%% This file was generated by snmp_config (v1.1) 1996-5-29 15:38:48 %% This files defines the Agent address info %% The data is inserted into the intAgent* variables defined %% in INTERNAL-MIB. %% Each row is a 2-tuple: %% {IntAgentVariable, Value}. %% For example %% {intAgentUDPPort, 4000}. %% The ip address for the agent is sent as id in traps. %% {intAgentIpAddress, [127,42,17,5]}. %% {intAgentMaxPacketSize, 484}. {intAgentUDPPort, 4000}. {intAgentIpAddress, [141,213,11,24]}. {snmpEngineID, "mbj's engine"}. {snmpEngineMaxMessageSize, 484}.