%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2017. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(escript). %% Useful functions that can be called from scripts. -export([script_name/0, create/2, extract/2]). %% Internal API. -export([start/0, start/1, parse_file/1]). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(SHEBANG, "/usr/bin/env escript"). -define(COMMENT, "This is an -*- erlang -*- file"). %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -type mode() :: 'native' | 'compile' | 'debug' | 'interpret' | 'run'. -type source() :: 'archive' | 'beam' | 'text'. -record(state, {file :: file:filename(), module :: module(), forms_or_bin, source :: source() | 'undefined', n_errors :: non_neg_integer(), mode :: mode(), exports_main :: boolean(), has_records :: boolean()}). -type shebang() :: string(). -type comment() :: string(). -type emu_args() :: string(). -record(sections, {type, shebang :: shebang() | 'undefined', comment :: comment() | 'undefined', emu_args :: emu_args() | 'undefined', body}). -record(extract_options, {compile_source}). -type zip_file() :: file:filename() | {file:filename(), binary()} | {file:filename(), binary(), file:file_info()}. -type section() :: shebang | {shebang, shebang() | default | undefined} | comment | {comment, comment() | default | undefined} | {emu_args, emu_args() | undefined} | {source, file:filename() | binary()} | {beam, file:filename() | binary()} | {archive, zip:filename() | binary()} | {archive, [zip_file()], [zip:create_option()]}. %%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Create a complete escript file with both header and body -spec create(file:filename() | binary, [section()]) -> ok | {ok, binary()} | {error, term()}. create(File, Options) when is_list(Options) -> try S = prepare(Options, #sections{}), BinList = [Section || Section <- [S#sections.shebang, S#sections.comment, S#sections.emu_args, S#sections.body], Section =/= undefined], case File of binary -> {ok, list_to_binary(BinList)}; _ -> case file:write_file(File, BinList) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> {error, {Reason, File}} end end catch throw:PrepareReason -> {error, PrepareReason} end. prepare([H | T], S) -> case H of {shebang, undefined} -> prepare(T, S); shebang -> prepare(T, S#sections{shebang = "#!" ++ ?SHEBANG ++ "\n"}); {shebang, default} -> prepare(T, S#sections{shebang = "#!" ++ ?SHEBANG ++ "\n"}); {shebang, Shebang} when is_list(Shebang) -> prepare(T, S#sections{shebang = "#!" ++ Shebang ++ "\n"}); {comment, undefined} -> prepare(T, S); comment -> prepare(T, S#sections{comment = "%% " ++ ?COMMENT ++ "\n"}); {comment, default} -> prepare(T, S#sections{comment = "%% " ++ ?COMMENT ++ "\n"}); {comment, Comment} when is_list(Comment) -> prepare(T, S#sections{comment = "%% " ++ Comment ++ "\n"}); {emu_args, undefined} -> prepare(T, S); {emu_args, Args} when is_list(Args) -> prepare(T, S#sections{emu_args = "%%!" ++ Args ++ "\n"}); {Type, File} when is_list(File) -> case file:read_file(File) of {ok, Bin} -> prepare(T, S#sections{type = Type, body = Bin}); {error, Reason} -> throw({Reason, H}) end; {Type, Bin} when is_binary(Bin) -> prepare(T, S#sections{type = Type, body = Bin}); {archive = Type, ZipFiles, ZipOptions} when is_list(ZipFiles), is_list(ZipOptions) -> File = "dummy.zip", case zip:create(File, ZipFiles, ZipOptions ++ [memory]) of {ok, {File, ZipBin}} -> prepare(T, S#sections{type = Type, body = ZipBin}); {error, Reason} -> throw({Reason, H}) end; _ -> throw({badarg, H}) end; prepare([], #sections{body = undefined}) -> throw(missing_body); prepare([], #sections{type = Type} = S) when Type =:= source; Type =:= beam; Type =:= archive -> S; prepare([], #sections{type = Type}) -> throw({illegal_type, Type}); prepare(BadOptions, _) -> throw({badarg, BadOptions}). -type section_name() :: shebang | comment | emu_args | body . -type extract_option() :: compile_source | {section, [section_name()]}. -spec extract(file:filename(), [extract_option()]) -> {ok, [section()]} | {error, term()}. extract(File, Options) when is_list(File), is_list(Options) -> try EO = parse_extract_options(Options, #extract_options{compile_source = false}), {HeaderSz, NextLineNo, Fd, Sections} = parse_header(File, not EO#extract_options.compile_source), Type = Sections#sections.type, case {Type, EO#extract_options.compile_source} of {source, true} -> Bin = compile_source(Type, File, Fd, NextLineNo, HeaderSz); {_, _} -> ok = file:close(Fd), case file:read_file(File) of {ok, <<_Header:HeaderSz/binary, Bin/binary>>} -> ok; {error, ReadReason} -> Bin = get_rid_of_compiler_warning, throw(ReadReason) end end, return_sections(Sections, Bin) catch throw:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. parse_extract_options([H | T], EO) -> case H of compile_source -> EO2 = EO#extract_options{compile_source = true}, parse_extract_options(T, EO2); _ -> throw({badarg, H}) end; parse_extract_options([], EO) -> EO. compile_source(Type, File, Fd, NextLineNo, HeaderSz) -> {text, _Module, Forms, _HasRecs, _Mode} = do_parse_file(Type, File, Fd, NextLineNo, HeaderSz, false), ok = file:close(Fd), case compile:forms(Forms, [return_errors, debug_info]) of {ok, _, BeamBin} -> BeamBin; {error, Errors, Warnings} -> throw({compile, [{errors, format_errors(Errors)}, {warnings, format_errors(Warnings)}]}) end. format_errors(CompileErrors) -> [lists:flatten([File, ":", integer_to_list(LineNo), ": ", Mod:format_error(Error)]) || {File, FileErrors} <- CompileErrors, {LineNo, Mod, Error} <- FileErrors]. return_sections(S, Bin) -> {ok, [normalize_section(shebang, S#sections.shebang), normalize_section(comment, S#sections.comment), normalize_section(emu_args, S#sections.emu_args), normalize_section(S#sections.type, Bin)]}. normalize_section(Name, undefined) -> {Name, undefined}; normalize_section(shebang, "#!" ++ Chars) -> Chopped = string:trim(Chars, trailing, "$\n"), Stripped = string:trim(Chopped, both), if Stripped =:= ?SHEBANG -> {shebang, default}; true -> {shebang, Stripped} end; normalize_section(comment, Chars) -> Chopped = string:trim(Chars, trailing, "$\n"), Stripped = string:trim(string:trim(Chopped, leading, "$%"), both), if Stripped =:= ?COMMENT -> {comment, default}; true -> {comment, Stripped} end; normalize_section(emu_args, "%%!" ++ Chars) -> Chopped = string:trim(Chars, trailing, "$\n"), Stripped = string:trim(Chopped, both), {emu_args, Stripped}; normalize_section(Name, Chars) -> {Name, Chars}. -spec script_name() -> string(). script_name() -> [ScriptName|_] = init:get_plain_arguments(), ScriptName. %% %% Internal API. %% -spec start() -> no_return(). start() -> start([]). -spec start([string()]) -> no_return(). start(EscriptOptions) -> try %% Commands run using -run or -s are run in a process %% trap_exit set to false. Because this behaviour is %% surprising for users of escript, make sure to reset %% trap_exit to false. process_flag(trap_exit, false), case init:get_plain_arguments() of [File|Args] -> parse_and_run(File, Args, EscriptOptions); [] -> io:format("escript: Missing filename\n", []), my_halt(127) end catch throw:Str -> io:format("escript: ~ts\n", [Str]), my_halt(127); _:Reason -> Stk = erlang:get_stacktrace(), io:format("escript: Internal error: ~tp\n", [Reason]), io:format("~tp\n", [Stk]), my_halt(127) end. -spec parse_and_run(_, _, _) -> no_return(). parse_and_run(File, Args, Options) -> CheckOnly = lists:member("s", Options), {Source, Module, FormsOrBin, HasRecs, Mode} = parse_file(File, CheckOnly), Mode2 = case lists:member("d", Options) of true -> debug; false -> case lists:member("c", Options) of true -> compile; false -> case lists:member("i", Options) of true -> interpret; false -> case lists:member("n", Options) of true -> native; false -> Mode end end end end, if is_list(FormsOrBin) -> case Mode2 of interpret -> interpret(FormsOrBin, HasRecs, File, Args); compile -> case compile:forms(FormsOrBin, [report]) of {ok, Module, BeamBin} -> {module, Module} = code:load_binary(Module, File, BeamBin), run(Module, Args); _Other -> fatal("There were compilation errors.") end; native -> case compile:forms(FormsOrBin, [report,native]) of {ok, Module, BeamBin} -> {module, Module} = code:load_binary(Module, File, BeamBin), run(Module, Args); _Other -> fatal("There were compilation errors.") end; debug -> case compile:forms(FormsOrBin, [report, debug_info]) of {ok,Module,BeamBin} -> {module, Module} = code:load_binary(Module, File, BeamBin), debug(Module, {Module, File, File, BeamBin}, Args); _Other -> fatal("There were compilation errors.") end end; is_binary(FormsOrBin) -> case Source of archive -> {ok, FileInfo} = file:read_file_info(File), case code:set_primary_archive(File, FormsOrBin, FileInfo, fun escript:parse_file/1) of ok when CheckOnly -> case code:load_file(Module) of {module, _} -> case erlang:function_exported(Module, main, 1) of true -> my_halt(0); false -> Text = lists:concat(["Function ", Module, ":main/1 is not exported"]), fatal(Text) end; _ -> Text = lists:concat(["Cannot load module ", Module, " from archive"]), fatal(Text) end; ok -> case Mode2 of run -> run(Module, Args); debug -> debug(Module, Module, Args) end; {error, bad_eocd} -> fatal("Not an archive file"); {error, Reason} -> fatal(Reason) end; beam -> case Mode2 of run -> {module, Module} = code:load_binary(Module, File, FormsOrBin), run(Module, Args); debug -> [Base | Rest] = lists:reverse(filename:split(File)), Base2 = filename:basename(Base, code:objfile_extension()), Rest2 = case Rest of ["ebin" | Top] -> ["src" | Top]; _ -> Rest end, SrcFile = filename:join(lists:reverse([Base2 ++ ".erl" | Rest2])), debug(Module, {Module, SrcFile, File, FormsOrBin}, Args) end end end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Parse script %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Only used as callback by erl_prim_loader parse_file(File) -> try parse_file(File, false) of {_Source, _Module, FormsOrBin, _HasRecs, _Mode} when is_binary(FormsOrBin) -> {ok, FormsOrBin}; _ -> {error, no_archive_bin} catch throw:Reason -> {error, Reason} end. parse_file(File, CheckOnly) -> {HeaderSz, NextLineNo, Fd, Sections} = parse_header(File, false), do_parse_file(Sections#sections.type, File, Fd, NextLineNo, HeaderSz, CheckOnly). do_parse_file(Type, File, Fd, NextLineNo, HeaderSz, CheckOnly) -> S = initial_state(File), #state{mode = Mode, source = Source, module = Module, forms_or_bin = FormsOrBin, has_records = HasRecs} = case Type of archive -> %% Archive file ok = file:close(Fd), parse_archive(S, File, HeaderSz); beam -> %% Beam file ok = file:close(Fd), parse_beam(S, File, HeaderSz, CheckOnly); source -> %% Source code parse_source(S, File, Fd, NextLineNo, HeaderSz, CheckOnly) end, {Source, Module, FormsOrBin, HasRecs, Mode}. initial_state(File) -> #state{file = File, n_errors = 0, mode = interpret, exports_main = false, has_records = false}. %% Skip header and make a heuristic guess about the script type parse_header(File, KeepFirst) -> LineNo = 1, {ok, Fd} = case file:open(File, [read]) of {ok, Fd0} -> {ok, Fd0}; {error, R} -> fatal(lists:concat([file:format_error(R), ": '", File, "'"])) end, %% Skip shebang on first line {ok, HeaderSz0} = file:position(Fd, cur), Line1 = get_line(Fd), case classify_line(Line1) of shebang -> find_first_body_line(Fd, HeaderSz0, LineNo, KeepFirst, #sections{shebang = Line1}); archive -> {HeaderSz0, LineNo, Fd, #sections{type = archive}}; beam -> {HeaderSz0, LineNo, Fd, #sections{type = beam}}; _ -> find_first_body_line(Fd, HeaderSz0, LineNo, KeepFirst, #sections{}) end. find_first_body_line(Fd, HeaderSz0, LineNo, KeepFirst, Sections) -> {ok, HeaderSz1} = file:position(Fd, cur), %% Look for special comment on second line Line2 = get_line(Fd), {ok, HeaderSz2} = file:position(Fd, cur), if Sections#sections.shebang =:= undefined, KeepFirst =:= true -> %% No shebang. Use the entire file {HeaderSz0, LineNo, Fd, Sections#sections{type = guess_type(Line2)}}; Sections#sections.shebang =:= undefined -> %% No shebang. Skip the first line {HeaderSz1, LineNo, Fd, Sections#sections{type = guess_type(Line2)}}; true -> case classify_line(Line2) of emu_args -> %% Skip special comment on second line Line3 = get_line(Fd), {HeaderSz2, LineNo + 2, Fd, Sections#sections{type = guess_type(Line3), comment = undefined, emu_args = Line2}}; comment -> %% Look for special comment on third line Line3 = get_line(Fd), {ok, HeaderSz3} = file:position(Fd, cur), Line3Type = classify_line(Line3), if Line3Type =:= emu_args -> %% Skip special comment on third line Line4 = get_line(Fd), {HeaderSz3, LineNo + 3, Fd, Sections#sections{type = guess_type(Line4), comment = Line2, emu_args = Line3}}; true -> %% Skip shebang on first line and comment on second {HeaderSz2, LineNo + 2, Fd, Sections#sections{type = guess_type(Line3), comment = Line2}} end; _ -> %% Just skip shebang on first line {HeaderSz1, LineNo + 1, Fd, Sections#sections{type = guess_type(Line2)}} end end. classify_line(Line) -> case Line of "#!" ++ _ -> shebang; "PK" ++ _ -> archive; "FOR1" ++ _ -> beam; "%%!" ++ _ -> emu_args; "%" ++ _ -> comment; _ -> undefined end. guess_type(Line) -> case classify_line(Line) of archive -> archive; beam -> beam; _ -> source end. get_line(P) -> case io:get_line(P, '') of eof -> fatal("Premature end of file reached"); Line -> Line end. parse_archive(S, File, HeaderSz) -> case file:read_file(File) of {ok, <<_Header:HeaderSz/binary, Bin/binary>>} -> Mod = case init:get_argument(escript) of {ok, [["main", M]]} -> %% Use explicit module name list_to_atom(M); _ -> %% Use escript name without extension as module name RevBase = lists:reverse(filename:basename(File)), RevBase2 = case lists:dropwhile(fun(X) -> X =/= $. end, RevBase) of [$. | Rest] -> Rest; [] -> RevBase end, list_to_atom(lists:reverse(RevBase2)) end, S#state{source = archive, mode = run, module = Mod, forms_or_bin = Bin}; {ok, _} -> fatal("Illegal archive format"); {error, Reason} -> fatal(file:format_error(Reason)) end. parse_beam(S, File, HeaderSz, CheckOnly) -> {ok, <<_Header:HeaderSz/binary, Bin/binary>>} = file:read_file(File), case beam_lib:chunks(Bin, [exports]) of {ok, {Module, [{exports, Exports}]}} -> case CheckOnly of true -> case lists:member({main, 1}, Exports) of true -> my_halt(0); false -> Text = lists:concat(["Function ", Module, ":main/1 is not exported"]), fatal(Text) end; false -> S#state{source = beam, mode = run, module = Module, forms_or_bin = Bin} end; {error, beam_lib, Reason} when is_tuple(Reason) -> fatal(element(1, Reason)) end. parse_source(S, File, Fd, StartLine, HeaderSz, CheckOnly) -> {PreDefMacros, Module} = pre_def_macros(File), IncludePath = [], %% Read the encoding on the second line, if there is any: {ok, _} = file:position(Fd, 0), _ = io:get_line(Fd, ''), Encoding = epp:set_encoding(Fd), {ok, _} = file:position(Fd, HeaderSz), case epp:open(File, Fd, StartLine, IncludePath, PreDefMacros) of {ok, Epp} -> _ = [io:setopts(Fd, [{encoding,Encoding}]) || Encoding =/= none], {ok, FileForm} = epp:parse_erl_form(Epp), OptModRes = epp:parse_erl_form(Epp), S2 = S#state{source = text, module = Module}, S3 = case OptModRes of {ok, {attribute,_, module, M} = Form} -> epp_parse_file(Epp, S2#state{module = M}, [Form, FileForm]); {ok, _} -> ModForm = {attribute,a1(),module, Module}, epp_parse_file2(Epp, S2, [ModForm, FileForm], OptModRes); {error, _} -> epp_parse_file2(Epp, S2, [FileForm], OptModRes); {eof, LastLine} -> S#state{forms_or_bin = [FileForm, {eof, LastLine}]} end, ok = epp:close(Epp), ok = file:close(Fd), check_source(S3, CheckOnly); {error, Reason} -> io:format("escript: ~tp\n", [Reason]), fatal("Preprocessor error") end. check_source(S, CheckOnly) -> case S of #state{n_errors = Nerrs} when Nerrs =/= 0 -> fatal("There were compilation errors."); #state{exports_main = ExpMain, forms_or_bin = [FileForm2, ModForm2 | Forms]} -> %% Optionally add export of main/1 Forms2 = case ExpMain of false -> [{attribute, a0(), export, [{main,1}]} | Forms]; true -> Forms end, Forms3 = [FileForm2, ModForm2 | Forms2], case CheckOnly of true -> %% Strong validation and halt case compile:forms(Forms3, [report,strong_validation]) of {ok,_} -> my_halt(0); _Other -> fatal("There were compilation errors.") end; false -> S#state{forms_or_bin = Forms3} end end. pre_def_macros(File) -> {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} = erlang:timestamp(), Unique = erlang:unique_integer([positive]), Replace = fun(Char) -> case Char of $\. -> $\_; _ -> Char end end, CleanBase = lists:map(Replace, filename:basename(File)), ModuleStr = CleanBase ++ "__" ++ "escript__" ++ integer_to_list(MegaSecs) ++ "__" ++ integer_to_list(Secs) ++ "__" ++ integer_to_list(MicroSecs) ++ "__" ++ integer_to_list(Unique), Module = list_to_atom(ModuleStr), PreDefMacros = [{'MODULE', Module, redefine}, {'MODULE_STRING', ModuleStr, redefine}], {PreDefMacros, Module}. epp_parse_file(Epp, S, Forms) -> Parsed = epp:parse_erl_form(Epp), epp_parse_file2(Epp, S, Forms, Parsed). epp_parse_file2(Epp, S, Forms, Parsed) -> %% io:format("~p\n", [Parsed]), case Parsed of {ok, Form} -> case Form of {attribute,_,record, _} -> S2 = S#state{has_records = true}, epp_parse_file(Epp, S2, [Form | Forms]); {attribute,Ln,mode,NewMode} -> S2 = S#state{mode = NewMode}, if NewMode =:= compile; NewMode =:= interpret; NewMode =:= debug; NewMode =:= native -> epp_parse_file(Epp, S2, [Form | Forms]); true -> Args = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("illegal mode attribute: ~p", [NewMode])), io:format("~ts:~w ~s\n", [S#state.file,Ln,Args]), Error = {error,{Ln,erl_parse,Args}}, Nerrs= S#state.n_errors + 1, epp_parse_file(Epp, S2#state{n_errors = Nerrs}, [Error | Forms]) end; {attribute,_,export,Fs} -> case lists:member({main,1}, Fs) of false -> epp_parse_file(Epp, S, [Form | Forms]); true -> epp_parse_file(Epp, S#state{exports_main = true}, [Form | Forms]) end; _ -> epp_parse_file(Epp, S, [Form | Forms]) end; {error,{Ln,Mod,Args}} = Form -> io:format("~ts:~w: ~ts\n", [S#state.file,Ln,Mod:format_error(Args)]), epp_parse_file(Epp, S#state{n_errors = S#state.n_errors + 1}, [Form | Forms]); {eof, LastLine} -> S#state{forms_or_bin = lists:reverse([{eof, LastLine} | Forms])} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Evaluate script %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -spec debug(_, _, _) -> no_return(). debug(Module, AbsMod, Args) -> case hidden_apply(debugger, debugger, start, []) of {ok, _} -> case hidden_apply(debugger, int, i, [AbsMod]) of {module, _} -> hidden_apply(debugger, debugger, auto_attach, [[init]]), run(Module, Args); error -> Text = lists:concat(["Cannot load the code for ", Module, " into the debugger"]), fatal(Text) end; _ -> fatal("Cannot start the debugger") end. -spec run(_, _) -> no_return(). run(Module, Args) -> try Module:main(Args), my_halt(0) catch Class:Reason -> fatal(format_exception(Class, Reason)) end. -spec interpret(_, _, _, _) -> no_return(). interpret(Forms, HasRecs, File, Args) -> %% Basic validation before execution case erl_lint:module(Forms) of {ok,Ws} -> report_warnings(Ws); {error,Es,Ws} -> report_errors(Es), report_warnings(Ws), fatal("There were compilation errors.") end, %% Optionally expand records Forms2 = case HasRecs of false -> Forms; true -> erl_expand_records:module(Forms, []) end, Dict = parse_to_dict(Forms2), ArgsA = erl_parse:abstract(Args, 0), Anno = a0(), Call = {call,Anno,{atom,Anno,main},[ArgsA]}, try _ = erl_eval:expr(Call, erl_eval:new_bindings(), {value,fun(I, J) -> code_handler(I, J, Dict, File) end}), my_halt(0) catch Class:Reason -> fatal(format_exception(Class, Reason)) end. report_errors(Errors) -> lists:foreach(fun ({{F,_L},Eds}) -> list_errors(F, Eds); ({F,Eds}) -> list_errors(F, Eds) end, Errors). list_errors(F, [{Line,Mod,E}|Es]) -> io:fwrite("~ts:~w: ~ts\n", [F,Line,Mod:format_error(E)]), list_errors(F, Es); list_errors(F, [{Mod,E}|Es]) -> io:fwrite("~ts: ~ts\n", [F,Mod:format_error(E)]), list_errors(F, Es); list_errors(_F, []) -> ok. report_warnings(Ws0) -> Ws1 = lists:flatmap(fun({{F,_L},Eds}) -> format_message(F, Eds); ({F,Eds}) -> format_message(F, Eds) end, Ws0), Ws = ordsets:from_list(Ws1), lists:foreach(fun({_,Str}) -> io:put_chars(Str) end, Ws). format_message(F, [{Line,Mod,E}|Es]) -> M = {{F,Line},io_lib:format("~ts:~w: Warning: ~ts\n", [F,Line,Mod:format_error(E)])}, [M|format_message(F, Es)]; format_message(F, [{Mod,E}|Es]) -> M = {none,io_lib:format("~ts: Warning: ~ts\n", [F,Mod:format_error(E)])}, [M|format_message(F, Es)]; format_message(_, []) -> []. parse_to_dict(L) -> parse_to_dict(L, dict:new()). parse_to_dict([{function,_,Name,Arity,Clauses}|T], Dict0) -> Dict = dict:store({local, Name,Arity}, Clauses, Dict0), parse_to_dict(T, Dict); parse_to_dict([{attribute,_,import,{Mod,Funcs}}|T], Dict0) -> Dict = lists:foldl(fun(I, D) -> dict:store({remote,I}, Mod, D) end, Dict0, Funcs), parse_to_dict(T, Dict); parse_to_dict([_|T], Dict) -> parse_to_dict(T, Dict); parse_to_dict([], Dict) -> Dict. code_handler(local, [file], _, File) -> File; code_handler(Name, Args, Dict, File) -> %%io:format("code handler=~p~n",[{Name, Args}]), Arity = length(Args), case dict:find({local,Name,Arity}, Dict) of {ok, Cs} -> LF = {value,fun(I, J) -> code_handler(I, J, Dict, File) end}, case erl_eval:match_clause(Cs, Args,erl_eval:new_bindings(),LF) of {Body, Bs} -> eval_exprs(Body, Bs, LF, none, none); nomatch -> erlang:error({function_clause,[{local,Name,Args}]}) end; error -> case dict:find({remote,{Name,Arity}}, Dict) of {ok, Mod} -> %% io:format("Calling:~p~n",[{Mod,Name,Args}]), apply(Mod, Name, Args); error -> io:format("Script does not export ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]), my_halt(127) end end. eval_exprs([E], Bs0, Lf, Ef, _RBs) -> RBs1 = value, erl_eval:expr(E, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs1); eval_exprs([E|Es], Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) -> RBs1 = none, {value,_V,Bs} = erl_eval:expr(E, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs1), eval_exprs(Es, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs). format_exception(Class, Reason) -> Enc = encoding(), P = case Enc of latin1 -> "P"; _ -> "tP" end, PF = fun(Term, I) -> io_lib:format("~." ++ integer_to_list(I) ++ P, [Term, 50]) end, StackTrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(), StackFun = fun(M, _F, _A) -> (M =:= erl_eval) or (M =:= ?MODULE) end, lib:format_exception(1, Class, Reason, StackTrace, StackFun, PF, Enc). encoding() -> [{encoding, Encoding}] = enc(), Encoding. enc() -> case lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, io:getopts()) of false -> [{encoding,latin1}]; % should never happen Enc -> [Enc] end. a0() -> anno(0). a1() -> anno(1). anno(L) -> erl_anno:new(L). fatal(Str) -> throw(Str). -spec my_halt(_) -> no_return(). my_halt(Reason) -> erlang:halt(Reason). hidden_apply(App, M, F, Args) -> try apply(fun() -> M end(), F, Args) catch error:undef -> case erlang:get_stacktrace() of [{M,F,Args,_} | _] -> Arity = length(Args), Text = io_lib:format("Call to ~w:~w/~w in application ~w failed.\n", [M, F, Arity, App]), fatal(Text); Stk -> erlang:raise(error, undef, Stk) end end.