% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(ssh). -include("ssh.hrl"). -include("ssh_connect.hrl"). -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -export([start/0, start/1, stop/0, connect/2, connect/3, connect/4, close/1, connection_info/2, channel_info/3, daemon/1, daemon/2, daemon/3, daemon_info/1, default_algorithms/0, stop_listener/1, stop_listener/2, stop_listener/3, stop_daemon/1, stop_daemon/2, stop_daemon/3, shell/1, shell/2, shell/3 ]). %%% Type exports -export_type([ssh_daemon_ref/0, ssh_connection_ref/0, ssh_channel_id/0, role/0, subsystem_spec/0, subsystem_name/0, channel_callback/0, channel_init_args/0, algs_list/0, alg_entry/0, simple_algs/0, double_algs/0 ]). -opaque ssh_daemon_ref() :: daemon_ref() . -opaque ssh_connection_ref() :: connection_ref() . -opaque ssh_channel_id() :: channel_id(). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec start() -> ok | {error, term()}. -spec start(permanent | transient | temporary) -> ok | {error, term()}. %% %% Description: Starts the ssh application. Default type %% is temporary. see application(3) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start() -> start(temporary). start(Type) -> case application:ensure_all_started(ssh, Type) of {ok, _} -> ok; Other -> Other end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec stop() -> ok | {error, term()}. %% %% Description: Stops the ssh application. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- stop() -> application:stop(ssh). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec connect(inet:socket(), proplists:proplist()) -> ok_error(connection_ref()). -spec connect(inet:socket(), proplists:proplist(), timeout()) -> ok_error(connection_ref()) ; (string(), inet:port_number(), proplists:proplist()) -> ok_error(connection_ref()). -spec connect(string(), inet:port_number(), proplists:proplist(), timeout()) -> ok_error(connection_ref()). %% %% Description: Starts an ssh connection. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- connect(Socket, UserOptions) when is_port(Socket), is_list(UserOptions) -> connect(Socket, UserOptions, infinity). connect(Socket, UserOptions, Timeout) when is_port(Socket), is_list(UserOptions) -> case ssh_options:handle_options(client, UserOptions) of {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; Options -> case valid_socket_to_use(Socket, ?GET_OPT(transport,Options)) of ok -> {ok, {Host,_Port}} = inet:sockname(Socket), Opts = ?PUT_INTERNAL_OPT([{user_pid,self()}, {host,Host}], Options), ssh_connection_handler:start_connection(client, Socket, Opts, Timeout); {error,SockError} -> {error,SockError} end end; connect(Host, Port, UserOptions) when is_integer(Port), Port>0, is_list(UserOptions) -> connect(Host, Port, UserOptions, infinity). connect(Host, Port, UserOptions, Timeout) when is_integer(Port), Port>0, is_list(UserOptions) -> case ssh_options:handle_options(client, UserOptions) of {error, _Reason} = Error -> Error; Options -> {_, Transport, _} = TransportOpts = ?GET_OPT(transport, Options), ConnectionTimeout = ?GET_OPT(connect_timeout, Options), SocketOpts = [{active,false} | ?GET_OPT(socket_options,Options)], try Transport:connect(Host, Port, SocketOpts, ConnectionTimeout) of {ok, Socket} -> Opts = ?PUT_INTERNAL_OPT([{user_pid,self()}, {host,Host}], Options), ssh_connection_handler:start_connection(client, Socket, Opts, Timeout); {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} catch exit:{function_clause, _F} -> {error, {options, {transport, TransportOpts}}}; exit:badarg -> {error, {options, {socket_options, SocketOpts}}} end end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec close(pid()) -> ok. %% %% Description: Closes an ssh connection. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- close(ConnectionRef) -> ssh_connection_handler:stop(ConnectionRef). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec connection_info(pid(), [atom()]) -> [{atom(), term()}]. %% %% Description: Retrieves information about a connection. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- connection_info(ConnectionRef, Options) -> ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(ConnectionRef, Options). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec channel_info(pid(), channel_id(), [atom()]) -> [{atom(), term()}]. %% %% Description: Retrieves information about a connection. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- channel_info(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options) -> ssh_connection_handler:channel_info(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec daemon(inet:port_number()) -> ok_error(daemon_ref()). -spec daemon(inet:port_number()|inet:socket(), proplists:proplist()) -> ok_error(daemon_ref()). -spec daemon(any | inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number(), proplists:proplist()) -> ok_error(daemon_ref()) ;(socket, inet:socket(), proplists:proplist()) -> ok_error(daemon_ref()) . %% Description: Starts a server listening for SSH connections %% on the given port. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- daemon(Port) -> daemon(Port, []). daemon(Socket, UserOptions) when is_port(Socket) -> try #{} = Options = ssh_options:handle_options(server, UserOptions), case valid_socket_to_use(Socket, ?GET_OPT(transport,Options)) of ok -> {ok, {IP,Port}} = inet:sockname(Socket), finalize_start(IP, Port, ?GET_OPT(profile, Options), ?PUT_INTERNAL_OPT({connected_socket, Socket}, Options), fun(Opts, DefaultResult) -> try ssh_acceptor:handle_established_connection( IP, Port, Opts, Socket) of {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; _ -> DefaultResult catch C:R -> {error,{could_not_start_connection,{C,R}}} end end); {error,SockError} -> {error,SockError} end catch throw:bad_fd -> {error,bad_fd}; throw:bad_socket -> {error,bad_socket}; error:{badmatch,{error,Error}} -> {error,Error}; error:Error -> {error,Error}; _C:_E -> {error,{cannot_start_daemon,_C,_E}} end; daemon(Port, UserOptions) when 0 =< Port, Port =< 65535 -> daemon(any, Port, UserOptions). daemon(Host0, Port0, UserOptions0) when 0 =< Port0, Port0 =< 65535 -> try {Host1, UserOptions} = handle_daemon_args(Host0, UserOptions0), #{} = Options0 = ssh_options:handle_options(server, UserOptions), {{Host,Port}, ListenSocket} = open_listen_socket(Host1, Port0, Options0), %% Now Host,Port is what to use for the supervisor to register its name, %% and ListenSocket is for listening on connections. But it is still owned %% by self()... finalize_start(Host, Port, ?GET_OPT(profile, Options0), ?PUT_INTERNAL_OPT({lsocket,{ListenSocket,self()}}, Options0), fun(Opts, Result) -> {_, Callback, _} = ?GET_OPT(transport, Opts), receive {request_control, ListenSocket, ReqPid} -> ok = Callback:controlling_process(ListenSocket, ReqPid), ReqPid ! {its_yours,ListenSocket}, Result end end) catch throw:bad_fd -> {error,bad_fd}; throw:bad_socket -> {error,bad_socket}; error:{badmatch,{error,Error}} -> {error,Error}; error:Error -> {error,Error}; _C:_E -> {error,{cannot_start_daemon,_C,_E}} end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec daemon_info(daemon_ref()) -> ok_error( [{atom(), term()}] ). daemon_info(Pid) -> case catch ssh_system_sup:acceptor_supervisor(Pid) of AsupPid when is_pid(AsupPid) -> [{Name,Port,Profile}] = [{Nam,Prt,Prf} || {{ssh_acceptor_sup,Hst,Prt,Prf},_Pid,worker,[ssh_acceptor]} <- supervisor:which_children(AsupPid), Nam <- [case inet:parse_strict_address(Hst) of {ok,IP} -> IP; _ when Hst=="any" -> any; _ when Hst=="loopback" -> loopback; _ -> Hst end] ], {ok, [{port,Port}, {name,Name}, {profile,Profile} ]}; _ -> {error,bad_daemon_ref} end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec stop_listener(daemon_ref()) -> ok. -spec stop_listener(inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()) -> ok. %% %% Description: Stops the listener, but leaves %% existing connections started by the listener up and running. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- stop_listener(SysSup) -> ssh_system_sup:stop_listener(SysSup). stop_listener(Address, Port) -> stop_listener(Address, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE). stop_listener(Address, Port, Profile) -> ssh_system_sup:stop_listener(Address, Port, Profile). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec stop_daemon(daemon_ref()) -> ok. -spec stop_daemon(inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()) -> ok. -spec stop_daemon(inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number(), atom()) -> ok. %% %% Description: Stops the listener and all connections started by %% the listener. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- stop_daemon(SysSup) -> ssh_system_sup:stop_system(SysSup). stop_daemon(Address, Port) -> ssh_system_sup:stop_system(Address, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE). stop_daemon(Address, Port, Profile) -> ssh_system_sup:stop_system(Address, Port, Profile). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec shell(inet:socket() | string()) -> _. -spec shell(inet:socket() | string(), proplists:proplist()) -> _. -spec shell(string(), inet:port_number(), proplists:proplist()) -> _. %% Host = string() %% Port = integer() %% Options = [{Option, Value}] %% %% Description: Starts an interactive shell to an SSH server on the %% given . The function waits for user input, %% and will not return until the remote shell is ended.(e.g. on %% exit from the shell) %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- shell(Socket) when is_port(Socket) -> shell(Socket, []); shell(Host) -> shell(Host, ?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, []). shell(Socket, Options) when is_port(Socket) -> start_shell( connect(Socket, Options) ); shell(Host, Options) -> shell(Host, ?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, Options). shell(Host, Port, Options) -> start_shell( connect(Host, Port, Options) ). start_shell({ok, ConnectionRef}) -> case ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity) of {ok,ChannelId} -> success = ssh_connection:ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, []), Args = [{channel_cb, ssh_shell}, {init_args,[ConnectionRef, ChannelId]}, {cm, ConnectionRef}, {channel_id, ChannelId}], {ok, State} = ssh_channel:init([Args]), ssh_channel:enter_loop(State); Error -> Error end; start_shell(Error) -> Error. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec default_algorithms() -> algs_list() . %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- default_algorithms() -> ssh_transport:default_algorithms(). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% - if Address is 'any' and no ip-option is present, the name is %% 'any' and the socket will listen to all addresses %% %% - if Address is 'any' and an ip-option is present, the name is %% set to the value of the ip-option and the socket will listen %% to that address %% %% - if Address is 'loopback' and no ip-option is present, the name %% is 'loopback' and an loopback address will be choosen by the %% underlying layers %% %% - if Address is 'loopback' and an ip-option is present, the name %% is set to the value of the ip-option kept and the socket will %% listen to that address %% %% - if Address is an ip-address, that ip-address is the name and %% the listening address. An ip-option will be discarded. %% %% - if Address is a HostName, and that resolves to an ip-address, %% that ip-address is the name and the listening address. An %% ip-option will be discarded. %% %% - if Address is a string or an atom other than thoose defined %% above, that Address will be the name and the listening address %% will be choosen by the lower layers taking an ip-option in %% consideration %% handle_daemon_args(any, Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(ip, Opts) of undefined -> {any, Opts}; IP -> {IP, Opts} end; handle_daemon_args(loopback, Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(ip, Opts) of undefined -> {loopback, [{ip,loopback}|Opts]}; IP -> {IP, Opts} end; handle_daemon_args(IPaddr, Opts) when is_tuple(IPaddr) -> case proplists:get_value(ip, Opts) of undefined -> {IPaddr, [{ip,IPaddr}|Opts]}; IPaddr -> {IPaddr, Opts}; IP -> {IPaddr, [{ip,IPaddr}|Opts--[{ip,IP}]]} %% Backward compatibility end; handle_daemon_args(Address, Opts) when is_list(Address) ; is_atom(Address) -> IP = proplists:get_value(ip, Opts), case inet:parse_strict_address(Address) of {ok, IP} -> {IP, Opts}; {ok, OtherIP} -> {OtherIP, [{ip,OtherIP}|Opts--[{ip,IP}]]}; _ -> case inet:getaddr(Address, family(Opts)) of {ok, IP} -> {Address, Opts}; {ok, OtherIP} -> {Address, [{ip,OtherIP}|Opts--[{ip,IP}]]}; _ -> {Address, Opts} end end. -ifdef(hulahopp). %% Check the Address parameter and set an ip-option in some cases. The %% Address parameter is left unchanged because ssh:stop_listener and %% ssh:stop_daemon needs to find the system supervisor by name handle_daemon_args(any, Opts) -> %% Listen to The caller may have set an ip-option. Trust %% that one in such a case. {any, Opts}; handle_daemon_args(loopback, Opts) -> %% Listen to a loopback address. Let the underlying layers decide %% in case the caller hasn't set the ip-option. {loopback, ensure_ip_option(loopback,Opts)}; handle_daemon_args(IP, Opts) when is_tuple(IP) -> %% An IP address in Erlang tuple format: {IP, ensure_ip_option(IP,Opts)}; handle_daemon_args(Address, Opts) when is_list(Address) ; is_atom(Address) -> %% This might be a host name, an FQDN, an IP address in string format ("") %% etc. It might be a string or an atom since inet:hostname() is defined in that way case inet:parse_strict_address(Address) of {ok, IP} -> {Address, ensure_ip_option(IP,Opts)}; _ -> %% Try to lookup as a hostname: case inet:getaddr(Address, family(Opts)) of {ok, IP} -> {Address, ensure_ip_option(IP,Opts)}; _ -> %% Give up and let the underlying system handle this {Address, Opts} end end. %% Add an ip-option if not already present. ensure_ip_option(Address, Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(ip, Opts) of undefined -> [{ip,Address}|Opts]; _ -> Opts end. -endif. %% Has the caller indicated the address family? family(Opts) -> family(Opts, inet). family(Opts, Default) -> case proplists:get_value(inet,Opts) of true -> inet; inet -> inet; inet6 -> inet6; _ -> case proplists:get_value(inet6,Opts) of true -> inet6; _ -> Default end end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- valid_socket_to_use(Socket, {tcp,_,_}) -> %% Is this tcp-socket a valid socket? try {is_tcp_socket(Socket), {ok,[{active,false}]} == inet:getopts(Socket, [active]) } of {true, true} -> ok; {true, false} -> {error, not_passive_mode}; _ -> {error, not_tcp_socket} catch _:_ -> {error, bad_socket} end; valid_socket_to_use(_, {L4,_,_}) -> {error, {unsupported,L4}}. is_tcp_socket(Socket) -> case inet:getopts(Socket, [delay_send]) of {ok,[_]} -> true; _ -> false end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- open_listen_socket(Host0, Port0, Options0) -> case ?GET_SOCKET_OPT(fd, Options0) of undefined -> {ok,LSock} = ssh_acceptor:listen(Port0, Options0), {ok,{_LHost,LPort}} = inet:sockname(LSock), {{_LHost,LPort}, LSock}; %% {{Host0,LPort}, LSock}; Fd when is_integer(Fd) -> %% Do gen_tcp:listen with the option {fd,Fd}: {ok,LSock} = ssh_acceptor:listen(0, Options0), {ok,{LHost,LPort}} = inet:sockname(LSock), {{LHost,LPort}, LSock} end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- finalize_start(Host, Port, Profile, Options0, F) -> try sshd_sup:start_child(Host, Port, Profile, Options0) of {error, {already_started, _}} -> {error, eaddrinuse}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error}; Result = {ok,_} -> F(Options0, Result) catch exit:{noproc, _} -> {error, ssh_not_started} end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------