%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2015. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(ssh_trpt_test_lib). %%-compile(export_all). -export([exec/1, exec/2, instantiate/2, format_msg/1, server_host_port/1 ] ). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("ssh/src/ssh.hrl"). % ?UINT32, ?BYTE, #ssh{} ... -include_lib("ssh/src/ssh_transport.hrl"). -include_lib("ssh/src/ssh_auth.hrl"). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- -record(s, { socket, listen_socket, opts = [], timeout = 5000, % ms seen_hello = false, enc = <<>>, ssh = #ssh{}, % #ssh{} alg_neg = {undefined,undefined}, % {own_kexinit, peer_kexinit} alg, % #alg{} vars = dict:new(), reply = [], % Some repy msgs are generated hidden in ssh_transport :[ prints = [], return_value }). -define(role(S), ((S#s.ssh)#ssh.role) ). server_host_port(S=#s{}) -> {Host,Port} = ok(inet:sockname(S#s.listen_socket)), {host(Host), Port}. %%% Options: {print_messages, false} true|detail %%% {print_seqnums,false} true %%% {print_ops,false} true exec(L) -> exec(L, #s{}). exec(L, S) when is_list(L) -> lists:foldl(fun exec/2, S, L); exec(Op, S0=#s{}) -> S1 = init_op_traces(Op, S0), try seqnum_trace( op(Op, S1)) of S = #s{} -> case proplists:get_value(silent,S#s.opts) of true -> ok; _ -> print_traces(S) end, {ok,S} catch {fail,Reason,Se} -> report_trace('', Reason, Se), {error,{Op,Reason,Se}}; throw:Term -> report_trace(throw, Term, S1), throw(Term); error:Error -> report_trace(error, Error, S1), error(Error); exit:Exit -> report_trace(exit, Exit, S1), exit(Exit) end; exec(Op, {ok,S=#s{}}) -> exec(Op, S); exec(_, Error) -> Error. %%%---- Server ops op(listen, S) when ?role(S) == undefined -> op({listen,0}, S); op({listen,Port}, S) when ?role(S) == undefined -> S#s{listen_socket = ok(gen_tcp:listen(Port, mangle_opts([]))), ssh = (S#s.ssh)#ssh{role=server} }; op({accept,Opts}, S) when ?role(S) == server -> {ok,Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(S#s.listen_socket, S#s.timeout), {Host,_Port} = ok(inet:sockname(Socket)), S#s{socket = Socket, ssh = init_ssh(server,Socket,[{host,host(Host)}|Opts]), return_value = ok}; %%%---- Client ops op({connect,Host,Port,Opts}, S) when ?role(S) == undefined -> Socket = ok(gen_tcp:connect(host(Host), Port, mangle_opts([]))), S#s{socket = Socket, ssh = init_ssh(client, Socket, [{host,host(Host)}|Opts]), return_value = ok}; %%%---- ops for both client and server op(close_socket, S) -> catch tcp_gen:close(S#s.socket), catch tcp_gen:close(S#s.listen_socket), S#s{socket = undefined, listen_socket = undefined, return_value = ok}; op({set_options,Opts}, S) -> S#s{opts = Opts}; op({send,X}, S) -> send(S, instantiate(X,S)); op(receive_hello, S0) when S0#s.seen_hello =/= true -> case recv(S0) of S1=#s{return_value={hello,_}} -> S1; S1=#s{} -> op(receive_hello, receive_wait(S1)) end; op(receive_msg, S) when S#s.seen_hello == true -> try recv(S) catch {tcp,Exc} -> S1 = opt(print_messages, S, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Recv~n~p~n",[Exc]} end), S1#s{return_value=Exc} end; op({expect,timeout,E}, S0) -> try op(E, S0) of S=#s{} -> fail({expected,timeout,S#s.return_value}, S) catch {receive_timeout,_} -> S0#s{return_value=timeout} end; op({match,M,E}, S0) -> {Val,S2} = op_val(E, S0), case match(M, Val, S2) of {true,S3} -> opt(print_ops,S3, fun(true) -> case dict:fold( fun(K,V,Acc) -> case dict:find(K,S0#s.vars) of error -> [{K,V}|Acc]; _ -> Acc end end, [], S3#s.vars) of [] -> {"Matches! No new bindings.",[]}; New -> Width = lists:max([length(atom_to_list(K)) || {K,_} <- New]), {lists:flatten( ["Matches! New bindings:~n" | [io_lib:format(" ~*s = ~p~n",[Width,K,V]) || {K,V}<-New]]), []} end end); false -> fail({expected,M,Val}, opt(print_ops,S2,fun(true) -> {"nomatch!!~n",[]} end) ) end; op({print,E}, S0) -> {Val,S} = op_val(E, S0), io:format("Result of ~p ~p =~n~s~n",[?role(S0),E,format_msg(Val)]), S; op(print_state, S) -> io:format("State(~p)=~n~s~n",[?role(S), format_msg(S)]), S; op('$$', S) -> %% For matching etc S. op_val(E, S0) -> case catch op(E, S0) of {'EXIT',{function_clause,[{ssh_trpt_test_lib,op,[E,S0],_}|_]}} -> {instantiate(E,S0), S0}; S=#s{} -> {S#s.return_value, S}; F={fail,receive_timeout,_St} -> throw(F) end. fail(Reason, {Fmt,Args}, S) when is_list(Fmt), is_list(Args) -> fail(Reason, save_prints({Fmt,Args}, S)). fail(Reason, S) -> throw({fail, Reason, S}). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% No optimizations :) match('$$', V, S) -> match(S#s.return_value, V, S); match('_', _, S) -> {true, S}; match({'or',[P]}, V, S) -> match(P,V,S); match({'or',[Ph|Pt]}, V, S) -> case match(Ph,V,S) of false -> match({'or',Pt}, V, S); {true,S} -> {true,S} end; match(P, V, S) when is_atom(P) -> case atom_to_list(P) of "$"++_ -> %% Variable case dict:find(P,S#s.vars) of {ok,Val} -> match(Val, V, S); error -> {true,S#s{vars = dict:store(P,V,S#s.vars)}} end; _ when P==V -> {true,S}; _ -> false end; match(P, V, S) when P==V -> {true, S}; match(P, V, S) when is_tuple(P), is_tuple(V) -> match(tuple_to_list(P), tuple_to_list(V), S); match([Hp|Tp], [Hv|Tv], S0) -> case match(Hp, Hv, S0) of {true,S} -> match(Tp, Tv, S); false -> false end; match(_, _, _) -> false. instantiate('$$', S) -> S#s.return_value; % FIXME: What if $$ or $... in return_value? instantiate(A, S) when is_atom(A) -> case atom_to_list(A) of "$"++_ -> %% Variable case dict:find(A,S#s.vars) of {ok,Val} -> Val; % FIXME: What if $$ or $... in Val? error -> throw({unbound,A}) end; _ -> A end; instantiate(T, S) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple( instantiate(tuple_to_list(T),S) ); instantiate([H|T], S) -> [instantiate(H,S) | instantiate(T,S)]; instantiate(X, _S) -> X. %%%================================================================ %%% init_ssh(Role, Socket, Options0) -> Options = [{user_interaction, false}, {vsn, {2,0}}, {id_string, "ErlangTestLib"} | Options0], ssh_connection_handler:init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, Options). mangle_opts(Options) -> SysOpts = [{reuseaddr, true}, {active, false}, {mode, binary} ], SysOpts ++ lists:foldl(fun({K,_},Opts) -> lists:keydelete(K,1,Opts) end, Options, SysOpts). host({0,0,0,0}) -> "localhost"; host(H) -> H. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- send(S=#s{ssh=C}, hello) -> Hello = case ?role(S) of client -> C#ssh.c_version; server -> C#ssh.s_version end ++ "\r\n", send(S, list_to_binary(Hello)); send(S0, ssh_msg_kexinit) -> {Msg, _Bytes, _C0} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(S0#s.ssh), send(S0, Msg); send(S0=#s{alg_neg={undefined,PeerMsg}}, Msg=#ssh_msg_kexinit{}) -> S1 = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Send~n~s~n",[format_msg(Msg)]} end), S2 = case PeerMsg of #ssh_msg_kexinit{} -> try ssh_transport:handle_kexinit_msg(PeerMsg, Msg, S1#s.ssh) of {ok,Cx} when ?role(S1) == server -> S1#s{alg = Cx#ssh.algorithms}; {ok,_NextKexMsgBin,Cx} when ?role(S1) == client -> S1#s{alg = Cx#ssh.algorithms} catch Class:Exc -> save_prints({"Algoritm negotiation failed at line ~p:~p~n~p:~s~nPeer: ~s~n Own: ~s~n", [?MODULE,?LINE,Class,format_msg(Exc),format_msg(PeerMsg),format_msg(Msg)]}, S1) end; undefined -> S1 end, {Bytes, C} = ssh_transport:ssh_packet(Msg, S2#s.ssh), send_bytes(Bytes, S2#s{return_value = Msg, alg_neg = {Msg,PeerMsg}, ssh = C}); send(S0, ssh_msg_kexdh_init) when ?role(S0) == client -> {OwnMsg, PeerMsg} = S0#s.alg_neg, {ok, NextKexMsgBin, C} = try ssh_transport:handle_kexinit_msg(PeerMsg, OwnMsg, S0#s.ssh) catch Class:Exc -> fail("Algoritm negotiation failed!", {"Algoritm negotiation failed at line ~p:~p~n~p:~s~nPeer: ~s~n Own: ~s", [?MODULE,?LINE,Class,format_msg(Exc),format_msg(PeerMsg),format_msg(OwnMsg)]}, S0) end, S = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> #ssh{keyex_key = {{_Private, Public}, {_G, _P}}} = C, Msg = #ssh_msg_kexdh_init{e = Public}, {"Send (reconstructed)~n~s~n",[format_msg(Msg)]} end), send_bytes(NextKexMsgBin, S#s{ssh = C}); send(S0, ssh_msg_kexdh_reply) -> Bytes = proplists:get_value(ssh_msg_kexdh_reply, S0#s.reply), S = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {{_Private, Public}, _} = (S0#s.ssh)#ssh.keyex_key, Msg = #ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = 'Key', f = Public, h_sig = 'H_SIG' }, {"Send (reconstructed)~n~s~n",[format_msg(Msg)]} end), send_bytes(Bytes, S#s{return_value = Bytes}); send(S0, Line) when is_binary(Line) -> S = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Send line~n~p~n",[Line]} end), send_bytes(Line, S#s{return_value = Line}); send(S0, {special,Msg,PacketFun}) when is_tuple(Msg), is_function(PacketFun,2) -> S = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Send~n~s~n",[format_msg(Msg)]} end), {Packet, C} = PacketFun(Msg, S#s.ssh), send_bytes(Packet, S#s{ssh = C, %%inc_send_seq_num(C), return_value = Msg}); send(S0, Msg) when is_tuple(Msg) -> S = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Send~n~s~n",[format_msg(Msg)]} end), {Packet, C} = ssh_transport:ssh_packet(Msg, S#s.ssh), send_bytes(Packet, S#s{ssh = C, %%inc_send_seq_num(C), return_value = Msg}). send_bytes(B, S0) -> S = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(detail) -> {"Send bytes~n~p~n",[B]} end), ok(gen_tcp:send(S#s.socket, B)), S. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- recv(S0 = #s{}) -> S1 = receive_poll(S0), case S1#s.seen_hello of {more,Seen} -> %% Has received parts of a line. Has not seen a complete hello. try_find_crlf(Seen, S1); false -> %% Must see hello before binary messages try_find_crlf(<<>>, S1); true -> %% Has seen hello, therefore no more crlf-messages are alowed. S = receive_binary_msg(S1), case PeerMsg = S#s.return_value of #ssh_msg_kexinit{} -> case S#s.alg_neg of {undefined,undefined} -> S#s{alg_neg = {undefined,PeerMsg}}; {undefined,_} -> fail("2 kexint received!!", S); {OwnMsg, _} -> try ssh_transport:handle_kexinit_msg(PeerMsg, OwnMsg, S#s.ssh) of {ok,C} when ?role(S) == server -> S#s{alg_neg = {OwnMsg, PeerMsg}, alg = C#ssh.algorithms, ssh = C}; {ok,_NextKexMsgBin,C} when ?role(S) == client -> S#s{alg_neg = {OwnMsg, PeerMsg}, alg = C#ssh.algorithms} catch Class:Exc -> save_prints({"Algoritm negotiation failed at line ~p:~p~n~p:~s~nPeer: ~s~n Own: ~s~n", [?MODULE,?LINE,Class,format_msg(Exc),format_msg(PeerMsg),format_msg(OwnMsg)]}, S#s{alg_neg = {OwnMsg, PeerMsg}}) end end; #ssh_msg_kexdh_init{} -> % Always the server {ok, Reply, C} = ssh_transport:handle_kexdh_init(PeerMsg, S#s.ssh), S#s{ssh = C, reply = [{ssh_msg_kexdh_reply,Reply} | S#s.reply] }; #ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{} -> {ok, _NewKeys, C} = ssh_transport:handle_kexdh_reply(PeerMsg, S#s.ssh), S#s{ssh=C#ssh{send_sequence=S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence}}; % Back the number #ssh_msg_newkeys{} -> {ok, C} = ssh_transport:handle_new_keys(PeerMsg, S#s.ssh), S#s{ssh=C}; _ -> S end end. %%%================================================================ try_find_crlf(Seen, S0) -> case erlang:decode_packet(line,S0#s.enc,[]) of {more,_} -> Line = <<Seen/binary,(S0#s.enc)/binary>>, S0#s{seen_hello = {more,Line}, enc = <<>>, % didn't find a complete line % -> no more characters to test return_value = {more,Line} }; {ok,Used,Rest} -> Line = <<Seen/binary,Used/binary>>, case handle_hello(Line, S0) of false -> S = opt(print_messages, S0, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Recv info~n~p~n",[Line]} end), S#s{seen_hello = false, enc = Rest, return_value = {info,Line}}; S1=#s{} -> S = opt(print_messages, S1, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Recv hello~n~p~n",[Line]} end), S#s{seen_hello = true, enc = Rest, return_value = {hello,Line}} end end. handle_hello(Bin, S=#s{ssh=C}) -> case {ssh_transport:handle_hello_version(binary_to_list(Bin)), ?role(S)} of {{undefined,_}, _} -> false; {{Vp,Vs}, client} -> S#s{ssh = C#ssh{s_vsn=Vp, s_version=Vs}}; {{Vp,Vs}, server} -> S#s{ssh = C#ssh{c_vsn=Vp, c_version=Vs}} end. receive_binary_msg(S0=#s{ssh=C0=#ssh{decrypt_block_size = BlockSize, recv_mac_size = MacSize } }) -> case size(S0#s.enc) >= max(8,BlockSize) of false -> %% Need more bytes to decode the packet_length field Remaining = max(8,BlockSize) - size(S0#s.enc), receive_binary_msg( receive_wait(Remaining, S0) ); true -> %% Has enough bytes to decode the packet_length field {_, <<?UINT32(PacketLen), _/binary>>, _} = ssh_transport:decrypt_blocks(S0#s.enc, BlockSize, C0), % FIXME: BlockSize should be at least 4 %% FIXME: Check that ((4+PacketLen) rem BlockSize) == 0 ? S1 = if PacketLen > ?SSH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE -> fail({too_large_message,PacketLen},S0); % FIXME: disconnect ((4+PacketLen) rem BlockSize) =/= 0 -> fail(bad_packet_length_modulo, S0); % FIXME: disconnect size(S0#s.enc) >= (4 + PacketLen + MacSize) -> %% has the whole packet S0; true -> %% need more bytes to get have the whole packet Remaining = (4 + PacketLen + MacSize) - size(S0#s.enc), receive_wait(Remaining, S0) end, %% Decrypt all, including the packet_length part (re-use the initial #ssh{}) {C1, SshPacket = <<?UINT32(_),?BYTE(PadLen),Tail/binary>>, EncRest} = ssh_transport:decrypt_blocks(S1#s.enc, PacketLen+4, C0), PayloadLen = PacketLen - 1 - PadLen, <<CompressedPayload:PayloadLen/binary, _Padding:PadLen/binary>> = Tail, {C2, Payload} = ssh_transport:decompress(C1, CompressedPayload), <<Mac:MacSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = EncRest, case {ssh_transport:is_valid_mac(Mac, SshPacket, C2), catch ssh_message:decode(set_prefix_if_trouble(Payload,S1))} of {false, _} -> fail(bad_mac,S1); {_, {'EXIT',_}} -> fail(decode_failed,S1); {true, Msg} -> C3 = case Msg of #ssh_msg_kexinit{} -> ssh_transport:key_init(opposite_role(C2), C2, Payload); _ -> C2 end, S2 = opt(print_messages, S1, fun(X) when X==true;X==detail -> {"Recv~n~s~n",[format_msg(Msg)]} end), S3 = opt(print_messages, S2, fun(detail) -> {"decrypted bytes ~p~n",[SshPacket]} end), S3#s{ssh = inc_recv_seq_num(C3), enc = Rest, return_value = Msg } end end. set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg = <<?BYTE(Op),_/binary>>, #s{alg=#alg{kex=Kex}}) when Op == 30; Op == 31 -> case catch atom_to_list(Kex) of "ecdh-sha2-" ++ _ -> <<"ecdh",Msg/binary>>; "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-" ++ _ -> <<"dh_gex",Msg/binary>>; "diffie-hellman-group" ++ _ -> <<"dh",Msg/binary>>; _ -> Msg end; set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg, _) -> Msg. receive_poll(S=#s{socket=Sock}) -> inet:setopts(Sock, [{active,once}]), receive {tcp,Sock,Data} -> receive_poll( S#s{enc = <<(S#s.enc)/binary,Data/binary>>} ); {tcp_closed,Sock} -> throw({tcp,tcp_closed}); {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} -> throw({tcp,{tcp_error,Reason}}) after 0 -> S end. receive_wait(S=#s{socket=Sock, timeout=Timeout}) -> inet:setopts(Sock, [{active,once}]), receive {tcp,Sock,Data} -> S#s{enc = <<(S#s.enc)/binary,Data/binary>>}; {tcp_closed,Sock} -> throw({tcp,tcp_closed}); {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} -> throw({tcp,{tcp_error,Reason}}) after Timeout -> fail(receive_timeout,S) end. receive_wait(N, S=#s{socket=Sock, timeout=Timeout, enc=Enc0}) when N>0 -> inet:setopts(Sock, [{active,once}]), receive {tcp,Sock,Data} -> receive_wait(N-size(Data), S#s{enc = <<Enc0/binary,Data/binary>>}); {tcp_closed,Sock} -> throw({tcp,tcp_closed}); {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} -> throw({tcp,{tcp_error,Reason}}) after Timeout -> fail(receive_timeout, S) end; receive_wait(_N, S) -> S. %% random_padding_len(PaddingLen1, ChunkSize) -> %% MaxAdditionalRandomPaddingLen = % max 255 bytes padding totaƶ %% (255 - PaddingLen1) - ((255 - PaddingLen1) rem ChunkSize), %% AddLen0 = crypto:rand_uniform(0,MaxAdditionalRandomPaddingLen), %% AddLen0 - (AddLen0 rem ChunkSize). % preserve the blocking inc_recv_seq_num(C=#ssh{recv_sequence=N}) -> C#ssh{recv_sequence=(N+1) band 16#ffffffff}. %%%inc_send_seq_num(C=#ssh{send_sequence=N}) -> C#ssh{send_sequence=(N+1) band 16#ffffffff}. opposite_role(#ssh{role=R}) -> opposite_role(R); opposite_role(client) -> server; opposite_role(server) -> client. ok(ok) -> ok; ok({ok,R}) -> R; ok({error,E}) -> erlang:error(E). %%%================================================================ %%% %%% Formating of records %%% format_msg(M) -> format_msg(M, 0). format_msg(M, I0) -> case fields(M) of undefined -> io_lib:format('~p',[M]); Fields -> [Name|Args] = tuple_to_list(M), Head = io_lib:format('#~p{',[Name]), I = lists:flatlength(Head)+I0, NL = io_lib:format('~n~*c',[I,$ ]), Sep = io_lib:format(',~n~*c',[I,$ ]), Tail = [begin S0 = io_lib:format('~p = ',[F]), I1 = I + lists:flatlength(S0), [S0,format_msg(A,I1)] end || {F,A} <- lists:zip(Fields,Args)], [[Head|string:join(Tail,Sep)],NL,"}"] end. fields(M) -> case M of #ssh_msg_debug{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_debug); #ssh_msg_disconnect{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_disconnect); #ssh_msg_ignore{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_ignore); #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group); #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init); #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply); #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request); #ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old); #ssh_msg_kexdh_init{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kexdh_init); #ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kexdh_reply); #ssh_msg_kexinit{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_kexinit); #ssh_msg_newkeys{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_newkeys); #ssh_msg_service_accept{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_service_accept); #ssh_msg_service_request{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_service_request); #ssh_msg_unimplemented{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_unimplemented); #ssh_msg_userauth_request{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_request); #ssh_msg_userauth_failure{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_failure); #ssh_msg_userauth_success{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_success); #ssh_msg_userauth_banner{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_banner); #ssh_msg_userauth_passwd_changereq{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_passwd_changereq); #ssh_msg_userauth_pk_ok{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_pk_ok); #ssh_msg_userauth_info_request{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_info_request); #ssh_msg_userauth_info_response{} -> record_info(fields, ssh_msg_userauth_info_response); #s{} -> record_info(fields, s); #ssh{} -> record_info(fields, ssh); #alg{} -> record_info(fields, alg); _ -> undefined end. %%%================================================================ %%% %%% Trace handling %%% init_op_traces(Op, S0) -> opt(print_ops, S0#s{prints=[]}, fun(true) -> case ?role(S0) of undefined -> {"-- ~p~n",[Op]}; Role -> {"-- ~p ~p~n",[Role,Op]} end end ). report_trace(Class, Term, S) -> print_traces( opt(print_ops, S, fun(true) -> {"~s ~p",[Class,Term]} end) ). seqnum_trace(S) -> opt(print_seqnums, S, fun(true) when S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence =/= S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence, S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence =/= S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence -> {"~p seq num: send ~p->~p, recv ~p->~p~n", [?role(S), S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence, S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence, S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence, S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence ]}; (true) when S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence =/= S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence -> {"~p seq num: send ~p->~p~n", [?role(S), S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence, S#s.ssh#ssh.send_sequence]}; (true) when S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence =/= S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence -> {"~p seq num: recv ~p->~p~n", [?role(S), S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence, S#s.ssh#ssh.recv_sequence]} end). print_traces(S) when S#s.prints == [] -> S; print_traces(S) -> Len = length(S#s.prints), ct:log("~s", [lists:foldl( fun({Fmt,Args}, Acc) -> [case Len-length(Acc)-1 of 0 -> io_lib:format(Fmt,Args); _N -> io_lib:format(lists:concat(['~p --------~n',Fmt]), [Len-length(Acc)-1|Args]) end | Acc] end, "", S#s.prints)] ). opt(Flag, S, Fun) when is_function(Fun,1) -> try Fun(proplists:get_value(Flag,S#s.opts)) of P={Fmt,Args} when is_list(Fmt), is_list(Args) -> save_prints(P, S) catch _:_ -> S end. save_prints({Fmt,Args}, S) -> S#s{prints = [{Fmt,Args}|S#s.prints]}.