%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Purpose: Record and constant defenitions for the TLS-handshake protocol %% see RFC 8446. Also includes supported hello extensions. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifndef(tls_handshake_1_3). -define(tls_handshake_1_3, true). %% Common to TLS-1.3 and previous TLS versions %% Some defenitions may not exist in TLS-1.3 this is %% handled elsewhere -include("tls_handshake.hrl"). %% New handshake types in TLS-1.3 RFC 8446 B.3 -define(NEW_SESSION_TICKET, 4). -define(END_OF_EARLY_DATA, 5). -define(ENCRYPTED_EXTENSIONS, 8). -define(KEY_UPDATE, 24). %% %% Not really a message but special way to handle handshake hashes %% %% when a "hello-retry-request" (special server_hello) is sent -define(MESSAGE_HASH, 254). %% %% RFC 8446 B.3.1. %% %% New extension types in TLS-1.3 -define(PRE_SHARED_KEY_EXT, 41). -define(EARLY_DATA_EXT, 42). %%-define(SUPPORTED_VERSIONS_EXT, 43). %% Updates TLS 1.2 so defined in ssl_handshake.hrl -define(COOKIE_EXT, 44). -define(PSK_KEY_EXCHANGE_MODES_EXT, 45). -define(CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES_EXT, 47). -define(OID_FILTERS_EXT, 48). -define(POST_HANDSHAKE_AUTH_EXT, 49). %% -define(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS_CERT_EXT, 50). %% Updates TLS 1.2 so defined in ssl_handshake.hrl -define(KEY_SHARE_EXT, 51). %% RFC 8446 B.3.1 -record(key_share_entry, { group, %NamedGroup key_exchange %key_exchange<1..2^16-1>; }). -record(key_share_client_hello, { client_shares %% KeyShareEntry client_shares<0..2^16-1>; }). -record(key_share_hello_retry_request, { selected_group %% NamedGroup }). -record(key_share_server_hello, { server_share %% KeyShareEntry server_share; }). -record(uncompressed_point_representation, { legacy_form = 4, % uint8 legacy_form = 4; x, % opaque X[coordinate_length]; y % opaque Y[coordinate_length]; }). -define(PSK_KE, 0). -define(PSK_DHE_KE, 1). -record(psk_keyexchange_modes, { ke_modes % ke_modes<1..255> }). -record(empty, { }). -record(early_data_indication, { indication % uint32 max_early_data_size (new_session_ticket) | %% #empty{} (client_hello, encrypted_extensions) }). -record(psk_identity, { identity, % opaque identity<1..2^16-1> obfuscated_ticket_age % uint32 }). -record(offered_psks, { psk_identity, %identities<7..2^16-1>; psk_binder_entry %binders<33..2^16-1>, opaque PskBinderEntry<32..255> }). -record(pre_shared_keyextension,{ extension %OfferedPsks (client_hello) | uint16 selected_identity (server_hello) }). %% RFC 8446 B.3.1.2. -record(cookie, { cookie %cookie<1..2^16-1>; }). %%% RFC 8446 B.3.1.3. Signature Algorithm Extension %% Signature Schemes %% RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 algorithms -define(RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, 16#0401). -define(RSA_PKCS1_SHA384, 16#0501). -define(RSA_PKCS1_SHA512, 16#0601). %% ECDSA algorithms -define(ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256, 16#0403). -define(ECDSA_SECP384R1_SHA384, 16#0503). -define(ECDSA_SECP521R1_SHA512, 16#0603). %% RSASSA-PSS algorithms with public key OID rsaEncryption -define(RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256, 16#0804). -define(RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA384, 16#0805). -define(RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA512, 16#0806). %% EdDSA algorithms -define(ED25519, 16#0807). -define(ED448, 16#0808). %% RSASSA-PSS algorithms with public key OID RSASSA-PSS -define(RSA_PSS_PSS_SHA256, 16#0809). -define(RSA_PSS_PSS_SHA384, 16#080a). -define(RSA_PSS_PSS_SHA512, 16#080b). %% Legacy algorithms -define(RSA_PKCS1_SHA1, 16#201). -define(ECDSA_SHA1, 16#0203). %% RFC 8446 B.3.1.4. Supported Groups Extension %% Elliptic Curve Groups (ECDHE) -define(SECP256R1, 16#0017). -define(SECP384R1, 16#0018). -define(SECP521R1, 16#0019). -define(X25519, 16#001D). -define(X448, 16#001E). %% RFC 8446 Finite Field Groups (DHE) -define(FFDHE2048, 16#0100). -define(FFDHE3072, 16#0101). -define(FFDHE4096, 16#0102). -define(FFDHE6144, 16#0103). -define(FFDHE8192 ,16#0104). -record(named_group_list, { named_group_list %named_group_list<2..2^16-1>; }). %% RFC 8446 B.3.2 Server Parameters Messages %% opaque DistinguishedName<1..2^16-1>;XS -record(certificate_authoritie_sextension, { authorities %DistinguishedName authorities<3..2^16-1>; }). -record(oid_filter, { certificate_extension_oid, % opaque certificate_extension_oid<1..2^8-1>; certificate_extension_values % opaque certificate_extension_values<0..2^16-1>; }). -record(oid_filter_extension, { filters %OIDFilter filters<0..2^16-1>; }). -record(post_handshake_auth, { }). -record(encrypted_extensions, { extensions %extensions<0..2^16-1>; }). -record(certificate_request_1_3, { certificate_request_context, % opaque certificate_request_context<0..2^8-1>; extensions %Extension extensions<2..2^16-1>; }). %% RFC 8446 B.3.3 Authentication Messages %% Certificate Type -define(X509, 0). -define(OpenPGP_RESERVED, 1). -define(RawPublicKey, 2). -record(certificate_entry, { data, %% select (certificate_type) { %% case RawPublicKey: %% /* From RFC 7250 ASN.1_subjectPublicKeyInfo */ %% opaque ASN1_subjectPublicKeyInfo<1..2^24-1>; %% %% case X509: %% opaque cert_data<1..2^24-1>; %% }; extensions %% Extension extensions<0..2^16-1>; }). -record(certificate_1_3, { certificate_request_context, % opaque certificate_request_context<0..2^8-1>; certificate_list % CertificateEntry certificate_list<0..2^24-1>; }). -record(certificate_verify_1_3, { algorithm, % SignatureScheme signature % signature<0..2^16-1> }). %% RFC 8446 B.3.4. Ticket Establishment -record(new_session_ticket, { ticket_lifetime, %unit32 ticket_age_add, %unit32 ticket_nonce, %opaque ticket_nonce<0..255>; ticket, %opaque ticket<1..2^16-1> extensions %extensions<0..2^16-2> }). %% RFC 8446 B.3.5. Updating Keys -record(end_of_early_data, { }). -define(UPDATE_NOT_REQUESTED, 0). -define(UPDATE_REQUESTED, 1). -record(key_update, { request_update }). -endif. % -ifdef(tls_handshake_1_3).