%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(erl_tar). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Purpose: Unix tar (tape archive) utility. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -export([create/2, create/3, extract/1, extract/2, table/1, table/2, open/2, close/1, add/3, add/4, t/1, tt/1, format_error/1]). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -record(add_opts, {read_info, % Fun to use for read file/link info. verbose = false :: boolean()}). % Verbose on/off. %% Opens a tar archive. open(Name, Mode) -> case open_mode(Mode) of {ok, Access, Raw, Opts} -> open1(Name, Access, Raw, Opts); {error, Reason} -> {error, {Name, Reason}} end. open1({binary,Bin}, read, _Raw, Opts) -> case file:open(Bin, [ram,binary,read]) of {ok,File} -> _ = [ram_file:uncompress(File) || Opts =:= [compressed]], {ok,{read,File}}; Error -> Error end; open1({file, Fd}, read, _Raw, _Opts) -> {ok, {read, Fd}}; open1(Name, Access, Raw, Opts) -> case file:open(Name, Raw ++ [binary, Access|Opts]) of {ok, File} -> {ok, {Access, File}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {Name, Reason}} end. %% Closes a tar archive. close({read, File}) -> ok = file:close(File); close({write, File}) -> PadResult = pad_file(File), ok = file:close(File), PadResult; close(_) -> {error, einval}. %% Adds a file to a tape archive. add(File, Name, Options) -> add(File, Name, Name, Options). add({write, File}, Name, NameInArchive, Options) -> Opts = #add_opts{read_info=fun(F) -> file:read_link_info(F) end}, add1(File, Name, NameInArchive, add_opts(Options, Opts)); add({read, _File}, _, _, _) -> {error, eacces}; add(_, _, _, _) -> {error, einval}. add_opts([dereference|T], Opts) -> add_opts(T, Opts#add_opts{read_info=fun(F) -> file:read_file_info(F) end}); add_opts([verbose|T], Opts) -> add_opts(T, Opts#add_opts{verbose=true}); add_opts([_|T], Opts) -> add_opts(T, Opts); add_opts([], Opts) -> Opts. %% Creates a tar file Name containing the given files. create(Name, Filenames) -> create(Name, Filenames, []). %% Creates a tar archive Name containing the given files. %% Accepted options: verbose, compressed, cooked create(Name, FileList, Options) -> Mode = lists:filter(fun(X) -> (X=:=compressed) or (X=:=cooked) end, Options), case open(Name, [write|Mode]) of {ok, TarFile} -> Add = fun({NmInA, NmOrBin}) -> add(TarFile, NmOrBin, NmInA, Options); (Nm) -> add(TarFile, Nm, Nm, Options) end, Result = foreach_while_ok(Add, FileList), case {Result, close(TarFile)} of {ok, Res} -> Res; {Res, _} -> Res end; Reason -> Reason end. %% Extracts all files from the tar file Name. extract(Name) -> extract(Name, []). %% Extracts (all) files from the tar file Name. %% Options accepted: keep_old_files, {files, ListOfFilesToExtract}, verbose, %% {cwd, AbsoluteDirectory} extract(Name, Opts) -> foldl_read(Name, fun extract1/4, ok, extract_opts(Opts)). %% Returns a list of names of the files in the tar file Name. %% Options accepted: verbose table(Name) -> table(Name, []). %% Returns a list of names of the files in the tar file Name. %% Options accepted: compressed, verbose, cooked. table(Name, Opts) -> foldl_read(Name, fun table1/4, [], table_opts(Opts)). %% Comments for printing the contents of a tape archive, %% meant to be invoked from the shell. t(Name) -> case table(Name) of {ok, List} -> lists:foreach(fun(N) -> ok = io:format("~ts\n", [N]) end, List); Error -> Error end. tt(Name) -> case table(Name, [verbose]) of {ok, List} -> lists:foreach(fun print_header/1, List); Error -> Error end. print_header({Name, Type, Size, Mtime, Mode, Uid, Gid}) -> io:format("~s~s ~4w/~-4w ~7w ~s ~s\n", [type_to_string(Type), mode_to_string(Mode), Uid, Gid, Size, time_to_string(Mtime), Name]). type_to_string(regular) -> "-"; type_to_string(directory) -> "d"; type_to_string(link) -> "l"; type_to_string(symlink) -> "s"; type_to_string(char) -> "c"; type_to_string(block) -> "b"; type_to_string(fifo) -> "f"; type_to_string(_) -> "?". mode_to_string(Mode) -> mode_to_string(Mode, "xwrxwrxwr", []). mode_to_string(Mode, [C|T], Acc) when Mode band 1 =:= 1 -> mode_to_string(Mode bsr 1, T, [C|Acc]); mode_to_string(Mode, [_|T], Acc) -> mode_to_string(Mode bsr 1, T, [$-|Acc]); mode_to_string(_, [], Acc) -> Acc. time_to_string({{Y, Mon, Day}, {H, Min, _}}) -> io_lib:format("~s ~2w ~s:~s ~w", [month(Mon), Day, two_d(H), two_d(Min), Y]). two_d(N) -> tl(integer_to_list(N + 100)). month(1) -> "Jan"; month(2) -> "Feb"; month(3) -> "Mar"; month(4) -> "Apr"; month(5) -> "May"; month(6) -> "Jun"; month(7) -> "Jul"; month(8) -> "Aug"; month(9) -> "Sep"; month(10) -> "Oct"; month(11) -> "Nov"; month(12) -> "Dec". %% Converts the short error reason to a descriptive string. format_error(bad_header) -> "Bad directory header"; format_error(eof) -> "Unexpected end of file"; format_error(symbolic_link_too_long) -> "Symbolic link too long"; format_error({Name,Reason}) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts: ~ts", [Name,format_error(Reason)])); format_error(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> file:format_error(Atom); format_error(Term) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tp", [Term])). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Useful definitions (also start of implementation). %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Offset for fields in the tar header. %% Note that these offsets are ZERO-based as in the POSIX standard %% document, while binaries use ONE-base offset. Caveat Programmer. -define(th_name, 0). -define(th_mode, 100). -define(th_uid, 108). -define(th_gid, 116). -define(th_size, 124). -define(th_mtime, 136). -define(th_chksum, 148). -define(th_typeflag, 156). -define(th_linkname, 157). -define(th_magic, 257). -define(th_version, 263). -define(th_prefix, 345). %% Length of these fields. -define(th_name_len, 100). -define(th_mode_len, 8). -define(th_uid_len, 8). -define(th_gid_len, 8). -define(th_size_len, 12). -define(th_mtime_len, 12). -define(th_chksum_len, 8). -define(th_linkname_len, 100). -define(th_magic_len, 6). -define(th_version_len, 2). -define(th_prefix_len, 167). -record(tar_header, {name, % Name of file. mode, % Mode bits. uid, % User id. gid, % Group id. size, % Size of file mtime, % Last modified (seconds since % Jan 1, 1970). chksum, % Checksum of header. typeflag = [], % Type of file. linkname = [], % Name of link. filler = [], prefix}). % Filename prefix. -define(record_size, 512). -define(block_size, (512*20)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Adding members to a tar archive. %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% add1(TarFile, Bin, NameInArchive, Opts) when is_binary(Bin) -> Now = calendar:now_to_local_time(now()), Info = #file_info{size = byte_size(Bin), type = regular, access = read_write, atime = Now, mtime = Now, ctime = Now, mode = 8#100644, links = 1, major_device = 0, minor_device = 0, inode = 0, uid = 0, gid = 0}, Header = create_header(NameInArchive, Info), add1(TarFile, NameInArchive, Header, Bin, Opts); add1(TarFile, Name, NameInArchive, Opts) -> case read_file_and_info(Name, Opts) of {ok, Bin, Info} when Info#file_info.type =:= regular -> Header = create_header(NameInArchive, Info), add1(TarFile, Name, Header, Bin, Opts); {ok, PointsTo, Info} when Info#file_info.type =:= symlink -> if length(PointsTo) > 100 -> {error,{PointsTo,symbolic_link_too_long}}; true -> Info2 = Info#file_info{size=0}, Header = create_header(NameInArchive, Info2, PointsTo), add1(TarFile, Name, Header, list_to_binary([]), Opts) end; {ok, _, Info} when Info#file_info.type =:= directory -> add_directory(TarFile, Name, NameInArchive, Info, Opts); {ok, _, #file_info{type=Type}} -> {error, {bad_file_type, Name, Type}}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {Name, Reason}} end. add1(Tar, Name, Header, Bin, Options) -> add_verbose(Options, "a ~ts~n", [Name]), file:write(Tar, [Header, Bin, padding(byte_size(Bin), ?record_size)]). add_directory(TarFile, DirName, NameInArchive, Info, Options) -> case file:list_dir(DirName) of {ok, []} -> add_verbose(Options, "a ~ts~n", [DirName]), Header = create_header(NameInArchive, Info), file:write(TarFile, Header); {ok, Files} -> Add = fun (File) -> add1(TarFile, filename:join(DirName, File), filename:join(NameInArchive, File), Options) end, foreach_while_ok(Add, Files); {error, Reason} -> {error, {DirName, Reason}} end. %% Creates a header for file in a tar file. create_header(Name, Info) -> create_header(Name, Info, []). create_header(Name, #file_info {mode=Mode, uid=Uid, gid=Gid, size=Size, mtime=Mtime0, type=Type}, Linkname) -> Mtime = posix_time(erlang:localtime_to_universaltime(Mtime0)), {Prefix,Suffix} = split_filename(Name), H0 = [to_string(Suffix, 100), to_octal(Mode, 8), to_octal(Uid, 8), to_octal(Gid, 8), to_octal(Size, ?th_size_len), to_octal(Mtime, ?th_mtime_len), <<" ">>, file_type(Type), to_string(Linkname, ?th_linkname_len), "ustar",0, "00", zeroes(?th_prefix-?th_version-?th_version_len), to_string(Prefix, ?th_prefix_len)], H = list_to_binary(H0), 512 = byte_size(H), %Assertion. ChksumString = to_octal(checksum(H), 6, [0,$\s]), <<Before:?th_chksum/binary,_:?th_chksum_len/binary,After/binary>> = H, [Before,ChksumString,After]. file_type(regular) -> $0; file_type(symlink) -> $2; file_type(directory) -> $5. to_octal(Int, Count) when Count > 1 -> to_octal(Int, Count-1, [0]). to_octal(_, 0, Result) -> Result; to_octal(Int, Count, Result) -> to_octal(Int div 8, Count-1, [Int rem 8 + $0|Result]). to_string(Str0, Count) -> Str = list_to_binary(Str0), case byte_size(Str) of Size when Size < Count -> [Str|zeroes(Count-Size)]; _ -> Str end. %% Pads out end of file. pad_file(File) -> {ok,Position} = file:position(File, {cur,0}), %% There must be at least one empty record at the end of the file. Zeros = zeroes(?block_size - (Position rem ?block_size)), file:write(File, Zeros). split_filename(Name) when length(Name) =< ?th_name_len -> {"", Name}; split_filename(Name0) -> split_filename(lists:reverse(filename:split(Name0)), [], [], 0). split_filename([Comp|Rest], Prefix, Suffix, Len) when Len+length(Comp) < ?th_name_len -> split_filename(Rest, Prefix, [Comp|Suffix], Len+length(Comp)+1); split_filename([Comp|Rest], Prefix, Suffix, Len) -> split_filename(Rest, [Comp|Prefix], Suffix, Len+length(Comp)+1); split_filename([], Prefix, Suffix, _) -> {filename:join(Prefix),filename:join(Suffix)}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Retrieving files from a tape archive. %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Options used when reading a tar archive. -record(read_opts, {cwd :: string(), % Current working directory. keep_old_files = false :: boolean(), % Owerwrite or not. files = all, % Set of files to extract % (or all). output = file :: 'file' | 'memory', open_mode = [], % Open mode options. verbose = false :: boolean()}). % Verbose on/off. extract_opts(List) -> extract_opts(List, default_options()). table_opts(List) -> read_opts(List, default_options()). default_options() -> {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), #read_opts{cwd=Cwd}. %% Parse options for extract. extract_opts([keep_old_files|Rest], Opts) -> extract_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{keep_old_files=true}); extract_opts([{cwd, Cwd}|Rest], Opts) -> extract_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{cwd=Cwd}); extract_opts([{files, Files}|Rest], Opts) -> Set = ordsets:from_list(Files), extract_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{files=Set}); extract_opts([memory|Rest], Opts) -> extract_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{output=memory}); extract_opts([compressed|Rest], Opts=#read_opts{open_mode=OpenMode}) -> extract_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{open_mode=[compressed|OpenMode]}); extract_opts([cooked|Rest], Opts=#read_opts{open_mode=OpenMode}) -> extract_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{open_mode=[cooked|OpenMode]}); extract_opts([verbose|Rest], Opts) -> extract_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{verbose=true}); extract_opts([Other|Rest], Opts) -> extract_opts(Rest, read_opts([Other], Opts)); extract_opts([], Opts) -> Opts. %% Common options for all read operations. read_opts([compressed|Rest], Opts=#read_opts{open_mode=OpenMode}) -> read_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{open_mode=[compressed|OpenMode]}); read_opts([cooked|Rest], Opts=#read_opts{open_mode=OpenMode}) -> read_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{open_mode=[cooked|OpenMode]}); read_opts([verbose|Rest], Opts) -> read_opts(Rest, Opts#read_opts{verbose=true}); read_opts([_|Rest], Opts) -> read_opts(Rest, Opts); read_opts([], Opts) -> Opts. foldl_read(TarName, Fun, Accu, Opts) -> case open(TarName, [read|Opts#read_opts.open_mode]) of {ok, {read, File}} -> Result = case catch foldl_read1(Fun, Accu, File, Opts) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> exit(Reason); {error, {Reason, Format, Args}} -> read_verbose(Opts, Format, Args), {error, Reason}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}; Ok -> Ok end, ok = file:close(File), Result; Error -> Error end. foldl_read1(Fun, Accu0, File, Opts) -> case get_header(File) of eof -> Fun(eof, File, Opts, Accu0); Header -> {ok, NewAccu} = Fun(Header, File, Opts, Accu0), foldl_read1(Fun, NewAccu, File, Opts) end. table1(eof, _, _, Result) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Result)}; table1(Header = #tar_header{}, File, #read_opts{verbose=true}, Result) -> #tar_header{name=Name, size=Size, mtime=Mtime, typeflag=Type, mode=Mode, uid=Uid, gid=Gid} = Header, skip(File, Size), {ok, [{Name, Type, Size, posix_to_erlang_time(Mtime), Mode, Uid, Gid}|Result]}; table1(#tar_header{name=Name, size=Size}, File, _, Result) -> skip(File, Size), {ok, [Name|Result]}. extract1(eof, _, _, Acc) -> if is_list(Acc) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}; true -> Acc end; extract1(Header, File, Opts, Acc) -> Name = Header#tar_header.name, case check_extract(Name, Opts) of true -> {ok, Bin} = get_element(File, Header), case write_extracted_element(Header, Bin, Opts) of ok -> {ok, Acc}; {ok, NameBin} when is_list(Acc) -> {ok, [NameBin | Acc]}; {ok, NameBin} when Acc =:= ok -> {ok, [NameBin]} end; false -> ok = skip(File, Header#tar_header.size), {ok, Acc} end. %% Checks if the file Name should be extracted. check_extract(_, #read_opts{files=all}) -> true; check_extract(Name, #read_opts{files=Files}) -> ordsets:is_element(Name, Files). get_header(File) -> case file:read(File, ?record_size) of eof -> throw({error,eof}); {ok, Bin} when is_binary(Bin) -> convert_header(Bin); {ok, List} -> convert_header(list_to_binary(List)); {error, Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}) end. %% Converts the tar header to a record. convert_header(Bin) when byte_size(Bin) =:= ?record_size -> case verify_checksum(Bin) of ok -> Hd = #tar_header{name=get_name(Bin), mode=from_octal(Bin, ?th_mode, ?th_mode_len), uid=from_octal(Bin, ?th_uid, ?th_uid_len), gid=from_octal(Bin, ?th_gid, ?th_gid_len), size=from_octal(Bin, ?th_size, ?th_size_len), mtime=from_octal(Bin, ?th_mtime, ?th_mtime_len), linkname=from_string(Bin, ?th_linkname, ?th_linkname_len), typeflag=typeflag(Bin)}, convert_header1(Hd); eof -> eof end; convert_header(Bin) when byte_size(Bin) =:= 0 -> eof; convert_header(_Bin) -> throw({error, eof}). %% Basic sanity. Better set the element size to zero here if the type %% always is of zero length. convert_header1(H) when H#tar_header.typeflag =:= symlink, H#tar_header.size =/= 0 -> convert_header1(H#tar_header{size=0}); convert_header1(H) when H#tar_header.typeflag =:= directory, H#tar_header.size =/= 0 -> convert_header1(H#tar_header{size=0}); convert_header1(Header) -> Header. typeflag(Bin) -> [T] = binary_to_list(Bin, ?th_typeflag+1, ?th_typeflag+1), case T of 0 -> regular; $0 -> regular; $1 -> link; $2 -> symlink; $3 -> char; $4 -> block; $5 -> directory; $6 -> fifo; $7 -> regular; _ -> unknown end. %% Get the name of the file from the prefix and name fields of the %% tar header. get_name(Bin) -> Name = from_string(Bin, ?th_name, ?th_name_len), case binary_to_list(Bin, ?th_prefix+1, ?th_prefix+1) of [0] -> Name; [_] -> Prefix = binary_to_list(Bin, ?th_prefix+1, byte_size(Bin)), lists:reverse(remove_nulls(Prefix), [$/|Name]) end. from_string(Bin, Pos, Len) -> lists:reverse(remove_nulls(binary_to_list(Bin, Pos+1, Pos+Len))). %% Returns all characters up to (but not including) the first null %% character, in REVERSE order. remove_nulls(List) -> remove_nulls(List, []). remove_nulls([0|_], Result) -> remove_nulls([], Result); remove_nulls([C|Rest], Result) -> remove_nulls(Rest, [C|Result]); remove_nulls([], Result) -> Result. from_octal(Bin, Pos, Len) -> from_octal(binary_to_list(Bin, Pos+1, Pos+Len)). from_octal([$\s|Rest]) -> from_octal(Rest); from_octal([Digit|Rest]) when $0 =< Digit, Digit =< $7 -> from_octal(Rest, Digit-$0); from_octal(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> from_octal(binary_to_list(Bin)); from_octal(Other) -> throw({error, {bad_header, "Bad octal number: ~p", [Other]}}). from_octal([Digit|Rest], Result) when $0 =< Digit, Digit =< $7 -> from_octal(Rest, Result*8+Digit-$0); from_octal([$\s|_], Result) -> Result; from_octal([0|_], Result) -> Result; from_octal(Other, _) -> throw({error, {bad_header, "Bad contents in octal field: ~p", [Other]}}). %% Retrieves the next element from the archive. %% Returns {ok, Bin} | eof | {error, Reason} get_element(File, #tar_header{size = 0}) -> skip_to_next(File), {ok,<<>>}; get_element(File, #tar_header{size = Size}) -> case file:read(File, Size) of {ok,Bin}=Res when byte_size(Bin) =:= Size -> skip_to_next(File), Res; {ok,List} when length(List) =:= Size -> skip_to_next(File), {ok,list_to_binary(List)}; {ok,_} -> throw({error,eof}); {error, Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}); eof -> throw({error,eof}) end. %% Verify the checksum in the header. First try an unsigned addition %% of all bytes in the header (as it should be according to Posix). verify_checksum(Bin) -> <<H1:?th_chksum/binary,CheckStr:?th_chksum_len/binary,H2/binary>> = Bin, case checksum(H1) + checksum(H2) of 0 -> eof; Checksum0 -> Csum = from_octal(CheckStr), CsumInit = ?th_chksum_len * $\s, case Checksum0 + CsumInit of Csum -> ok; Unsigned -> verify_checksum(H1, H2, CsumInit, Csum, Unsigned) end end. %% The checksums didn't match. Now try a signed addition. verify_checksum(H1, H2, Csum, ShouldBe, Unsigned) -> case signed_sum(binary_to_list(H1), signed_sum(binary_to_list(H2), Csum)) of ShouldBe -> ok; Signed -> throw({error, {bad_header, "Incorrect directory checksum ~w (~w), should be ~w", [Signed, Unsigned, ShouldBe]}}) end. signed_sum([C|Rest], Sum) when C < 128 -> signed_sum(Rest, Sum+C); signed_sum([C|Rest], Sum) -> signed_sum(Rest, Sum+C-256); signed_sum([], Sum) -> Sum. write_extracted_element(Header, Bin, Opts) when Opts#read_opts.output =:= memory -> case Header#tar_header.typeflag of regular -> {ok, {Header#tar_header.name, Bin}}; _ -> ok end; write_extracted_element(Header, Bin, Opts) -> Name = filename:absname(Header#tar_header.name, Opts#read_opts.cwd), Created = case Header#tar_header.typeflag of regular -> write_extracted_file(Name, Bin, Opts); directory -> create_extracted_dir(Name, Opts); symlink -> create_symlink(Name, Header, Opts); Other -> % Ignore. read_verbose(Opts, "x ~ts - unsupported type ~p~n", [Name, Other]), not_written end, case Created of ok -> set_extracted_file_info(Name, Header); not_written -> ok end. create_extracted_dir(Name, _Opts) -> case file:make_dir(Name) of ok -> ok; {error,enotsup} -> not_written; {error,eexist} -> not_written; {error,enoent} -> make_dirs(Name, dir); {error,Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}) end. create_symlink(Name, #tar_header{linkname=Linkname}=Header, Opts) -> case file:make_symlink(Linkname, Name) of ok -> ok; {error,enoent} -> ok = make_dirs(Name, file), create_symlink(Name, Header, Opts); {error,eexist} -> not_written; {error,enotsup} -> read_verbose(Opts, "x ~ts - symbolic links not supported~n", [Name]), not_written; {error,Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}) end. write_extracted_file(Name, Bin, Opts) -> Write = case Opts#read_opts.keep_old_files of true -> case file:read_file_info(Name) of {ok, _} -> false; _ -> true end; false -> true end, case Write of true -> read_verbose(Opts, "x ~ts~n", [Name]), write_file(Name, Bin); false -> read_verbose(Opts, "x ~ts - exists, not created~n", [Name]), not_written end. write_file(Name, Bin) -> case file:write_file(Name, Bin) of ok -> ok; {error,enoent} -> ok = make_dirs(Name, file), write_file(Name, Bin); {error,Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}) end. set_extracted_file_info(_, #tar_header{typeflag = symlink}) -> ok; set_extracted_file_info(Name, #tar_header{mode=Mode, mtime=Mtime}) -> Info = #file_info{mode=Mode, mtime=posix_to_erlang_time(Mtime)}, file:write_file_info(Name, Info). %% Makes all directories leading up to the file. make_dirs(Name, file) -> filelib:ensure_dir(Name); make_dirs(Name, dir) -> filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(Name,"*")). %% Prints the message on if the verbose option is given (for reading). read_verbose(#read_opts{verbose=true}, Format, Args) -> io:format(Format, Args), io:nl(); read_verbose(_, _, _) -> ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% Utility functions. %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Returns the checksum of a binary. checksum(Bin) -> checksum(Bin, 0). checksum(<<A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,T/binary>>, Sum) -> checksum(T, Sum+A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H); checksum(<<A,T/binary>>, Sum) -> checksum(T, Sum+A); checksum(<<>>, Sum) -> Sum. %% Returns a list of zeroes to pad out to the given block size. padding(Size, BlockSize) -> zeroes(pad_size(Size, BlockSize)). pad_size(Size, BlockSize) -> case Size rem BlockSize of 0 -> 0; Rem -> BlockSize-Rem end. zeroes(0) -> []; zeroes(1) -> [0]; zeroes(2) -> [0,0]; zeroes(Number) -> Half = zeroes(Number div 2), case Number rem 2 of 0 -> [Half|Half]; 1 -> [Half|[0|Half]] end. %% Skips the given number of bytes rounded up to an even record. skip(File, Size) -> %% Note: There is no point in handling failure to get the current position %% in the file. If it doesn't work, something serious is wrong. Amount = ((Size + ?record_size - 1) div ?record_size) * ?record_size, {ok,_} = file:position(File, {cur, Amount}), ok. %% Skips to the next record in the file. skip_to_next(File) -> %% Note: There is no point in handling failure to get the current position %% in the file. If it doesn't work, something serious is wrong. {ok, Position} = file:position(File, {cur, 0}), NewPosition = ((Position + ?record_size - 1) div ?record_size) * ?record_size, {ok,NewPosition} = file:position(File, NewPosition), ok. %% Prints the message on if the verbose option is given. add_verbose(#add_opts{verbose=true}, Format, Args) -> io:format(Format, Args); add_verbose(_, _, _) -> ok. %% Converts a tuple containing the time to a Posix time (seconds %% since Jan 1, 1970). posix_time(Time) -> EpochStart = {{1970,1,1},{0,0,0}}, {Days,{Hour,Min,Sec}} = calendar:time_difference(EpochStart, Time), 86400*Days + 3600*Hour + 60*Min + Sec. posix_to_erlang_time(Sec) -> OneMillion = 1000000, Time = calendar:now_to_datetime({Sec div OneMillion, Sec rem OneMillion, 0}), erlang:universaltime_to_localtime(Time). read_file_and_info(Name, Opts) -> ReadInfo = Opts#add_opts.read_info, case ReadInfo(Name) of {ok,Info} when Info#file_info.type =:= regular -> case file:read_file(Name) of {ok,Bin} -> {ok,Bin,Info}; Error -> Error end; {ok,Info} when Info#file_info.type =:= symlink -> case file:read_link(Name) of {ok,PointsTo} -> {ok,PointsTo,Info}; Error -> Error end; {ok, Info} -> {ok,[],Info}; Error -> Error end. foreach_while_ok(Fun, [First|Rest]) -> case Fun(First) of ok -> foreach_while_ok(Fun, Rest); Other -> Other end; foreach_while_ok(_, []) -> ok. open_mode(Mode) -> open_mode(Mode, false, [raw], []). open_mode(read, _, Raw, _) -> {ok, read, Raw, []}; open_mode(write, _, Raw, _) -> {ok, write, Raw, []}; open_mode([read|Rest], false, Raw, Opts) -> open_mode(Rest, read, Raw, Opts); open_mode([write|Rest], false, Raw, Opts) -> open_mode(Rest, write, Raw, Opts); open_mode([compressed|Rest], Access, Raw, Opts) -> open_mode(Rest, Access, Raw, [compressed|Opts]); open_mode([cooked|Rest], Access, _Raw, Opts) -> open_mode(Rest, Access, [], Opts); open_mode([], Access, Raw, Opts) -> {ok, Access, Raw, Opts}; open_mode(_, _, _, _) -> {error, einval}.