<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "chapter.dtd"> <chapter> <header> <copyright> <year>2000</year><year>2017</year> <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. </legalnotice> <title>Using SSL for Erlang Distribution</title> <prepared>P Nyblom</prepared> <responsible></responsible> <docno></docno> <approved></approved> <checked></checked> <date>2003-04-01</date> <rev>B</rev> <file>ssl_distribution.xml</file> </header> <p>This section describes how the Erlang distribution can use SSL to get extra verification and security.</p> <p>The Erlang distribution can in theory use almost any connection-based protocol as bearer. However, a module that implements the protocol-specific parts of the connection setup is needed. The default distribution module is <c>inet_tcp_dist</c> in the Kernel application. When starting an Erlang node distributed, <c>net_kernel</c> uses this module to set up listen ports and connections.</p> <p>In the SSL application, an extra distribution module, <c>inet_tls_dist</c>, can be used as an alternative. All distribution connections will use SSL and all participating Erlang nodes in a distributed system must use this distribution module.</p> <p>The security level depends on the parameters provided to the SSL connection setup. Erlang node cookies are however always used, as they can be used to differentiate between two different Erlang networks.</p> <p>To set up Erlang distribution over SSL:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item><em>Step 1:</em> Build boot scripts including the SSL application.</item> <item><em>Step 2:</em> Specify the distribution module for <c>net_kernel</c>.</item> <item><em>Step 3:</em> Specify the security options and other SSL options.</item> <item><em>Step 4:</em> Set up the environment to always use SSL.</item> </list> <p>The following sections describe these steps.</p> <section> <title>Building Boot Scripts Including the ssl Application</title> <p>Boot scripts are built using the <c>systools</c> utility in the SASL application. For more information on <c>systools</c>, see the SASL documentation. This is only an example of what can be done.</p> <p>The simplest boot script possible includes only the Kernel and STDLIB applications. Such a script is located in the <c>bin</c> directory of the Erlang distribution. The source for the script is found under the Erlang installation top directory under <c><![CDATA[releases/<OTP version>/start_clean.rel]]></c>.</p> <p>Do the following:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item><p>Copy that script to another location (and preferably another name).</p></item> <item><p>Add the applications Crypto, Public Key, and SSL with their current version numbers after the STDLIB application.</p></item> </list> <p>The following shows an example <c>.rel</c> file with SSL added:</p> <code type="none"> {release, {"OTP APN 181 01","R15A"}, {erts, "5.9"}, [{kernel,"2.15"}, {stdlib,"1.18"}, {crypto, "2.0.3"}, {public_key, "0.12"}, {asn1, "4.0"}, {ssl, "5.0"} ]}. </code> <p>The version numbers differ in your system. Whenever one of the applications included in the script is upgraded, change the script.</p> <p>Do the following:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item><p>Build the boot script.</p> <p>Assuming the <c>.rel file</c> is stored in a file <c>start_ssl.rel</c> in the current directory, a boot script can be built as follows:</p></item> </list> <code type="none"> 1> systools:make_script("start_ssl",[]). </code> <p>There is now a <c>start_ssl.boot</c> file in the current directory.</p> <p>Do the following:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item><p>Test the boot script. To do this, start Erlang with the <c>-boot</c> command-line parameter specifying this boot script (with its full path, but without the <c>.boot</c> suffix). In UNIX it can look as follows:</p></item> </list> <code type="none"><![CDATA[ $ erl -boot /home/me/ssl/start_ssl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.0 Eshell V5.0 (abort with ^G) 1> whereis(ssl_manager). <0.41.0> ]]></code> <p>The <c>whereis</c> function-call verifies that the SSL application is started.</p> <p>As an alternative to building a bootscript, you can explicitly add the path to the SSL <c>ebin</c> directory on the command line. This is done with command-line option <c>-pa</c>. This works as the SSL application does not need to be started for the distribution to come up, as a clone of the SSL application is hooked into the Kernel application. So, as long as the SSL application code can be reached, the distribution starts. The <c>-pa</c> method is only recommended for testing purposes.</p> <note><p>The clone of the SSL application must enable the use of the SSL code in such an early bootstage as needed to set up the distribution. However, this makes it impossible to soft upgrade the SSL application.</p></note> </section> <section> <title>Specifying Distribution Module for net_kernel</title> <p>The distribution module for SSL is named <c>inet_tls_dist</c> and is specified on the command line with option <c>-proto_dist</c>. The argument to <c>-proto_dist</c> is to be the module name without suffix <c>_dist</c>. So, this distribution module is specified with <c>-proto_dist inet_tls</c> on the command line.</p> <p>Extending the command line gives the following:</p> <code type="none"> $ erl -boot /home/me/ssl/start_ssl -proto_dist inet_tls </code> <p>For the distribution to be started, give the emulator a name as well:</p> <code type="none"> $ erl -boot /home/me/ssl/start_ssl -proto_dist inet_tls -sname ssl_test Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.0 [source] Eshell V5.0 (abort with ^G) (ssl_test@myhost)1> </code> <p>However, a node started in this way refuses to talk to other nodes, as no SSL parameters are supplied (see the next section).</p> </section> <section> <title>Specifying SSL Options</title> <p> The SSL distribution options can be written into a file that is consulted when the node is started. This file name is then specified with the command line argument <c>-ssl_dist_optfile</c>. </p> <p> Any available SSL option can be specified in an options file, but note that options that take a <c>fun()</c> has to use the syntax <c>fun Mod:Func/Arity</c> since a function body can not be compiled when consulting a file. </p> <p> Do not tamper with the socket options <c>list</c>, <c>binary</c>, <c>active</c>, <c>packet</c>, <c>nodelay</c> and <c>deliver</c> since they are used by the distribution protocol handler itself. Other raw socket options such as <c>packet_size</c> may interfere severely, so beware! </p> <p> For SSL to work, at least a public key and a certificate must be specified for the server side. In the following example, the PEM file <c>"/home/me/ssl/erlserver.pem"</c> contains both the server certificate and its private key. </p> <p> Create a file named for example <c>"/home/me/ssl/ssl_test@myhost.conf"</c>: </p> <code type="none"><![CDATA[ [{server, [{certfile, "/home/me/ssl/erlserver.pem"}, {secure_renegotiate, true}]}, {client, [{secure_renegotiate, true}]}].]]> </code> <p> And then start the node like this (line breaks in the command are for readability, and shall not be there when typed): </p> <code type="none"><![CDATA[ $ erl -boot /home/me/ssl/start_ssl -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_optfile "/home/me/ssl/ssl_test@myhost.conf" -sname ssl_test]]> </code> <p> The options in the <c>{server, Opts}</c> tuple are used when calling <c>ssl:ssl_accept/3</c>, and the options in the <c>{client, Opts}</c> tuple are used when calling <c>ssl:connect/4</c>. </p> <p> For the client, the option <c>{server_name_indication, atom_to_list(TargetNode)}</c> is added when connecting. This makes it possible to use the client option <c>{verify, verify_peer}</c>, and the client will verify that the certificate matches the node name you are connecting to. This only works if the the server certificate is issued to the name <c>atom_to_list(TargetNode)</c>. </p> <p> For the server it is also possible to use the option <c>{verify, verify_peer}</c> and the server will only accept client connections with certificates that are trusted by a root certificate that the server knows. A client that presents an untrusted certificate will be rejected. This option is preferably combined with <c>{fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}</c> or a client will still be accepted if it does not present any certificate. </p> <p> A node started in this way is fully functional, using SSL as the distribution protocol. </p> </section> <section> <title>Specifying SSL Options (Legacy)</title> <p> As in the previous section the PEM file <c>"/home/me/ssl/erlserver.pem"</c> contains both the server certificate and its private key. </p> <p>On the <c>erl</c> command line you can specify options that the SSL distribution adds when creating a socket.</p> <p>The simplest SSL options in the following list can be specified by adding the prefix <c>server_</c> or <c>client_</c> to the option name:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item><c>certfile</c></item> <item><c>keyfile</c></item> <item><c>password</c></item> <item><c>cacertfile</c></item> <item><c>verify</c></item> <item><c>verify_fun</c> (write as <c>{Module, Function, InitialUserState}</c>)</item> <item><c>crl_check</c></item> <item><c>crl_cache</c> (write as Erlang term)</item> <item><c>reuse_sessions</c></item> <item><c>secure_renegotiate</c></item> <item><c>depth</c></item> <item><c>hibernate_after</c></item> <item><c>ciphers</c> (use old string format)</item> </list> <p>Note that <c>verify_fun</c> needs to be written in a different form than the corresponding SSL option, since funs are not accepted on the command line.</p> <p>The server can also take the options <c>dhfile</c> and <c>fail_if_no_peer_cert</c> (also prefixed).</p> <p><c>client_</c>-prefixed options are used when the distribution initiates a connection to another node. <c>server_</c>-prefixed options are used when accepting a connection from a remote node.</p> <p>Raw socket options, such as <c>packet</c> and <c>size</c> must not be specified on the command line.</p> <p>The command-line argument for specifying the SSL options is named <c>-ssl_dist_opt</c> and is to be followed by pairs of SSL options and their values. Argument <c>-ssl_dist_opt</c> can be repeated any number of times.</p> <p> An example command line doing the same as the example in the previous section can now look as follows (line breaks in the command are for readability, and shall not be there when typed): </p> <code type="none"><![CDATA[ $ erl -boot /home/me/ssl/start_ssl -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile "/home/me/ssl/erlserver.pem" -ssl_dist_opt server_secure_renegotiate true client_secure_renegotiate true -sname ssl_test Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.0 [source] Eshell V5.0 (abort with ^G) (ssl_test@myhost)1>]]> </code> </section> <section> <title>Setting up Environment to Always Use SSL (Legacy)</title> <p>A convenient way to specify arguments to Erlang is to use environment variable <c>ERL_FLAGS</c>. All the flags needed to use the SSL distribution can be specified in that variable and are then interpreted as command-line arguments for all subsequent invocations of Erlang.</p> <p>In a Unix (Bourne) shell, it can look as follows (line breaks are for readability, they are not to be there when typed):</p> <code type="none"> $ ERL_FLAGS="-boot /home/me/ssl/start_ssl -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile /home/me/ssl/erlserver.pem -ssl_dist_opt server_secure_renegotiate true client_secure_renegotiate true" $ export ERL_FLAGS $ erl -sname ssl_test Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.0 [source] Eshell V5.0 (abort with ^G) (ssl_test@myhost)1> init:get_arguments(). [{root,["/usr/local/erlang"]}, {progname,["erl "]}, {sname,["ssl_test"]}, {boot,["/home/me/ssl/start_ssl"]}, {proto_dist,["inet_tls"]}, {ssl_dist_opt,["server_certfile","/home/me/ssl/erlserver.pem"]}, {ssl_dist_opt,["server_secure_renegotiate","true", "client_secure_renegotiate","true"] {home,["/home/me"]}] </code> <p>The <c>init:get_arguments()</c> call verifies that the correct arguments are supplied to the emulator.</p> </section> <section> <title>Using SSL distribution over IPv6</title> <p>It is possible to use SSL distribution over IPv6 instead of IPv4. To do this, pass the option <c>-proto_dist inet6_tls</c> instead of <c>-proto_dist inet_tls</c> when starting Erlang, either on the command line or in the <c>ERL_FLAGS</c> environment variable.</p> <p>An example command line with this option would look like this:</p> <code type="none"><![CDATA[ $ erl -boot /home/me/ssl/start_ssl -proto_dist inet6_tls -ssl_dist_optfile "/home/me/ssl/ssl_test@myhost.conf" -sname ssl_test]]> </code> <p>A node started in this way will only be able to communicate with other nodes using SSL distribution over IPv6.</p> </section> </chapter>