%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% Purpose: Handles an ssl connection, e.i. both the setup
%% e.i. SSL-Handshake, SSL-Alert and SSL-Cipher protocols and delivering
%% data to the application. All data on the connectinon is received and 
%% sent according to the SSL-record protocol.  
%% %%----------------------------------------------------------------------



-export([encode/3, decode/1, alert_txt/1, reason_code/2]).

%% Internal application API

-spec encode(#alert{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(), #connection_states{}) -> 
		    {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
%% Description: Encodes an alert
encode(#alert{} = Alert, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
    ssl_record:encode_alert_record(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates).

-spec decode(binary()) -> [#alert{}] | #alert{}.
%% Description: Decode alert(s), will return a singel own alert if peer
%% sends garbage or too many warning alerts.
decode(Bin) ->
    decode(Bin, [], 0).

-spec reason_code(#alert{}, client | server) -> closed | {essl, string()}.
%% Description: Returns the error reason that will be returned to the
%% user.

reason_code(#alert{description = ?CLOSE_NOTIFY}, _) ->
reason_code(#alert{description = Description}, _) ->
    {tls_alert, description_txt(Description)}.

-spec alert_txt(#alert{}) -> string().
%% Description: Returns the error string for given alert.

alert_txt(#alert{level = Level, description = Description, where = {Mod,Line}}) ->
    Mod ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Line) ++ ":" ++ 
	level_txt(Level) ++" "++ description_txt(Description).

%%% Internal functions

%% It is very unlikely that an correct implementation will send more than one alert at the time
%% So it there is more than 10 warning alerts we consider it an error
decode(<<?BYTE(Level), ?BYTE(_), _/binary>>, _, N) when Level == ?WARNING, N > ?MAX_ALERTS ->
decode(<<?BYTE(Level), ?BYTE(Description), Rest/binary>>, Acc, N) when Level == ?WARNING ->
    Alert = ?ALERT_REC(Level, Description),
    decode(Rest, [Alert | Acc], N + 1);
decode(<<?BYTE(Level), ?BYTE(Description), _Rest/binary>>, Acc, _) when Level == ?FATAL->
    Alert = ?ALERT_REC(Level, Description),
    lists:reverse([Alert | Acc]); %% No need to decode rest fatal alert will end the connection
decode(<<?BYTE(_Level), _/binary>>, _, _) ->
decode(<<>>, Acc, _) ->
    lists:reverse(Acc, []).

level_txt(?WARNING) ->
level_txt(?FATAL) ->
    "Fatal error:".

description_txt(?CLOSE_NOTIFY) ->
    "close notify";
description_txt(?UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE) ->
    "unexpected message";
description_txt(?BAD_RECORD_MAC) ->
    "bad record mac";
description_txt(?DECRYPTION_FAILED) ->
    "decryption failed";
description_txt(?RECORD_OVERFLOW) ->
    "record overflow";
description_txt(?DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE) ->
    "decompression failure";
description_txt(?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE) ->
    "handshake failure";
description_txt(?NO_CERTIFICATE_RESERVED) ->
    "No certificate reserved";
description_txt(?BAD_CERTIFICATE) ->
    "bad certificate";
description_txt(?UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE) ->
    "unsupported certificate";
description_txt(?CERTIFICATE_REVOKED) ->
    "certificate revoked";
description_txt(?CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED) ->
    "certificate expired";
description_txt(?CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN) ->
    "certificate unknown";
description_txt(?ILLEGAL_PARAMETER) ->
    "illegal parameter";
description_txt(?UNKNOWN_CA) ->
    "unknown ca";
description_txt(?ACCESS_DENIED) ->
    "access denied";
description_txt(?DECODE_ERROR) ->
    "decode error";
description_txt(?DECRYPT_ERROR) ->
    "decrypt error";
description_txt(?EXPORT_RESTRICTION) ->
    "export restriction";
description_txt(?PROTOCOL_VERSION) ->
    "protocol version";
description_txt(?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY) ->
    "insufficient security";
description_txt(?INTERNAL_ERROR) ->
    "internal error";
description_txt(?USER_CANCELED) ->
    "user canceled";
description_txt(?NO_RENEGOTIATION) ->
    "no renegotiation";
description_txt(?UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION) ->
    "unsupported extension";
    "certificate unobtainable";
description_txt(?UNRECOGNISED_NAME) ->
    "unrecognised name";
    "bad certificate status response";
description_txt(?BAD_CERTIFICATE_HASH_VALUE) ->
    "bad certificate hash value";
description_txt(?UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY) ->
    "unknown psk identity";
description_txt(?INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK) ->
    "inappropriate fallback";
description_txt(?NO_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL) ->
    "no application protocol";
description_txt(Enum) ->
    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("unsupported/unknown alert: ~p", [Enum])).