Test1 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, TimeTicks, Counter32, snmpModules, mib-2, enterprises, IpAddress, Integer32, Counter64, Opaque FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TestAndIncr, TimeStamp, RowStatus, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF sysLocation, sysContact FROM SNMPv2-MIB ; snmpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9511090000Z" ORGANIZATION "" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "Test mib" ::= { snmpModules 1 } test OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 15 } testTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { test 0 } bits1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { b0(0), b1(1), b2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { test 1 } bits2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { b0(0), b1(1), b2(2), b3(3), b4(4), b5(5), b6(6), b7(7), b8(8), b9(9), b10(10), b11(11), b12(12), b13(13), b14(14), b15(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { test 2 } bits3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { b0(0), b1(1), b2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { test 3 } bits4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { b0(0), b1(1), b2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { test 4 } testTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to test IMPLIED with one string." ::= { test 5 } testEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the sysORTable." INDEX { IMPLIED testIndex } ::= { testTable 1 } TestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { testIndex DisplayString, testDescr DisplayString, testStatus RowStatus } testIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of the columnar objects in the sysORTable." ::= { testEntry 1 } testDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the capabilities identified by the corresponding instance of sysORID." ::= { testEntry 2 } testStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { testEntry 3 } testTable2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TestEntry2 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to test IMPLIED with more than one index." ::= { test 6 } testEntry2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestEntry2 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the sysORTable." INDEX { testIndex1, IMPLIED testIndex2 } ::= { testTable2 1 } TestEntry2 ::= SEQUENCE { testIndex1 Integer32, testIndex2 DisplayString, testDescr2 DisplayString, testStatus2 RowStatus } testIndex1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of the columnar objects in the sysORTable." ::= { testEntry2 1 } testIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of the columnar objects in the sysORTable." ::= { testEntry2 2 } testDescr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the capabilities identified by the corresponding instance of sysORID." ::= { testEntry2 3 } testStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { testEntry2 4 } sparseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SparseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to test sparse table" ::= { test 7 } sparseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SparseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the sysORTable." INDEX { sparseIndex } ::= { sparseTable 1 } SparseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sparseIndex Integer32, sparseObj DisplayString, sparseObj2 DisplayString, sparseDescr DisplayString, sparseStatus RowStatus } sparseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of the columnar objects in the sysORTable." ::= { sparseEntry 1 } sparseObj OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of the columnar objects in the sysORTable." ::= { sparseEntry 2 } sparseObj2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of the columnar objects in the sysORTable." ::= { sparseEntry 3 } sparseDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the capabilities identified by the corresponding instance of sysORID." ::= { sparseEntry 4 } sparseStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { sparseEntry 6 } sparseStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the capabilities identified by the corresponding instance of sysORID." DEFVAL { "slut" } ::= { test 8 } cntTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CntEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { test 9 } cntEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CntEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the sysORTable." INDEX { cntIndex } ::= { cntTable 1 } CntEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cntIndex Integer32, cntCnt Counter64, cntStatus RowStatus, cntDescr DisplayString } cntIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The auxiliary variable used for identifying instances of the columnar objects in the sysORTable." ::= { cntEntry 1 } cntCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counter64 object - not visible in v1" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cntEntry 5 } cntStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { cntEntry 7 } cntDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the capabilities identified by the corresponding instance of sysORID." DEFVAL { "descr" } ::= { cntEntry 8 } cntStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the capabilities identified by the corresponding instance of sysORID." DEFVAL { "slut" } ::= { test 10 } cnt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "not visible in v1" ::= { test 11 } cnt64Str OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to stop get-next from cnt64" DEFVAL { "after cnt64" } ::= { test 12 } opaqueObj OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Opaque MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the capabilities identified by the corresponding instance of sysORID." ::= { test 13 } multiStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to block agent for testing multi threaded impl" DEFVAL { "no" } ::= { test 14 } cntTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysContact, cnt64, sysLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test that coutner64 is deleted from v1 trap" ::= { testTrap 1 } mtTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { multiStr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { testTrap 2 } END