20182018 Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ssh_file
ssh_file Default callback module for the client's and server's database operations in the ssh application

This module is the default callback handler for the client's and the server's user and host "database" operations.

The intention is to be compatible with the OpenSSH storage in files. Therefore it mimics directories and filenames of OpenSSH.

The functions are Callbacks for the SSH app. They are not intended to be called from the user's code!

Making your own callback module

Ssh_file implements the ssh_server_key_api and ssh_client_key_api. This enables the user to make an own interface using for example a database handler.

Such another callback module could be used by setting the option key_cb when starting a client or a server (with for example ssh:connect, ssh:daemon of ssh:shell ).

Files, directories and conventions LOCALUSER The user name of the OS process running the Erlang virtual machine (emulator).

SYSDIR SYSDIR is the directory holding the server's files: ssh_host_dsa_key - private dss host key (optional) ssh_host_rsa_key - private rsa host key (optional) ssh_host_ecdsa_key - private ecdsa host key (optional)

At least one host key must be defined. The default value of SYSDIR is /etc/ssh.

USERDIR USERDIR is the directory holding the files: authorized_keys - list of keys allowed in public_key authorization (optional) authorized_keys2 - list of keys allowed in public_key authorization (optional and unusual) known_hosts - list of hosts visited (created by the client) id_dsa - private dss user key (optional) id_rsa - private rsa user key (optional) id_ecdsa - private ecdsa user key (optional)

The default value of USERDIR is /home/LOCALUSER/.ssh. See also the user_dir common option.

host_key(Algorithm, DaemonOptions) -> {ok, Key} | {error, Reason}

Types and description

See the api description in ssh_server_key_api, Module:host_key/2.


{system_dir, SYSDIR}


SYSDIR/ssh_host_rsa_key SYSDIR/ssh_host_dsa_key SYSDIR/ssh_host_ecdsa_key


is_auth_key(PublicUserKey, User, DaemonOptions) -> Result

Types and description

See the api description in ssh_server_key_api: Module:is_auth_key/3.


{user_dir_fun, fun(RemoteUser) -> USERDIR end} {user_dir, USERDIR}


USERDIR/authorized_keys USERDIR/authorized_keys2


add_host_key(HostNames, PublicHostKey, ConnectOptions) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Types and description

See the api description in ssh_client_key_api, Module:add_host_key/3.


{user_dir, USERDIR}




is_host_key(Key, Host, Algorithm, ConnectOptions) -> Result

Types and description

See the api description in ssh_client_key_api, Module:is_host_key/4.


{user_dir, USERDIR}




user_key(Algorithm, ConnectOptions) -> {ok, PrivateKey} | {error, Reason}

Types and description

See the api description in ssh_client_key_api, Module:user_key/2.


{user_dir, USERDIR} {dsa_pass_phrase, PWD} {rsa_pass_phrase, PWD} {ecdsa_pass_phrase, PWD}


USERDIR/id_dsa USERDIR/id_rsa USERDIR/id_ecdsa