MIBs ending with *-error.mib should give compilation error. No others. All standards MIBs should be original, without modifications. *If* there is some small modification for some reason you shall be able to find a comment about it by searching "erlsnmpmodification". Tickets are found in comments (search "OTP-"). One good compilation order: snmpc:compile("RMON-MIB"). snmpc:compile("RFC1271-MIB"). snmpc:compile("TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB"). snmpc:compile("SNMPv2-TC"). snmpc:compile("RMON2-MIB"). snmpc:compile("ENTITY-MIB"). snmpc:compile("SNMPv2-MIB"). snmpc:compile("SNMPv2-USEC-MIB"). snmpc:compile("STANDARD-MIB"). snmpc:compile("INTERNAL-MIB").