%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2014. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(snmpm_net_if_mt). -behaviour(gen_server). -behaviour(snmpm_network_interface). %% Network Interface callback functions -export([ start_link/2, stop/1, send_pdu/6, % Backward compatibility send_pdu/7, % Partly backward compatibility send_pdu/8, % Backward compatibility inform_response/4, note_store/2, info/1, verbosity/2, %% system_info_updated/2, get_log_type/1, set_log_type/2, filter_reset/1 ]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, code_change/3, terminate/2]). -define(SNMP_USE_V3, true). -include("snmp_types.hrl"). -include("snmpm_internal.hrl"). -include("snmpm_atl.hrl"). -include("snmp_debug.hrl"). %% -define(VMODULE,"NET_IF"). -include("snmp_verbosity.hrl"). -record(state, { server, note_store, sock, mpd_state, log, irb = auto, % auto | {user, integer()} irgc, filter }). -define(DEFAULT_FILTER_MODULE, snmpm_net_if_filter). -define(DEFAULT_FILTER_OPTS, [{module, ?DEFAULT_FILTER_MODULE}]). -ifdef(snmp_debug). -define(GS_START_LINK(Args), gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, [{debug,[trace]}])). -else. -define(GS_START_LINK(Args), gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, [])). -endif. -define(IRGC_TIMEOUT, timer:minutes(5)). -define(ATL_SEQNO_INITIAL, 1). -define(ATL_SEQNO_MAX, 2147483647). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link(Server, NoteStore) -> ?d("start_link -> entry with" "~n Server: ~p" "~n NoteStore: ~p", [Server, NoteStore]), Args = [Server, NoteStore], ?GS_START_LINK(Args). stop(Pid) -> call(Pid, stop). send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, DomainIp, AddrPort) -> send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, DomainIp, AddrPort, ?DEFAULT_EXTRA_INFO). send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, ExtraInfo) when is_record(Pdu, pdu), is_atom(Domain) -> ?d("send_pdu -> entry with~n" " Pid: ~p~n" " Pdu: ~p~n" " Vsn: ~p~n" " MsgData: ~p~n" " Domain: ~p~n" " Address: ~p", [Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address]), cast(Pid, {send_pdu, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, ExtraInfo}); send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Ip, Port, ExtraInfo) -> Domain = snmpm_config:default_transport_domain(), send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Ip, Port, ExtraInfo). send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Ip, Port, ExtraInfo) -> send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, {Ip, Port}, ExtraInfo). note_store(Pid, NoteStore) -> call(Pid, {note_store, NoteStore}). inform_response(Pid, Ref, Domain, Address) -> cast(Pid, {inform_response, Ref, Domain, Address}). info(Pid) -> call(Pid, info). verbosity(Pid, V) -> call(Pid, {verbosity, V}). %% system_info_updated(Pid, What) -> %% call(Pid, {system_info_updated, What}). get_log_type(Pid) -> call(Pid, get_log_type). set_log_type(Pid, NewType) -> call(Pid, {set_log_type, NewType}). filter_reset(Pid) -> cast(Pid, filter_reset). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Callback functions from gen_server %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: init/1 %% Returns: {ok, State} | %% {ok, State, Timeout} | %% ignore | %% {stop, Reason} %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init([Server, NoteStore]) -> ?d("init -> entry with" "~n Server: ~p" "~n NoteStore: ~p", [Server, NoteStore]), case (catch do_init(Server, NoteStore)) of {error, Reason} -> {stop, Reason}; {ok, State} -> {ok, State} end. do_init(Server, NoteStore) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% -- Prio -- {ok, Prio} = snmpm_config:system_info(prio), process_flag(priority, Prio), %% -- Create inform request table -- %% This should really be protected, but it also needs to %% be writable for the worker processes, so... ets:new(snmpm_inform_request_table, [set, public, named_table, {keypos, 1}]), %% -- Verbosity -- {ok, Verbosity} = snmpm_config:system_info(net_if_verbosity), put(sname, mnif), put(verbosity, Verbosity), ?vlog("starting", []), %% -- MPD -- {ok, Vsns} = snmpm_config:system_info(versions), MpdState = snmpm_mpd:init(Vsns), ?vdebug("MpdState: ~w", [MpdState]), %% -- Module dependent options -- {ok, Opts} = snmpm_config:system_info(net_if_options), %% -- Inform response behaviour -- {ok, IRB} = snmpm_config:system_info(net_if_irb), IrGcRef = irgc_start(IRB), %% -- Socket -- SndBuf = get_opt(Opts, sndbuf, default), RecBuf = get_opt(Opts, recbuf, default), BindTo = get_opt(Opts, bind_to, false), NoReuse = get_opt(Opts, no_reuse, false), {ok, Port} = snmpm_config:system_info(port), {ok, Sock} = do_open_port(Port, SndBuf, RecBuf, BindTo, NoReuse), %% Flow control -- FilterOpts = get_opt(Opts, filter, []), FilterMod = create_filter(FilterOpts), ?vdebug("FilterMod: ~w", [FilterMod]), %% -- Audit trail log --- {ok, ATL} = snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log), Log = do_init_log(ATL), ?vdebug("Log: ~w", [Log]), %% -- Initiate counters --- init_counters(), %% -- We are done --- State = #state{server = Server, note_store = NoteStore, mpd_state = MpdState, sock = Sock, log = Log, irb = IRB, irgc = IrGcRef, filter = FilterMod}, ?vdebug("started", []), {ok, State}. %% Open port do_open_port(Port, SendSz, RecvSz, BindTo, NoReuse) -> ?vtrace("do_open_port -> entry with" "~n Port: ~p" "~n SendSz: ~p" "~n RecvSz: ~p" "~n BindTo: ~p" "~n NoReuse: ~p", [Port, SendSz, RecvSz, BindTo, NoReuse]), IpOpts1 = bind_to(BindTo), IpOpts2 = no_reuse(NoReuse), IpOpts3 = recbuf(RecvSz), IpOpts4 = sndbuf(SendSz), IpOpts = [binary | IpOpts1 ++ IpOpts2 ++ IpOpts3 ++ IpOpts4], OpenRes = case init:get_argument(snmpm_fd) of {ok, [[FdStr]]} -> Fd = list_to_integer(FdStr), gen_udp:open(0, [{fd, Fd}|IpOpts]); error -> gen_udp:open(Port, IpOpts) end, case OpenRes of {error, _} = Error -> throw(Error); OK -> OK end. bind_to(true) -> case snmpm_config:system_info(address) of {ok, Addr} when is_list(Addr) -> [{ip, list_to_tuple(Addr)}]; {ok, Addr} -> [{ip, Addr}]; _ -> [] end; bind_to(_) -> []. no_reuse(false) -> [{reuseaddr, true}]; no_reuse(_) -> []. recbuf(default) -> []; recbuf(Sz) -> [{recbuf, Sz}]. sndbuf(default) -> []; sndbuf(Sz) -> [{sndbuf, Sz}]. create_filter(Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> case get_opt(Opts, module, ?DEFAULT_FILTER_MODULE) of ?DEFAULT_FILTER_MODULE = Mod -> Mod; Module -> snmpm_network_interface_filter:verify(Module), Module end; create_filter(BadOpts) -> throw({error, {bad_filter_opts, BadOpts}}). %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Audit Trail Logger %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Open log do_init_log(false) -> ?vtrace("do_init_log(false) -> entry", []), undefined; do_init_log(true) -> ?vtrace("do_init_log(true) -> entry", []), {ok, Type} = snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log_type), {ok, Dir} = snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log_dir), {ok, Size} = snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log_size), {ok, Repair} = snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log_repair), Name = ?audit_trail_log_name, File = filename:absname(?audit_trail_log_file, Dir), case snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log_seqno) of {ok, true} -> Initial = ?ATL_SEQNO_INITIAL, Max = ?ATL_SEQNO_MAX, Module = snmpm_config, Function = increment_counter, Args = [atl_seqno, Initial, Max], SeqNoGen = {Module, Function, Args}, case snmp_log:create(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, true) of {ok, Log} -> ?vdebug("log created: ~w", [Log]), {Name, Log, Type}; {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {failed_create_audit_log, Reason}}) end; _ -> case snmp_log:create(Name, File, Size, Repair, true) of {ok, Log} -> ?vdebug("log created: ~w", [Log]), {Name, Log, Type}; {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {failed_create_audit_log, Reason}}) end end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_call/3 %% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} | %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} | %% {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called) %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_call({verbosity, Verbosity}, _From, State) -> ?vlog("received verbosity request", []), put(verbosity, Verbosity), {reply, ok, State}; %% handle_call({system_info_updated, What}, _From, State) -> %% ?vlog("received system_info_updated request with What = ~p", [What]), %% {NewState, Reply} = handle_system_info_updated(State, What), %% {reply, Reply, NewState}; handle_call(get_log_type, _From, State) -> ?vlog("received get-log-type request", []), Reply = (catch handle_get_log_type(State)), {reply, Reply, State}; handle_call({set_log_type, NewType}, _From, State) -> ?vlog("received set-log-type request with NewType = ~p", [NewType]), {NewState, Reply} = (catch handle_set_log_type(State, NewType)), {reply, Reply, NewState}; handle_call({note_store, Pid}, _From, State) -> ?vlog("received new note_store: ~w", [Pid]), {reply, ok, State#state{note_store = Pid}}; handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> ?vlog("received stop request", []), Reply = ok, {stop, normal, Reply, State}; handle_call(info, _From, State) -> ?vlog("received info request", []), Reply = get_info(State), {reply, Reply, State}; handle_call(Req, From, State) -> warning_msg("received unknown request (from ~p): ~n~p", [Req, From]), {reply, {error, {invalid_request, Req}}, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_cast/2 %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_cast({send_pdu, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, ExtraInfo}, State) -> ?vlog("received send_pdu message with~n" " Pdu: ~p~n" " Vsn: ~p~n" " MsgData: ~p~n" " Domain: ~p~n" " Address: ~p", [Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address]), maybe_process_extra_info(ExtraInfo), handle_send_pdu(Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, State), {noreply, State}; handle_cast({inform_response, Ref, Domain, Address}, State) -> ?vlog("received inform_response message with~n" " Ref: ~p~n" " Domain: ~p~n" " Address: ~p", [Ref, Domain, Address]), handle_inform_response(Ref, Domain, Address, State), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(filter_reset, State) -> ?vlog("received filter_reset message", []), reset_counters(), {noreply, State}; handle_cast(Msg, State) -> warning_msg("received unknown message: ~n~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: handle_info/2 %% Returns: {noreply, State} | %% {noreply, State, Timeout} | %% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_info({udp, Sock, Ip, Port, Bytes}, #state{sock = Sock} = State) -> ?vlog("received ~w bytes from ~p:~p", [size(Bytes), Ip, Port]), {Domain, Address} = snmp_conf:ip_port_to_domaddr(Ip, Port), handle_udp(Domain, Address, Bytes, State), {noreply, State}; handle_info(inform_response_gc, State) -> ?vlog("received inform_response_gc message", []), State2 = handle_inform_response_gc(State), {noreply, State2}; handle_info({disk_log, _Node, Log, Info}, State) -> ?vlog("received disk_log message: " "~n Info: ~p", [Info]), State2 = handle_disk_log(Log, Info, State), {noreply, State2}; handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, {net_if_worker, ExitStatus}}, State) -> ?vdebug("received DOWN message from net_if-worker: " "~n ExitStatus: ~p", [ExitStatus]), handle_worker_exit(Pid, ExitStatus), {noreply, State}; handle_info(Info, State) -> warning_msg("received unknown info: ~n~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: terminate/2 %% Purpose: Shutdown the server %% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(Reason, #state{log = Log, irgc = IrGcRef}) -> ?vdebug("terminate: ~p", [Reason]), irgc_stop(IrGcRef), %% Close logs do_close_log(Log), ok. do_close_log({Log, _Type}) -> (catch snmp_log:sync(Log)), (catch snmp_log:close(Log)), ok; do_close_log(_) -> ok. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Func: code_change/3 %% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed %% Returns: {ok, NewState} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_Vsn, State, _Extra) -> ?d("code_change -> entry with" "~n Vsn: ~p" "~n State: ~p" "~n Extra: ~p", [_Vsn, State, _Extra]), {ok, State}. %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_udp(Domain, Address, Bytes, State) -> Verbosity = get(verbosity), spawn_opt(fun() -> Log = worker_init(State, Verbosity), Res = (catch maybe_handle_recv_msg( Domain, Address, Bytes, State#state{log = Log})), worker_exit(udp, {Domain, Address}, Res) end, [monitor]). maybe_handle_recv_msg( Domain, Address, Bytes, #state{filter = FilterMod} = State) -> case (catch FilterMod:accept_recv(Domain, Address)) of false -> %% Drop the received packet inc(netIfMsgInDrops), ok; _ -> handle_recv_msg(Domain, Address, Bytes, State) end. handle_recv_msg(Domain, Address, Bytes, #state{server = Pid}) when is_binary(Bytes) andalso (size(Bytes) =:= 0) -> Pid ! {snmp_error, {empty_message, Domain, Address}, Domain, Address}, ok; handle_recv_msg( Domain, Address, Bytes, #state{server = Pid, note_store = NoteStore, mpd_state = MpdState, sock = Sock, log = Log} = State) -> Logger = logger(Log, read, Domain, Address), case (catch snmpm_mpd:process_msg(Bytes, Domain, Address, MpdState, NoteStore, Logger)) of {ok, Vsn, Pdu, MS, ACM} -> maybe_handle_recv_pdu(Domain, Address, Vsn, Pdu, MS, ACM, Logger, State); {discarded, Reason, Report} -> ?vdebug("discarded: ~p", [Reason]), ErrorInfo = {failed_processing_message, Reason}, Pid ! {snmp_error, ErrorInfo, Domain, Address}, maybe_udp_send(State#state.filter, Sock, Domain, Address, Report), ok; {discarded, Reason} -> ?vdebug("discarded: ~p", [Reason]), ErrorInfo = {failed_processing_message, Reason}, Pid ! {snmp_error, ErrorInfo, Domain, Address}, ok; Error -> error_msg("processing of received message failed: " "~n ~p", [Error]), ok end. maybe_handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, Vsn, #pdu{type = Type} = Pdu, PduMS, ACM, Logger, #state{filter = FilterMod} = State) -> case (catch FilterMod:accept_recv_pdu(Domain, Address, Type)) of false -> inc(netIfPduInDrops), ok; _ -> handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, Vsn, Pdu, PduMS, ACM, Logger, State) end; maybe_handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, Vsn, Trap, PduMS, ACM, Logger, #state{filter = FilterMod} = State) when is_record(Trap, trappdu) -> case (catch FilterMod:accept_recv_pdu(Domain, Address, trappdu)) of false -> inc(netIfPduInDrops), ok; _ -> handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, Vsn, Trap, PduMS, ACM, Logger, State) end; maybe_handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, Vsn, Pdu, PduMS, ACM, Logger, State) -> handle_recv_pdu(Domain, Address, Vsn, Pdu, PduMS, ACM, Logger, State). handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, Vsn, #pdu{type = 'inform-request'} = Pdu, _PduMS, ACM, Logger, #state{server = Pid, irb = IRB} = State) -> handle_inform_request( IRB, Pid, Vsn, Pdu, ACM, Domain, Address, Logger, State); handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, _Vsn, #pdu{type = report} = Pdu, _PduMS, ok, _Logger, #state{server = Pid} = _State) -> ?vtrace("received report - ok", []), Pid ! {snmp_report, {ok, Pdu}, Domain, Address}, ok; handle_recv_pdu(Domain, Address, _Vsn, #pdu{type = report} = Pdu, _PduMS, {error, ReqId, Reason}, _Logger, #state{server = Pid} = _State) -> ?vtrace("received report - error", []), Pid ! {snmp_report, {error, ReqId, Reason, Pdu}, Domain, Address}, ok; handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, _Vsn, #pdu{type = 'snmpv2-trap'} = Pdu, _PduMS, _ACM, _Logger, #state{server = Pid} = _State) -> ?vtrace("received snmpv2-trap", []), Pid ! {snmp_trap, Pdu, Domain, Address}, ok; handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, _Vsn, Trap, _PduMS, _ACM, _Logger, #state{server = Pid} = _State) when is_record(Trap, trappdu) -> ?vtrace("received trappdu", []), Pid ! {snmp_trap, Trap, Domain, Address}, ok; handle_recv_pdu( Domain, Address, _Vsn, Pdu, _PduMS, _ACM, _Logger, #state{server = Pid} = _State) when is_record(Pdu, pdu) -> ?vtrace("received pdu", []), Pid ! {snmp_pdu, Pdu, Domain, Address}, ok; handle_recv_pdu( _Domain, _Address, _Vsn, Pdu, _PduMS, ACM, _Logger, _State) -> ?vlog("received unexpected pdu: " "~n Pdu: ~p" "~n ACM: ~p", [Pdu, ACM]), ok. handle_inform_request(auto, Pid, Vsn, Pdu, ACM, Domain, Address, Logger, State) -> ?vtrace("received inform-request (true)", []), Pid ! {snmp_inform, ignore, Pdu, Domain, Address}, RePdu = make_response_pdu(Pdu), maybe_send_inform_response(RePdu, Vsn, ACM, Domain, Address, Logger, State); handle_inform_request({user, To}, Pid, Vsn, #pdu{request_id = ReqId} = Pdu, ACM, Domain, Address, _Logger, _State) -> ?vtrace("received inform-request (false)", []), Pid ! {snmp_inform, ReqId, Pdu, Domain, Address}, %% Before we go any further, we need to check that we have not %% already received this message (possible resend). Key = {ReqId, Domain, Address}, case ets:lookup(snmpm_inform_request_table, Key) of [_] -> %% OK, we already know about this. We assume this %% is a resend. Either the agent is really eager or %% the user has not answered yet. Bad user! ok; [] -> RePdu = make_response_pdu(Pdu), Expire = t() + To, Rec = {Key, Expire, {Vsn, ACM, RePdu}}, ets:insert(snmpm_inform_request_table, Rec) end, ok. handle_inform_response(Ref, Domain, Address, State) -> Verbosity = get(verbosity), spawn_opt(fun() -> Log = worker_init(State, Verbosity), Res = (catch do_handle_inform_response( Ref, Domain, Address, State#state{log = Log})), worker_exit(inform_response, {Domain, Address}, Res) end, [monitor]). do_handle_inform_response(Ref, Domain, Address, State) -> Key = {Ref, Domain, Address}, case ets:lookup(snmpm_inform_request_table, Key) of [{Key, _, {Vsn, ACM, RePdu}}] -> Logger = logger(State#state.log, read, Domain, Address), ets:delete(snmpm_inform_request_table, Key), maybe_send_inform_response(RePdu, Vsn, ACM, Domain, Address, Logger, State); [] -> %% Already acknowledged, or the user was to slow to reply... ok end, ok. maybe_send_inform_response(RePdu, Vsn, ACM, Domain, Address, Logger, #state{server = Pid, sock = Sock, filter = FilterMod}) -> case (catch FilterMod:accept_send_pdu( Domain, Address, pdu_type_of(RePdu))) of false -> inc(netIfPduOutDrops), ok; _ -> case snmpm_mpd:generate_response_msg(Vsn, RePdu, ACM, Logger) of {ok, Msg} -> maybe_udp_send(FilterMod, Sock, Domain, Address, Msg); {discarded, Reason} -> ?vlog("failed generating response message:" "~n Reason: ~p", [Reason]), ReqId = RePdu#pdu.request_id, ErrorInfo = {failed_generating_response, {RePdu, Reason}}, Pid ! {snmp_error, ReqId, ErrorInfo, Domain, Address}, ok end end. handle_inform_response_gc(#state{irb = IRB} = State) -> ets:safe_fixtable(snmpm_inform_request_table, true), do_irgc(ets:first(snmpm_inform_request_table), t()), ets:safe_fixtable(snmpm_inform_request_table, false), State#state{irgc = irgc_start(IRB)}. %% We are deleting at the same time as we are traversing the table!!! do_irgc('$end_of_table', _) -> ok; do_irgc(Key, Now) -> Next = ets:next(snmpm_inform_request_table, Key), case ets:lookup(snmpm_inform_request_table, Key) of [{Key, BestBefore, _}] when BestBefore < Now -> ets:delete(snmpm_inform_request_table, Key); _ -> ok end, do_irgc(Next, Now). irgc_start(auto) -> undefined; irgc_start(_) -> erlang:send_after(?IRGC_TIMEOUT, self(), inform_response_gc). irgc_stop(undefined) -> ok; irgc_stop(Ref) -> (catch erlang:cancel_timer(Ref)). handle_send_pdu(Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, State) -> Verbosity = get(verbosity), spawn_opt(fun() -> Log = worker_init(State, Verbosity), Res = (catch maybe_handle_send_pdu( Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, State#state{log = Log})), worker_exit(send_pdu, {Domain, Address}, Res) end, [monitor]). maybe_handle_send_pdu(Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, #state{filter = FilterMod} = State) -> case (catch FilterMod:accept_send_pdu(Domain, Address, pdu_type_of(Pdu))) of false -> inc(netIfPduOutDrops), ok; _ -> do_handle_send_pdu(Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, State) end. do_handle_send_pdu(Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Domain, Address, #state{server = Pid, note_store = NoteStore, sock = Sock, log = Log, filter = FilterMod}) -> Logger = logger(Log, write, Domain, Address), case (catch snmpm_mpd:generate_msg(Vsn, NoteStore, Pdu, MsgData, Logger)) of {ok, Msg} -> ?vtrace("do_handle_send_pdu -> message generated", []), maybe_udp_send(FilterMod, Sock, Domain, Address, Msg); {discarded, Reason} -> ?vlog("PDU not sent: " "~n PDU: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p", [Pdu, Reason]), Pid ! {snmp_error, Pdu, Reason}, ok end. maybe_udp_send(FilterMod, Sock, Domain, {Ip, Port} = Address, Msg) -> case (catch FilterMod:accept_send(Domain, Address)) of false -> inc(netIfMsgOutDrops), ok; _ -> udp_send(Sock, Ip, Port, Msg) end. udp_send(Sock, Ip, Port, Msg) -> case (catch gen_udp:send(Sock, Ip, Port, Msg)) of ok -> ?vdebug("sent ~w bytes to ~w:~w [~w]", [sz(Msg), Ip, Port, Sock]), ok; {error, Reason} -> error_msg("failed sending message to ~p:~p: " "~n ~p", [Ip, Port, Reason]), ok; Error -> error_msg("failed sending message to ~p:~p: " "~n ~p", [Ip, Port, Error]), ok end. sz(B) when is_binary(B) -> size(B); sz(L) when is_list(L) -> length(L); sz(_) -> undefined. handle_disk_log(_Log, {wrap, NoLostItems}, State) -> ?vlog("Audit Trail Log - wrapped: ~w previously logged items where lost", [NoLostItems]), State; handle_disk_log(_Log, {truncated, NoLostItems}, State) -> ?vlog("Audit Trail Log - truncated: ~w items where lost when truncating", [NoLostItems]), State; handle_disk_log(_Log, full, State) -> error_msg("Failed to write to Audit Trail Log (full)", []), State; handle_disk_log(_Log, {error_status, ok}, State) -> State; handle_disk_log(_Log, {error_status, {error, Reason}}, State) -> error_msg("Error status received from Audit Trail Log: " "~n~p", [Reason]), State; handle_disk_log(_Log, _Info, State) -> State. %% mk_discovery_msg('version-3', Pdu, _VsnHdr, UserName) -> %% ScopedPDU = #scopedPdu{contextEngineID = "", %% contextName = "", %% data = Pdu}, %% Bytes = snmp_pdus:enc_scoped_pdu(ScopedPDU), %% MsgID = get(msg_id), %% put(msg_id,MsgID+1), %% UsmSecParams = %% #usmSecurityParameters{msgAuthoritativeEngineID = "", %% msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots = 0, %% msgAuthoritativeEngineTime = 0, %% msgUserName = UserName, %% msgPrivacyParameters = "", %% msgAuthenticationParameters = ""}, %% SecBytes = snmp_pdus:enc_usm_security_parameters(UsmSecParams), %% PduType = Pdu#pdu.type, %% Hdr = #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgID, %% msgMaxSize = 1000, %% msgFlags = snmp_misc:mk_msg_flags(PduType, 0), %% msgSecurityModel = ?SEC_USM, %% msgSecurityParameters = SecBytes}, %% Msg = #message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = Hdr, data = Bytes}, %% case (catch snmp_pdus:enc_message_only(Msg)) of %% {'EXIT', Reason} -> %% error("Encoding error. Pdu: ~w. Reason: ~w",[Pdu, Reason]), %% error; %% L when list(L) -> %% {Msg, L} %% end; %% mk_discovery_msg(Version, Pdu, {Com, _, _, _, _}, UserName) -> %% Msg = #message{version = Version, vsn_hdr = Com, data = Pdu}, %% case catch snmp_pdus:enc_message(Msg) of %% {'EXIT', Reason} -> %% error("Encoding error. Pdu: ~w. Reason: ~w",[Pdu, Reason]), %% error; %% L when list(L) -> %% {Msg, L} %% end. %% mk_msg('version-3', Pdu, {Context, User, EngineID, CtxEngineId, SecLevel}, %% MsgData) -> %% %% Code copied from snmp_mpd.erl %% {MsgId, SecName, SecData} = %% if %% tuple(MsgData), Pdu#pdu.type == 'get-response' -> %% MsgData; %% true -> %% Md = get(msg_id), %% put(msg_id, Md + 1), %% {Md, User, []} %% end, %% ScopedPDU = #scopedPdu{contextEngineID = CtxEngineId, %% contextName = Context, %% data = Pdu}, %% ScopedPDUBytes = snmp_pdus:enc_scoped_pdu(ScopedPDU), %% PduType = Pdu#pdu.type, %% V3Hdr = #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgId, %% msgMaxSize = 1000, %% msgFlags = snmp_misc:mk_msg_flags(PduType, SecLevel), %% msgSecurityModel = ?SEC_USM}, %% Message = #message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = V3Hdr, %% data = ScopedPDUBytes}, %% SecEngineID = case PduType of %% 'get-response' -> snmp_framework_mib:get_engine_id(); %% _ -> EngineID %% end, %% case catch snmp_usm:generate_outgoing_msg(Message, SecEngineID, %% SecName, SecData, SecLevel) of %% {'EXIT', Reason} -> %% error("Encoding error. Pdu: ~w. Reason: ~w",[Pdu, Reason]), %% error; %% {error, Reason} -> %% error("Encoding error. Pdu: ~w. Reason: ~w",[Pdu, Reason]), %% error; %% Packet -> %% Packet %% end; %% mk_msg(Version, Pdu, {Com, _User, _EngineID, _Ctx, _SecLevel}, _SecData) -> %% Msg = #message{version = Version, vsn_hdr = Com, data = Pdu}, %% case catch snmp_pdus:enc_message(Msg) of %% {'EXIT', Reason} -> %% error("Encoding error. Pdu: ~w. Reason: ~w",[Pdu, Reason]), %% error; %% B when list(B) -> %% B %% end. %% handle_system_info_updated(#state{log = {Log, _OldType}} = State, %% audit_trail_log_type = _What) -> %% %% Just to make sure, check that ATL is actually enabled %% case snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log) of %% {ok, true} -> %% {ok, Type} = snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log_type), %% NewState = State#state{log = {Log, Type}}, %% {NewState, ok}; %% _ -> %% {State, {error, {adt_not_enabled}}} %% end; %% handle_system_info_updated(_State, _What) -> %% ok. handle_get_log_type(#state{log = {_Log, Value}} = State) -> %% Just to make sure, check that ATL is actually enabled case snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log) of {ok, true} -> Type = case {lists:member(read, Value), lists:member(write, Value)} of {true, true} -> read_write; {true, false} -> read; {false, true} -> write; {false, false} -> throw({State, {error, {bad_atl_type, Value}}}) end, {ok, Type}; _ -> {error, not_enabled} end; handle_get_log_type(_State) -> {error, not_enabled}. handle_set_log_type(#state{log = {Log, OldValue}} = State, NewType) -> %% Just to make sure, check that ATL is actually enabled case snmpm_config:system_info(audit_trail_log) of {ok, true} -> NewValue = case NewType of read -> [read]; write -> [write]; read_write -> [read,write]; _ -> throw({State, {error, {bad_atl_type, NewType}}}) end, NewState = State#state{log = {Log, NewValue}}, OldType = case {lists:member(read, OldValue), lists:member(write, OldValue)} of {true, true} -> read_write; {true, false} -> read; {false, true} -> write; {false, false} -> throw({State, {error, {bad_atl_type, OldValue}}}) end, {NewState, {ok, OldType}}; _ -> {State, {error, not_enabled}} end; handle_set_log_type(State, _NewType) -> {State, {error, not_enabled}}. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- worker_init(#state{log = undefined = Log}, Verbosity) -> worker_init2(Log, Verbosity); worker_init(#state{log = {Name, Log, Type}}, Verbosity) -> case snmp_log:open(Name, Log) of {ok, NewLog} -> worker_init2({Name, NewLog, Type}, Verbosity); {error, Reason} -> warning_msg("NetIf worker ~p failed opening ATL: " "~n ~p", [self(), Reason]), NewLog = undefined, worker_init2({Name, NewLog, Type}, Verbosity) end; worker_init(State, Verbosity) -> ?vinfo("worker_init -> entry with invalid data: " "~n State: ~p" "~n Verbosity: ~p", [State, Verbosity]), exit({worker_init, State, Verbosity}). worker_init2(Log, Verbosity) -> put(sname, mnifw), put(verbosity, Verbosity), Log. worker_exit(Tag, Info, Result) -> exit({net_if_worker, {Tag, Info, Result}}). handle_worker_exit(_, {_, _, ok}) -> ok; handle_worker_exit(Pid, {udp, {Domain, Address}, ExitStatus}) -> warning_msg("Worker process (~p) terminated " "while processing (incomming) message from ~w:~w: " "~n~p", [Pid, Domain, Address, ExitStatus]), ok; handle_worker_exit(Pid, {send_pdu, {Domain, Address}, ExitStatus}) -> warning_msg("Worker process (~p) terminated " "while processing (outgoing) pdu for [~w] ~w: " "~n~p", [Pid, Domain, Address, ExitStatus]), ok; handle_worker_exit(Pid, {inform_response, {Domain, Address}, ExitStatus}) -> warning_msg("Worker process (~p) terminated " "while processing (outgoing) inform response for ~w:~w: " "~n~p", [Pid, Domain, Address, ExitStatus]), ok; handle_worker_exit(_, _) -> ok. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- make_response_pdu(#pdu{request_id = ReqId, varbinds = Vbs}) -> #pdu{type = 'get-response', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = Vbs}. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- pdu_type_of(#pdu{type = Type}) -> Type; pdu_type_of(TrapPdu) when is_record(TrapPdu, trappdu) -> trap. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% At this point this function is used during testing maybe_process_extra_info(?DEFAULT_EXTRA_INFO) -> ok; maybe_process_extra_info({?SNMPM_EXTRA_INFO_TAG, Fun}) when is_function(Fun, 0) -> (catch Fun()), ok; maybe_process_extra_info(_ExtraInfo) -> ok. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- t() -> {A,B,C} = erlang:now(), A*1000000000+B*1000+(C div 1000). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- logger(undefined, _Type, _Domain, _Address) -> fun(_) -> ok end; logger({_Name, Log, Types}, Type, Domain, Address) -> case lists:member(Type, Types) of true -> fun(Msg) -> snmp_log:log(Log, Msg, Domain, Address) end; false -> fun(_) -> ok end end. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% info_msg(F, A) -> %% ?snmpm_info("NET-IF server: " ++ F, A). warning_msg(F, A) -> ?snmpm_warning("NET-IF server: " ++ F, A). error_msg(F, A) -> ?snmpm_error("NET-IF server: " ++ F, A). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- % get_opt(Key, Opts) -> % ?vtrace("get option ~w", [Key]), % snmp_misc:get_option(Key, Opts). get_opt(Opts, Key, Def) -> ?vtrace("get option ~w with default ~p", [Key, Def]), snmp_misc:get_option(Key, Opts, Def). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- get_info(#state{sock = Id}) -> ProcSize = proc_mem(self()), PortInfo = get_port_info(Id), [{process_memory, ProcSize}, {port_info, PortInfo}]. proc_mem(P) when is_pid(P) -> case (catch erlang:process_info(P, memory)) of {memory, Sz} when is_integer(Sz) -> Sz; _ -> undefined end. %% proc_mem(_) -> %% undefined. get_port_info(Id) -> PortInfo = case (catch erlang:port_info(Id)) of PI when is_list(PI) -> [{port_info, PI}]; _ -> [] end, PortStatus = case (catch prim_inet:getstatus(Id)) of {ok, PS} -> [{port_status, PS}]; _ -> [] end, PortAct = case (catch inet:getopts(Id, [active])) of {ok, PA} -> [{port_act, PA}]; _ -> [] end, PortStats = case (catch inet:getstat(Id)) of {ok, Stat} -> [{port_stats, Stat}]; _ -> [] end, IfList = case (catch inet:getif(Id)) of {ok, IFs} -> [{interfaces, IFs}]; _ -> [] end, BufSz = case (catch inet:getopts(Id, [recbuf, sndbuf, buffer])) of {ok, Sz} -> [{buffer_size, Sz}]; _ -> [] end, [{socket, Id}] ++ IfList ++ PortStats ++ PortInfo ++ PortStatus ++ PortAct ++ BufSz. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Counter functions %%----------------------------------------------------------------- init_counters() -> F = fun(Counter) -> maybe_create_counter(Counter) end, lists:map(F, counters()). reset_counters() -> F = fun(Counter) -> snmpm_config:reset_stats_counter(Counter) end, lists:map(F, counters()). maybe_create_counter(Counter) -> snmpm_config:maybe_cre_stats_counter(Counter, 0). counters() -> [ netIfMsgOutDrops, netIfMsgInDrops, netIfPduOutDrops, netIfPduInDrops ]. inc(Name) -> inc(Name, 1). inc(Name, N) -> snmpm_config:incr_stats_counter(Name, N). %% get_counters() -> %% Counters = counters(), %% get_counters(Counters, []). %% get_counters([], Acc) -> %% lists:reverse(Acc); %% get_counters([Counter|Counters], Acc) -> %% case snmpm_config:get_stats_counter(Counter) of %% {ok, CounterVal} -> %% get_counters(Counters, [{Counter, CounterVal}|Acc]); %% _ -> %% get_counters(Counters, Acc) %% end. %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- call(Pid, Req) -> call(Pid, Req, infinity). call(Pid, Req, Timeout) -> gen_server:call(Pid, Req, Timeout). cast(Pid, Msg) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, Msg).