%% This file defines the Agent local configuration info %% The data is inserted into the snmpEngine* variables defined %% in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB, and the intAgent* variables defined %% in OTP-SNMPEA-MIB. %% Each row is a 2-tuple: %% {AgentVariable, Value}. %% For example %% {intAgentUDPPort, 4000}. %% The ip address for the agent is sent as id in traps. %% {intAgentIpAddress, [127,42,17,5]}. %% {snmpEngineID, "agentEngine"}. %% {snmpEngineMaxMessageSize, 484}. %% {intAgentUDPPort, 4000}. {intAgentIpAddress, %ADDR%}. {snmpEngineID, %ENGINE_ID%}. {snmpEngineMaxMessageSize, 484}.