%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% Purpose: Storage for trused certificats 


-export([create/0, remove/1, add_trusted_certs/3, 
	 remove_trusted_certs/2, lookup_trusted_cert/4, issuer_candidate/2,
	 lookup_cached_certs/2, cache_pem_file/4, uncache_pem_file/2, lookup/2]).

-type time()      :: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.

%% Internal application API

-spec create() -> [db_handle()].
%% Description: Creates a new certificate db.
%% Note: lookup_trusted_cert/4 may be called from any process but only
%% the process that called create may call the other functions.
create() ->
    [ets:new(ssl_otp_certificate_db, [set, protected]),
     ets:new(ssl_file_to_ref, [set, protected]),
     ets:new(ssl_pid_to_file, [bag, private])]. 

-spec remove([db_handle()]) -> term().
%% Description: Removes database db  
remove(Dbs) ->
    lists:foreach(fun(Db) -> true = ets:delete(Db) end, Dbs).

-spec lookup_trusted_cert(db_handle(), certdb_ref(), serialnumber(), issuer()) ->
				 undefined | {ok, {der_cert(), #'OTPCertificate'{}}}.

%% Description: Retrives the trusted certificate identified by 
%% <SerialNumber, Issuer>. Ref is used as it is specified  
%% for each connection which certificates are trusted.
lookup_trusted_cert(DbHandle, Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer) ->
    case lookup({Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer}, DbHandle) of
	undefined ->
	[Certs] ->
	    {ok, Certs}

lookup_cached_certs(DbHandle, File) ->
    ets:lookup(DbHandle, {file, File}).

-spec add_trusted_certs(pid(), string() | {der, list()}, [db_handle()]) -> {ok, [db_handle()]}.
%% Description: Adds the trusted certificates from file <File> to the
%% runtime database. Returns Ref that should be handed to lookup_trusted_cert
%% together with the cert serialnumber and issuer.
add_trusted_certs(_Pid, {der, DerList}, [CerDb, _,_]) ->
    NewRef = make_ref(),
    add_certs_from_der(DerList, NewRef, CerDb),
    {ok, NewRef};
add_trusted_certs(Pid, File, [CertsDb, FileToRefDb, PidToFileDb]) ->
    Ref = case lookup(File, FileToRefDb) of
	      undefined ->
		  NewRef = make_ref(),
		  add_certs_from_file(File, NewRef, CertsDb),
		  insert(File, NewRef, 1, FileToRefDb),
	      [OldRef] ->
    insert(Pid, File, PidToFileDb),
    {ok, Ref}.
-spec cache_pem_file(pid(), string(), time(), [db_handle()]) -> term().
%% Description: Cache file as binary in DB
cache_pem_file(Pid, File, Time, [CertsDb, _FileToRefDb, PidToFileDb]) ->
    {ok, PemBin} = file:read_file(File), 
    Content = public_key:pem_decode(PemBin),
    insert({file, File}, {Time, Content}, CertsDb),
    insert(Pid, File, PidToFileDb),
    {ok, Content}.

-spec uncache_pem_file(string(), [db_handle()]) -> no_return().
%% Description: If a cached file is no longer valid (changed on disk)
%% we must terminate the connections using the old file content, and
%% when those processes are finish the cache will be cleaned. It is
%% a rare but possible case a new ssl client/server is started with
%% a filename with the same name as previously started client/server
%% but with different content.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
uncache_pem_file(File, [_CertsDb, _FileToRefDb, PidToFileDb]) ->
    Pids = select(PidToFileDb, [{{'$1', File},[],['$$']}]),
    lists:foreach(fun([Pid]) ->
			  exit(Pid, shutdown)
		  end, Pids).

-spec remove_trusted_certs(pid(), [db_handle()]) -> term().
%% Description: Removes trusted certs originating from 
%% the file associated to Pid from the runtime database.  
remove_trusted_certs(Pid, [CertsDb, FileToRefDb, PidToFileDb]) ->
    Files = lookup(Pid, PidToFileDb),
    delete(Pid, PidToFileDb),
    Clear = fun(File) ->
		    delete({file,File}, CertsDb),
			0 = ref_count(File, FileToRefDb, -1),
			case lookup(File, FileToRefDb) of
			    [Ref] when is_reference(Ref) ->
				remove_certs(Ref, CertsDb);
			    _ -> ok
			delete(File, FileToRefDb)
		    catch _:_ ->
    case Files of 
	undefined -> ok;
	_ -> 
	    [Clear(File) || File <- Files],

-spec issuer_candidate(no_candidate | cert_key() | {file, term()}, term()) ->
			      {cert_key(),{der_cert(), #'OTPCertificate'{}}} | no_more_candidates.
%% Description: If a certificat does not define its issuer through
%%              the extension 'ce-authorityKeyIdentifier' we can
%%              try to find the issuer in the database over known
%%              certificates. 
issuer_candidate(no_candidate, Db) ->
    case ets:first(Db) of
 	'$end_of_table' ->
	{file, _} = Key ->
	    issuer_candidate(Key, Db);
 	Key ->
	    [Cert] = lookup(Key, Db),
 	    {Key, Cert}

issuer_candidate(PrevCandidateKey, Db) ->
    case ets:next(Db, PrevCandidateKey) of
 	'$end_of_table' ->
	{file, _} = Key ->
	    issuer_candidate(Key, Db);
 	Key ->
	    [Cert] = lookup(Key, Db),
 	    {Key, Cert}

-spec lookup(term(), db_handle()) -> term() | undefined.
%% Description: Looks up an element in a certificat <Db>.
lookup(Key, Db) ->
    case ets:lookup(Db, Key) of
	[] ->
	Contents  ->
	    Pick = fun({_, Data}) -> Data;
		      ({_,_,Data}) -> Data
	    [Pick(Data) || Data <- Contents]

%%% Internal functions
insert(Key, Data, Db) ->
    true = ets:insert(Db, {Key, Data}).

insert(Key, Data, Count, Db) ->
    true = ets:insert(Db, {Key, Count, Data}).

ref_count(Key, Db,N) ->

delete(Key, Db) ->
    _ = ets:delete(Db, Key).

select(Db, MatchSpec)->
    ets:select(Db, MatchSpec).

remove_certs(Ref, CertsDb) ->
    ets:match_delete(CertsDb, {{Ref, '_', '_'}, '_'}).

add_certs_from_der(DerList, Ref, CertsDb) ->
    Add = fun(Cert) -> add_certs(Cert, Ref, CertsDb) end,
     [Add(Cert) || Cert <- DerList].

add_certs_from_file(File, Ref, CertsDb) ->   
    Add = fun(Cert) -> add_certs(Cert, Ref, CertsDb) end,
    {ok, PemBin} = file:read_file(File),
    PemEntries = public_key:pem_decode(PemBin),
    [Add(Cert) || {'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted} <- PemEntries].
add_certs(Cert, Ref, CertsDb) ->
    try  ErlCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
	 TBSCertificate = ErlCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
	 SerialNumber = TBSCertificate#'OTPTBSCertificate'.serialNumber,
	 Issuer = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(
	 insert({Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer}, {Cert,ErlCert}, CertsDb)
	error:_ ->
	    Report = io_lib:format("SSL WARNING: Ignoring a CA cert as "
				   "it could not be correctly decoded.~n", []),