-module(ssh_test_cli). -export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_ssh_msg/2, handle_msg/2]). -record(state, { type, tmpdir, id, ref, port }). init([Type]) -> init([Type,"/tmp"]); init([Type,TmpDir]) -> {ok, #state{type = Type, tmpdir = TmpDir}}. handle_msg({ssh_channel_up, Id, Ref}, S) -> User = get_ssh_user(Ref), ok = ssh_connection:send(Ref, Id, << "\r\nYou are accessing a dummy, type \"q\" to exit\r\n\n" >>), Port = run_portprog(User, S#state.type, S#state.tmpdir), {ok, S#state{port = Port, id = Id, ref = Ref}}; handle_msg({Port, {data, Data}}, S = #state{port = Port}) -> ok = ssh_connection:send(S#state.ref, S#state.id, Data), {ok, S}; handle_msg({Port, {exit_status, Exit}}, S = #state{port = Port}) -> if S#state.type =:= cli -> ok = ssh_connection:send(S#state.ref, S#state.id, << "\r\n" >>); true -> ok end, ok = ssh_connection:exit_status(S#state.ref, S#state.id, Exit), {stop, S#state.id, S#state{port = undefined}}; handle_msg({'EXIT', Port, _}, S = #state{port = Port}) -> ok = ssh_connection:exit_status(S#state.ref, S#state.id, 0), {stop, S#state.id, S#state{port = undefined}}; handle_msg(_Msg, S) -> {ok, S}. handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, Ref, {data, Id, _Type, <<"q">>}}, S) -> ssh_connection:send_eof(Ref, Id), {stop, Id, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _Ref, {data, _Id, _Type, Data}}, S) -> true = port_command(S#state.port, Data), {ok, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {eof, _}}, S) -> {ok, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, Ref, {env, Id, WantReply, _Var, _Value}}, S) -> ok = ssh_connection:reply_request(Ref, WantReply, success, Id), {ok, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, Ref, {pty, Id, WantReply, _Terminal_jox}}, S) -> ok = ssh_connection:reply_request(Ref, WantReply, success, Id), {ok, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, Ref, {shell, Id, WantReply}}, S) -> ok = ssh_connection:reply_request(Ref, WantReply, success, Id), {ok, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {signal, _, _}}, S) -> %% Ignore signals according to RFC 4254 section 6.9. {ok, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {window_change, _Id, _Width, _Height, _Pixw, _PixH}}, S) -> {ok, S}; handle_ssh_msg({ssh_cm, _, {exit_signal, Id, _, _, _}}, S) -> {stop, Id, S}. terminate(_Why, _S) -> nop. run_portprog(User, cli, TmpDir) -> Pty_bin = os:find_executable("cat"), open_port({spawn_executable, Pty_bin}, [stream, {cd, TmpDir}, {env, [{"USER", User}]}, {args, []}, binary, exit_status, use_stdio, stderr_to_stdout]). get_ssh_user(Ref) -> [{user, User}] = ssh:connection_info(Ref, [user]), User.