This module contains functions for converting to and from
strings (lists of characters). They are used for implementing the
functions in the
A continuation as returned by
For details, see
Returns a character list that represents
If and only if the Unicode translation modifier is used in the
format string (that is,
Returns a character list that represents
Available options:
A soft limit on the number of characters returned.
Tries to read
The function returns:
The string was read.
The string was read, but more input is needed to complete the
original format string.
The read operation failed and parameter
3> io_lib:fread("~f~f~f", "15.6 17.3e-6 24.5"). {ok,[15.6,1.73e-5,24.5],[]}
This is the re-entrant formatted reader. The continuation of
the first call to the functions must be
The function returns:
The input is complete. The result is one of the following:
The string was read.
End of file was encountered.
An error occurred and parameter
More data is required to build a term.
Returns the indentation if
Returns a character list that represents a new line character.
Returns a list of characters that represents
What is a printable character in this case is determined by
startup flag
Returns a list corresponding to the specified format string, where control sequences have been replaced with corresponding tuples. This list can be passed to:
A typical use of this function is to replace unbounded-size
control sequences like
For details, see
Returns a character list that represents
1> lists:flatten(io_lib:write({1,[2],[3],[4,5],6,7,8,9})). "{1,[2],[3],[4,5],6,7,8,9}" 2> lists:flatten(io_lib:write({1,[2],[3],[4,5],6,7,8,9}, 5)). "{1,[2],[3],[...],...}" 3> lists:flatten(io_lib:write({[1,2,3],[4,5],6,7,8,9}, [{chars_limit,20}])). "{[1,2|...],[4|...],...}"
Returns the list of characters needed to print atom
Returns the list of characters needed to print atom
Returns the list of characters needed to print a character constant in the Unicode character set.
Returns the list of characters needed to print a character constant in the Unicode character set. Non-Latin-1 characters are escaped.
Returns the list of characters needed to print a character constant in the ISO Latin-1 character set.
Returns the list of characters needed to print
Returns the list of characters needed to print
Returns the list of characters needed to print