%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(binary). %% %% Implemented in this module: -export([replace/3,replace/4]). -export_type([cp/0]). -opaque cp() :: {'am' | 'bm', reference()}. -type part() :: {Start :: non_neg_integer(), Length :: integer()}. %%% BIFs. -export([at/2, bin_to_list/1, bin_to_list/2, bin_to_list/3, compile_pattern/1, copy/1, copy/2, decode_unsigned/1, decode_unsigned/2, encode_unsigned/1, encode_unsigned/2, first/1, last/1, list_to_bin/1, longest_common_prefix/1, longest_common_suffix/1, match/2, match/3, matches/2, matches/3, part/2, part/3, referenced_byte_size/1, split/2, split/3]). -spec at(Subject, Pos) -> byte() when Subject :: binary(), Pos :: non_neg_integer(). at(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec bin_to_list(Subject) -> [byte()] when Subject :: binary(). bin_to_list(Subject) -> binary_to_list(Subject). -spec bin_to_list(Subject, PosLen) -> [byte()] when Subject :: binary(), PosLen :: part(). bin_to_list(Subject, {Pos, Len}) -> bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len); bin_to_list(_Subject, _BadArg) -> erlang:error(badarg). -spec bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) -> [byte()] when Subject :: binary(), Pos :: non_neg_integer(), Len :: integer(). bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) when not is_binary(Subject); not is_integer(Pos); not is_integer(Len) -> %% binary_to_list/3 allows bitstrings as long as the slice fits, and we %% want to badarg when Pos/Len aren't integers instead of raising badarith %% when adjusting args for binary_to_list/3. erlang:error(badarg); bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, 0) when Pos >= 0, Pos =< byte_size(Subject) -> %% binary_to_list/3 doesn't handle this case. []; bin_to_list(_Subject, _Pos, 0) -> erlang:error(badarg); bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) when Len < 0 -> bin_to_list(Subject, Pos + Len, -Len); bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) when Len > 0 -> binary_to_list(Subject, Pos + 1, Pos + Len). -spec compile_pattern(Pattern) -> cp() when Pattern :: binary() | [binary()]. compile_pattern(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec copy(Subject) -> binary() when Subject :: binary(). copy(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec copy(Subject, N) -> binary() when Subject :: binary(), N :: non_neg_integer(). copy(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec decode_unsigned(Subject) -> Unsigned when Subject :: binary(), Unsigned :: non_neg_integer(). decode_unsigned(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec decode_unsigned(Subject, Endianness) -> Unsigned when Subject :: binary(), Endianness :: big | little, Unsigned :: non_neg_integer(). decode_unsigned(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec encode_unsigned(Unsigned) -> binary() when Unsigned :: non_neg_integer(). encode_unsigned(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec encode_unsigned(Unsigned, Endianness) -> binary() when Unsigned :: non_neg_integer(), Endianness :: big | little. encode_unsigned(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec first(Subject) -> byte() when Subject :: binary(). first(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec last(Subject) -> byte() when Subject :: binary(). last(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec list_to_bin(ByteList) -> binary() when ByteList :: iodata(). list_to_bin(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec longest_common_prefix(Binaries) -> non_neg_integer() when Binaries :: [binary()]. longest_common_prefix(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec longest_common_suffix(Binaries) -> non_neg_integer() when Binaries :: [binary()]. longest_common_suffix(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec match(Subject, Pattern) -> Found | nomatch when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [binary()] | cp(), Found :: part(). match(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec match(Subject, Pattern, Options) -> Found | nomatch when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [binary()] | cp(), Found :: part(), Options :: [Option], Option :: {scope, part()}. match(_, _, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec matches(Subject, Pattern) -> Found when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [binary()] | cp(), Found :: [part()]. matches(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec matches(Subject, Pattern, Options) -> Found when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [binary()] | cp(), Found :: [part()], Options :: [Option], Option :: {scope, part()}. matches(_, _, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec part(Subject, PosLen) -> binary() when Subject :: binary(), PosLen :: part(). part(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec part(Subject, Pos, Len) -> binary() when Subject :: binary(), Pos :: non_neg_integer(), Len :: integer(). part(_, _, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec referenced_byte_size(Binary) -> non_neg_integer() when Binary :: binary(). referenced_byte_size(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec split(Subject, Pattern) -> Parts when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [binary()] | cp(), Parts :: [binary()]. split(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec split(Subject, Pattern, Options) -> Parts when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [binary()] | cp(), Options :: [Option], Option :: {scope, part()} | trim | global | trim_all, Parts :: [binary()]. split(_, _, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %%% End of BIFs. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% replace %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -spec replace(Subject, Pattern, Replacement) -> Result when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [ binary() ] | cp(), Replacement :: binary(), Result :: binary(). replace(H,N,R) -> replace(H,N,R,[]). -spec replace(Subject, Pattern, Replacement, Options) -> Result when Subject :: binary(), Pattern :: binary() | [ binary() ] | cp(), Replacement :: binary(), Options :: [Option], Option :: global | {scope, part()} | {insert_replaced, InsPos}, InsPos :: OnePos | [ OnePos ], OnePos :: non_neg_integer(), Result :: binary(). replace(Haystack,Needles,Replacement,Options) -> try true = is_binary(Replacement), % Make badarg instead of function clause {Part,Global,Insert} = get_opts_replace(Options,{no,false,[]}), Moptlist = case Part of no -> []; {A,B} -> [{scope,{A,B}}] end, MList = if Global -> binary:matches(Haystack,Needles,Moptlist); true -> case binary:match(Haystack,Needles,Moptlist) of nomatch -> []; Match -> [Match] end end, ReplList = case Insert of [] -> Replacement; Y when is_integer(Y) -> splitat(Replacement,0,[Y]); Li when is_list(Li) -> splitat(Replacement,0,lists:sort(Li)) end, erlang:iolist_to_binary(do_replace(Haystack,MList,ReplList,0)) catch _:_ -> erlang:error(badarg) end. do_replace(H,[],_,N) -> [binary:part(H,{N,byte_size(H)-N})]; do_replace(H,[{A,B}|T],Replacement,N) -> [binary:part(H,{N,A-N}), if is_list(Replacement) -> do_insert(Replacement, binary:part(H,{A,B})); true -> Replacement end | do_replace(H,T,Replacement,A+B)]. do_insert([X],_) -> [X]; do_insert([H|T],R) -> [H,R|do_insert(T,R)]. splitat(H,N,[]) -> [binary:part(H,{N,byte_size(H)-N})]; splitat(H,N,[I|T]) -> [binary:part(H,{N,I-N})|splitat(H,I,T)]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Simple helper functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% get_opts_replace([],{Part,Global,Insert}) -> {Part,Global,Insert}; get_opts_replace([{scope,{A,B}} | T],{_Part,Global,Insert}) -> get_opts_replace(T,{{A,B},Global,Insert}); get_opts_replace([global | T],{Part,_Global,Insert}) -> get_opts_replace(T,{Part,true,Insert}); get_opts_replace([{insert_replaced,N} | T],{Part,Global,_Insert}) -> get_opts_replace(T,{Part,Global,N}); get_opts_replace(_,_) -> throw(badopt).