%% This file was generated by snmp_config (version-4.9.3) 2007-06-29 13:32:48 %% This file defines the Mib Views. %% The data is inserted into the vacm* tables defined %% in SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB. %% Each row is one of 3 tuples; one for each table in the MIB: %% {vacmSecurityToGroup, SecModel, SecName, GroupName}. %% {vacmAccess, GroupName, Prefix, SecModel, SecLevel, Match, RV, WV, NV}. %% {vacmViewTreeFamily, ViewIndex, ViewSubtree, ViewStatus, ViewMask}. %% For example %% {vacmSecurityToGroup, v2c, "initial", "initial"}. %% {vacmSecurityToGroup, usm, "initial", "initial"}. %% read/notify access to system %% {vacmAccess, "initial", "", any, noAuthNoPriv, exact, %% "system", "", "system"}. %% {vacmViewTreeFamily, "system", [1,3,6,1,2,1,1], included, null}. %% {vacmViewTreeFamily, "exmib", [1,3,6,1,3], included, null}. % for EX1-MIB %% {vacmViewTreeFamily, "internet", [1,3,6,1], included, null}. %% {vacmSecurityToGroup, v2c, "initial", "initial"}. {vacmSecurityToGroup, v2c, "all-rights", "all-rights"}. {vacmAccess, "initial", "", any, noAuthNoPriv, exact, "restricted", "", "restricted"}. {vacmAccess, "initial", "", usm, authNoPriv, exact, "internet", "internet", "internet"}. {vacmAccess, "initial", "", usm, authPriv, exact, "internet", "internet", "internet"}. {vacmAccess, "all-rights", "", any, noAuthNoPriv, exact, "internet", "internet", "internet"}. {vacmViewTreeFamily, "restricted", [1,3,6,1], included, null}. {vacmViewTreeFamily, "internet", [1,3,6,1], included, null}.