%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(tls_sender). -behaviour(gen_statem). -include("ssl_internal.hrl"). -include("ssl_alert.hrl"). -include("ssl_handshake.hrl"). -include("ssl_api.hrl"). %% API -export([start/0, start/1, initialize/2, send_data/2, send_alert/2, send_and_ack_alert/2, renegotiate/1, update_connection_state/3, dist_tls_socket/1, dist_handshake_complete/3]). %% gen_statem callbacks -export([callback_mode/0, init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4]). -export([init/3, connection/3, handshake/3, death_row/3]). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -record(data, {connection_pid, connection_states = #{}, role, socket, socket_options, tracker, protocol_cb, transport_cb, negotiated_version, renegotiate_at, connection_monitor, dist_handle }). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec start() -> {ok, Pid :: pid()} | ignore | {error, Error :: term()}. -spec start(list()) -> {ok, Pid :: pid()} | ignore | {error, Error :: term()}. %% Description: Start sender process to avoid dead lock that %% may happen when a socket is busy (busy port) and the %% same process is sending and receiving %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- start() -> gen_statem:start(?MODULE, [], []). start(SpawnOpts) -> gen_statem:start(?MODULE, [], SpawnOpts). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec initialize(pid(), map()) -> ok. %% Description: So TLS connection process can initialize it sender %% process. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- initialize(Pid, InitMsg) -> gen_statem:call(Pid, {self(), InitMsg}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec send_data(pid(), iodata()) -> ok. %% Description: Send application data %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- send_data(Pid, AppData) -> %% Needs error handling for external API call(Pid, {application_data, AppData}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec send_alert(pid(), #alert{}) -> _. %% Description: TLS connection process wants to send an Alert %% in the connection state. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- send_alert(Pid, Alert) -> gen_statem:cast(Pid, Alert). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec send_and_ack_alert(pid(), #alert{}) -> ok. %% Description: TLS connection process wants to send an Alert %% in the connection state and recive an ack. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- send_and_ack_alert(Pid, Alert) -> gen_statem:cast(Pid, {ack_alert, Alert}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec renegotiate(pid()) -> {ok, WriteState::map()} | {error, closed}. %% Description: So TLS connection process can synchronize the %% encryption state to be used when handshaking. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- renegotiate(Pid) -> %% Needs error handling for external API call(Pid, renegotiate). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec update_connection_state(pid(), WriteState::map(), tls_record:tls_version()) -> ok. %% Description: So TLS connection process can synchronize the %% encryption state to be used when sending application data. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- update_connection_state(Pid, NewState, Version) -> gen_statem:cast(Pid, {new_write, NewState, Version}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec dist_handshake_complete(pid(), node(), term()) -> ok. %% Description: Erlang distribution callback %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- dist_handshake_complete(ConnectionPid, Node, DHandle) -> gen_statem:call(ConnectionPid, {dist_handshake_complete, Node, DHandle}). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec dist_tls_socket(pid()) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}}. %% Description: To enable distribution startup to get a proper "#sslsocket{}" %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- dist_tls_socket(Pid) -> gen_statem:call(Pid, dist_get_tls_socket). %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_statem callbacks %%%=================================================================== %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec callback_mode() -> gen_statem:callback_mode_result(). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- callback_mode() -> state_functions. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec init(Args :: term()) -> gen_statem:init_result(atom()). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init(_) -> %% Note: Should not trap exits so that this process %% will be terminated if tls_connection process is %% killed brutally {ok, init, #data{}}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec init(gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term(), StateData :: term()) -> gen_statem:event_handler_result(atom()). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- init({call, From}, {Pid, #{current_write := WriteState, role := Role, socket := Socket, socket_options := SockOpts, tracker := Tracker, protocol_cb := Connection, transport_cb := Transport, negotiated_version := Version, renegotiate_at := RenegotiateAt}}, #data{connection_states = ConnectionStates} = StateData0) -> Monitor = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), StateData = StateData0#data{connection_pid = Pid, connection_monitor = Monitor, connection_states = ConnectionStates#{current_write => WriteState}, role = Role, socket = Socket, socket_options = SockOpts, tracker = Tracker, protocol_cb = Connection, transport_cb = Transport, negotiated_version = Version, renegotiate_at = RenegotiateAt}, {next_state, handshake, StateData, [{reply, From, ok}]}; init(info, Msg, StateData) -> handle_info(Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec connection(gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term(), StateData :: term()) -> gen_statem:event_handler_result(atom()). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- connection({call, From}, renegotiate, #data{connection_states = #{current_write := Write}} = StateData) -> {next_state, handshake, StateData, [{reply, From, {ok, Write}}]}; connection({call, From}, {application_data, AppData}, #data{socket_options = SockOpts} = StateData) -> case encode_packet(AppData, SockOpts) of {error, _} = Error -> {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData, [{reply, From, Error}]}; Data -> send_application_data(Data, From, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData) end; connection({call, From}, dist_get_tls_socket, #data{protocol_cb = Connection, transport_cb = Transport, socket = Socket, connection_pid = Pid, tracker = Tracker} = StateData) -> TLSSocket = Connection:socket([Pid, self()], Transport, Socket, Connection, Tracker), {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData, [{reply, From, {ok, TLSSocket}}]}; connection({call, From}, {dist_handshake_complete, _Node, DHandle}, #data{connection_pid = Pid} = StateData) -> ok = erlang:dist_ctrl_input_handler(DHandle, Pid), ok = ssl_connection:dist_handshake_complete(Pid, DHandle), %% From now on we execute on normal priority process_flag(priority, normal), Events = dist_data_events(DHandle, []), {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData#data{dist_handle = DHandle}, [{reply, From, ok} | Events]}; connection(cast, {ack_alert, #alert{} = Alert}, #data{connection_pid = Pid} =StateData0) -> StateData = send_tls_alert(Alert, StateData0), Pid ! {self(), ack_alert}, {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData}; connection(cast, #alert{} = Alert, StateData0) -> StateData = send_tls_alert(Alert, StateData0), {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData}; connection(cast, {new_write, WritesState, Version}, #data{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = StateData) -> {next_state, connection, StateData#data{connection_states = ConnectionStates0#{current_write => WritesState}, negotiated_version = Version}}; connection(info, dist_data, #data{dist_handle = DHandle} = StateData) -> Events = dist_data_events(DHandle, []), {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData, Events}; connection(info, tick, StateData) -> consume_ticks(), {next_state, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData, [{next_event, {call, {self(), undefined}}, {application_data, <<>>}}]}; connection(info, {send, From, Ref, Data}, _StateData) -> %% This is for testing only! %% %% Needed by some OTP distribution %% test suites... From ! {Ref, ok}, {keep_state_and_data, [{next_event, {call, {self(), undefined}}, {application_data, iolist_to_binary(Data)}}]}; connection(info, Msg, StateData) -> handle_info(Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec handshake(gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term(), StateData :: term()) -> gen_statem:event_handler_result(atom()). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- handshake({call, _}, _, _) -> {keep_state_and_data, [postpone]}; handshake(cast, {new_write, WritesState, Version}, #data{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = StateData) -> {next_state, connection, StateData#data{connection_states = ConnectionStates0#{current_write => WritesState}, negotiated_version = Version}}; handshake(info, Msg, StateData) -> handle_info(Msg, ?FUNCTION_NAME, StateData). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec death_row(gen_statem:event_type(), Msg :: term(), StateData :: term()) -> gen_statem:event_handler_result(atom()). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- death_row(state_timeout, Reason, _State) -> {stop, {shutdown, Reason}}; death_row(_Type, _Msg, _State) -> %% Waste all other events keep_state_and_data. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec terminate(Reason :: term(), State :: term(), Data :: term()) -> any(). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- terminate(_Reason, _State, _Data) -> void. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec code_change( OldVsn :: term() | {down,term()}, State :: term(), Data :: term(), Extra :: term()) -> {ok, NewState :: term(), NewData :: term()} | (Reason :: term()). %% Convert process state when code is changed %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- code_change(_OldVsn, State, Data, _Extra) -> {ok, State, Data}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== handle_info({'DOWN', Monitor, _, _, Reason}, _, #data{connection_monitor = Monitor, dist_handle = Handle} = StateData) when Handle =/= undefined-> {next_state, death_row, StateData, [{state_timeout, 5000, Reason}]}; handle_info({'DOWN', Monitor, _, _, _}, _, #data{connection_monitor = Monitor} = StateData) -> {stop, normal, StateData}; handle_info(_,_,_) -> {keep_state_and_data}. send_tls_alert(Alert, #data{negotiated_version = Version, socket = Socket, protocol_cb = Connection, transport_cb = Transport, connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = StateData0) -> {BinMsg, ConnectionStates} = Connection:encode_alert(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates0), Connection:send(Transport, Socket, BinMsg), %% TODO: fix ssl_options for this process %% Report = #{direction => outbound, %% protocol => 'tls_record', %% message => BinMsg}, %% ssl_logger:debug(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_level, Report, #{domain => [otp,ssl,tls_record]}), StateData0#data{connection_states = ConnectionStates}. send_application_data(Data, From, StateName, #data{connection_pid = Pid, socket = Socket, dist_handle = DistHandle, negotiated_version = Version, protocol_cb = Connection, transport_cb = Transport, connection_states = ConnectionStates0, renegotiate_at = RenegotiateAt} = StateData0) -> case time_to_renegotiate(Data, ConnectionStates0, RenegotiateAt) of true -> ssl_connection:internal_renegotiation(Pid, ConnectionStates0), {next_state, handshake, StateData0, [{next_event, {call, From}, {application_data, Data}}]}; false -> {Msgs, ConnectionStates} = Connection:encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0), StateData = StateData0#data{connection_states = ConnectionStates}, case Connection:send(Transport, Socket, Msgs) of ok when DistHandle =/= undefined -> {next_state, StateName, StateData, []}; Reason when DistHandle =/= undefined -> {next_state, death_row, StateData, [{state_timeout, 5000, Reason}]}; ok -> {next_state, StateName, StateData, [{reply, From, ok}]}; Result -> {next_state, StateName, StateData, [{reply, From, Result}]} end end. encode_packet(Data, #socket_options{packet=Packet}) -> case Packet of 1 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 8, (1 bsl 8) - 1); 2 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 16, (1 bsl 16) - 1); 4 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 32, (1 bsl 32) - 1); _ -> Data end. encode_size_packet(Bin, Size, Max) -> Len = erlang:byte_size(Bin), case Len > Max of true -> {error, {badarg, {packet_to_large, Len, Max}}}; false -> <> end. time_to_renegotiate(_Data, #{current_write := #{sequence_number := Num}}, RenegotiateAt) -> %% We could do test: %% is_time_to_renegotiate((erlang:byte_size(_Data) div %% ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH) + 1, RenegotiateAt), but we chose to %% have a some what lower renegotiateAt and a much cheaper test is_time_to_renegotiate(Num, RenegotiateAt). is_time_to_renegotiate(N, M) when N < M-> false; is_time_to_renegotiate(_,_) -> true. call(FsmPid, Event) -> try gen_statem:call(FsmPid, Event) catch exit:{noproc, _} -> {error, closed}; exit:{normal, _} -> {error, closed}; exit:{{shutdown, _},_} -> {error, closed} end. %%---------------Erlang distribution -------------------------------------- dist_data_events(DHandle, Events) -> case erlang:dist_ctrl_get_data(DHandle) of none -> erlang:dist_ctrl_get_data_notification(DHandle), lists:reverse(Events); Data -> Event = {next_event, {call, {self(), undefined}}, {application_data, Data}}, dist_data_events(DHandle, [Event | Events]) end. consume_ticks() -> receive tick -> consume_ticks() after 0 -> ok end.