%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%% Description: SSH transport protocol -module(ssh_transport). -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). -include("ssh_transport.hrl"). -include("ssh.hrl"). -export([versions/2, hello_version_msg/1]). -export([next_seqnum/1, supported_algorithms/0, supported_algorithms/1, default_algorithms/0, default_algorithms/1, algo_classes/0, algo_class/1, algo_two_spec_classes/0, algo_two_spec_class/1, handle_packet_part/4, handle_hello_version/1, key_exchange_init_msg/1, key_init/3, new_keys_message/1, ext_info_message/1, handle_kexinit_msg/3, handle_kexdh_init/2, handle_kex_dh_gex_group/2, handle_kex_dh_gex_init/2, handle_kex_dh_gex_reply/2, handle_new_keys/2, handle_kex_dh_gex_request/2, handle_kexdh_reply/2, handle_kex_ecdh_init/2, handle_kex_ecdh_reply/2, parallell_gen_key/1, extract_public_key/1, ssh_packet/2, pack/2, valid_key_sha_alg/2, sha/1, sign/3, verify/5]). -export([dbg_trace/3]). %%% For test suites -export([pack/3, adjust_algs_for_peer_version/2]). -export([decompress/2, decrypt_blocks/3, is_valid_mac/3 ]). % FIXME: remove -define(Estring(X), ?STRING((if is_binary(X) -> X; is_list(X) -> list_to_binary(X); X==undefined -> <<>> end))). -define(Empint(X), (ssh_bits:mpint(X))/binary ). -define(Ebinary(X), ?STRING(X) ). -define(Euint32(X), ?UINT32(X) ). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% There is a difference between supported and default algorithms. The %%% SUPPORTED algorithms can be handled (maybe untested...). The DEFAULT ones %%% are announced in ssh_msg_kexinit and in ssh:default_algorithms/0 to the %%% user. %%% %%% A supported algorithm can be requested in the option 'preferred_algorithms', %%% but may give unexpected results before being promoted to default. %%% %%% This makes it possible to add experimental algorithms (in supported_algorithms) %%% and test them without letting the default users know about them. %%% default_algorithms() -> [{K,default_algorithms(K)} || K <- algo_classes()]. algo_classes() -> [kex, public_key, cipher, mac, compression]. algo_class(kex) -> true; algo_class(public_key) -> true; algo_class(cipher) -> true; algo_class(mac) -> true; algo_class(compression) -> true; algo_class(_) -> false. algo_two_spec_classes() -> [cipher, mac, compression]. algo_two_spec_class(cipher) -> true; algo_two_spec_class(mac) -> true; algo_two_spec_class(compression) -> true; algo_two_spec_class(_) -> false. default_algorithms(kex) -> supported_algorithms(kex, [ %% Gone in OpenSSH 7.3.p1: 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1' ]); default_algorithms(cipher) -> supported_algorithms(cipher, same(['AEAD_AES_128_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM'])); default_algorithms(mac) -> supported_algorithms(mac, same(['AEAD_AES_128_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM'])); default_algorithms(Alg) -> supported_algorithms(Alg, []). supported_algorithms() -> [{K,supported_algorithms(K)} || K <- algo_classes()]. supported_algorithms(kex) -> select_crypto_supported( [ {'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', [{public_keys,ecdh}, {curves,secp384r1}, {hashs,sha384}]}, {'ecdh-sha2-nistp521', [{public_keys,ecdh}, {curves,secp521r1}, {hashs,sha512}]}, {'ecdh-sha2-nistp256', [{public_keys,ecdh}, {curves,secp256r1}, {hashs,sha256}]}, {'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256', [{public_keys,dh}, {hashs,sha256}]}, {'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512', [{public_keys,dh}, {hashs,sha512}]}, % In OpenSSH 7.3.p1 {'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512', [{public_keys,dh}, {hashs,sha512}]}, % In OpenSSH 7.3.p1 {'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256', [{public_keys,dh}, {hashs,sha256}]}, % In OpenSSH 7.3.p1 %% https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-curves %% Secure Shell (SSH) Key Exchange Method using Curve25519 and Curve448 {'curve25519-sha256', [{public_keys,ecdh}, {curves,x25519}, {hashs,sha256}]}, {'curve25519-sha256@libssh.org', [{public_keys,ecdh}, {curves,x25519}, {hashs,sha256}]}, {'curve448-sha512', [{public_keys,ecdh}, {curves,x448}, {hashs,sha512}]}, {'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', [{public_keys,dh}, {hashs,sha}]}, {'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', [{public_keys,dh}, {hashs,sha}]}, {'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', [{public_keys,dh}, {hashs,sha}]} ]); supported_algorithms(public_key) -> select_crypto_supported( [ {'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', [{public_keys,ecdsa}, {hashs,sha384}, {curves,secp384r1}]}, {'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', [{public_keys,ecdsa}, {hashs,sha512}, {curves,secp521r1}]}, {'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', [{public_keys,ecdsa}, {hashs,sha256}, {curves,secp256r1}]}, {'ssh-rsa', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha} ]}, {'rsa-sha2-256', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha256} ]}, {'rsa-sha2-512', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha512} ]}, {'ssh-dss', [{public_keys,dss}, {hashs,sha} ]} % Gone in OpenSSH 7.3.p1 ]); supported_algorithms(cipher) -> same( select_crypto_supported( [ {'aes256-gcm@openssh.com', [{ciphers,{aes_gcm,256}}]}, {'aes256-ctr', [{ciphers,{aes_ctr,256}}]}, {'aes192-ctr', [{ciphers,{aes_ctr,192}}]}, {'aes128-gcm@openssh.com', [{ciphers,{aes_gcm,128}}]}, {'aes128-ctr', [{ciphers,{aes_ctr,128}}]}, {'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', [{ciphers,{aes_gcm,256}}]}, {'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', [{ciphers,{aes_gcm,128}}]}, {'aes128-cbc', [{ciphers,aes_cbc128}]}, {'3des-cbc', [{ciphers,des3_cbc}]} ] )); supported_algorithms(mac) -> same( select_crypto_supported( [{'hmac-sha2-256', [{macs,hmac}, {hashs,sha256}]}, {'hmac-sha2-512', [{macs,hmac}, {hashs,sha512}]}, {'hmac-sha1', [{macs,hmac}, {hashs,sha}]}, {'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', [{ciphers,{aes_gcm,128}}]}, {'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', [{ciphers,{aes_gcm,256}}]} ] )); supported_algorithms(compression) -> same(['none', 'zlib@openssh.com', 'zlib' ]). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- versions(client, Options)-> Vsn = ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(vsn, Options, ?DEFAULT_CLIENT_VERSION), {Vsn, format_version(Vsn, software_version(Options))}; versions(server, Options) -> Vsn = ?GET_INTERNAL_OPT(vsn, Options, ?DEFAULT_SERVER_VERSION), {Vsn, format_version(Vsn, software_version(Options))}. software_version(Options) -> case ?GET_OPT(id_string, Options) of undefined -> "Erlang"++ssh_vsn(); {random,Nlo,Nup} -> random_id(Nlo,Nup); ID -> ID end. ssh_vsn() -> try {ok,L} = application:get_all_key(ssh), proplists:get_value(vsn, L, "") of "" -> ""; VSN when is_list(VSN) -> "/" ++ VSN; _ -> "" catch _:_ -> "" end. random_id(Nlo, Nup) -> [$a + rand:uniform($z-$a+1) - 1 || _<- lists:duplicate(Nlo + rand:uniform(Nup-Nlo+1) - 1, x)]. hello_version_msg(Data) -> [Data,"\r\n"]. next_seqnum(SeqNum) -> (SeqNum + 1) band 16#ffffffff. decrypt_blocks(Bin, Length, Ssh0) -> <> = Bin, {Ssh, DecData} = decrypt(Ssh0, EncBlocks), {Ssh, DecData, EncData}. is_valid_mac(_, _ , #ssh{recv_mac_size = 0}) -> true; is_valid_mac(Mac, Data, #ssh{recv_mac = Algorithm, recv_mac_key = Key, recv_sequence = SeqNum}) -> Mac == mac(Algorithm, Key, SeqNum, Data). format_version({Major,Minor}, SoftwareVersion) -> "SSH-" ++ integer_to_list(Major) ++ "." ++ integer_to_list(Minor) ++ "-" ++ SoftwareVersion. handle_hello_version(Version) -> try StrVersion = trim_tail(Version), case string:tokens(Version, "-") of [_, "2.0" | _] -> {{2,0}, StrVersion}; [_, "1.99" | _] -> {{2,0}, StrVersion}; [_, "1.3" | _] -> {{1,3}, StrVersion}; [_, "1.5" | _] -> {{1,5}, StrVersion} end catch error:_ -> {undefined, "unknown version"} end. key_exchange_init_msg(Ssh0) -> Msg = kex_init(Ssh0), {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh0), {Msg, SshPacket, Ssh}. kex_init(#ssh{role = Role, opts = Opts, available_host_keys = HostKeyAlgs} = Ssh) -> Random = ssh_bits:random(16), PrefAlgs = adjust_algs_for_peer_version(Role, ?GET_OPT(preferred_algorithms, Opts), Ssh), kexinit_message(Role, Random, PrefAlgs, HostKeyAlgs, Opts). key_init(client, Ssh, Value) -> Ssh#ssh{c_keyinit = Value}; key_init(server, Ssh, Value) -> Ssh#ssh{s_keyinit = Value}. adjust_algs_for_peer_version(client, PrefAlgs, #ssh{s_version=V}) -> adjust_algs_for_peer_version(V, PrefAlgs); adjust_algs_for_peer_version(server, PrefAlgs, #ssh{c_version=V}) -> adjust_algs_for_peer_version(V, PrefAlgs). %% adjust_algs_for_peer_version("SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.2"++_, PrefAlgs) -> C0 = proplists:get_value(cipher, PrefAlgs, same([])), C = [{D,L} || D <- [client2server, server2client], L <- [[K || K <- proplists:get_value(D, C0, []), K =/= 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com', K =/= 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com']] ], lists:keyreplace(cipher, 1, PrefAlgs, {cipher,C}); adjust_algs_for_peer_version(_, PrefAlgs) -> PrefAlgs. kexinit_message(Role, Random, Algs, HostKeyAlgs, Opts) -> #ssh_msg_kexinit{ cookie = Random, kex_algorithms = to_strings( get_algs(kex,Algs) ) ++ kex_ext_info(Role,Opts), server_host_key_algorithms = HostKeyAlgs, encryption_algorithms_client_to_server = c2s(cipher,Algs), encryption_algorithms_server_to_client = s2c(cipher,Algs), mac_algorithms_client_to_server = c2s(mac,Algs), mac_algorithms_server_to_client = s2c(mac,Algs), compression_algorithms_client_to_server = c2s(compression,Algs), compression_algorithms_server_to_client = s2c(compression,Algs), languages_client_to_server = [], languages_server_to_client = [] }. c2s(Key, Algs) -> x2y(client2server, Key, Algs). s2c(Key, Algs) -> x2y(server2client, Key, Algs). x2y(DirectionKey, Key, Algs) -> to_strings(proplists:get_value(DirectionKey, get_algs(Key,Algs))). get_algs(Key, Algs) -> proplists:get_value(Key, Algs, default_algorithms(Key)). to_strings(L) -> lists:map(fun erlang:atom_to_list/1, L). new_keys_message(Ssh0) -> {SshPacket, Ssh1} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0), Ssh = install_alg(snd, Ssh1), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh}. handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own, #ssh{role = client} = Ssh) -> try {ok, Algorithms} = select_algorithm(client, Own, CounterPart, Ssh#ssh.opts), true = verify_algorithm(Algorithms), Algorithms of Algos -> key_exchange_first_msg(Algos#alg.kex, Ssh#ssh{algorithms = Algos}) catch Class:Error -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexinit failed in client: ~p:~p", [Class,Error]) ) end; handle_kexinit_msg(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = CounterPart, #ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Own, #ssh{role = server} = Ssh) -> try {ok, Algorithms} = select_algorithm(server, CounterPart, Own, Ssh#ssh.opts), true = verify_algorithm(Algorithms), Algorithms of Algos -> {ok, Ssh#ssh{algorithms = Algos}} catch Class:Error -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexinit failed in server: ~p:~p", [Class,Error]) ) end. verify_algorithm(#alg{kex = undefined}) -> {false, "kex"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{hkey = undefined}) -> {false, "hkey"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{send_mac = undefined}) -> {false, "send_mac"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{recv_mac = undefined}) -> {false, "recv_mac"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{encrypt = undefined}) -> {false, "encrypt"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{decrypt = undefined}) -> {false, "decrypt"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{compress = undefined}) -> {false, "compress"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{decompress = undefined}) -> {false, "decompress"}; verify_algorithm(#alg{kex = Kex}) -> %% This also catches the error if 'ext-info-s' or 'ext-info-c' is selected. %% (draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ext-info-04 2.2) case lists:member(Kex, supported_algorithms(kex)) of true -> true; false -> {false, "kex"} end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% Key exchange initialization %%% key_exchange_first_msg(Kex, Ssh0) when Kex == 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1' ; Kex == 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1' ; Kex == 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256' ; Kex == 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512' ; Kex == 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512' -> {G, P} = dh_group(Kex), Sz = dh_bits(Ssh0#ssh.algorithms), {Public, Private} = generate_key(dh, [P,G,2*Sz]), {SshPacket, Ssh1} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{e = Public}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh1#ssh{keyex_key = {{Private, Public}, {G, P}}}}; key_exchange_first_msg(Kex, Ssh0=#ssh{opts=Opts}) when Kex == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' ; Kex == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256' -> {Min,NBits0,Max} = ?GET_OPT(dh_gex_limits, Opts), DhBits = dh_bits(Ssh0#ssh.algorithms), NBits1 = %% NIST Special Publication 800-57 Part 1 Revision 4: Recommendation for Key Management if DhBits =< 112 -> 2048; DhBits =< 128 -> 3072; DhBits =< 192 -> 7680; true -> 8192 end, NBits = min(max(max(NBits0,NBits1),Min), Max), {SshPacket, Ssh1} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{min = Min, n = NBits, max = Max}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh1#ssh{keyex_info = {Min, Max, NBits}}}; key_exchange_first_msg(Kex, Ssh0) when Kex == 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256' ; Kex == 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384' ; Kex == 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521' ; Kex == 'curve25519-sha256' ; Kex == 'curve25519-sha256@libssh.org'; Kex == 'curve448-sha512' -> Curve = ecdh_curve(Kex), {Public, Private} = generate_key(ecdh, Curve), {SshPacket, Ssh1} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_init{q_c=Public}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh1#ssh{keyex_key = {{Public,Private},Curve}}}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 %%% diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 %%% diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 %%% diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 %%% diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 %%% handle_kexdh_init(#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{e = E}, Ssh0 = #ssh{algorithms = #alg{kex=Kex, hkey=SignAlg} = Algs}) -> %% server {G, P} = dh_group(Kex), if 1= Sz = dh_bits(Algs), {Public, Private} = generate_key(dh, [P,G,2*Sz]), K = compute_key(dh, E, Private, [P,G]), MyPrivHostKey = get_host_key(Ssh0, SignAlg), MyPubHostKey = extract_public_key(MyPrivHostKey), H = kex_hash(Ssh0, MyPubHostKey, sha(Kex), {E,Public,K}), H_SIG = sign(H, sha(SignAlg), MyPrivHostKey), {SshPacket, Ssh1} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = {MyPubHostKey,SignAlg}, f = Public, h_sig = H_SIG }, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh1#ssh{keyex_key = {{Private, Public}, {G, P}}, shared_secret = ssh_bits:mpint(K), exchanged_hash = H, session_id = sid(Ssh1, H)}}; true -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexdh init failed, received 'e' out of bounds~n E=~p~n P=~p", [E,P]) ) end. handle_kexdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey, f = F, h_sig = H_SIG}, #ssh{keyex_key = {{Private, Public}, {G, P}}, algorithms = #alg{kex=Kex}} = Ssh0) -> %% client if 1= K = compute_key(dh, F, Private, [P,G]), H = kex_hash(Ssh0, PeerPubHostKey, sha(Kex), {Public,F,K}), case verify_host_key(Ssh0, PeerPubHostKey, H, H_SIG) of ok -> {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, install_alg(snd, Ssh#ssh{shared_secret = ssh_bits:mpint(K), exchanged_hash = H, session_id = sid(Ssh, H)})}; Error -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexdh init failed. Verify host key: ~p",[Error]) ) end; true -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexdh init failed, received 'f' out of bounds~n F=~p~n P=~p", [F,P]) ) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 %%% handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{min = Min0, n = NBits, max = Max0}, Ssh0=#ssh{opts=Opts}) when Min0= %% server {Min, Max} = adjust_gex_min_max(Min0, Max0, Opts), case public_key:dh_gex_group(Min, NBits, Max, ?GET_OPT(dh_gex_groups,Opts)) of {ok, {_, {G,P}}} -> {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{p = P, g = G}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh#ssh{keyex_key = {x, {G, P}}, keyex_info = {Min0, Max0, NBits} }}; {error,_} -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found",[]) ) end; handle_kex_dh_gex_request(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{n = NBits}, Ssh0=#ssh{opts=Opts}) -> %% server %% %% This message was in the draft-00 of rfc4419 %% (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-dh-group-exchange-00) %% In later drafts and the rfc is "is used for backward compatibility". %% Unfortunately the rfc does not specify how to treat the parameter n %% if there is no group of that modulus length :( %% The draft-00 however specifies that n is the "... number of bits %% the subgroup should have at least". %% Further, it says that "Servers and clients SHOULD support groups %% with a modulus length of k bits, where 1024 <= k <= 8192." %% Min0 = NBits, Max0 = 8192, {Min, Max} = adjust_gex_min_max(Min0, Max0, Opts), case public_key:dh_gex_group(Min, NBits, Max, ?GET_OPT(dh_gex_groups,Opts)) of {ok, {_, {G,P}}} -> {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{p = P, g = G}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh#ssh{keyex_key = {x, {G, P}}, keyex_info = {-1, -1, NBits} % flag for kex_hash calc }}; {error,_} -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group found",[]) ) end; handle_kex_dh_gex_request(_, _) -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, "Key exchange failed, bad values in ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request"). adjust_gex_min_max(Min0, Max0, Opts) -> {Min1, Max1} = ?GET_OPT(dh_gex_limits, Opts), Min2 = max(Min0, Min1), Max2 = min(Max0, Max1), if Min2 =< Max2 -> {Min2, Max2}; Max2 < Min2 -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "No possible diffie-hellman-group-exchange group possible") end. handle_kex_dh_gex_group(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{p = P, g = G}, Ssh0) -> %% client Sz = dh_bits(Ssh0#ssh.algorithms), {Public, Private} = generate_key(dh, [P,G,2*Sz]), {SshPacket, Ssh1} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{e = Public}, Ssh0), % Pub = G^Priv mod P (def) {ok, SshPacket, Ssh1#ssh{keyex_key = {{Private, Public}, {G, P}}}}. handle_kex_dh_gex_init(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{e = E}, #ssh{keyex_key = {{Private, Public}, {G, P}}, keyex_info = {Min, Max, NBits}, algorithms = #alg{kex=Kex, hkey=SignAlg}} = Ssh0) -> %% server if 1= K = compute_key(dh, E, Private, [P,G]), if 1 MyPrivHostKey = get_host_key(Ssh0, SignAlg), MyPubHostKey = extract_public_key(MyPrivHostKey), H = kex_hash(Ssh0, MyPubHostKey, sha(Kex), {Min,NBits,Max,P,G,E,Public,K}), H_SIG = sign(H, sha(SignAlg), MyPrivHostKey), {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = {MyPubHostKey,SignAlg}, f = Public, h_sig = H_SIG}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh#ssh{shared_secret = ssh_bits:mpint(K), exchanged_hash = H, session_id = sid(Ssh, H) }}; true -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, "Kexdh init failed, received 'k' out of bounds" ) end; true -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexdh gex init failed, received 'e' out of bounds~n E=~p~n P=~p", [E,P]) ) end. handle_kex_dh_gex_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey, f = F, h_sig = H_SIG}, #ssh{keyex_key = {{Private, Public}, {G, P}}, keyex_info = {Min, Max, NBits}, algorithms = #alg{kex=Kex}} = Ssh0) -> %% client if 1= K = compute_key(dh, F, Private, [P,G]), if 1 H = kex_hash(Ssh0, PeerPubHostKey, sha(Kex), {Min,NBits,Max,P,G,Public,F,K}), case verify_host_key(Ssh0, PeerPubHostKey, H, H_SIG) of ok -> {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, install_alg(snd, Ssh#ssh{shared_secret = ssh_bits:mpint(K), exchanged_hash = H, session_id = sid(Ssh, H)})}; Error -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexdh gex reply failed. Verify host key: ~p",[Error]) ) end; true -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, "Kexdh gex init failed, 'K' out of bounds" ) end; true -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Kexdh gex init failed, received 'f' out of bounds~n F=~p~n P=~p", [F,P]) ) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% diffie-hellman-ecdh-sha2-* %%% handle_kex_ecdh_init(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_init{q_c = PeerPublic}, Ssh0 = #ssh{algorithms = #alg{kex=Kex, hkey=SignAlg}}) -> %% at server Curve = ecdh_curve(Kex), {MyPublic, MyPrivate} = generate_key(ecdh, Curve), try compute_key(ecdh, PeerPublic, MyPrivate, Curve) of K -> MyPrivHostKey = get_host_key(Ssh0, SignAlg), MyPubHostKey = extract_public_key(MyPrivHostKey), H = kex_hash(Ssh0, MyPubHostKey, sha(Curve), {PeerPublic, MyPublic, K}), H_SIG = sign(H, sha(SignAlg), MyPrivHostKey), {SshPacket, Ssh1} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = {MyPubHostKey,SignAlg}, q_s = MyPublic, h_sig = H_SIG}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh1#ssh{keyex_key = {{MyPublic,MyPrivate},Curve}, shared_secret = ssh_bits:mpint(K), exchanged_hash = H, session_id = sid(Ssh1, H)}} catch Class:Error -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("ECDH compute key failed in server: ~p:~p~n" "Kex: ~p, Curve: ~p~n" "PeerPublic: ~p", [Class,Error,Kex,Curve,PeerPublic]) ) end. handle_kex_ecdh_reply(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = PeerPubHostKey, q_s = PeerPublic, h_sig = H_SIG}, #ssh{keyex_key = {{MyPublic,MyPrivate}, Curve} } = Ssh0 ) -> %% at client try compute_key(ecdh, PeerPublic, MyPrivate, Curve) of K -> H = kex_hash(Ssh0, PeerPubHostKey, sha(Curve), {MyPublic,PeerPublic,K}), case verify_host_key(Ssh0, PeerPubHostKey, H, H_SIG) of ok -> {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, install_alg(snd, Ssh#ssh{shared_secret = ssh_bits:mpint(K), exchanged_hash = H, session_id = sid(Ssh, H)})}; Error -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("ECDH reply failed. Verify host key: ~p",[Error]) ) end catch Class:Error -> ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED, io_lib:format("Peer ECDH public key seem invalid: ~p:~p", [Class,Error]) ) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- handle_new_keys(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}, Ssh0) -> try install_alg(rcv, Ssh0) of #ssh{} = Ssh -> {ok, Ssh} catch Class:Error -> %% TODO: Throw earlier ... ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR, io_lib:format("Install alg failed: ~p:~p", [Class,Error]) ) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- kex_ext_info(Role, Opts) -> case ?GET_OPT(recv_ext_info,Opts) of true when Role==client -> ["ext-info-c"]; true when Role==server -> ["ext-info-s"]; false -> [] end. ext_info_message(#ssh{role=client, send_ext_info=true, opts=Opts} = Ssh0) -> %% Since no extension sent by the client is implemented, we add a fake one %% to be able to test the framework. %% Remove this when there is one and update ssh_protocol_SUITE whare it is used. case proplists:get_value(ext_info_client, ?GET_OPT(tstflg,Opts)) of true -> Msg = #ssh_msg_ext_info{nr_extensions = 1, data = [{"test@erlang.org", "Testing,PleaseIgnore"}] }, {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh}; _ -> {ok, "", Ssh0} end; ext_info_message(#ssh{role=server, send_ext_info=true, opts = Opts} = Ssh0) -> AlgsList = lists:map(fun erlang:atom_to_list/1, proplists:get_value(public_key, ?GET_OPT(preferred_algorithms, Opts))), Msg = #ssh_msg_ext_info{nr_extensions = 1, data = [{"server-sig-algs", string:join(AlgsList,",")}] }, {SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh0), {ok, SshPacket, Ssh}; ext_info_message(Ssh0) -> {ok, "", Ssh0}. % "" means: 'do not send' %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% select session id sid(#ssh{session_id = undefined}, H) -> H; sid(#ssh{session_id = Id}, _) -> Id. %% %% The host key should be read from storage %% get_host_key(SSH, SignAlg) -> #ssh{key_cb = {KeyCb,KeyCbOpts}, opts = Opts} = SSH, UserOpts = ?GET_OPT(user_options, Opts), case KeyCb:host_key(SignAlg, [{key_cb_private,KeyCbOpts}|UserOpts]) of {ok, PrivHostKey} -> %% Check the key - the KeyCb may be a buggy plugin case valid_key_sha_alg(PrivHostKey, SignAlg) of true -> PrivHostKey; false -> exit({error, bad_hostkey}) end; Result -> exit({error, {Result, unsupported_key_type}}) end. extract_public_key(#'RSAPrivateKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E}) -> #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E}; extract_public_key(#'DSAPrivateKey'{y = Y, p = P, q = Q, g = G}) -> {Y, #'Dss-Parms'{p=P, q=Q, g=G}}; extract_public_key(#'ECPrivateKey'{parameters = {namedCurve,OID}, publicKey = Q}) -> {#'ECPoint'{point=Q}, {namedCurve,OID}}; extract_public_key(#{engine:=_, key_id:=_, algorithm:=Alg} = M) -> case {Alg, crypto:privkey_to_pubkey(Alg, M)} of {rsa, [E,N]} -> #'RSAPublicKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E}; {dss, [P,Q,G,Y]} -> {Y, #'Dss-Parms'{p=P, q=Q, g=G}} end. verify_host_key(#ssh{algorithms=Alg}=SSH, PublicKey, Digest, {AlgStr,Signature}) -> case atom_to_list(Alg#alg.hkey) of AlgStr -> case verify(Digest, sha(Alg#alg.hkey), Signature, PublicKey, SSH) of false -> {error, bad_signature}; true -> known_host_key(SSH, PublicKey, public_algo(PublicKey)) end; _ -> {error, bad_signature_name} end. %%% -> boolean() | {error,_} accepted_host(Ssh, PeerName, Public, Opts) -> case ?GET_OPT(silently_accept_hosts, Opts) of %% Original option values; User question and no host key fingerprints known. %% Keep the original question unchanged: false -> yes == yes_no(Ssh, "New host " ++ PeerName ++ " accept"); true -> true; %% Variant: User question but with host key fingerprint in the question: {false,Alg} -> HostKeyAlg = (Ssh#ssh.algorithms)#alg.hkey, Prompt = io_lib:format("The authenticity of the host can't be established.~n" "~s host key fingerprint is ~s.~n" "New host ~p accept", [fmt_hostkey(HostKeyAlg), public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(Alg,Public), PeerName]), yes == yes_no(Ssh, Prompt); %% Call-back alternatives: A user provided fun is called for the decision: F when is_function(F,2) -> case catch F(PeerName, public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(Public)) of true -> true; _ -> {error, fingerprint_check_failed} end; {DigestAlg,F} when is_function(F,2) -> case catch F(PeerName, public_key:ssh_hostkey_fingerprint(DigestAlg,Public)) of true -> true; _ -> {error, {fingerprint_check_failed,DigestAlg}} end end. yes_no(Ssh, Prompt) -> (Ssh#ssh.io_cb):yes_no(Prompt, Ssh#ssh.opts). fmt_hostkey('ssh-rsa') -> "RSA"; fmt_hostkey('ssh-dss') -> "DSA"; fmt_hostkey(A) when is_atom(A) -> fmt_hostkey(atom_to_list(A)); fmt_hostkey("ecdsa"++_) -> "ECDSA"; fmt_hostkey(X) -> X. known_host_key(#ssh{opts = Opts, key_cb = {KeyCb,KeyCbOpts}, peer = {PeerName,_}} = Ssh, Public, Alg) -> UserOpts = ?GET_OPT(user_options, Opts), case is_host_key(KeyCb, Public, PeerName, Alg, [{key_cb_private,KeyCbOpts}|UserOpts]) of {_,true} -> ok; {_,false} -> DoAdd = ?GET_OPT(save_accepted_host, Opts), case accepted_host(Ssh, PeerName, Public, Opts) of true when DoAdd == true -> {_,R} = add_host_key(KeyCb, PeerName, Public, [{key_cb_private,KeyCbOpts}|UserOpts]), R; true when DoAdd == false -> ok; false -> {error, rejected_by_user}; {error,E} -> {error,E} end end. is_host_key(KeyCb, Public, PeerName, Alg, Data) -> {KeyCb, KeyCb:is_host_key(Public, PeerName, Alg, Data)}. add_host_key(KeyCb, PeerName, Public, Data) -> {KeyCb, KeyCb:add_host_key(PeerName, Public, Data)}. %% Each of the algorithm strings MUST be a comma-separated list of %% algorithm names (see ''Algorithm Naming'' in [SSH-ARCH]). Each %% supported (allowed) algorithm MUST be listed in order of preference. %% %% The first algorithm in each list MUST be the preferred (guessed) %% algorithm. Each string MUST contain at least one algorithm name. select_algorithm(Role, Client, Server, Opts) -> {Encrypt0, Decrypt0} = select_encrypt_decrypt(Role, Client, Server), {SendMac0, RecvMac0} = select_send_recv_mac(Role, Client, Server), {Encrypt, SendMac} = aead_gcm_simultan(Encrypt0, SendMac0), {Decrypt, RecvMac} = aead_gcm_simultan(Decrypt0, RecvMac0), {Compression, Decompression} = select_compression_decompression(Role, Client, Server), C_Lng = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.languages_client_to_server, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.languages_client_to_server), S_Lng = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.languages_server_to_client, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.languages_server_to_client), HKey = select_all(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.server_host_key_algorithms, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.server_host_key_algorithms), HK = case HKey of [] -> undefined; [HK0|_] -> HK0 end, %% Fixme verify Kex against HKey list and algorithms Kex = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.kex_algorithms, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.kex_algorithms), SendExtInfo = %% To send we must have that option enabled and ... ?GET_OPT(send_ext_info,Opts) andalso %% ... the peer must have told us to send: case Role of server -> lists:member("ext-info-c", Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.kex_algorithms); client -> lists:member("ext-info-s", Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.kex_algorithms) end, RecvExtInfo = %% The peer should not send unless told so by us (which is %% guided by an option). %% (However a malicious peer could send anyway, so we must be prepared) ?GET_OPT(recv_ext_info,Opts), {ok, #alg{kex = Kex, hkey = HK, encrypt = Encrypt, decrypt = Decrypt, send_mac = SendMac, recv_mac = RecvMac, compress = Compression, decompress = Decompression, c_lng = C_Lng, s_lng = S_Lng, send_ext_info = SendExtInfo, recv_ext_info = RecvExtInfo }}. %%% It is an agreed problem with RFC 5674 that if the selection is %%% Cipher = AEAD_AES_x_GCM and %%% Mac = AEAD_AES_y_GCM (where x =/= y) %%% then it is undefined what length should be selected. %%% %%% If only one of the two lengths (128,256) is available, I claim that %%% there is no such ambiguity. %%% From https://anongit.mindrot.org/openssh.git/plain/PROTOCOL %%% (read Nov 20, 2015) %%% 1.6 transport: AES-GCM %%% %%% OpenSSH supports the AES-GCM algorithm as specified in RFC 5647. %%% Because of problems with the specification of the key exchange %%% the behaviour of OpenSSH differs from the RFC as follows: %%% %%% AES-GCM is only negotiated as the cipher algorithms %%% "aes128-gcm@openssh.com" or "aes256-gcm@openssh.com" and never as %%% an MAC algorithm. Additionally, if AES-GCM is selected as the cipher %%% the exchanged MAC algorithms are ignored and there doesn't have to be %%% a matching MAC. aead_gcm_simultan('aes128-gcm@openssh.com', _) -> {'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM'}; aead_gcm_simultan('aes256-gcm@openssh.com', _) -> {'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM'}; aead_gcm_simultan('AEAD_AES_128_GCM', _) -> {'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM'}; aead_gcm_simultan('AEAD_AES_256_GCM', _) -> {'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM'}; aead_gcm_simultan(_, 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM') -> {'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM'}; aead_gcm_simultan(_, 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM') -> {'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM'}; aead_gcm_simultan(Cipher, Mac) -> {Cipher,Mac}. select_encrypt_decrypt(client, Client, Server) -> Encrypt = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server), Decrypt = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client), {Encrypt, Decrypt}; select_encrypt_decrypt(server, Client, Server) -> Decrypt = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server), Encrypt = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client), {Encrypt, Decrypt}. select_send_recv_mac(client, Client, Server) -> SendMac = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_client_to_server, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_client_to_server), RecvMac = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_server_to_client, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_server_to_client), {SendMac, RecvMac}; select_send_recv_mac(server, Client, Server) -> RecvMac = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_client_to_server, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_client_to_server), SendMac = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_server_to_client, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.mac_algorithms_server_to_client), {SendMac, RecvMac}. select_compression_decompression(client, Client, Server) -> Compression = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_client_to_server, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_client_to_server), Decompression = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_server_to_client, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_server_to_client), {Compression, Decompression}; select_compression_decompression(server, Client, Server) -> Decompression = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_client_to_server, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_client_to_server), Compression = select(Client#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_server_to_client, Server#ssh_msg_kexinit.compression_algorithms_server_to_client), {Compression, Decompression}. %% DIr = rcv | snd install_alg(Dir, SSH) -> SSH1 = alg_final(Dir, SSH), SSH2 = alg_setup(Dir, SSH1), alg_init(Dir, SSH2). alg_setup(snd, SSH) -> ALG = SSH#ssh.algorithms, SSH#ssh{encrypt = ALG#alg.encrypt, send_mac = ALG#alg.send_mac, send_mac_size = mac_digest_size(ALG#alg.send_mac), compress = ALG#alg.compress, c_lng = ALG#alg.c_lng, s_lng = ALG#alg.s_lng, send_ext_info = ALG#alg.send_ext_info, recv_ext_info = ALG#alg.recv_ext_info }; alg_setup(rcv, SSH) -> ALG = SSH#ssh.algorithms, SSH#ssh{decrypt = ALG#alg.decrypt, recv_mac = ALG#alg.recv_mac, recv_mac_size = mac_digest_size(ALG#alg.recv_mac), decompress = ALG#alg.decompress, c_lng = ALG#alg.c_lng, s_lng = ALG#alg.s_lng, send_ext_info = ALG#alg.send_ext_info, recv_ext_info = ALG#alg.recv_ext_info }. alg_init(snd, SSH0) -> {ok,SSH1} = send_mac_init(SSH0), {ok,SSH2} = encrypt_init(SSH1), {ok,SSH3} = compress_init(SSH2), SSH3; alg_init(rcv, SSH0) -> {ok,SSH1} = recv_mac_init(SSH0), {ok,SSH2} = decrypt_init(SSH1), {ok,SSH3} = decompress_init(SSH2), SSH3. alg_final(snd, SSH0) -> {ok,SSH1} = send_mac_final(SSH0), {ok,SSH2} = encrypt_final(SSH1), {ok,SSH3} = compress_final(SSH2), SSH3; alg_final(rcv, SSH0) -> {ok,SSH1} = recv_mac_final(SSH0), {ok,SSH2} = decrypt_final(SSH1), {ok,SSH3} = decompress_final(SSH2), SSH3. select_all(CL, SL) when length(CL) + length(SL) < ?MAX_NUM_ALGORITHMS -> A = CL -- SL, %% algortihms only used by client %% algorithms used by client and server (client pref) lists:map(fun(ALG) -> list_to_atom(ALG) end, (CL -- A)); select_all(CL, SL) -> Error = lists:concat(["Received too many algorithms (",length(CL),"+",length(SL)," >= ",?MAX_NUM_ALGORITHMS,")."]), ?DISCONNECT(?SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR, Error). select([], []) -> none; select(CL, SL) -> C = case select_all(CL,SL) of [] -> undefined; [ALG|_] -> ALG end, C. ssh_packet(#ssh_msg_kexinit{} = Msg, Ssh0) -> BinMsg = ssh_message:encode(Msg), Ssh = key_init(Ssh0#ssh.role, Ssh0, BinMsg), pack(BinMsg, Ssh); ssh_packet(Msg, Ssh) -> BinMsg = ssh_message:encode(Msg), pack(BinMsg, Ssh). pack(Data, Ssh=#ssh{}) -> pack(Data, Ssh, 0). %%% Note: pack/3 is only to be called from tests that wants %%% to deliberetly send packets with wrong PacketLength! %%% Use pack/2 for all other purposes! pack(PlainText, #ssh{send_sequence = SeqNum, send_mac = MacAlg, send_mac_key = MacKey, encrypt = CryptoAlg} = Ssh0, PacketLenDeviationForTests) when is_binary(PlainText) -> {Ssh1, CompressedPlainText} = compress(Ssh0, PlainText), {EcryptedPacket, MAC, Ssh3} = case pkt_type(CryptoAlg) of common -> PaddingLen = padding_length(4+1+size(CompressedPlainText), Ssh0), Padding = ssh_bits:random(PaddingLen), PlainPacketLen = 1 + PaddingLen + size(CompressedPlainText) + PacketLenDeviationForTests, PlainPacketData = <>, {Ssh2, EcryptedPacket0} = encrypt(Ssh1, PlainPacketData), MAC0 = mac(MacAlg, MacKey, SeqNum, PlainPacketData), {EcryptedPacket0, MAC0, Ssh2}; aead -> PaddingLen = padding_length(1+size(CompressedPlainText), Ssh0), Padding = ssh_bits:random(PaddingLen), PlainPacketLen = 1 + PaddingLen + size(CompressedPlainText) + PacketLenDeviationForTests, PlainPacketData = <>, {Ssh2, {EcryptedPacket0,MAC0}} = encrypt(Ssh1, {<>,PlainPacketData}), {<>, MAC0, Ssh2} end, FinalPacket = [EcryptedPacket, MAC], Ssh = Ssh3#ssh{send_sequence = (SeqNum+1) band 16#ffffffff}, {FinalPacket, Ssh}. padding_length(Size, #ssh{encrypt_block_size = BlockSize, random_length_padding = RandomLengthPadding}) -> PL = (BlockSize - (Size rem BlockSize)) rem BlockSize, MinPaddingLen = if PL < 4 -> PL + BlockSize; true -> PL end, PadBlockSize = max(BlockSize,4), MaxExtraBlocks = (max(RandomLengthPadding,MinPaddingLen) - MinPaddingLen) div PadBlockSize, ExtraPaddingLen = try (rand:uniform(MaxExtraBlocks+1) - 1) * PadBlockSize catch _:_ -> 0 end, MinPaddingLen + ExtraPaddingLen. handle_packet_part(<<>>, Encrypted0, undefined, #ssh{decrypt = CryptoAlg} = Ssh0) -> %% New ssh packet case get_length(pkt_type(CryptoAlg), Encrypted0, Ssh0) of get_more -> %% too short to get the length {get_more, <<>>, Encrypted0, undefined, Ssh0}; {ok, PacketLen, _, _, _} when PacketLen > ?SSH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE -> %% far too long message than expected {error, {exceeds_max_size,PacketLen}}; {ok, PacketLen, Decrypted, Encrypted1, #ssh{recv_mac_size = MacSize} = Ssh1} -> %% enough bytes so we got the length and can calculate how many %% more bytes to expect for a full packet TotalNeeded = (4 + PacketLen + MacSize), handle_packet_part(Decrypted, Encrypted1, TotalNeeded, Ssh1) end; handle_packet_part(DecryptedPfx, EncryptedBuffer, TotalNeeded, Ssh0) when (size(DecryptedPfx)+size(EncryptedBuffer)) < TotalNeeded -> %% need more bytes to finalize the packet {get_more, DecryptedPfx, EncryptedBuffer, TotalNeeded, Ssh0}; handle_packet_part(DecryptedPfx, EncryptedBuffer, TotalNeeded, #ssh{recv_mac_size = MacSize, decrypt = CryptoAlg} = Ssh0) -> %% enough bytes to decode the packet. DecryptLen = TotalNeeded - size(DecryptedPfx) - MacSize, <> = EncryptedBuffer, case pkt_type(CryptoAlg) of common -> {Ssh1, DecryptedSfx} = decrypt(Ssh0, EncryptedSfx), DecryptedPacket = <>, case is_valid_mac(Mac, DecryptedPacket, Ssh1) of false -> {bad_mac, Ssh1}; true -> {Ssh, DecompressedPayload} = decompress(Ssh1, payload(DecryptedPacket)), {packet_decrypted, DecompressedPayload, NextPacketBytes, Ssh} end; aead -> PacketLenBin = DecryptedPfx, case decrypt(Ssh0, {PacketLenBin,EncryptedSfx,Mac}) of {Ssh1, error} -> {bad_mac, Ssh1}; {Ssh1, DecryptedSfx} -> DecryptedPacket = <>, {Ssh, DecompressedPayload} = decompress(Ssh1, payload(DecryptedPacket)), {packet_decrypted, DecompressedPayload, NextPacketBytes, Ssh} end end. get_length(common, EncryptedBuffer, #ssh{decrypt_block_size = BlockSize} = Ssh0) -> case size(EncryptedBuffer) >= erlang:max(8, BlockSize) of true -> <> = EncryptedBuffer, {Ssh, <> = Decrypted} = decrypt(Ssh0, EncBlock), {ok, PacketLen, Decrypted, EncryptedRest, Ssh}; false -> get_more end; get_length(aead, EncryptedBuffer, Ssh) -> case size(EncryptedBuffer) >= 4 of true -> <> = EncryptedBuffer, {ok, PacketLen, <>, EncryptedRest, Ssh}; false -> get_more end. pkt_type('AEAD_AES_128_GCM') -> aead; pkt_type('AEAD_AES_256_GCM') -> aead; pkt_type(_) -> common. payload(<>) -> PayloadLen = PacketLen - PaddingLen - 1, <> = PayloadAndPadding, Payload. sign(SigData, HashAlg, #{algorithm:=dss} = Key) -> mk_dss_sig(crypto:sign(dss, HashAlg, SigData, Key)); sign(SigData, HashAlg, #{algorithm:=SigAlg} = Key) -> crypto:sign(SigAlg, HashAlg, SigData, Key); sign(SigData, HashAlg, #'DSAPrivateKey'{} = Key) -> mk_dss_sig(public_key:sign(SigData, HashAlg, Key)); sign(SigData, HashAlg, Key = #'ECPrivateKey'{}) -> DerEncodedSign = public_key:sign(SigData, HashAlg, Key), #'ECDSA-Sig-Value'{r=R, s=S} = public_key:der_decode('ECDSA-Sig-Value', DerEncodedSign), <>; sign(SigData, HashAlg, Key) -> public_key:sign(SigData, HashAlg, Key). mk_dss_sig(DerSignature) -> #'Dss-Sig-Value'{r = R, s = S} = public_key:der_decode('Dss-Sig-Value', DerSignature), <>. verify(PlainText, HashAlg, Sig, {_, #'Dss-Parms'{}} = Key, _) -> case Sig of <> -> Signature = public_key:der_encode('Dss-Sig-Value', #'Dss-Sig-Value'{r = R, s = S}), public_key:verify(PlainText, HashAlg, Signature, Key); _ -> false end; verify(PlainText, HashAlg, Sig, {#'ECPoint'{},_} = Key, _) -> case Sig of <> -> Sval = #'ECDSA-Sig-Value'{r=R, s=S}, DerEncodedSig = public_key:der_encode('ECDSA-Sig-Value',Sval), public_key:verify(PlainText, HashAlg, DerEncodedSig, Key); _ -> false end; verify(PlainText, HashAlg, Sig, #'RSAPublicKey'{}=Key, #ssh{role = server, c_version = "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7."++_}) when HashAlg == sha256; HashAlg == sha512 -> %% Public key signing bug in in OpenSSH >= 7.2 public_key:verify(PlainText, HashAlg, Sig, Key) orelse public_key:verify(PlainText, sha, Sig, Key); verify(PlainText, HashAlg, Sig, Key, _) -> public_key:verify(PlainText, HashAlg, Sig, Key). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Encryption %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Unit: bytes -record(cipher_data, { key_bytes, iv_bytes, block_bytes }). %%% Start of a more parameterized crypto handling. cipher('AEAD_AES_128_GCM') -> #cipher_data{key_bytes = 16, iv_bytes = 12, block_bytes = 16}; cipher('AEAD_AES_256_GCM') -> #cipher_data{key_bytes = 32, iv_bytes = 12, block_bytes = 16}; cipher('3des-cbc') -> #cipher_data{key_bytes = 24, iv_bytes = 8, block_bytes = 8}; cipher('aes128-cbc') -> #cipher_data{key_bytes = 16, iv_bytes = 16, block_bytes = 16}; cipher('aes128-ctr') -> #cipher_data{key_bytes = 16, iv_bytes = 16, block_bytes = 16}; cipher('aes192-ctr') -> #cipher_data{key_bytes = 24, iv_bytes = 16, block_bytes = 16}; cipher('aes256-ctr') -> #cipher_data{key_bytes = 32, iv_bytes = 16, block_bytes = 16}. encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = none} = Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 128), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 128), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 256), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 256), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = '3des-cbc', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 64), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 192), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = {K1,K2,K3}, encrypt_block_size = 8, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = '3des-cbc', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 64), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 192), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = {K1,K2,K3}, encrypt_block_size = 8, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes128-cbc', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 128), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes128-cbc', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 128), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = IV}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes128-ctr', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 128), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = State}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes192-ctr', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 192), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = State}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes256-ctr', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 256), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = State}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes128-ctr', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 128), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = State}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes192-ctr', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 192), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = State}}; encrypt_init(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes256-ctr', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 256), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_block_size = 16, encrypt_ctx = State}}. encrypt_final(Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh#ssh{encrypt = none, encrypt_keys = undefined, encrypt_block_size = 8, encrypt_ctx = undefined }}. encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = none} = Ssh, Data) -> {Ssh, Data}; encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data={_AAD,_Ptext}) -> Enc = {_Ctext,_Ctag} = crypto:block_encrypt(aes_gcm, K, IV0, Data), IV = next_gcm_iv(IV0), {Ssh#ssh{encrypt_ctx = IV}, Enc}; encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data={_AAD,_Ptext}) -> Enc = {_Ctext,_Ctag} = crypto:block_encrypt(aes_gcm, K, IV0, Data), IV = next_gcm_iv(IV0), {Ssh#ssh{encrypt_ctx = IV}, Enc}; encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = '3des-cbc', encrypt_keys = {K1,K2,K3}, encrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data) -> Enc = crypto:block_encrypt(des3_cbc, [K1,K2,K3], IV0, Data), IV = crypto:next_iv(des3_cbc, Enc), {Ssh#ssh{encrypt_ctx = IV}, Enc}; encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes128-cbc', encrypt_keys = K, encrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data) -> Enc = crypto:block_encrypt(aes_cbc128, K,IV0,Data), IV = crypto:next_iv(aes_cbc, Enc), {Ssh#ssh{encrypt_ctx = IV}, Enc}; encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes128-ctr', encrypt_ctx = State0} = Ssh, Data) -> {State, Enc} = crypto:stream_encrypt(State0,Data), {Ssh#ssh{encrypt_ctx = State}, Enc}; encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes192-ctr', encrypt_ctx = State0} = Ssh, Data) -> {State, Enc} = crypto:stream_encrypt(State0,Data), {Ssh#ssh{encrypt_ctx = State}, Enc}; encrypt(#ssh{encrypt = 'aes256-ctr', encrypt_ctx = State0} = Ssh, Data) -> {State, Enc} = crypto:stream_encrypt(State0,Data), {Ssh#ssh{encrypt_ctx = State}, Enc}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Decryption %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = none} = Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 128), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = IV}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 128), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = IV}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 256), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = IV}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 12*8), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 256), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = IV}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = '3des-cbc', role = client} = Ssh) -> {IV, KD} = {hash(Ssh, "B", 64), hash(Ssh, "D", 192)}, <> = KD, {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = {K1,K2,K3}, decrypt_ctx = IV, decrypt_block_size = 8}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = '3des-cbc', role = server} = Ssh) -> {IV, KD} = {hash(Ssh, "A", 64), hash(Ssh, "C", 192)}, <> = KD, {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = {K1, K2, K3}, decrypt_ctx = IV, decrypt_block_size = 8}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes128-cbc', role = client} = Ssh) -> {IV, KD} = {hash(Ssh, "B", 128), hash(Ssh, "D", 128)}, <> = KD, {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_ctx = IV, decrypt_block_size = 16}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes128-cbc', role = server} = Ssh) -> {IV, KD} = {hash(Ssh, "A", 128), hash(Ssh, "C", 128)}, <> = KD, {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_ctx = IV, decrypt_block_size = 16}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes128-ctr', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 128), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = State}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes192-ctr', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 192), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = State}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes256-ctr', role = client} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "B", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "D", 256), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = State}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes128-ctr', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 128), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = State}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes192-ctr', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 192), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = State}}; decrypt_init(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes256-ctr', role = server} = Ssh) -> IV = hash(Ssh, "A", 128), <> = hash(Ssh, "C", 256), State = crypto:stream_init(aes_ctr, K, IV), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_block_size = 16, decrypt_ctx = State}}. decrypt_final(Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh#ssh {decrypt = none, decrypt_keys = undefined, decrypt_ctx = undefined, decrypt_block_size = 8}}. decrypt(Ssh, <<>>) -> {Ssh, <<>>}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = none} = Ssh, Data) -> {Ssh, Data}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM', decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data = {_AAD,_Ctext,_Ctag}) -> Dec = crypto:block_decrypt(aes_gcm, K, IV0, Data), % Dec = PlainText | error IV = next_gcm_iv(IV0), {Ssh#ssh{decrypt_ctx = IV}, Dec}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM', decrypt_keys = K, decrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data = {_AAD,_Ctext,_Ctag}) -> Dec = crypto:block_decrypt(aes_gcm, K, IV0, Data), % Dec = PlainText | error IV = next_gcm_iv(IV0), {Ssh#ssh{decrypt_ctx = IV}, Dec}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = '3des-cbc', decrypt_keys = Keys, decrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data) -> {K1, K2, K3} = Keys, Dec = crypto:block_decrypt(des3_cbc, [K1,K2,K3], IV0, Data), IV = crypto:next_iv(des3_cbc, Data), {Ssh#ssh{decrypt_ctx = IV}, Dec}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes128-cbc', decrypt_keys = Key, decrypt_ctx = IV0} = Ssh, Data) -> Dec = crypto:block_decrypt(aes_cbc128, Key,IV0,Data), IV = crypto:next_iv(aes_cbc, Data), {Ssh#ssh{decrypt_ctx = IV}, Dec}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes128-ctr', decrypt_ctx = State0} = Ssh, Data) -> {State, Enc} = crypto:stream_decrypt(State0,Data), {Ssh#ssh{decrypt_ctx = State}, Enc}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes192-ctr', decrypt_ctx = State0} = Ssh, Data) -> {State, Enc} = crypto:stream_decrypt(State0,Data), {Ssh#ssh{decrypt_ctx = State}, Enc}; decrypt(#ssh{decrypt = 'aes256-ctr', decrypt_ctx = State0} = Ssh, Data) -> {State, Enc} = crypto:stream_decrypt(State0,Data), {Ssh#ssh{decrypt_ctx = State}, Enc}. next_gcm_iv(<>) -> <>. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Compression %% %% none REQUIRED no compression %% zlib OPTIONAL ZLIB (LZ77) compression %% openssh_zlib OPTIONAL ZLIB (LZ77) compression %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% compress_init(SSH) -> compress_init(SSH, 1). compress_init(#ssh{compress = none} = Ssh, _) -> {ok, Ssh}; compress_init(#ssh{compress = zlib} = Ssh, Level) -> Zlib = zlib:open(), ok = zlib:deflateInit(Zlib, Level), {ok, Ssh#ssh{compress_ctx = Zlib}}; compress_init(#ssh{compress = 'zlib@openssh.com'} = Ssh, Level) -> Zlib = zlib:open(), ok = zlib:deflateInit(Zlib, Level), {ok, Ssh#ssh{compress_ctx = Zlib}}. compress_final(#ssh{compress = none} = Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh}; compress_final(#ssh{compress = zlib, compress_ctx = Context} = Ssh) -> zlib:close(Context), {ok, Ssh#ssh{compress = none, compress_ctx = undefined}}; compress_final(#ssh{compress = 'zlib@openssh.com', authenticated = false} = Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh}; compress_final(#ssh{compress = 'zlib@openssh.com', compress_ctx = Context, authenticated = true} = Ssh) -> zlib:close(Context), {ok, Ssh#ssh{compress = none, compress_ctx = undefined}}. compress(#ssh{compress = none} = Ssh, Data) -> {Ssh, Data}; compress(#ssh{compress = zlib, compress_ctx = Context} = Ssh, Data) -> Compressed = zlib:deflate(Context, Data, sync), {Ssh, list_to_binary(Compressed)}; compress(#ssh{compress = 'zlib@openssh.com', authenticated = false} = Ssh, Data) -> {Ssh, Data}; compress(#ssh{compress = 'zlib@openssh.com', compress_ctx = Context, authenticated = true} = Ssh, Data) -> Compressed = zlib:deflate(Context, Data, sync), {Ssh, list_to_binary(Compressed)}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Decompression %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% decompress_init(#ssh{decompress = none} = Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh}; decompress_init(#ssh{decompress = zlib} = Ssh) -> Zlib = zlib:open(), ok = zlib:inflateInit(Zlib), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decompress_ctx = Zlib}}; decompress_init(#ssh{decompress = 'zlib@openssh.com'} = Ssh) -> Zlib = zlib:open(), ok = zlib:inflateInit(Zlib), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decompress_ctx = Zlib}}. decompress_final(#ssh{decompress = none} = Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh}; decompress_final(#ssh{decompress = zlib, decompress_ctx = Context} = Ssh) -> zlib:close(Context), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decompress = none, decompress_ctx = undefined}}; decompress_final(#ssh{decompress = 'zlib@openssh.com', authenticated = false} = Ssh) -> {ok, Ssh}; decompress_final(#ssh{decompress = 'zlib@openssh.com', decompress_ctx = Context, authenticated = true} = Ssh) -> zlib:close(Context), {ok, Ssh#ssh{decompress = none, decompress_ctx = undefined}}. decompress(#ssh{decompress = none} = Ssh, Data) -> {Ssh, Data}; decompress(#ssh{decompress = zlib, decompress_ctx = Context} = Ssh, Data) -> Decompressed = zlib:inflate(Context, Data), {Ssh, list_to_binary(Decompressed)}; decompress(#ssh{decompress = 'zlib@openssh.com', authenticated = false} = Ssh, Data) -> {Ssh, Data}; decompress(#ssh{decompress = 'zlib@openssh.com', decompress_ctx = Context, authenticated = true} = Ssh, Data) -> Decompressed = zlib:inflate(Context, Data), {Ssh, list_to_binary(Decompressed)}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% MAC calculation %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% send_mac_init(SSH) -> case pkt_type(SSH#ssh.send_mac) of common -> case SSH#ssh.role of client -> KeySize = 8*mac_key_bytes(SSH#ssh.send_mac), Key = hash(SSH, "E", KeySize), {ok, SSH#ssh { send_mac_key = Key }}; server -> KeySize = 8*mac_key_bytes(SSH#ssh.send_mac), Key = hash(SSH, "F", KeySize), {ok, SSH#ssh { send_mac_key = Key }} end; aead -> %% Not applicable {ok, SSH} end. send_mac_final(SSH) -> {ok, SSH#ssh {send_mac = none, send_mac_key = undefined }}. recv_mac_init(SSH) -> case pkt_type(SSH#ssh.recv_mac) of common -> case SSH#ssh.role of client -> Key = hash(SSH, "F", 8*mac_key_bytes(SSH#ssh.recv_mac)), {ok, SSH#ssh { recv_mac_key = Key }}; server -> Key = hash(SSH, "E", 8*mac_key_bytes(SSH#ssh.recv_mac)), {ok, SSH#ssh { recv_mac_key = Key }} end; aead -> %% Not applicable {ok, SSH} end. recv_mac_final(SSH) -> {ok, SSH#ssh { recv_mac = none, recv_mac_key = undefined }}. mac(none, _ , _, _) -> <<>>; mac('hmac-sha1', Key, SeqNum, Data) -> crypto:hmac(sha, Key, [<>, Data]); mac('hmac-sha1-96', Key, SeqNum, Data) -> crypto:hmac(sha, Key, [<>, Data], mac_digest_size('hmac-sha1-96')); mac('hmac-md5', Key, SeqNum, Data) -> crypto:hmac(md5, Key, [<>, Data]); mac('hmac-md5-96', Key, SeqNum, Data) -> crypto:hmac(md5, Key, [<>, Data], mac_digest_size('hmac-md5-96')); mac('hmac-sha2-256', Key, SeqNum, Data) -> crypto:hmac(sha256, Key, [<>, Data]); mac('hmac-sha2-512', Key, SeqNum, Data) -> crypto:hmac(sha512, Key, [<>, Data]). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% return N hash bytes (HASH) hash(_SSH, _Char, 0) -> <<>>; hash(SSH, Char, N) -> HashAlg = sha(SSH#ssh.algorithms#alg.kex), K = SSH#ssh.shared_secret, H = SSH#ssh.exchanged_hash, K1 = crypto:hash(HashAlg, [K, H, Char, SSH#ssh.session_id]), Sz = N div 8, <> = hash(K, H, K1, N-128, HashAlg), Key. hash(_K, _H, Ki, N, _HashAlg) when N =< 0 -> Ki; hash(K, H, Ki, N, HashAlg) -> Kj = crypto:hash(HashAlg, [K, H, Ki]), hash(K, H, <>, N-128, HashAlg). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- kex_hash(SSH, Key, HashAlg, Args) -> crypto:hash(HashAlg, kex_plaintext(SSH,Key,Args)). kex_plaintext(SSH, Key, Args) -> EncodedKey = public_key:ssh_encode(Key, ssh2_pubkey), <>. kex_alg_dependent({Q_c, Q_s, K}) when is_binary(Q_c), is_binary(Q_s) -> %% ecdh <>; kex_alg_dependent({E, F, K}) -> %% diffie-hellman <>; kex_alg_dependent({-1, NBits, -1, Prime, Gen, E, F, K}) -> %% ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old <>; kex_alg_dependent({Min, NBits, Max, Prime, Gen, E, F, K}) -> %% diffie-hellman group exchange <>. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- valid_key_sha_alg(#{engine:=_, key_id:=_}, _Alg) -> true; % Engine key valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPublicKey'{}, 'rsa-sha2-512') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPublicKey'{}, 'rsa-sha2-384') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPublicKey'{}, 'rsa-sha2-256') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPublicKey'{}, 'ssh-rsa' ) -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}, 'rsa-sha2-512') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}, 'rsa-sha2-384') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}, 'rsa-sha2-256') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}, 'ssh-rsa' ) -> true; valid_key_sha_alg({_, #'Dss-Parms'{}}, 'ssh-dss') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg(#'DSAPrivateKey'{}, 'ssh-dss') -> true; valid_key_sha_alg({#'ECPoint'{},{namedCurve,OID}}, Alg) -> valid_key_sha_alg_ec(OID, Alg); valid_key_sha_alg(#'ECPrivateKey'{parameters = {namedCurve,OID}}, Alg) -> valid_key_sha_alg_ec(OID, Alg); valid_key_sha_alg(_, _) -> false. valid_key_sha_alg_ec(OID, Alg) -> Curve = public_key:oid2ssh_curvename(OID), Alg == list_to_atom("ecdsa-sha2-" ++ binary_to_list(Curve)). public_algo(#'RSAPublicKey'{}) -> 'ssh-rsa'; % FIXME: Not right with draft-curdle-rsa-sha2 public_algo({_, #'Dss-Parms'{}}) -> 'ssh-dss'; public_algo({#'ECPoint'{},{namedCurve,OID}}) -> Curve = public_key:oid2ssh_curvename(OID), list_to_atom("ecdsa-sha2-" ++ binary_to_list(Curve)). sha('ssh-rsa') -> sha; sha('rsa-sha2-256') -> sha256; sha('rsa-sha2-384') -> sha384; sha('rsa-sha2-512') -> sha512; sha('ssh-dss') -> sha; sha('ecdsa-sha2-nistp256') -> sha(secp256r1); sha('ecdsa-sha2-nistp384') -> sha(secp384r1); sha('ecdsa-sha2-nistp521') -> sha(secp521r1); sha(secp256r1) -> sha256; sha(secp384r1) -> sha384; sha(secp521r1) -> sha512; sha('diffie-hellman-group1-sha1') -> sha; sha('diffie-hellman-group14-sha1') -> sha; sha('diffie-hellman-group14-sha256') -> sha256; sha('diffie-hellman-group16-sha512') -> sha512; sha('diffie-hellman-group18-sha512') -> sha512; sha('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1') -> sha; sha('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256') -> sha256; sha(?'secp256r1') -> sha(secp256r1); sha(?'secp384r1') -> sha(secp384r1); sha(?'secp521r1') -> sha(secp521r1); sha('ecdh-sha2-nistp256') -> sha(secp256r1); sha('ecdh-sha2-nistp384') -> sha(secp384r1); sha('ecdh-sha2-nistp521') -> sha(secp521r1); sha('curve25519-sha256' ) -> sha256; sha('curve25519-sha256@libssh.org' ) -> sha256; sha('curve448-sha512') -> sha512; sha(x25519) -> sha256; sha(x448) -> sha512; sha(Str) when is_list(Str), length(Str)<50 -> sha(list_to_atom(Str)). mac_key_bytes('hmac-sha1') -> 20; mac_key_bytes('hmac-sha1-96') -> 20; mac_key_bytes('hmac-md5') -> 16; mac_key_bytes('hmac-md5-96') -> 16; mac_key_bytes('hmac-sha2-256')-> 32; mac_key_bytes('hmac-sha2-512')-> 64; mac_key_bytes('AEAD_AES_128_GCM') -> 0; mac_key_bytes('AEAD_AES_256_GCM') -> 0; mac_key_bytes(none) -> 0. mac_digest_size('hmac-sha1') -> 20; mac_digest_size('hmac-sha1-96') -> 12; mac_digest_size('hmac-md5') -> 20; mac_digest_size('hmac-md5-96') -> 12; mac_digest_size('hmac-sha2-256') -> 32; mac_digest_size('hmac-sha2-512') -> 64; mac_digest_size('AEAD_AES_128_GCM') -> 16; mac_digest_size('AEAD_AES_256_GCM') -> 16; mac_digest_size(none) -> 0. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Diffie-Hellman utils %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dh_group('diffie-hellman-group1-sha1') -> ?dh_group1; dh_group('diffie-hellman-group14-sha1') -> ?dh_group14; dh_group('diffie-hellman-group14-sha256') -> ?dh_group14; dh_group('diffie-hellman-group16-sha512') -> ?dh_group16; dh_group('diffie-hellman-group18-sha512') -> ?dh_group18. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- parallell_gen_key(Ssh = #ssh{keyex_key = {x, {G, P}}, algorithms = Algs}) -> Sz = dh_bits(Algs), {Public, Private} = generate_key(dh, [P,G,2*Sz]), Ssh#ssh{keyex_key = {{Private, Public}, {G, P}}}. generate_key(ecdh = Algorithm, Args) -> crypto:generate_key(Algorithm, Args); generate_key(Algorithm, Args) -> {Public,Private} = crypto:generate_key(Algorithm, Args), {crypto:bytes_to_integer(Public), crypto:bytes_to_integer(Private)}. compute_key(Algorithm, OthersPublic, MyPrivate, Args) -> Shared = crypto:compute_key(Algorithm, OthersPublic, MyPrivate, Args), crypto:bytes_to_integer(Shared). dh_bits(#alg{encrypt = Encrypt, send_mac = SendMac}) -> C = cipher(Encrypt), 8 * lists:max([C#cipher_data.key_bytes, C#cipher_data.block_bytes, C#cipher_data.iv_bytes, mac_key_bytes(SendMac) ]). ecdh_curve('ecdh-sha2-nistp256') -> secp256r1; ecdh_curve('ecdh-sha2-nistp384') -> secp384r1; ecdh_curve('ecdh-sha2-nistp521') -> secp521r1; ecdh_curve('curve448-sha512' ) -> x448; ecdh_curve('curve25519-sha256' ) -> x25519; ecdh_curve('curve25519-sha256@libssh.org' ) -> x25519. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Utils for default_algorithms/1 and supported_algorithms/1 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% supported_algorithms(Key, [{client2server,BL1},{server2client,BL2}]) -> [{client2server,As1},{server2client,As2}] = supported_algorithms(Key), [{client2server,As1--BL1},{server2client,As2--BL2}]; supported_algorithms(Key, BlackList) -> supported_algorithms(Key) -- BlackList. select_crypto_supported(L) -> Sup = crypto:supports(), [Name || {Name,CryptoRequires} <- L, crypto_supported(CryptoRequires, Sup)]. crypto_supported(Conditions, Supported) -> lists:all( fun({Tag,CryptoName}) when is_atom(CryptoName) -> crypto_name_supported(Tag,CryptoName,Supported); ({Tag,{Name,Len}}) when is_integer(Len) -> crypto_name_supported(Tag,Name,Supported) andalso len_supported(Name,Len) end, Conditions). crypto_name_supported(Tag, CryptoName, Supported) -> Vs = case proplists:get_value(Tag,Supported,[]) of [] when Tag == curves -> crypto:ec_curves(); L -> L end, lists:member(CryptoName, Vs). len_supported(Name, Len) -> try case Name of aes_ctr -> {_, <<_/binary>>} = %% Test encryption crypto:stream_encrypt(crypto:stream_init(Name, <<0:Len>>, <<0:128>>), <<"">>); aes_gcm -> {<<_/binary>>, <<_/binary>>} = crypto:block_encrypt(Name, _Key = <<0:Len>>, _IV = <<0:12/unsigned-unit:8>>, {<<"AAD">>,"PT"}) end of _ -> true catch _:_ -> false end. same(Algs) -> [{client2server,Algs}, {server2client,Algs}]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Other utils %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% trim_tail(Str) -> lists:takewhile(fun(C) -> C=/=$\r andalso C=/=$\n end, Str). %%%################################################################ %%%# %%%# Tracing %%%# dbg_trace(points, _, _) -> [alg, ssh_messages, raw_messages, hello]; dbg_trace(flags, hello, _) -> [c]; dbg_trace(on, hello, _) -> dbg:tp(?MODULE,hello_version_msg,1,x), dbg:tp(?MODULE,handle_hello_version,1,x); dbg_trace(off, hello, _) -> dbg:ctpg(?MODULE,hello_version_msg,1), dbg:ctpg(?MODULE,handle_hello_version,1); dbg_trace(C, raw_messages, A) -> dbg_trace(C, hello, A); dbg_trace(C, ssh_messages, A) -> dbg_trace(C, hello, A); dbg_trace(flags, alg, _) -> [c]; dbg_trace(on, alg, _) -> dbg:tpl(?MODULE,select_algorithm,4,x); dbg_trace(off, alg, _) -> dbg:ctpl(?MODULE,select_algorithm,4); dbg_trace(format, hello, {return_from,{?MODULE,hello_version_msg,1},Hello}) -> ["Going to send hello message:\n", Hello ]; dbg_trace(format, hello, {call,{?MODULE,handle_hello_version,[Hello]}}) -> ["Received hello message:\n", Hello ]; dbg_trace(format, alg, {return_from,{?MODULE,select_algorithm,4},{ok,Alg}}) -> ["Negotiated algorithms:\n", wr_record(Alg) ]. ?wr_record(alg).