%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2019. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(snmpa_supervisor). -behaviour(supervisor). %% External exports -export([start_link/2, stop/0, stop/1]). -export([start_sub_sup/1, start_master_sup/1]). -export([start_sub_agent/3, stop_sub_agent/1]). %% Internal exports -export([init/1, config/2]). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -include("snmpa_internal.hrl"). -include("snmp_verbosity.hrl"). -include("snmp_debug.hrl"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Process structure %% ================= %% %% ___________________ supervisor __________________ %% / | | \ \ %% ___misc_sup___ target_cache symbolic_store local_db agent_sup %% / | \ | | %% mib net_if note_store MA - SA %% %% The supervisor (one at each node) starts: %% snmpa_symbolic_store (one at each node) %% snmpa_local_db (one at each node) %% snmpa_target_cache (one at each node) %% MA - which starts %% own mib (hangs it under misc_sup) %% net_if (hangs it under misc_sup) %% note_store (hangs it under misc_sup) %% SAs - which starts %% own mib (hangs it under misc_sup) %% %% This structure is intended to make the agent fault tolerant. The %% agent processes (by far most code is in these processes) can be %% restarted in case of a failure, as all data needed by these procs %% are stored in the other procs. Any other process crash leads to %% that the entire snmpa_supervisor crashes. If it is restarted, all %% dynamically loaded mibs must be reloaded. %% %% It is up to the supervisor to configure the internal and %% external mibs. Note that the %% agent group (internal MIB) and sysObjectID *must* be configured %% in some way. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- start_link(Type, Opts) -> ?d("start_link -> entry with" "~n Type. ~p" "~n Opts. ~p", [Type, Opts]), start_link(get_agent_type(Opts), Opts, Type). start_link(sub, Opts, _Type) -> start_sub_sup(Opts); start_link(master, Opts, normal) -> start_master_sup(Opts); start_link(master, Opts, {takeover, Node}) -> case start_master_sup(Opts) of {ok, Pid} -> OwnMibNames = get_own_loaded_mibs(), try_load_other_loaded_mibs(Node, OwnMibNames), {ok, Pid}; Else -> Else end. stop() -> stop(0). stop(Timeout) -> case whereis(?SERVER) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> stop(Pid, Timeout); _ -> not_running end. %% For some unfathomable reason there is no "nice" way to stop %% a supervisor. The "normal" way to do it is: %% 1) exit(Pid, kill) (kaboom) %% 2) If the caller is the *parent*: exit(Pid, shutdown) %% So, here we do it the really ugly way...but since this function is %% intended for testing (mostly)... stop(Pid, Timeout) when (Timeout =:= 0) -> sys:terminate(Pid, shutdown), ok; stop(Pid, Timeout) -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), sys:terminate(Pid, shutdown), receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _} -> ok after Timeout -> erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]), {error, timeout} end. get_own_loaded_mibs() -> AgentInfo = snmpa:info(snmp_master_agent), [ Name || {Name, _, _} <- loaded_mibs(AgentInfo) ]. try_load_other_loaded_mibs(Node, OwnMibs) -> case rpc:call(Node, snmpa, info, [snmp_master_agent]) of {badrpc, R} -> error_msg("could not takeover loaded mibs: ~p", [R]); AgentInfo -> LoadedMibs = loaded_mibs(AgentInfo), MibsToLoad = mibs_to_load(LoadedMibs, OwnMibs), lists:foreach(fun(M) -> takeover_mib(M) end, MibsToLoad) end. loaded_mibs(AgentInfo) -> {value, {_, MibInfo}} = key1search(mib_server, AgentInfo), {value, {_, LoadedMibs}} = key1search(loaded_mibs, MibInfo), LoadedMibs. mibs_to_load(OtherMibs, OwnMibs) -> [{N, S, F} || {N, S, F} <- OtherMibs, not lists:member(N, OwnMibs)]. takeover_mib({'STANDARD-MIB', _Symbolic, _FileName}) -> ok; takeover_mib({'SNMPv2-MIB', _Symbolic, _FileName}) -> ok; takeover_mib({_MibName, _Symbolic, FileName}) -> case snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, [FileName]) of ok -> ok; {error, R} -> error_msg("could not reload mib ~p: ~p", [FileName, R]) end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- start_sub_sup(Opts) -> ?d("start_sub_sup -> entry with" "~n Opts: ~p", [Opts]), (catch do_start_sub_sup(Opts)). do_start_sub_sup(Opts) -> verify_mandatory([db_dir], Opts), ?d("do_start_sub_sup -> start (sub) supervisor",[]), supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [sub, Opts]). start_master_sup(Opts) -> (catch do_start_master_sup(Opts)). do_start_master_sup(Opts) -> verify_mandatory([db_dir], Opts), supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [master, Opts]). verify_mandatory([], _) -> ok; verify_mandatory([Key|Keys], Opts) -> case lists:keymember(Key, 1, Opts) of true -> verify_mandatory(Keys, Opts); false -> throw({error, {missing_mandatory_option, Key}}) end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- start_sub_agent(ParentAgent, Subtree, Mibs) when is_pid(ParentAgent) andalso is_list(Mibs) -> ?d("start_sub_agent -> entry with" "~n ParentAgent: ~p" "~n Subtree: ~p" "~n Mibs: ~p", [ParentAgent, Subtree, Mibs]), snmpa_agent_sup:start_subagent(ParentAgent, Subtree, Mibs). stop_sub_agent(SubAgentPid) -> snmpa_agent_sup:stop_subagent(SubAgentPid). %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- init([AgentType, Opts]) -> ?d("init -> entry with" "~n AgentType: ~p" "~n Opts: ~p", [AgentType, Opts]), put(sname, asup), put(verbosity, get_verbosity(Opts)), ?vlog("starting",[]), ?vdebug("create agent table",[]), ets:new(snmp_agent_table, [set, public, named_table]), ?vdebug("create community cache",[]), ets:new(snmp_community_cache, [bag, public, named_table]), %% Get restart type for the agent Restart = get_opt(restart_type, Opts, permanent), ?vdebug("agent restart type: ~w", [Restart]), %% -- Agent type -- store(agent_type, AgentType), %% -- Prio -- Prio = get_opt(priority, Opts, normal), ?vdebug("[agent table] store priority: ~p",[Prio]), store(priority, Prio), %% -- Versions -- Vsns = get_opt(versions, Opts, [v1,v2,v3]), ?vdebug("[agent table] store versions: ~p",[Vsns]), store(versions, Vsns), %% -- Max number of VBs in a Get-BULK response -- GbMaxVBs = get_gb_max_vbs(Opts), ?vdebug("[agent table] Get-BULK max VBs: ~p", [GbMaxVBs]), store(gb_max_vbs, GbMaxVBs), %% -- DB-directory -- DbDir = get_opt(db_dir, Opts), ?vdebug("[agent table] store db_dir: ~n ~p",[DbDir]), store(db_dir, filename:join([DbDir])), DbInitError = get_opt(db_init_error, Opts, terminate), ?vdebug("[agent table] store db_init_error: ~n ~p",[DbInitError]), store(db_init_error, DbInitError), %% -- Error report module -- ErrorReportMod = get_opt(error_report_mod, Opts, snmpa_error_logger), ?vdebug("[agent table] store error report module: ~w",[ErrorReportMod]), store(error_report_mod, ErrorReportMod), %% -- mib storage -- %% MibStorage has only one mandatory part: module %% Everything else is module dependent and therefor %% put in a special option: options MibStorage = case get_opt(mib_storage, Opts, [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_ets}]) of %% --- ETS wrappers --- ets -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_ets}]; {ets, default} -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_ets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([DbDir])}, {action, keep}]}]; {ets, Dir} when is_list(Dir) -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_ets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([Dir])}, {action, keep}]}]; {ets, default, Action} when ((Action =:= keep) orelse (Action =:= clear)) -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_ets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([DbDir])}, {action, Action}]}]; {ets, Dir, Action} when is_list(Dir) andalso ((Action =:= keep) orelse (Action =:= clear)) -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_ets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([Dir])}, {action, Action}]}]; %% --- DETS wrappers --- dets -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_dets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([DbDir])}, {action, keep}]}]; {dets, default} -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_dets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([DbDir])}, {action, keep}]}]; {dets, default, Action} when ((Action =:= keep) orelse (Action =:= clear)) -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_dets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([DbDir])}, {action, Action}]}]; {dets, Dir, Action} when is_list(Dir) andalso ((Action =:= keep) orelse (Action =:= clear)) -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_dets}, {options, [{dir, filename:join([Dir])}, {action, Action}]}]; %% --- Mnesia wrappers --- mnesia -> [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_mnesia}, {options, [{nodes, erlang:nodes()}, {action, keep}]}]; {mnesia, Nodes0} -> Nodes = if Nodes0 =:= visible -> erlang:nodes(visible); Nodes0 =:= connected -> erlang:nodes(connected); Nodes0 =:= [] -> [node()]; true -> Nodes0 end, [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_mnesia}, {options, [{nodes, Nodes}, {action, keep}]}]; {mnesia, Nodes0, Action} when ((Action =:= keep) orelse (Action =:= clear)) -> Nodes = if Nodes0 =:= visible -> erlang:nodes(visible); Nodes0 =:= connected -> erlang:nodes(connected); Nodes0 =:= [] -> [node()]; true -> Nodes0 end, [{module, snmpa_mib_storage_mnesia}, {options, [{nodes, Nodes}, {action, Action}]}]; Other when is_list(Other) -> Other end, ?vdebug("[agent table] store mib storage: ~w", [MibStorage]), store(mib_storage, MibStorage), %% -- Agent mib storage -- AgentMibStorage = get_opt(agent_mib_storage, Opts, persistent), %% ?vdebug("[agent table] store agent mib storage: ~w",[AgentMibStorage]), store(agent_mib_storage, AgentMibStorage), %% -- System start time -- ?vdebug("[agent table] store system start time",[]), store(system_start_time, snmp_misc:now(cs)), %% -- Symbolic store options -- SsOpts = get_opt(symbolic_store, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store symbolic store options: ~w",[SsOpts]), store(symbolic_store, SsOpts), %% -- Local DB options -- LdbOpts = get_opt(local_db, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store local db options: ~w",[LdbOpts]), store(local_db, LdbOpts), %% -- Target cache options -- TargetCacheOpts = get_opt(target_cache, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store target cache options: ~w",[TargetCacheOpts]), store(target_cache, TargetCacheOpts), %% -- Specs -- SupFlags = {one_for_all, 0, 3600}, MiscSupSpec = sup_spec(snmpa_misc_sup, [], Restart, infinity), SymStoreOpts = [{mib_storage, MibStorage} | SsOpts], SymStoreArgs = [Prio, SymStoreOpts], SymStoreSpec = worker_spec(snmpa_symbolic_store, SymStoreArgs, Restart, 2000), LdbArgs = [Prio, DbDir, DbInitError, LdbOpts], LocalDbSpec = worker_spec(snmpa_local_db, LdbArgs, Restart, 5000), ?vdebug("init VACM",[]), snmpa_vacm:init(DbDir, DbInitError), TargetCacheArgs = [Prio, TargetCacheOpts], TargetCacheSpec = worker_spec(snmpa_target_cache, TargetCacheArgs, transient, 2000, []), Rest = case AgentType of master -> % If we're starting the master, we must also % configure the tables. %% -- Config -- ConfOpts = get_opt(config, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store config options: ~p", [ConfOpts]), store(config, ConfOpts), ConfigArgs = [Vsns, ConfOpts], ConfigSpec = worker_spec(config, ?MODULE, config, ConfigArgs, transient, 2000, [?MODULE]), %% -- Agent verbosity -- AgentVerb = get_opt(agent_verbosity, Opts, silence), %% -- Discovery processing -- DiscoOpts = get_opt(discovery, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store discovery options: ~p", [DiscoOpts]), store(discovery, DiscoOpts), %% -- Mibs -- Mibs = get_mibs(get_opt(mibs, Opts, []), Vsns), ?vdebug("[agent table] store mibs: ~n ~p",[Mibs]), store(mibs, Mibs), Ref = make_ref(), %% -- Get module -- GetModule = get_opt(get_mechanism, Opts, snmpa_get), ?vdebug("[agent table] store get-module: ~p", [GetModule]), store(get_mechanism, GetModule), %% -- Set module -- SetModule = get_opt(set_mechanism, Opts, snmpa_set), ?vdebug("[agent table] store set-module: ~p",[SetModule]), store(set_mechanism, SetModule), %% -- Authentication service -- AuthModule = get_opt(authentication_service, Opts, snmpa_acm), ?vdebug("[agent table] store authentication service: ~w", [AuthModule]), store(authentication_service, AuthModule), %% -- Multi-threaded -- MultiT = get_opt(multi_threaded, Opts, false), ?vdebug("[agent table] store multi-threaded: ~p", [MultiT]), store(multi_threaded, MultiT), %% -- Audit trail log -- case get_opt(audit_trail_log, Opts, not_found) of not_found -> ?vdebug("[agent table] no audit trail log", []), ok; AtlOpts -> ?vdebug("[agent table] " "store audit trail log options: ~p", [AtlOpts]), store(audit_trail_log, AtlOpts), ok end, %% -- MIB server -- MibsOpts = get_opt(mib_server, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store mib-server options: " "~n ~p", [MibsOpts]), store(mib_server, MibsOpts), %% -- Network interface -- NiOpts = get_opt(net_if, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store net-if options: " "~n ~p", [NiOpts]), store(net_if, NiOpts), %% -- Note store -- NsOpts = get_opt(note_store, Opts, []), ?vdebug("[agent table] store note-store options: " "~n ~p",[NsOpts]), store(note_store, NsOpts), AgentOpts = [{verbosity, AgentVerb}, {mibs, Mibs}, {mib_storage, MibStorage}, {get_mechanism, GetModule}, {set_mechanism, SetModule}, {authentication_service, AuthModule}, {multi_threaded, MultiT}, {versions, Vsns}, {net_if, NiOpts}, {mib_server, MibsOpts}, {note_store, NsOpts}, {gb_max_vbs, GbMaxVBs} | get_opt(master_agent_options, Opts, [])], AgentSpec = worker_spec(snmpa_agent, [Prio, snmp_master_agent, none, Ref, AgentOpts], Restart, 15000), AgentSupSpec = sup_spec(snmpa_agent_sup, [AgentSpec], Restart, infinity), [ConfigSpec, AgentSupSpec]; _ -> ?vdebug("[sub agent] spec for the agent supervisor",[]), AgentSupSpec = sup_spec(snmpa_agent_sup, [], Restart, infinity), [AgentSupSpec] end, ?vdebug("init done",[]), {ok, {SupFlags, [MiscSupSpec, SymStoreSpec, LocalDbSpec, TargetCacheSpec | Rest]}}. store(Key, Value) -> ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {Key, Value}). get_mibs(Mibs, Vsns) -> MibDir = filename:join(code:priv_dir(snmp), "mibs"), StdMib = case (lists:member(v2, Vsns) or lists:member(v3, Vsns)) of true -> filename:join([MibDir, "SNMPv2-MIB"]); false -> filename:join([MibDir, "STANDARD-MIB"]) end, ?vdebug("add standard and v2 mibs",[]), NMibs = add_mib(StdMib, Mibs, ["SNMPv2-MIB", "STANDARD-MIB"]), case lists:member(v3, Vsns) of true -> ?vdebug("add v3 mibs",[]), add_v3_mibs(MibDir, NMibs); false -> NMibs end. add_v3_mibs(MibDir, Mibs) -> NMibs = add_mib(filename:join(MibDir, "SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), Mibs, ["SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"]), add_mib(filename:join(MibDir, "SNMP-MPD-MIB"), NMibs, ["SNMP-MPD-MIB"]). add_mib(DefaultMib, [], _BaseNames) -> [DefaultMib]; add_mib(DefaultMib, [Mib | T], BaseNames) -> case lists:member(filename:basename(Mib), BaseNames) of true -> [Mib | T]; % The user defined his own version of the mib false -> [Mib | add_mib(DefaultMib, T, BaseNames)] end. config(Vsns, Opts) -> ?d("config -> entry with" "~n Vsns. ~p" "~n Opts. ~p", [Vsns, Opts]), Verbosity = get_opt(verbosity, Opts, silence), put(sname, conf), put(verbosity, Verbosity), ?vlog("starting", []), ConfDir = get_opt(dir, Opts), ForceLoad = get_opt(force_load, Opts, false), case (catch conf(ConfDir, Vsns, ForceLoad)) of ok -> ?d("config -> done", []), ignore; {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?vlog("configure failed (exit) with reason: ~p",[Reason]), {error, {config_error, Reason}} end. conf(Dir, Vsns, true) -> conf1(Dir, Vsns, reconfigure); conf(Dir, Vsns, false) -> conf1(Dir, Vsns, configure). conf1(Dir, Vsns, Func) -> ?vlog("start ~w",[Func]), ?vdebug("~w snmp_standard_mib",[Func]), snmp_standard_mib:Func(Dir), ?vdebug("init snmp_framework_mib",[]), snmp_framework_mib:init(), ?vdebug("configure snmp_framework_mib",[]), snmp_framework_mib:configure(Dir), ?vdebug("~w snmp_target_mib",[Func]), snmp_target_mib:Func(Dir), ?vdebug("~w snmp_notification_mib",[Func]), snmp_notification_mib:Func(Dir), ?vdebug("~w snmp_view_based_acm_mib",[Func]), snmp_view_based_acm_mib:Func(Dir), case lists:member(v1, Vsns) or lists:member(v2, Vsns) of true -> ?vdebug("we need to handle v1 and/or v2 =>~n" " ~w snmp_community_mib",[Func]), snmp_community_mib:Func(Dir); false -> ?vdebug("no need to handle v1 or v2",[]), ok end, case lists:member(v3, Vsns) of true -> ?vdebug("we need to handle v3 =>~n" " ~w snmp_user_based_sm_mib",[Func]), snmp_user_based_sm_mib:Func(Dir); false -> ?vdebug("no need to handle v3",[]), ok end, ?vdebug("conf done",[]), ok. %% ------------------------------------- sup_spec(Name, Args, Type, Time) -> ?d("sup_spec -> entry with" "~n Name: ~p" "~n Args: ~p" "~n Type: ~p" "~n Time: ~p", [Name, Args, Type, Time]), {Name, {Name, start_link, Args}, Type, Time, supervisor, [Name, supervisor]}. worker_spec(Name, Args, Type, Time) -> worker_spec(Name, Name, Args, Type, Time, []). worker_spec(Name, Args, Type, Time, Modules) -> worker_spec(Name, Name, Args, Type, Time, Modules). worker_spec(Name, Mod, Args, Type, Time, Modules) -> worker_spec(Name, Mod, start_link, Args, Type, Time, Modules). worker_spec(Name, Mod, Func, Args, Type, Time, Modules) when is_atom(Name) andalso is_atom(Mod) andalso is_atom(Func) andalso is_list(Args) andalso is_atom(Type) andalso is_list(Modules) -> ?d("worker_spec -> entry with" "~n Name: ~p" "~n Mod: ~p" "~n Func: ~p" "~n Args: ~p" "~n Type: ~p" "~n Time: ~p" "~n Modules: ~p", [Name, Mod, Func, Args, Type, Time, Modules]), {Name, {Mod, Func, Args}, Type, Time, worker, [Name] ++ Modules}. get_verbosity(Opts) -> SupOpts = get_opt(supervisor, Opts, []), get_opt(verbosity, SupOpts, silence). get_agent_type(Opts) -> get_opt(agent_type, Opts, master). %% We validate this option! This should really be done for all %% options, but it is beyond the scope of this ticket, OTP-9700. get_gb_max_vbs(Opts) -> Validate = fun(GbMaxVBs) when ((is_integer(GbMaxVBs) andalso (GbMaxVBs > 0)) orelse (GbMaxVBs =:= infinity)) -> ok; (_) -> error end, get_option(gb_max_vbs, ?DEFAULT_GB_MAX_VBS, Validate, Opts). get_option(Key, Default, Validate, Opts) when is_list(Opts) andalso is_function(Validate) -> Value = get_opt(Key, Opts, Default), case Validate(Value) of ok -> Value; error -> exit({bad_option, Key, Value}) end. get_opt(Key, Opts) -> snmp_misc:get_option(Key, Opts). get_opt(Key, Opts, Def) -> snmp_misc:get_option(Key, Opts, Def). key1search(Key, List) -> lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- error_msg(F, A) -> ?snmpa_error(F, A). % i(F) -> % i(F, []). % i(F, A) -> % io:format("~p:~p: " ++ F ++ "~n", [node(),?MODULE|A]).