%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: %% %% Test: ts:run(snmp, snmp_log_test, [batch]). %% Test: ts:run(snmp, snmp_log_test, log_to_txt2, [batch]). %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(snmp_log_test). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Include files %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -include_lib("test_server/include/test_server.hrl"). -include("snmp_test_lib.hrl"). -define(SNMP_USE_V3, true). -include_lib("snmp/include/snmp_types.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% External exports %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -export([ init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2, all/0, groups/0, init_per_group/2, end_per_group/2, open_and_close/1, open_write_and_close1/1, open_write_and_close2/1, open_write_and_close3/1, open_write_and_close4/1, log_to_io1/1, log_to_io2/1, log_to_txt1/1, log_to_txt2/1, log_to_txt3/1 ]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal exports %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -export([ log_writer_main/5, log_reader_main/1, next_seqno/2 ]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Macros %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Records %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%====================================================================== %% External functions %%====================================================================== init_per_testcase(Case, Config) when is_list(Config) -> Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), LogTestDir = join(Dir, ?MODULE), CaseDir = join(LogTestDir, Case), case file:make_dir(LogTestDir) of ok -> ok; {error, eexist} -> ok; Error -> ?FAIL({failed_creating_subsuite_top_dir, Error}) end, ?line ok = file:make_dir(CaseDir), Dog = ?WD_START(?MINS(5)), [{log_dir, CaseDir}, {watchdog, Dog}|Config]. end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Leave the dirs created above (enable debugging of the test case(s)) Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config), ?WD_STOP(Dog), lists:keydelete(watchdog, 1, Config). %%====================================================================== %% Test case definitions %%====================================================================== %% ?SKIP(not_yet_implemented). all() -> [ open_and_close, {group, open_write_and_close}, {group, log_to_io}, {group, log_to_txt}]. groups() -> [ {open_write_and_close, [], [open_write_and_close1, open_write_and_close2, open_write_and_close3, open_write_and_close4]}, {log_to_io, [], [log_to_io1, log_to_io2]}, {log_to_txt, [], [log_to_txt1, log_to_txt2, log_to_txt3]} ]. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %%====================================================================== %% Test functions %%====================================================================== open_and_close(suite) -> []; open_and_close(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(open_and_close), put(sname,open_and_close), put(verbosity,trace), Dir = ?config(log_dir, Config), Name = "snmp_test", File = join(Dir, "snmp_test.log"), Size = {1024, 10}, Repair = true, ?line {ok, Log} = snmp_log:create(Name, File, Size, Repair), ?line ok = snmp_log:sync(Log), ?line {ok, Info} = snmp_log:info(Log), display_info(Info), ?line ok = snmp_log:close(Log). %%====================================================================== open_write_and_close1(suite) -> []; open_write_and_close1(doc) -> "Open a plain (no sequence-numbering) log file"; open_write_and_close1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(open_write_and_close1), put(sname,open_write_and_close1), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("open_write_and_close1 -> start", []), SeqNoGen = none, ?line ok = open_write_and_close(SeqNoGen, Config), ?DBG("open_write_and_close1 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== open_write_and_close2(suite) -> []; open_write_and_close2(doc) -> "Open a log file with sequence-numbering explicitly disabled"; open_write_and_close2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(open_write_and_close2), put(sname,open_write_and_close2), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("open_write_and_close2 -> start", []), SeqNoGen = disabled, ?line ok = open_write_and_close(SeqNoGen, Config), ?DBG("open_write_and_close2 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== open_write_and_close3(suite) -> []; open_write_and_close3(doc) -> "Open a log file with sequence-numbering using MFA"; open_write_and_close3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(open_write_and_close3), put(sname,open_write_and_close3), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("open_write_and_close2 -> start", []), seqno_init(), SeqNoGen = {?MODULE, next_seqno, [10, 100]}, ?line ok = open_write_and_close(SeqNoGen, Config), seqno_finish(), ?DBG("open_write_and_close2 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== open_write_and_close4(suite) -> []; open_write_and_close4(doc) -> "Open a log file with sequence-numbering using fun"; open_write_and_close4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(open_write_and_close4), put(sname,open_write_and_close4), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("open_write_and_close2 -> start", []), seqno_init(), SeqNoGen = fun() -> next_seqno(10, 100) end, ?line ok = open_write_and_close(SeqNoGen, Config), seqno_finish(), ?DBG("open_write_and_close2 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== seqno_init() -> ets:new(snmp_log_test_seqno_tab, [named_table, set, protected]). seqno_finish() -> ets:delete(snmp_log_test_seqno_tab). next_seqno(Initial, Max) -> Key = seqno, Position = 2, Increment = 1, Threshold = Max, SetValue = Initial, UpdateOp = {Position, Increment, Threshold, SetValue}, Tab = snmp_log_test_seqno_tab, case (catch ets:update_counter(Tab, Key, UpdateOp)) of {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} -> ets:insert(Tab, {seqno, Initial}), Initial; Next when is_integer(Next) -> Next end. open_write_and_close(SeqNoGen, Config) -> ?DBG("open_write_and_close1 -> start", []), Dir = ?config(log_dir, Config), Name = "snmp_test", File = join(Dir, "snmp_test.log"), Size = {1024, 10}, Repair = true, ?DBG("open_write_and_close -> create log", []), ?line {ok, Log} = case SeqNoGen of none -> snmp_log:create(Name, File, Size, Repair); _ -> snmp_log:create(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair) end, Vsn = 'version-2', Community = "all-rights", ?DBG("open_write_and_close1 -> create messages to log", []), %% A request ?line Req = get_next_request(Vsn, Community, [1,1], 1, 235779012), %% A reply ?line Rep = get_response(Vsn, Community, [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1,0], 'OCTET STRING', "Erlang SNMP agent", 1, 235779012), %% Create a list of messages to log: Msgs = lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(1002,[Req,Rep])), %% And now log them: ?DBG("open_write_and_close1 -> log ~p messages, ~p bytes", [length(Msgs), size(list_to_binary(Msgs))]), Addr = ?LOCALHOST(), Port = 162, Logger = fun(Packet) -> ?line ok = snmp_log:log(Log, Packet, Addr, Port) end, lists:foreach(Logger, Msgs), check_notify(), ?DBG("open_write_and_close1 -> display info", []), ?line {ok, Info} = snmp_log:info(Log), display_info(Info), ?DBG("open_write_and_close1 -> close log", []), ?line ok = snmp_log:close(Log), ?DBG("open_write_and_close -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== log_to_io1(suite) -> []; log_to_io1(doc) -> "Log to io from the same process that opened " "and wrote the log"; log_to_io1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(log_to_io1), put(sname,l2i1), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> start", []), Dir = ?config(log_dir, Config), Name = "snmp_test_l2i1", File = join(Dir, "snmp_test_l2i1.log"), Size = {1024, 10}, Repair = true, ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> create log", []), ?line {ok, Log} = snmp_log:create(Name, File, Size, Repair), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> create messages to log", []), Msgs = messages(), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> create logger funs", []), Addr = ?LOCALHOST(), Port = 162, Logger = fun(Packet) -> ?line ok = snmp_log:log(Log, Packet, Addr, Port) end, BatchLogger = fun(Time) -> lists:foreach(Logger, Msgs), ?SLEEP(Time), ok end, To = lists:duplicate(100, 100), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> log the messages", []), lists:foreach(BatchLogger, To), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> display info", []), ?line {ok, Info} = snmp_log:info(Log), display_info(Info), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> do the convert to io (stdout)", []), ? line ok = snmp_log:log_to_io(Log, File, Dir, []), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> close log", []), ?line ok = snmp_log:close(Log), ?DBG("log_to_io1 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== %% Starta en logger-process som med ett visst intervall loggar %% meddelanden. Starta en reader-process som vid ett viss tillf�lle %% l�ser fr�n loggen. log_to_io2(suite) -> []; log_to_io2(doc) -> "Log to io from a different process than which " "opened and wrote the log"; log_to_io2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), p(log_to_io2), put(sname, l2i2), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> start", []), Dir = ?config(log_dir, Config), Name = "snmp_test_l2i2", File = join(Dir, "snmp_test_l2i2.log"), Size = {1024, 10}, Repair = true, ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> create log writer process", []), ?line {ok, Log, Logger} = log_writer_start(Name, File, Size, Repair), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> create log reader process", []), ?line {ok, Reader} = log_reader_start(), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> wait some time", []), ?SLEEP(5000), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> display log info", []), ?line log_writer_info(Logger), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> instruct the log writer to sleep some", []), ?line ok = log_writer_sleep(Logger, 5000), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> instruct the log reader to log to io", []), Res = log_reader_log_to(Reader, fun() -> I = disk_log:info(Log), R = snmp_log:log_to_io(Log, File, Dir, []), {R, I} end), case Res of {ok, Info} -> ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> ~n Info: ~p", [Info]), ok; {Error, Info} -> ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> log to io failed: " "~n Error: ~p" "~n Info: ~p", [Error, Info]), ?line ?FAIL({log_lo_io_failed, Error, Info}) end, ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> instruct the log writer to stop", []), ?line log_writer_stop(Logger), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> instruct the log reader to stop", []), ?line log_reader_stop(Reader), ?DBG("log_to_io2 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== log_to_txt1(suite) -> []; log_to_txt1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(log_to_txt1), put(sname,l2t1), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("log_to_txt1 -> start", []), Name = "snmp_test_l2t1", SeqNoGen = disabled, ?line ok = log_to_txt(Name, SeqNoGen, Config), ?DBG("log_to_txt1 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== log_to_txt2(suite) -> []; log_to_txt2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> p(log_to_txt2), put(sname,l2t2), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("log_to_txt2 -> start", []), Name = "snmp_test_l2t2", seqno_init(), SeqNoGen = {?MODULE, next_seqno, [1, 100]}, ?line ok = log_to_txt(Name, SeqNoGen, Config), seqno_finish(), ?DBG("log_to_txt2 -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== log_to_txt(Name, SeqNoGen, Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?DBG("log_to_txt -> entry", []), Dir = ?config(log_dir, Config), File = join(Dir, Name ++ ".log"), Size = {10240, 10}, Repair = true, ?DBG("log_to_txt -> create log", []), ?line {ok, Log} = case SeqNoGen of none -> snmp_log:create(Name, File, Size, Repair); _ -> snmp_log:create(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair) end, ?DBG("log_to_txt -> create messages to log", []), Msgs = messages(), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> create logger funs", []), Addr = ?LOCALHOST(), Port = 162, Logger = fun(Packet) -> ?line ok = snmp_log:log(Log, Packet, Addr, Port) end, BatchLogger = fun(Time) -> lists:foreach(Logger, Msgs), ?SLEEP(Time), ok end, To = lists:duplicate(20, 5000), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> log the messages", []), Start = calendar:local_time(), lists:foreach(BatchLogger, To), Stop = calendar:local_time(), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> display info", []), ?line {ok, Info} = snmp_log:info(Log), display_info(Info), Out1 = join(Dir, "snmp_text-1.txt"), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> do the convert to a text file when" "~n Out1: ~p", [Out1]), ?line ok = snmp:log_to_txt(Dir, [], Out1, Log, File), ?line {ok, #file_info{size = Size1}} = file:read_file_info(Out1), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> text file size: ~p", [Size1]), validate_size(Size1), Out2 = join(Dir, "snmp_text-2.txt"), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> do the convert to a text file when" "~n Start: ~p" "~n Stop: ~p" "~n Out2: ~p", [Start, Stop, Out2]), ?line ok = snmp:log_to_txt(Dir, [], Out2, Log, File, Start, Stop), ?line {ok, #file_info{size = Size2}} = file:read_file_info(Out2), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> text file size: ~p", [Size2]), validate_size(Size2, {le, Size1}), %% Calculate new start / stop times... GStart = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Start), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> GStart: ~p", [GStart]), GStop = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Stop), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> GStop: ~p", [GStop]), Diff4 = (GStop - GStart) div 4, ?DBG("log_to_txt -> Diff4: ~p", [Diff4]), GStart2 = GStart + Diff4, GStop2 = GStop - Diff4, if GStop2 > GStart2 -> ok; true -> ?FAIL({date_calc_failure, GStart2, GStop2}) end, Start2 = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(GStart2), Stop2 = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(GStop2), Out3 = join(Dir, "snmp_text-3.txt"), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> do the convert to a text file when" "~n Start2: ~p" "~n Stop2: ~p" "~n Out3: ~p", [Start2, Stop2, Out3]), ?line ok = snmp:log_to_txt(Dir, [], Out3, Log, File, Start2, Stop2), ?line {ok, #file_info{size = Size3}} = file:read_file_info(Out3), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> text file size: ~p", [Size3]), validate_size(Size3, {l, Size1}), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> close log", []), ?line ok = snmp_log:close(Log), ?DBG("log_to_txt -> done", []), ok. %%====================================================================== %% Starta en logger-process som med ett visst intervall loggar %% meddelanden. Starta en reader-process som vid ett viss tillf�lle %% l�ser fr�n loggen. %% %% Test: ts:run(snmp, snmp_log_test, log_to_txt2, [batch]). log_to_txt3(suite) -> []; log_to_txt3(doc) -> "Log to txt file from a different process than which " "opened and wrote the log"; log_to_txt3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), p(log_to_txt3), put(sname,l2t3), put(verbosity,trace), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> start", []), Dir = ?config(log_dir, Config), Name = "snmp_test_l2t3", LogFile = join(Dir, "snmp_test_l2t3.log"), TxtFile = join(Dir, "snmp_test_l2t3.txt"), Meg = 1024*1024, Size = {10*Meg, 10}, Repair = true, StdMibDir = filename:join(code:priv_dir(snmp), "mibs") ++ "/", Mibs = [join(StdMibDir, "SNMPv2-MIB")], ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> create log writer process", []), ?line {ok, Log, Logger} = log_writer_start(Name, LogFile, Size, Repair), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> create log reader process", []), ?line {ok, Reader} = log_reader_start(), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> wait some time", []), ?SLEEP(5000), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> display log info", []), ?line log_writer_info(Logger), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> instruct the log writer to sleep some", []), ?line ok = log_writer_sleep(Logger, 5000), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> instruct the log reader to log to txt", []), Res = log_reader_log_to(Reader, fun() -> I = disk_log:info(Log), T1 = t(), R = snmp_log:log_to_txt(Log, LogFile, Dir, Mibs, TxtFile), T2 = t(), io:format(user, "Time converting file: ~w ms~n", [T2 - T1]), {R, I} end), case Res of {ok, Info} -> ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> ~n Info: ~p", [Info]), ?line {ok, #file_info{size = FileSize}} = file:read_file_info(TxtFile), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> text file size: ~p", [FileSize]), validate_size(FileSize); {Error, Info} -> ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> log to txt failed: " "~n Error: ~p" "~n Info: ~p", [Error, Info]), ?line ?FAIL({log_lo_txt_failed, Error, Info}) end, ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> instruct the log writer to stop", []), ?line log_writer_stop(Logger), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> instruct the log reader to stop", []), ?line log_reader_stop(Reader), ?DBG("log_to_txt3 -> done", []), ok. validate_size(0) -> ?FAIL(invalid_size); validate_size(_) -> ok. validate_size(0, _) -> ?FAIL(invalid_size); validate_size(A, {le, B}) when A =< B -> ok; validate_size(A, {l, B}) when A < B -> ok; validate_size(A, B) -> ?FAIL({invalid_size, A, B}). %%====================================================================== %% Internal functions %%====================================================================== log_writer_start(Name, File, Size, Repair) -> Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, log_writer_main, [Name, File, Size, Repair, self()]), receive {log, Log, Pid} -> {ok, Log, Pid}; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> {error, Reason} after 60000 -> Msg = receive Any -> Any after 0 -> nothing end, Info = (catch process_info(Pid)), exit({failed_starting_writer, timeout, Msg, Info}) end. log_writer_stop(Pid) -> Pid ! {stop, self()}, T1 = t(), receive {'EXIT', Pid, normal} -> T2 = t(), ?DBG("it took ~w ms to stop the writer", [T2 - T1]), ok after 60000 -> Msg = receive Any -> Any after 0 -> nothing end, Info = (catch process_info(Pid)), exit({failed_stopping_writer, timeout, Msg, Info}) end. log_writer_info(Pid) -> Pid ! {info, self()}. log_writer_sleep(Pid, Time) -> Pid ! {sleep, Time, self()}, T1 = t(), receive {sleeping, Pid} -> T2 = t(), ?DBG("it took ~w ms to put the writer to sleep", [T2 - T1]), ok; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> {error, Reason} after 60000 -> Msg = receive Any -> Any after 0 -> nothing end, Info = (catch process_info(Pid)), exit({failed_put_writer_to_sleep, timeout, Msg, Info}) end. log_writer_main(Name, File, Size, Repair, P) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% put(sname,log_writer), %% put(verbosity,trace), {ok, Log} = snmp_log:create(Name, File, Size, Repair), P ! {log, Log, self()}, Msgs = lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(10, messages())), Addr = ?LOCALHOST(), Port = 162, Logger = fun(Packet) -> ?line ok = snmp_log:log(Log, Packet, Addr, Port) end, BatchLogger = fun(Time) -> lists:foreach(Logger, Msgs), ?SLEEP(Time), ok end, log_writer(Log, BatchLogger, P). log_writer(Log, Fun, P) -> lp("entry"), receive {stop, P} -> lp("received stop request"), ok = snmp_log:close(Log), exit(normal); {info, P} -> lp("received info request"), {ok, Info} = snmp_log:info(Log), display_info(Info), log_writer(Log, Fun, P); {sleep, Time, P} -> lp("received sleep (~w) request", [Time]), P ! {sleeping, self()}, ?SLEEP(Time), lp("done sleeping"), log_writer(Log, Fun, P); ELSE -> io:format("ERROR:logger - received unknown message: " "~n ~p~n", [ELSE]), log_writer(Log, Fun, P) after 1000 -> lp("log some messages"), To = lists:duplicate(100, 100), lists:foreach(Fun, To), log_writer(Log, Fun, P) end. lp(F) -> lp(F, []). lp(F, A) -> io:format(user,"writer [~w] " ++ F ++ "~n", [self()|A]). %% -- log_reader_start() -> Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, log_reader_main, [self()]), T1 = t(), receive {started, Pid} -> T2 = t(), ?DBG("it took ~w ms to start the reader", [T2 - T1]), {ok, Pid}; {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} -> {error, Reason} after 1000 -> error end. log_reader_stop(Pid) -> Pid ! {stop, self()}, T1 = t(), receive {'EXIT', Pid, normal} -> T2 = t(), ?DBG("it took ~w ms to put the reader to eleep", [T2 - T1]), ok after 1000 -> Msg = receive Any -> Any after 0 -> nothing end, exit({failed_stopping_reader, timeout, Msg}) end. log_reader_log_to(Pid, LogToFun) when is_function(LogToFun) -> Pid ! {log_to, LogToFun, self()}, receive {log_to_reply, Res, Pid} -> Res end. log_reader_main(P) -> put(sname,log_reader), put(verbosity,trace), P ! {started, self()}, log_reader(P). log_reader(P) -> rp("entry"), receive {stop, P} -> rp("received stop request"), exit(normal); {log_to, F, P} -> rp("received log_to request"), Res = F(), rp("done with log_to - sending reply"), P ! {log_to_reply, Res, self()}, log_reader(P); ELSE -> io:format("ERROR:reader - received unknown message: " "~n ~p~n", [ELSE]), log_reader(P) end. rp(F) -> rp(F, []). rp(F, A) -> io:format(user, "reader [~w] " ++ F ++ "~n", [self()|A]). %%====================================================================== check_notify() -> receive {disk_log, Node, LogName, Info} -> io:format("disk_log notify: " "~n Node: ~p" "~n LogName: ~s" "~n Info: ~p" "~n", [Node, LogName, Info]), check_notify() after 1000 -> done end. messages() -> [get_next_request('version-1', "all-rights", [1,13], 1, 1101), get_response('version-1', "all-rights", [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1,0], 'OCTET STRING', "Erlang SNMP agent", 1, 1101), get_request('version-1', "all-rights", [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1,0], 1, 1102), get_response('version-1', "all-rights", [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1,0], 'OCTET STRING', "Erlang SNMP agent", 1, 1102), set_request('version-1', "all-rights", [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,6,0], 'OCTET STRING', "new_value", 1, 1003), get_response('version-1', "all-rights", [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,6,0], 'OCTET STRING', "new_value", 1, 1103), get_bulk_request("all-rights", 1104), bulk_get_response('version-1', "all-rights", [48,29,6,8,43,6,1,2,1,1,1,0,4,17,69,114,108,97, 110,103,32,83,78,77,80,32,97,103,101,110,116, 48,7,6,3,43,7,1,130,0], 1104), inform_request("all-rights", 1105), get_response('version-1', "all-rights", [{[1,3,6,1,2,1,1,3,0], 'TimeTicks', 4046, 1}, {[1,3,6,1,6,3,1,1,4,1,0], 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER', [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,0,1],2}], 1105), snmpv2_trap("all-rights", 1106), trap("all-rights")]. get_request(Vsn, Community, Oid, OrgIdx, ReqId) -> Varbind = #varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = 'NULL', value = 'NULL', org_index = OrgIdx}, Pdu = #pdu{type = 'get-response', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = [Varbind]}, enc_message(Vsn, Community, Pdu). get_next_request(Vsn, Community, Oid, OrgIdx, ReqId) -> Varbind = #varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = 'NULL', value = 'NULL', org_index = OrgIdx}, Pdu = #pdu{type = 'get-next-request', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = [Varbind]}, enc_message(Vsn, Community, Pdu). bulk_get_response(Vsn, Community, Bulk, ReqId) -> Pdu = #pdu{type = 'get-response', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = Bulk}, enc_message(Vsn, Community, Pdu). get_response(Vsn, Community, VarbindData, ReqId) -> Varbinds = varbinds(VarbindData, []), Pdu = #pdu{type = 'get-response', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = Varbinds}, enc_message(Vsn, Community, Pdu). get_response(Vsn, Community, Oid, Type, Value, OrgIdx, ReqId) -> Varbind = #varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = Type, value = Value, org_index = OrgIdx}, Pdu = #pdu{type = 'get-response', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = [Varbind]}, enc_message(Vsn, Community, Pdu). set_request(Vsn, Community, Oid, Type, Value, OrgIdx, ReqId) -> Varbind = #varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = Type, value = Value, org_index = OrgIdx}, Pdu = #pdu{type = 'set-request', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = [Varbind]}, enc_message(Vsn, Community, Pdu). get_bulk_request(Community, ReqId) -> Varbinds = [#varbind{oid = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1], variabletype = 'NULL', value = 'NULL', org_index = 1}, #varbind{oid = [1,3,7,1], variabletype = 'NULL', value = 'NULL', org_index = 2}], Pdu = #pdu{type = 'get-bulk-request', request_id = ReqId, error_status = 1, error_index = 1, varbinds = Varbinds}, enc_message('version-2', Community, Pdu). inform_request(Community, ReqId) -> Varbinds = [#varbind{oid = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,3,0], variabletype = 'TimeTicks', value = 4046, org_index = 1}, #varbind{oid = [1,3,6,1,6,3,1,1,4,1,0], variabletype = 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER', value = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,0,1], org_index = 2}], Pdu = #pdu{type = 'inform-request', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = Varbinds}, enc_message('version-2', Community, Pdu). snmpv2_trap(Community, ReqId) -> Varbinds = [#varbind{oid = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,3,0], variabletype = 'TimeTicks', value = 3945, org_index = 1}, #varbind{oid = [1,3,6,1,6,3,1,1,4,1,0], variabletype = 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER', value = [1,3,6,1,2,1,11,1], org_index = 2}], Pdu = #pdu{type = 'snmpv2-trap', request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = Varbinds}, enc_message('version-2', Community, Pdu). % report() -> % Varbind = #varbind{oid = ?snmpUnknownPDUHandlers, % variabletype = 'Counter32', % value = 111}, % Pdu = #pdu{type = report, % request_id = 991199, % error_status = noError, % error_index = 0, % varbinds = [Varbind]}, % enc_message('version-3', Community, Pdu). trap(Community) -> Enterp = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1], Oid = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,4,0], Type = 'OCTET STRING', Value = "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se", SysUpTime = 4379, Spec = 1, Generic = 6, AgentIp = [127,0,0,1], trap(Community, Enterp, Oid, Type, Value, SysUpTime, Spec, Generic, AgentIp, 1). %% V1 trap trap(Community, Enterp, Oid, Type, Value, SysUpTime, Spec, Generic, AgentIp, OrgIdx) -> Varbind = #varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = Type, value = Value, org_index = OrgIdx}, Trap = #trappdu{enterprise = Enterp, agent_addr = AgentIp, generic_trap = Generic, specific_trap = Spec, time_stamp = SysUpTime, varbinds = [Varbind]}, enc_message('version-1', Community, Trap). varbinds([], Varbinds) -> lists:reverse(Varbinds); varbinds([{Oid, Type, Value, Idx}|T], Acc) -> Varbind = #varbind{oid = Oid, variabletype = Type, value = Value, org_index = Idx}, varbinds(T, [Varbind|Acc]). % enc_message('version-3' = Vsn, Community, Pdu) -> % ScopedPDU = #scopedPdu{contextEngineID = ContextEngineID, % contextName = ContextName, % data = Pdu}, % NUsmSecParams = % UsmSecParams#usmSecurityParameters{msgAuthenticationParameters = % AuthParams}, % SecBytes = snmp_pdus:enc_usm_security_parameters(NUsmSecParams), % V3Hdr = #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgID, % msgMaxSize = AgentMS, % msgFlags = snmp_misc:mk_msg_flags(Type, SecLevel), % msgSecurityParameters = SecBytes % msgSecurityModel = MsgSecurityModel}, % Msg = #message{version = Vsn, vsn_hdr = V3Hdr, % data = ScopedPDUBytes}, % snmp_pdus:enc_message_only(Message2); enc_message(Vsn, Community, Pdu) -> PduBytes = snmp_pdus:enc_pdu(Pdu), Msg = #message{version = Vsn, vsn_hdr = Community, data = PduBytes}, list_to_binary(snmp_pdus:enc_message_only(Msg)). display_info(Info) -> {SinceOpened, SinceLastInfo} = get_info(no_overflows, Info, {-1,-1}), CurrentFile = get_info(current_file, Info, -1), NoItems = get_info(no_current_items, Info, -1), NoBytes = get_info(no_current_bytes, Info, -1), io:format(user, "Disk log info: " "~n Number of filled since opened: ~p" "~n Number of filled since last info: ~p" "~n Current file: ~p" "~n Number of items in file: ~p" "~n Number of bytes in file: ~p" "~n", [SinceOpened, SinceLastInfo, CurrentFile, NoItems, NoBytes]). get_info(Key, Info, Def) -> case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Info) of {value, {Key, Val}} -> Val; false -> Def end. join(D, F) -> filename:join(D, F). p(Case) -> io:format(user, "test case: ~w~n", [Case]). %% Time in milli sec t() -> {A,B,C} = erlang:now(), A*1000000000+B*1000+(C div 1000).