_env(start_prg) of {ok, Found2} when is_list(Found2) -> {do_check, Found2}; _ -> {no_check, filename:join([Root, "bin", "start"])} end, Static = case application:get_env(static_emulator) of {ok, SFlag} when is_atom(SFlag) -> SFlag; _ -> false end, {ok, #state{root = Root, rel_dir = ReleaseDir, releases = Releases, start_prg = StartPrg, masters = Masters, client_dir = CliDir, static_emulator = Static}}. handle_call({unpack_release, ReleaseName}, _From, S) when S#state.masters == false -> case catch do_unpack_release(S#state.root, S#state.rel_dir, ReleaseName, S#state.releases) of {ok, NewReleases, Vsn} -> {reply, {ok, Vsn}, S#state{releases = NewReleases}}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S} end; handle_call({unpack_release, _ReleaseName}, _From, S) -> {reply, {error, client_node}, S}; handle_call({check_install_release, Vsn, Purge}, _From, S) -> case catch do_check_install_release(S#state.rel_dir, Vsn, S#state.releases, S#state.masters, Purge) of {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr} -> {reply, {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr}, S}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S} end; handle_call({install_release, Vsn, ErrorAction, Opts}, From, S) -> NS = resend_sync_nodes(S), case catch do_install_release(S, Vsn, Opts) of {ok, NewReleases, [], CurrentVsn, Descr} -> {reply, {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr}, NS#state{releases=NewReleases}}; {ok, NewReleases, Unpurged, CurrentVsn, Descr} -> Timer = case S#state.timer of undefined -> {ok, Ref} = timer:send_interval(?timeout, timeout), Ref; Ref -> Ref end, NewS = NS#state{releases = NewReleases, unpurged = Unpurged, timer = Timer}, {reply, {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr}, NewS}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, NS}; {restart_emulator, CurrentVsn, Descr} -> gen_server:reply(From, {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr}), init:reboot(), {noreply, NS}; {restart_new_emulator, CurrentVsn, Descr} -> gen_server:reply(From, {continue_after_restart, CurrentVsn, Descr}), init:reboot(), {noreply, NS}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> io:format("release_handler:" "install_release(Vsn=~p Opts=~p) failed, " "Reason=~p~n", [Vsn, Opts, Reason]), gen_server:reply(From, {error, Reason}), case ErrorAction of restart -> init:restart(); reboot -> init:reboot() end, {noreply, NS} end; handle_call({make_permanent, Vsn}, _From, S) -> case catch do_make_permanent(S, Vsn) of {ok, Releases, Unpurged} -> {reply, ok, S#state{releases = Releases, unpurged = Unpurged}}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S} end; handle_call({reboot_old_release, Vsn}, From, S) -> case catch do_reboot_old_release(S, Vsn) of ok -> gen_server:reply(From, ok), init:reboot(), {noreply, S}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S} end; handle_call({remove_release, Vsn}, _From, S) when S#state.masters == false -> case catch do_remove_release(S#state.root, S#state.rel_dir, Vsn, S#state.releases) of {ok, NewReleases} -> {reply, ok, S#state{releases = NewReleases}}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S} end; handle_call({remove_release, _Vsn}, _From, S) -> {reply, {error, client_node}, S}; handle_call({set_unpacked, RelFile, LibDirs}, _From, S) -> Root = S#state.root, case catch do_set_unpacked(Root, S#state.rel_dir, RelFile, LibDirs, S#state.releases, S#state.masters) of {ok, NewReleases, Vsn} -> {reply, {ok, Vsn}, S#state{releases = NewReleases}}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S} end; handle_call({set_removed, Vsn}, _From, S) -> case catch do_set_removed(S#state.rel_dir, Vsn, S#state.releases, S#state.masters) of {ok, NewReleases} -> {reply, ok, S#state{releases = NewReleases}}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, S} end; handle_call({install_file, File, Vsn}, _From, S) -> Reply = case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, S#state.releases) of {value, _} -> Dir = filename:join([S#state.rel_dir, Vsn]), catch copy_file(File, Dir, S#state.masters); _ -> {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} end, {reply, Reply, S}; handle_call(which_releases, _From, S) -> Reply = lists:map(fun(#release{name = Name, vsn = Vsn, libs = Libs, status = Status}) -> {Name, Vsn, mk_lib_name(Libs), Status} end, S#state.releases), {reply, Reply, S}. mk_lib_name([{LibName, Vsn, _Dir} | T]) -> [lists:concat([LibName, "-", Vsn]) | mk_lib_name(T)]; mk_lib_name([]) -> []. handle_info(timeout, S) -> case soft_purge(S#state.unpurged) of [] -> _ = timer:cancel(S#state.timer), {noreply, S#state{unpurged = [], timer = undefined}}; Unpurged -> {noreply, S#state{unpurged = Unpurged}} end; handle_info({sync_nodes, Id, Node}, S) -> PSN = S#state.pre_sync_nodes, {noreply, S#state{pre_sync_nodes = [{sync_nodes, Id, Node} | PSN]}}; handle_info(Msg, State) -> error_logger:info_msg("release_handler: got unknown message: ~p~n", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- is_client() -> case application:get_env(masters) of {ok, Masters} -> Alive = is_alive(), case atom_list(Masters) of true when Alive == true -> case application:get_env(client_directory) of {ok, ClientDir} -> case int_list(ClientDir) of true -> {ClientDir, Masters}; _ -> exit({bad_parameter, client_directory, ClientDir}) end; _ -> {false, false} end; _ -> exit({bad_parameter, masters, Masters}) end; _ -> {false, false} end. atom_list([A|T]) when is_atom(A) -> atom_list(T); atom_list([]) -> true; atom_list(_) -> false. int_list([I|T]) when is_integer(I) -> int_list(T); int_list([]) -> true; int_list(_) -> false. resend_sync_nodes(S) -> lists:foreach(fun(Msg) -> self() ! Msg end, S#state.pre_sync_nodes), S#state{pre_sync_nodes = []}. soft_purge(Unpurged) -> lists:filter(fun({Mod, _PostPurgeMethod}) -> case code:soft_purge(Mod) of true -> false; % No proc left, don't remember Mod false -> true % Still proc left, remember it end end, Unpurged). brutal_purge(Unpurged) -> lists:filter(fun({Mod, brutal_purge}) -> code:purge(Mod), false; (_) -> true end, Unpurged). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% The release package is a RelName.tar.Z (.tar on non unix) file %% with the following contents: %% - RelName.rel == {release, {Name, Vsn}, {erts, EVsn}, [lib()]} %% - <files> according to [lib()] %% - lib() = {LibName, LibVsn} %% In the Dir, there exists a file called RELEASES, which contains %% a [{Vsn, {erts, EVsn}, {libs, [{LibName, LibVsn, LibDir}]}}]. %% Note that RelDir is an absolute directory name ! %% Note that this function is not executed by a client %% release_handler. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- do_unpack_release(Root, RelDir, ReleaseName, Releases) -> Tar = filename:join(RelDir, ReleaseName ++ ".tar.gz"), do_check_file(Tar, regular), Rel = ReleaseName ++ ".rel", extract_rel_file(filename:join("releases", Rel), Tar, Root), RelFile = filename:join(RelDir, Rel), Release = check_rel(Root, RelFile, false), #release{vsn = Vsn} = Release, case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, _} -> throw({error, {existing_release, Vsn}}); _ -> ok end, extract_tar(Root, Tar), NewReleases = [Release#release{status = unpacked} | Releases], write_releases(RelDir, NewReleases, false), %% Keeping this for backwards compatibility reasons with older %% systools:make_tar, where there is no copy of the .rel file in %% the releases/<vsn> dir. See OTP-9746. Dir = filename:join([RelDir, Vsn]), copy_file(RelFile, Dir, false), %% Clean release _ = file:delete(Tar), _ = file:delete(RelFile), {ok, NewReleases, Vsn}. check_rel(Root, RelFile, Masters) -> check_rel(Root, RelFile, [], Masters). check_rel(Root, RelFile, LibDirs, Masters) -> case consult(RelFile, Masters) of {ok, [RelData]} -> check_rel_data(RelData, Root, LibDirs, Masters); {ok, _} -> throw({error, {bad_rel_file, RelFile}}); {error, Reason} when is_tuple(Reason) -> throw({error, {bad_rel_file, RelFile}}); {error, FileError} -> % FileError is posix atom | no_master throw({error, {FileError, RelFile}}) end. check_rel_data({release, {Name, Vsn}, {erts, EVsn}, Libs}, Root, LibDirs, Masters) -> Libs2 = lists:map(fun(LibSpec) -> Lib = element(1, LibSpec), LibVsn = element(2, LibSpec), LibName = lists:concat([Lib, "-", LibVsn]), LibDir = case lists:keysearch(Lib, 1, LibDirs) of {value, {_Lib, _Vsn, Dir}} -> Path = filename:join(Dir,LibName), check_path(Path, Masters), Path; _ -> filename:join([Root, "lib", LibName]) end, {Lib, LibVsn, LibDir} end, Libs), #release{name = Name, vsn = Vsn, erts_vsn = EVsn, libs = Libs2, status = unpacking}; check_rel_data(RelData, _Root, _LibDirs, _Masters) -> throw({error, {bad_rel_data, RelData}}). check_path(Path) -> check_path_response(Path, file:read_file_info(Path)). check_path(Path, false) -> check_path(Path); check_path(Path, Masters) -> check_path_master(Masters, Path). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% check_path at any master node. %% If the path does not exist or is not a directory %% at one node it should not exist at any other node either. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- check_path_master([Master|Ms], Path) -> case rpc:call(Master, file, read_file_info, [Path]) of {badrpc, _} -> consult_master(Ms, Path); Res -> check_path_response(Path, Res) end; check_path_master([], _Path) -> {error, no_master}. check_path_response(_Path, {ok, Info}) when Info#file_info.type==directory -> ok; check_path_response(Path, {ok, _Info}) -> throw({error, {not_a_directory, Path}}); check_path_response(Path, {error, _Reason}) -> throw({error, {no_such_directory, Path}}). do_check_install_release(RelDir, Vsn, Releases, Masters, Purge) -> case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, #release{status = current}} -> {error, {already_installed, Vsn}}; {value, Release} -> LatestRelease = get_latest_release(Releases), VsnDir = filename:join([RelDir, Vsn]), check_file(filename:join(VsnDir, "start.boot"), regular, Masters), IsRelup = check_opt_file(filename:join(VsnDir, "relup"), regular, Masters), check_opt_file(filename:join(VsnDir, "sys.config"), regular, Masters), %% Check that all required libs are present Libs = Release#release.libs, lists:foreach(fun({_Lib, _LibVsn, LibDir}) -> check_file(LibDir, directory, Masters), Ebin = filename:join(LibDir, "ebin"), check_file(Ebin, directory, Masters) end, Libs), if IsRelup -> case get_rh_script(LatestRelease, Release, RelDir, Masters) of {ok, {CurrentVsn, Descr, Script}} -> case catch check_script(Script, Libs) of {ok,SoftPurgeMods} when Purge=:=true -> %% Get modules with brutal_purge %% instructions, but that can be %% soft purged {ok,BrutalPurgeMods} = release_handler_1:check_old_processes( Script,brutal_purge), lists:foreach( fun(Mod) -> catch erlang:purge_module(Mod) end, SoftPurgeMods ++ BrutalPurgeMods), {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr}; {ok,_} -> {ok, CurrentVsn, Descr}; Else -> Else end; Error -> Error end; true -> {ok, Vsn, ""} end; _ -> {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} end. do_install_release(#state{start_prg = StartPrg, root = RootDir, rel_dir = RelDir, releases = Releases, masters = Masters, static_emulator = Static}, Vsn, Opts) -> case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, #release{status = current}} -> {error, {already_installed, Vsn}}; {value, Release} -> LatestRelease = get_latest_release(Releases), case get_rh_script(LatestRelease, Release, RelDir, Masters) of {ok, {_CurrentVsn, _Descr, [restart_new_emulator|_Script]}} when Static == true -> throw(static_emulator); {ok, {CurrentVsn, Descr, [restart_new_emulator|_Script]}} -> %% This will only happen if the upgrade includes %% an emulator upgrade (and it is not a downgrade) %% - then the new emulator must be started before %% new code can be loaded. %% Create a temporary release which includes new %% emulator, kernel, stdlib and sasl - and old %% versions of other applications. {TmpVsn,TmpRelease} = new_emulator_make_tmp_release(LatestRelease,Release, RelDir,Opts,Masters), NReleases = [TmpRelease|Releases], %% Then uppgrade to the temporary release. %% The rest of the upgrade will continue after the restart prepare_restart_new_emulator(StartPrg, RootDir, RelDir, TmpVsn, TmpRelease, NReleases, Masters), {restart_new_emulator, CurrentVsn, Descr}; {ok, {CurrentVsn, Descr, Script}} -> %% In case there has been an emulator upgrade, %% remove the temporary release NReleases = new_emulator_rm_tmp_release( LatestRelease#release.vsn, LatestRelease#release.erts_vsn, Vsn,RelDir,Releases,Masters), %% Then execute the relup script mon_nodes(true), EnvBefore = application_controller:prep_config_change(), Apps = change_appl_data(RelDir, Release, Masters), LibDirs = Release#release.libs, NewLibs = get_new_libs(LatestRelease#release.libs, Release#release.libs), case eval_script(Script, Apps, LibDirs, NewLibs, Opts) of {ok, Unpurged} -> application_controller:config_change(EnvBefore), mon_nodes(false), NReleases1 = set_status(Vsn, current, NReleases), {ok, NReleases1, Unpurged, CurrentVsn, Descr}; restart_emulator when Static == true -> throw(static_emulator); restart_emulator -> mon_nodes(false), prepare_restart_new_emulator(StartPrg, RootDir, RelDir, Vsn, Release, NReleases, Masters), {restart_emulator, CurrentVsn, Descr}; Else -> application_controller:config_change(EnvBefore), mon_nodes(false), Else end; Error -> Error end; _ -> {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} end. new_emulator_make_tmp_release(CurrentRelease,ToRelease,RelDir,Opts,Masters) -> CurrentVsn = CurrentRelease#release.vsn, ToVsn = ToRelease#release.vsn, TmpVsn = ?tmp_vsn(CurrentVsn), case get_base_libs(ToRelease#release.libs) of {ok,{Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl}=BaseLibs,_} -> case get_base_libs(ToRelease#release.libs) of {ok,_,RestLibs} -> TmpErtsVsn = ToRelease#release.erts_vsn, TmpLibs = [Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl|RestLibs], TmpRelease = CurrentRelease#release{vsn=TmpVsn, erts_vsn=TmpErtsVsn, libs = TmpLibs, status = unpacked}, new_emulator_make_hybrid_boot(CurrentVsn,ToVsn,TmpVsn, BaseLibs,RelDir,Opts,Masters), new_emulator_make_hybrid_config(CurrentVsn,ToVsn,TmpVsn, RelDir,Masters), {TmpVsn,TmpRelease}; {error,{missing,Missing}} -> throw({error,{missing_base_app,CurrentVsn,Missing}}) end; {error,{missing,Missing}} -> throw({error,{missing_base_app,ToVsn,Missing}}) end. %% Get kernel, stdlib and sasl libs, %% and also return the rest of the libs as a list. %% Return error if any of kernel, stdlib or sasl does not exist. get_base_libs(Libs) -> get_base_libs(Libs,undefined,undefined,undefined,[]). get_base_libs([{kernel,_,_}=Kernel|Libs],undefined,Stdlib,Sasl,Rest) -> get_base_libs(Libs,Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl,Rest); get_base_libs([{stdlib,_,_}=Stdlib|Libs],Kernel,undefined,Sasl,Rest) -> get_base_libs(Libs,Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl,Rest); get_base_libs([{sasl,_,_}=Sasl|Libs],Kernel,Stdlib,undefined,Rest) -> get_base_libs(Libs,Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl,Rest); get_base_libs([Lib|Libs],Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl,Rest) -> get_base_libs(Libs,Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl,[Lib|Rest]); get_base_libs([],undefined,_Stdlib,_Sasl,_Rest) -> {error,{missing,kernel}}; get_base_libs([],_Kernel,undefined,_Sasl,_Rest) -> {error,{missing,stdlib}}; get_base_libs([],_Kernel,_Stdlib,undefined,_Rest) -> {error,{missing,sasl}}; get_base_libs([],Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl,Rest) -> {ok,{Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl},lists:reverse(Rest)}. new_emulator_make_hybrid_boot(CurrentVsn,ToVsn,TmpVsn,BaseLibs,RelDir,Opts,Masters) -> FromBootFile = filename:join([RelDir,CurrentVsn,"start.boot"]), ToBootFile = filename:join([RelDir,ToVsn,"start.boot"]), TmpBootFile = filename:join([RelDir,TmpVsn,"start.boot"]), ensure_dir(TmpBootFile,Masters), Args = [ToVsn,Opts], {ok,FromBoot} = read_file(FromBootFile,Masters), {ok,ToBoot} = read_file(ToBootFile,Masters), {{_,_,KernelPath},{_,_,StdlibPath},{_,_,SaslPath}} = BaseLibs, Paths = {filename:join(KernelPath,"ebin"), filename:join(StdlibPath,"ebin"), filename:join(SaslPath,"ebin")}, case systools_make:make_hybrid_boot(TmpVsn,FromBoot,ToBoot,Paths,Args) of {ok,TmpBoot} -> write_file(TmpBootFile,TmpBoot,Masters); {error,Reason} -> throw({error,{could_not_create_hybrid_boot,Reason}}) end. new_emulator_make_hybrid_config(CurrentVsn,ToVsn,TmpVsn,RelDir,Masters) -> FromFile = filename:join([RelDir,CurrentVsn,"sys.config"]), ToFile = filename:join([RelDir,ToVsn,"sys.config"]), TmpFile = filename:join([RelDir,TmpVsn,"sys.config"]), FromConfig = case consult(FromFile,Masters) of {ok,[FC]} -> FC; {error,Error1} -> io:format("Warning: ~w can not read ~p: ~p~n", [?MODULE,FromFile,Error1]), [] end, [Kernel,Stdlib,Sasl] = case consult(ToFile,Masters) of {ok,[ToConfig]} -> [lists:keyfind(App,1,ToConfig) || App <- [kernel,stdlib,sasl]]; {error,Error2} -> io:format("Warning: ~w can not read ~p: ~p~n", [?MODULE,ToFile,Error2]), [false,false,false] end, Config1 = replace_config(kernel,FromConfig,Kernel), Config2 = replace_config(stdlib,Config1,Stdlib), Config3 = replace_config(sasl,Config2,Sasl), ConfigStr = io_lib:format("~p.~n",[Config3]), write_file(TmpFile,ConfigStr,Masters). %% Take the configuration for application App from the new config and %% insert in the old config. %% If no entry exists in the new config, then delete the entry (if it exists) %% from the old config. %% If entry exists in the new config, but not in the old config, then %% add the entry. replace_config(App,Config,false) -> lists:keydelete(App,1,Config); replace_config(App,Config,AppConfig) -> lists:keystore(App,1,Config,AppConfig). %% Remove all files related to the temporary release new_emulator_rm_tmp_release(?tmp_vsn(_)=TmpVsn,EVsn,NewVsn, RelDir,Releases,Masters) -> case os:type() of {win32, nt} -> rename_tmp_service(EVsn,TmpVsn,NewVsn); _ -> ok end, remove_dir(filename:join(RelDir,TmpVsn),Masters), lists:keydelete(TmpVsn,#release.vsn,Releases); new_emulator_rm_tmp_release(_,_,_,_,Releases,_) -> Releases. %% Rename the tempoarary service (for erts ugprade) to the real ToVsn rename_tmp_service(EVsn,TmpVsn,NewVsn) -> FromName = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")) ++ "_" ++ TmpVsn, ToName = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")) ++ "_" ++ NewVsn, case erlsrv:get_service(EVsn,ToName) of {error, _Error} -> ok; _Data -> {ok,_} = erlsrv:remove_service(ToName), ok end, rename_service(EVsn,FromName,ToName). %% Rename a service and check that it succeeded rename_service(EVsn,FromName,ToName) -> case erlsrv:rename_service(EVsn,FromName,ToName) of {ok,_} -> case erlsrv:get_service(EVsn,ToName) of {error,Error1} -> throw({error,Error1}); _Data2 -> ok end; Error2 -> throw({error,{service_rename_failed, Error2}}) end. %%% This code chunk updates the services in one of two ways, %%% Either the emulator is restarted, in which case the old service %%% is to be removed and the new enabled, or the emulator is NOT restarted %%% in which case we try to rename the old service to the new name and try %%% to update heart's view of what service we are really running. do_make_services_permanent(PermanentVsn,Vsn, PermanentEVsn, EVsn) -> PermName = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")) ++ "_" ++ PermanentVsn, Name = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")) ++ "_" ++ Vsn, case erlsrv:get_service(EVsn,Name) of {error, _Error} -> %% We probably do not need to replace services, just %% rename. case os:getenv("ERLSRV_SERVICE_NAME") == PermName of true -> rename_service(EVsn,PermName,Name), %% The interfaces for doing this are %% NOT published and may be subject to %% change. Do NOT do this anywhere else! os:putenv("ERLSRV_SERVICE_NAME", Name), %% Restart heart port program, this %% function is only to be used here. heart:cycle(); false -> throw({error,service_name_missmatch}) end; Data -> UpdData = erlsrv:new_service(Name, Data, []), case erlsrv:store_service(EVsn,UpdData) of ok -> {ok,_} = erlsrv:disable_service(PermanentEVsn, PermName), {ok,_} = erlsrv:enable_service(EVsn, Name), {ok,_} = erlsrv:remove_service(PermName), %%% Read comments about these above... os:putenv("ERLSRV_SERVICE_NAME", Name), ok = heart:cycle(); Error4 -> throw(Error4) end end. do_make_permanent(#state{releases = Releases, rel_dir = RelDir, unpurged = Unpurged, masters = Masters, static_emulator = Static}, Vsn) -> case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, #release{erts_vsn = EVsn, status = Status}} when Status /= unpacked, Status /= old, Status /= permanent -> Dir = filename:join([RelDir, Vsn]), Sys = case catch check_file(filename:join(Dir, "sys.config"), regular, Masters) of ok -> filename:join(Dir, "sys"); _ -> false end, Boot = filename:join(Dir, "start.boot"), check_file(Boot, regular, Masters), set_permanent_files(RelDir, EVsn, Vsn, Masters, Static), NewReleases = set_status(Vsn, permanent, Releases), write_releases(RelDir, NewReleases, Masters), case os:type() of {win32, nt} -> {value, PermanentRelease} = lists:keysearch(permanent, #release.status, Releases), PermanentVsn = PermanentRelease#release.vsn, PermanentEVsn = PermanentRelease#release.erts_vsn, case catch do_make_services_permanent(PermanentVsn, Vsn, PermanentEVsn, EVsn) of {error,Reason} -> throw({error,{service_update_failed, Reason}}); _ -> ok end; _ -> ok end, ok = init:make_permanent(filename:join(Dir, "start"), Sys), {ok, NewReleases, brutal_purge(Unpurged)}; {value, #release{status = permanent}} -> {ok, Releases, Unpurged}; {value, #release{status = Status}} -> {error, {bad_status, Status}}; false -> {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} end. do_back_service(OldVersion, CurrentVersion,OldEVsn,CurrentEVsn) -> NN = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")), OldName = NN ++ "_" ++ OldVersion, CurrentName = NN ++ "_" ++ CurrentVersion, UpdData = case erlsrv:get_service(CurrentEVsn,CurrentName) of {error, Error} -> throw({error,Error}); Data -> erlsrv:new_service(OldName, Data, []) end, _ = case erlsrv:store_service(OldEVsn,UpdData) of ok -> {ok,_} = erlsrv:disable_service(CurrentEVsn,CurrentName), {ok,_} = erlsrv:enable_service(OldEVsn,OldName); Error2 -> throw(Error2) end, OldErlSrv = filename:nativename(erlsrv:erlsrv(OldEVsn)), CurrentErlSrv = filename:nativename(erlsrv:erlsrv(CurrentEVsn)), case heart:set_cmd(CurrentErlSrv ++ " remove " ++ CurrentName ++ " & " ++ OldErlSrv ++ " start " ++ OldName) of ok -> ok; Error3 -> throw({error, {'heart:set_cmd() error', Error3}}) end. do_reboot_old_release(#state{releases = Releases, rel_dir = RelDir, masters = Masters, static_emulator = Static}, Vsn) -> case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, #release{erts_vsn = EVsn, status = old}} -> CurrentRunning = case os:type() of {win32,nt} -> %% Get the current release on NT case lists:keysearch(permanent, #release.status, Releases) of false -> lists:keysearch(current, #release.status, Releases); {value,CR} -> CR end; _ -> false end, set_permanent_files(RelDir, EVsn, Vsn, Masters, Static), NewReleases = set_status(Vsn, permanent, Releases), write_releases(RelDir, NewReleases, Masters), case os:type() of {win32,nt} -> %% Edit up the services and set a reasonable heart %% command do_back_service(Vsn,CurrentRunning#release.vsn,EVsn, CurrentRunning#release.erts_vsn); _ -> ok end, ok; {value, #release{status = Status}} -> {error, {bad_status, Status}}; false -> {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Depending of if the release_handler is running in normal, client or %% client with static emulator the new system version is made permanent %% in different ways. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- set_permanent_files(RelDir, EVsn, Vsn, false, _) -> write_start(filename:join([RelDir, "start_erl.data"]), EVsn ++ " " ++ Vsn, false); set_permanent_files(RelDir, EVsn, Vsn, Masters, false) -> write_start(filename:join([RelDir, "start_erl.data"]), EVsn ++ " " ++ Vsn, Masters); set_permanent_files(RelDir, _EVsn, Vsn, Masters, _Static) -> VsnDir = filename:join([RelDir, Vsn]), set_static_files(VsnDir, RelDir, Masters). do_remove_service(Vsn) -> %% Very unconditionally remove the service. %% Note that the service could already have been removed when %% making another release permanent. ServiceName = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")) ++ "_" ++ Vsn, case erlsrv:get_service(ServiceName) of {error, _Error} -> ok; _Data -> {ok,_} = erlsrv:remove_service(ServiceName), ok end. do_remove_release(Root, RelDir, Vsn, Releases) -> % Decide which libs should be removed case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, #release{status = permanent}} -> {error, {permanent, Vsn}}; {value, #release{libs = RemoveLibs, vsn = Vsn, erts_vsn = EVsn}} -> case os:type() of {win32, nt} -> do_remove_service(Vsn); _ -> ok end, NewReleases = lists:keydelete(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases), RemoveThese = lists:foldl(fun(#release{libs = Libs}, Remove) -> diff_dir(Remove, Libs) end, RemoveLibs, NewReleases), lists:foreach(fun({_Lib, _LVsn, LDir}) -> remove_file(LDir) end, RemoveThese), remove_file(filename:join([RelDir, Vsn])), case lists:keysearch(EVsn, #release.erts_vsn, NewReleases) of {value, _} -> ok; false -> % Remove erts library, no more references to it remove_file(filename:join(Root, "erts-" ++ EVsn)) end, write_releases(RelDir, NewReleases, false), {ok, NewReleases}; false -> {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} end. do_set_unpacked(Root, RelDir, RelFile, LibDirs, Releases, Masters) -> Release = check_rel(Root, RelFile, LibDirs, Masters), #release{vsn = Vsn} = Release, case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, _} -> throw({error, {existing_release, Vsn}}); false -> ok end, NewReleases = [Release#release{status = unpacked} | Releases], VsnDir = filename:join([RelDir, Vsn]), make_dir(VsnDir, Masters), write_releases(RelDir, NewReleases, Masters), {ok, NewReleases, Vsn}. do_set_removed(RelDir, Vsn, Releases, Masters) -> case lists:keysearch(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases) of {value, #release{status = permanent}} -> {error, {permanent, Vsn}}; {value, _} -> NewReleases = lists:keydelete(Vsn, #release.vsn, Releases), write_releases(RelDir, NewReleases, Masters), {ok, NewReleases}; false -> {error, {no_such_release, Vsn}} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% A relup file consists of: %% {Vsn, [{FromVsn, Descr, RhScript}], [{ToVsn, Descr, RhScript}]}. %% It describes how to get to this release from previous releases, %% and how to get from this release to previous releases. %% We can get from a FromVsn that's a substring of CurrentVsn (e.g. %% 1.1 is a substring of 1.1.1, but not 1.2), but when we get to %% ToVsn, we must have an exact match. %% %% We do not put any semantics into the version strings, i.e. we %% don't know if going from Vsn1 to Vsn2 represents a upgrade or %% a downgrade. For both upgrades and downgrades, the relup file %% is located in the directory of the latest version. Since we %% do not which version is latest, we first suppose that ToVsn > %% CurrentVsn, i.e. we perform an upgrade. If we don't find the %% corresponding relup instructions, we check if it's possible to %% downgrade from CurrentVsn to ToVsn. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- get_rh_script(#release{vsn = ?tmp_vsn(CurrentVsn)}, #release{vsn = ToVsn}, RelDir, Masters) -> {ok,{Vsn,Descr,[restart_new_emulator|Script]}} = do_get_rh_script(CurrentVsn,ToVsn,RelDir,Masters), {ok,{Vsn,Descr,Script}}; get_rh_script(#release{vsn = CurrentVsn}, #release{vsn = ToVsn}, RelDir, Masters) -> do_get_rh_script(CurrentVsn,ToVsn,RelDir,Masters). do_get_rh_script(CurrentVsn, ToVsn, RelDir, Masters) -> Relup = filename:join([RelDir, ToVsn, "relup"]), case try_upgrade(ToVsn, CurrentVsn, Relup, Masters) of {ok, RhScript} -> {ok, RhScript}; _ -> Relup2 = filename:join([RelDir, CurrentVsn,"relup"]), case try_downgrade(ToVsn, CurrentVsn, Relup2, Masters) of {ok, RhScript} -> {ok, RhScript}; _ -> throw({error, {no_matching_relup, ToVsn, CurrentVsn}}) end end. try_upgrade(ToVsn, CurrentVsn, Relup, Masters) -> case consult(Relup, Masters) of {ok, [{ToVsn, ListOfRhScripts, _}]} -> case lists:keysearch(CurrentVsn, 1, ListOfRhScripts) of {value, RhScript} -> {ok, RhScript}; _ -> error end; {ok, _} -> throw({error, {bad_relup_file, Relup}}); {error, Reason} when is_tuple(Reason) -> throw({error, {bad_relup_file, Relup}}); {error, enoent} -> error; {error, FileError} -> % FileError is posix atom | no_master throw({error, {FileError, Relup}}) end. try_downgrade(ToVsn, CurrentVsn, Relup, Masters) -> case consult(Relup, Masters) of {ok, [{CurrentVsn, _, ListOfRhScripts}]} -> case lists:keysearch(ToVsn, 1, ListOfRhScripts) of {value, RhScript} -> {ok, RhScript}; _ -> error end; {ok, _} -> throw({error, {bad_relup_file, Relup}}); {error, Reason} when is_tuple(Reason) -> throw({error, {bad_relup_file, Relup}}); {error, FileError} -> % FileError is posix atom | no_master throw({error, {FileError, Relup}}) end. %% Status = current | tmp_current | permanent set_status(Vsn, Status, Releases) -> lists:zf(fun(Release) when Release#release.vsn == Vsn, Release#release.status == permanent -> %% If a permanent rel is installed, it keeps its %% permanent status (not changed to current). %% The current becomes old though. true; (Release) when Release#release.vsn == Vsn -> {true, Release#release{status = Status}}; (Release) when Release#release.status == Status -> {true, Release#release{status = old}}; (_) -> true end, Releases). get_latest_release(Releases) -> case lists:keysearch(current, #release.status, Releases) of {value, Release} -> Release; false -> {value, Release} = lists:keysearch(permanent, #release.status, Releases), Release end. %% Returns: [{Lib, Vsn, Dir}] to be removed diff_dir([H | T], L) -> case memlib(H, L) of true -> diff_dir(T, L); false -> [H | diff_dir(T, L)] end; diff_dir([], _) -> []. memlib({Lib, Vsn, _Dir}, [{Lib, Vsn, _Dir2} | _T]) -> true; memlib(Lib, [_H | T]) -> memlib(Lib, T); memlib(_Lib, []) -> false. %% recursively remove file or directory remove_file(File) -> case file:read_link_info(File) of {ok, Info} when Info#file_info.type==directory -> case file:list_dir(File) of {ok, Files} -> lists:foreach(fun(File2) -> remove_file(filename:join(File,File2)) end, Files), case file:del_dir(File) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}) end; {error, Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}) end; {ok, _Info} -> case file:delete(File) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}) end; {error, _Reason} -> throw({error, {no_such_file, File}}) end. do_write_file(File, Str) -> do_write_file(File, Str, []). do_write_file(File, Str, FileOpts) -> case file:open(File, [write | FileOpts]) of {ok, Fd} -> io:put_chars(Fd, Str), ok = file:close(Fd); {error, Reason} -> {error, {Reason, File}} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Change current applications (specifically, update their version, %% description and env.) %%----------------------------------------------------------------- change_appl_data(RelDir, #release{vsn = Vsn}, Masters) -> Dir = filename:join([RelDir, Vsn]), BootFile = filename:join(Dir, "start.boot"), case read_file(BootFile, Masters) of {ok, Bin} -> Config = case consult(filename:join(Dir, "sys.config"), Masters) of {ok, [Conf]} -> Conf; _ -> [] end, Appls = get_appls(binary_to_term(Bin)), case application_controller:change_application_data(Appls,Config) of ok -> Appls; {error, Reason} -> exit({change_appl_data, Reason}) end; {error, _Reason} -> throw({error, {no_such_file, BootFile}}) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% This function is dependent on the application functions and %% the start script syntax. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- get_appls({script, _, Script}) -> get_appls(Script, []). %% kernel is taken care of separately get_appls([{kernelProcess, application_controller, {application_controller, start, [App]}} |T], Res) -> get_appls(T, [App | Res]); %% other applications but kernel get_appls([{apply, {application, load, [App]}} |T], Res) -> get_appls(T, [App | Res]); get_appls([_ | T], Res) -> get_appls(T, Res); get_appls([], Res) -> Res. mon_nodes(true) -> ok = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true); mon_nodes(false) -> ok = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(false), flush(). flush() -> receive {nodedown, _} -> flush(); {nodeup, _} -> flush() after 0 -> ok end. prepare_restart_nt(#release{erts_vsn = EVsn, vsn = Vsn}, #release{erts_vsn = PermEVsn, vsn = PermVsn}, DataFileName) -> CurrentServiceName = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")) ++ "_" ++ PermVsn, FutureServiceName = hd(string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()),"@")) ++ "_" ++ Vsn, CurrentService = case erlsrv:get_service(PermEVsn,CurrentServiceName) of {error, _} = Error1 -> throw(Error1); CS -> CS end, FutureService = erlsrv:new_service(FutureServiceName, CurrentService, filename:nativename(DataFileName), %% This is rather icky... On a %% non permanent service, the %% ERLSRV_SERVICE_NAME is %% actually that of an old service, %% to make heart commands work... CurrentServiceName), case erlsrv:store_service(EVsn, FutureService) of {error, _} = Error2 -> throw(Error2); _X -> {ok,_} = erlsrv:disable_service(EVsn, FutureServiceName), ErlSrv = filename:nativename(erlsrv:erlsrv(EVsn)), StartDisabled = ErlSrv ++ " start_disabled " ++ FutureServiceName, case heart:set_cmd(StartDisabled) of ok -> ok; Error3 -> throw({error, {'heart:set_cmd() error', Error3}}) end end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Set things up for restarting the new emulator. The actual %% restart is performed by calling init:reboot() higher up. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- prepare_restart_new_emulator(StartPrg, RootDir, RelDir, Vsn, Release, Releases, Masters) -> {value, PRelease} = lists:keysearch(permanent, #release.status,Releases), NReleases1 = set_status(Vsn, current, Releases), NReleases2 = set_status(Vsn,tmp_current,NReleases1), write_releases(RelDir, NReleases2, Masters), prepare_restart_new_emulator(StartPrg, RootDir, RelDir, Release, PRelease, Masters). prepare_restart_new_emulator(StartPrg, RootDir, RelDir, Release, PRelease, Masters) -> #release{erts_vsn = EVsn, vsn = Vsn} = Release, Data = EVsn ++ " " ++ Vsn, DataFile = write_new_start_erl(Data, RelDir, Masters), %% Tell heart to use DataFile instead of start_erl.data case os:type() of {win32,nt} -> write_ini_file(RootDir,EVsn,Masters), prepare_restart_nt(Release,PRelease,DataFile); {unix,_} -> StartP = check_start_prg(StartPrg, Masters), case heart:set_cmd(StartP ++ " " ++ DataFile) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw({error, {'heart:set_cmd() error', Error}}) end end. check_start_prg({do_check, StartPrg}, Masters) -> check_file(StartPrg, regular, Masters), StartPrg; check_start_prg({_, StartPrg}, _) -> StartPrg. write_new_start_erl(Data, RelDir, Masters) -> DataFile = filename:join([RelDir, "new_start_erl.data"]), write_file(DataFile, Data, Masters), DataFile. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% When a new emulator shall be restarted, the current release %% is written with status tmp_current. When the new emulator %% is started, this function is called. The tmp_current release %% gets status unpacked on disk, and current in memory. If a reboot %% is made (due to a crash), the release is just unpacked. If a crash %% occurs before a call to transform_release is made, the old emulator %% is started, and transform_release is called for it. The tmp_current %% release is changed to unpacked. %% If the release is made permanent, this is written to disk. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- transform_release(ReleaseDir, Releases, Masters) -> case init:script_id() of {Name, ?tmp_vsn(_)=TmpVsn} -> %% This is was a reboot due to a new emulator version. The %% current release is a temporary internal release, which %% must be removed. It is the "real new release" that is %% set to unpacked on disk and current in memory. DReleases = lists:keydelete(TmpVsn,#release.vsn,Releases), write_releases(ReleaseDir, DReleases, Masters), set_current({Name,TmpVsn},Releases); ScriptId -> F = fun(Release) when Release#release.status == tmp_current -> Release#release{status = unpacked}; (Release) -> Release end, case lists:map(F, Releases) of Releases -> Releases; DReleases -> write_releases(ReleaseDir, DReleases, Masters), set_current(ScriptId, Releases) end end. set_current(ScriptId, Releases) -> F1 = fun(Release) when Release#release.status == tmp_current -> case ScriptId of {_Name,Vsn} when Release#release.vsn == Vsn -> Release#release{status = current}; _ -> Release#release{status = unpacked} end; (Release) -> Release end, lists:map(F1, Releases). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Functions handling files, RELEASES, start_erl.data etc. %% This functions consider if the release_handler is a client and %% in that case performs the operations at all master nodes or at %% none (in case of failure). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- check_opt_file(FileName, Type, Masters) -> case catch check_file(FileName, Type, Masters) of ok -> true; _Error -> io:format("Warning: ~p missing (optional)~n", [FileName]), false end. check_file(FileName, Type, false) -> do_check_file(FileName, Type); check_file(FileName, Type, Masters) -> check_file_masters(FileName, Type, Masters). %% Check that file exists at all masters. check_file_masters(FileName, Type, [Master|Masters]) -> do_check_file(Master, FileName, Type), check_file_masters(FileName, Type, Masters); check_file_masters(_FileName, _Type, []) -> ok. %% Type == regular | directory do_check_file(FileName, Type) -> case file:read_file_info(FileName) of {ok, Info} when Info#file_info.type==Type -> ok; {error, _Reason} -> throw({error, {no_such_file, FileName}}) end. do_check_file(Master, FileName, Type) -> case rpc:call(Master, file, read_file_info, [FileName]) of {ok, Info} when Info#file_info.type==Type -> ok; _ -> throw({error, {no_such_file, {Master, FileName}}}) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% If Rel doesn't exists in tar it could have been created %% by the user in another way, i.e. ignore this here. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- extract_rel_file(Rel, Tar, Root) -> erl_tar:extract(Tar, [{files, [Rel]}, {cwd, Root}, compressed]). extract_tar(Root, Tar) -> case erl_tar:extract(Tar, [keep_old_files, {cwd, Root}, compressed]) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason, Name} -> % Old erl_tar. throw({error, {cannot_extract_file, Name, Reason}}); {error, {Name, Reason}} -> % New erl_tar (R3A). throw({error, {cannot_extract_file, Name, Reason}}) end. write_releases(Dir, Releases, Masters) -> %% We must never write 'current' to disk, since this will confuse %% us after a node restart - since we would then have a permanent %% release running, but state set to current for a non-running %% release. NewReleases = lists:zf(fun(Release) when Release#release.status == current -> {true, Release#release{status = unpacked}}; (_) -> true end, Releases), write_releases_1(Dir, NewReleases, Masters). write_releases_1(Dir, NewReleases, false) -> case do_write_release(Dir, "RELEASES", NewReleases) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end; write_releases_1(Dir, NewReleases, Masters) -> all_masters(Masters), write_releases_m(Dir, NewReleases, Masters). do_write_release(Dir, RELEASES, NewReleases) -> case file:open(filename:join(Dir, RELEASES), [write]) of {ok, Fd} -> ok = io:format(Fd, "~p.~n", [NewReleases]), ok = file:close(Fd); {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Write the "RELEASES" file at all master nodes. %% 1. Save "RELEASES.backup" at all nodes. %% 2. Save "RELEASES.change" at all nodes. %% 3. Update the "RELEASES.change" file at all nodes. %% 4. Move "RELEASES.change" to "RELEASES". %% 5. Remove "RELEASES.backup" at all nodes. %% %% If one of the steps above fails, all steps is recovered from %% (as long as possible), except for 5 which is allowed to fail. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- write_releases_m(Dir, NewReleases, Masters) -> RelFile = filename:join(Dir, "RELEASES"), Backup = filename:join(Dir, "RELEASES.backup"), Change = filename:join(Dir, "RELEASES.change"), ensure_RELEASES_exists(Masters, RelFile), case at_all_masters(Masters, ?MODULE, do_copy_files, [RelFile, [Backup, Change]]) of ok -> case at_all_masters(Masters, ?MODULE, do_write_release, [Dir, "RELEASES.change", NewReleases]) of ok -> case at_all_masters(Masters, file, rename, [Change, RelFile]) of ok -> remove_files(all, [Backup, Change], Masters), ok; {error, {Master, R}} -> takewhile(Master, Masters, file, rename, [Backup, RelFile]), remove_files(all, [Backup, Change], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, move_releases}}) end; {error, {Master, R}} -> remove_files(all, [Backup, Change], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, update_releases}}) end; {error, {Master, R}} -> remove_files(Master, [Backup, Change], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, backup_releases}}) end. ensure_RELEASES_exists(Masters, RelFile) -> case at_all_masters(Masters, ?MODULE, do_ensure_RELEASES, [RelFile]) of ok -> ok; {error, {Master, R}} -> throw({error, {Master, R, ensure_RELEASES_exists}}) end. copy_file(File, Dir, false) -> case do_copy_file(File, Dir) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end; copy_file(File, Dir, Masters) -> all_masters(Masters), copy_file_m(File, Dir, Masters). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% copy File to Dir at every master node. %% If an error occurs at a node, the total copy failed. %% We do not have to cleanup in case of failure as this %% copy_file is harmless. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- copy_file_m(File, Dir, [Master|Masters]) -> case rpc:call(Master, ?MODULE, do_copy_file, [File, Dir]) of ok -> copy_file_m(File, Dir, Masters); {error, {Reason, F}} -> throw({error, {Master, Reason, F}}); Other -> throw({error, {Master, Other, File}}) end; copy_file_m(_File, _Dir, []) -> ok. do_copy_file(File, Dir) -> File2 = filename:join(Dir, filename:basename(File)), do_copy_file1(File, File2). do_copy_file1(File, File2) -> case file:read_file(File) of {ok, Bin} -> case file:write_file(File2, Bin) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> {error, {Reason, File2}} end; {error, Reason} -> {error, {Reason, File}} end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Copy File to a list of files. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- do_copy_files(File, [ToFile|ToFiles]) -> case do_copy_file1(File, ToFile) of ok -> do_copy_files(File, ToFiles); Error -> Error end; do_copy_files(_, []) -> ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Copy each Src file to Dest file in the list of files. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- do_copy_files([{Src, Dest}|Files]) -> case do_copy_file1(Src, Dest) of ok -> do_copy_files(Files); Error -> Error end; do_copy_files([]) -> ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Rename each Src file to Dest file in the list of files. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- do_rename_files([{Src, Dest}|Files]) -> case file:rename(Src, Dest) of ok -> do_rename_files(Files); Error -> Error end; do_rename_files([]) -> ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Remove a list of files. Ignore failure. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- do_remove_files([File|Files]) -> _ = file:delete(File), do_remove_files(Files); do_remove_files([]) -> ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ensure that the RELEASES file exists. %% If not create an empty RELEASES file. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- do_ensure_RELEASES(RelFile) -> case file:read_file_info(RelFile) of {ok, _} -> ok; _ -> do_write_file(RelFile, "[]. ") end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Make a directory, ignore failures (captured later). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- make_dir(Dir, false) -> _ = file:make_dir(Dir), ok; make_dir(Dir, Masters) -> lists:foreach(fun(Master) -> rpc:call(Master, file, make_dir, [Dir]) end, Masters). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Check that all masters are alive. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- all_masters(Masters) -> case rpc:multicall(Masters, erlang, info, [version]) of {_, []} -> ok; {_, BadNodes} -> throw({error, {bad_masters, BadNodes}}) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Evaluate {M,F,A} at all masters. %% {M,F,A} is supposed to return ok. Otherwise at_all_masters %% returns {error, {Master, Other}}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- at_all_masters([Master|Masters], M, F, A) -> case rpc:call(Master, M, F, A) of ok -> at_all_masters(Masters, M, F, A); Error -> {error, {Master, Error}} end; at_all_masters([], _, _, _) -> ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Evaluate {M,F,A} at all masters until Master is found. %% Ignore {M,F,A} return value. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- takewhile(Master, Masters, M, F, A) -> _ = lists:takewhile(fun(Ma) when Ma == Master -> false; (Ma) -> rpc:call(Ma, M, F, A), true end, Masters), ok. consult(File, false) -> file:consult(File); consult(File, Masters) -> consult_master(Masters, File). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% consult the File at any master node. %% If the file does not exist at one node it should %% not exist at any other node either. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- consult_master([Master|Ms], File) -> case rpc:call(Master, file, consult, [File]) of {badrpc, _} -> consult_master(Ms, File); Res -> Res end; consult_master([], _File) -> {error, no_master}. read_file(File, false) -> file:read_file(File); read_file(File, Masters) -> read_master(Masters, File). write_file(File, Data, false) -> case file:write_file(File, Data) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end; write_file(File, Data, Masters) -> case at_all_masters(Masters, file, write_file, [File, Data]) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end. ensure_dir(File, false) -> case filelib:ensure_dir(File) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end; ensure_dir(File, Masters) -> case at_all_masters(Masters,filelib,ensure_dir,[File]) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end. remove_dir(Dir, false) -> remove_file(Dir); remove_dir(Dir, Masters) -> case at_all_masters(Masters,?MODULE,remove_file,[Dir]) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end. %% Ignore status of each delete ! remove_files(Master, Files, Masters) -> takewhile(Master, Masters, ?MODULE, do_remove_files, [Files]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% read the File at any master node. %% If the file does not exist at one node it should %% not exist at any other node either. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- read_master([Master|Ms], File) -> case rpc:call(Master, file, read_file, [File]) of {badrpc, _} -> read_master(Ms, File); Res -> Res end; read_master([], _File) -> {error, no_master}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Write start_erl.data. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- write_start(File, Data, false) -> case do_write_file(File, Data) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end; write_start(File, Data, Masters) -> all_masters(Masters), safe_write_file_m(File, Data, Masters). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Copy the "start.boot" and "sys.config" from SrcDir to DestDir at all %% master nodes. %% 1. Save DestDir/"start.backup" and DestDir/"sys.backup" at all nodes. %% 2. Copy files at all nodes. %% 3. Remove backup files at all nodes. %% %% If one of the steps above fails, all steps is recovered from %% (as long as possible), except for 3 which is allowed to fail. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- set_static_files(SrcDir, DestDir, Masters) -> all_masters(Masters), Boot = "start.boot", Config = "sys.config", SrcBoot = filename:join(SrcDir, Boot), DestBoot = filename:join(DestDir, Boot), BackupBoot = filename:join(DestDir, "start.backup"), SrcConf = filename:join(SrcDir, Config), DestConf = filename:join(DestDir, Config), BackupConf = filename:join(DestDir, "sys.backup"), case at_all_masters(Masters, ?MODULE, do_copy_files, [[{DestBoot, BackupBoot}, {DestConf, BackupConf}]]) of ok -> case at_all_masters(Masters, ?MODULE, do_copy_files, [[{SrcBoot, DestBoot}, {SrcConf, DestConf}]]) of ok -> remove_files(all, [BackupBoot, BackupConf], Masters), ok; {error, {Master, R}} -> takewhile(Master, Masters, ?MODULE, do_rename_files, [{BackupBoot, DestBoot}, {BackupConf, DestConf}]), remove_files(all, [BackupBoot, BackupConf], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, copy_start_config}}) end; {error, {Master, R}} -> remove_files(Master, [BackupBoot, BackupConf], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, backup_start_config}}) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Write erl.ini %% Writes the erl.ini file used by erl.exe when (re)starting the erlang node. %% At first installation, this is done by Install.exe, which means that if %% the format of this file for some reason is changed, then Install.c must %% also be updated (and probably some other c-files which read erl.ini) %%----------------------------------------------------------------- write_ini_file(RootDir,EVsn,Masters) -> BinDir = filename:join([RootDir,"erts-"++EVsn,"bin"]), Str0 = io_lib:format("[erlang]~n" "Bindir=~ts~n" "Progname=erl~n" "Rootdir=~ts~n", [filename:nativename(BinDir), filename:nativename(RootDir)]), Str = re:replace(Str0,"\\\\","\\\\\\\\",[{return,list},global,unicode]), IniFile = filename:join(BinDir,"erl.ini"), do_write_ini_file(IniFile,Str,Masters). do_write_ini_file(File,Data,false) -> case do_write_file(File, Data, [{encoding,utf8}]) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end; do_write_ini_file(File,Data,Masters) -> all_masters(Masters), safe_write_file_m(File, Data, [{encoding,utf8}], Masters). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Write the given file at all master nodes. %% 1. Save <File>.backup at all nodes. %% 2. Write <File>.change at all nodes. %% 3. Move <File>.change to <File> %% 4. Remove <File>.backup at all nodes. %% %% If one of the steps above fails, all steps are recovered from %% (as long as possible), except for 4 which is allowed to fail. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- safe_write_file_m(File, Data, Masters) -> safe_write_file_m(File, Data, [], Masters). safe_write_file_m(File, Data, FileOpts, Masters) -> Backup = File ++ ".backup", Change = File ++ ".change", case at_all_masters(Masters, ?MODULE, do_copy_files, [File, [Backup]]) of ok -> case at_all_masters(Masters, ?MODULE, do_write_file, [Change, Data, FileOpts]) of ok -> case at_all_masters(Masters, file, rename, [Change, File]) of ok -> remove_files(all, [Backup, Change], Masters), ok; {error, {Master, R}} -> takewhile(Master, Masters, file, rename, [Backup, File]), remove_files(all, [Backup, Change], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, rename, filename:basename(Change), filename:basename(File)}}) end; {error, {Master, R}} -> remove_files(all, [Backup, Change], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, write, filename:basename(Change)}}) end; {error, {Master, R}} -> remove_files(Master, [Backup], Masters), throw({error, {Master, R, backup, filename:basename(File), filename:basename(Backup)}}) end. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Figure out which applications that have changed version between the %% two releases. The paths for these applications must always be %% updated, even if the relup script does not load any modules. See %% OTP-9402. %% %% A different situation is when the same application version is used %% in old and new release, but the path has changed. This is not %% handled here - instead it must be explicitely indicated by the %% 'update_paths' option to release_handler:install_release/2 if the %% code path shall be updated then. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------- get_new_libs([{App,Vsn,_LibDir}|CurrentLibs], NewLibs) -> case lists:keyfind(App,1,NewLibs) of {App,NewVsn,_} = LibInfo when NewVsn =/= Vsn -> [LibInfo | get_new_libs(CurrentLibs,NewLibs)]; _ -> get_new_libs(CurrentLibs,NewLibs) end; get_new_libs([],_) -> []. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Return a list of releases witch a specific status %%----------------------------------------------------------------- get_releases_with_status([], _, Acc) -> Acc; get_releases_with_status([ {_, _, _, ReleaseStatus } = Head | Tail], Status, Acc) when ReleaseStatus == Status -> get_releases_with_status(Tail, Status, [Head | Acc]); get_releases_with_status([_ | Tail], Status, Acc) -> get_releases_with_status(Tail, Status, Acc).