%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(snmp_pdus). -define(SNMP_USE_V3, true). -include("snmp_types.hrl"). -define(VMODULE,"PDUS"). -include("snmp_verbosity.hrl"). %% See RFC1155, RFC1157, RFC1901, RFC1902, RFC1905, RFC2272 %% API -export([enc_message/1, enc_message_only/1, enc_pdu/1, enc_varbind/1, enc_oct_str_tag/1, enc_scoped_pdu/1, enc_usm_security_parameters/1, dec_message/1, dec_message_only/1, dec_pdu/1, dec_scoped_pdu_data/1, dec_scoped_pdu/1, dec_usm_security_parameters/1, strip_encrypted_scoped_pdu_data/1, octet_str_to_bits/1, bits_to_str/1, get_encoded_length/1, enc_value/2, dec_value/1]). %% -compile(export_all). %% Returns the number of octets required to encode Length. get_encoded_length(Length) -> length(elength(Length)). dec_message([48 | Bytes]) -> Bytes2 = get_data_bytes(Bytes), case dec_snmp_version(Bytes2) of {'version-3', Rest} -> dec_rest_v3_msg(Rest); {Vsn, Rest} -> % 1 or 2 dec_rest_v1_v2_msg(Vsn, Rest) end. dec_message_only([48 | Bytes]) -> Bytes2 = get_data_bytes(Bytes), case dec_snmp_version(Bytes2) of {'version-3', Rest} -> dec_rest_v3_msg_only(Rest); {Vsn, Rest} -> % 1 or 2 dec_rest_v1_v2_msg_only(Vsn, Rest) end. dec_snmp_version(Bytes) -> case (catch dec_int_tag(Bytes, 10)) of {error, {bad_integer, BadInt}} -> exit({bad_version, BadInt}); {SNMPversion, Rest} when is_integer(SNMPversion) andalso is_list(Rest) -> {dec_snmp_ver(SNMPversion), Rest}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. dec_snmp_ver(0) -> 'version-1'; dec_snmp_ver(1) -> 'version-2'; dec_snmp_ver(3) -> 'version-3'; dec_snmp_ver(Vsn) -> exit({bad_version, Vsn}). dec_rest_v1_v2_msg(Vsn, Rest1) -> {Community, Rest2} = dec_oct_str_tag(Rest1), PDU = dec_pdu(Rest2), #message{version = Vsn, vsn_hdr = Community, data = PDU}. dec_rest_v1_v2_msg_only(Vsn, Rest1) -> {Community, Rest2} = dec_oct_str_tag(Rest1), #message{version = Vsn, vsn_hdr = Community, data = Rest2}. dec_rest_v3_msg_only([48 | Bytes]) -> % starts with header data sequence {Size, Tail} = dec_len(Bytes), {HBytes, Bytes1} = split_at(Tail, Size, []), %% Decode HeaderData {MsgID, HBytes1} = dec_int_tag(HBytes), chk_msg_id(MsgID), {MsgMaxSize, HBytes2} = dec_int_tag(HBytes1), chk_msg_max_size(MsgMaxSize), {MsgFlags, HBytes3} = dec_oct_str_tag(HBytes2), {MsgSecurityModel, []} = dec_int_tag(HBytes3), chk_msg_sec_model(MsgSecurityModel), %% Continue with Message % {MsgSecurityParameters, Bytes2} = dec_oct_str_tag(Bytes1), [4 | Bytes1a] = Bytes1, {Size1a, Tail1a} = dec_len(Bytes1a), {MsgSecurityParameters, Bytes2} = split_at(Tail1a, Size1a, []), %% [48 , HdrDataLen, HdrData, 4, MsgSecLen, MsgSec, ...] %% NOTE: HdrDataLen is always so small that one octet is enough to %% encode its length. %% MsgSecLen is worse... but for USM, it is small enough for %% one octet. USM is currently the only secmodel. %% 1 + 1 + Size + 1 + 1 + Size1a HdrSize = Size + Size1a + 4, V3Hdr = #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgID, msgMaxSize = MsgMaxSize, msgFlags = MsgFlags, %dec_msg_flags(MsgFlags), msgSecurityModel = MsgSecurityModel, msgSecurityParameters = MsgSecurityParameters, hdr_size = HdrSize}, #message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = V3Hdr, data = Bytes2}. dec_rest_v3_msg(Bytes) -> Message = dec_rest_v3_msg_only(Bytes), Data = Message#message.data, Message#message{data = dec_scoped_pdu_data(Data)}. dec_scoped_pdu_data([48 | Bytes]) -> % plaintext {ScopedPdu, []} = dec_scoped_pdu_notag(Bytes), ScopedPdu; dec_scoped_pdu_data([4 | Bytes]) -> % encryptedPDU {EncryptedPDU, []} = dec_oct_str_notag(Bytes), EncryptedPDU. dec_scoped_pdu([48 | Bytes]) -> element(1, dec_scoped_pdu_notag(Bytes)). dec_scoped_pdu_notag(Bytes) -> Bytes1 = get_data_bytes(Bytes), {ContextEngineID, Bytes2} = dec_oct_str_tag(Bytes1), {ContextName, Bytes3} = dec_oct_str_tag(Bytes2), Pdu = dec_pdu(Bytes3), {#scopedPdu{contextEngineID = ContextEngineID, contextName = ContextName, data = Pdu}, []}. dec_pdu_tag(160) -> 'get-request'; dec_pdu_tag(161) -> 'get-next-request'; dec_pdu_tag(162) -> 'get-response'; dec_pdu_tag(163) -> 'set-request'; %% 164 SNMPv1 Trap %% 165 Bulk dec_pdu_tag(166) -> 'inform-request'; dec_pdu_tag(167) -> 'snmpv2-trap'; dec_pdu_tag(168) -> report. dec_pdu([164 | Bytes]) -> % It's a trap Bytes2 = get_data_bytes(Bytes), {Enterprise, Rest1} = dec_oid_tag(Bytes2), {{'IpAddress', AgentAddr}, Rest2} = dec_value(Rest1), {GenericTrap, Rest3} = dec_int_tag(Rest2), {SpecificTrap, Rest4} = dec_int_tag(Rest3), {{'TimeTicks', TimeStamp}, VBBytes} = dec_value(Rest4), VBs = dec_VBs(VBBytes), #trappdu{enterprise = Enterprise, agent_addr = AgentAddr, generic_trap = GenericTrap, specific_trap = SpecificTrap, time_stamp = TimeStamp, varbinds = VBs}; dec_pdu([165 | Bytes]) -> % Bulk Bytes2 = get_data_bytes(Bytes), {RequestID, Rest1} = dec_int_tag(Bytes2), {NonRepeaters, Rest2} = dec_int_tag(Rest1), {MaxRepetitions,VBbytes} = dec_int_tag(Rest2), VBs = dec_VBs(VBbytes), #pdu{type = 'get-bulk-request', request_id = RequestID, error_status = NonRepeaters, error_index = MaxRepetitions, varbinds = VBs}; dec_pdu([PduTag | Bytes]) -> Type = dec_pdu_tag(PduTag), Bytes2 = get_data_bytes(Bytes), {RequestID, Rest1} = dec_int_tag(Bytes2), {ErrStat, Rest2} = dec_int_tag(Rest1), ErrStatus = case lists:keysearch(ErrStat, 2, errMsgs()) of {value, {ErrStatName, _ErrStat}} -> ErrStatName; false -> ErrStat end, {ErrIndex, VarbindsBytes} = dec_int_tag(Rest2), VBs = dec_VBs(VarbindsBytes), #pdu{type = Type, request_id = RequestID, error_status = ErrStatus, error_index = ErrIndex, varbinds = VBs}. dec_VBs([48 | Bytes]) -> Bytes1 = get_data_bytes(Bytes), dec_individual_VBs(Bytes1, 1, []). dec_individual_VBs([], _No, VBs) -> lists:reverse(VBs); dec_individual_VBs([48 | Bytes], OrgIndex, AccVBs) -> {_SizeOfThisVB, Bytes2} = dec_len(Bytes), {Oid, Rest} = dec_oid_tag(Bytes2), {{Type, Value}, Rest2} = dec_value(Rest), % perhaps we should check that we have eaten SizeOfThisVB bytes, but we % don't consider ourselves to have time for such list traversing stuff. dec_individual_VBs(Rest2, OrgIndex + 1, [#varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = Type, value = Value, org_index = OrgIndex} | AccVBs]). dec_usm_security_parameters([48 | Bytes1]) -> {_Len, Bytes2} = dec_len(Bytes1), {MsgAuthEngineID, Bytes3} = dec_oct_str_tag(Bytes2), {MsgAuthEngineBoots, Bytes4} = dec_int_tag(Bytes3), {MsgAuthEngineTime, Bytes5} = dec_int_tag(Bytes4), {MsgUserName, Bytes6} = dec_oct_str_tag(Bytes5), {MsgAuthParams, Bytes7} = dec_oct_str_tag(Bytes6), {MsgPrivParams, []} = dec_oct_str_tag(Bytes7), #usmSecurityParameters{msgAuthoritativeEngineID = MsgAuthEngineID, msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots = MsgAuthEngineBoots, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime = MsgAuthEngineTime, msgUserName = MsgUserName, msgAuthenticationParameters = MsgAuthParams, msgPrivacyParameters = MsgPrivParams}. strip_encrypted_scoped_pdu_data([48 | Bytes]) -> {Size, Tail} = dec_len(Bytes), [48 | elength(Size)] ++ strip(Size, Tail). strip(N, [H|T]) when N > 0 -> [H | strip(N-1, T)]; strip(0, _Tail) -> []. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Returns:{Type, Value} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- dec_value([6 | Bytes]) -> {Value, Rest} = dec_oid_notag(Bytes), {{'OBJECT IDENTIFIER', Value}, Rest}; dec_value([5,0 | T]) -> {{'NULL', 'NULL'}, T}; dec_value([2 | Bytes]) -> {Value, Rest} = dec_integer_notag(Bytes), {{'INTEGER', Value}, Rest}; dec_value([4 | Bytes]) -> {Value, Rest} = dec_oct_str_notag(Bytes), {{'OCTET STRING', Value}, Rest}; dec_value([64 | Bytes]) -> {Value, Rest} = dec_oct_str_notag(Bytes), {{'IpAddress', Value}, Rest}; %% dec_value([65 | Bytes]) -> %% {Value, Rest} = dec_integer_notag(Bytes), %% if %% (Value >= 0) andalso (Value =< 4294967295) -> %% {{'Counter32', Value}, Rest}; %% true -> %% exit({error, {bad_counter32, Value}}) %% end; dec_value([65 | Bytes]) -> %% Counter32 is an unsigned 32 but is actually encoded as %% a signed integer 32 (INTEGER). {Value, Rest} = dec_integer_notag(Bytes), Value2 = if (Value >= 0) andalso (Value =< 16#ffffffff) -> %% We accept value above 16#7fffffff Value; (Value < 0) -> 16#ffffffff + Value + 1; true -> exit({error, {bad_counter32, Value}}) end, {{'Counter64', Value2}, Rest}; dec_value([66 | Bytes]) -> {Value, Rest} = dec_integer_notag(Bytes), if (Value >= 0) andalso (Value =< 4294967295) -> {{'Unsigned32', Value}, Rest}; true -> exit({error, {bad_unsigned32, Value}}) end; dec_value([67 | Bytes]) -> {Value, Rest} = dec_integer_notag(Bytes), if (Value >= 0) andalso (Value =< 4294967295) -> {{'TimeTicks', Value}, Rest}; true -> exit({error, {bad_timeticks, Value}}) end; dec_value([68 | Bytes]) -> {Value, Rest} = dec_oct_str_notag(Bytes), {{'Opaque', Value}, Rest}; dec_value([70 | Bytes]) -> %% Counter64 is an unsigned 64 but is actually encoded as %% a signed integer 64. {Value, Rest} = dec_integer_notag(Bytes), Value2 = if (Value >= 0) andalso (Value < 16#8000000000000000) -> Value; (Value < 0) -> 18446744073709551615 + Value + 1; true -> exit({error, {bad_counter64, Value}}) end, {{'Counter64', Value2}, Rest}; dec_value([128,0|T]) -> {{'NULL', noSuchObject}, T}; dec_value([129,0|T]) -> {{'NULL', noSuchInstance}, T}; dec_value([130,0|T]) -> {{'NULL', endOfMibView}, T}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Uses the beginning length bytes to return the actual data. %% If data has the wrong length, the program is exited. %% Pre: Tag is removed. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- get_data_bytes(Bytes) -> {Size, Tail} = dec_len(Bytes), if length(Tail) =:= Size -> Tail; true -> exit({error, {wrong_length, Bytes}}) end. split_at(L, 0, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), L}; split_at([H|T], N, Acc) -> split_at(T, N-1, [H|Acc]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% All decoding routines return: {Data, RestBytes} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- dec_int_tag([2 | Bytes]) -> dec_integer_notag(Bytes). dec_int_tag([2 | Bytes], SizeLimit) -> dec_integer_notag(Bytes, SizeLimit). dec_integer_notag(Ints) -> dec_integer_notag(Ints, infinity). dec_integer_notag(Ints, SizeLimit) -> case dec_len(Ints) of {Size, Ints2} when SizeLimit =:= infinity -> do_dec_integer_notag(Size, Ints2); {Size, Ints2} when (is_integer(SizeLimit) andalso (Size =< SizeLimit)) -> do_dec_integer_notag(Size, Ints2); {BadSize, _BadInts2} -> throw({error, {bad_integer, {BadSize, SizeLimit}}}) end. do_dec_integer_notag(Size, Ints) -> if hd(Ints) band 128 == 0 -> %% Positive number dec_pos_int(Ints, Size, 8 * (Size - 1)); true -> %% Negative dec_neg_int(Ints, Size, 8 * (Size - 1)) end. dec_pos_int(T, 0, _) -> {0, T}; dec_pos_int([Byte|Tail], Size, Shift) -> {Int, Rest} = dec_pos_int(Tail, Size - 1, Shift - 8), {(Byte bsl Shift) bor Int, Rest}. dec_neg_int(T, 0, _) -> {0, T}; dec_neg_int([Byte|Tail], Size, Shift) -> {Int, Rest} = dec_pos_int(Tail, Size - 1, Shift-8), {(-128 + (Byte band 127) bsl Shift) bor Int, Rest}. dec_oct_str_tag([4 | Bytes]) -> dec_oct_str_notag(Bytes). dec_oct_str_notag(Bytes) -> {Size, Tail} = dec_len(Bytes), split_at(Tail, Size, []). dec_oid_tag([6 | Bytes]) -> dec_oid_notag(Bytes). dec_oid_notag(Bytes) -> {Size, [H | Tail]} = dec_len(Bytes), {Oid, Rest} = dec_oid_elements(Tail, Size - 1, []), {[H div 40, H rem 40 | Oid], Rest}. dec_oid_elements(L, 0, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), L}; dec_oid_elements([Dig|Tail], Size, Acc) when Dig < 128 -> dec_oid_elements(Tail, Size - 1, [Dig | Acc]); dec_oid_elements([Dig|Tail], Size, Acc) -> {Num, Neaten, Tl} = dec_oid_element(Tail,1,Dig band 127), dec_oid_elements(Tl, Size - Neaten, [Num|Acc]). dec_oid_element([Dig|Tail], Neaten, Num) when Dig < 128 -> {Num*128+Dig,Neaten+1,Tail}; dec_oid_element([Dig|Tail],Neaten, Num) -> dec_oid_element(Tail, Neaten+1, Num*128 + (Dig band 127)). chk_msg_id(MsgId) when (MsgId >= 0) andalso (MsgId =< 2147483647) -> ok; chk_msg_id(MsgId) -> exit({bad_msg_id, MsgId}). chk_msg_max_size(MMS) when (MMS >= 484) andalso (MMS =< 2147483647) -> ok; chk_msg_max_size(MMS) -> exit({bad_msg_max_size, MMS}). chk_msg_sec_model(MsgSecurityModel) when MsgSecurityModel >= 0, MsgSecurityModel =< 2147483647 -> ok; chk_msg_sec_model(MsgSecurityModel) -> exit({bad_msg_sec_model, MsgSecurityModel}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Code copied from the original ASN.1 compiler written by %% klacke@erix.ericsson.se %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Returns: {Len, Tail} %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- dec_len([128|_Tail]) -> %% indefinite form - not allowed in SNMP exit({asn1_error, indefinite_length}); dec_len([Hd|Tl]) when Hd >= 0 -> %% definite form if Hd < 128 -> % 8th bit is cleared %% Short form (actually, we can remove this test, since snmp_pdus %% performs this test _before_ calling this function) {Hd,Tl}; true -> %% Long form No = Hd band 127, % clear 8th bit {DigList, Rest} = head(No, Tl), Size = dec_integer_len(DigList), {Size, Rest} end. dec_integer_len([D]) -> D; dec_integer_len([A,B]) -> (A bsl 8) bor B; dec_integer_len([A,B,C]) -> (A bsl 16) bor (B bsl 8) bor C; %% More than 3 elements for length => either *very* long packet %% (which we don't handle), or the length is encoded with more octets %% than necessary (in which case the first octet must be 0). dec_integer_len([0 | T]) -> dec_integer_len(T). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% head(N, List) -> {List1, List2} %% List == List1 ++ List2 %% length(List1) == N %%----------------------------------------------------------------- head(L,List) -> head(L,List,[]). head(0,L,Res) -> {lists:reverse(Res),L}; head(Int,[H|Tail],Res) -> head(Int-1,Tail,[H|Res]); head(Int, [], _Res) -> exit({asn1_error, {bad_length, Int}}). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% ENCODING ENCODING ENCODING ENCODING ENCODING ENCODING ENCODING ENCODING %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- enc_message(#message{version = Ver, vsn_hdr = VsnHdr, data = Data}) -> VerBytes = enc_version(Ver), Bytes = case Ver of 'version-3' -> V3HeaderBytes = enc_v3_header(VsnHdr), DataBytes = enc_scoped_pdu(Data), V3HeaderBytes ++ DataBytes; _ -> ComBytes = enc_community(VsnHdr), DataBytes = enc_pdu(Data), ComBytes ++ DataBytes end, Bytes2 = VerBytes ++ Bytes, Len = elength(length(Bytes2)), [48 | Len] ++ Bytes2. enc_message_only(#message{version = Ver, vsn_hdr = VsnHdr, data = DataBytes}) -> VerBytes = enc_version(Ver), Bytes = case Ver of 'version-3' -> V3HeaderBytes = enc_v3_header(VsnHdr), V3HeaderBytes ++ DataBytes; _ -> ComBytes = enc_community(VsnHdr), ComBytes ++ DataBytes end, Bytes2 = VerBytes ++ Bytes, Len = elength(length(Bytes2)), [48 | Len] ++ Bytes2. enc_version('version-1') -> [2,1,0]; enc_version('version-2') -> [2,1,1]; enc_version('version-3') -> [2,1,3]. enc_community(Com) -> enc_oct_str_tag(Com). enc_v3_header(#v3_hdr{msgID = MsgID, msgMaxSize = MsgMaxSize, msgFlags = MsgFlags, msgSecurityModel = MsgSecurityModel, msgSecurityParameters = MsgSecurityParameters}) -> Bytes = lists:append([enc_integer_tag(MsgID), enc_integer_tag(MsgMaxSize), enc_oct_str_tag(MsgFlags), enc_integer_tag(MsgSecurityModel)]), Len = elength(length(Bytes)), lists:append([[48 | Len], Bytes, enc_oct_str_tag(MsgSecurityParameters)]). enc_scoped_pdu(#scopedPdu{contextEngineID = ContextEngineID, contextName = ContextName, data = Data}) -> Bytes = lists:append([enc_oct_str_tag(ContextEngineID), enc_oct_str_tag(ContextName), enc_pdu(Data)]), Len = elength(length(Bytes)), [48 | Len] ++ Bytes. enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= 'get-request' -> enc_pdu(160, PDU); enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= 'get-next-request' -> enc_pdu(161, PDU); enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= 'get-response' -> enc_pdu(162, PDU); enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= 'set-request' -> enc_pdu(163, PDU); enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= 'get-bulk-request' -> enc_pdu(165, PDU); enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= 'inform-request' -> enc_pdu(166, PDU); enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= 'snmpv2-trap' -> enc_pdu(167, PDU); enc_pdu(PDU) when PDU#pdu.type =:= report -> enc_pdu(168, PDU); enc_pdu(TrapPDU) when is_record(TrapPDU, trappdu) -> enc_Trap(TrapPDU). enc_pdu(Tag,PDU) -> Bytes2 = enc_pdu2(PDU), Len2 = elength(length(Bytes2)), lists:append([Tag | Len2], Bytes2). enc_pdu2(#pdu{type = Type, request_id = ReqId, error_index = ErrIndex, error_status = ErrStat, varbinds = VBs}) -> ReqBytes = enc_integer_tag(ReqId), Val = err_val(ErrStat,Type), ErrStatBytes = enc_integer_tag(Val), ErrIndexBytes = enc_integer_tag(ErrIndex), VBsBytes = enc_VarBindList(VBs), lists:append([ReqBytes, ErrStatBytes, ErrIndexBytes, VBsBytes]). enc_usm_security_parameters( #usmSecurityParameters{msgAuthoritativeEngineID = MsgAuthEngineID, msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots = MsgAuthEngineBoots, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime = MsgAuthEngineTime, msgUserName = MsgUserName, msgAuthenticationParameters = MsgAuthParams, msgPrivacyParameters = MsgPrivParams}) -> Bytes1 = enc_oct_str_tag(MsgAuthEngineID), Bytes2 = enc_integer_tag(MsgAuthEngineBoots), Bytes3 = enc_integer_tag(MsgAuthEngineTime), Bytes4 = enc_oct_str_tag(MsgUserName), Bytes5 = enc_oct_str_tag(MsgAuthParams), Bytes6 = enc_oct_str_tag(MsgPrivParams), Bytes7 = lists:append([Bytes1, Bytes2, Bytes3, Bytes4, Bytes5, Bytes6]), Len = elength(length(Bytes7)), [48 | Len] ++ Bytes7. err_val(Int,'get-bulk-request') when is_integer(Int) -> Int; err_val(ErrStat, _) -> {value, {_ErrStat, Val}} = lists:keysearch(ErrStat, 1, errMsgs()), Val. errMsgs() -> [{noError,0},{tooBig,1},{noSuchName,2}, {badValue,3},{readOnly,4},{genErr,5}, %% v2 {noAccess,6},{wrongType,7},{wrongLength,8},{wrongEncoding,9}, {wrongValue,10},{noCreation,11},{inconsistentValue,12}, {resourceUnavailable,13},{commitFailed,14},{undoFailed,15}, {authorizationError,16},{notWritable,17},{inconsistentName,18}]. enc_VarBindList(EncodedVBs) when is_integer(hd(EncodedVBs)) -> Len1 = elength(length(EncodedVBs)), lists:append([48 | Len1],EncodedVBs); enc_VarBindList(VBs) -> Bytes1 = lists:append(lists:map(fun enc_varbind/1, VBs)), Len1 = elength(length(Bytes1)), lists:append([48 | Len1],Bytes1). enc_varbind(Varbind) -> Bytes1 = enc_VarBind_attributes(Varbind), Len1 = elength(length(Bytes1)), lists:append([48 | Len1],Bytes1). enc_VarBind_attributes(#varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = Type,value = Val}) -> OidBytes = enc_oid_tag(Oid), ValueBytes = enc_value(Type, Val), lists:append(OidBytes, ValueBytes). enc_value('INTEGER',Val) -> enc_integer_tag(Val); enc_value('OCTET STRING', Val) -> enc_oct_str_tag(Val); enc_value('BITS', Val) -> enc_oct_str_tag(bits_to_str(Val)); enc_value('OBJECT IDENTIFIER', Val) -> enc_oid_tag(Val); enc_value('IpAddress',Val) -> Bytes2 = enc_oct_str_notag(Val), Len2 = elength(length(Bytes2)), lists:append([64 | Len2],Bytes2); enc_value('Opaque', Val) -> Bytes2 = enc_oct_str_notag(Val), Len2 = elength(length(Bytes2)), lists:append([68 | Len2],Bytes2); enc_value(_Type, noSuchObject) -> [128,0]; enc_value(_Type, noSuchInstance) -> [129,0]; enc_value(_Type, endOfMibView) -> [130,0]; enc_value('NULL', _Val) -> [5,0]; enc_value('Counter32', Val) -> Val2 = if Val > 16#ffffffff -> exit({error, {bad_counter32, Val}}); Val >= 16#80000000 -> (Val band 16#7fffffff) - 16#80000000; Val >= 0 -> Val; true -> exit({error, {bad_counter32, Val}}) end, Bytes2 = enc_integer_notag(Val2), Len2 = elength(length(Bytes2)), lists:append([65 | Len2],Bytes2); enc_value('Counter64', Val) -> Val2 = if Val > 16#ffffffffffffffff -> exit({error, {bad_counter64, Val}}); Val >= 16#8000000000000000 -> (Val band 16#7fffffffffffffff) - 16#8000000000000000; Val >= 0 -> Val; true -> exit({error, {bad_counter64, Val}}) end, Bytes2 = enc_integer_notag(Val2), Len2 = elength(length(Bytes2)), lists:append([70 | Len2],Bytes2); enc_value(Type, Val) -> Bytes2 = enc_integer_notag(Val), Len2 = elength(length(Bytes2)), lists:append([enc_val_tag(Type,Val) | Len2],Bytes2). enc_val_tag('Counter32',Val) when (Val >= 0) andalso (Val =< 4294967295) -> 65; enc_val_tag('Unsigned32', Val) when (Val >= 0) andalso (Val =< 4294967295) -> 66; enc_val_tag('TimeTicks', Val) when (Val >= 0) andalso (Val =< 4294967295) -> 67. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Impl according to RFC1906, section 8 %% For example: the number 1010 0000 (=160) 0100 0001 (=65) is represented as %% the octet string: 1000 0010, 0000 0101 (=[130,5]) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- bits_to_str(0) -> ""; bits_to_str(Int) -> [rev_int8(Int band 255) | bits_to_str(Int div 256)]. rev_int8(Val) -> rev_int(Val,0,1,128). rev_int(_Val,Res,256,0) -> Res; rev_int(Val,Res,OldBit,NewBit) when Val band OldBit =/= 0 -> rev_int(Val,Res+NewBit,OldBit*2,NewBit div 2); rev_int(Val,Res,OldBit,NewBit) -> rev_int(Val,Res,OldBit*2,NewBit div 2). octet_str_to_bits(Str) -> octet_str_to_bits(Str,1). octet_str_to_bits("",_) -> 0; octet_str_to_bits([Byte|Bytes],Mul) -> Mul*rev_int8(Byte)+octet_str_to_bits(Bytes,Mul*256). enc_Trap(TrapPdu) when is_record(TrapPdu, trappdu) -> Bytes1 = enc_trap_data(TrapPdu), Len1 = elength(length(Bytes1)), lists:append([164 | Len1],Bytes1). enc_trap_data(#trappdu{enterprise = Enterprise, agent_addr = AgentAddr, generic_trap = GenericTrap, specific_trap = SpecificTrap, time_stamp = TimeStamp, varbinds = VBs}) -> L1 = enc_oid_tag(Enterprise), L2 = enc_value('IpAddress', AgentAddr), L3 = enc_integer_tag(GenericTrap), L4 = enc_integer_tag(SpecificTrap), L5 = enc_value('TimeTicks', TimeStamp), L6 = enc_VarBindList(VBs), lists:append([L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6]). enc_oid_tag([E1,E2|RestOid]) when E1 * 40 + E2 =< 255 -> Head = 40*E1 + E2, % weird Res = e_object_elements(RestOid, []), lists:append([6 | elength(length(Res) + 1)],[Head|Res]). e_object_elements([Num | T], Res) -> e_object_elements(T, lists:append(e_object_element(Num),Res)); e_object_elements([], Res) -> lists:reverse(Res). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The reversed encoding for an oid-element %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- e_object_element(Num) when Num > 0 -> [Last|T] = e_object_element2(Num), [Last-128|T]; e_object_element(0) -> [0]. e_object_element2(Num) when Num > 0 -> Byte = (Num rem 128), [128+Byte | e_object_element2((Num-Byte) div 128)]; e_object_element2(0) -> []. enc_integer_tag(Val) when Val >= 0 -> %% stdcase positive ints Bytes = eint(Val,[]), [2 | elength(length(Bytes))] ++ Bytes; enc_integer_tag(Val) -> %% It's a negative number Bytes = enint(Val,[]), [2 | elength(length(Bytes))] ++ Bytes. enc_integer_notag(Val) when Val >= 0 -> %% stdcase positive ints eint(Val,[]); enc_integer_notag(Val) -> %% It's a negative number enint(Val,[]). eint(0, [B|Acc]) when B < 128 -> [B|Acc]; eint(N, Acc) -> eint(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff| Acc]). enint(-1, [B1|T]) when B1 > 127 -> [B1|T]; enint(N, Acc) -> enint(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff|Acc]). enc_oct_str_tag(OStr) when is_list(OStr) -> lists:append([4|elength(length(OStr))],OStr); enc_oct_str_tag(OBin) -> [4 | elength(size(OBin))] ++ binary_to_list(OBin). enc_oct_str_notag(OStr) -> OStr. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Always use definite form %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Short elength(L) when L < 127 -> [L]; %% 3 cases of long form elength(L) when L =< 16#FF -> [2#10000001,L]; elength(L) when L =< 16#FFFF -> [2#10000010,(L bsr 8),(L band 16#FF)]; elength(L) when L =< 16#7FFFFF -> [2#10000011,(L bsr 16),((L band 16#FF00) bsr 8), (L band 16#FF)].