%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(ssh_connection_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("ssh/src/ssh_connect.hrl"). -include("ssh_test_lib.hrl"). -compile(export_all). -define(SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, 22). -define(EXEC_TIMEOUT, 10000). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Common Test interface functions ----------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% suite() -> %% [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. suite() -> [{timetrap,{seconds,40}}]. all() -> [ {group, openssh}, small_interrupted_send, interrupted_send, start_shell, start_shell_exec, start_shell_exec_fun, start_shell_sock_exec_fun, start_shell_sock_daemon_exec, connect_sock_not_tcp, daemon_sock_not_tcp, gracefull_invalid_version, gracefull_invalid_start, gracefull_invalid_long_start, gracefull_invalid_long_start_no_nl, stop_listener, start_subsystem_on_closed_channel, max_channels_option ]. groups() -> [{openssh, [], payload() ++ ptty() ++ sock()}]. payload() -> [simple_exec, simple_exec_sock, small_cat, big_cat, send_after_exit]. ptty() -> [ptty_alloc_default, ptty_alloc, ptty_alloc_pixel]. sock() -> [connect_sock_not_passive, daemon_sock_not_passive ]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_suite(Config) -> ?CHECK_CRYPTO(Config). end_per_suite(Config) -> Config. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_group(openssh, Config) -> case gen_tcp:connect("localhost", 22, []) of {error,econnrefused} -> {skip,"No openssh deamon"}; {ok, Socket} -> gen_tcp:close(Socket), ssh_test_lib:openssh_sanity_check(Config) end; init_per_group(_, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_, Config) -> Config. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) -> %% To make sure we start clean as it is not certain that %% end_per_testcase will be run! end_per_testcase(Config), ssh:start(), Config. end_per_testcase(_Config) -> ssh:stop(). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test Cases -------------------------------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- simple_exec() -> [{doc, "Simple openssh connectivity test for ssh_connection:exec"}]. simple_exec(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), do_simple_exec(ConnectionRef). simple_exec_sock(_Config) -> {ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", ?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{active,false}]), {ok, ConnectionRef} = ssh:connect(Sock, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), do_simple_exec(ConnectionRef). do_simple_exec(ConnectionRef) -> {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "echo testing", infinity), %% receive response to input receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId0, 0, <<"testing\n">>}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, %% receive close messages receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {eof, ChannelId0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {exit_status, ChannelId0, 0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef,{closed, ChannelId0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- connect_sock_not_tcp(_Config) -> {ok,Sock} = gen_udp:open(0, []), {error, not_tcp_socket} = ssh:connect(Sock, []), gen_udp:close(Sock). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- daemon_sock_not_tcp(_Config) -> {ok,Sock} = gen_udp:open(0, []), {error, not_tcp_socket} = ssh:daemon(Sock), gen_udp:close(Sock). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- connect_sock_not_passive(_Config) -> {ok,Sock} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", ?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, []), {error, not_passive_mode} = ssh:connect(Sock, []), gen_tcp:close(Sock). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- daemon_sock_not_passive(_Config) -> {ok,Sock} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", ?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, []), {error, not_passive_mode} = ssh:daemon(Sock), gen_tcp:close(Sock). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- small_cat() -> [{doc, "Use 'cat' to echo small data block back to us."}]. small_cat(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "cat", infinity), Data = <<"I like spaghetti squash">>, ok = ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, Data), ok = ssh_connection:send_eof(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0), %% receive response to input receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId0, 0, Data}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, %% receive close messages receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {eof, ChannelId0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {exit_status, ChannelId0, 0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef,{closed, ChannelId0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- big_cat() -> [{doc,"Use 'cat' to echo large data block back to us."}]. big_cat(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "cat", infinity), %% build 10MB binary Data = << <> || X <- lists:seq(1,2500000)>>, %% pre-adjust receive window so the other end doesn't block ssh_connection:adjust_window(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, size(Data)), ct:log("sending ~p byte binary~n",[size(Data)]), ok = ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, Data, 10000), ok = ssh_connection:send_eof(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0), %% collect echoed data until eof case big_cat_rx(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0) of {ok, Data} -> ok; {ok, Other} -> case size(Data) =:= size(Other) of true -> ct:log("received and sent data are same" "size but do not match~n",[]); false -> ct:log("sent ~p but only received ~p~n", [size(Data), size(Other)]) end, ct:fail(receive_data_mismatch); Else -> ct:fail(Else) end, %% receive close messages (eof already consumed) receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {exit_status, ChannelId0, 0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef,{closed, ChannelId0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- send_after_exit() -> [{doc, "Send channel data after the channel has been closed."}]. send_after_exit(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), Data = <<"I like spaghetti squash">>, %% Shell command "false" will exit immediately success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "false", infinity), receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {eof, ChannelId0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {exit_status, ChannelId0, _ExitStatus}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef,{closed, ChannelId0}} -> ok after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end, case ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, Data, 2000) of {error, closed} -> ok; ok -> ct:fail({expected,{error,closed}, {got, ok}}); {error, timeout} -> ct:fail({expected,{error,closed}, {got, {error, timeout}}}); Else -> ct:fail(Else) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- ptty_alloc_default() -> [{doc, "Test sending PTTY alloc message with only defaults."}]. ptty_alloc_default(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, []), ssh:close(ConnectionRef). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- ptty_alloc() -> [{doc, "Test sending PTTY alloc message with width,height options."}]. ptty_alloc(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, [{term, os:getenv("TERM", ?DEFAULT_TERMINAL)}, {width, 70}, {height, 20}]), ssh:close(ConnectionRef). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- ptty_alloc_pixel() -> [{doc, "Test sending PTTY alloc message pixel options."}]. ptty_alloc_pixel(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user_interaction, false}]), {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:ptty_alloc(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, [{term, os:getenv("TERM", ?DEFAULT_TERMINAL)}, {pixel_widh, 630}, {pixel_hight, 470}]), ssh:close(ConnectionRef). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- small_interrupted_send(Config) -> K = 1024, M = K*K, do_interrupted_send(Config, 10*M, 4*K). interrupted_send(Config) -> M = 1024*1024, do_interrupted_send(Config, 10*M, 4*M). do_interrupted_send(Config, SendSize, EchoSize) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), EchoSS_spec = {ssh_echo_server, [EchoSize,[{dbg,true}]]}, {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {subsystems, [{"echo_n",EchoSS_spec}]}]), ct:log("~p:~p connect", [?MODULE,?LINE]), ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, false}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), ct:log("~p:~p connected", [?MODULE,?LINE]), %% build big binary Data = << <> || X <- lists:seq(1,SendSize div 4)>>, %% expect remote end to send us EchoSize back <> = Data, %% Spawn listener. Otherwise we could get a deadlock due to filled buffers Parent = self(), ResultPid = spawn( fun() -> ct:log("~p:~p open channel",[?MODULE,?LINE]), {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), ct:log("~p:~p start subsystem", [?MODULE,?LINE]), case ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, "echo_n", infinity) of success -> Parent ! {self(), channelId, ChannelId}, Result = try collect_data(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, EchoSize) of ExpectedData -> ct:log("~p:~p got expected data",[?MODULE,?LINE]), ok; Other -> ct:log("~p:~p unexpect: ~p", [?MODULE,?LINE,Other]), {fail,"unexpected result in listener"} catch Class:Exception -> {fail, io_lib:format("Listener exception ~p:~p",[Class,Exception])} end, Parent ! {self(), result, Result}; Other -> Parent ! {self(), channelId, error, Other} end end), receive {ResultPid, channelId, error, Other} -> ct:log("~p:~p channelId error ~p", [?MODULE,?LINE,Other]), ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid), {fail, "ssh_connection:subsystem"}; {ResultPid, channelId, ChannelId} -> ct:log("~p:~p ~p going to send ~p bytes", [?MODULE,?LINE,self(),size(Data)]), SenderPid = spawn(fun() -> Parent ! {self(), ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Data, 30000)} end), receive {ResultPid, result, {fail, Fail}} -> ct:log("~p:~p Listener failed: ~p", [?MODULE,?LINE,Fail]), {fail, Fail}; {ResultPid, result, Result} -> ct:log("~p:~p Got result: ~p", [?MODULE,?LINE,Result]), ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid), ct:log("~p:~p Check sender", [?MODULE,?LINE]), receive {SenderPid, {error, closed}} -> ct:log("~p:~p {error,closed} - That's what we expect :)",[?MODULE,?LINE]), ok; Msg -> ct:log("~p:~p Not expected send result: ~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,Msg]), {fail, "Not expected msg"} end; {SenderPid, {error, closed}} -> ct:log("~p:~p {error,closed} - That's what we expect, but client channel handler has not reported yet",[?MODULE,?LINE]), receive {ResultPid, result, Result} -> ct:log("~p:~p Now got the result: ~p", [?MODULE,?LINE,Result]), ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid), ok; Msg -> ct:log("~p:~p Got an unexpected msg ~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,Msg]), {fail, "Un-expected msg"} end; Msg -> ct:log("~p:~p Got unexpected ~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,Msg]), {fail, "Unexpected msg"} end end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_shell() -> [{doc, "Start a shell"}]. start_shell(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {shell, fun(U, H) -> start_our_shell(U, H) end} ]), ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), ok = ssh_connection:shell(ConnectionRef,ChannelId0), receive {ssh_cm,ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId0, 0, <<"Enter command\r\n">>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("CLI Timeout") end, ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_shell_exec() -> [{doc, "start shell to exec command"}]. start_shell_exec(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {exec, {?MODULE,ssh_exec,[]}} ]), ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "testing", infinity), receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, _ChannelId, 0, <<"testing\r\n">>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("Exec Timeout") end, ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_shell_exec_fun() -> [{doc, "start shell to exec command"}]. start_shell_exec_fun(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {exec, fun ssh_exec/1}]), ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "testing", infinity), receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, _ChannelId, 0, <<"testing\r\n">>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("Exec Timeout") end, ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_shell_sock_exec_fun() -> [{doc, "start shell on tcp-socket to exec command"}]. start_shell_sock_exec_fun(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {exec, fun ssh_exec/1}]), {ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [{active,false}]), {ok,ConnectionRef} = ssh:connect(Sock, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "testing", infinity), receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, _ChannelId, 0, <<"testing\r\n">>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("Exec Timeout") end, ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start_shell_sock_daemon_exec(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {ok,Sl} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{active,false}]), {ok,{_IP,Port}} = inet:sockname(Sl), % _IP is likely to be {0,0,0,0}. Win don't like... spawn_link(fun() -> {ok,Ss} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [{active,false}]), {ok, _Pid} = ssh:daemon(Ss, [{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {exec, fun ssh_exec/1}]) end), {ok,Sc} = gen_tcp:accept(Sl), {ok,ConnectionRef} = ssh:connect(Sc, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "testing", infinity), receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, _ChannelId, 0, <<"testing\r\n">>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("Exec Timeout") end, ssh:close(ConnectionRef). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- gracefull_invalid_version(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {_Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}]), {ok, S} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, []), ok = gen_tcp:send(S, ["SSH-8.-1","\r\n"]), receive Verstring -> ct:log("Server version: ~p~n", [Verstring]), receive {tcp_closed, S} -> ok end after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end. gracefull_invalid_start(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {_Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}]), {ok, S} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, []), ok = gen_tcp:send(S, ["foobar","\r\n"]), receive Verstring -> ct:log("Server version: ~p~n", [Verstring]), receive {tcp_closed, S} -> ok end after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end. gracefull_invalid_long_start(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {_Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}]), {ok, S} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, []), ok = gen_tcp:send(S, [lists:duplicate(257, $a), "\r\n"]), receive Verstring -> ct:log("Server version: ~p~n", [Verstring]), receive {tcp_closed, S} -> ok end after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end. gracefull_invalid_long_start_no_nl(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {_Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}]), {ok, S} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, []), ok = gen_tcp:send(S, [lists:duplicate(257, $a), "\r\n"]), receive Verstring -> ct:log("Server version: ~p~n", [Verstring]), receive {tcp_closed, S} -> ok end after 10000 -> ct:fail("timeout ~p:~p",[?MODULE,?LINE]) end. stop_listener() -> [{doc, "start ssh daemon, setup connections, stop listener, restart listner"}]. stop_listener(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {Pid0, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {exec, fun ssh_exec/1}]), ConnectionRef0 = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef0, infinity), ssh:stop_listener(Host, Port), {error, _} = ssh:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef0, ChannelId0, "testing", infinity), receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef0, {data, ChannelId0, 0, <<"testing\r\n">>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("Exec Timeout") end, {ok, HostAddr} = inet:getaddr(Host, inet), case ssh_test_lib:daemon(HostAddr, Port, [{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "potatis"}, {exec, fun ssh_exec/1}]) of {Pid1, HostAddr, Port} -> ConnectionRef1 = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "potatis"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {error, _} = ssh:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), ssh:close(ConnectionRef0), ssh:close(ConnectionRef1), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid0), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid1); Error -> ct:fail({unexpected, Error}) end. start_subsystem_on_closed_channel(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {subsystems, [{"echo_n", {ssh_echo_server, [4000000]}}]}]), ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, false}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), ok = ssh_connection:close(ConnectionRef, ChannelId), {error, closed} = ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, "echo_n", infinity), ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- max_channels_option() -> [{doc, "Test max_channels option"}]. max_channels_option(Config) when is_list(Config) -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), UserDir = filename:join(PrivDir, nopubkey), % to make sure we don't use public-key-auth file:make_dir(UserDir), SysDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SysDir}, {user_dir, UserDir}, {password, "morot"}, {max_channels, 3}, {subsystems, [{"echo_n", {ssh_echo_server, [4000000]}}]} ]), ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(Host, Port, [{silently_accept_hosts, true}, {user, "foo"}, {password, "morot"}, {user_interaction, true}, {user_dir, UserDir}]), %% Allocate a number of ChannelId:s to play with. (This operation is not %% counted by the max_channel option). {ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), {ok, ChannelId1} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), {ok, ChannelId2} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), {ok, ChannelId3} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), {ok, ChannelId4} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), {ok, ChannelId5} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), {ok, ChannelId6} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), {ok, _ChannelId7} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity), %% Now start to open the channels (this is counted my max_channels) to check that %% it gives a failure at right place %%%---- Channel 1(3): shell ok = ssh_connection:shell(ConnectionRef,ChannelId0), receive {ssh_cm,ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId0, 0, <<"Eshell",_/binary>>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("CLI Timeout") end, %%%---- Channel 2(3): subsystem "echo_n" success = ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId1, "echo_n", infinity), %%%---- Channel 3(3): exec. This closes itself. success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId2, "testing1.\n", infinity), receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId2, 0, <<"testing1",_/binary>>}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:fail("Exec #1 Timeout") end, %%%---- Channel 3(3): subsystem "echo_n" (Note that ChannelId2 should be closed now) ?wait_match(success, ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId3, "echo_n", infinity)), %%%---- Channel 4(3) !: exec This should fail failure = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId4, "testing2.\n", infinity), %%%---- close the shell (Frees one channel) ok = ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0, "exit().\n", 5000), %%%---- wait for the subsystem to terminate receive {ssh_cm,ConnectionRef,{closed,ChannelId0}} -> ok after 5000 -> ct:log("Timeout waiting for '{ssh_cm,~p,{closed,~p}}'~n" "Message queue:~n~p", [ConnectionRef,ChannelId0,erlang:process_info(self(),messages)]), ct:fail("exit Timeout",[]) end, %%---- Try that we can open one channel instead of the closed one ?wait_match(success, ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId5, "echo_n", infinity)), %%---- But not a fourth one... failure = ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId6, "echo_n", infinity), ssh:close(ConnectionRef), ssh:stop_daemon(Pid). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions ------------------------------------------------ %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- big_cat_rx(ConnectionRef, ChannelId) -> big_cat_rx(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, []). big_cat_rx(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Acc) -> receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId, 0, Data}} -> %% ssh_connection:adjust_window(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, size(Data)), %% window was pre-adjusted, don't adjust again here big_cat_rx(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, [Data | Acc]); {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {eof, ChannelId}} -> {ok, iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))} after ?EXEC_TIMEOUT -> timeout end. collect_data(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, EchoSize) -> ct:log("~p:~p Listener ~p running! ConnectionRef=~p, ChannelId=~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,self(),ConnectionRef,ChannelId]), collect_data(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, EchoSize, [], 0). collect_data(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, EchoSize, Acc, Sum) -> TO = 5000, receive {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId, 0, Data}} when is_binary(Data) -> ct:log("~p:~p collect_data: received ~p bytes. total ~p bytes, want ~p more", [?MODULE,?LINE,size(Data),Sum+size(Data),EchoSize-Sum]), ssh_connection:adjust_window(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, size(Data)), collect_data(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, EchoSize, [Data | Acc], Sum+size(Data)); {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {eof, ChannelId}} -> try iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)) of Bin -> ct:log("~p:~p collect_data: received eof.~nGot in total ~p bytes, want ~p more", [?MODULE,?LINE,size(Bin),EchoSize,size(Bin)]), Bin catch C:E -> ct:log("~p:~p collect_data: received eof.~nAcc is strange...~nException=~p:~p~nAcc=~p", [?MODULE,?LINE,C,E,Acc]), {error,{C,E}} end; Msg -> ct:log("~p:~p collect_data: ***** unexpected message *****~n~p",[?MODULE,?LINE,Msg]), collect_data(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, EchoSize, Acc, Sum) after TO -> ct:log("~p:~p collect_data: ----- Nothing received for ~p seconds -----~n",[?MODULE,?LINE,TO]), collect_data(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, EchoSize, Acc, Sum) end. %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %% This is taken from the ssh example code. start_our_shell(_User, _Peer) -> spawn(fun() -> io:format("Enter command\n") %% Don't actually loop, just exit end). ssh_exec(Cmd) -> spawn(fun() -> io:format(Cmd ++ "\n") end).