%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(snmp_agent_bl_test). %% TODO %% * Test fault-tolerance (kill master etc) %% % -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). % -include("test_server.hrl"). % -include("snmp_test_lib.hrl"). % -define(SNMP_USE_V3, true). % -include_lib("snmp/include/snmp_types.hrl"). %% -include_lib("snmp/include/SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.hrl"). %% -include_lib("snmp/include/SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB.hrl"). %% -include_lib("snmp/include/SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB.hrl"). % -define(klas1, [1,3,6,1,2,1,7]). % -define(klas2, [1,3,6,1,2,1,9]). % -define(klas3, [1,3,6,1,2,1,8,1]). % -define(klas4, [1,3,6,1,2,1,8,4]). % -define(sa, [1,3,6,1,4,1,193,2]). % -define(system, [1,3,6,1,2,1,1]). % -define(snmp, [1,3,6,1,2,1,11]). % -define(snmpTraps, [1,3,6,1,6,3,1,1,5]). % -define(ericsson, [1,3,6,1,4,1,193]). % -define(testTrap, [1,3,6,1,2,1,15,0]). % -define(xDescr, [1,3,6,1,2,1,17,1]). % -define(xDescr2, [1,3,6,1,2,1,17,2]). % -define(active, 1). % -define(notInService, 2). % -define(notReady, 3). % -define(createAndGo, 4). % -define(createAndWait, 5). % -define(destroy, 6). % -define(TRAP_UDP, 5000). % -define(tooBigStr, "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"). -define(str(X), snmp_pdus:bits_to_str(X)). -define(break(), begin io:format(user, "break at line ~w: pid: ~p\n", [?LINE, self()]), receive cont -> ok end end). -import(snmp_test_mgr, [gn/1, g/1, s/1, gb/3]). -define(v1_2(V1,V2), case get(vsn) of v1 -> V1; _ -> V2 end). -define(v1_2_3(V1,V2,V3), case get(vsn) of v1 -> V1; v2 -> V2; _ -> V3 end). all(suite) -> {req, [mnesia, distribution, {local_slave_nodes, 2}, {time, 360}], [{conf, init_all, cases(), finish_all}]}. init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) when list(Config) -> Dog = ?t:timetrap(?t:minutes(6)), [{watchdog, Dog}|Config]. end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) when list(Config) -> Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config), ?t:timetrap_cancel(Dog), Config. cases() -> [ app_info, test_v1, test_v2, test_v1_v2, test_v3, test_multi_threaded, mib_storage, tickets ]. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% The test case structure is as follows: %%% %%% init_all - starts mnesia, %%% %%% init_v1 - starts agent %%% simple %%% big - e.g. starts/stops subagent, load/unloads mibs %%% init_mul %%% mul_get %%% mul_set %%% <etc> %%% finish_mul %%% <etc> %%% finish_v1 %%% %%% init_v2 - starts agent %%% finish_v2 %%% %%% init_bilingual - starts agent %%% finish_bilingual %%% %%% finish_all %%% %%% There is still one problem with these testsuites. If one test %%% fails, it may not be possible to run some other cases, as it %%% may have e.g. created some row or loaded some table, that it %%% didn't undo (since it failed). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- init_all(Config0) when list(Config0) -> ?LOG("init_all -> entry with" "~n Config0: ~p",[Config0]), %% -- %% Fix config: %% DataDir0 = ?config(data_dir, Config0), DataDir1 = filename:split(filename:absname(DataDir0)), [_|DataDir2] = lists:reverse(DataDir1), DataDir3 = filename:join(lists:reverse(DataDir2) ++ [?snmp_test_data]), Config1 = lists:keydelete(data_dir, 1, Config0), Config = [{data_dir, DataDir3 ++ "/"}|Config1], %% -- %% Start nodes %% ?line {ok, SaNode} = start_node(snmp_sa), ?line {ok, MgrNode} = start_node(snmp_mgr), %% -- %% Create necessary files %% Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), ?DBG("init_all -> Dir ~p", [Dir]), DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), ?DBG("init_all -> DataDir ~p", [DataDir]), file:make_dir(MgrDir = filename:join(Dir, "mgr_dir/")), ?DBG("init_all -> MgrDir ~p", [MgrDir]), file:make_dir(AgentDir = filename:join(Dir, "agent_dir/")), ?DBG("init_all -> AgentDir ~p", [AgentDir]), file:make_dir(SaDir = filename:join(Dir, "sa_dir/")), ?DBG("init_all -> SaDir ~p", [SaDir]), %% -- %% Start and initiate mnesia %% ?DBG("init_all -> load application mnesia", []), ?line ok = application:load(mnesia), ?DBG("init_all -> load application mnesia on node ~p", [SaNode]), ?line ok = rpc:call(SaNode, application, load, [mnesia]), ?DBG("init_all -> application mnesia: set_env dir",[]), ?line application_controller:set_env(mnesia, dir, filename:join(Dir, "Mnesia1")), ?DBG("init_all -> application mnesia: set_env dir on node ~p",[SaNode]), ?line rpc:call(SaNode, application_controller, set_env, [mnesia, dir, filename:join(Dir, "Mnesia2")]), ?DBG("init_all -> create mnesia schema",[]), ?line ok = mnesia:create_schema([SaNode, node()]), ?DBG("init_all -> start application mnesia",[]), ?line ok = application:start(mnesia), ?DBG("init_all -> start application mnesia on ~p",[SaNode]), ?line ok = rpc:call(SaNode, application, start, [mnesia]), Ip = ?LOCALHOST(), [{snmp_sa, SaNode}, {snmp_mgr, MgrNode}, {agent_dir, AgentDir ++ "/"}, {mgr_dir, MgrDir ++ "/"}, {sa_dir, SaDir ++ "/"}, {mib_dir, DataDir}, {ip, Ip} | Config]. finish_all(Config) when list(Config) -> SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), MgrNode = ?config(snmp_mgr, Config), stop_node(SaNode), stop_node(MgrNode), application:stop(mnesia). start_v1_agent(Config) when list(Config) -> start_agent(Config, [v1]). start_v1_agent(Config,Opts) when list(Config), list(Opts) -> start_agent(Config, [v1], Opts). start_v2_agent(Config) when list(Config) -> start_agent(Config, [v2]). start_v3_agent(Config) when list(Config) -> start_agent(Config, [v3]). start_bilingual_agent(Config) when list(Config) -> start_agent(Config, [v1,v2]). start_multi_threaded_agent(Config) when list(Config) -> start_agent(Config, [v2], [{snmp_multi_threaded, true}]). stop_agent(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("stop_agent -> entry with" "~n Config: ~p",[Config]), {Sup, Par} = ?config(snmp_sup, Config), ?DBG("stop_agent -> attempt to stop (sup) ~p" "~n Sup: ~p" "~n Par: ~p", [Sup, (catch process_info(Sup)), (catch process_info(Par))]), stop_sup(Sup, Par), {Sup2, Par2} = ?config(snmp_sub, Config), ?DBG("stop_agent -> attempt to stop (sub) ~p" "~n Sup2: ~p" "~n Par2: ~p", [Sup2, (catch process_info(Sup2)), (catch process_info(Par2))]), stop_sup(Sup2, Par2), ?DBG("stop_agent -> done - now cleanup config", []), C1 = lists:keydelete(snmp_sup, 1, Config), lists:keydelete(snmp_sub, 1, C1). stop_sup(Pid, _) when node(Pid) == node() -> case (catch process_info(Pid)) of PI when list(PI) -> ?LOG("stop_sup -> attempt to stop ~p", [Pid]), Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), exit(Pid, kill), await_stopped(Pid, Ref); {'EXIT', _Reason} -> ?LOG("stop_sup -> ~p not running", [Pid]), ok end; stop_sup(Pid, _) -> ?LOG("stop_sup -> attempt to stop ~p", [Pid]), Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), ?LOG("stop_sup -> Ref: ~p", [Ref]), %% Pid ! {'EXIT', Parent, shutdown}, % usch exit(Pid, kill), await_stopped(Pid, Ref). await_stopped(Pid, Ref) -> receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _Reason} -> ?DBG("received down message for ~p", [Pid]), ok after 10000 -> ?INF("await_stopped -> timeout for ~p",[Pid]), erlang:demonitor(Ref), ?FAIL({failed_stop,Pid}) end. start_agent(Config, Vsn) -> start_agent(Config, Vsn, []). start_agent(Config, Vsn, Opts) -> ?LOG("start_agent -> entry (~p) with" "~n Config: ~p" "~n Vsn: ~p" "~n Opts: ~p",[node(), Config, Vsn, Opts]), ?line AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), snmp_app_env_init(vsn_init(Vsn) ++ [{audit_trail_log, read_write_log}, {audit_trail_log_dir, AgentDir}, {audit_trail_log_size, {10240, 10}}, {force_config_reload, false}, {snmp_agent_type, master}, {snmp_config_dir, AgentDir}, {snmp_db_dir, AgentDir}, {snmp_local_db_auto_repair, true}, {snmp_master_agent_verbosity, trace}, {snmp_supervisor_verbosity, trace}, {snmp_mibserver_verbosity, trace}, {snmp_symbolic_store_verbosity, trace}, {snmp_note_store_verbosity, trace}, {snmp_net_if_verbosity, trace}], Opts), process_flag(trap_exit,true), {ok, AppSup} = snmp_app_sup:start_link(), unlink(AppSup), ?DBG("start_agent -> snmp app supervisor: ~p",[AppSup]), ?DBG("start_agent -> start master agent (old style)",[]), Sup = case (catch snmpa_app:start(normal)) of {ok, S} -> ?DBG("start_agent -> started, Sup: ~p",[S]), S; Else -> ?DBG("start_agent -> unknown result: ~n~p",[Else]), %% Get info about the apps we depend on MnesiaInfo = mnesia_running(), ?FAIL({start_failed,Else,MnesiaInfo}) end, ?DBG("start_agent -> unlink from supervisor",[]), ?line unlink(Sup), ?line SaDir = ?config(sa_dir, Config), ?DBG("start_agent -> (rpc) start sub on ~p",[SaNode]), ?line {ok, Sub} = rpc:call(SaNode, ?MODULE, start_sub, [SaDir]), ?DBG("start_agent -> done",[]), ?line [{snmp_sup, {Sup, self()}}, {snmp_sub, Sub} | Config]. vsn_init(Vsn) -> vsn_init([v1,v2,v3], Vsn, []). vsn_init([], _Vsn, Acc) -> Acc; vsn_init([V|Vsns], Vsn, Acc) -> case lists:member(V, Vsn) of true -> vsn_init(Vsns, Vsn, [{V, true}|Acc]); false -> vsn_init(Vsns, Vsn, [{V, false}|Acc]) end. snmp_app_env_init(Env0, Opts) -> ?DBG("snmp_app_env_init -> unload snmp",[]), ?line application:unload(snmp), ?DBG("snmp_app_env_init -> load snmp",[]), ?line application:load(snmp), ?DBG("snmp_app_env_init -> initiate (snmp) application env",[]), F1 = fun({Key,Val} = New, Acc0) -> ?DBG("snmp_app_env_init -> " "updating setting ~p to ~p", [Key, Val]), case lists:keyreplace(Key, 1, Acc0, New) of Acc0 -> [New|Acc0]; Acc -> Acc end end, Env = lists:foldr(F1, Env0, Opts), ?DBG("snmp_app_env_init -> Env: ~p",[Env]), F2 = fun({Key,Val}) -> ?DBG("snmp_app_env_init -> setting ~p to ~p",[Key, Val]), application_controller:set_env(snmp, Key, Val) end, lists:foreach(F2, Env). %% Test if application is running mnesia_running() -> ?IS_MNESIA_RUNNING(). crypto_running() -> ?IS_CRYPTO_RUNNING(). start_sub(Dir) -> ?DBG("start_sub -> entry",[]), Opts = [{db_dir, Dir}, {supervisor, [{verbosity, trace}]}], %% BMK BMK % {ok, P} = snmp_supervisor:start_sub(Dir), {ok, P} = snmpa_supervisor:start_sub_sup(Opts), unlink(P), {ok, {P, self()}}. create_tables(SaNode) -> ?line {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table([{name, friendsTable2}, {ram_copies, [SaNode]}, {snmp, [{key, integer}]}, {attributes, [a1,a2,a3]}]), ?line {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table([{name, kompissTable2}, {ram_copies, [SaNode]}, {snmp, [{key, integer}]}, {attributes, [a1,a2,a3]}]), ?line {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table([{name, snmp_variables}, {attributes, [a1,a2]}]). delete_tables() -> mnesia:delete_table(friendsTable2), mnesia:delete_table(kompissTable2), mnesia:delete_table(snmp_variables). %% Creation is done in runtime! delete_mib_storage_mnesia_tables() -> mnesia:delete_table(snmpa_mib_data), mnesia:delete_table(snmpa_mib_tree), mnesia:delete_table(snmpa_symbolic_store). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% A test case is always one of: %% - v1 specific case %% - v2 specific case %% - v1 and v2 case %% All v1 specific cases are prefixed with v1_, and all v2 with %% v2_. E.g. v1_trap/v2_trap. %% %% All other cases are shared. However, the testserver uses the name %% of the case to generate a file for that case. The same case cannot %% be used in different configurations in the same suite. Therefore %% all these functions exists in two variants, the base function %% <base>, and a second version <base>_2. There may be several %% versions as well, <base>_N. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- mib_storage(suite) -> [ mib_storage_ets, mib_storage_dets, mib_storage_mnesia, mib_storage_size_check_ets, mib_storage_size_check_dets, mib_storage_size_check_mnesia, mib_storage_varm_dets, mib_storage_varm_mnesia ]. mib_storage_ets(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_mib_storage_ets, mib_storage_ets_cases(), finish_mib_storage_ets}}. mib_storage_dets(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_mib_storage_dets, mib_storage_dets_cases(), finish_mib_storage_dets}}. mib_storage_mnesia(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_mib_storage_mnesia, mib_storage_mnesia_cases(), finish_mib_storage_mnesia}}. mib_storage_size_check_ets(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_size_check_mse, mse_size_check_cases(), finish_size_check_mse}}. mib_storage_size_check_dets(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_size_check_msd, msd_size_check_cases(), finish_size_check_msd}}. mib_storage_size_check_mnesia(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_size_check_msm, msm_size_check_cases(), finish_size_check_msm}}. mib_storage_varm_dets(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_varm_mib_storage_dets, varm_mib_storage_dets_cases(), finish_varm_mib_storage_dets}}. mib_storage_varm_mnesia(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_varm_mib_storage_mnesia, varm_mib_storage_mnesia_cases(), finish_varm_mib_storage_mnesia}}. mib_storage_ets_cases() -> [ mse_simple, mse_v1_processing, mse_big, mse_big2, mse_loop_mib, mse_api, mse_sa_register, mse_v1_trap, mse_sa_error, mse_next_across_sa, mse_undo, mse_standard_mib, mse_community_mib, mse_framework_mib, mse_target_mib, mse_notification_mib, mse_view_based_acm_mib, mse_sparse_table, mse_me_of, mse_mib_of]. mib_storage_dets_cases() -> [ msd_simple, msd_v1_processing, msd_big, msd_big2, msd_loop_mib, msd_api, msd_sa_register, msd_v1_trap, msd_sa_error, msd_next_across_sa, msd_undo, msd_standard_mib, msd_community_mib, msd_framework_mib, msd_target_mib, msd_notification_mib, msd_view_based_acm_mib, msd_sparse_table, msd_me_of, msd_mib_of ]. mib_storage_mnesia_cases() -> [ msm_simple, msm_v1_processing, msm_big, msm_big2, msm_loop_mib, msm_api, msm_sa_register, msm_v1_trap, msm_sa_error, msm_next_across_sa, msm_undo, msm_standard_mib, msm_community_mib, msm_framework_mib, msm_target_mib, msm_notification_mib, msm_view_based_acm_mib, msm_sparse_table, msm_me_of, msm_mib_of ]. mse_size_check_cases() -> [mse_size_check]. msd_size_check_cases() -> [msd_size_check]. msm_size_check_cases() -> [msm_size_check]. varm_mib_storage_dets_cases() -> [msd_varm_mib_start]. varm_mib_storage_mnesia_cases() -> [msm_varm_mib_start]. init_mib_storage_ets(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("init_mib_storage_ets -> entry", []), MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage,ets}, init_ms(Config, [MibStorage]). init_mib_storage_dets(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("init_mib_storage_ets -> entry", []), ?line AgentDir = ?GCONF(agent_dir, Config), MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage,{dets,AgentDir}}, init_ms(Config, [MibStorage]). init_mib_storage_mnesia(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("init_mib_storage_ets -> entry", []), MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage,{mnesia,[]}}, init_ms(Config, [MibStorage]). init_ms(Config, Opts) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("init_mib_storage_ets -> entry", []), ?line SaNode = ?GCONF(snmp_sa, Config), ?line create_tables(SaNode), ?line AgentDir = ?GCONF(agent_dir, Config), ?line MgrDir = ?GCONF(mgr_dir, Config), ?line Ip = ?GCONF(ip, Config), ?line config([v1], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), MasterAgentVerbosity = {snmp_master_agent_verbosity, trace}, MibsVerbosity = {snmp_mibserver_verbosity, trace}, SymStoreVerbosity = {snmp_symbolic_store_verbosity, trace}, Opts1 = [MasterAgentVerbosity,MibsVerbosity,SymStoreVerbosity|Opts], [{vsn, v1} | start_v1_agent(Config,Opts1)]. init_size_check_mse(Config) when list(Config) -> MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage, ets}, init_size_check_ms(Config, [MibStorage]). init_size_check_msd(Config) when list(Config) -> AgentDir = ?GCONF(agent_dir, Config), MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage, {dets, AgentDir}}, init_size_check_ms(Config, [MibStorage]). init_size_check_msm(Config) when list(Config) -> MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage, {mnesia,[]}}, init_size_check_ms(Config, [MibStorage]). init_size_check_ms(Config, Opts) when list(Config) -> SaNode = ?GCONF(snmp_sa, Config), %% We are using v3 here, so crypto must be supported or else... case ?CRYPTO_START() of ok -> case ?CRYPTO_SUPPORT() of {no, Reason} -> ?SKIP({unsupported_encryption, Reason}); yes -> ok end; {error, Reason} -> ?SKIP({failed_starting_crypto, Reason}) end, create_tables(SaNode), AgentDir = ?GCONF(agent_dir, Config), MgrDir = ?GCONF(mgr_dir, Config), Ip = ?GCONF(ip, Config), ?line ok = config([v3], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), [{vsn, v3} | start_agent(Config, [v3], Opts)]. init_varm_mib_storage_dets(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("init_varm_mib_storage_dets -> entry", []), ?line SaNode = ?GCONF(snmp_sa, Config), ?line create_tables(SaNode), ?line AgentDir = ?GCONF(agent_dir, Config), ?line MgrDir = ?GCONF(mgr_dir, Config), ?line Ip = ?GCONF(ip, Config), ?line config([v1], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage,{dets,AgentDir}}, MasterAgentVerbosity = {snmp_master_agent_verbosity, trace}, MibsVerbosity = {snmp_mibserver_verbosity, trace}, SymStoreVerbosity = {snmp_symbolic_store_verbosity, trace}, Opts = [MibStorage,MasterAgentVerbosity,MibsVerbosity,SymStoreVerbosity], [{vsn, v1}, {agent_opts,Opts} | Config]. init_varm_mib_storage_mnesia(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("init_varm_mib_storage_mnesia -> entry", []), ?line SaNode = ?GCONF(snmp_sa, Config), ?line create_tables(SaNode), ?line AgentDir = ?GCONF(agent_dir, Config), ?line MgrDir = ?GCONF(mgr_dir, Config), ?line Ip = ?GCONF(ip, Config), ?line config([v1], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), MibStorage = {snmp_mib_storage,{mnesia,[]}}, MasterAgentVerbosity = {snmp_master_agent_verbosity, trace}, MibsVerbosity = {snmp_mibserver_verbosity, trace}, SymStoreVerbosity = {snmp_symbolic_store_verbosity, trace}, Opts = [MibStorage,MasterAgentVerbosity,MibsVerbosity,SymStoreVerbosity], [{vsn, v1}, {agent_opts,Opts} | Config]. finish_mib_storage_ets(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("finish_mib_storage_ets -> entry", []), delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), C2 = lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1), lists:keydelete(agent_opts, 1, C2). finish_mib_storage_dets(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("finish_mib_storage_dets -> entry", []), delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), C2 = lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1), lists:keydelete(agent_opts, 1, C2). finish_mib_storage_mnesia(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("finish_mib_storage_mnesia -> entry", []), delete_tables(), delete_mib_storage_mnesia_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), C2 = lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1), lists:keydelete(agent_opts, 1, C2). finish_varm_mib_storage_dets(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("finish_varm_mib_storage_dets -> entry", []), delete_tables(), %% C1 = stop_agent(Config), % In case something went wrong... delete_files(Config), C2 = lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, Config), lists:keydelete(agent_opts, 1, C2). finish_varm_mib_storage_mnesia(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("finish_varm_mib_storage_mnesia -> entry", []), delete_tables(), delete_mib_storage_mnesia_tables(), %% C1 = stop_agent(Config), % In case something went wrong... delete_files(Config), C2 = lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, Config), lists:keydelete(agent_opts, 1, C2). finish_size_check_mse(Config) when list(Config) -> finish_size_check_ms(Config). finish_size_check_msd(Config) when list(Config) -> finish_size_check_ms(Config). finish_size_check_msm(Config) when list(Config) -> finish_size_check_ms(Config). finish_size_check_ms(Config) when list(Config) -> delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1). %% These are just interface functions to fool the test server mse_simple(X) -> simple(X). mse_v1_processing(X) -> v1_processing(X). mse_big(X) -> big(X). mse_big2(X) -> big2(X). mse_loop_mib(X) -> loop_mib(X). mse_api(X) -> api(X). mse_sa_register(X) -> sa_register(X). mse_v1_trap(X) -> v1_trap(X). mse_sa_error(X) -> sa_error(X). mse_next_across_sa(X) -> next_across_sa(X). mse_undo(X) -> undo(X). mse_standard_mib(X) -> snmp_standard_mib(X). mse_community_mib(X) -> snmp_community_mib(X). mse_framework_mib(X) -> snmp_framework_mib(X). mse_target_mib(X) -> snmp_target_mib(X). mse_notification_mib(X) -> snmp_notification_mib(X). mse_view_based_acm_mib(X) -> snmp_view_based_acm_mib(X). mse_sparse_table(X) -> sparse_table(X). mse_me_of(X) -> ms_me_of(X). mse_mib_of(X) -> ms_mib_of(X). msd_simple(X) -> simple(X). msd_v1_processing(X) -> v1_processing(X). msd_big(X) -> big(X). msd_big2(X) -> big2(X). msd_loop_mib(X) -> loop_mib(X). msd_api(X) -> api(X). msd_sa_register(X) -> sa_register(X). msd_v1_trap(X) -> v1_trap(X). msd_sa_error(X) -> sa_error(X). msd_next_across_sa(X) -> next_across_sa(X). msd_undo(X) -> undo(X). msd_standard_mib(X) -> snmp_standard_mib(X). msd_community_mib(X) -> snmp_community_mib(X). msd_framework_mib(X) -> snmp_framework_mib(X). msd_target_mib(X) -> snmp_target_mib(X). msd_notification_mib(X) -> snmp_notification_mib(X). msd_view_based_acm_mib(X) -> snmp_view_based_acm_mib(X). msd_sparse_table(X) -> sparse_table(X). msd_me_of(X) -> ms_me_of(X). msd_mib_of(X) -> ms_mib_of(X). msm_simple(X) -> simple(X). msm_v1_processing(X) -> v1_processing(X). msm_big(X) -> big(X). msm_big2(X) -> big2(X). msm_loop_mib(X) -> loop_mib(X). msm_api(X) -> api(X). msm_sa_register(X) -> sa_register(X). msm_v1_trap(X) -> v1_trap(X). msm_sa_error(X) -> sa_error(X). msm_next_across_sa(X) -> next_across_sa(X). msm_undo(X) -> undo(X). msm_standard_mib(X) -> snmp_standard_mib(X). msm_community_mib(X) -> snmp_community_mib(X). msm_framework_mib(X) -> snmp_framework_mib(X). msm_target_mib(X) -> snmp_target_mib(X). msm_notification_mib(X) -> snmp_notification_mib(X). msm_view_based_acm_mib(X) -> snmp_view_based_acm_mib(X). msm_sparse_table(X) -> sparse_table(X). msm_me_of(X) -> ms_me_of(X). msm_mib_of(X) -> ms_mib_of(X). mse_size_check(X) -> p("mse_size_check..."), ms_size_check(X). msd_size_check(X) -> p("msd_size_check..."), ms_size_check(X). msm_size_check(X) -> p("msm_size_check..."), ms_size_check(X). msd_varm_mib_start(X) -> p("msd_varm_mib_start..."), varm_mib_start(X). msm_varm_mib_start(X) -> p("msm_varm_mib_start..."), varm_mib_start(X). ms_size_check(suite) -> []; ms_size_check(Config) when list(Config) -> p("ms_size_check..."), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?LOG("mib server size check...", []), ?line load_master("Test2"), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line load_master_std("OTP-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMPv2-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMPv2-TM"), ?SLEEP(2000), ?line display_memory_usage(), ?line unload_master("OTP-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMPv2-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMPv2-TM"), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ok. varm_mib_start(suite) -> []; varm_mib_start(Config) when list(Config) -> p("varm_mib_start..."), ?LOG("varm_mib_start -> entry", []), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), %% Start the agent Opts = ?GCONF(agent_opts, Config), Config1 = start_v1_agent(Config, Opts), %% Sleep some in order for the agent to start properly ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> sleep some (before loading mobs)", []), ?SLEEP(5000), %% Load all the mibs HardwiredMibs = loaded_mibs(), ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> load all mibs", []), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), %% Unload the hardwired mibs ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> sleep some (before unloading hardwired mibs)", []), ?SLEEP(1000), ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> unload (hardwired) mibs", []), ?line unload_mibs(HardwiredMibs), %% unload hardwired ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> sleep some (before stopping agent)", []), ?SLEEP(1000), %% Stop the agent (without deleting the stored files) ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> stop the agent", []), Config2 = stop_agent(Config1), %% Sleep some in order for the agent to stop properly ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> sleep some (before re-starting the agent)", []), ?SLEEP(5000), %% Start the agent (again) ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> start the agent", []), Config3 = start_v1_agent(Config2, Opts), ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> sleep some (before starting tests)", []), ?SLEEP(5000), %% Perform the test(s) ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> perform the tests", []), try_test(snmp_community_mib), try_test(snmp_framework_mib), try_test(snmp_target_mib), try_test(snmp_notification_mib), %% Stop the agent (without deleting the stored files) ?DBG("varm_mib_start -> stop the agent", []), stop_agent(Config3), ok. -define(snmpTrapCommunity_instance, [1,3,6,1,6,3,18,1,4,0]). -define(vacmViewSpinLock_instance, [1,3,6,1,6,3,16,1,5,1,0]). -define(usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance, [1,3,6,1,6,3,15,1,1,2,0]). ms_me_of(suite) -> []; ms_me_of(Config) when list(Config) -> p("ms_me_of..."), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test2"), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line load_master_std("OTP-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?SLEEP(2000), ?line display_memory_usage(), ?DBG("ms_me_of -> find ~w from SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB", [?snmpTrapCommunity_instance]), ?line ok = me_of(?snmpTrapCommunity_instance), ?DBG("ms_me_of -> find ~w from SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB", [?vacmViewSpinLock_instance]), ?line ok = me_of(?vacmViewSpinLock_instance), ?DBG("ms_me_of -> find ~w from SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB", [?usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance]), ?line {error, _} = me_of(?usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance), ?line unload_master("OTP-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ok. me_of(Oid) -> case snmpa:me_of(Oid) of {ok, #me{oid = Oid}} -> ok; {ok, #me{oid = OtherOid}} -> case lists:reverse(Oid) of [0|Rest] -> case lists:reverse(Rest) of OtherOid -> ok; AnotherOid -> {error, {invalid_oid, Oid, AnotherOid}} end; _ -> {error, {invalid_oid, Oid, OtherOid}} end; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; Else -> {error, Else} end. ms_mib_of(suite) -> []; ms_mib_of(Config) when list(Config) -> p("ms_mib_of..."), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test2"), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line load_master_std("OTP-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?SLEEP(2000), ?line display_memory_usage(), ?DBG("ms_mib_of -> find ~w from SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB", [?snmpTrapCommunity_instance]), ?line ok = mib_of(?snmpTrapCommunity_instance, 'SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB'), ?DBG("ms_mib_of -> find ~w from SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB", [?vacmViewSpinLock_instance]), ?line ok = mib_of(?vacmViewSpinLock_instance, 'SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB'), ?DBG("ms_mib_of -> find ~w from SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB", [?usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance]), ?line {error, _} = mib_of(?usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance, 'SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB'), ?line unload_master("OTP-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ok. mib_of(Oid, ExpectedMibName) -> ?DBG("mib_of -> entry with" "~n Oid: ~p" "~n ExpectedMibName: ~p", [Oid, ExpectedMibName]), %% case snmpa:mib_of(Oid) of MibOf = snmpa:mib_of(Oid), ?DBG("mib_of -> MibOf: ~n~p", [MibOf]), case MibOf of {ok, ExpectedMibName} -> ok; {ok, OtherMibName} -> {error, {invalid_mib, ExpectedMibName, OtherMibName}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; Else -> ?DBG("mib_of -> Else: ~n~p", [Else]), {error, Else} end. app_info(suite) -> []; app_info(Config) when list(Config) -> SnmpDir = app_dir(snmp), SslDir = app_dir(ssl), CryptoDir = app_dir(crypto), Attr = snmp:module_info(attributes), AppVsn = case lists:keysearch(app_vsn, 1, Attr) of {value, {app_vsn, V}} -> V; false -> "undefined" end, io:format("Root dir: ~s~n" "SNMP: Application dir: ~s~n" " Application ver: ~s~n" "SSL: Application dir: ~s~n" "CRYPTO: Application dir: ~s~n", [code:root_dir(), SnmpDir, AppVsn, SslDir, CryptoDir]), ok. app_dir(App) -> case code:lib_dir(App) of D when list(D) -> filename:basename(D); {error, _Reason} -> "undefined" end. test_v1(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_v1, v1_cases(), finish_v1}}. %v1_cases() -> [loop_mib]; v1_cases() -> [simple, db_notify_client, v1_processing, big, big2, loop_mib, api, subagent, mnesia, multiple_reqs, sa_register, v1_trap, sa_error, next_across_sa, undo, reported_bugs, standard_mibs, sparse_table, cnt_64, opaque, % opaque]. change_target_addr_config]. init_v1(Config) when list(Config) -> ?line SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), ?line create_tables(SaNode), ?line AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), ?line Ip = ?config(ip, Config), ?line config([v1], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), [{vsn, v1} | start_v1_agent(Config)]. finish_v1(Config) when list(Config) -> delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1). test_v2(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_v2, v2_cases(), finish_v2}}. %v2_cases() -> [loop_mib_2]; v2_cases() -> [simple_2, v2_processing, big_2, big2_2, loop_mib_2, api_2, subagent_2, mnesia_2, multiple_reqs_2, sa_register_2, v2_trap, v2_inform, sa_error_2, next_across_sa_2, undo_2, reported_bugs_2, standard_mibs_2, v2_types, implied, sparse_table_2, cnt_64_2, opaque_2, v2_caps]. init_v2(Config) when list(Config) -> SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), create_tables(SaNode), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), Ip = ?config(ip, Config), config([v2], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), [{vsn, v2} | start_v2_agent(Config)]. finish_v2(Config) when list(Config) -> delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1). test_v1_v2(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_v1_v2, v1_v2_cases(), finish_v1_v2}}. v1_v2_cases() -> [simple_bi]. init_v1_v2(Config) when list(Config) -> SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), create_tables(SaNode), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), Ip = ?config(ip, Config), config([v1,v2], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), [{vsn, bilingual} | start_bilingual_agent(Config)]. finish_v1_v2(Config) when list(Config) -> delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1). test_v3(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_v3, v3_cases(), finish_v3}}. %v3_cases() -> [loop_mib_3]; v3_cases() -> [simple_3, v3_processing, big_3, big2_3, api_3, subagent_3, mnesia_3, loop_mib_3, multiple_reqs_3, sa_register_3, v3_trap, v3_inform, sa_error_3, next_across_sa_3, undo_3, reported_bugs_3, standard_mibs_3, v3_security, v2_types_3, implied_3, sparse_table_3, cnt_64_3, opaque_3, v2_caps_3]. init_v3(Config) when list(Config) -> %% Make sure crypto works, otherwise start_agent will fail %% and we will be stuck with a bunch of mnesia tables for %% the rest of this suite... ?DBG("start_agent -> start crypto app",[]), case ?CRYPTO_START() of ok -> case ?CRYPTO_SUPPORT() of {no, Reason} -> ?SKIP({unsupported_encryption, Reason}); yes -> ok end; {error, Reason} -> ?SKIP({failed_starting_crypto, Reason}) end, SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), create_tables(SaNode), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), Ip = ?config(ip, Config), ?line ok = config([v3], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), [{vsn, v3} | start_v3_agent(Config)]. finish_v3(Config) when list(Config) -> delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1). test_multi_threaded(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_mt, mt_cases(), finish_mt}}. mt_cases() -> [multi_threaded, mt_trap]. init_mt(Config) when list(Config) -> SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), create_tables(SaNode), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), Ip = ?config(ip, Config), ?line ok = config([v2], MgrDir, AgentDir, tuple_to_list(Ip), tuple_to_list(Ip)), [{vsn, v2} | start_multi_threaded_agent(Config)]. finish_mt(Config) when list(Config) -> delete_tables(), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1). %% This one *must* be run first in each case. init_case(Config) when list(Config) -> ?DBG("init_case -> entry with" "~n Config: ~p", [Config]), SaNode = ?config(snmp_sa, Config), MgrNode = ?config(snmp_mgr, Config), MasterNode = node(), SaHost = ?HOSTNAME(SaNode), MgrHost = ?HOSTNAME(MgrNode), MasterHost = ?HOSTNAME(MasterNode), {ok, MasterIP} = snmp_misc:ip(MasterHost), {ok, MIP} = snmp_misc:ip(MgrHost), {ok, SIP} = snmp_misc:ip(SaHost), put(mgr_node, MgrNode), put(sa_node, SaNode), put(master_node, MasterNode), put(sa_host, SaHost), put(mgr_host, MgrHost), put(master_host, MasterHost), put(mip, tuple_to_list(MIP)), put(masterip , tuple_to_list(MasterIP)), put(sip, tuple_to_list(SIP)), MibDir = ?config(mib_dir, Config), put(mib_dir, MibDir), StdM = filename:join(code:priv_dir(snmp), "mibs") ++ "/", put(std_mib_dir, StdM), MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), put(mgr_dir, MgrDir), put(vsn, ?config(vsn, Config)), ?DBG("init_case -> exit with" "~n MasterNode: ~p" "~n SaNode: ~p" "~n MgrNode: ~p" "~n MibDir: ~p", [MasterNode, SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir]), {SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir}. load_master(Mib) -> ?DBG("load_master -> entry with" "~n Mib: ~p", [Mib]), snmpa:unload_mibs(snmp_master_agent, [Mib]), % Unload for safety ok = snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, [get(mib_dir) ++ Mib]). load_master_std(Mib) -> ?DBG("load_master_std -> entry with" "~n Mib: ~p", [Mib]), snmpa:unload_mibs(snmp_master_agent, [Mib]), % Unload for safety ok = snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, [get(std_mib_dir) ++ Mib]). unload_master(Mib) -> ?DBG("unload_master -> entry with" "~n Mib: ~p", [Mib]), ok = snmpa:unload_mibs(snmp_master_agent, [Mib]). loaded_mibs() -> ?DBG("loaded_mibs -> entry",[]), Info = snmpa:info(snmp_master_agent), {value, {loaded_mibs, Mibs}} = lists:keysearch(loaded_mibs, 1, Info), [atom_to_list(Mib) || {Mib,_,_} <- Mibs]. unload_mibs(Mibs) -> ?DBG("unload_mibs -> entry with" "~n Mibs: ~p", [Mibs]), ok = snmpa:unload_mibs(snmp_master_agent, Mibs). start_subagent(SaNode, RegTree, Mib) -> ?DBG("start_subagent -> entry with" "~n SaNode: ~p" "~n RegTree: ~p" "~n Mib: ~p", [SaNode, RegTree, Mib]), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?DBG("start_subagent -> MA: ~p", [MA]), MibDir = get(mib_dir), Mib1 = join(MibDir,Mib), %% BMK BMK % case rpc:call(SaNode,snmp_supervisor,start_subagent,[MA,RegTree,[Mib1]]) of case rpc:call(SaNode, snmpa_supervisor, start_sub_agent, [MA, RegTree, [Mib1]]) of {ok, SA} -> ?DBG("start_subagent -> SA: ~p", [SA]), {ok, SA}; Error -> ?FAIL({subagent_start_failed, SaNode, Error, [MA, RegTree, Mib1]}) end. stop_subagent(SA) -> ?DBG("stop_subagent -> entry with" "~n SA: ~p", [SA]), %% BNK BMK %% rpc:call(node(SA), snmp_supervisor, stop_subagent, [SA]). rpc:call(node(SA), snmpa_supervisor, stop_sub_agent, [SA]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% This function takes care of the old OTP-SNMPEA-MIB. %% Unfortunately, the testcases were written to use the data in the %% internal tables, and these table are now obsolete and not used %% by the agent. Therefore, we emulate them by using %% OLD-SNMPEA-MIB, which uses the default impl. of all tables. %% %% These two rows must exist in intCommunityTable %% {[147,214,36,45], "public", 2, readWrite}. %% {[147,214,36,45], "standard trap", 2, read}. %% (But with the manager's IP address) %% %%----------------------------------------------------------------- init_old() -> snmpa_local_db:table_create_row(intCommunityTable, get(mip) ++ [6 | "public"], {get(mip), "public", 2, 2}), snmpa_local_db:table_create_row(intCommunityTable, get(mip) ++ [13 | "standard trap"], {get(mip), "standard trap", 2, 1}), snmpa_local_db:variable_set(intAgentIpAddress, [127,0,0,1]). simple(suite) -> []; simple(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), try_test(simple_standard_test). simple_2(X) -> simple(X). simple_bi(suite) -> []; simple_bi(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), put(vsn, v1), % First, try v1 manager try_test(simple_standard_test), put(vsn, v2), % Then, try v2 manager try_test(simple_standard_test). simple_3(X) -> simple(X). big(suite) -> []; big(Config) when list(Config) -> ?DBG("big -> entry", []), {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Starting subagent..."), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(SaNode), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?klas1, "Klas1"), ?DBG("big -> SA: ~p", [SA]), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), try_test(big_test), ?line stop_subagent(SA), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"). big_2(X) -> big(X). big_3(X) -> big(X). big2(suite) -> []; big2(Config) when list(Config) -> %% This is exactly the same tests as 'big', but with the %% v2 equivalent of the mibs. {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Starting subagent..."), ?line pong = net_adm:ping(SaNode), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?klas1, "Klas1-v2"), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB-v2"), ?line init_old(), try_test(big_test), ?line stop_subagent(SA), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB-v2"). big2_2(X) -> big2(X). big2_3(X) -> big2(X). multi_threaded(suite) -> []; multi_threaded(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test1"), try_test(multi_threaded_test), ?line unload_master("Test1"). mt_trap(suite) -> []; mt_trap(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("Test1"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), try_test(mt_trap_test, [MA]), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line unload_master("Test1"). v2_types(suite) -> []; v2_types(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test1"), try_test(types_v2_test), ?line unload_master("Test1"). v2_types_3(X) -> v2_types(X). implied(suite) -> []; implied(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("Test1"), try_test(implied_test,[MA]), ?line unload_master("Test1"). implied_3(X) -> implied(X). sparse_table(suite) -> []; sparse_table(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test1"), try_test(sparse_table_test), ?line unload_master("Test1"). sparse_table_2(X) -> sparse_table(X). sparse_table_3(X) -> sparse_table(X). cnt_64(suite) -> []; cnt_64(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("Test1"), try_test(cnt_64_test, [MA]), ?line unload_master("Test1"). cnt_64_2(X) -> cnt_64(X). cnt_64_3(X) -> cnt_64(X). opaque(suite) -> []; opaque(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test1"), try_test(opaque_test), ?line unload_master("Test1"). opaque_2(X) -> opaque(X). opaque_3(X) -> opaque(X). change_target_addr_config(suite) -> []; change_target_addr_config(Config) when list(Config) -> p("Testing changing target address config..."), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> entry",[]), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), put(sname,snmp_suite), put(verbosity,trace), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> load TestTrap",[]), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> set trace verbosity for local_db",[]), ?line snmpa:verbosity(local_db,trace), %% First send some traps that will arive att the original manager ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> send trap",[]), try_test(ma_trap1, [MA]), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> set silence verbosity for local_db",[]), ?line snmpa:verbosity(local_db,silence), %% Start new dummy listener ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> start dummy manager",[]), ?line {ok,Pid,NewPort} = dummy_manager_start(MA), %% Reconfigure ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> reconfigure",[]), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line rewrite_target_addr_conf(AgentDir, NewPort), ?line snmp_target_mib:reconfigure(AgentDir), %% Send the trap again ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> send trap again",[]), catch dummy_manager_send_trap2(Pid), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> await trap ack",[]), catch dummy_manager_await_trap2_ack(), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> stop dummy manager",[]), ?line ok = dummy_manager_stop(Pid), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> reset target address config",[]), ?line reset_target_addr_conf(AgentDir), ?LOG("change_target_addr_config -> unload TestTrap",[]), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"). dummy_manager_start(MA) -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_start -> entry",[]), Pid = spawn(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE,dummy_manager_init,[self(),MA]), ?DBG("dummy_manager_start -> Pid: ~p",[Pid]), await_dummy_manager_started(Pid). await_dummy_manager_started(Pid) -> receive {dummy_manager_started,Pid,Port} -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_start -> acknowledge received with" "~n Port: ~p",[Port]), {ok,Pid,Port}; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> {error, Pid, Reason}; O -> ?LOG("dummy_manager_start -> received unknown message:" "~n ~p",[O]), await_dummy_manager_started(Pid) end. dummy_manager_stop(Pid) -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_stop -> entry with Pid: ~p",[Pid]), Pid ! stop, receive {dummy_manager_stopping, Pid} -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_stop -> acknowledge received",[]), ok after 10000 -> ?ERR("dummy_manager_stop -> timeout",[]), timeout end. dummy_manager_send_trap2(Pid) -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_send_trap2 -> entry",[]), Pid ! {send_trap,testTrap2}. dummy_manager_await_trap2_ack() -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_await_trap2 -> entry",[]), receive {received_trap,Trap} -> ?LOG("dummy_manager_await_trap2 -> received trap: ~p",[Trap]), %% Note: %% Without this sleep the v2_inform_i testcase failes! There %% is no relation between these two test cases as far as I %% able to figure out... sleep(60000), ok; O -> ?ERR("dummy_manager_await_trap2 -> unexpected message: ~p",[O]), ok after 10000 -> ?ERR("dummy_manager_await_trap2 -> timeout",[]), timeout end. dummy_manager_init(Parent,MA) -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_init -> entry with" "~n Parent: ~p" "~n MA: ~p",[Parent,MA]), {ok,S} = gen_udp:open(0,[{recbuf,65535}]), ?DBG("dummy_manager_init -> S: ~p",[S]), {ok,Port} = inet:port(S), ?DBG("dummy_manager_init -> Port: ~p",[Port]), Parent ! {dummy_manager_started,self(),Port}, dummy_manager_loop(Parent,S,MA). dummy_manager_loop(P,S,MA) -> ?LOG("dummy_manager_loop -> ready for receive",[]), receive {send_trap,Trap} -> ?LOG("dummy_manager_loop -> received trap send request" "~n Trap: ~p",[Trap]), snmpa:send_trap(MA, Trap, "standard trap"), dummy_manager_loop(P,S,MA); {udp, _UdpId, Ip, UdpPort, Bytes} -> ?LOG("dummy_manager_loop -> received upd message" "~n from: ~p:~p" "~n size: ~p", [Ip, UdpPort, dummy_manager_message_sz(Bytes)]), R = dummy_manager_handle_message(Bytes), ?DBG("dummy_manager_loop -> R: ~p",[R]), P ! R, dummy_manager_loop(P,S,MA); stop -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_loop -> received stop request",[]), P ! {dummy_manager_stopping, self()}, gen_udp:close(S), exit(normal); O -> ?LOG("dummy_manager_loop -> received unknown message:" "~n ~p",[O]), dummy_manager_loop(P,S,MA) end. dummy_manager_message_sz(B) when binary(B) -> size(B); dummy_manager_message_sz(L) when list(L) -> length(L); dummy_manager_message_sz(_) -> undefined. dummy_manager_handle_message(Bytes) -> case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_message(Bytes)) of {'EXIT',Reason} -> ?ERR("dummy_manager_handle_message -> " "failed decoding message only:~n ~p",[Reason]), {error,Reason}; M -> ?DBG("dummy_manager_handle_message -> decoded message:" "~n ~p",[M]), {received_trap,M} end. api(suite) -> []; api(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), try_test(api_test, [node()]), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"). api_2(X) -> api(X). api_3(X) -> api(X). subagent(suite) -> []; subagent(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?klas1, "Klas1"), try_test(load_test_sa), p("Testing unregister subagent..."), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), rpc:call(SaNode, snmp, unregister_subagent, [MA, SA]), try_test(unreg_test), p("Loading previous subagent mib in master and testing..."), ?line ok = snmpa:load_mibs(MA, [MibDir ++ "Klas1"]), try_test(load_test), p("Unloading previous subagent mib in master and testing..."), ?line ok = snmpa:unload_mibs(MA, [MibDir ++ "Klas1"]), try_test(unreg_test), p("Testing register subagent..."), rpc:call(SaNode, snmp, register_subagent, [MA, ?klas1, SA]), try_test(load_test_sa), ?line stop_subagent(SA), try_test(unreg_test). subagent_2(X) -> subagent(X). subagent_3(X) -> subagent(X). mnesia(suite) -> []; mnesia(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Starting subagent with mnesia impl..."), {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?klas2, "Klas2"), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), try_test(big_test_2), p("Testing unregister subagent..."), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), rpc:call(SaNode, snmp, unregister_subagent, [MA, SA]), try_test(unreg_test), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line stop_subagent(SA). mnesia_2(X) -> mnesia(X). mnesia_3(X) -> mnesia(X). multiple_reqs(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_mul, mul_cases(), finish_mul}}. mul_cases() -> [mul_get, mul_get_err, mul_next, mul_next_err, mul_set_err]. multiple_reqs_2(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_mul, mul_cases_2(), finish_mul}}. multiple_reqs_3(_X) -> {req, [], {conf, init_mul, mul_cases_3(), finish_mul}}. mul_cases_2() -> [mul_get_2, mul_get_err_2, mul_next_2, mul_next_err_2, mul_set_err_2]. mul_cases_3() -> [mul_get_3, mul_get_err_3, mul_next_3, mul_next_err_3, mul_set_err_3]. init_mul(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?klas1, "Klas1"), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), [{mul_sub, SA} | Config]. finish_mul(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), SA = ?config(mul_sub, Config), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line stop_subagent(SA), lists:keydelete(mul_sub, 1, Config). mul_get(suite) -> []; mul_get(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing multiple get..."), try_test(do_mul_get). mul_get_2(X) -> mul_get(X). mul_get_3(X) -> mul_get(X). mul_get_err(suite) -> []; mul_get_err(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing multiple get with error..."), try_test(do_mul_get_err). mul_get_err_2(X) -> mul_get_err(X). mul_get_err_3(X) -> mul_get_err(X). mul_next(suite) -> []; mul_next(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing multiple next..."), try_test(do_mul_next). mul_next_2(X) -> mul_next(X). mul_next_3(X) -> mul_next(X). mul_next_err(suite) -> []; mul_next_err(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing multiple next..."), try_test(do_mul_next_err). mul_next_err_2(X) -> mul_next_err(X). mul_next_err_3(X) -> mul_next_err(X). mul_set(suite) -> []; mul_set(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing multiple set..."), try_test(do_mul_set). mul_set_2(X) -> mul_set(X). mul_set_3(X) -> mul_set(X). mul_set_err(suite) -> []; mul_set_err(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing multiple set with error..."), try_test(do_mul_set_err). mul_set_err_2(X) -> mul_set_err(X). mul_set_err_3(X) -> mul_set_err(X). sa_register(suite) -> []; sa_register(Config) when list(Config) -> ?DBG("sa_register -> entry", []), {SaNode, _MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?DBG("sa_register -> start subagent", []), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?klas1, "Klas1"), ?DBG("sa_register -> unregister subagent", []), p("Testing unregister subagent (2)..."), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), rpc:call(SaNode, snmp, unregister_subagent, [MA, ?klas1]), try_test(unreg_test), p("Loading SA-MIB..."), ?DBG("sa_register -> unload mibs", []), snmpa:unload_mibs(SA, [MibDir ++ "Klas1"]), ?DBG("sa_register -> unload mibs", []), snmpa:load_mibs(SA, [MibDir ++ "SA-MIB"]), ?DBG("sa_register -> register subagent", []), rpc:call(SaNode, snmp, register_subagent, [MA,?sa,SA]), try_test(sa_mib), ?DBG("sa_register -> stop subagent", []), ?line stop_subagent(SA). sa_register_2(X) -> sa_register(X). sa_register_3(X) -> sa_register(X). v1_trap(suite) -> []; v1_trap(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?sa, "SA-MIB"), p("Testing trap sending from master agent..."), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), try_test(ma_trap1, [MA]), try_test(ma_trap2, [MA]), try_test(ma_v2_2_v1_trap, [MA]), try_test(ma_v2_2_v1_trap2, [MA]), p("Testing trap sending from subagent..."), try_test(sa_trap1, [SA]), try_test(sa_trap2, [SA]), try_test(sa_trap3, [SA]), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line stop_subagent(SA). v2_trap(suite) -> []; v2_trap(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?sa, "SA-MIB"), p("Testing trap sending from master agent..."), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), try_test(ma_v2_trap1, [MA]), try_test(ma_v2_trap2, [MA]), try_test(ma_v1_2_v2_trap, [MA]), try_test(ma_v1_2_v2_trap2, [MA]), try_test(sa_mib), p("Testing trap sending from subagent..."), try_test(sa_v1_2_v2_trap1, [SA]), try_test(sa_v1_2_v2_trap2, [SA]), try_test(sa_v1_2_v2_trap3, [SA]), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line stop_subagent(SA). v3_trap(X) -> v2_trap(X). v2_inform(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_v2_inform, [v2_inform_i], finish_v2_inform}}. v3_inform(_X) -> %% v2_inform(X). {req, [], {conf, init_v3_inform, [v3_inform_i], finish_v3_inform}}. init_v2_inform(Config) when list(Config) -> _Dir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), % snmp_internal_mib:configure(Dir), Config. init_v3_inform(X) -> init_v2_inform(X). finish_v2_inform(Config) when list(Config) -> _Dir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), % snmp_internal_mib:configure(Dir), Config. finish_v3_inform(X) -> finish_v2_inform(X). v2_inform_i(suite) -> []; v2_inform_i(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing inform sending from master agent... NOTE! This test\ntakes a " "few minutes (5) to complete."), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), try_test(ma_v2_inform1, [MA]), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"). v3_inform_i(X) -> v2_inform_i(X). sa_error(suite) -> []; sa_error(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?sa, "SA-MIB"), p("Testing sa bad value (is_set_ok)..."), try_test(sa_errs_bad_value), p("Testing sa gen err (set)..."), try_test(sa_errs_gen_err), p("Testing too big..."), try_test(sa_too_big), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), stop_subagent(SA). sa_error_2(X) -> sa_error(X). sa_error_3(X) -> sa_error(X). next_across_sa(suite) -> []; next_across_sa(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?sa, "SA-MIB"), p("Loading another subagent mib..."), ?line ok = snmpa:load_mibs(SA, [MibDir ++ "Klas1"]), rpc:call(SaNode, snmp, register_subagent, [MA, ?klas1, SA]), try_test(load_test_sa), p("Testing next across subagent (endOfMibView from SA)..."), try_test(next_across_sa), p("Unloading mib"), snmpa:unload_mibs(SA, [MibDir ++ "Klas1"]), rpc:call(SaNode, snmp, unregister_subagent, [MA, ?klas1]), try_test(unreg_test), p("Starting another subagent"), ?line {ok, SA2} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?klas1, "Klas1"), p("Testing next across subagent (wrong prefix from SA)..."), try_test(next_across_sa), stop_subagent(SA), stop_subagent(SA2). next_across_sa_2(X) -> next_across_sa(X). next_across_sa_3(X) -> next_across_sa(X). undo(suite) -> []; undo(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?sa, "SA-MIB"), p("Testing undo phase at master agent..."), ?line ok = snmpa:load_mibs(MA, [MibDir ++ "Klas3"]), ?line ok = snmpa:load_mibs(MA, [MibDir ++ "Klas4"]), try_test(undo_test), try_test(api_test2), ?line ok = snmpa:unload_mibs(MA, [MibDir ++ "Klas3"]), p("Testing bad return values from instrum. funcs..."), try_test(bad_return), ?line ok = snmpa:unload_mibs(MA, [MibDir ++ "Klas4"]), p("Testing undo phase at subagent..."), ?line ok = snmpa:load_mibs(SA, [MibDir ++ "Klas3"]), ?line ok = snmpa:load_mibs(SA, [MibDir ++ "Klas4"]), ?line ok = snmpa:register_subagent(MA, ?klas3, SA), ?line ok = snmpa:register_subagent(MA, ?klas4, SA), try_test(undo_test), try_test(api_test3), p("Testing undo phase across master/subagents..."), try_test(undo_test), try_test(api_test3), stop_subagent(SA). undo_2(X) -> undo(X). undo_3(X) -> undo(X). %% Req. Test2 v1_processing(suite) -> []; v1_processing(Config) when list(Config) -> ?DBG("v1_processing -> entry", []), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test2"), try_test(v1_proc), ?line unload_master("Test2"). %% Req. Test2 v2_processing(suite) -> []; v2_processing(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test2"), try_test(v2_proc), ?line unload_master("Test2"). %% Req. Test2 v3_processing(suite) -> []; v3_processing(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test2"), try_test(v2_proc), % same as v2! ?line unload_master("Test2"). %% We'll try get/set/trap and inform for all the auth & priv protocols. %% For informs, the mgr is auth-engine. The agent has to sync. This is %% accomplished by the first inform sent. That one will generate a %% report, which makes it in sync. The notification-generating %% application times out, and send again. This time it'll work. v3_security(suite) -> [v3_crypto_basic, v3_md5_auth, v3_sha_auth, v3_des_priv]. v3_crypto_basic(suite) -> []; v3_crypto_basic(_Config) -> EID = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2], %% From rfc2274 appendix A.3.1 ?line KMd5_1 = snmp:passwd2localized_key(md5, "maplesyrup", EID), ?line [16#52,16#6f,16#5e,16#ed,16#9f,16#cc,16#e2,16#6f, 16#89,16#64,16#c2,16#93,16#07,16#87,16#d8,16#2b] = KMd5_1, %% From rfc2274 appendix A.3.2 ?line KSHA_1 = snmp:passwd2localized_key(sha, "maplesyrup", EID), ?line [16#66,16#95,16#fe,16#bc,16#92,16#88,16#e3,16#62,16#82,16#23, 16#5f,16#c7,16#15,16#1f,16#12,16#84,16#97,16#b3,16#8f,16#3f] = KSHA_1, %% From rfc2274, appendix A.5.1 ?line KMd5_2 = snmp:passwd2localized_key(md5, "newsyrup", EID), ?line [16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00, 16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00, 16#88,16#05,16#61,16#51,16#41,16#67,16#6c,16#c9, 16#19,16#61,16#74,16#e7,16#42,16#a3,16#25,16#51] = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(md5, KMd5_1, KMd5_2, 16, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]), %% From rfc2274, appendix A.5.2 ?line KSHA_2 = snmp:passwd2localized_key(sha, "newsyrup", EID), ?line [16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00, 16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00, 16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#9c,16#10,16#17,16#f4, 16#fd,16#48,16#3d,16#2d,16#e8,16#d5,16#fa,16#db, 16#f8,16#43,16#92,16#cb,16#06,16#45,16#70,16#51] = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, KSHA_1, KSHA_2, 20, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]), KSHA_1t = lists:sublist(KSHA_1, 16), KSHA_2t = lists:sublist(KSHA_2, 16), ?line [16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00, 16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00,16#00, 16#7e,16#f8,16#d8,16#a4,16#c9,16#cd,16#b2,16#6b, 16#47,16#59,16#1c,16#d8,16#52,16#ff,16#88,16#b5] = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, KSHA_1t, KSHA_2t, 16, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]), %% Try with correct random ?line Kc1 = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(md5, KMd5_1, KMd5_2), ?line KMd5_2 = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:extract_new_key(md5, KMd5_1, Kc1), ?line Kc2 = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, KSHA_1, KSHA_2), ?line KSHA_2 = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:extract_new_key(sha, KSHA_1, Kc2), ok. v3_md5_auth(suite) -> []; v3_md5_auth(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing MD5 authentication...takes a few seconds..."), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line rewrite_target_params_conf(AgentDir, "authMD5", authNoPriv), ?line snmp_target_mib:reconfigure(AgentDir), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("Test2"), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), try_test(v3_sync, [[{v2_proc, []}, {ma_v2_trap1, [MA]}, {v3_inform_sync, [MA]}]], [{sec_level, authNoPriv}, {user, "authMD5"}]), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ?line reset_target_params_conf(AgentDir). v3_sha_auth(suite) -> []; v3_sha_auth(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing SHA authentication...takes a few seconds..."), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line rewrite_target_params_conf(AgentDir, "authSHA", authNoPriv), ?line snmp_target_mib:reconfigure(AgentDir), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("Test2"), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), try_test(v3_sync, [[{v2_proc, []}, {ma_v2_trap1, [MA]}, {v3_inform_sync, [MA]}]], [{sec_level, authNoPriv}, {user, "authSHA"}]), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ?line reset_target_params_conf(AgentDir). v3_des_priv(suite) -> []; v3_des_priv(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), p("Testing DES encryption...takes a few seconds..."), AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line rewrite_target_params_conf(AgentDir, "privDES", authPriv), ?line snmp_target_mib:reconfigure(AgentDir), MA = whereis(snmp_master_agent), ?line load_master("Test2"), ?line load_master("TestTrap"), ?line load_master("TestTrapv2"), try_test(v3_sync, [[{v2_proc, []}, {ma_v2_trap1, [MA]}, {v3_inform_sync, [MA]}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "privDES"}]), ?line unload_master("TestTrapv2"), ?line unload_master("TestTrap"), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ?line reset_target_params_conf(AgentDir). %% -define(usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance, [1,3,6,1,6,3,15,1,1,2,0]). %% Make sure mgr is in sync with agent v3_sync(Funcs) -> ?DBG("v3_sync -> entry with Funcs: ~p",[Funcs]), g([[sysDescr, 0]]), expect(432, report, [{?usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance, any}]), g([[sysDescr, 0]]), expect(433, [{[sysDescr,0], any}]), lists:foreach(fun({Func, Args}) -> apply(?MODULE, Func, Args) end, Funcs). v3_inform_sync(MA) -> ?DBG("v3_sync -> entry with MA: ~p => Send notification",[MA]), ?line snmpa:send_notification(MA, testTrapv22, no_receiver, "standard inform", []), %% Make sure agent is in sync with mgr... ?DBG("v3_sync -> wait some time: ",[]), sleep(20000), % more than 1500*10 in target_addr.conf ?DBG("v3_sync -> await response",[]), ?line expect(1, {inform, true}, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]). v2_caps(suite) -> []; v2_caps(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), try_test(v2_caps_i, [node()]). v2_caps_3(X) -> v2_caps(X). v2_caps_i(Node) -> ?line Idx = rpc:call(Node, snmp, add_agent_caps, [[1,2,3,4,5], "test cap"]), g([[sysORID, Idx], [sysORDescr, Idx]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sysORID, Idx], [1,2,3,4,5]}, {[sysORDescr, Idx], "test cap"}]), ?line rpc:call(Node, snmp, del_agent_caps, [Idx]), g([[sysORID, Idx]]), ?line expect(2, [{[sysORID, Idx], noSuchInstance}]). %% Req. Test2 v1_proc() -> ?DBG("v1_proc -> entry", []), %% According to RFC1157. %% Template: <Section>:<list no> v1_get_p(), v1_get_next_p(), v1_set_p(). v1_get_p() -> %% 4.1.2:1 g([[test2]]), ?line expect(10, noSuchName, 1, [{[test2], 'NULL'}]), g([[tDescr]]), ?line expect(11, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr], 'NULL'}]), g([[tDescr2,0]]), ?line expect(12, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr2,0], 'NULL'}]), g([[tDescr3,0]]), ?line expect(131, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], 'NULL'}]), g([[tDescr4,0]]), ?line expect(132, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr4,0], 'NULL'}]), g([[sysDescr, 0], [tDescr,0]]), % Outside mibview ?line expect(14, noSuchName, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'}, {[tDescr,0], 'NULL'}]), g([[sysDescr,3]]), ?line expect(15, noSuchName, 1, [{[sysDescr, 3], 'NULL'}]), %% 4.1.2:2 g([[tTable]]), ?line expect(20, noSuchName, 1, [{[tTable], 'NULL'}]), g([[tEntry]]), ?line expect(21, noSuchName, 1, [{[tEntry], 'NULL'}]), %% 4.1.2:3 g([[tTooBig, 0]]), ?line expect(30, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], 'NULL'}]), %% 4.1.2:4 g([[tGenErr1, 0]]), ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1, 0], 'NULL'}]), g([[tGenErr2, 0]]), ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2, 0], 'NULL'}]), g([[sysDescr, 0], [tGenErr3, 0]]), ?line expect(42, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'}, {[tGenErr3, 0], 'NULL'}]). v1_get_next_p() -> %% 4.1.3:1 gn([[1,3,7,1]]), ?line expect(10, noSuchName, 1, [{[1,3,7,1], 'NULL'}]), gn([[tDescr2]]), ?line expect(11, tooBig, 0, any), %% 4.1.3:2 gn([[tTooBig]]), io:format("We currently don't handle tooBig correct!!!\n"), % ?line expect(20, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig], 'NULL'}]), ?line expect(20, tooBig, 0, any), %% 4.1.3:3 gn([[tGenErr1]]), % ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1], 'NULL'}]), ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, any), gn([[tGenErr2]]), % ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2], 'NULL'}]), ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, any), gn([[sysDescr], [tGenErr3]]), % ?line expect(42, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'}, % {[tGenErr3], 'NULL'}]). ?line expect(42, genErr, 2, any). v1_set_p() -> %% 4.1.5:1 s([{[1,3,7,0], i, 4}]), ?line expect(10, noSuchName, 1, [{[1,3,7,0], 4}]), s([{[tDescr,0], s, "outside mibview"}]), ?line expect(11, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr,0], "outside mibview"}]), s([{[tDescr3,0], s, "read-only"}]), ?line expect(12, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], "read-only"}]), s([{[tDescr3], s, "noSuchObject"}]), ?line expect(13, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3], "noSuchObject"}]), s([{[tDescr3,1], s, "noSuchInstance"}]), ?line expect(14, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,1], "noSuchInstance"}]), s([{[tDescr2,0], s, "inconsistentName"}]), ?line expect(15, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr2,0], "inconsistentName"}]), %% 4.1.5:2 s([{[tDescr2, 0], i, 4}]), ?line expect(20, badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], 4}]), s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "badValue"}]), ?line expect(21, badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "badValue"}]), %% 4.1.5:3 %% The standard is quite incorrect here. The resp pdu was too big. In %% the resp pdu, we have the original vbs. In the tooBig pdu we still %% have to original vbs => the tooBig pdu is too big as well!!! It %% may not get it to the manager, unless the agent uses 'NULL' instead %% of the std-like original value. s([{[tTooBig, 0], s, ?tooBigStr}]), %% according to std: % ?line expect(30, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], ?tooBigStr}]), ?line expect(30, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], 'NULL'}]), %% 4.1.5:4 s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "is_set_ok_fail"}]), ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "is_set_ok_fail"}]), s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "commit_fail"}]), ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "commit_fail"}]). %% Req. Test2 v2_proc() -> %% According to RFC1905. %% Template: <Section>:<list no> ?DBG("v2_proc -> entry",[]), v2_get_p(), v2_get_next_p(), v2_get_bulk_p(), v2_set_p(). v2_get_p() -> %% 4.2.1:2 ?DBG("v2_get_p -> entry",[]), g([[test2]]), ?line expect(10, [{[test2], noSuchObject}]), g([[tDescr]]), ?line expect(11, [{[tDescr], noSuchObject}]), g([[tDescr4,0]]), ?line expect(12, [{[tDescr4,0], noSuchObject}]), g([[sysDescr, 0], [tDescr,0]]), % Outside mibview ?line expect(13, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[tDescr,0], noSuchObject}]), g([[tTable]]), ?line expect(14, [{[tTable], noSuchObject}]), g([[tEntry]]), ?line expect(15, [{[tEntry], noSuchObject}]), %% 4.2.1:3 g([[tDescr2,0]]), %% instrum ret noSuchName!!! ?line expect(20, [{[tDescr2,0], noSuchInstance}]), g([[tDescr3,0]]), ?line expect(21, [{[tDescr3,0], noSuchInstance}]), g([[sysDescr,3]]), ?line expect(22, [{[sysDescr, 3], noSuchInstance}]), g([[tIndex,1]]), ?line expect(23, [{[tIndex, 1], noSuchInstance}]), %% 4.2.1 - any other error: genErr g([[tGenErr1, 0]]), ?line expect(30, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1, 0], 'NULL'}]), g([[tGenErr2, 0]]), ?line expect(31, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2, 0], 'NULL'}]), g([[sysDescr, 0], [tGenErr3, 0]]), ?line expect(32, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'}, {[tGenErr3, 0], 'NULL'}]), %% 4.2.1 - tooBig g([[tTooBig, 0]]), ?line expect(40, tooBig, 0, []). v2_get_next_p() -> %% 4.2.2:2 ?DBG("v2_get_next_p -> entry",[]), gn([[1,3,7,1]]), ?line expect(10, [{[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]), gn([[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]), ?line expect(11, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]), gn([[tCnt2, 1]]), ?line expect(12, [{[tCnt2,2], 100}]), gn([[tCnt2, 2]]), ?line expect(12, [{[tCnt2,2], endOfMibView}]), %% 4.2.2 - any other error: genErr gn([[tGenErr1]]), ?line expect(20, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1], 'NULL'}]), gn([[tGenErr2]]), ?line expect(21, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2], 'NULL'}]), gn([[sysDescr], [tGenErr3]]), ?line expect(22, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'}, {[tGenErr3], 'NULL'}]), %% 4.2.2 - tooBig gn([[tTooBig]]), ?line expect(20, tooBig, 0, []). v2_get_bulk_p() -> %% 4.2.3 ?DBG("v2_get_bulk_p -> entry",[]), gb(1, 1, []), ?line expect(10, []), gb(-1, 1, []), ?line expect(11, []), gb(-1, -1, []), ?line expect(12, []), gb(-1, -1, []), ?line expect(13, []), gb(2, 0, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]), ?line expect(14, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]), gb(1, 2, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]), ?line expect(15, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]), gb(0, 2, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]), ?line expect(16, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}, {[sysObjectID, 0], [1,2,3]}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]), gb(2, 2, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1], [sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]), ?line expect(17, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}, {[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}, {[sysObjectID, 0], [1,2,3]}, {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]), gb(1, 2, [[sysDescr], [sysDescr], [tTooBig]]), ?line expect(18, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gb(1,12, [[tDescr2], [sysDescr]]), % next one after tDescr2 is tTooBig. ?line expect(19, []), gb(2,2, [[sysDescr], [sysObjectID], [tGenErr1], [sysDescr]]), ?line expect(20, genErr, 3, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'}, {[sysObjectID], 'NULL'}, {[tGenErr1], 'NULL'}, {[sysDescr], 'NULL'}]), gb(0, 2, [[tCnt2, 1]]), ?line expect(21, [{[tCnt2,2], 100}, {[tCnt2,2], endOfMibView}]). v2_set_p() -> %% 4.2.5:1 ?DBG("v2_set_p -> entry",[]), s([{[1,3,7,0], i, 4}]), ?line expect(10, noAccess, 1, [{[1,3,7,0], 4}]), s([{[tDescr,0], s, "outside mibview"}]), ?line expect(11, noAccess, 1, [{[tDescr,0], "outside mibview"}]), %% 4.2.5:2 s([{[1,3,6,1,0], s, "noSuchObject"}]), ?line expect(20, notWritable, 1, [{[1,3,6,1,0], "noSuchObject"}]), %% 4.2.5:3 s([{[tDescr2, 0], i, 4}]), ?line expect(30, wrongType, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], 4}]), s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "badValue"}]), ?line expect(31, badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "badValue"}]), %% 4.2.5:4 s([{[tStr, 0], s, ""}]), ?line expect(40, wrongLength, 1, [{[tStr, 0], ""}]), s([{[tStr, 0], s, "12345"}]), ?line expect(40, wrongLength, 1, [{[tStr, 0], "12345"}]), %% 4.2.5:5 - N/A %% 4.2.5:6 s([{[tInt1, 0], i, 0}]), ?line expect(60, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt1, 0], 0}]), s([{[tInt1, 0], i, 5}]), ?line expect(61, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt1, 0], 5}]), s([{[tInt2, 0], i, 0}]), ?line expect(62, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt2, 0], 0}]), s([{[tInt2, 0], i, 5}]), ?line expect(63, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt2, 0], 5}]), s([{[tInt3, 0], i, 5}]), ?line expect(64, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt3, 0], 5}]), %% 4.2.5:7 s([{[tDescrX, 1, 1], s, "noCreation"}]), ?line expect(70, noCreation, 1, [{[tDescrX, 1, 1], "noCreation"}]), %% 4.2.5:8 s([{[tDescrX, 1, 2], s, "inconsistentName"}]), ?line expect(80, inconsistentName, 1, [{[tDescrX, 1, 2], "inconsistentName"}]), %% 4.2.5:9 s([{[tCnt, 1, 2], i, 5}]), ?line expect(90, notWritable, 1, [{[tCnt, 1, 2], 5}]), s([{[tDescr3,0], s, "read-only"}]), ?line expect(90, notWritable, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], "read-only"}]), %% 4.2.5:10 s([{[tDescr2,0], s, "inconsistentValue"}]), ?line expect(100, inconsistentValue, 1, [{[tDescr2,0], "inconsistentValue"}]), %% 4.2.5:11 s([{[tDescr2,0], s, "resourceUnavailable"}]), ?line expect(110, resourceUnavailable, 1, [{[tDescr2,0],"resourceUnavailable"}]), %% 4.2.5:12 s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "is_set_ok_fail"}]), ?line expect(120, genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "is_set_ok_fail"}]). %% commitFailed and undoFailed is tested by the 'undo' case. %% Req. OLD-SNMPEA-MIB table_test() -> io:format("Testing simple get, next and set on communityTable...~n"), %% {[147,214,36,45], "public", 2, readWrite}. %% {[147,214,36,45], "standard trap", 2, read}. Key1c3 = [intCommunityViewIndex,get(mip),is("public")], Key2c3 = [intCommunityViewIndex,get(mip),is("standard trap")], Key1c4 = [intCommunityAccess,get(mip),is("public")], EndKey = [intCommunityEntry,[9],get(mip),is("public")], gn([[intCommunityEntry]]), ?line expect(7, [{Key1c3, 2}]), gn([[intCommunityTable]]), ?line expect(71, [{Key1c3, 2}]), gn([[community]]), ?line expect(72, [{Key1c3, 2}]), gn([[otpSnmpeaMIB]]), ?line expect(73, [{Key1c3, 2}]), gn([[ericsson]]), ?line expect(74, [{Key1c3, 2}]), gn([Key1c3]), ?line expect(8, [{Key2c3, 2}]), gn([Key2c3]), ?line expect(9, [{Key1c4, 2}]), gn([EndKey]), AgentIp = [intAgentIpAddress,0], ?line expect(10, [{AgentIp, any}]), g([Key1c3]), ?line expect(11, [{Key1c3, 2}]), g([EndKey]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(12, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(12, [{EndKey, noSuchObject}])), io:format("Testing row creation/deletion on communityTable...~n"), NewKeyc3 = [intCommunityViewIndex,get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc4 = [intCommunityAccess,get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityStatus,get(mip),is("test")], s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(14, ?v1_2(badValue, inconsistentValue), 1,any), s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {NewKeyc3, 2}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]), ?line expect(15, [{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},{NewKeyc3, 2}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]), g([NewKeyc4]), ?line expect(16, [{NewKeyc4, 2}]), s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(17, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), s([{NewKeyc4, 2}]), ?line expect(18, ?v1_2(noSuchName, inconsistentName), 1,[{NewKeyc4, 2}]), s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}]), ?line expect(19, [{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}]), g([NewKeyc5]), ?line expect(20, [{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]), s([{NewKeyc4, 2}]), ?line expect(21, [{NewKeyc4, 2}]), g([NewKeyc5]), ?line expect(22, [{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]), s([{NewKeyc3, 2}]), ?line expect(23, [{NewKeyc3, 2}]), g([NewKeyc5]), ?line expect(24, [{NewKeyc5, ?notInService}]), s([{NewKeyc5, ?active}]), ?line expect(25, [{NewKeyc5, ?active}]), s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(26, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), s([{NewKeyc3, 3}]), ?line expect(27, ?v1_2(noSuchName, inconsistentName), 1,[{NewKeyc3, 3}]), otp_1128(). %% Req. system group simple_standard_test() -> ?DBG("simple_standard_test -> entry",[]), gn([[1,1]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gn([[1,3]]), ?line expect(11, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gn([[1,3,6]]), ?line expect(12, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gn([[1,3,6,1]]), ?line expect(13, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gn([[1,3,6,1,2]]), ?line expect(14, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gn([[1,3,6,1,2,1]]), ?line expect(15, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gn([[1,3,6,1,2,1,1]]), ?line expect(16, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), gn([[sysDescr]]), ?line expect(17, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), g([[sysDescr,0]]), ?line expect(2, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]), g([[sysDescr]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(3, [{[sysDescr], noSuchObject}])), g([[1,6,7,0]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(41, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(3, [{[1,6,7,0], noSuchObject}])), gn([[1,13]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(4, noSuchName,1, any), expect(4, [{[1,13], endOfMibView}])), s([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]), ?line expect(5, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]), g([[sysLocation, 0]]), ?line expect(6, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]), io:format("Testing noSuchName and badValue...~n"), s([{[sysServices,0], 3}]), ?line expect(61, ?v1_2(noSuchName, notWritable), 1, any), s([{[sysLocation, 0], i, 3}]), ?line expect(62, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongType), 1, any), ?DBG("simple_standard_test -> done",[]), ok. %% This is run in the agent node db_notify_client(suite) -> []; db_notify_client(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?DBG("~n\tSaNode: ~p~n\tMgrNode: ~p~n\tMibDir: ~p", [SaNode,MgrNode,MibDir]), snmpa_local_db:register_notify_client(self(),?MODULE), %% This call (the manager) will issue to set operations, so %% we expect to receive to notify(insert) calls. try_test(db_notify_client_test), ?DBG("await first notify",[]), receive {db_notify_test_reply,insert} -> ?DBG("first notify received",[]),ok end, ?DBG("await second notify",[]), receive {db_notify_test_reply,insert} -> ?DBG("second notify received",[]),ok end, snmpa_local_db:unregister_notify_client(self()). %% This is run in the manager node db_notify_client_test() -> ?DBG("set first new sysLocation",[]), s([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]), ?line expect(5, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]), ?DBG("set second new sysLocation",[]), s([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]), ?line expect(5, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]). notify(Pid,What) -> ?DBG("notify(~p,~p) -> called",[Pid,What]), Pid ! {db_notify_test_reply,What}. %% Req: system group, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB, Klas1 big_test() -> ?DBG("big_test -> testing simple next/get/set @ master agent...",[]), simple_standard_test(), ?DBG("big_test -> testing simple next/get/set @ subagent...",[]), gn([[klas1]]), ?line expect(1, [{[fname,0], ""}]), g([[fname,0]]), ?line expect(2, [{[fname,0], ""}]), s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]), ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]), g([[fname,0]]), ?line expect(4, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]), ?DBG("big_test -> " "testing next from last instance in master to subagent...",[]), gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]), ?line expect(5, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]), gn([[1,1], [?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]), ?line expect(51, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[fname,0], "test set"}]), s([{[fname,0], s, ""}]), ?line expect(52, [{[fname,0], ""}]), table_test(), ?DBG("big_test -> adding one row in subagent table",[]), _FTab = [friendsEntry], s([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], s, "kompis3"}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(6, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]), g([[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], [friendsEntry, [3, 3]]]), ?line expect(7, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?active}]), s([{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(8, [{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy}]), otp_1131(), ?DBG("big_test -> adding two rows in subagent table with special INDEX", []), s([{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], s, "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(9, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?createAndGo}]), g([[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], [kompissEntry, [2, 3]]]), ?line expect(10, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?active}]), gn([[kompissEntry, [1]], [kompissEntry, [2]]]), ?line expect(11, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?active}]), s([{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], s, "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(12, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?createAndGo}]), gn([[kompissEntry, [1, 1]], [kompissEntry, [2, 1]]]), ?line expect(13, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?active}]), s([{[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(14, [{[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?destroy}]), s([{[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(15, [{[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?destroy}]), ?DBG("big_test -> done",[]), ok. %% Req. system group, Klas2, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB big_test_2() -> p("Testing simple next/get/set @ master agent (2)..."), simple_standard_test(), p("Testing simple next/get/set @ subagent (2)..."), gn([[klas2]]), ?line expect(1, [{[fname2,0], ""}]), g([[fname2,0]]), ?line expect(2, [{[fname2,0], ""}]), s([{[fname2,0], s, "test set"}]), ?line expect(3, [{[fname2,0], "test set"}]), g([[fname2,0]]), ?line expect(4, [{[fname2,0], "test set"}]), otp_1298(), p("Testing next from last object in master to subagent (2)..."), gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]), ?line expect(5, [{[fname2,0], "test set"}]), gn([[1,1], [?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]), ?line expect(51, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[fname2,0], "test set"}]), table_test(), p("Adding one row in subagent table (2)"), _FTab = [friendsEntry2], s([{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], s, "kompis3"}, {[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(6, [{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]), g([[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], [friendsEntry2, [3, 3]]]), ?line expect(7, [{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?active}]), s([{[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(8, [{[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?destroy}]), p("Adding two rows in subagent table with special INDEX (2)"), s([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], s, "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(9, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?createAndGo}]), g([[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], [kompissEntry2, [2, 3]]]), ?line expect(10, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?active}]), gn([[kompissEntry2, [1]], [kompissEntry2, [2]]]), ?line expect(11, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?active}]), s([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], s, "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(12, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?createAndGo}]), gn([[kompissEntry2, [1, 1]], [kompissEntry2, [2, 1]]]), ?line expect(13, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], "kompis3"}, {[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?active}]), s([{[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(14, [{[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?destroy}]), s([{[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(15, [{[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?destroy}]), ok. %% Req. Test1 multi_threaded_test() -> p("Testing multi threaded agent..."), g([[multiStr,0]]), Pid = get_multi_pid(), g([[sysUpTime,0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]), s([{[sysLocation, 0], s, "pelle"}]), ?line expect(2, [{[sysLocation, 0], "pelle"}]), Pid ! continue, ?line expect(3, [{[multiStr,0], "ok"}]), s([{[multiStr, 0], s, "block"}]), Pid2 = get_multi_pid(), g([[sysUpTime,0]]), ?line expect(4, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]), g([[multiStr,0]]), Pid3 = get_multi_pid(), g([[sysUpTime,0]]), ?line expect(5, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]), s([{[sysLocation, 0], s, "kalle"}]), Pid3 ! continue, ?line expect(6, [{[multiStr,0], "ok"}]), Pid2 ! continue, ?line expect(7, [{[multiStr,0], "block"}]), ?line expect(8, [{[sysLocation,0], "kalle"}]). %% Req. Test1, TestTrapv2 mt_trap_test(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv22, "standard trap"), ?line expect(1, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]), snmpa:send_trap(MA, mtTrap, "standard trap"), Pid = get_multi_pid(), g([[sysUpTime,0]]), ?line expect(2, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]), snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv22, "standard trap"), ?line expect(3, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]), Pid ! continue, ?line expect(4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?testTrap ++ [2]}, {[multiStr,0], "ok"}]). get_multi_pid() -> get_multi_pid(10). get_multi_pid(0) -> ?line ?FAIL(no_global_name); get_multi_pid(N) -> sleep(1000), case global:whereis_name(snmp_multi_tester) of Pid when pid(Pid) -> Pid; _ -> get_multi_pid(N-1) end. %% Req. Test1 types_v2_test() -> p("Testing v2 types..."), s([{[bits1,0], 2#10}]), ?line expect(1, [{[bits1,0], ?str(2#10)}]), g([[bits1,0]]), ?line expect(2, [{[bits1,0], ?str(2#101)}]), s([{[bits2,0], 2#11000000110}]), ?line expect(3, [{[bits2,0], ?str(2#11000000110)}]), g([[bits2,0]]), ?line expect(4, [{[bits2,0], ?str(2#11000000110)}]), g([[bits3,0]]), ?line expect(50, genErr, 1, any), g([[bits4,0]]), ?line expect(51, genErr, 1, any), s([{[bits1,0], s, [2#10]}]), ?line expect(6, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any), s([{[bits2,0], 2#11001001101010011}]), ?line expect(7, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any). %% Req. Test1 implied_test(MA) -> ?LOG("implied_test -> start",[]), p("Testing IMPLIED..."), snmpa:verbosity(MA,trace), snmpa:verbosity(MA,trace), %% Create two rows, check that they are get-nexted in correct order. Idx1 = "apa", Idx2 = "qq", ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 1 '~s' in table 1",[Idx1]), s([{[testStatus, Idx1], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr, Idx1],s,"row 1"}]), ?line expect(1, [{[testStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr, Idx1], "row 1"}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 2 '~s' in table 1",[Idx2]), s([{[testStatus, Idx2], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr, Idx2],s,"row 2"}]), ?line expect(2, [{[testStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr, Idx2], "row 2"}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr)",[]), gn([[testDescr]]), ?line expect(3, [{[testDescr,Idx1], "row 1"}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr) of row 1",[]), gn([[testDescr,Idx1]]), ?line expect(4, [{[testDescr,Idx2], "row 2"}]), % Delete the rows ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 1 '~s' from table 1",[Idx1]), s([{[testStatus, Idx1], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(5, [{[testStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 2 '~s' from table 1",[Idx2]), s([{[testStatus, Idx2], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(6, [{[testStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]), %% Try the same in other table Idx3 = [1, "apa"], Idx4 = [1, "qq"], ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 1 '~s' in table 2",[Idx3]), s([{[testStatus2, Idx3], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr2,Idx3],s,"row 1"}]), ?line expect(1, [{[testStatus2, Idx3], ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr2, Idx3], "row 1"}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 2 '~s' in table 2",[Idx4]), s([{[testStatus2, Idx4], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr2,Idx4],s,"row 2"}]), ?line expect(2, [{[testStatus2, Idx4], ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr2, Idx4], "row 2"}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr2)",[]), gn([[testDescr2]]), ?line expect(3, [{[testDescr2,Idx3], "row 1"}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr2) of row 1",[]), gn([[testDescr2,Idx3]]), ?line expect(4, [{[testDescr2,Idx4], "row 2"}]), % Delete the rows ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 1 '~s' from table 2",[Idx3]), s([{[testStatus2, Idx3], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(5, [{[testStatus2, Idx3], ?destroy}]), ?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 2 '~s' from table 2",[Idx4]), s([{[testStatus2, Idx4], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(6, [{[testStatus2, Idx4], ?destroy}]), snmpa:verbosity(MA,log), ?LOG("implied_test -> done",[]). %% Req. Test1 sparse_table_test() -> p("Testing sparse table..."), %% Create two rows, check that they are get-nexted in correct order. Idx1 = 1, Idx2 = 2, s([{[sparseStatus, Idx1], i, ?createAndGo}, {[sparseDescr, Idx1], s, "row 1"}]), ?line expect(1, [{[sparseStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo}, {[sparseDescr, Idx1], "row 1"}]), s([{[sparseStatus, Idx2], i, ?createAndGo}, {[sparseDescr, Idx2], s, "row 2"}]), ?line expect(2, [{[sparseStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo}, {[sparseDescr, Idx2], "row 2"}]), ?v1_2(gn([[sparseIndex], [sparseDescr,Idx1], [sparseDescr,Idx2], [sparseStatus,Idx1], [sparseStatus,Idx2]]), gb(0,5,[[sparseIndex]])), ?line expect(3, [{[sparseDescr,Idx1], "row 1"}, {[sparseDescr,Idx2], "row 2"}, {[sparseStatus,Idx1], ?active}, {[sparseStatus,Idx2], ?active}, {[sparseStr,0], "slut"}]), % Delete the rows s([{[sparseStatus, Idx1], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(4, [{[sparseStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]), s([{[sparseStatus, Idx2], i, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(5, [{[sparseStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]). %% Req. Test1 cnt_64_test(MA) -> ?LOG("start cnt64 test (~p)",[MA]), snmpa:verbosity(MA,trace), ?LOG("start cnt64 test",[]), p("Testing Counter64, and at the same time, RowStatus is not last column"), ?DBG("get cnt64",[]), g([[cnt64,0]]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(1, [{[cnt64,0],18446744073709551615}])), ?DBG("get-next cnt64",[]), gn([[cnt64]]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, [{[cnt64Str,0], "after cnt64"}]), expect(2, [{[cnt64,0],18446744073709551615}])), ?DBG("send cntTrap",[]), snmpa:send_trap(MA,cntTrap,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}, {cnt64, 10}, {sysLocation, "here"}]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, trap, [test], 6, 1, [{[sysContact,0], "pelle"}, {[sysLocation,0], "here"}]), expect(3, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?testTrap ++ [1]}, {[sysContact,0], "pelle"}, {[cnt64,0], 10}, {[sysLocation,0], "here"}])), %% Create two rows, check that they are get-nexted in correct order. Idx1 = 1, Idx2 = 2, ?DBG("create row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx1]), s([{[cntStatus, Idx1], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line expect(1, [{[cntStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo}]), ?DBG("create row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx2]), s([{[cntStatus, Idx2], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line expect(2, [{[cntStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo}]), ?DBG("get-next (cntIndex)",[]), gn([[cntIndex]]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, [{[cntStatus,Idx1], ?active}]), expect(3, [{[cntCnt,Idx1], 0}])), % Delete the rows ?DBG("delete row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx1]), s([{[cntStatus, Idx1], i, ?destroy}]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line expect(4, [{[cntStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]), ?DBG("delete row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx2]), s([{[cntStatus, Idx2], i, ?destroy}]), ?DBG("await response",[]), ?line expect(5, [{[cntStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]), catch snmpa:verbosity(MA,log), ?DBG("done",[]), ok. %% Req. Test1 opaque_test() -> p("Testing Opaque datatype..."), g([[opaqueObj,0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[opaqueObj,0], "opaque-data"}]). %% Req. OLD-SNMPEA-MIB api_test(MaNode) -> ?line {value, OID} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, name_to_oid, [intAgentIpAddress]), ?line {value, intAgentIpAddress} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, oid_to_name, [OID]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, name_to_oid, [intAgentIpAddres]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, oid_to_name, [[1,5,32,3,54,3,3,34,4]]), ?line {value, 2} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [intViewType, excluded]), ?line {value, excluded} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [intViewType, 2]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [intViewType, exclude]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [intAgentIpAddress, exclude]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [intAgentIpAddre, exclude]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [intViewType, 3]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [intAgentIpAddress, 2]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [intAgentIpAddre, 2]), ?line {value, active} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, ['RowStatus', ?active]), ?line {value, ?destroy} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, ['RowStatus', destroy]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, ['RowStatus', xxxdestroy]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, ['xxRowStatus', destroy]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, ['RowStatus', 25]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, ['xxRowStatus', 1]), ?line case snmp:date_and_time() of List when list(List), length(List) == 8 -> ok; List when list(List), length(List) == 11 -> ok end. %% Req. Klas3 api_test2() -> g([[fname3,0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[fname3,0], "ok"}]), g([[fname4,0]]), ?line expect(2, [{[fname4,0], 1}]). api_test3() -> g([[fname3,0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[fname3,0], "ok"}]). unreg_test() -> gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[snmpInPkts, 0], any}]). load_test() -> gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[fname,0], ""}]). %% Req. Klas1 load_test_sa() -> gn([[?v1_2(sysServices,sysORLastChange), 0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[fname,0], any}]). %% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB do_mul_get() -> Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")], Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")], s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]), ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]), g([[sysDescr,0], Key1c4, [fname,0],Key1c3, [sysName,0]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {Key1c4, 2}, {[fname,0], "test set"}, {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysName,0], "test"}]), g([[1,3,7,1], Key1c4, [sysDescr,0], [1,3,7,2], Key1c3, [sysDescr,0]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, noSuchName, [1,4], any), expect(2, [{[1,3,7,1], noSuchObject}, {Key1c4, 2}, {[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[1,3,7,2], noSuchObject}, {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}])). %% Req. v1, system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB, *ej* Klas3. do_mul_get_err() -> Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")], Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")], s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]), ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]), g([[sysDescr,0],Key1c4,[fname,0], Key1c3, [sysName,2]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, 5, any), expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {Key1c4, 2}, {[fname,0], "test set"}, {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysName,2], noSuchInstance}])), g([[sysDescr,0],Key1c4,[fname3,0], Key1c3, [sysName,1]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, [3,5], any), expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {Key1c4, 2}, {[fname3,0], noSuchObject}, {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysName,1], noSuchInstance}])). %% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB do_mul_next() -> Key1c3s = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("publi")], Key1c4s = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("publi")], Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")], Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")], s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]), ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]), gn([[sysDescr], Key1c4s, [fname],Key1c3s,[sysName]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {Key1c4, 2}, {[fname,0], "test set"}, {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysName,0], "test"}]). %% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB do_mul_next_err() -> Key1c3s = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("publi")], Key1c4s = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("publi")], Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")], Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")], s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]), ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]), gn([[sysDescr], Key1c4s, [1,3,6,999], [fname],[1,3,90], Key1c3s,[sysName]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, [3,5], any), expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {Key1c4, 2}, {[1,3,6,999], endOfMibView}, {[fname,0], "test set"}, {[1,3,90], endOfMibView}, {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysName,0], "test"}])). %% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB do_mul_set() -> p("Adding one row in subagent table, and one in master table"), NewKeyc3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityEntry,[5],get(mip),is("test")], s([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"}, {NewKeyc3, 2}, {[sysLocation,0], "new_value"}, {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {NewKeyc4, 2}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(1, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"}, {NewKeyc3, 2}, {[sysLocation,0], "new_value"}, {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {NewKeyc4, 2}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]), g([[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], [sysLocation,0], [friendsEntry, [3, 3]]]), ?line expect(2, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"}, {[sysLocation,0], "new_value"}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?active}]), g([NewKeyc4]), ?line expect(3, [{NewKeyc4, 2}]), s([{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy}, {NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(4, [{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy}, {NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]). %% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB do_mul_set_err() -> NewKeyc3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityEntry,[5],get(mip),is("test")], p("Adding one row in subagent table, and one in master table"), s([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], s, "kompis3"}, {NewKeyc3, 2}, {[sysUpTime,0], 45}, % sysUpTime (readOnly) {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {NewKeyc4, 2}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(noSuchName, notWritable), 3, any), g([[friendsEntry, [2, 3]]]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(2, [{[friendsEntry, [2,3]], noSuchInstance}])), g([NewKeyc4]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(3, [{NewKeyc4, noSuchInstance}])). %% Req. SA-MIB sa_mib() -> g([[sa, [2,0]]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sa, [2,0]], 3}]), s([{[sa, [1,0]], s, "sa_test"}]), ?line expect(2, [{[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]). ma_trap1(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrap2, "standard trap"), ?line expect(1, trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}]), snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrap1, "standard trap"), ?line expect(2, trap, [1,2,3] , 1, 0, [{[system, [4,0]], "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}]). ma_trap2(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrap2,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]), ?line expect(3, trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]). ma_v2_2_v1_trap(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrapv22,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]), ?line expect(3, trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]). ma_v2_2_v1_trap2(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA,linkUp,"standard trap",[{ifIndex, [1], 1}, {ifAdminStatus, [1], 1}, {ifOperStatus, [1], 2}]), ?line expect(3, trap, [1,2,3], 3, 0, [{[ifIndex, 1], 1}, {[ifAdminStatus, 1], 1}, {[ifOperStatus, 1], 2}]). sa_trap1(SA) -> snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap, "standard trap"), ?line expect(4, trap, [ericsson], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}, {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]). sa_trap2(SA) -> snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap, "standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]), ?line expect(5, trap, [ericsson], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}, {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]). sa_trap3(SA) -> snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap2, "standard trap", [{intViewSubtree, [4], [1,2,3,4]}]), ?line expect(6, trap, [ericsson], 6, 2, [{[system, [4,0]], "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}, {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}, {[intViewSubtree,4],[1,2,3,4]}]). ma_v2_trap1(MA) -> ?DBG("ma_v2_traps -> entry with MA = ~p => " "send standard trap: testTrapv22",[MA]), snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv22, "standard trap"), ?line expect(1, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]), ?DBG("ma_v2_traps -> send standard trap: testTrapv21",[]), snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv21, "standard trap"), ?line expect(2, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?snmp ++ [1]}]). ma_v2_trap2(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrapv22,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]), ?line expect(3, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}, {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]). %% Note: This test case takes a while... actually a couple of minutes. ma_v2_inform1(MA) -> ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> entry with MA = ~p => " "send notification: testTrapv22",[MA]), ?line snmpa:send_notification(MA, testTrapv22, no_receiver, "standard inform", []), ?line expect(1, {inform, true}, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]), ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> send notification: testTrapv22",[]), snmpa:send_notification(MA, testTrapv22, {tag1, self()}, "standard inform", []), ?line expect(1, {inform, true}, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]), ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await targets",[]), receive {snmp_targets, tag1, [_]} -> ok; {snmp_targets, tag1, Addrs1} -> ?line ?FAIL({bad_addrs, Addrs1}) after 5000 -> ?ERR("ma_v2_inform1 -> awaiting snmp_targets(tag1) timeout",[]), ?line ?FAIL(nothing_at_all) end, ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await notification",[]), receive {snmp_notification, tag1, {got_response, _}} -> ok; {snmp_notification, tag1, {no_response, _}} -> ?line ?FAIL(no_response) after 20000 -> ?ERR("ma_v2_inform1 -> " "awaiting snmp_notification(tag1) timeout",[]), ?line ?FAIL(nothing_at_all) end, %% %% -- The rest is possibly erroneous... %% ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> send notification: testTrapv22",[]), snmpa:send_notification(MA, testTrapv22, {tag2, self()}, "standard inform", []), ?line expect(2, {inform, false}, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]), ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await targets",[]), receive {snmp_targets, tag2, [_]} -> ok; {snmp_targets, tag2, Addrs2} -> ?ERR("ma_v2_inform1 -> awaiting snmp_targets(tag2) timeout",[]), ?line ?FAIL({bad_addrs, Addrs2}) after 5000 -> ?line ?FAIL(nothing_at_all) end, ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await notification",[]), receive {snmp_notification, tag2, {got_response, _}} -> ?line ?FAIL(got_response); {snmp_notification, tag2, {no_response, _}} -> ok after 240000 -> ?ERR("ma_v2_inform1 -> " "awaiting snmp_notification(tag2) timeout",[]), ?line ?FAIL(nothing_at_all) end. ma_v1_2_v2_trap(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA,linkDown,"standard trap",[{ifIndex, [1], 1}]), ?line expect(2, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?snmpTraps ++ [3]}, {[ifIndex, 1], 1}, {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], [1,2,3]}]). ma_v1_2_v2_trap2(MA) -> snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrap2,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]), ?line expect(3, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}, {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}, {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?system}]). sa_v1_2_v2_trap1(SA) -> snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap, "standard trap"), ?line expect(4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 1]}, {[system, [4,0]], "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}, {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}, {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]). sa_v1_2_v2_trap2(SA) -> snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap, "standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]), ?line expect(4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 1]}, {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}, {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}, {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]). sa_v1_2_v2_trap3(SA) -> snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap2, "standard trap", [{intViewSubtree, [4], [1,2,3,4]}]), ?line expect(4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 2]}, {[system, [4,0]], "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}, {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}, {[intViewSubtree,4],[1,2,3,4]}, {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]). %% Req. SA-MIB, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB sa_errs_bad_value() -> NewKeyc3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityEntry,[5],get(mip),is("test")], s([{NewKeyc3, 2}, {[sa, [2,0]], 5}, % badValue (i is_set_ok) {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]), ?line expect(1, badValue, 2, any), s([{NewKeyc3, 2}, {[sa, [2,0]], 6}, % wrongValue (i is_set_ok) {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]), ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 2, any), g([NewKeyc4]), ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(2, [{NewKeyc4, noSuchInstance}])). %% Req. SA-MIB, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB sa_errs_gen_err() -> NewKeyc3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityEntry,[5],get(mip),is("test")], s([{NewKeyc3, 2},{NewKeyc4, 2}, {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {[sa, [3,0]], 5}]), ?line expect(1, genErr, 4, any), % The row might have been added; we don't know. % (as a matter of fact we do - it is added, because the agent % first sets its own vars, and then th SAs. Lets destroy it. s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(2, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]). %% Req. SA-MIB, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB sa_too_big() -> g([[sa, [4,0]]]), ?line expect(1, tooBig). %% Req. Klas1, system group, snmp group (v1/v2) next_across_sa() -> gn([[sysDescr],[klas1,5]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}, {[snmpInPkts, 0], any}]). %% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]). -> noError %% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "hoj"}]). -> {badValue, 2} %% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 3], 4}, {[fname3,0], "hoj"}]). -> {genErr, 1} %% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 4], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]). -> {genErr, 1} %% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 4], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ufail"}]). -> {genErr, 1} %% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "xfail"}]). -> {genErr, 2} %% Req. Klas3, Klas4 undo_test() -> s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]), ?line expect(1, [{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]), s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "hoj"}]), ?line expect(2, ?v1_2(badValue, inconsistentValue), 2, any), s([{[fStatus3, 3], 4}, {[fname3,0], "hoj"}]), ?line expect(3, ?v1_2(genErr, undoFailed), 1, any), s([{[fStatus3, 4], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]), ?line expect(4, ?v1_2(genErr, commitFailed), 1, any), % unfortunatly we don't know if we'll get undoFailed or commitFailed. % it depends on which order the agent traverses the varbind list. % s([{[fStatus3, 4], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ufail"}]), % ?line expect(5, ?v1_2(genErr, undoFailed), 1, any), s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "xfail"}]), ?line expect(6, genErr, 2, any). %% Req. Klas3, Klas4 bad_return() -> g([[fStatus4,4], [fName4,4]]), ?line expect(4, genErr, 2, any), g([[fStatus4,5], [fName4,5]]), ?line expect(5, genErr, 1, any), g([[fStatus4,6], [fName4,6]]), ?line expect(6, genErr, 2, any), gn([[fStatus4,7], [fName4,7]]), ?line expect(7, genErr, 2, any), gn([[fStatus4,8], [fName4,8]]), ?line expect(8, genErr, 1, any), gn([[fStatus4,9], [fName4,9]]), ?line expect(9, genErr, 2, any). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Test the implementation of standard mibs. %%% We should *at least* try to GET all variables, just to make %%% sure the instrumentation functions work. %%% Note that many of the functions in the standard mib is %%% already tested by the normal tests. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- standard_mibs(suite) -> [snmp_standard_mib, snmp_community_mib, snmp_framework_mib, snmp_target_mib, snmp_notification_mib, snmp_view_based_acm_mib]. standard_mibs_2(suite) -> [snmpv2_mib_2, snmp_community_mib_2, snmp_framework_mib_2, snmp_target_mib_2, snmp_notification_mib_2, snmp_view_based_acm_mib_2]. standard_mibs_3(suite) -> [snmpv2_mib_3,snmp_framework_mib_3, snmp_mpd_mib_3, snmp_target_mib_3, snmp_notification_mib_3, snmp_view_based_acm_mib_3, snmp_user_based_sm_mib_3]. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% For this test, the agent is configured for v1. %% o Test the counters and control objects in SNMP-STANDARD-MIB %%----------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_standard_mib(suite) -> []; snmp_standard_mib(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_init", []), try_test(std_mib_init), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_a", []), InBadVsns = try_test(std_mib_a), put(vsn, v2), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_read", []), try_test(std_mib_read), put(vsn, v1), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_b (~w)", [InBadVsns]), Bad = try_test(std_mib_b, [InBadVsns]), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_read (community: 'bad community')", []), try_test(std_mib_read, [], [{community, "bad community"}]), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_write (community: 'public')", []), try_test(std_mib_write, [], [{community, "public"}]), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_asn_err", []), try_test(std_mib_asn_err), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_c (~w)", [Bad]), try_test(std_mib_c, [Bad]), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_a", []), try_test(standard_mib_a), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_finish", []), try_test(std_mib_finish), ?DBG("snmp_standard_mib -> std_mib_test_finish", []), try_test(standard_mib_test_finish, [], [{community, "bad community"}]). %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB standard_mib_a() -> ?line [OutPkts] = get_req(2, [[snmpOutPkts,0]]), ?line [OutPkts2] = get_req(3, [[snmpOutPkts,0]]), ?line OutPkts2 = OutPkts + 1, %% There are some more counters we could test here, but it's not that %% important, since they are removed from SNMPv2-MIB. ok. %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_init() -> %% disable authentication failure traps. (otherwise w'd get many of %% them - this is also a test to see that it works). s([{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps,0], 2}]), ?line expect(1, [{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps, 0], 2}]). %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_finish() -> %% enable again s([{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps,0], 1}]), ?line expect(1, [{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps, 0], 1}]). %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB standard_mib_test_finish() -> %% force a authenticationFailure std_mib_write(), %% check that we got a trap ?line expect(2, trap, [1,2,3], 4, 0, []). %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_read() -> ?DBG("std_mib_read -> entry", []), g([[sysUpTime,0]]), % try a bad <something>; msg dropped, no reply ?DBG("std_mib_read -> await timeout (i.e. no reply)", []), ?line expect(1, timeout). % make sure we don't get a trap! %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_write() -> ?DBG("std_mib_write -> entry", []), s([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]). %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_asn_err() -> snmp_test_mgr:send_bytes([48,99,67,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,5]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% For this test, the agent is configured for v2 and v3. %% o Test the counters and control objects in SNMPv2-MIB %%----------------------------------------------------------------- snmpv2_mib_2(suite) -> []; snmpv2_mib_2(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> start",[]), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> standard mib init",[]), try_test(std_mib_init), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> get number of (so far) bad versions",[]), InBadVsns = try_test(std_mib_a), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> make a bad version read",[]), put(vsn, v1), try_test(std_mib_read), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> bad version read",[]), put(vsn, v2), Bad = try_test(std_mib_b, [InBadVsns]), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> read with bad community",[]), try_test(std_mib_read, [], [{community, "bad community"}]), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> write with public community",[]), try_test(std_mib_write, [], [{community, "public"}]), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> asn err",[]), try_test(std_mib_asn_err), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> check counters",[]), try_test(std_mib_c, [Bad]), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> get som counters",[]), try_test(snmpv2_mib_a), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> enable auth traps, and await some",[]), try_test(std_mib_finish), ?DBG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> force auth failure, and await trap, " "then disable auth traps",[]), try_test(snmpv2_mib_test_finish, [], [{community, "bad community"}]), ?LOG("snmpv2_mib_2 -> done",[]). %% Req. SNMPv2-MIB snmpv2_mib_3(suite) -> []; snmpv2_mib_3(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), InBadVsns = try_test(std_mib_a), put(vsn, v1), try_test(std_mib_read), put(vsn, v3), _Bad = try_test(std_mib_b, [InBadVsns]), try_test(snmpv2_mib_a), try_test(std_mib_finish). -define(authenticationFailure, [1,3,6,1,6,3,1,1,5,5]). %% Req. SNMPv2-MIB snmpv2_mib_test_finish() -> %% force a authenticationFailure ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> write to std mib",[]), std_mib_write(), %% check that we got a trap ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await trap",[]), ?line expect(2, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID,0], ?authenticationFailure}]), %% and the the inform ?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await inform",[]), ?line expect(2, {inform,true}, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}, {[snmpTrapOID,0],?authenticationFailure}]). %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_a() -> ?line [InPkts] = get_req(2, [[snmpInPkts,0]]), ?line [InPkts2] = get_req(3, [[snmpInPkts,0]]), ?line InPkts2 = InPkts + 1, ?line [InBadVsns] = get_req(4, [[snmpInBadVersions,0]]), InBadVsns. %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_b(InBadVsns) -> ?line [InBadVsns2] = get_req(1, [[snmpInBadVersions,0]]), ?line InBadVsns2 = InBadVsns + 1, ?line [InPkts] = get_req(2, [[snmpInPkts,0]]), ?line [InPkts2] = get_req(3, [[snmpInPkts,0]]), ?line InPkts2 = InPkts + 1, ?line [InBadCommunityNames, InBadCommunityUses, InASNErrs] = get_req(4, [[snmpInBadCommunityNames,0], [snmpInBadCommunityUses,0], [snmpInASNParseErrs, 0]]), {InBadCommunityNames, InBadCommunityUses, InASNErrs}. %% Req. SNMP-STANDARD-MIB | SNMPv2-MIB std_mib_c({InBadCommunityNames, InBadCommunityUses, InASNErrs}) -> ?line [InBadCommunityNames2, InBadCommunityUses2, InASNErrs2] = get_req(1, [[snmpInBadCommunityNames,0], [snmpInBadCommunityUses,0], [snmpInASNParseErrs, 0]]), ?line InBadCommunityNames2 = InBadCommunityNames + 1, ?line InBadCommunityUses2 = InBadCommunityUses + 1, ?line InASNErrs2 = InASNErrs + 1. %% Req. SNMPv2-MIB snmpv2_mib_a() -> ?line [SetSerial] = get_req(2, [[snmpSetSerialNo,0]]), s([{[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}, {[sysLocation, 0], "val2"}]), ?line expect(3, [{[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}, {[sysLocation, 0], "val2"}]), s([{[sysLocation, 0], "val3"}, {[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}]), ?line expect(4, inconsistentValue, 2, [{[sysLocation, 0], "val3"}, {[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}]), ?line ["val2"] = get_req(5, [[sysLocation,0]]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% o Bad community uses/name is tested already %% in SNMPv2-MIB and STANDARD-MIB. %% o Test add/deletion of rows. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_community_mib(suite) -> []; snmp_community_mib(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), try_test(snmp_community_mib), ?line unload_master("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"). snmp_community_mib_2(X) -> snmp_community_mib(X). %% Req. SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB snmp_community_mib() -> ?INF("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED", []), nyi. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% o Test engine boots / time %%----------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_framework_mib(suite) -> []; snmp_framework_mib(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), try_test(snmp_framework_mib), ?line unload_master("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"). snmp_framework_mib_2(X) -> snmp_framework_mib(X). snmp_framework_mib_3(suite) -> []; snmp_framework_mib_3(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), try_test(snmp_framework_mib). %% Req. SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB snmp_framework_mib() -> ?line ["agentEngine"] = get_req(1, [[snmpEngineID,0]]), ?line [EngineTime] = get_req(2, [[snmpEngineTime,0]]), sleep(5000), ?line [EngineTime2] = get_req(3, [[snmpEngineTime,0]]), if EngineTime+7 < EngineTime2 -> ?line ?FAIL({too_large_diff, EngineTime, EngineTime2}); EngineTime+4 > EngineTime2 -> ?line ?FAIL({too_large_diff, EngineTime, EngineTime2}); true -> ok end, ?line case get_req(4, [[snmpEngineBoots,0]]) of [Boots] when integer(Boots) -> ok; Else -> ?FAIL(Else) end, ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% o Test the counters %%----------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_mpd_mib_3(suite) -> []; snmp_mpd_mib_3(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), UnknownPDUHs = try_test(snmp_mpd_mib_a), try_test(snmp_mpd_mib_b, [], [{context_engine_id, "bad engine"}]), try_test(snmp_mpd_mib_c, [UnknownPDUHs]). %% Req. SNMP-MPD-MIB snmp_mpd_mib_a() -> ?line [UnknownSecs, InvalidMsgs] = get_req(1, [[snmpUnknownSecurityModels,0], [snmpInvalidMsgs,0]]), Pdu = #pdu{type = 'get-request', request_id = 23, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = []}, SPdu = #scopedPdu{contextEngineID = "agentEngine", contextName = "", data = Pdu}, ?line SPDUBytes = snmp_pdus:enc_scoped_pdu(SPdu), V3Hdr1 = #v3_hdr{msgID = 21, msgMaxSize = 484, msgFlags = [7], msgSecurityModel = 23, % bad sec model msgSecurityParameters = []}, V3Hdr2 = #v3_hdr{msgID = 21, msgMaxSize = 484, msgFlags = [6], % bad flag combination msgSecurityModel = 3, msgSecurityParameters = []}, Message1 = #message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = V3Hdr1, data = SPDUBytes}, Message2 = #message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = V3Hdr2, data = SPDUBytes}, ?line MsgBytes1 = snmp_pdus:enc_message_only(Message1), ?line MsgBytes2 = snmp_pdus:enc_message_only(Message2), snmp_test_mgr:send_bytes(MsgBytes1), snmp_test_mgr:send_bytes(MsgBytes2), ?line [UnknownSecs2, InvalidMsgs2, UnknownPDUHs] = get_req(1, [[snmpUnknownSecurityModels,0], [snmpInvalidMsgs,0], [snmpUnknownPDUHandlers, 0]]), ?line UnknownSecs2 = UnknownSecs + 1, ?line InvalidMsgs2 = InvalidMsgs + 1, UnknownPDUHs. -define(snmpUnknownPDUHandlers_instance, [1,3,6,1,6,3,11,2,1,3,0]). snmp_mpd_mib_b() -> g([[sysUpTime,0]]), ?line expect(1, report, [{?snmpUnknownPDUHandlers_instance, any}]). snmp_mpd_mib_c(UnknownPDUHs) -> ?line [UnknownPDUHs2] = get_req(1, [[snmpUnknownPDUHandlers, 0]]), ?line UnknownPDUHs2 = UnknownPDUHs + 1. snmp_target_mib(suite) -> []; snmp_target_mib(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), try_test(snmp_target_mib), ?line unload_master("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"). snmp_target_mib_2(X) -> snmp_target_mib(X). snmp_target_mib_3(X) -> snmp_target_mib(X). snmp_target_mib() -> ?INF("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED", []), nyi. snmp_notification_mib(suite) -> []; snmp_notification_mib(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), try_test(snmp_notification_mib), ?line unload_master("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"). snmp_notification_mib_2(X) -> snmp_notification_mib(X). snmp_notification_mib_3(X) -> snmp_notification_mib(X). snmp_notification_mib() -> ?INF("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED", []), nyi. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% o add/delete views and try them %% o try boundaries %%----------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_view_based_acm_mib(suite) -> []; snmp_view_based_acm_mib(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?line load_master("Test2"), snmp_view_based_acm_mib(), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"). snmp_view_based_acm_mib_2(X) -> snmp_view_based_acm_mib(X). snmp_view_based_acm_mib_3(X) -> snmp_view_based_acm_mib(X). snmp_view_based_acm_mib() -> snmpa:verbosity(net_if,trace), snmpa:verbosity(master_agent,trace), ?LOG("start snmp_view_based_acm_mib test",[]), %% The user "no-rights" is present in USM, and is mapped to security %% name 'no-rights", which is not present in VACM. %% So, we'll add rights for it, try them and delete them. %% We'll give "no-rights" write access to tDescr.0 and read access %% to tDescr2.0 %% These are the options we'll use to the mgr Opts = [{user, "no-rights"}, {community, "no-rights"}], %% Find the valid secmodel, and one invalid secmodel. {SecMod, InvSecMod} = case get(vsn) of v1 -> {?SEC_V1, ?SEC_V2C}; v2 -> {?SEC_V2C, ?SEC_USM}; v3 -> {?SEC_USM, ?SEC_V1} end, ?DBG("assign rights for 'no-rights'",[]), ?line try_test(use_no_rights, [], Opts), %% Now, add a mapping from "no-rights" -> "no-rights-group" GRow1Status = [vacmSecurityToGroupStatus,[SecMod, 9,"no-rights"]], GRow1 = [{[vacmGroupName, [SecMod, 9,"no-rights"]], "no-rights-group"}, {GRow1Status, ?createAndGo}], ?DBG("set '~p'",[GRow1]), ?line try_test(do_set, [GRow1]), ?DBG("assign rights for 'no-rights'",[]), ?line try_test(use_no_rights, [], Opts), %% Create a mapping for another sec model, and make sure it dosn't %% give us access GRow2Status = [vacmSecurityToGroupStatus,[InvSecMod, 9,"no-rights"]], GRow2 = [{[vacmGroupName, [InvSecMod, 9, "no-rights"]], "initial"}, {GRow2Status, ?createAndGo}], ?DBG("set '~p'",[GRow2]), ?line try_test(do_set, [GRow2]), ?DBG("assign rights for 'no-rights'",[]), ?line try_test(use_no_rights, [], Opts), %% Delete that row ?line try_test(del_row, [GRow2Status]), RVName = "rv_name", WVName = "wv_name", %% Access row ARow1Idx = [15 | "no-rights-group"] ++ [0, ?SEC_ANY, 1], ARow1Status = [vacmAccessStatus, ARow1Idx], ARow1 = [{[vacmAccessContextMatch, ARow1Idx], 1}, {[vacmAccessReadViewName, ARow1Idx], RVName}, {[vacmAccessWriteViewName, ARow1Idx], WVName}, {ARow1Status, ?createAndGo}], %% This access row would give acces, if InvSecMod was valid. ARow2Idx = [15 | "no-rights-group"] ++ [0, InvSecMod, 1], ARow2Status = [vacmAccessStatus, ARow2Idx], ARow2 = [{[vacmAccessContextMatch, ARow2Idx], 1}, {[vacmAccessReadViewName, ARow2Idx], "internet"}, {[vacmAccessWriteViewName, ARow2Idx], "internet"}, {ARow2Status, ?createAndGo}], ?line try_test(do_set, [ARow2]), ?line try_test(use_no_rights, [], Opts), %% Delete that row ?line try_test(del_row, [ARow2Status]), %% Add valid row ?line try_test(do_set, [ARow1]), ?line try_test(use_no_rights, [], Opts), %% Create the view family VRow1Idx = mk_ln(RVName) ++ mk_ln(?xDescr), % object access VRow2Idx = mk_ln(RVName) ++ mk_ln(?xDescr2 ++ [0]), % instance access VRow3Idx = mk_ln(WVName) ++ mk_ln(?xDescr), % object access VRow4Idx = mk_ln(WVName) ++ mk_ln(?xDescr ++ [0]), % instance access VRow1Status = [vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus, VRow1Idx], VRow2Status = [vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus, VRow2Idx], VRow3Status = [vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus, VRow3Idx], VRow4Status = [vacmViewTreeFamilyStatus, VRow4Idx], ?line try_test(add_row, [VRow1Status]), ?line try_test(add_row, [VRow2Status]), ?line try_test(add_row, [VRow3Status]), %% We're supposed to have access now... ?line try_test(use_rights, [], Opts), %% Change Row3 to Row4 ?line try_test(del_row, [VRow3Status]), ?line try_test(add_row, [VRow4Status]), %% We should still have access... ?line try_test(use_rights, [], Opts), %% Delete rows ?line try_test(del_row, [GRow1Status]), ?line try_test(use_no_rights, [], Opts), %% Delete rest of rows ?line try_test(del_row, [ARow1Status]), ?line try_test(del_row, [VRow1Status]), ?line try_test(del_row, [VRow2Status]), ?line try_test(del_row, [VRow4Status]), ?line try_test(use_no_rights, [], Opts), snmpa:verbosity(master_agent,log). do_set(Row) -> s(Row), expect(1, Row). add_row(RowStatus) -> s([{RowStatus, ?createAndGo}]), expect(1, [{RowStatus, ?createAndGo}]). del_row(RowStatus) -> s([{RowStatus, ?destroy}]), expect(1, [{RowStatus, ?destroy}]). use_no_rights() -> g([[xDescr,0]]), ?v1_2_3(expect(11, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(12, [{[xDescr,0], noSuchObject}]), expect(13, authorizationError, 1, any)), g([[xDescr2,0]]), ?v1_2_3(expect(21, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(22, [{[xDescr2,0], noSuchObject}]), expect(23, authorizationError, 1, any)), gn([[xDescr]]), ?v1_2_3(expect(31, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(32, [{[xDescr], endOfMibView}]), expect(33, authorizationError, 1, any)), s([{[xDescr,0], "tryit"}]), ?v1_2_3(expect(41, noSuchName, 1, any), expect(42, noAccess, 1, any), expect(43, authorizationError, 1, any)). use_rights() -> g([[xDescr,0]]), expect(1, [{[xDescr,0], any}]), g([[xDescr2,0]]), expect(2, [{[xDescr2,0], any}]), s([{[xDescr,0], "tryit"}]), expect(3, noError, 0, any), g([[xDescr,0]]), expect(4, [{[xDescr,0], "tryit"}]). mk_ln(X) -> [length(X) | X]. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% o add/delete users and try them %% o test all secLevels %% o test all combinations of protocols %% o try bad ops; check counters %%----------------------------------------------------------------- snmp_user_based_sm_mib_3(suite) -> []; snmp_user_based_sm_mib_3(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), _AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB"), %% The newUser used here already has VACM access. %% Add a new user in the simplest way; just createAndGo try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_add_user1, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "privDES"}]), %% Try to use the new user ?line load_master("Test2"), try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_use_user, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "newUser"}]), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ShaKey1 = snmp:passwd2localized_key(sha, "new sha password", "agentEngine"), DesKey1 = lists:sublist(ShaKey1, 16), %% Change the new user's keys - 1 try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_key_change1, [ShaKey1, DesKey1]}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "newUser"}]), %% Try to use the new keys MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), ?line rewrite_usm_mgr(MgrDir, ShaKey1, DesKey1), ?line load_master("Test2"), try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_use_user, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "newUser"}]), ?line unload_master("Test2"), ShaKey2 = snmp:passwd2localized_key(sha, "newer password", "agentEngine"), DesKey2 = lists:sublist(ShaKey2, 16), %% Change the new user's keys - 2 ?line try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_key_change2, [ShaKey1, DesKey1, ShaKey2, DesKey2]}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "newUser"}]), %% Try to use the new keys reset_usm_mgr(MgrDir), ?line rewrite_usm_mgr(MgrDir, ShaKey2, DesKey2), ?line load_master("Test2"), ?line try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_use_user, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "newUser"}]), ?line unload_master("Test2"), reset_usm_mgr(MgrDir), %% Change the new user's keys - 3 ?line try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_key_change3, [ShaKey2, DesKey2, ShaKey1, DesKey1]}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "privDES"}]), %% Try to use the new keys ?line rewrite_usm_mgr(MgrDir, ShaKey1, DesKey1), ?line load_master("Test2"), try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_use_user, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "newUser"}]), ?line unload_master("Test2"), reset_usm_mgr(MgrDir), %% Try some read requests ?line try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_read, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "privDES"}]), %% Delete the new user ?line try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_del_user, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "privDES"}]), %% Try some bad requests ?line try_test(v3_sync, [[{usm_bad, []}]], [{sec_level, authPriv}, {user, "privDES"}]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB"). -define(usmUserSecurityName, [1,3,6,1,6,3,15,1,2,2,1,3]). usm_add_user1() -> NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"], RowPointer = ?usmUserSecurityName ++ [11|"agentEngine"] ++ [7|"privDES"], Vbs1 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer}, {[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}], ?line s(Vbs1), ?line expect(1, Vbs1), ok. usm_use_user() -> v2_proc(). %% Change own public keys usm_key_change1(ShaKey, DesKey) -> NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"], ShaKeyChange = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, "passwd_shaxxxxxxxxxx", ShaKey), DesKeyChange = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, "passwd_desxxxxxx", DesKey), Vbs1 = [{[usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange}, {[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}], s(Vbs1), ?line expect(1, Vbs1). %% Change own private keys usm_key_change2(OldShaKey, OldDesKey, ShaKey, DesKey) -> NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"], ShaKeyChange = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, OldShaKey, ShaKey), DesKeyChange = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, OldDesKey, DesKey), Vbs1 = [{[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange}, {[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}], s(Vbs1), ?line expect(1, Vbs1). %% Change other's public keys usm_key_change3(OldShaKey, OldDesKey, ShaKey, DesKey) -> NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"], ShaKeyChange = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, OldShaKey, ShaKey), DesKeyChange = snmp_user_based_sm_mib:mk_key_change(sha, OldDesKey, DesKey), Vbs1 = [{[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange}], s(Vbs1), ?line expect(1, noAccess, 1, any), Vbs2 = [{[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}], s(Vbs2), ?line expect(2, noAccess, 1, any), Vbs3 = [{[usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange}, {[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}], s(Vbs3), ?line expect(1, Vbs3). usm_read() -> NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"], ?line g([[usmUserSecurityName, NewRowIndex], [usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], [usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], [usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], [usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], [usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex]]), ?line expect(1, [{[usmUserSecurityName, NewRowIndex], "newUser"}, {[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], [0,0]}, {[usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""}, {[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""}, {[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""}, {[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""}]), ok. usm_del_user() -> NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"], Vbs1 = [{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?destroy}], ?line s(Vbs1), ?line expect(1, Vbs1), ok. -define(usmUserCloneFrom, [1,3,6,1,6,3,15,1,2,2,1,4]). -define(usmNoAuthProtocol, [1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,1]). -define(usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, [1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2]). -define(usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, [1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,3]). -define(usmNoPrivProtocol, [1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,1]). -define(usmDESPrivProtocol, [1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2]). usm_bad() -> NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"], RowPointer1 = ?usmUserSecurityName ++ [11|"agentEngine"] ++ [7|"privDOS"], Vbs1 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer1}, {[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}], ?line s(Vbs1), ?line expect(1, inconsistentName, 1, any), RowPointer2 = ?usmUserCloneFrom ++ [11|"agentEngine"] ++ [7|"privDES"], Vbs2 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer2}, {[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}], ?line s(Vbs2), ?line expect(2, wrongValue, 1, any), RowPointer3 = ?usmUserSecurityName ++ [11|"agentEngine"] ++ [7|"privDES"], Vbs3 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer3}, {[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}], ?line s(Vbs3), ?line expect(3, Vbs3), ?line s([{[usmUserAuthProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmNoAuthProtocol}]), ?line expect(4, inconsistentValue, 1, any), ?line s([{[usmUserAuthProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol}]), ?line expect(5, inconsistentValue, 1, any), ?line s([{[usmUserAuthProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmDESPrivProtocol}]), ?line expect(6, wrongValue, 1, any), ?line s([{[usmUserPrivProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol}]), ?line expect(7, wrongValue, 1, any), Vbs4 = [{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?destroy}], ?line s(Vbs4), ?line expect(1, Vbs4), ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Loop through entire MIB, to make sure that all instrum. funcs %% works. %% Load all std mibs that are not loaded by default. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- loop_mib(suite) -> []; loop_mib(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("loop_mib -> initiate case",[]), %% snmpa:verbosity(master_agent,debug), %% snmpa:verbosity(mib_server,info), {SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?DBG("loop_mib -> ~n" "\tSaNode: ~p~n" "\tMgrNode: ~p~n" "\tMibDir: ~p",[SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir]), ?DBG("loop_mib -> load mib SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> load mib SNMP-MPD-MIB",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> load mib SNMP-TARGET-MIB",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> load mib SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> load mib SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> load mib SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> try",[]), try_test(loop_mib_1), ?DBG("loop_mib -> unload mib SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> unload mib SNMP-MPD-MIB",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> unload mib SNMP-TARGET-MIB",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> unload mib SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> unload mib SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?DBG("loop_mib -> unload mib SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), %% snmpa:verbosity(master_agent,log), %% snmpa:verbosity(mib_server,silence), ?LOG("loop_mib -> done",[]). loop_mib_2(suite) -> []; loop_mib_2(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("loop_mib_2 -> initiate case",[]), {SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?DBG("loop_mib_2 -> ~n" "\tSaNode: ~p~n" "\tMgrNode: ~p~n" "\tMibDir: ~p",[SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir]), ?DBG("loop_mib_2 -> load mibs",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), try_test(loop_mib_2), ?DBG("loop_mib_2 -> unload mibs",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-MPD-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?LOG("loop_mib_2 -> done",[]). loop_mib_3(suite) -> []; loop_mib_3(Config) when list(Config) -> ?LOG("loop_mib_3 -> initiate case",[]), {SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?DBG("loop_mib_3 -> ~n" "\tSaNode: ~p~n" "\tMgrNode: ~p~n" "\tMibDir: ~p",[SaNode, MgrNode, MibDir]), ?DBG("loop_mib_3 -> load mibs",[]), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB"), try_test(loop_mib_2), ?DBG("loop_mib_3 -> unload mibs",[]), ?line unload_master("SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), ?line unload_master("SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB"), ?LOG("loop_mib_3 -> done",[]). %% Req. As many mibs all possible loop_mib_1() -> ?DBG("loop_mib_1 -> entry",[]), N = loop_it_1([1,1], 0), io:format(user, "found ~w varibles\n", [N]), ?line N = if N < 100 -> 100; true -> N end. loop_it_1(Oid, N) -> ?DBG("loop_it_1 -> entry with~n" "\tOid: ~p~n" "\tN: ~p",[Oid,N]), case get_next_req([Oid]) of #pdu{type='get-response', error_status=noError, error_index=0, varbinds=[#varbind{oid = NOid,value = Value}]} when NOid > Oid -> ?DBG("loop_it_1 -> ~n" "\tNOid: ~p~n" "\tValue: ~p",[NOid,Value]), ?line [Value2] = get_req(1, [NOid]), % must not be same ?DBG("loop_it_1 -> ~n" "\tValue2: ~p",[Value2]), loop_it_1(NOid, N+1); #pdu{type='get-response', error_status=noSuchName, error_index=1, varbinds=[_]} -> ?DBG("loop_it_1 -> done",[]), N; #pdu{type = Type, error_status = Err, error_index = Idx, varbinds = Vbs} -> exit({unexpected_pdu, ?LINE, Type, Err, Idx, Vbs}) end. %% Req. As many mibs all possible loop_mib_2() -> ?DBG("loop_mib_1 -> entry",[]), N = loop_it_2([1,1], 0), io:format(user, "found ~w varibles\n", [N]), ?line N = if N < 100 -> 100; true -> N end. loop_it_2(Oid, N) -> ?DBG("loop_it_2 -> entry with~n" "\tOid: ~p~n" "\tN: ~p",[Oid,N]), case get_next_req([Oid]) of #pdu{type='get-response', error_status=noError, error_index=0, varbinds=[#varbind{oid = NOid, value = endOfMibView}]} -> ?DBG("loop_it_2 -> ~n" "\tNOid: ~p",[NOid]), N; #pdu{type='get-response', error_status=noError, error_index=0, varbinds=[#varbind{oid = NOid,value = Value}]} when NOid > Oid -> ?DBG("loop_it_2 -> ~n" "\tNOid: ~p~n" "\tValue: ~p",[NOid,Value]), ?line [Value2] = get_req(1, [NOid]), % must not be same ?DBG("loop_it_2 -> ~n" "\tValue2: ~p",[Value2]), loop_it_2(NOid, N+1) end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Testing of reported bugs and other tickets. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- reported_bugs(suite) -> [otp_1128, otp_1129, otp_1131, otp_1162, otp_1222, otp_1298, otp_1331, otp_1338, otp_1342, otp_2776, otp_2979, otp_3187, otp_3725]. reported_bugs_2(suite) -> [otp_1128_2, otp_1129_2, otp_1131_2, otp_1162_2, otp_1222_2, otp_1298_2, otp_1331_2, otp_1338_2, otp_1342_2, otp_2776_2, otp_2979_2, otp_3187_2]. reported_bugs_3(suite) -> [otp_1128_3, otp_1129_3, otp_1131_3, otp_1162_3, otp_1222_3, otp_1298_3, otp_1331_3, otp_1338_3, otp_1342_3, otp_2776_3, otp_2979_3, otp_3187_3, otp_3542]. %% These are (ticket) test cases where the initiation has to be done %% individually. tickets(suite) -> [otp_4394]. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1128 %% Slogan: Bug in handling of createAndWait set-requests. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1128(suite) -> []; otp_1128(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), try_test(otp_1128), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"). otp_1128_2(X) -> otp_1128(X). otp_1128_3(X) -> otp_1128(X). otp_1128() -> io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1128...~n"), NewKeyc3 = [intCommunityViewIndex,get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc4 = [intCommunityAccess,get(mip),is("test")], NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityStatus,get(mip),is("test")], s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]), ?line expect(28, [{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]), g([NewKeyc5]), ?line expect(29, [{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]), s([{NewKeyc5, ?active}, {NewKeyc3, 2}]), ?line expect(30, [{NewKeyc5, ?active}, {NewKeyc3, 2}]), g([NewKeyc5]), ?line expect(31, [{NewKeyc5, ?active}]), s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(32, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1129, OTP-1169 %% Slogan: snmpa:int_to_enum crashes on bad oids %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1129(suite) -> []; otp_1129(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Klas3"), try_test(otp_1129_i, [node()]), ?line unload_master("Klas3"). otp_1129_2(X) -> otp_1129(X). otp_1129_3(X) -> otp_1129(X). otp_1129_i(MaNode) -> io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1129...~n"), false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [iso, 1]), false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [isox, 1]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1131 %% Slogan: Agent crashes / erlang node halts if RowIndex in a %% setrequest is of bad type, e.g. an INDEX {INTEGER}, %% and RowIdenx [3,2]. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1131(suite) -> []; otp_1131(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Klas1"), try_test(otp_1131), ?line unload_master("Klas1"). otp_1131_2(X) -> otp_1131(X). otp_1131_3(X) -> otp_1131(X). otp_1131() -> io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1131...~n"), s([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3, 1]], s, "kompis3"}, {[friendsEntry, [3, 3, 1]], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(noSuchName, noCreation), 2, any). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1162 %% Slogan: snmp_agent can't handle wrongValue from instrum.func %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1162(suite) -> []; otp_1162(Config) when list(Config) -> {SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line {ok, SA} = start_subagent(SaNode, ?sa, "SA-MIB"), try_test(otp_1162), stop_subagent(SA). otp_1162_2(X) -> otp_1162(X). otp_1162_3(X) -> otp_1162(X). otp_1162() -> s([{[sa, [2,0]], 6}]), % wrongValue (i is_set_ok) ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1222 %% Slogan: snmp agent crash if faulty index is returned from instrum %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1222(suite) -> []; otp_1222(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Klas3"), ?line load_master("Klas4"), try_test(otp_1222), ?line unload_master("Klas3"), ?line unload_master("Klas4"). otp_1222_2(X) -> otp_1222(X). otp_1222_3(X) -> otp_1222(X). otp_1222() -> io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1222...~n"), s([{[fStatus4,1], 4}, {[fName4,1], 1}]), ?line expect(1, genErr, 0, any), s([{[fStatus4,2], 4}, {[fName4,2], 1}]), ?line expect(2, genErr, 0, any). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1298 %% Slogan: Negative INTEGER values are treated as positive. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1298(suite) -> []; otp_1298(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Klas2"), try_test(otp_1298), ?line unload_master("Klas2"). otp_1298_2(X) -> otp_1298(X). otp_1298_3(X) -> otp_1298(X). otp_1298() -> io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1298...~n"), s([{[fint,0], -1}]), ?line expect(1298, [{[fint,0], -1}]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1331 %% Slogan: snmp_generic should return noError when deleting non-ex row %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1331(suite) -> []; otp_1331(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), try_test(otp_1331), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"). otp_1331_2(X) -> otp_1331(X). otp_1331_3(X) -> otp_1331(X). otp_1331() -> NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityStatus,[127,32,0,0],is("test")], s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]), ?line expect(1, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1338 %% Slogan: snmp bug in initialisation of default values for mnesia tabs %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1338(suite) -> []; otp_1338(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Klas2"), try_test(otp_1338), ?line unload_master("Klas2"). otp_1338_2(X) -> otp_1338(X). otp_1338_3(X) -> otp_1338(X). otp_1338() -> s([{[kStatus2, 7], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(1, [{[kStatus2, 7], ?createAndGo}]), g([[kName2, 7]]), ?line expect(2, [{[kName2, 7], "JJJ"}]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1342 %% Slogan: default impl of snmp table can't handle bad index access, %% Set when INDEX is read-write gets into an infinite loop! %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1342(suite) -> []; otp_1342(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Klas4"), try_test(otp_1342), ?line unload_master("Klas4"). otp_1342_2(X) -> otp_1342(X). otp_1342_3(X) -> otp_1342(X). otp_1342() -> s([{[fIndex5, 1], i, 1}, {[fName5, 1], i, 3}, {[fStatus5, 1], i, ?createAndGo}]), ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(noSuchName, noCreation), 3, any). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-1366 %% Slogan: snmp traps not sent to all managers %% Note: NYI! We need a way to tell the test server that we need %% mgrs on two different machines. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_1366(suite) -> []; otp_1366(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), try_test(otp_1366), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"). otp_1366_2(X) -> otp_1366(X). otp_1366_3(X) -> otp_1366(X). otp_1366() -> ?INF("NOT YET IMPLEMENTED", []), 'NYI'. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-2776 %% Slogan: snmp:validate_date_and_time() fails when time is 00:00 %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_2776(suite) -> []; otp_2776(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), try_test(otp_2776). otp_2776_2(X) -> otp_2776(X). otp_2776_3(X) -> otp_2776(X). otp_2776() -> io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-2776...~n"), Dt01_valid = [19,98,9,1,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], Dt02_valid = [19,98,9,1,0,0,0,0,43,0,0], % This is what is fixed: 00:00 Dt03_valid = [19,98,2,28,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], Dt04_invalid = [19,98,2,29,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], Dt05_valid = [19,96,2,29,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], Dt06_valid = [20,0,2,29,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], Dt07_invalid = [19,96,2,30,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], % This is also fixed: 30/2 Dt08_valid = [19,98,4,30,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], Dt09_invalid = [19,98,4,31,1,0,23,0,43,0,0], % This is also fixed: 31/4 Dt10_invalid = [], Dt11_invalid = [kalle,hobbe], L = [{ 1, true, Dt01_valid}, { 2, true, Dt02_valid}, { 3, true, Dt03_valid}, { 4, false, Dt04_invalid}, { 5, true, Dt05_valid}, { 6, true, Dt06_valid}, { 7, false, Dt07_invalid}, { 8, true, Dt08_valid}, { 9, false, Dt09_invalid}, {10, false, Dt10_invalid}, {11, false, Dt11_invalid}], ?line ok = validate_dat(L). validate_dat(L) -> validate_dat(L,[]). validate_dat([],V) -> Fun = fun({_,X}) -> case X of ok -> false; _ -> true end end, validate_dat1( lists:reverse( lists:filter(Fun,V) ) ); validate_dat([{Id,E,Dat}|T],V) -> validate_dat(T,[validate_dat2(Id,E,Dat) | V]). validate_dat1([]) -> ok; validate_dat1(L) -> {error,L}. validate_dat2(Id, E, Dat) -> Res = case {E,snmp:validate_date_and_time(Dat)} of {E,E} -> ok; {E,A} -> {E,A} end, {Id, Res}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-2979 %% Slogan: get-next on more than 1 column in an empty table %% returns bad response. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_2979(suite) -> []; otp_2979(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("Test1"), ?line init_old(), try_test(otp_2979), ?line unload_master("Test1"). otp_2979_2(X) -> otp_2979(X). otp_2979_3(X) -> otp_2979(X). otp_2979() -> gn([[sparseDescr], [sparseStatus]]), ?line expect(1, [{[sparseStr,0], "slut"}, {[sparseStr,0], "slut"}]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-3187 %% Slogan: get-next on vacmAccessTable for colums > 5 returns %% endOfTable - should return value. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_3187(suite) -> []; otp_3187(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master_std("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), otp_3187(), ?line unload_master("SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"). otp_3187_2(X) -> otp_3187(X). otp_3187_3(X) -> otp_3187(X). otp_3187() -> ?line Elements = snmp_view_based_acm_mib:vacmAccessTable(get_next,[],[4,5,6]), lists:foreach(fun(E) -> ?line if E == endOfTable -> ?FAIL(endOfTable); true -> ok end end, Elements). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-3542 %% Slogan: %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_3542(suite) -> []; otp_3542(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), try_test(otp_3542). otp_3542() -> io:format("SNMP v3 discovery...~n"), ?line Res = snmp_test_mgr:d(), io:format("SNMP v3 discovery result: ~p~n",[Res]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-3725 %% Slogan: Slow response time on snmpa:int_to_enum %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_3725(suite) -> []; otp_3725(Config) when list(Config) -> {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), ?line load_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"), ?line init_old(), try_test(otp_3725_test, [node()]), ?line unload_master("OLD-SNMPEA-MIB"). %% Req. OLD-SNMPEA-MIB otp_3725_test(MaNode) -> io:format("Testing feature requested in ticket OTP-3725...~n"), ?line rpc:call(MaNode,snmpa,verbosity,[symbolic_store,trace]), ?line Db = rpc:call(MaNode,snmp,get_symbolic_store_db,[]), ?DBG("otp_3725_test -> Db = ~p",[Db]), ?line {value, OID} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, name_to_oid, [Db, intAgentIpAddress]), ?DBG("otp_3725_test -> name_to_oid for ~p: ~p",[intAgentIpAddress,OID]), ?line {value, intAgentIpAddress} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, oid_to_name, [Db,OID]), ?DBG("otp_3725_test -> oid_to_name for ~p: ~p",[OID,intAgentIpAddress]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, name_to_oid, [Db, intAgentIpAddres]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, oid_to_name, [Db, [1,5,32,3,54,3,3,34,4]]), ?line {value, 2} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [Db, intViewType, excluded]), ?line {value, excluded} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [Db, intViewType, 2]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [Db, intViewType, exclude]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [Db, intAgentIpAddress, exclude]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [Db, intAgentIpAddre, exclude]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [Db, intViewType, 3]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [Db, intAgentIpAddress, 2]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [Db, intAgentIpAddre, 2]), ?line {value, active} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [Db, 'RowStatus', ?active]), ?line {value, ?destroy} = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [Db, 'RowStatus', destroy]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [Db, 'RowStatus', xxxdestroy]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, enum_to_int, [Db, 'xxRowStatus', destroy]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [Db, 'RowStatus', 25]), ?line false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [Db, 'xxRowStatus', 1]), ok. %%----------------------------------------------------------------- %% Ticket: OTP-4394 %% Slogan: Target mib tag list check invalid %%----------------------------------------------------------------- otp_4394(suite) -> {req, [], {conf, init_otp_4394, [otp_4394_test], finish_otp_4394}}. init_otp_4394(Config) when list(Config) -> ?DBG("init_otp_4394 -> entry with" "~n Config: ~p", [Config]), ?line AgentDir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), ?line MgrDir = ?config(mgr_dir, Config), ?line Ip = ?config(ip, Config), ?line otp_4394_config(AgentDir, MgrDir, Ip), MasterAgentVerbosity = {master_agent_verbosity, trace}, NetIfVerbosity = {net_if_verbosity, trace}, Opts = [MasterAgentVerbosity,NetIfVerbosity], [{vsn, v1} | start_v1_agent(Config,Opts)]. otp_4394_config(AgentDir, MgrDir, Ip0) -> ?DBG("otp_4394_config -> entry with" "~n AgentDir: ~p" "~n MgrDir: ~p" "~n Ip0: ~p", [AgentDir, MgrDir, Ip0]), Vsn = [v1], Ip = tuple_to_list(Ip0), ?line snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_files(AgentDir, Vsn, Ip, ?TRAP_UDP, Ip, 4000, "OTP-4394 test"), ?line case update_usm(Vsn, AgentDir) of true -> ?line copy_file(filename:join(AgentDir, "usm.conf"), filename:join(MgrDir, "usm.conf")), ?line update_usm_mgr(Vsn, MgrDir); false -> ?line ok end, C1 = {"a", "all-rights", "initial", "", "pc"}, C2 = {"c", "secret", "secret_name", "", "secret_tag"}, ?line write_community_conf(AgentDir, [C1, C2]), ?line update_vacm(Vsn, AgentDir), Ta1 = {"shelob v1", [134,138,177,177], 5000, 1500, 3, %% Anv�nd Ip och modda "pc1", "target_v1", "", %% [255,255,255,255,0,0], [], 2048}, Ta2 = {"bifur v1", [134,138,177,75], 5000, 1500, 3, %% Anv�nd Ip "pc2", "target_v1", "", %% [255,255,255,255,0,0], [], 2048}, ?line write_target_addr_conf(AgentDir, [Ta1, Ta2]), ?line write_target_params_conf(AgentDir, Vsn), ?line write_notify_conf(AgentDir), ok. finish_otp_4394(Config) when list(Config) -> ?DBG("finish_otp_4394 -> entry", []), C1 = stop_agent(Config), delete_files(C1), erase(mgr_node), lists:keydelete(vsn, 1, C1). otp_4394_test(suite) -> []; otp_4394_test(Config) -> ?DBG("otp_4394_test -> entry", []), {_SaNode, _MgrNode, _MibDir} = init_case(Config), try_test(otp_4394_test1), ?DBG("otp_4394_test -> done", []), ok. otp_4394_test1() -> ?DBG("otp_4394_test1 -> entry", []), gn([[1,1]]), Res = case snmp_test_mgr:expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]) of %% {error, 1, {"?",[]}, {"~w",[timeout]}} {error, 1, _, {_, [timeout]}} -> ?DBG("otp_4394_test1 -> expected result: timeout", []), ok; Else -> Else end, ?DBG("otp_4394_test1 -> done with: ~p", [Res]), Res. %%%-------------------------------------------------- %%% Used to test the standard mib with our %%% configuration. %%%-------------------------------------------------- run(F, A, Opts) -> M = get(mib_dir), Dir = get(mgr_dir), User = snmp_misc:get_option(user, Opts, "all-rights"), SecLevel = snmp_misc:get_option(sec_level, Opts, noAuthNoPriv), EngineID = snmp_misc:get_option(engine_id, Opts, "agentEngine"), CtxEngineID = snmp_misc:get_option(context_engine_id, Opts, EngineID), Community = snmp_misc:get_option(community, Opts, "all-rights"), ?DBG("run -> start crypto app",[]), Crypto = ?CRYPTO_START(), ?DBG("run -> Crypto: ~p",[Crypto]), catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(), % If we had a running mgr from a failed case StdM = filename:join(code:priv_dir(snmp), "mibs") ++ "/", ?DBG("run -> config:~n" "\tM: ~p~n" "\tDir: ~p~n" "\tUser: ~p~n" "\tSecLevel: ~p~n" "\tEngineID: ~p~n" "\tCtxEngineID: ~p~n" "\tCommunity: ~p~n" "\tStdM: ~p", [M,Dir,User,SecLevel,EngineID,CtxEngineID,Community,StdM]), case snmp_test_mgr:start([%% {agent, snmp_test_lib:hostname()}, {packet_server_debug,true}, {debug,true}, {agent, get(master_host)}, {agent_udp, 4000}, {trap_udp, 5000}, {recbuf,65535}, quiet, get(vsn), {community, Community}, {user, User}, {sec_level, SecLevel}, {engine_id, EngineID}, {context_engine_id, CtxEngineID}, {dir, Dir}, {mibs, mibs(StdM, M)}]) of {ok, _Pid} -> Res = apply(?MODULE, F, A), catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(), Res; Err -> io:format("Error starting manager: ~p\n", [Err]), catch snmp_test_mgr:stop(), ?line exit({mgr_start, Err}) end. mibs(StdMibDir,MibDir) -> [join(StdMibDir, ?v1_2("STANDARD-MIB.bin", "SNMPv2-MIB.bin")), join(MibDir, "OLD-SNMPEA-MIB.bin"), join(StdMibDir, "SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB"), join(StdMibDir, "SNMP-MPD-MIB"), join(StdMibDir, "SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB"), join(StdMibDir, "SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB"), join(StdMibDir, "SNMP-TARGET-MIB"), join(StdMibDir, "SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB"), join(MibDir, "Klas1.bin"), join(MibDir, "Klas2.bin"), join(MibDir, "Klas3.bin"), join(MibDir, "Klas4.bin"), join(MibDir, "SA-MIB.bin"), join(MibDir, "TestTrap.bin"), join(MibDir, "Test1.bin"), join(MibDir, "Test2.bin"), join(MibDir, "TestTrapv2.bin")]. join(D,F) -> filename:join(D,F). %% string used in index is(S) -> [length(S) | S]. try_test(Func) -> call(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, run, [Func, [], []]). try_test(Func, A) -> call(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, run, [Func, A, []]). try_test(Func, A, Opts) -> call(get(mgr_node), ?MODULE, run, [Func, A, Opts]). call(N,M,F,A) -> ?DBG("call -> entry with~n" " N: ~p~n" " M: ~p~n" " F: ~p~n" " A: ~p~n" " when~n" " get(): ~p", [N,M,F,A,get()]), spawn(N, ?MODULE, wait, [self(),get(),M,F,A]), receive {done, {'EXIT', Rn}, Loc} -> ?DBG("call -> returned ~p",[{done, {'EXIT', Rn}, Loc}]), put(test_server_loc, Loc), exit(Rn); {done, Ret, Zed} -> ?DBG("call -> returned ~p~n",[{done, Ret, Zed}]), Ret end. wait(From, Env, M, F, A) -> ?DBG("wait -> entry with ~n" "\tFrom: ~p~n" "\tEnv: ~p",[From,Env]), lists:foreach(fun({K,V}) -> put(K,V) end, Env), Rn = (catch apply(M, F, A)), ?DBG("wait -> Rn: ~n~p", [Rn]), From ! {done, Rn, get(test_server_loc)}, exit(Rn). expect(A,B) -> ok = snmp_test_mgr:expect(A,B). expect(A,B,C) -> ok = snmp_test_mgr:expect(A,B,C). expect(A,B,C,D) -> ok = snmp_test_mgr:expect(A,B,C,D). expect(A,B,C,D,E,F) -> ok = snmp_test_mgr:expect(A,B,C,D,E,F). get_req(Id, Vars) -> ?DBG("get_req -> entry with~n" "\tId: ~p~n" "\tVars: ~p",[Id,Vars]), g(Vars), ?DBG("get_req -> await response",[]), {ok, Val} = snmp_test_mgr:get_response(Id, Vars), ?DBG("get_req -> response: ~p",[Val]), Val. get_next_req(Vars) -> ?DBG("get_next_req -> entry with Vars '~p', send request",[Vars]), gn(Vars), ?DBG("get_next_req -> await response",[]), Response = snmp_test_mgr:receive_response(), ?DBG("get_next_req -> response: ~p",[Response]), Response. start_node(Name) -> ?LOG("start_node -> entry with Name: ~p",[Name]), M = list_to_atom(?HOSTNAME(node())), ?DBG("start_node -> M: ~p",[M]), Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), ?DBG("start_node -> Pa: ~p",[Pa]), Args = case init:get_argument('CC_TEST') of {ok, [[]]} -> " -pa /clearcase/otp/libraries/snmp/ebin "; {ok, [[Path]]} -> " -pa " ++ Path; error -> "" end, %% Do not use start_link!!! (the proc that calls this one is tmp) ?DBG("start_node -> Args: ~p~n",[Args]), A = Args ++ " -pa " ++ Pa, case (catch ?START_NODE(Name, A)) of {ok, Node} -> %% Tell the test_server to not clean up things it never started. ?DBG("start_node -> Node: ~p",[Node]), {ok, Node}; Else -> ?ERR("start_node -> failed with(other): Else: ~p",[Else]), ?line ?FAIL(Else) end. stop_node(Node) -> ?LOG("stop_node -> Node: ~p",[Node]), rpc:cast(Node, erlang, halt, []). p(X) -> io:format(user, X++"\n", []). sleep(X) -> receive after X -> ok end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Configuration %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- config(Vsns, MgrDir, AgentDir, MIp, AIp) -> ?line snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_files(AgentDir, Vsns, MIp, ?TRAP_UDP, AIp, 4000, "test"), ?line case update_usm(Vsns, AgentDir) of true -> ?line copy_file(filename:join(AgentDir, "usm.conf"), filename:join(MgrDir, "usm.conf")), ?line update_usm_mgr(Vsns, MgrDir); false -> ?line ok end, ?line update_community(Vsns, AgentDir), ?line update_vacm(Vsns, AgentDir), ?line write_target_addr_conf(AgentDir, MIp, ?TRAP_UDP, Vsns), ?line write_target_params_conf(AgentDir, Vsns), ?line write_notify_conf(AgentDir), ok. delete_files(Config) -> Dir = ?config(agent_dir, Config), {ok, List} = file:list_dir(Dir), lists:foreach(fun(FName) -> file:delete(filename:join(Dir, FName)) end, List). update_usm(Vsns, Dir) -> case lists:member(v3, Vsns) of true -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"usm.conf"),[read,write]), file:position(Fid, eof), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"agentEngine\", \"all-rights\", " "\"all-rights\", zeroDotZero, " "usmNoAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"agentEngine\", \"no-rights\", " "\"no-rights\", zeroDotZero, " "usmNoAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"agentEngine\", \"authMD5\", " "\"authMD5\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_md5xxxxxx\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"agentEngine\", \"authSHA\", " "\"authSHA\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_shaxxxxxxxxxx\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"agentEngine\", \"privDES\", " "\"privDES\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmDESPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_shaxxxxxxxxxx\", \"passwd_desxxxxxx\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"mgrEngine\", \"all-rights\", " "\"all-rights\", zeroDotZero, " "usmNoAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"mgrEngine\", \"no-rights\", " "\"no-rights\", zeroDotZero, " "usmNoAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"mgrEngine\", \"authMD5\", " "\"authMD5\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_md5xxxxxx\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"mgrEngine\", \"authSHA\", " "\"authSHA\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmNoPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_shaxxxxxxxxxx\", \"\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"mgrEngine\", \"privDES\", " "\"privDES\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmDESPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_shaxxxxxxxxxx\", \"passwd_desxxxxxx\"}.\n", []), file:close(Fid), true; false -> false end. update_usm_mgr(Vsns, Dir) -> case lists:member(v3, Vsns) of true -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"usm.conf"),[read,write]), file:position(Fid, eof), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"agentEngine\", \"newUser\", " "\"newUser\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmDESPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_shaxxxxxxxxxx\", \"passwd_desxxxxxx\"}.\n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"mgrEngine\", \"newUser\", " "\"newUser\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmDESPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"passwd_shaxxxxxxxxxx\", \"passwd_desxxxxxx\"}.\n", []), file:close(Fid), true; false -> false end. rewrite_usm_mgr(Dir, ShaKey, DesKey) -> ?line ok = file:rename(filename:join(Dir,"usm.conf"), filename:join(Dir,"usm.old")), ?line {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"usm.conf"),write), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"agentEngine\", \"newUser\", " "\"newUser\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmDESPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"~s\", \"~s\"}.\n", [ShaKey, DesKey]), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"mgrEngine\", \"newUser\", " "\"newUser\", zeroDotZero, " "usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, \"\", \"\", " "usmDESPrivProtocol, \"\", \"\", \"\", " "\"~s\", \"~s\"}.\n", [ShaKey, DesKey]), file:close(Fid). reset_usm_mgr(Dir) -> ?line ok = file:rename(filename:join(Dir,"usm.old"), filename:join(Dir,"usm.conf")). update_community([v3], _Dir) -> ok; update_community(_, Dir) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"community.conf"),[read,write]), file:position(Fid, eof), ok=io:format(Fid,"{\"no-rights\",\"no-rights\",\"no-rights\",\"\",\"\"}.\n", []), file:close(Fid). -define(tDescr_instance, [1,3,6,1,2,1,16,1,0]). update_vacm(_Vsn, Dir) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"vacm.conf"),[read,write]), file:position(Fid, eof), ok=io:format(Fid,"{vacmSecurityToGroup,usm,\"authMD5\",\"initial\"}.\n",[]), ok=io:format(Fid,"{vacmSecurityToGroup,usm,\"authSHA\",\"initial\"}.\n",[]), ok=io:format(Fid,"{vacmSecurityToGroup,usm,\"privDES\",\"initial\"}.\n",[]), ok=io:format(Fid,"{vacmSecurityToGroup,usm,\"newUser\",\"initial\"}.\n",[]), ok = io:format(Fid, "{vacmViewTreeFamily, \"internet\", " "~w, excluded, null}.\n", [?tDescr_instance]), file:close(Fid). vacm_ver(v1) -> v1; vacm_ver(v2) -> v2c; vacm_ver(v3) -> usm. write_community_conf(Dir, Confs) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"community.conf"),write), ok = write_community_conf1(Fid, Confs), file:close(Fid). write_community_conf1(_, []) -> ok; write_community_conf1(Fid, [{ComIdx, ComName, SecName, CtxName, TransTag}|Confs]) -> ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"~s\", \"~s\", \"~s\", \"~s\", \"~s\"}.~n", [ComIdx, ComName, SecName, CtxName, TransTag]), write_community_conf1(Fid, Confs). write_target_addr_conf(Dir, Confs) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.conf"),write), ok = write_target_addr_conf1(Fid, Confs), file:close(Fid). write_target_addr_conf1(_, []) -> ok; write_target_addr_conf1(Fid, [{Name, Ip, Port, Timeout, Retry, TagList, ParamName, EngineId, TMask, MaxMsgSz}|Confs]) -> ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"~s\", ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w, \"~s\", \"~s\", \"~s\", ~w, ~w}.~n", [Name, Ip, Port, Timeout, Retry, TagList, ParamName, EngineId, TMask, MaxMsgSz]), write_target_addr_conf1(Fid, Confs). write_target_addr_conf(Dir, ManagerIp, UDP, Vsns) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.conf"),write), lists:foreach(fun(Vsn) -> ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"~s\", ~w, ~w, 1500, 3, " "\"std_trap\", \"~s\"}.~n", [mk_ip(ManagerIp, Vsn), ManagerIp, UDP, mk_param(Vsn)]), case Vsn of v1 -> ok; v2 -> ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"~s.2\",~w,~w,1500,3, " "\"std_inform\", \"~s\"}.~n", [mk_ip(ManagerIp, Vsn), ManagerIp, UDP, mk_param(Vsn)]); v3 -> ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"~s.3\",~w,~w,1500,3, " "\"std_inform\", \"~s\", " "\"mgrEngine\", [], 1024}.~n", [mk_ip(ManagerIp, Vsn), ManagerIp, UDP, mk_param(Vsn)]) end end, Vsns), file:close(Fid). mk_param(v1) -> "target_v1"; mk_param(v2) -> "target_v2"; mk_param(v3) -> "target_v3". mk_ip([A,B,C,D], Vsn) -> io_lib:format("~w.~w.~w.~w ~w", [A,B,C,D,Vsn]). rewrite_target_addr_conf(Dir,NewPort) -> TAFile = filename:join(Dir, "target_addr.conf"), ?DBG("rewrite_target_addr_conf -> read target file info of address config file",[]), case file:read_file_info(TAFile) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, R} -> ?ERR("failure reading file info of " "target address config file: ~p",[R]), ok end, ?line [TrapAddr|Addrs] = snmp_conf:read(TAFile,fun(R) -> rewrite_target_addr_conf1(R) end), ?DBG("rewrite_target_addr_conf -> TrapAddr: ~p",[TrapAddr]), NewAddrs = [rewrite_target_addr_conf2(NewPort,TrapAddr)|Addrs], ?DBG("rewrite_target_addr_conf -> NewAddrs: ~p",[NewAddrs]), ?line ok = file:rename(filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.conf"), filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.old")), ?line {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.conf"),write), ?line ok = rewrite_target_addr_conf3(Fid,NewAddrs), file:close(Fid). rewrite_target_addr_conf1(O) -> {ok,O}. rewrite_target_addr_conf2(NewPort,{Name,Ip,_Port,Timeout,Retry, "std_trap",EngineId}) -> ?LOG("rewrite_target_addr_conf2 -> entry with std_trap",[]), {Name,Ip,NewPort,Timeout,Retry,"std_trap",EngineId}; rewrite_target_addr_conf2(_NewPort,O) -> ?LOG("rewrite_target_addr_conf2 -> entry with " "~n O: ~p",[O]), O. rewrite_target_addr_conf3(_,[]) -> ok; rewrite_target_addr_conf3(Fid,[{Name,Ip,Port,Timeout,Retry, ParamName,EngineId}|T]) -> ?LOG("rewrite_target_addr_conf3 -> write(1) ~s",[ParamName]), io:format(Fid, "{\"~s\", " % Name "~p, " % Ip "~p, " % Port "~p, " % Timeout "~p, " % Retry "\"~s\", " % ParamsName "\"~s\"}.", % EngineId [Name,Ip,Port,Timeout,Retry,ParamName,EngineId]), rewrite_target_addr_conf3(Fid,T); rewrite_target_addr_conf3(Fid,[{Name,Ip,Port,Timeout,Retry,TagList, ParamName,EngineId,TMask,MMS}|T]) -> ?LOG("rewrite_target_addr_conf3 -> write(2) ~s",[ParamName]), io:format(Fid, "{\"~s\", " % Name "~p, " % Ip "~p, " % Port "~p, " % Timeout "~p, " % Retry "\"~s\", " % TagList "\"~s\", " % ParamsName "\"~s\"," % EngineId "~p, " % TMask "~p}.", % MMS [Name,Ip,Port,Timeout,Retry,TagList,ParamName, EngineId,TMask,MMS]), rewrite_target_addr_conf3(Fid,T). reset_target_addr_conf(Dir) -> ?line ok = file:rename(filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.old"), filename:join(Dir,"target_addr.conf")). write_target_params_conf(Dir, Vsns) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"target_params.conf"),write), lists:foreach(fun(Vsn) -> MP = if Vsn == v1 -> v1; Vsn == v2 -> v2c; Vsn == v3 -> v3 end, SM = if Vsn == v1 -> v1; Vsn == v2 -> v2c; Vsn == v3 -> usm end, ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"target_~w\", ~w, ~w, " "\"all-rights\", noAuthNoPriv}.~n", [Vsn, MP, SM]) end, Vsns), file:close(Fid). rewrite_target_params_conf(Dir, SecName, SecLevel) -> ?line ok = file:rename(filename:join(Dir,"target_params.conf"), filename:join(Dir,"target_params.old")), ?line {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"target_params.conf"),write), ?line ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"target_v3\", v3, usm, \"~s\", ~w}.~n", [SecName, SecLevel]), file:close(Fid). reset_target_params_conf(Dir) -> ?line ok = file:rename(filename:join(Dir,"target_params.old"), filename:join(Dir,"target_params.conf")). write_notify_conf(Dir) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(filename:join(Dir,"notify.conf"),write), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"standard trap\", \"std_trap\", trap}.~n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{\"standard inform\", \"std_inform\",inform}.~n", []), file:close(Fid). ver_to_trap_str([v1]) -> "v1"; ver_to_trap_str([v2]) -> "v2"; % default is to use the latest snmp version ver_to_trap_str([v1,v2]) -> "v2". write_view_conf(Dir) -> {ok, Fid} = file:open(a(Dir,"view.conf"),write), ok = io:format(Fid, "{2, [1,3,6], included, null}.~n", []), ok = io:format(Fid, "{2, ~w, excluded, null}.~n", [?tDescr_instance]), file:close(Fid). a(A,B) -> lists:append(A,B). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% copy_file(From, To) -> {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(From), ok = file:write_file(To, Bin). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% display_memory_usage() -> Info = snmpa:info(snmp_master_agent), TreeSize = lists_key1search(tree_size_bytes, Info), ProcMem = lists_key1search(process_memory, Info), MibDbSize = lists_key1search([db_memory,mib], Info), NodeDbSize = lists_key1search([db_memory,node], Info), TreeDbSize = lists_key1search([db_memory,tree], Info), ?INF("Memory usage: " "~n Tree size: ~p" "~n Process memory size: ~p" "~n Mib db size: ~p" "~n Node db size: ~p" "~n Tree db size: ~p", [TreeSize, ProcMem, MibDbSize, NodeDbSize, TreeDbSize]). lists_key1search([], Res) -> Res; lists_key1search([Key|Keys], List) when atom(Key), list(List) -> case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of {value, {Key, Val}} -> lists_key1search(Keys, Val); false -> undefined end; lists_key1search(Key, List) when atom(Key) -> case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of {value, {Key, Val}} -> Val; false -> undefined end. regs() -> lists:sort(registered()).