/*<copyright> * <year>1999-2008</year> * <holder>Ericsson AB, All Rights Reserved</holder> *</copyright> *<legalnotice> * The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, * Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the * Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be * retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB. *</legalnotice> */ /* * Purpose: Implementation of Secure Socket Layer (SSL). * * This is an "SSL proxy" for Erlang in the form of a port * program. * * The implementation has borrowed somewhat from the original * implementation of `socket' by Claes Wikstr�m, and the former * implementation of `ssl_socket' by Helen Ariyan. * * All I/O is now non-blocking. * * When a connection (cp) is in the state JOINED we have the following * picture: * * proxy->fd fd * | | * proxy->eof | --------> wq -----------> | bp * | | * Erlang | | SSL * | | * proxy->bp | <------ proxy->wq --------- | eof * | | * * We read from Erlang (proxy->fd) and write to SSL (fd); and read from * SSL (fd) and write to Erlang (proxy->fd). * * The variables bp (broken pipe) and eof (end of file) take the * values 0 and 1. * * What has been read and cannot be immediately written is put in a * write queue (wq). A wq is emptied before reads are continued, which * means that at most one chunk that is read can be in a wq. * * The proxy-to-ssl part of a cp is valid iff * * !bp && (wq.len > 0 || !proxy->eof). * * The ssl-to-proxy part of a cp is valid iff * * !proxy->bp && (proxy->wq.len > 0 || !eof). * * The connection is valid if any of the above parts are valid, i.e. * invalid if both parts are invalid. * * Every SELECT_TIMEOUT second we try to write to those file * descriptors that have non-empty wq's (the only way to detect that a * far end has gone away is to write to it). * * STATE TRANSITIONS * * Below (*) means that the corresponding file descriptor is published * (i.e. kwown outside this port program) when the state is entered, * and thus cannot be closed without synchronization with the * ssl_server. * * Listen: * * STATE_NONE ---> (*) PASSIVE_LISTENING <---> ACTIVE_LISTENING * * Accept: * * STATE_NONE ---> SSL_ACCEPT ---> (*) CONNECTED ---> JOINED ---> * ---> SSL_SHUTDOWN ---> DEFUNCT * * Connect: * * STATE_NONE ---> (*) WAIT_CONNECT ---> SSL_CONNECT ---> CONNECTED ---> * ---> JOINED ---> SSL_SHUTDOWN ---> DEFUNCT * * In states where file descriptors has been published, and where * something goes wrong, the state of the connection is set to * DEFUNCT. A connection in such a state can only be closed by a CLOSE * message from Erlang (a reception of such a message is registered in * cp->closed). The possible states are: WAIT_CONNECT, SSL_CONNECT, * CONNECTED, JOINED, and SSL_SHUTDOWN. * * A connection in state SSL_ACCEPT can be closed and removed without * synchronization. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef __WIN32__ #include "esock_winsock.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef __WIN32__ #include <process.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <fcntl.h> #endif #ifndef INADDR_NONE #define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffff /* Should be in <netinet/in.h>. */ #endif #include "esock.h" #include "debuglog.h" #include "esock_utils.h" #include "esock_ssl.h" #include "esock_osio.h" #include "esock_posix_str.h" #include "esock_poll.h" #define MAJOR_VERSION 2 #define MINOR_VERSION 0 #define MAXREPLYBUF 256 #define RWBUFLEN (32*1024) #define IS_CLIENT 0 #define IS_SERVER 1 #define SELECT_TIMEOUT 2 /* seconds */ #define psx_errstr() esock_posix_str(sock_errno()) #define ssl_errstr() esock_ssl_errstr #define PROXY_TO_SSL_VALID(cp) (!(cp)->bp && \ ((cp)->wq.len > 0 || !(cp)->proxy->eof)) #define SSL_TO_PROXY_VALID(cp) (!(cp)->proxy->bp && \ ((cp)->proxy->wq.len > 0 || !(cp)->eof)) #define JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp) (!(PROXY_TO_SSL_VALID(cp)) && \ !(SSL_TO_PROXY_VALID(cp))) static int loop(void); static int set_poll_conns(Connection *cp, EsockPoll *ep, int verbose); static Connection *next_polled_conn(Connection *cp, Connection **cpnext, EsockPoll *ep, int set_wq_fds); static void leave_joined_state(Connection *cp); static void do_shutdown(Connection *cp); static void close_and_remove_connection(Connection *cp); static int reply(int cmd, char *fmt, ...); static int input(char *fmt, ...); static int put_pars(unsigned char *buf, char *fmt, va_list args); static int get_pars(unsigned char *buf, char *fmt, va_list args); static FD do_connect(char *lipstring, int lport, char *fipstring, int fport); static FD do_listen(char *ipstring, int lport, int backlog, int *aport); static FD do_accept(FD listensock, struct sockaddr *saddr, int *len); static void print_connections(void); static void dump_connections(void); static int check_num_sock_fds(FD fd); static void safe_close(FD fd); static Connection *new_connection(int state, FD fd); static Connection *get_connection(FD fd); static void remove_connection(Connection *conn); static Proxy *get_proxy_by_peerport(int port); static Proxy *new_proxy(FD fd); static void remove_proxy(Proxy *proxy); static void ensure_write_queue(WriteQueue *wq, int size); static void clean_up(void); static Connection *connections = NULL; static int num_sock_fds; /* On UNIX all file descriptors */ static Proxy *proxies = NULL; static int proxy_listensock = INVALID_FD; static int proxy_listenport = 0; static int proxy_backlog = 128; static int proxysock_last_err = 0; static int proxysock_err_cnt = 0; static char rwbuf[RWBUFLEN]; static unsigned char *ebuf = NULL; /* Set by read_ctrl() */ static char *connstr[] = { "STATE_NONE", "ACTIVE_LISTENING", "PASSIVE_LISTENING", "CONNECTED", "WAIT_CONNECT", "SSL_CONNECT", "SSL_ACCEPT", "TRANSPORT_ACCEPT", "JOINED", "SSL_SHUTDOWN", "DEFUNCT" }; static char *originstr[] = { "listen", "accept", "connect" }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *logfile = NULL; int i; esock_version *vsn; char *ciphers; #ifdef __WIN32__ int pid; WORD version; WSADATA wsa_data; set_binary_mode(); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); /* Two sockets for the stdin socket pipe (local thread). */ num_sock_fds = 2; #else pid_t pid; num_sock_fds = 3; /* 0, 1, 2 */ #endif pid = getpid(); i = 1; while (i < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) { debug = 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dm") == 0) { debugmsg = 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pp") == 0) { i++; proxy_listenport = atoi(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pb") == 0) { i++; proxy_backlog = atoi(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pv") == 0) { i++; protocol_version = atoi(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dd") == 0) { i++; logfile = esock_malloc(strlen(argv[i]) + 64); sprintf(logfile, "%s/ssl_esock.%d.log", argv[i], (int)pid); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ersa") == 0) { ephemeral_rsa = 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-edh") == 0) { ephemeral_dh = 1; i++; } } if (debug || debugmsg) { DEBUGF(("Starting ssl_esock\n")); if (logfile) { open_ssllog(logfile); #ifndef __WIN32__ num_sock_fds++; #endif } atexit(close_ssllog); DEBUGF(("pid = %d\n", getpid())); } if (esock_ssl_init() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "esock: Could not do esock_ssl_init\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } atexit(esock_ssl_finish); #ifdef __WIN32__ /* Start Windows' sockets */ version = MAKEWORD(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION); if (WSAStartup(version, &wsa_data) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "esock: Could not start up Windows' sockets\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } atexit((void (*)(void))WSACleanup); if (LOBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion) < MAJOR_VERSION || (LOBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion) == MAJOR_VERSION && HIBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion) < MINOR_VERSION)) { fprintf(stderr, "esock: Windows socket version error. " "Requested version:" "%d.%d, version found: %d.%d\n", MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, LOBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion), HIBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DEBUGF(("Using Windows socket version: %d.%d\n", LOBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion), HIBYTE(wsa_data.wVersion))); DEBUGF(("Maximum number of sockets available: %d\n", wsa_data.iMaxSockets)); if (esock_osio_init() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "esock: Could not init osio\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } atexit(esock_osio_finish); #endif /* Create the local proxy listen socket and set it to non-blocking */ proxy_listensock = do_listen("", proxy_listenport, proxy_backlog, &proxy_listenport); if (proxy_listensock == INVALID_FD) { fprintf(stderr, "esock: Cannot create local listen socket\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } SET_NONBLOCKING(proxy_listensock); DEBUGF(("Local proxy listen socket: fd = %d, port = %d\n", proxy_listensock, proxy_listenport)); vsn = esock_ssl_version(); ciphers = esock_ssl_ciphers(); /* Report: port number of the local proxy listen socket, the native * os pid, the compile and lib versions of the ssl library, and * the list of available ciphers. */ reply(ESOCK_PROXY_PORT_REP, "24sss", proxy_listenport, (int)pid, vsn->compile_version, vsn->lib_version, ciphers); atexit(clean_up); loop(); if (logfile) esock_free(logfile); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* * Local functions * */ static int loop(void) { EsockPoll pollfd; FD fd, msgsock, listensock, connectsock, proxysock; int cc, wc, fport, lport, pport, length, backlog, intref, op; int value; char *lipstring, *fipstring; char *flags; char *protocol_vsn, *cipher; unsigned char *cert, *bin; int certlen, binlen; struct sockaddr_in iserv_addr; int sret = 1; Connection *cp, *cpnext, *newcp; Proxy *pp; time_t last_time = 0, now = 0; int set_wq_fds; esock_poll_init(&pollfd); while(1) { esock_poll_zero(&pollfd); esock_poll_fd_set_read(&pollfd, proxy_listensock); esock_poll_fd_set_read(&pollfd, local_read_fd); set_wq_fds = 0; if (sret) /* sret == 1 the first time. */ DEBUGF(("==========LOOP=============\n")); cc = set_poll_conns(connections, &pollfd, sret) + 1; if (sret) { print_connections(); DEBUGF(("Before poll/select: %d descriptor%s (total %d)\n", cc, (cc == 1) ? "" : "s", num_sock_fds)); } sret = esock_poll(&pollfd, SELECT_TIMEOUT); if (sret < 0) { DEBUGF(("select/poll error: %s\n", psx_errstr())); continue; } time(&now); if (now >= last_time + SELECT_TIMEOUT) { set_wq_fds = 1; last_time = now; } /* * First accept as many connections as possible on the * proxy listen socket. We record the peer port, which * is later used as a reference for joining a proxy * connection with a network connection. */ if (esock_poll_fd_isset_read(&pollfd, proxy_listensock)) { while (1) { length = sizeof(iserv_addr); proxysock = do_accept(proxy_listensock, (struct sockaddr *)&iserv_addr, (int*)&length); if(proxysock == INVALID_FD) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { /* We can here for example get the error * EMFILE, i.e. no more file descriptors * available, but we do not have any specific * connection to report the error to. We * increment the error counter and saves the * last err. */ proxysock_err_cnt++; proxysock_last_err = sock_errno(); DEBUGF(("accept error (proxy_listensock): %s\n", psx_errstr())); } break; } else { /* Get peer port number */ /* length = sizeof(iserv_addr); */ /* if (getpeername(proxysock, (struct sockaddr *)&iserv_addr, */ /* &length) < 0) { */ /* DEBUGF(("Can't get peername of proxy socket")); */ /* safe_close(proxysock); */ /* } else { */ /* Add to pending proxy connections */ SET_NONBLOCKING(proxysock); pp = new_proxy(proxysock); pp->peer_port = ntohs(iserv_addr.sin_port); DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("[PROXY_LISTEN_SOCK] conn accepted: " "proxyfd = %d, " "peer port = %d\n", proxysock, pp->peer_port)); /* } */ } } } /* * Read control messages from Erlang */ if (esock_poll_fd_isset_read(&pollfd, local_read_fd)) { cc = read_ctrl(&ebuf); if ( cc < 0 ) { DEBUGF(("Read loop -1 or 0\n")); return -1; } else if (cc == 0) { /* not eof */ DEBUGF(("GOT empty string \n")); } else { switch((int)*ebuf) { case ESOCK_SET_SEED_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), binary(N) } */ input("b", &binlen, &bin); DEBUGF(("[SET_SEED_CMD]\n")); esock_ssl_seed(bin, binlen); /* no reply */ break; case ESOCK_GETPEERNAME_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4)} */ input("4", &fd); DEBUGF(("[GETPEERNAME_CMD] fd = %d\n", fd)); cp = get_connection(fd); length = sizeof(iserv_addr); if (!cp) { sock_set_errno(ERRNO_NOTSOCK); reply(ESOCK_GETPEERNAME_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); } else if (getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &iserv_addr, &length) < 0) { reply(ESOCK_GETPEERNAME_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); } else { /* * reply = {cmd(1), fd(4), port(2), * ipstring(N), 0(1)} */ reply(ESOCK_GETPEERNAME_REP, "42s", fd, ntohs(iserv_addr.sin_port), inet_ntoa(iserv_addr.sin_addr)); } break; case ESOCK_GETSOCKNAME_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4)} */ input("4", &fd); DEBUGF(("[GETSOCKNAME_CMD] fd = %d\n", fd)); cp = get_connection(fd); length = sizeof(iserv_addr); if (!cp) { sock_set_errno(ERRNO_NOTSOCK); reply(ESOCK_GETSOCKNAME_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); } else if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&iserv_addr, &length) < 0) { reply(ESOCK_GETSOCKNAME_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); } else { /* * reply = {cmd(1), fd(4), port(2), * ipstring(N), 0(1)} */ reply(ESOCK_GETSOCKNAME_REP, "42s", fd, ntohs(iserv_addr.sin_port), inet_ntoa(iserv_addr.sin_addr)); } break; case ESOCK_GETCONNINFO_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4)} */ input("4", &fd); DEBUGF(("[GETCONNINFO_CMD] fd = %d\n", fd)); cp = get_connection(fd); if (!cp) { sock_set_errno(ERRNO_NOTSOCK); reply(ESOCK_GETCONNINFO_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); } else { if (esock_ssl_getprotocol_version(cp, &protocol_vsn) < 0) reply(ESOCK_GETCONNINFO_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); else if (esock_ssl_getcipher(cp, &cipher) < 0) reply(ESOCK_GETCONNINFO_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); else /* * reply = {cmd(1), fd(4), protocol(N), 0(1), * cipher(N), 0(1)} */ reply(ESOCK_GETCONNINFO_REP, "4ss", fd, protocol_vsn, cipher); } break; case ESOCK_GETPEERCERT_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4)} */ input("4", &fd); DEBUGF(("[GETPEERCERT_CMD] fd = %d\n", fd)); cp = get_connection(fd); if (!cp) { sock_set_errno(ERRNO_NOTSOCK); reply(ESOCK_GETPEERCERT_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); } else { if ((certlen = esock_ssl_getpeercert(cp, &cert)) < 0) reply(ESOCK_GETPEERCERT_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); else { /* * reply = {cmd(1), fd(4), certlen(4), cert(N)} */ reply(ESOCK_GETPEERCERT_REP, "4b", fd, certlen, cert); esock_free(cert); } } break; case ESOCK_CONNECT_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), intref(4), * lport(2), lipstring(N), 0(1), -- local * fport(2), fipstring(N), 0(1), -- foreign * flags(N), 0(1)} */ input("42s2ss", &intref, &lport, &lipstring, &fport, &fipstring, &flags); DEBUGF(("[CONNECT_CMD] intref = %d, " "lipstring = %s lport = %d, " "fipstring = %s fport = %d, " "flags = %s\n", intref, lipstring, lport, fipstring, fport, flags)); connectsock = do_connect(lipstring, lport, fipstring, fport); if(connectsock == INVALID_FD) { reply(ESOCK_CONNECT_SYNC_ERR, "4s", intref, psx_errstr()); break; } DEBUGF((" fd = %d\n", connectsock)); cp = new_connection(ESOCK_WAIT_CONNECT, connectsock); cp->origin = ORIG_CONNECT; length = strlen(flags); cp->flags = esock_malloc(length + 1); strcpy(cp->flags, flags); DEBUGF(("-> WAIT_CONNECT fd = %d\n", connectsock)); /* Publish connectsock */ reply(ESOCK_CONNECT_WAIT_REP, "44", intref, connectsock); break; case ESOCK_TERMINATE_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1)} */ exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case ESOCK_CLOSE_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4)} */ input("4", &fd); if ((cp = get_connection(fd))) { DEBUGF(("%s[CLOSE_CMD]: fd = %d\n", connstr[cp->state], fd)); if (cp->proxy) cp->proxy->bp = 1; switch (cp->state) { case ESOCK_JOINED: cp->close = 1; if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) leave_joined_state(cp); break; case ESOCK_SSL_SHUTDOWN: cp->close = 1; DEBUGF((" close flag set\n")); break; default: DEBUGF(("-> (removal)\n")); close_and_remove_connection(cp); } } else DEBUGF(("[CLOSE_CMD]: ERROR: fd = %d not found\n", fd)); break; case ESOCK_SET_SOCKOPT_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4), op(1), on(1)} */ input("411", &fd, &op, &value); switch(op) { case ESOCK_SET_TCP_NODELAY: if(setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&value, sizeof(value)) < 0) { DEBUGF(("Error: setsockopt TCP_NODELAY\n")); reply(ESOCK_IOCTL_ERR, "4s", fd, psx_errstr()); } else { reply(ESOCK_IOCTL_OK, "4", fd); } break; default: DEBUGF(("Error: set_sock_opt - Not implemented\n")); sock_set_errno(ERRNO_OPNOTSUPP); reply(ESOCK_IOCTL_ERR, "4", fd, psx_errstr()); break; } break; case ESOCK_LISTEN_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), intref(4), lport(2), ipstring(N), 0(1), * backlog(2), flags(N), 0(1)} */ input("42s2s", &intref, &lport, &lipstring, &backlog, &flags); DEBUGF(("[LISTEN_CMD] intref = %d, port = %d, " "ipstring = %s, backlog = %d, flags = %s\n", intref, lport, lipstring, backlog, flags)); listensock = do_listen(lipstring, lport, backlog, &lport); if(listensock == INVALID_FD) { reply(ESOCK_LISTEN_SYNC_ERR, "4s", intref, psx_errstr()); break; } cp = new_connection(ESOCK_PASSIVE_LISTENING, listensock); /* Flags may be an empty string */ length = strlen(flags); cp->flags = esock_malloc(length + 1); strcpy(cp->flags, flags); cp->origin = ORIG_LISTEN; if (esock_ssl_listen_init(cp) < 0) { DEBUGF(("esock_ssl_listen_init() failed.\n")); reply(ESOCK_LISTEN_SYNC_ERR, "4s", intref, ssl_errstr()); close_and_remove_connection(cp); break; } DEBUGF(("-> PASSIVE_LISTENING (fd = %d)\n", listensock)); /* Publish listensock */ reply(ESOCK_LISTEN_REP, "442", intref, listensock, ntohs(iserv_addr.sin_port)); break; case ESOCK_TRANSPORT_ACCEPT_CMD: /* * ebuf = { op(1), fd(4), flags(N), 0(1)} */ input("4s", &fd, &flags); DEBUGF(("[TRANSPORT_ACCEPT_CMD] listenfd = %d, flags = %s\n", fd, flags)); cp = get_connection(fd); if (cp) { /* We store the flags in the listen socket's * connection, and overwrite previous flags. */ if ((length = strlen(flags)) > 0) { if (cp->flags) cp->flags = esock_realloc(cp->flags, length + 1); else cp->flags = esock_malloc(length + 1); strcpy(cp->flags, flags); } if (cp->flags && cp->flags[0] != '\0') { cp->acceptors++; cp->state = ESOCK_ACTIVE_LISTENING; DEBUGF(("-> ACTIVE_LISTENING\n")); break; } DEBUGF(("ERROR: flags empty\n")); } reply(ESOCK_TRANSPORT_ACCEPT_ERR, "4s", fd, "ebadf"); break; case ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT_CMD: input("4s", &fd, &flags); DEBUGF(("[SSL_ACCEPT_CMD] fd = %d, flags = %s\n", fd, flags)); cp = get_connection(fd); if (cp) cp->state = ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT; //reply(ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT_REP, "4", fd); break; case ESOCK_NOACCEPT_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4)} */ input("4", &fd); DEBUGF(("[NOACCEPT_CMD] listenfd = %d\n", fd)); cp = get_connection(fd); if (cp && (--cp->acceptors <= 0)) { cp->acceptors = 0; cp->state = ESOCK_PASSIVE_LISTENING; esock_poll_clear_event(&pollfd, fd); DEBUGF(("-> PASSIVE_LISTENING\n")); } break; case ESOCK_PROXY_JOIN_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), fd(4), portnum(2)} * * fd - file descriptor of a connection in state * CONNECTED * portnum - port number of the Erlang proxy peer */ input("42", &fd, &pport); cp = get_connection(fd); pp = get_proxy_by_peerport(pport); if (cp && cp->state == ESOCK_CONNECTED && pp) { DEBUGF(("CONNECTED[PROXY_JOIN_CMD] fd = %d " "portnum = %d\n", fd, pport)); cp->proxy = pp; pp->conn = cp; reply(ESOCK_PROXY_JOIN_REP, "4", fd); cp->state = ESOCK_JOINED; DEBUGF(("-> JOINED\n")); break; } if (!cp) { DEBUGF(("[PROXY_JOIN_CMD] ERROR: No connection " "having fd = %d\n", fd)); reply(ESOCK_PROXY_JOIN_ERR, "4s", fd, "ebadsocket"); } else if (cp->state != ESOCK_CONNECTED) { DEBUGF(("%s[PROXY_JOIN_CMD] ERROR: Bad state: " "fd = %d\n", connstr[cp->state], cp->fd)); reply(ESOCK_PROXY_JOIN_ERR, "4s", fd, "ebadstate"); } else { DEBUGF(("ERROR: No proxy: fd = %d, pport = %d\n", fd, pport)); if (proxysock_err_cnt > 0) { proxysock_err_cnt--; reply(ESOCK_PROXY_JOIN_ERR, "4s", fd, esock_posix_str(proxysock_last_err)); } else { reply(ESOCK_PROXY_JOIN_ERR, "4s", fd, "enoproxysocket"); } cp->state = ESOCK_DEFUNCT; } break; case ESOCK_DUMP_STATE_CMD: dump_connections(); break; case ESOCK_SET_DEBUG_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), debug(1)} */ input("1", &debug); break; case ESOCK_SET_DEBUGMSG_CMD: /* * ebuf = {cmd(1), debugmsg(1)} */ input("1", &debugmsg); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "esock: default value in loop %c\n", *ebuf); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } } /* Go through all connections that have their file descriptors set. */ /* Note: We may remove the current connection (cp). Thus we * must be careful not to read cp->next after cp has been * removed. */ for (cp = next_polled_conn(connections, &cpnext, &pollfd, set_wq_fds); cp != NULL; cp = next_polled_conn(cpnext, &cpnext, &pollfd, set_wq_fds) ) { switch(cp->state) { case ESOCK_PASSIVE_LISTENING: DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); fprintf(stderr, "esock: Got connect request while PASSIVE\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case ESOCK_ACTIVE_LISTENING: /* new connect from network */ DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("ACTIVE_LISTENING - trying to accept on %d\n", cp->fd)); length = sizeof(iserv_addr); msgsock = do_accept(cp->fd, (struct sockaddr*)&iserv_addr, (int*)&length); if(msgsock == INVALID_FD) { DEBUGF(("accept error: %s\n", psx_errstr())); reply(ESOCK_TRANSPORT_ACCEPT_ERR, "4s", cp->fd, psx_errstr()); break; } SET_NONBLOCKING(msgsock); if (--cp->acceptors <= 0) { cp->acceptors = 0; cp->state = ESOCK_PASSIVE_LISTENING; DEBUGF(("-> PASSIVE_LISTENING\n")); } DEBUGF(("server accepted connection on fd %d\n", msgsock)); newcp = new_connection(ESOCK_TRANSPORT_ACCEPT, msgsock); newcp->origin = ORIG_ACCEPT; reply(ESOCK_TRANSPORT_ACCEPT_REP, "44", cp->fd, msgsock); newcp->listen_fd = cp->fd; /* Needed for ESOCK_ACCEPT_ERR */ length = strlen(cp->flags); /* XXX new flags are not needed */ newcp->flags = esock_malloc(length + 1); strcpy(newcp->flags, cp->flags); /* XXX Why? */ if (esock_ssl_accept_init(newcp, cp->opaque) < 0) { cp->errstr = ssl_errstr(); break; } newcp->ssl_want = ESOCK_SSL_WANT_READ; break; case ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT: /* SSL accept handshake. msgsock is *not* published yet. */ msgsock = cp->fd; DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("SSL_ACCEPT fd = %d\n", msgsock)); if (cp->errstr != NULL) { /* this means we got an error in ssl_accept_init */ /* N.B.: The *listen fd* is reported. */ reply(ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT_ERR, "4s", msgsock, cp->errstr); close_and_remove_connection(cp); break; } if (esock_ssl_accept(cp) < 0) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { /* Handshake failed. */ reply(ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT_ERR, "4s", msgsock, ssl_errstr()); DEBUGF(("ERROR: handshake: %s\n", ssl_errstr())); close_and_remove_connection(cp); } } else { /* SSL handshake successful: publish */ reply(ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT_REP, "4", msgsock); DEBUGF(("-> CONNECTED\n")); DEBUGF((" Session was %sreused.\n", (esock_ssl_session_reused(cp)) ? "" : "NOT ")); cp->state = ESOCK_CONNECTED; } break; case ESOCK_CONNECTED: /* Should not happen. We do not read or write until the connection is in state JOINED. */ DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("CONNECTED: Error: should not happen. fd = %d\n", cp->fd)); break; case ESOCK_JOINED: /* * Reading from Proxy, writing to SSL */ if (esock_poll_fd_isset_write(&pollfd, cp->fd)) { /* If there is a write queue, write to ssl only */ if (cp->wq.len > 0) { /* The write retry semantics of SSL_write in * the OpenSSL package is strange. Partial * writes never occur, only complete writes or * failures. A failure, however, still * consumes all data written, although not all * encrypted data could be written to the * underlying socket. To retry a write we have * to provide the same buf and length as in * the original call, in our case rwbuf and * the original buffer length. Hence the * strange memcpy(). Note that wq.offset will * always be zero when we use OpenSSL. */ DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("JOINED: writing to ssl " "fd = %d, from write queue only, wc = %d\n", cp->fd, cp->wq.len - cp->wq.offset)); memcpy(rwbuf, cp->wq.buf, cp->wq.len - cp->wq.offset); /* esock_ssl_write sets cp->eof, cp->bp when return * value is zero */ wc = esock_ssl_write(cp, rwbuf, cp->wq.len - cp->wq.offset); if (wc < 0) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { /* Assume broken SSL pipe */ DEBUGF(("broken SSL pipe\n")); cp->bp = 1; shutdown(cp->proxy->fd, SHUTDOWN_READ); cp->proxy->eof = 1; if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } } else if (wc == 0) { /* SSL broken pipe */ DEBUGF(("broken SSL pipe\n")); cp->bp = 1; shutdown(cp->proxy->fd, SHUTDOWN_READ); cp->proxy->eof = 1; if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } else { cp->wq.offset += wc; if (cp->wq.offset == cp->wq.len) cp->wq.len = 0; } } } else if (esock_poll_fd_isset_read(&pollfd, cp->proxy->fd)) { /* Read from proxy and write to SSL */ DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("JOINED: reading from proxy, " "proxyfd = %d\n", cp->proxy->fd)); cc = sock_read(cp->proxy->fd, rwbuf, RWBUFLEN); DEBUGF(("read from proxyfd = %d, cc = %d\n", cp->proxy->fd, cc)); if (cc > 0) { /* esock_ssl_write sets cp->eof, cp->bp when return * value is zero */ wc = esock_ssl_write(cp, rwbuf, cc); if (wc < 0) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { /* Assume broken pipe */ DEBUGF(("broken SSL pipe\n")); cp->bp = 1; shutdown(cp->proxy->fd, SHUTDOWN_READ); cp->proxy->eof = 1; if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } else { /* add to write queue */ DEBUGF(("adding all to write queue " "%d bytes\n", cc)); ensure_write_queue(&cp->wq, cc); memcpy(cp->wq.buf, rwbuf, cc); cp->wq.len = cc; cp->wq.offset = 0; } } else if (wc == 0) { /* Broken SSL pipe */ DEBUGF(("broken SSL pipe\n")); cp->bp = 1; shutdown(cp->proxy->fd, SHUTDOWN_READ); cp->proxy->eof = 1; if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } else if (wc < cc) { /* add remainder to write queue */ DEBUGF(("adding remainder to write queue " "%d bytes\n", cc - wc)); ensure_write_queue(&cp->wq, cc - wc); memcpy(cp->wq.buf, rwbuf + wc, cc - wc); cp->wq.len = cc - wc; cp->wq.offset = 0; } } else { /* EOF proxy or error */ DEBUGF(("proxy eof or error %d\n", errno)); cp->proxy->eof = 1; if (cp->wq.len == 0) { esock_ssl_shutdown(cp); cp->bp = 1; } if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } } /* * Reading from SSL, writing to proxy */ if (esock_poll_fd_isset_write(&pollfd, cp->proxy->fd)) { /* If there is a write queue, write to proxy only */ if (cp->proxy->wq.len > 0) { DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("JOINED: writing to proxyfd = %d, " "from write queue only, wc = %d\n", cp->proxy->fd, cp->proxy->wq.len - cp->proxy->wq.offset)); wc = sock_write(cp->proxy->fd, cp->proxy->wq.buf + cp->proxy->wq.offset, cp->proxy->wq.len - cp->proxy->wq.offset); if (wc < 0) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { /* Assume broken pipe */ DEBUGF(("broken proxy pipe\n")); cp->proxy->bp = 1; /* There is no SSL shutdown for read */ cp->eof = 1; if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } } else { cp->proxy->wq.offset += wc; if (cp->proxy->wq.offset == cp->proxy->wq.len) cp->proxy->wq.len = 0; } } } else if (esock_poll_fd_isset_read(&pollfd, cp->fd)) { /* Read from SSL and write to proxy */ DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("JOINED: read from ssl fd = %d\n", cp->fd)); cc = esock_ssl_read(cp, rwbuf, RWBUFLEN); DEBUGF(("read from fd = %d, cc = %d\n", cp->fd, cc)); if (cc > 0) { wc = sock_write(cp->proxy->fd, rwbuf, cc); if (wc < 0) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { DEBUGF(("broken proxy pipe\n")); /* Assume broken pipe */ cp->proxy->bp = 1; /* There is no SSL shutdown for read */ cp->eof = 1; if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } else { /* add all to write queue */ DEBUGF(("adding to write queue %d bytes\n", cc)); ensure_write_queue(&cp->proxy->wq, cc); memcpy(cp->proxy->wq.buf, rwbuf, cc); cp->proxy->wq.len = cc; cp->proxy->wq.offset = 0; } } else if (wc < cc) { /* add to write queue */ DEBUGF(("adding to write queue %d bytes\n", cc - wc)); ensure_write_queue(&cp->proxy->wq, cc - wc); memcpy(cp->proxy->wq.buf, rwbuf + wc, cc - wc); cp->proxy->wq.len = cc - wc; cp->proxy->wq.offset = 0; } } else if (cc == 0) { /* SSL eof */ DEBUGF(("SSL eof\n")); cp->eof = 1; if (cp->proxy->wq.len == 0) { shutdown(cp->proxy->fd, SHUTDOWN_WRITE); cp->proxy->bp = 1; } if (JOINED_STATE_INVALID(cp)) { leave_joined_state(cp); break; } } else { /* This may very well happen when reading from SSL. */ DEBUGF(("NOTE: readmask set, cc < 0, fd = %d, " "is ok\n", cp->fd)); } } break; case ESOCK_SSL_SHUTDOWN: DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("SSL_SHUTDOWN: fd = %d\n", cp->fd)); do_shutdown(cp); break; case ESOCK_DEFUNCT: DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("DEFUNCT: ERROR: should not happen. fd = %d\n", cp->fd)); break; case ESOCK_WAIT_CONNECT: /* New connection shows up */ connectsock = cp->fd;/* Is published */ DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("WAIT_CONNECT fd = %d\n", connectsock)); /* If the connection did succeed it's possible to * fetch the peer name (UNIX); or failure shows in * exceptmask (WIN32). Sorry for the mess below, but * we have to have balanced paren's in #ifdefs in * order not to confuse Emacs' indentation. */ length = sizeof(iserv_addr); if ( #ifdef __WIN32__ esock_poll_fd_isset_exception(&pollfd, connectsock) #else getpeername(connectsock, (struct sockaddr *)&iserv_addr, &length) < 0 #endif ) { sock_set_errno(ERRNO_CONNREFUSED); DEBUGF(("connect error: %s\n", psx_errstr())); reply(ESOCK_CONNECT_ERR, "4s", connectsock, psx_errstr()); cp->state = ESOCK_DEFUNCT; break; } if (esock_ssl_connect_init(cp) < 0) { DEBUGF(("esock_ssl_connect_init() failed\n")); reply(ESOCK_CONNECT_ERR, "4s", connectsock, ssl_errstr()); cp->state = ESOCK_DEFUNCT; break; } DEBUGF(("-> SSL_CONNECT\n")); cp->state = ESOCK_SSL_CONNECT; cp->ssl_want = ESOCK_SSL_WANT_WRITE; break; case ESOCK_SSL_CONNECT: /* SSL connect handshake. connectsock is published. */ connectsock = cp->fd; DEBUGF(("-----------------------------------\n")); DEBUGF(("SSL_CONNECT fd = %d\n", connectsock)); if (esock_ssl_connect(cp) < 0) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { /* Handshake failed */ DEBUGF(("ERROR: handshake: %s\n", ssl_errstr())); reply(ESOCK_CONNECT_ERR, "4s", connectsock, ssl_errstr()); cp->state = ESOCK_DEFUNCT; } } else { /* SSL connect handshake successful */ DEBUGF(("-> CONNECTED\n")); reply(ESOCK_CONNECT_REP, "4", connectsock); cp->state = ESOCK_CONNECTED; } break; default: DEBUGF(("ERROR: Connection in unknown state.\n")); } } } } static int set_poll_conns(Connection *cp, EsockPoll *ep, int verbose) { int i = 0; if (verbose) DEBUGF(("MASKS SET FOR FD: ")); while (cp) { switch (cp->state) { case ESOCK_ACTIVE_LISTENING: if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (read) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_read(ep, cp->fd); break; case ESOCK_WAIT_CONNECT: if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (write) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_write(ep, cp->fd); #ifdef __WIN32__ esock_poll_fd_set_exception(ep, cp->fd); /* Failure shows in exceptions */ #endif break; case ESOCK_SSL_CONNECT: case ESOCK_SSL_ACCEPT: if (cp->ssl_want == ESOCK_SSL_WANT_READ) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (read) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_read(ep, cp->fd); } else if (cp->ssl_want == ESOCK_SSL_WANT_WRITE) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (write) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_write(ep, cp->fd); } break; case ESOCK_JOINED: if (!cp->bp) { if (cp->wq.len) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (write) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_write(ep, cp->fd); } else if (!cp->proxy->eof) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (read) ", cp->proxy->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_read(ep, cp->proxy->fd); } } if (!cp->proxy->bp) { if (cp->proxy->wq.len) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (write) ", cp->proxy->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_write(ep, cp->proxy->fd); } else if (!cp->eof) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (read) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_read(ep, cp->fd); } } break; case ESOCK_SSL_SHUTDOWN: if (cp->ssl_want == ESOCK_SSL_WANT_READ) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (read) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_read(ep, cp->fd); } else if (cp->ssl_want == ESOCK_SSL_WANT_WRITE) { if (verbose) DEBUGF(("%d (write) ", cp->fd)); esock_poll_fd_set_write(ep, cp->fd); } break; default: break; } i++; cp = cp->next; } if (verbose) DEBUGF(("\n")); return i; } static Connection *next_polled_conn(Connection *cp, Connection **cpnext, EsockPoll *ep, int set_wq_fds) { while(cp) { if (esock_poll_fd_isset_read(ep, cp->fd) || (cp->proxy && esock_poll_fd_isset_read(ep, cp->proxy->fd)) || (esock_poll_fd_isset_write(ep, cp->fd)) || (cp->proxy && esock_poll_fd_isset_write(ep, cp->proxy->fd)) #ifdef __WIN32__ || esock_poll_fd_isset_exception(ep, cp->fd) /* Connect failure in WIN32 */ #endif || (set_wq_fds && (cp->wq.len || (cp->proxy && cp->proxy->wq.len))) || cp->errstr != NULL) { *cpnext = cp->next; return cp; } cp = cp->next; } *cpnext = NULL; return NULL; } static void leave_joined_state(Connection *cp) { shutdown(cp->proxy->fd, SHUTDOWN_ALL); if (((cp->bp || cp->eof) && cp->clean) || (!cp->bp && !cp->eof)) { DEBUGF(("-> SSL_SHUTDOWN\n")); cp->state = ESOCK_SSL_SHUTDOWN; cp->ssl_want = ESOCK_SSL_WANT_WRITE; do_shutdown(cp); } else if (cp->close) { DEBUGF(("-> (removal)\n")); close_and_remove_connection(cp); } else { DEBUGF(("-> DEFUNCT\n")); cp->state = ESOCK_DEFUNCT; } } /* We are always in state SHUTDOWN here */ static void do_shutdown(Connection *cp) { int ret; ret = esock_ssl_shutdown(cp); if (ret < 0) { if (sock_errno() == ERRNO_BLOCK) { return; } else { /* Something is wrong -- close and remove or move to DEFUNCT */ DEBUGF(("Error in SSL shutdown\n")); if (cp->close) { DEBUGF(("-> (removal)\n")); close_and_remove_connection(cp); } else { DEBUGF(("-> DEFUNCT\n")); cp->state = ESOCK_DEFUNCT; } } } else if (ret == 0) { /* `close_notify' has been sent. Wait for reception of same. */ return; } else if (ret == 1) { /* `close_notify' has been sent, and received. */ if (cp->close) { DEBUGF(("-> (removal)\n")); close_and_remove_connection(cp); } else { DEBUGF(("-> DEFUNCT\n")); cp->state = ESOCK_DEFUNCT; } } } static void close_and_remove_connection(Connection *cp) { safe_close(cp->fd); remove_connection(cp); } static int reply(int cmd, char *fmt, ...) { static unsigned char replybuf[MAXREPLYBUF]; unsigned char *buf = replybuf; va_list args; int len; va_start(args, fmt); len = put_pars(NULL, fmt, args); va_end(args); len++; if (len > sizeof(replybuf)) buf = esock_malloc(len); PUT_INT8(cmd, buf); va_start(args, fmt); (void) put_pars(buf + 1, fmt, args); va_end(args); write_ctrl(buf, len); if (buf != replybuf) esock_free(buf); return len; } static int input(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int len; va_start(args, fmt); len = get_pars(ebuf + 1, fmt, args); va_end(args); return len + 1; } static int put_pars(unsigned char *buf, char *fmt, va_list args) { char *s, *str, *bin; int val, len, pos = 0; s = fmt; while (*s) { switch (*s) { case '1': val = va_arg(args, int); if (buf) PUT_INT8(val, buf + pos); pos++; break; case '2': val = va_arg(args, int); if (buf) PUT_INT16(val, buf + pos); pos += 2; break; case '4': val = va_arg(args, int); if (buf) PUT_INT32(val, buf + pos); pos += 4; break; case 's': /* string */ str = va_arg(args, char *); if (buf) strcpy((char *)(buf + pos), str); pos += strlen(str) + 1; break; case 'b': /* binary */ len = va_arg(args, int); if (buf) PUT_INT32(len, buf + pos); pos += 4; bin = va_arg(args, char *); if (buf) memcpy(buf + pos, bin, len); pos += len; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "esock: Invalid format character: %c\n", *s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } s++; } return pos; } static int get_pars(unsigned char *buf, char *fmt, va_list args) { int *ip; char *s, **strp, **bin; int pos = 0; s = fmt; while (*s) { switch (*s) { case '1': ip = va_arg(args, int *); *ip = GET_INT8(buf + pos); pos++; break; case '2': ip = va_arg(args, int *); *ip = GET_INT16(buf + pos); pos += 2; break; case '4': ip = va_arg(args, int *); *ip = GET_INT32(buf + pos); pos += 4; break; case 's': strp = va_arg(args, char **); *strp = (char *)(buf + pos); pos += strlen(*strp) + 1; break; case 'b': ip = va_arg(args, int *); *ip = GET_INT32(buf + pos); pos += 4; bin = va_arg(args, char **); *bin = (char *)(buf + pos); pos += *ip; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "esock: Invalid format character: %c\n", *s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } s++; } return pos; } static FD do_connect(char *lipstring, int lport, char *fipstring, int fport) { struct sockaddr_in sock_addr; long inaddr; FD fd; if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_FD) { DEBUGF(("Error calling socket()\n")); return fd; } if (check_num_sock_fds(fd) < 0) return INVALID_FD; DEBUGF((" fd = %d\n", fd)); /* local */ if ((inaddr = inet_addr(lipstring)) == INADDR_NONE) { DEBUGF(("Error in inet_addr(): lipstring = %s\n", lipstring)); safe_close(fd); sock_set_errno(ERRNO_ADDRNOTAVAIL); return INVALID_FD; } memset(&sock_addr, 0, sizeof(sock_addr)); sock_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inaddr; sock_addr.sin_port = htons(lport); if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sock_addr, sizeof(sock_addr)) < 0) { DEBUGF(("Error in bind()\n")); safe_close(fd); /* XXX Set error code for bind error */ return INVALID_FD; } /* foreign */ if ((inaddr = inet_addr(fipstring)) == INADDR_NONE) { DEBUGF(("Error in inet_addr(): fipstring = %s\n", fipstring)); safe_close(fd); sock_set_errno(ERRNO_ADDRNOTAVAIL); return INVALID_FD; } memset(&sock_addr, 0, sizeof(sock_addr)); sock_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inaddr; sock_addr.sin_port = htons(fport); SET_NONBLOCKING(fd); if(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sock_addr, sizeof(sock_addr)) < 0) { if (sock_errno() != ERRNO_PROGRESS && /* UNIX */ sock_errno() != ERRNO_BLOCK) { /* WIN32 */ DEBUGF(("Error in connect()\n")); safe_close(fd); return INVALID_FD; } } return fd; } static FD do_listen(char *ipstring, int lport, int backlog, int *aport) { static int one = 1; /* Type must be int, not long */ struct sockaddr_in sock_addr; long inaddr; int length; FD fd; if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_FD) { DEBUGF(("Error calling socket()\n")); return fd; } if (check_num_sock_fds(fd) < 0) return INVALID_FD; DEBUGF((" fd = %d\n", fd)); if ((inaddr = inet_addr(ipstring)) == INADDR_NONE) { DEBUGF(("Error in inet_addr(): ipstring = %s\n", ipstring)); safe_close(fd); sock_set_errno(ERRNO_ADDRNOTAVAIL); return INVALID_FD; } memset(&sock_addr, 0, sizeof(sock_addr)); sock_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inaddr; sock_addr.sin_port = htons(lport); setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *)&one, sizeof(one)); if(bind(fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sock_addr, sizeof(sock_addr)) < 0) { DEBUGF(("Error in bind()\n")); safe_close(fd); return INVALID_FD; } if (listen(fd, backlog) < 0) { DEBUGF(("Error in listen()\n")); safe_close(fd); return INVALID_FD; } /* find out assigned local port number */ length = sizeof(sock_addr); if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_addr, &length) < 0) { DEBUGF(("Error in getsockname()\n")); safe_close(fd); return INVALID_FD; } if (aport) *aport = ntohs(sock_addr.sin_port); return fd; } static FD do_accept(FD listensock, struct sockaddr *saddr, int *len) { FD fd; if ((fd = accept(listensock, saddr, len)) == INVALID_FD) { DEBUGF(("Error calling accept()\n")); return fd; } if (check_num_sock_fds(fd) < 0) return INVALID_FD; return fd; } static Connection *new_connection(int state, FD fd) { Connection *cp; if (!(cp = esock_malloc(sizeof(Connection)))) return NULL; cp->state = state; cp->acceptors = 0; cp->fd = fd; cp->listen_fd = INVALID_FD; cp->proxy = NULL; cp->opaque = NULL; cp->ssl_want = 0; cp->eof = 0; cp->bp = 0; cp->clean = 0; /* XXX Used? */ cp->close = 0; cp->origin = -1; cp->flags = NULL; cp->logfp = NULL; cp->wq.size = 0; cp->wq.buf = NULL; cp->wq.len = 0; cp->wq.offset = 0; cp->next = connections; cp->errstr = NULL; connections = cp; return cp; } static void print_connections(void) { if (debug) { Connection *cp = connections; DEBUGF(("CONNECTIONS:\n")); while (cp) { if (cp->state == ESOCK_JOINED) { DEBUGF((" - %s [%8p] (origin = %s)\n" " (fd = %d, eof = %d, wq = %d, bp = %d)\n" " (proxyfd = %d, eof = %d, wq = %d, bp = %d)\n", connstr[cp->state], cp, originstr[cp->origin], cp->fd, cp->eof, cp->wq.len, cp->bp, cp->proxy->fd, cp->proxy->eof, cp->proxy->wq.len, cp->proxy->bp)); } else if (cp->state == ESOCK_ACTIVE_LISTENING) { DEBUGF((" - %s [%8p] (fd = %d, acceptors = %d)\n", connstr[cp->state], cp, cp->fd, cp->acceptors)); } else { DEBUGF((" - %s [%8p] (fd = %d)\n", connstr[cp->state], cp, cp->fd)); } cp= cp->next; } } } static void dump_connections(void) { Connection *cp = connections; Proxy *pp = proxies; time_t t = time(NULL); int length = 0; struct sockaddr_in iserv_addr; __debugprintf("CONNECTIONS %s", ctime(&t)); while (cp) { if (cp->state == ESOCK_JOINED) { __debugprintf(" - %s [%8p] (origin = %s)\n" " (fd = %d, eof = %d, wq = %d, bp = %d), close = %d\n" " (proxyfd = %d, eof = %d, wq = %d, bp = %d)\n", connstr[cp->state], cp, originstr[cp->origin], cp->fd, cp->eof, cp->wq.len, cp->bp, cp->close, cp->proxy->fd, cp->proxy->eof, cp->proxy->wq.len, cp->proxy->bp); } else if (cp->state == ESOCK_ACTIVE_LISTENING) { __debugprintf(" - %s [%8p] (fd = %d, acceptors = %d)\n", connstr[cp->state], cp, cp->fd, cp->acceptors); } else { __debugprintf(" - %s [%8p] (fd = %d)\n", connstr[cp->state], cp, cp->fd); } length = sizeof(iserv_addr); if ((cp->state == ESOCK_ACTIVE_LISTENING) || (cp->state == ESOCK_PASSIVE_LISTENING)) { getsockname(cp->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &iserv_addr, &length); __debugprintf(" (ip = %s, port = %d)\n", inet_ntoa(iserv_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(iserv_addr.sin_port)); } else { getsockname(cp->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &iserv_addr, &length); __debugprintf(" (local_ip = %s, local_port = %d)\n", inet_ntoa(iserv_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(iserv_addr.sin_port)); length = sizeof(iserv_addr); getpeername(cp->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &iserv_addr, &length); __debugprintf(" (remote_ip = %s, remote_port = %d)\n", inet_ntoa(iserv_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(iserv_addr.sin_port)); } cp=cp->next; } __debugprintf("PROXIES\n"); while (pp) { __debugprintf(" - fd = %d [%8p] (external_fd = %d, peer_port = %d," " eof = %d)\n", pp->fd, pp, pp->conn->fd, pp->peer_port, pp->eof); pp= pp->next; } } static Connection *get_connection(FD fd) { Connection *cp = connections; while(cp) { if(cp->fd == fd) return cp; cp = cp->next; } return NULL; } /* * Remove a connection from the list of connection, close the proxy * socket and free all resources. The main socket (fd) is *not* * closed here, because the closing of that socket has to be synchronized * with the Erlang process controlling this port program. */ static void remove_connection(Connection *conn) { Connection **prev = &connections; Connection *cp = connections; while (cp) { if(cp == conn) { DEBUGF(("remove_connection: fd = %d\n", cp->fd)); esock_ssl_free(cp); /* frees cp->opaque only */ esock_free(cp->flags); closelog(cp->logfp); /* XXX num_sock_fds */ esock_free(cp->wq.buf); if (cp->proxy) { safe_close(cp->proxy->fd); remove_proxy(cp->proxy); } *prev = cp->next; esock_free(cp); return; } prev = &cp->next; cp = cp->next; } } static Proxy *get_proxy_by_peerport(int port) { Proxy *p = proxies; while(p) { if (p->peer_port == port) return p; p = p->next; } return NULL; } static Proxy *new_proxy(FD fd) { Proxy *p; if (!(p = esock_malloc(sizeof(Proxy)))) return NULL; p->fd = fd; p->peer_port = -1; p->eof = 0; p->bp = 0; p->conn = NULL; p->wq.size = 0; p->wq.buf = NULL; p->wq.len = 0; p->wq.offset = 0; p->next = proxies; proxies = p; return p; } static void remove_proxy(Proxy *proxy) { Proxy *p = proxies, **pp = &proxies; while(p) { if (p == proxy) { DEBUGF(("remove_proxyfd = %d\n", p->fd)); esock_free(p->wq.buf); *pp = p->next; esock_free(p); return; } pp = &p->next; p = p->next; } } static int check_num_sock_fds(FD fd) { num_sock_fds++; /* fd is valid */ #ifdef USE_SELECT if (num_sock_fds > FD_SETSIZE) { num_sock_fds--; sock_set_errno(ERRNO_MFILE); safe_close(fd); return -1; } #endif return 0; } static void safe_close(FD fd) { int err; err = sock_errno(); DEBUGF(("safe_close fd = %d\n", fd)); if (sock_close(fd) < 0) { DEBUGF(("safe_close failed\n")); } else { num_sock_fds--; } sock_set_errno(err); } static void clean_up(void) { Connection *cp, *cpnext; Proxy *pp, *ppnext; cp = connections; while (cp) { safe_close(cp->fd); cpnext = cp->next; remove_connection(cp); cp = cpnext; } pp = proxies; while (pp) { safe_close(pp->fd); ppnext = pp->next; remove_proxy(pp); pp = ppnext; } } static void ensure_write_queue(WriteQueue *wq, int size) { if (wq->size < size) { wq->buf = esock_realloc(wq->buf, size); wq->size = size; } }