%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017-2019. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(ssl_dist_bench_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct_event.hrl"). -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl"). %% CT meta -export([suite/0, all/0, groups/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2, end_per_group/2, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]). %% Test cases -export( [setup/1, roundtrip/1, sched_utilization/1, throughput_0/1, throughput_64/1, throughput_1024/1, throughput_4096/1, throughput_16384/1, throughput_65536/1, throughput_262144/1, throughput_1048576/1]). %% Debug -export([payload/1, roundtrip_runner/3, setup_runner/3, throughput_runner/4]). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- suite() -> [{ct_hooks, [{ts_install_cth, [{nodenames, 2}]}]}]. all() -> [{group, ssl}, {group, crypto}, {group, plain}]. groups() -> [{ssl, all_groups()}, {crypto, all_groups()}, {plain, all_groups()}, %% {setup, [{repeat, 1}], [setup]}, {roundtrip, [{repeat, 1}], [roundtrip]}, {sched_utilization,[{repeat, 1}], [sched_utilization]}, {throughput, [{repeat, 1}], [throughput_0, throughput_64, throughput_1024, throughput_4096, throughput_16384, throughput_65536, throughput_262144, throughput_1048576]}]. all_groups() -> [{group, setup}, {group, roundtrip}, {group, throughput}, {group, sched_utilization} ]. init_per_suite(Config) -> Digest = sha1, ECCurve = secp521r1, TLSVersion = 'tlsv1.2', TLSCipher = {ecdhe_ecdsa,aes_128_cbc,sha256,sha256}, %% Node = node(), try Node =/= nonode@nohost orelse throw({skipped,"Node not distributed"}), verify_node_src_addr(), {supported, SSLVersions} = lists:keyfind(supported, 1, ssl:versions()), lists:member(TLSVersion, SSLVersions) orelse throw( {skipped, "SSL does not support " ++ term_to_string(TLSVersion)}), lists:member(ECCurve, ssl:eccs(TLSVersion)) orelse throw( {skipped, "SSL does not support " ++ term_to_string(ECCurve)}), lists:member(TLSCipher, ssl:cipher_suites()) orelse throw( {skipped, "SSL does not support " ++ term_to_string(TLSCipher)}) of _ -> PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), %% [_, HostA] = split_node(Node), NodeAName = ?MODULE_STRING ++ "_node_a", NodeAString = NodeAName ++ "@" ++ HostA, NodeAConfFile = filename:join(PrivDir, NodeAString ++ ".conf"), NodeA = list_to_atom(NodeAString), %% ServerNode = ssl_bench_test_lib:setup(dist_server), [_, HostB] = split_node(ServerNode), NodeBName = ?MODULE_STRING ++ "_node_b", NodeBString = NodeBName ++ "@" ++ HostB, NodeBConfFile = filename:join(PrivDir, NodeBString ++ ".conf"), NodeB = list_to_atom(NodeBString), %% CertOptions = [{digest, Digest}, {key, {namedCurve, ECCurve}}], RootCert = public_key:pkix_test_root_cert( ?MODULE_STRING ++ " ROOT CA", CertOptions), SSLConf = [{verify, verify_peer}, {versions, [TLSVersion]}, {ciphers, [TLSCipher]}], ServerConf = [{fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}, {verify_fun, {fun inet_tls_dist:verify_client/3,[]}} | SSLConf], ClientConf = SSLConf, %% write_node_conf( NodeAConfFile, NodeA, ServerConf, ClientConf, CertOptions, RootCert), write_node_conf( NodeBConfFile, NodeB, ServerConf, ClientConf, CertOptions, RootCert), %% [{node_a_name, NodeAName}, {node_a, NodeA}, {node_a_dist_args, "-proto_dist inet_tls " "-ssl_dist_optfile " ++ NodeAConfFile ++ " "}, {node_b_name, NodeBName}, {node_b, NodeB}, {node_b_dist_args, "-proto_dist inet_tls " "-ssl_dist_optfile " ++ NodeBConfFile ++ " "}, {server_node, ServerNode} |Config] catch throw:Result -> Result end. end_per_suite(Config) -> ServerNode = proplists:get_value(server_node, Config), slave:stop(ServerNode). init_per_group(ssl, Config) -> [{ssl_dist, true}, {ssl_dist_prefix, "SSL"}|Config]; init_per_group(crypto, Config) -> case inet_crypto_dist:is_supported() of true -> [{ssl_dist, false}, {ssl_dist_prefix, "Crypto"}, {ssl_dist_args, "-proto_dist inet_crypto " "-inet_crypto '#{secret => \"123456\"}'"} |Config]; false -> {skip, "Not supported on this OTP version"} end; init_per_group(plain, Config) -> [{ssl_dist, false}, {ssl_dist_prefix, "Plain"}|Config]; init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, _Config) -> ok. init_per_testcase(_Func, Conf) -> Conf. end_per_testcase(_Func, _Conf) -> ok. -define(COUNT, 400). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% CommonTest API helpers verify_node_src_addr() -> Msg = "Hello, world!", {ok,Host} = inet:gethostname(), {ok,DstAddr} = inet:getaddr(Host, inet), {ok,Socket} = gen_udp:open(0, [{active,false}]), {ok,Port} = inet:port(Socket), ok = gen_udp:send(Socket, DstAddr, Port, Msg), case gen_udp:recv(Socket, length(Msg) + 1, 1000) of {ok,{DstAddr,Port,Msg}} -> ok; {ok,{SrcAddr,Port,Msg}} -> throw({skipped, "Src and dst address mismatch: " ++ term_to_string(SrcAddr) ++ " =:= " ++ term_to_string(DstAddr)}); Weird -> error(Weird) end. write_node_conf( ConfFile, Node, ServerConf, ClientConf, CertOptions, RootCert) -> [Name,Host] = split_node(Node), Conf = public_key:pkix_test_data( #{root => RootCert, peer => [{extensions, [ #'Extension'{ extnID = ?'id-ce-subjectAltName', extnValue = [{dNSName, Host}], critical = true}, #'Extension'{ extnID = ?'id-ce-subjectAltName', extnValue = [{directoryName, {rdnSequence, [[#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{ type = ?'id-at-commonName', value = {utf8String, unicode:characters_to_binary( Name, utf8) } }]]}}], critical = true} ]} | CertOptions]}), NodeConf = [{server, ServerConf ++ Conf}, {client, ClientConf ++ Conf}], {ok, Fd} = file:open(ConfFile, [write]), ok = file:change_mode(ConfFile, 8#400), io:format(Fd, "~p.~n", [NodeConf]), ok = file:close(Fd). split_node(Node) -> string:split(atom_to_list(Node), "@"). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Test cases %%----------------------- %% Connection setup speed setup(Config) -> run_nodepair_test(fun setup/5, Config). setup(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> Rounds = 50, [] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), [] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), {SetupTime, CycleTime} = ssl_apply(HA, fun () -> setup_runner(A, B, Rounds) end), ok = ssl_apply(HB, fun () -> setup_wait_nodedown(A, 10000) end), %% [] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), %% [] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), SetupSpeed = round((Rounds*1000000*1000) / SetupTime), CycleSpeed = round((Rounds*1000000*1000) / CycleTime), _ = report(Prefix++" Setup", SetupSpeed, "setups/1000s"), report(Prefix++" Setup Cycle", CycleSpeed, "cycles/1000s"). %% Runs on node A against rex in node B setup_runner(A, B, Rounds) -> StartTime = start_time(), SetupTime = setup_loop(A, B, 0, Rounds), {microseconds(SetupTime), microseconds(elapsed_time(StartTime))}. setup_loop(_A, _B, T, 0) -> T; setup_loop(A, B, T, N) -> StartTime = start_time(), [N,A] = [N|rpc:block_call(B, erlang, nodes, [])], Time = elapsed_time(StartTime), [N,B] = [N|erlang:nodes()], Mref = erlang:monitor(process, {rex,B}), true = net_kernel:disconnect(B), receive {'DOWN',Mref,process,_,_} -> [] = erlang:nodes(), setup_loop(A, B, Time + T, N - 1) end. setup_wait_nodedown(A, Time) -> ok = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true), case nodes() of [] -> ok; [A] -> receive {nodedown,A} -> ok; Unexpected -> {error,{unexpected,Unexpected}} after Time -> {error,timeout} end end. %%---------------- %% Roundtrip speed roundtrip(Config) -> run_nodepair_test(fun roundtrip/5, Config). roundtrip(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> Rounds = 40000, [] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), [] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), ok = ssl_apply(HA, net_kernel, allow, [[B]]), ok = ssl_apply(HB, net_kernel, allow, [[A]]), Time = ssl_apply(HA, fun () -> roundtrip_runner(A, B, Rounds) end), [B] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), [A] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), Speed = round((Rounds*1000000) / Time), report(Prefix++" Roundtrip", Speed, "pings/s"). %% Runs on node A and spawns a server on node B roundtrip_runner(A, B, Rounds) -> ClientPid = self(), [A] = rpc:call(B, erlang, nodes, []), ServerPid = erlang:spawn( B, fun () -> roundtrip_server(ClientPid, Rounds) end), ServerMon = erlang:monitor(process, ServerPid), microseconds( roundtrip_client(ServerPid, ServerMon, start_time(), Rounds)). roundtrip_server(_Pid, 0) -> ok; roundtrip_server(Pid, N) -> receive N -> Pid ! N, roundtrip_server(Pid, N-1) end. roundtrip_client(_Pid, Mon, StartTime, 0) -> Time = elapsed_time(StartTime), receive {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, normal} -> Time; {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, Other} -> exit(Other) end; roundtrip_client(Pid, Mon, StartTime, N) -> Pid ! N, receive N -> roundtrip_client(Pid, Mon, StartTime, N - 1) end. %%--------------------------------------- %% Scheduler utilization at constant load sched_utilization(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> sched_utilization(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, proplists:get_value(ssl_dist, Config)) end, Config). sched_utilization(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, SSL) -> [] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), [] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), {ClientMsacc, ServerMsacc, Msgs} = ssl_apply(HA, fun () -> sched_util_runner(A, B, SSL) end), [B] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), [A] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), msacc:print(ClientMsacc), msacc:print(ServerMsacc), ct:pal("Got ~p msgs",[length(Msgs)]), report(Prefix++" Sched Utilization Client", 10000 * msacc:stats(system_runtime,ClientMsacc) / msacc:stats(system_realtime,ClientMsacc), "util 0.01 %"), report(Prefix++" Sched Utilization Server", 10000 * msacc:stats(system_runtime,ServerMsacc) / msacc:stats(system_realtime,ServerMsacc), "util 0.01 %"), ok. %% Runs on node A and spawns a server on node B %% We want to avoid getting busy_dist_port as it hides the true SU usage %% of the receiver and sender. sched_util_runner(A, B, true) -> sched_util_runner(A, B, 250); sched_util_runner(A, B, false) -> sched_util_runner(A, B, 250); sched_util_runner(A, B, Senders) -> Payload = payload(5), [A] = rpc:call(B, erlang, nodes, []), ServerPid = erlang:spawn( B, fun () -> throughput_server() end), ServerMsacc = erlang:spawn( B, fun() -> receive {start,Pid} -> msacc:start(10000), Pid ! {ServerPid,msacc:stats()} end end), spawn_link( fun() -> %% We spawn 250 senders which should mean that we %% have a load of 250 msgs/msec [spawn_link( fun() -> throughput_client(ServerPid,Payload) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Senders)] end), erlang:system_monitor(self(),[busy_dist_port]), ServerMsacc ! {start,self()}, msacc:start(10000), ClientMsaccStats = msacc:stats(), ServerMsaccStats = receive {ServerPid,Stats} -> Stats end, {ClientMsaccStats,ServerMsaccStats, flush()}. flush() -> receive M -> [M | flush()] after 0 -> [] end. throughput_server() -> receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, receive _ -> ok end, throughput_server(). throughput_client(Pid, Payload) -> Pid ! Payload, receive after 1 -> throughput_client(Pid, Payload) end. %%----------------- %% Throughput speed throughput_0(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 500000, 0) end, Config). throughput_64(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 500000, 64) end, Config). throughput_1024(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 100000, 1024) end, Config). throughput_4096(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 50000, 4096) end, Config). throughput_16384(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 10000, 16384) end, Config). throughput_65536(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 2000, 65536) end, Config). throughput_262144(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 500, 262144) end, Config). throughput_1048576(Config) -> run_nodepair_test( fun (A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) -> throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, 200, 1048576) end, Config). throughput(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB, Packets, Size) -> [] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), [] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), #{time := Time, client_dist_stats := ClientDistStats, client_msacc_stats := ClientMsaccStats, client_prof := ClientProf, server_msacc_stats := ServerMsaccStats, server_prof := ServerProf, server_gc_before := Server_GC_Before, server_gc_after := Server_GC_After} = ssl_apply(HA, fun () -> throughput_runner(A, B, Packets, Size) end), [B] = ssl_apply(HA, erlang, nodes, []), [A] = ssl_apply(HB, erlang, nodes, []), ClientMsaccStats =:= undefined orelse msacc:print(ClientMsaccStats), io:format("ClientDistStats: ~p~n", [ClientDistStats]), Overhead = 50 % Distribution protocol headers (empirical) (TLS+=54) + byte_size(erlang:term_to_binary([0|<<>>])), % Benchmark overhead Bytes = Packets * (Size + Overhead), io:format("~w bytes, ~.4g s~n", [Bytes,Time/1000000]), ClientMsaccStats =:= undefined orelse io:format( "Sender core usage ratio: ~.4g ns/byte~n", [msacc:stats(system_runtime, ClientMsaccStats)*1000/Bytes]), ServerMsaccStats =:= undefined orelse begin io:format( "Receiver core usage ratio: ~.4g ns/byte~n", [msacc:stats(system_runtime, ServerMsaccStats)*1000/Bytes]), msacc:print(ServerMsaccStats) end, io:format("******* ClientProf:~n", []), prof_print(ClientProf), io:format("******* ServerProf:~n", []), prof_print(ServerProf), io:format("******* Server GC Before:~n~p~n", [Server_GC_Before]), io:format("******* Server GC After:~n~p~n", [Server_GC_After]), Speed = round((Bytes * 1000000) / (1024 * Time)), report(Prefix++" Throughput_"++integer_to_list(Size), Speed, "kB/s"). %% Runs on node A and spawns a server on node B throughput_runner(A, B, Rounds, Size) -> Payload = payload(Size), [A] = rpc:call(B, erlang, nodes, []), ClientPid = self(), ServerPid = erlang:spawn_opt( B, fun () -> throughput_server(ClientPid, Rounds) end, [{message_queue_data, off_heap}]), ServerMon = erlang:monitor(process, ServerPid), msacc_available() andalso begin msacc:stop(), msacc:reset(), msacc:start(), ok end, prof_start(), #{time := Time} = Result = throughput_client(ServerPid, ServerMon, Payload, Rounds), prof_stop(), MsaccStats = case msacc_available() of true -> MStats = msacc:stats(), msacc:stop(), MStats; false -> undefined end, Prof = prof_end(), [{_Node,Socket}] = dig_dist_node_sockets(), DistStats = inet:getstat(Socket), Result#{time := microseconds(Time), client_dist_stats => DistStats, client_msacc_stats => MsaccStats, client_prof => Prof}. dig_dist_node_sockets() -> [case DistCtrl of {_Node,Socket} = NodeSocket when is_port(Socket) -> NodeSocket; {Node,DistCtrlPid} when is_pid(DistCtrlPid) -> [{links,DistCtrlLinks}] = process_info(DistCtrlPid, [links]), case [S || S <- DistCtrlLinks, is_port(S)] of [Socket] -> {Node,Socket}; [] -> [{monitors,[{process,DistSenderPid}]}] = process_info(DistCtrlPid, [monitors]), [{links,DistSenderLinks}] = process_info(DistSenderPid, [links]), [Socket] = [S || S <- DistSenderLinks, is_port(S)], {Node,Socket} end end || DistCtrl <- erlang:system_info(dist_ctrl)]. throughput_server(Pid, N) -> GC_Before = get_server_gc_info(), %% dbg:tracer(port, dbg:trace_port(file, "throughput_server_gc.log")), %% dbg:p(TLSDistReceiver, garbage_collection), msacc_available() andalso begin msacc:stop(), msacc:reset(), msacc:start(), ok end, prof_start(), throughput_server_loop(Pid, GC_Before, N). throughput_server_loop(_Pid, GC_Before, 0) -> prof_stop(), MsaccStats = case msacc_available() of true -> msacc:stop(), MStats = msacc:stats(), msacc:reset(), MStats; false -> undefined end, Prof = prof_end(), %% dbg:flush_trace_port(), exit(#{server_msacc_stats => MsaccStats, server_prof => Prof, server_gc_before => GC_Before, server_gc_after => get_server_gc_info()}); throughput_server_loop(Pid, GC_Before, N) -> receive Msg -> case Msg of {Pid, N, _} -> throughput_server_loop(Pid, GC_Before, N - 1); Other -> erlang:error({self(),?FUNCTION_NAME,Other}) end end. get_server_gc_info() -> case whereis(ssl_connection_sup_dist) of undefined -> undefined; SupPid -> [{_Id,TLSDistReceiver,_Type,_Modules}|_] = supervisor:which_children(SupPid), erlang:process_info( TLSDistReceiver, [garbage_collection,garbage_collection_info]) end. throughput_client(Pid, Mon, Payload, N) -> throughput_client_loop(Pid, Mon, Payload, N, start_time()). throughput_client_loop(_Pid, Mon, _Payload, 0, StartTime) -> receive {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, #{} = Result} -> Result#{time => elapsed_time(StartTime)}; {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, Other} -> exit(Other) end; throughput_client_loop(Pid, Mon, Payload, N, StartTime) -> Pid ! {self(), N, Payload}, throughput_client_loop(Pid, Mon, Payload, N - 1, StartTime). -define(prof, none). % none | cprof | eprof -if(?prof =:= cprof). prof_start() -> cprof:stop(), cprof:start(), ok. -elif(?prof =:= eprof). prof_start() -> catch eprof:stop(), {ok,_} = eprof:start(), profiling = eprof:start_profiling(processes()), ok. -elif(?prof =:= none). prof_start() -> ok. -endif. -if(?prof =:= cprof). prof_stop() -> cprof:pause(), ok. -elif(?prof =:= eprof). prof_stop() -> _ = eprof:stop_profiling(), ok. -elif(?prof =:= none). prof_stop() -> ok. -endif. -if(?prof =:= cprof). prof_end() -> Prof = cprof:analyse(), cprof:stop(), Prof. -elif(?prof =:= eprof). prof_end() -> eprof:dump_data(). -elif(?prof =:= none). prof_end() -> []. -endif. -if(?prof =:= cprof). prof_print(Prof) -> io:format("~p.~n", [Prof]). -elif(?prof =:= eprof). prof_print(Dump) -> eprof:analyze(undefined, total, [], Dump). -elif(?prof =:= none). prof_print([]) -> ok. -endif. %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Test cases helpers run_nodepair_test(TestFun, Config) -> A = proplists:get_value(node_a, Config), B = proplists:get_value(node_b, Config), Prefix = proplists:get_value(ssl_dist_prefix, Config), HA = start_ssl_node_a(Config), HB = start_ssl_node_b(Config), try TestFun(A, B, Prefix, HA, HB) after stop_ssl_node_a(HA), stop_ssl_node_b(HB, Config), ok end. ssl_apply(Handle, M, F, Args) -> case ssl_dist_test_lib:apply_on_ssl_node(Handle, M, F, Args) of {'EXIT',Reason} -> error(Reason); Result -> Result end. ssl_apply(Handle, Fun) -> case ssl_dist_test_lib:apply_on_ssl_node(Handle, Fun) of {'EXIT',Reason} -> error(Reason); Result -> Result end. start_ssl_node_a(Config) -> Name = proplists:get_value(node_a_name, Config), Args = get_node_args(node_a_dist_args, Config), ssl_dist_test_lib:start_ssl_node(Name, Args). start_ssl_node_b(Config) -> Name = proplists:get_value(node_b_name, Config), Args = get_node_args(node_b_dist_args, Config), ServerNode = proplists:get_value(server_node, Config), rpc:call( ServerNode, ssl_dist_test_lib, start_ssl_node, [Name, Args]). stop_ssl_node_a(HA) -> ssl_dist_test_lib:stop_ssl_node(HA). stop_ssl_node_b(HB, Config) -> ServerNode = proplists:get_value(server_node, Config), rpc:call(ServerNode, ssl_dist_test_lib, stop_ssl_node, [HB]). get_node_args(Tag, Config) -> case proplists:get_value(ssl_dist, Config) of true -> proplists:get_value(Tag, Config); false -> proplists:get_value(ssl_dist_args, Config, "") end. payload(Size) -> iolist_to_binary( [case Size bsr 8 of 0 -> []; Blocks -> payload(Blocks, create_binary(256)) end | create_binary(Size band 255)]). %% payload(0, _) -> []; payload(Blocks, Block) -> Half = payload(Blocks bsr 1, Block), [Half, Half | if Blocks band 1 =:= 1 -> Block; true -> [] end]. create_binary(Size) -> create_binary(Size, <<>>). %% create_binary(0, Bin) -> Bin; create_binary(Size, Bin) -> NextSize = Size - 1, create_binary(NextSize, <>). start_time() -> erlang:system_time(). elapsed_time(StartTime) -> erlang:system_time() - StartTime. microseconds(Time) -> erlang:convert_time_unit(Time, native, microsecond). report(Name, Value, Unit) -> ct:pal("~s: ~w ~s", [Name, Value, Unit]), ct_event:notify( #event{ name = benchmark_data, data = [{value, Value}, {suite, "ssl_dist"}, {name, Name}]}), {comment, term_to_string(Value) ++ " " ++ Unit}. term_to_string(Term) -> unicode:characters_to_list( io_lib:write(Term, [{encoding, unicode}])). msacc_available() -> msacc:available().