%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2016-2019. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(gen_statem). -include("logger.hrl"). %% API -export( [start/3,start/4,start_link/3,start_link/4, stop/1,stop/3, cast/2,call/2,call/3, enter_loop/4,enter_loop/5,enter_loop/6, reply/1,reply/2]). %% gen callbacks -export( [init_it/6]). %% sys callbacks -export( [system_continue/3, system_terminate/4, system_code_change/4, system_get_state/1, system_replace_state/2, format_status/2]). %% Internal callbacks -export( [wakeup_from_hibernate/3]). %% logger callback -export([format_log/1]). %% Type exports for templates and callback modules -export_type( [event_type/0, callback_mode_result/0, init_result/1, state_enter_result/1, event_handler_result/1, reply_action/0, enter_action/0, action/0]). %% Old types, not advertised -export_type( [state_function_result/0, handle_event_result/0]). %% Type that is exported just to be documented -export_type([transition_option/0]). %%%========================================================================== %%% Interface functions. %%%========================================================================== -type from() :: {To :: pid(), Tag :: term()}. % Reply-to specifier for call -type state() :: state_name() | % For StateName/3 callback functions term(). % For handle_event/4 callback function -type state_name() :: atom(). -type data() :: term(). -type event_type() :: external_event_type() | timeout_event_type() | 'internal'. -type external_event_type() :: {'call',From :: from()} | 'cast' | 'info'. -type timeout_event_type() :: 'timeout' | {'timeout', Name :: term()} | 'state_timeout'. -type callback_mode_result() :: callback_mode() | [callback_mode() | state_enter()]. -type callback_mode() :: 'state_functions' | 'handle_event_function'. -type state_enter() :: 'state_enter'. -type transition_option() :: postpone() | hibernate() | event_timeout() | generic_timeout() | state_timeout(). -type postpone() :: %% If 'true' postpone the current event %% and retry it when the state changes (=/=) boolean(). -type hibernate() :: %% If 'true' hibernate the server instead of going into receive boolean(). -type event_timeout() :: %% Generate a ('timeout', EventContent, ...) event %% unless some other event is delivered Time :: timeout() | integer(). -type generic_timeout() :: %% Generate a ({'timeout',Name}, EventContent, ...) event Time :: timeout() | integer(). -type state_timeout() :: %% Generate a ('state_timeout', EventContent, ...) event %% unless the state is changed Time :: timeout() | integer(). -type timeout_option() :: {abs,Abs :: boolean()}. -type action() :: %% During a state change: %% * NextState and NewData are set. %% * All action()s are executed in order of apperance. %% * Postponing the current event is performed %% iff 'postpone' is 'true'. %% * A state timeout is started iff 'timeout' is set. %% * Pending events are handled or if there are %% no pending events the server goes into receive %% or hibernate (iff 'hibernate' is 'true') %% %% These action()s are executed in order of appearence %% in the containing list. The ones that set options %% will override any previous so the last of each kind wins. %% 'postpone' | % Set the postpone option {'postpone', Postpone :: postpone()} | %% %% All 'next_event' events are kept in a list and then %% inserted at state changes so the first in the %% action() list is the first to be delivered. {'next_event', % Insert event as the next to handle EventType :: event_type(), EventContent :: term()} | enter_action(). -type enter_action() :: 'hibernate' | % Set the hibernate option {'hibernate', Hibernate :: hibernate()} | timeout_action() | reply_action(). -type timeout_action() :: (Time :: event_timeout()) | % {timeout,Time,Time} {'timeout', % Set the event_timeout option Time :: event_timeout(), EventContent :: term()} | {'timeout', % Set the event_timeout option Time :: event_timeout(), EventContent :: term(), Options :: (timeout_option() | [timeout_option()])} | %% {{'timeout', Name :: term()}, % Set the generic_timeout option Time :: generic_timeout(), EventContent :: term()} | {{'timeout', Name :: term()}, % Set the generic_timeout option Time :: generic_timeout(), EventContent :: term(), Options :: (timeout_option() | [timeout_option()])} | %% {'state_timeout', % Set the state_timeout option Time :: state_timeout(), EventContent :: term()} | {'state_timeout', % Set the state_timeout option Time :: state_timeout(), EventContent :: term(), Options :: (timeout_option() | [timeout_option()])}. -type reply_action() :: {'reply', % Reply to a caller From :: from(), Reply :: term()}. -type init_result(StateType) :: {ok, State :: StateType, Data :: data()} | {ok, State :: StateType, Data :: data(), Actions :: [action()] | action()} | 'ignore' | {'stop', Reason :: term()}. %% Old, not advertised -type state_function_result() :: event_handler_result(state_name()). -type handle_event_result() :: event_handler_result(state()). %% -type state_enter_result(State) :: {'next_state', % {next_state,NextState,NewData,[]} State, NewData :: data()} | {'next_state', % State transition, maybe to the same state State, NewData :: data(), Actions :: [enter_action()] | enter_action()} | state_callback_result(enter_action()). -type event_handler_result(StateType) :: {'next_state', % {next_state,NextState,NewData,[]} NextState :: StateType, NewData :: data()} | {'next_state', % State transition, maybe to the same state NextState :: StateType, NewData :: data(), Actions :: [action()] | action()} | state_callback_result(action()). -type state_callback_result(ActionType) :: {'keep_state', % {keep_state,NewData,[]} NewData :: data()} | {'keep_state', % Keep state, change data NewData :: data(), Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} | 'keep_state_and_data' | % {keep_state_and_data,[]} {'keep_state_and_data', % Keep state and data -> only actions Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} | %% {'repeat_state', % {repeat_state,NewData,[]} NewData :: data()} | {'repeat_state', % Repeat state, change data NewData :: data(), Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} | 'repeat_state_and_data' | % {repeat_state_and_data,[]} {'repeat_state_and_data', % Repeat state and data -> only actions Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} | %% 'stop' | % {stop,normal} {'stop', % Stop the server Reason :: term()} | {'stop', % Stop the server Reason :: term(), NewData :: data()} | %% {'stop_and_reply', % Reply then stop the server Reason :: term(), Replies :: [reply_action()] | reply_action()} | {'stop_and_reply', % Reply then stop the server Reason :: term(), Replies :: [reply_action()] | reply_action(), NewData :: data()}. %% The state machine init function. It is called only once and %% the server is not running until this function has returned %% an {ok, ...} tuple. Thereafter the state callbacks are called %% for all events to this server. -callback init(Args :: term()) -> init_result(state()). %% This callback shall return the callback mode of the callback module. %% %% It is called once after init/0 and code_change/4 but before %% the first state callback StateName/3 or handle_event/4. -callback callback_mode() -> callback_mode_result(). %% Example state callback for StateName = 'state_name' %% when callback_mode() =:= state_functions. %% %% In this mode all states has to be of type state_name() i.e atom(). %% %% Note that the only callbacks that have arity 3 are these %% StateName/3 callbacks and terminate/3, so the state name %% 'terminate' is unusable in this mode. -callback state_name( 'enter', OldStateName :: state_name(), Data :: data()) -> state_enter_result('state_name'); (event_type(), EventContent :: term(), Data :: data()) -> event_handler_result(state_name()). %% %% State callback for all states %% when callback_mode() =:= handle_event_function. -callback handle_event( 'enter', OldState :: state(), State, % Current state Data :: data()) -> state_enter_result(State); (event_type(), EventContent :: term(), State :: state(), % Current state Data :: data()) -> event_handler_result(state()). %% Clean up before the server terminates. -callback terminate( Reason :: 'normal' | 'shutdown' | {'shutdown', term()} | term(), State :: state(), Data :: data()) -> any(). %% Note that the new code can expect to get an OldState from %% the old code version not only in code_change/4 but in the first %% state callback function called thereafter -callback code_change( OldVsn :: term() | {'down', term()}, OldState :: state(), OldData :: data(), Extra :: term()) -> {ok, NewState :: state(), NewData :: data()} | (Reason :: term()). %% Format the callback module state in some sensible that is %% often condensed way. For StatusOption =:= 'normal' the preferred %% return term is [{data,[{"State",FormattedState}]}], and for %% StatusOption =:= 'terminate' it is just FormattedState. -callback format_status( StatusOption, [ [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}] | state() | data()]) -> Status :: term() when StatusOption :: 'normal' | 'terminate'. -optional_callbacks( [format_status/2, % Has got a default implementation terminate/3, % Has got a default implementation code_change/4, % Only needed by advanced soft upgrade %% state_name/3, % Example for callback_mode() =:= state_functions: %% there has to be a StateName/3 callback function %% for every StateName in your state machine but the state name %% 'state_name' does of course not have to be used. %% handle_event/4 % For callback_mode() =:= handle_event_function ]). %% Type validation functions %% - return true if the value is of the type, false otherwise -compile( {inline, [callback_mode/1, state_enter/1, event_type/1, from/1, timeout_event_type/1]}). %% callback_mode(CallbackMode) -> case CallbackMode of state_functions -> true; handle_event_function -> true; _ -> false end. %% state_enter(StateEnter) -> case StateEnter of state_enter -> true; _ -> false end. %% event_type(Type) -> case Type of {call,From} -> from(From); %% cast -> true; info -> true; internal -> true; _ -> timeout_event_type(Type) end. %% from({Pid,_}) when is_pid(Pid) -> true; from(_) -> false. %% timeout_event_type(Type) -> case Type of timeout -> true; state_timeout -> true; {timeout,_Name} -> true; _ -> false end. -define( relative_timeout(T), ((is_integer(T) andalso 0 =< (T)) orelse (T) =:= infinity)). -define( absolute_timeout(T), (is_integer(T) orelse (T) =:= infinity)). -define( STACKTRACE(), element(2, erlang:process_info(self(), current_stacktrace))). -define(not_sys_debug, []). %% %% This is a macro to only evaluate arguments if Debug =/= []. %% Debug is evaluated 2 times. -define( sys_debug(Debug, Extra, SystemEvent), case begin Debug end of ?not_sys_debug -> begin Debug end; _ -> sys_debug( begin Debug end, begin Extra end, begin SystemEvent end) end). -record(params, {callback_mode = undefined :: callback_mode() | undefined, state_enter = false :: boolean(), parent :: pid(), module :: atom(), name :: atom() | pid(), hibernate_after = infinity :: timeout() }). -record(state, {state_data = {undefined,undefined} :: {State :: term(),Data :: term()}, postponed = [] :: [{event_type(),term()}], timers = {#{},#{}} :: {%% TimerRef => TimeoutType TimerRefs :: #{reference() => timeout_event_type()}, %% TimeoutType => TimerRef TimeoutTypes :: #{timeout_event_type() => reference()}}, hibernate = false :: boolean() }). %%%========================================================================== %%% API -type server_name() :: {'global', GlobalName :: term()} | {'via', RegMod :: module(), Name :: term()} | {'local', atom()}. -type server_ref() :: pid() | (LocalName :: atom()) | {Name :: atom(), Node :: atom()} | {'global', GlobalName :: term()} | {'via', RegMod :: module(), ViaName :: term()}. -type debug_opt() :: {'debug', Dbgs :: ['trace' | 'log' | 'statistics' | 'debug' | {'logfile', string()}]}. -type hibernate_after_opt() :: {'hibernate_after', HibernateAfterTimeout :: timeout()}. -type start_opt() :: debug_opt() | {'timeout', Time :: timeout()} | hibernate_after_opt() | {'spawn_opt', [proc_lib:spawn_option()]}. -type start_ret() :: {'ok', pid()} | 'ignore' | {'error', term()}. %% Start a state machine -spec start( Module :: module(), Args :: term(), Opts :: [start_opt()]) -> start_ret(). start(Module, Args, Opts) -> gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, Module, Args, Opts). %% -spec start( ServerName :: server_name(), Module :: module(), Args :: term(), Opts :: [start_opt()]) -> start_ret(). start(ServerName, Module, Args, Opts) -> gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, ServerName, Module, Args, Opts). %% Start and link to a state machine -spec start_link( Module :: module(), Args :: term(), Opts :: [start_opt()]) -> start_ret(). start_link(Module, Args, Opts) -> gen:start(?MODULE, link, Module, Args, Opts). %% -spec start_link( ServerName :: server_name(), Module :: module(), Args :: term(), Opts :: [start_opt()]) -> start_ret(). start_link(ServerName, Module, Args, Opts) -> gen:start(?MODULE, link, ServerName, Module, Args, Opts). %% Stop a state machine -spec stop(ServerRef :: server_ref()) -> ok. stop(ServerRef) -> gen:stop(ServerRef). %% -spec stop( ServerRef :: server_ref(), Reason :: term(), Timeout :: timeout()) -> ok. stop(ServerRef, Reason, Timeout) -> gen:stop(ServerRef, Reason, Timeout). %% Send an event to a state machine that arrives with type 'event' -spec cast(ServerRef :: server_ref(), Msg :: term()) -> ok. cast(ServerRef, Msg) when is_pid(ServerRef) -> send(ServerRef, wrap_cast(Msg)); cast(ServerRef, Msg) when is_atom(ServerRef) -> send(ServerRef, wrap_cast(Msg)); cast({global,Name}, Msg) -> try global:send(Name, wrap_cast(Msg)) of _ -> ok catch _:_ -> ok end; cast({via,RegMod,Name}, Msg) -> try RegMod:send(Name, wrap_cast(Msg)) of _ -> ok catch _:_ -> ok end; cast({Name,Node} = ServerRef, Msg) when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Node) -> send(ServerRef, wrap_cast(Msg)). %% Call a state machine (synchronous; a reply is expected) that %% arrives with type {call,From} -spec call(ServerRef :: server_ref(), Request :: term()) -> Reply :: term(). call(ServerRef, Request) -> call(ServerRef, Request, infinity). %% -spec call( ServerRef :: server_ref(), Request :: term(), Timeout :: timeout() | {'clean_timeout',T :: timeout()} | {'dirty_timeout',T :: timeout()}) -> Reply :: term(). call(ServerRef, Request, infinity = T = Timeout) -> call_dirty(ServerRef, Request, Timeout, T); call(ServerRef, Request, {dirty_timeout, T} = Timeout) -> call_dirty(ServerRef, Request, Timeout, T); call(ServerRef, Request, {clean_timeout, T} = Timeout) -> call_clean(ServerRef, Request, Timeout, T); call(ServerRef, Request, {_, _} = Timeout) -> erlang:error(badarg, [ServerRef,Request,Timeout]); call(ServerRef, Request, Timeout) -> call_clean(ServerRef, Request, Timeout, Timeout). %% Reply from a state machine callback to whom awaits in call/2 -spec reply([reply_action()] | reply_action()) -> ok. reply({reply,From,Reply}) -> reply(From, Reply); reply(Replies) when is_list(Replies) -> replies(Replies). %% -compile({inline, [reply/2]}). -spec reply(From :: from(), Reply :: term()) -> ok. reply({To,Tag}, Reply) when is_pid(To) -> Msg = {Tag,Reply}, try To ! Msg of _ -> ok catch _:_ -> ok end. %% Instead of starting the state machine through start/3,4 %% or start_link/3,4 turn the current process presumably %% started by proc_lib into a state machine using %% the same arguments as you would have returned from init/1 -spec enter_loop( Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt() | hibernate_after_opt()], State :: state(), Data :: data()) -> no_return(). enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data) -> enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data, self()). %% -spec enter_loop( Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt() | hibernate_after_opt()], State :: state(), Data :: data(), Server_or_Actions :: server_name() | pid() | [action()]) -> no_return(). enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data, Server_or_Actions) -> if is_list(Server_or_Actions) -> enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data, self(), Server_or_Actions); true -> enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data, Server_or_Actions, []) end. %% -spec enter_loop( Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt() | hibernate_after_opt()], State :: state(), Data :: data(), Server :: server_name() | pid(), Actions :: [action()] | action()) -> no_return(). enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data, Server, Actions) -> is_atom(Module) orelse error({atom,Module}), Parent = gen:get_parent(), Name = gen:get_proc_name(Server), Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Opts), HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Opts), enter( Parent, Debug, Module, Name, HibernateAfterTimeout, State, Data, Actions). %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% API helpers -compile({inline, [wrap_cast/1]}). wrap_cast(Event) -> {'$gen_cast',Event}. call_dirty(ServerRef, Request, Timeout, T) -> try gen:call(ServerRef, '$gen_call', Request, T) of {ok,Reply} -> Reply catch Class:Reason:Stacktrace -> erlang:raise( Class, {Reason,{?MODULE,call,[ServerRef,Request,Timeout]}}, Stacktrace) end. call_clean(ServerRef, Request, Timeout, T) -> %% Call server through proxy process to dodge any late reply Ref = make_ref(), Self = self(), Pid = spawn( fun () -> Self ! try gen:call( ServerRef, '$gen_call', Request, T) of Result -> {Ref,Result} catch Class:Reason:Stacktrace -> {Ref,Class,Reason,Stacktrace} end end), Mref = monitor(process, Pid), receive {Ref,Result} -> demonitor(Mref, [flush]), case Result of {ok,Reply} -> Reply end; {Ref,Class,Reason,Stacktrace} -> demonitor(Mref, [flush]), erlang:raise( Class, {Reason,{?MODULE,call,[ServerRef,Request,Timeout]}}, Stacktrace); {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,Reason} -> %% There is a theoretical possibility that the %% proxy process gets killed between try--of and ! %% so this clause is in case of that exit(Reason) end. replies([{reply,From,Reply}|Replies]) -> reply(From, Reply), replies(Replies); replies([]) -> ok. %% Might actually not send the message in case of caught exception send(Proc, Msg) -> try erlang:send(Proc, Msg) catch error:_ -> ok end, ok. %% Here the init_it/6 and enter_loop/5,6,7 functions converge enter( Parent, Debug, Module, Name, HibernateAfterTimeout, State, Data, Actions) -> %% The values should already have been type checked Q = [{internal,init_state}], %% We enforce {postpone,false} to ensure that %% our fake Event gets discarded, thought it might get logged Actions_1 = listify(Actions) ++ [{postpone,false}], P = #params{ parent = Parent, module = Module, name = Name, hibernate_after = HibernateAfterTimeout}, S = #state{state_data = {State,Data}}, Debug_1 = ?sys_debug(Debug, Name, {enter,State}), loop_callback_mode( P, Debug_1, S, Q, {State,Data}, %% Tunneling Actions through CallbackEvent here... %% Special path to go to action handling, after first %% finding out the callback mode. CallbackEvent is %% a 2-tuple and Actions a list, which achieves this distinction. Actions_1). %%%========================================================================== %%% gen callbacks init_it(Starter, self, ServerRef, Module, Args, Opts) -> init_it(Starter, self(), ServerRef, Module, Args, Opts); init_it(Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Args, Opts) -> Name = gen:get_proc_name(ServerRef), Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Opts), HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Opts), try Module:init(Args) of Result -> init_result( Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Result, Name, Debug, HibernateAfterTimeout) catch Result -> init_result( Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Result, Name, Debug, HibernateAfterTimeout); Class:Reason:Stacktrace -> gen:unregister_name(ServerRef), proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error,Reason}), error_info( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, #params{parent = Parent, name = Name, module = Module}, #state{}, []), erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace) end. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% gen callbacks helpers init_result( Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Result, Name, Debug, HibernateAfterTimeout) -> case Result of {ok,State,Data} -> proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok,self()}), enter( Parent, Debug, Module, Name, HibernateAfterTimeout, State, Data, []); {ok,State,Data,Actions} -> proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok,self()}), enter( Parent, Debug, Module, Name, HibernateAfterTimeout, State, Data, Actions); {stop,Reason} -> gen:unregister_name(ServerRef), proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error,Reason}), exit(Reason); ignore -> gen:unregister_name(ServerRef), proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, ignore), exit(normal); _ -> gen:unregister_name(ServerRef), Error = {bad_return_from_init,Result}, proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error,Error}), error_info( error, Error, ?STACKTRACE(), Debug, #params{parent = Parent, name = Name, module = Module}, #state{}, []), exit(Error) end. %%%========================================================================== %%% sys callbacks %%% %%% We use {P,S} as state (Misc) for the sys module, %%% wrap/unwrap it for the server loop* and update %%% P#params{parent = Parent}. system_continue(Parent, Debug, {P,S}) -> loop(update_parent(P, Parent), Debug, S). system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Debug, {P,S}) -> terminate( exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), update_parent(P, Parent), Debug, S, []). system_code_change( {#params{module = Module} = P, #state{state_data = {State,Data}} = S}, _Mod, OldVsn, Extra) -> case try Module:code_change(OldVsn, State, Data, Extra) catch Result -> Result end of {ok,NewState,NewData} -> {ok, {P#params{callback_mode = undefined}, S#state{state_data = {NewState,NewData}}}}; {ok,_} = Error -> error({case_clause,Error}); Error -> Error end. system_get_state({_P,#state{state_data = State_Data}}) -> {ok,State_Data}. system_replace_state( StateFun, {P,#state{state_data = State_Data} = S}) -> %% NewState_NewData = StateFun(State_Data), {ok,NewState_NewData,{P,S#state{state_data = NewState_NewData}}}. format_status( Opt, [PDict,SysState,Parent,Debug, {#params{name = Name} = P, #state{postponed = Postponed} = S}]) -> Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for state machine", Name), Log = sys:get_log(Debug), [{header,Header}, {data, [{"Status",SysState}, {"Parent",Parent}, {"Logged Events",Log}, {"Postponed",Postponed}]} | case format_status(Opt, PDict, update_parent(P, Parent), S) of L when is_list(L) -> L; T -> [T] end]. %% Update #params.parent only if it differs. This should not %% be possible today (OTP-22.0), but could happen for example %% if someone implements changing a server's parent %% in a new sys call. -compile({inline, update_parent/2}). update_parent(P, Parent) -> case P of #params{parent = Parent} -> P; #params{} -> P#params{parent = Parent} end. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees %% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sys_debug(Debug, NameState, Entry) -> sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, NameState, Entry). print_event(Dev, SystemEvent, Name) -> case SystemEvent of {in,Event,State} -> io:format( Dev, "*DBG* ~tp receive ~ts in state ~tp~n", [Name,event_string(Event),State]); {code_change,Event,State} -> io:format( Dev, "*DBG* ~tp receive ~ts after code change in state ~tp~n", [Name,event_string(Event),State]); {out,Reply,{To,_Tag}} -> io:format( Dev, "*DBG* ~tp send ~tp to ~tw~n", [Name,Reply,To]); {enter,State} -> io:format( Dev, "*DBG* ~tp enter in state ~tp~n", [Name,State]); {terminate,Reason,State} -> io:format( Dev, "*DBG* ~tp terminate ~tp in state ~tp~n", [Name,Reason,State]); {Tag,Event,State,NextState} when Tag =:= postpone; Tag =:= consume -> StateString = case NextState of State -> io_lib:format("~tp", [State]); _ -> io_lib:format("~tp => ~tp", [State,NextState]) end, io:format( Dev, "*DBG* ~tp ~tw ~ts in state ~ts~n", [Name,Tag,event_string(Event),StateString]) end. event_string(Event) -> case Event of {{call,{Pid,_Tag}},Request} -> io_lib:format("call ~tp from ~tw", [Request,Pid]); {EventType,EventContent} -> io_lib:format("~tw ~tp", [EventType,EventContent]) end. %%%========================================================================== %%% Internal callbacks wakeup_from_hibernate(P, Debug, S) -> %% It is a new message that woke us up so we have to receive it now loop_receive(P, Debug, S). %%%========================================================================== %%% State Machine engine implementation on proc_lib/gen %% Server loop, consists of all loop* functions %% and detours through sys:handle_system_message/7 and proc_lib:hibernate/3 %% %% The loop tries to keep all temporary values in arguments %% and takes shortcuts for ?not_sys_debug, empty lists, etc. %% The engine state #state{} is picked apart during the loop, %% new values are kept in arguments, and a new #state{} is %% composed at the end of the loop. #params{} collect engine %% state fields that rarely changes. %% %% The loop is optimized a bit for staying in the loop, assuming that %% system events are rare. So a detour to sys requires re-packing %% of the engine state. %% Entry point for system_continue/3 %% loop(P, Debug, #state{hibernate = true} = S) -> loop_hibernate(P, Debug, S); loop(P, Debug, S) -> loop_receive(P, Debug, S). %% Go to hibernation %% loop_hibernate(P, Debug, S) -> %% %% Does not return but restarts process at %% wakeup_from_hibernate/3 that jumps to loop_receive/3 %% proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE, wakeup_from_hibernate, [P, Debug, S]), error( {should_not_have_arrived_here_but_instead_in, {?MODULE,wakeup_from_hibernate,3}}). %% Entry point for wakeup_from_hibernate/3 %% %% Receive a new process message %% loop_receive( #params{hibernate_after = HibernateAfterTimeout} = P, Debug, S) -> %% receive Msg -> case Msg of {'$gen_call',From,Request} -> loop_receive_result(P, Debug, S, {{call,From},Request}); {'$gen_cast',Cast} -> loop_receive_result(P, Debug, S, {cast,Cast}); %% {timeout,TimerRef,TimeoutMsg} -> {TimerRefs,TimeoutTypes} = S#state.timers, case TimerRefs of #{TimerRef := TimeoutType} -> %% Our timer Timers = {maps:remove(TimerRef, TimerRefs), maps:remove(TimeoutType, TimeoutTypes)}, S_1 = S#state{timers = Timers}, loop_receive_result( P, Debug, S_1, {TimeoutType,TimeoutMsg}); #{} -> loop_receive_result(P, Debug, S, {info,Msg}) end; %% {system,Pid,Req} -> %% Does not return but tail recursively calls %% system_continue/3 that jumps to loop/3 sys:handle_system_msg( Req, Pid, P#params.parent, ?MODULE, Debug, {P,S}, S#state.hibernate); {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} -> case P#params.parent of Pid -> terminate( exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S, []); _ -> loop_receive_result(P, Debug, S, {info,Msg}) end; %% _ -> loop_receive_result(P, Debug, S, {info,Msg}) end after HibernateAfterTimeout -> loop_hibernate(P, Debug, S) end. %% We have received an event %% loop_receive_result(P, ?not_sys_debug = Debug, S, Event) -> %% Here is the queue of not yet handled events created Events = [], loop_event(P, Debug, S, Event, Events); loop_receive_result( #params{name = Name, callback_mode = CallbackMode} = P, Debug, #state{state_data = {State,_Data}} = S, Event) -> Debug_1 = case CallbackMode of undefined -> sys_debug(Debug, Name, {code_change,Event,State}); _ -> sys_debug(Debug, Name, {in,Event,State}) end, %% Here is the queue of not yet handled events created Events = [], loop_event(P, Debug_1, S, Event, Events). %% Handle one event; received or enqueued %% loop_event( P, Debug, #state{hibernate = true} = S, Event, Events) -> %% %% If (this old) Hibernate is true here it can only be %% because it was set from an event action %% and we did not go into hibernation since there were %% events in queue, so we do what the user %% might rely on i.e collect garbage which %% would have happened if we actually hibernated %% and immediately was awakened. %% _ = garbage_collect(), loop_event_handler(P, Debug, S, Event, Events); loop_event(P, Debug, S, Event, Events) -> loop_event_handler(P, Debug, S, Event, Events). %% Call the state function, eventually %% -compile({inline, [loop_event_handler/5]}). loop_event_handler( P, Debug, #state{state_data = State_Data} = S, Event, Events) -> %% %% The field 'hibernate' in S is now invalid and will be %% restored when looping back to loop/3 or loop_event/5. %% Q = [Event|Events], loop_callback_mode(P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, Event). %% Figure out the callback mode %% loop_callback_mode( #params{callback_mode = undefined} = P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent) -> %% Module = P#params.module, try Module:callback_mode() of CallbackMode -> loop_callback_mode_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent, CallbackMode, listify(CallbackMode), undefined, false) catch CallbackMode -> loop_callback_mode_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent, CallbackMode, listify(CallbackMode), undefined, false); Class:Reason:Stacktrace -> terminate( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug, S, Q) end; loop_callback_mode(P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent) -> loop_state_callback(P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent). %% Check the result of Module:callback_mode() %% loop_callback_mode_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent, CallbackMode, [H|T], NewCallbackMode, NewStateEnter) -> %% case callback_mode(H) of true -> loop_callback_mode_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent, CallbackMode, T, H, NewStateEnter); false -> case state_enter(H) of true -> loop_callback_mode_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent, CallbackMode, T, NewCallbackMode, true); false -> terminate( error, {bad_return_from_callback_mode,CallbackMode}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S, Q) end end; loop_callback_mode_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent, CallbackMode, [], NewCallbackMode, NewStateEnter) -> %% case NewCallbackMode of undefined -> terminate( error, {bad_return_from_callback_mode,CallbackMode}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S, Q); _ -> P_1 = P#params{ callback_mode = NewCallbackMode, state_enter = NewStateEnter}, loop_state_callback( P_1, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent) end. %% Make a state enter call to the state function, we loop back here %% from further down if state enter calls are enabled %% loop_state_enter( P, Debug, #state{state_data = {PrevState,_PrevData}} = S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone) -> %% StateCall = false, CallbackEvent = {enter,PrevState}, loop_state_callback( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, StateCall, CallbackEvent). %% Make a state call (not state enter call) to the state function %% loop_state_callback(P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, CallbackEvent) -> NextEventsR = [], Hibernate = false, TimeoutsR = [], Postpone = false, StateCall = true, loop_state_callback( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, StateCall, CallbackEvent). %% loop_state_callback( #params{callback_mode = CallbackMode, module = Module} = P, Debug, S, Q, {State,Data} = State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, StateCall, {Type,Content}) -> try case CallbackMode of state_functions -> Module:State(Type, Content, Data); handle_event_function -> Module:handle_event(Type, Content, State, Data) end of Result -> loop_state_callback_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, StateCall, Result) catch Result -> loop_state_callback_result( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, StateCall, Result); Class:Reason:Stacktrace -> terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug, S, Q) end; loop_state_callback( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, StateCall, Actions) when is_list(Actions) -> %% Tunneled actions from enter/8 CallEnter = true, loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions). %% Process the result from the state function %% loop_state_callback_result( P, Debug, S, Q, {State,_Data} = State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, StateCall, Result) -> %% case Result of {next_state,State,NewData} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {State,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, false); {next_state,NextState,NewData} when StateCall -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {NextState,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, true); {next_state,_NextState,_NewData} -> terminate( error, {bad_state_enter_return_from_state_function,Result}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = State_Data, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q); {next_state,State,NewData,Actions} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {State,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, false, StateCall, Actions); {next_state,NextState,NewData,Actions} when StateCall -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {NextState,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, true, StateCall, Actions); {next_state,_NextState,_NewData,_Actions} -> terminate( error, {bad_state_enter_return_from_state_function,Result}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = State_Data, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q); %% {keep_state,NewData} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {State,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, false); {keep_state,NewData,Actions} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {State,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, false, StateCall, Actions); %% keep_state_and_data -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, false); {keep_state_and_data,Actions} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, false, StateCall, Actions); %% {repeat_state,NewData} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {State,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, true); {repeat_state,NewData,Actions} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, {State,NewData}, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, true, StateCall, Actions); %% repeat_state_and_data -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, true); {repeat_state_and_data,Actions} -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, State_Data, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, true, StateCall, Actions); %% stop -> terminate( exit, normal, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = State_Data, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q); {stop,Reason} -> terminate( exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = State_Data, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q); {stop,Reason,NewData} -> terminate( exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = {State,NewData}, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q); %% {stop_and_reply,Reason,Replies} -> reply_then_terminate( exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = State_Data, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q, Replies); {stop_and_reply,Reason,Replies,NewData} -> reply_then_terminate( exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = {State,NewData}, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q, Replies); %% _ -> terminate( error, {bad_return_from_state_function,Result}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = State_Data, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q) end. %% Ensure that Actions are a list %% loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, _StateCall, []) -> loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter); loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions) -> %% loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, listify(Actions)). %% %% Shortcut for no actions -compile({inline, [loop_actions/10]}). loop_actions( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter) -> %% %% Shortcut for no actions case CallEnter andalso P#params.state_enter of true -> loop_state_enter( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone); false -> loop_state_transition( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone) end. %% Process the returned actions %% loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, _StateCall, []) -> %% case P#params.state_enter of true when CallEnter -> loop_state_enter( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone); _ -> loop_state_transition( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone) end; loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, [Action|Actions]) -> %% case Action of %% Actual actions {reply,From,Reply} -> loop_actions_reply( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, From, Reply); %% %% Actions that set options {hibernate,Hibernate_1} when is_boolean(Hibernate_1) -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate_1, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); hibernate -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, true, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); %% {postpone,Postpone_1} when not Postpone_1 orelse StateCall -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone_1, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); postpone when StateCall -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, true, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); postpone -> terminate( error, {bad_state_enter_action_from_state_function,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q); %% {next_event,Type,Content} -> loop_actions_next_event( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, Type, Content); %% Timeout -> loop_actions_timeout( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, Timeout) end. %% Process a reply action %% loop_actions_reply( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, From, Reply) -> %% case from(From) of true -> %% No need for a separate ?not_sys_debug clause here %% since the external call to erlang:'!'/2 in reply/2 %% will cause swap out of all live registers anyway reply(From, Reply), Debug_1 = ?sys_debug(Debug, P#params.name, {out,Reply,From}), loop_actions_list( P, Debug_1, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); false -> terminate( error, {bad_action_from_state_function,{reply,From,Reply}}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q) end. %% Process a next_event action %% loop_actions_next_event( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, Type, Content) -> case event_type(Type) of true when StateCall -> NextEvent = {Type,Content}, case Debug of ?not_sys_debug -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, [NextEvent|NextEventsR], Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); _ -> Name = P#params.name, {State,_Data} = S#state.state_data, Debug_1 = sys_debug(Debug, Name, {in,{Type,Content},State}), loop_actions_list( P, Debug_1, S, Q, NextState_NewData, [NextEvent|NextEventsR], Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions) end; _ -> terminate( error, {if StateCall -> bad_action_from_state_function; true -> bad_state_enter_action_from_state_function end, {next_event,Type,Content}}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q) end. %% Process a timeout action, or also any unrecognized action %% loop_actions_timeout( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, {TimeoutType,Time,TimeoutMsg,TimeoutOpts} = Timeout) -> %% case timeout_event_type(TimeoutType) of true -> case listify(TimeoutOpts) of %% Optimization cases [] when ?relative_timeout(Time) -> RelativeTimeout = {TimeoutType,Time,TimeoutMsg}, loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [RelativeTimeout|TimeoutsR], Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); [{abs,true}] when ?absolute_timeout(Time) -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [Timeout|TimeoutsR], Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); [{abs,false}] when ?relative_timeout(Time) -> RelativeTimeout = {TimeoutType,Time,TimeoutMsg}, loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [RelativeTimeout|TimeoutsR], Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); %% Generic case TimeoutOptsList -> case parse_timeout_opts_abs(TimeoutOptsList) of true when ?absolute_timeout(Time) -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [Timeout|TimeoutsR], Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); false when ?relative_timeout(Time) -> RelativeTimeout = {TimeoutType,Time,TimeoutMsg}, loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [RelativeTimeout|TimeoutsR], Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); badarg -> terminate( error, {bad_action_from_state_function,Timeout}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q) end end; false -> terminate( error, {bad_action_from_state_function,Timeout}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q) end; loop_actions_timeout( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, {TimeoutType,Time,_} = Timeout) -> %% case timeout_event_type(TimeoutType) of true when ?relative_timeout(Time) -> loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [Timeout|TimeoutsR], Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); _ -> terminate( error, {bad_action_from_state_function,Timeout}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q) end; loop_actions_timeout( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions, Time) -> %% if ?relative_timeout(Time) -> RelativeTimeout = {timeout,Time,Time}, loop_actions_list( P, Debug, S, Q, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [RelativeTimeout|TimeoutsR], Postpone, CallEnter, StateCall, Actions); true -> terminate( error, {bad_action_from_state_function,Time}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, hibernate = Hibernate}, Q) end. %% Do the state transition %% loop_state_transition( P, Debug, #state{state_data = {State,_Data}, postponed = Postponed} = S, [Event|Events], {NextState,_NewData} = NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postpone) -> %% %% All options have been collected and next_events are buffered. %% Do the actual state transition. %% Postponed_1 = % Move current event to postponed if Postpone case Postpone of true -> [Event|Postponed]; false -> Postponed end, case Debug of ?not_sys_debug -> %% Optimization for no sys_debug %% - avoid calling sys_debug/3 if NextState =:= State -> loop_keep_state( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed_1); true -> loop_state_change( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed_1) end; _ -> %% With sys_debug Name = P#params.name, Debug_1 = case Postpone of true -> sys_debug( Debug, Name, {postpone,Event,State,NextState}); false -> sys_debug( Debug, Name, {consume,Event,State,NextState}) end, if NextState =:= State -> loop_keep_state( P, Debug_1, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed_1); true -> loop_state_change( P, Debug_1, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed_1) end end. %% State transition to the same state %% loop_keep_state( P, Debug, #state{timers = {TimerRefs,TimeoutTypes} = Timers} = S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed) -> %% %% Cancel event timeout %% case TimeoutTypes of %% Optimization %% - only cancel timer when there is a timer to cancel #{timeout := TimerRef} -> %% Event timeout active loop_next_events( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, cancel_timer_by_ref_and_type( TimerRef, timeout, TimerRefs, TimeoutTypes)); _ -> %% No event timeout active loop_next_events( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers) end. %% State transition to a different state %% loop_state_change( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed) -> %% %% Retry postponed events %% case Postponed of [] -> loop_state_change( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR); [E1] -> loop_state_change( P, Debug, S, [E1|Events], NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR); [E2,E1] -> loop_state_change( P, Debug, S, [E1,E2|Events], NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR); _ -> loop_state_change( P, Debug, S, lists:reverse(Postponed, Events), NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR) end. %% loop_state_change( P, Debug, #state{timers = {TimerRefs,TimeoutTypes} = Timers} = S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR) -> %% %% Cancel state and event timeout %% case TimeoutTypes of %% Optimization %% - only cancel timeout when there is an active timeout %% #{state_timeout := TimerRef} -> %% State timeout active %% - cancel event timeout too since it is faster than inspecting loop_next_events( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, [], cancel_timer_by_type( timeout, cancel_timer_by_ref_and_type( TimerRef, state_timeout, TimerRefs, TimeoutTypes))); #{timeout := TimerRef} -> %% Event timeout active but not state timeout %% - cancel event timeout only loop_next_events( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, [], cancel_timer_by_ref_and_type( TimerRef, timeout, TimerRefs, TimeoutTypes)); _ -> %% No state nor event timeout active. loop_next_events( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, [], Timers) end. %% Continue state transition with processing of %% inserted events and timeout events %% loop_next_events( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [], Postponed, Timers) -> %% %% Optimization when there are no timeout actions %% hence no timeout zero events to append to Events %% - avoid loop_timeouts loop_done( P, Debug, S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, postponed = Postponed, timers = Timers, hibernate = Hibernate}, NextEventsR, Events); loop_next_events( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers) -> %% Seen = #{}, TimeoutEvents = [], loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents). %% Continue state transition with processing of timeout events %% loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [], Postponed, Timers, _Seen, TimeoutEvents) -> %% S_1 = S#state{ state_data = NextState_NewData, postponed = Postponed, timers = Timers, hibernate = Hibernate}, case TimeoutEvents of [] -> loop_done(P, Debug, S_1, NextEventsR, Events); _ -> case Events of [] -> loop_prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S_1, TimeoutEvents, NextEventsR); [E1] -> loop_prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S_1, TimeoutEvents, [E1|NextEventsR]); [E2,E1] -> loop_prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S_1, TimeoutEvents, [E1,E2|NextEventsR]); _ -> loop_prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S_1, TimeoutEvents, lists:reverse(Events, NextEventsR)) end end; loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, [Timeout|TimeoutsR], Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents) -> %% case Timeout of {TimeoutType,Time,TimeoutMsg} -> %% Relative timeout case Seen of #{TimeoutType := _} -> %% Type seen before - ignore loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents); #{} -> loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents, TimeoutType, Time, TimeoutMsg, []) end; {TimeoutType,Time,TimeoutMsg,TimeoutOpts} -> %% Absolute timeout case Seen of #{TimeoutType := _} -> %% Type seen before - ignore loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents); #{} -> loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents, TimeoutType, Time, TimeoutMsg, listify(TimeoutOpts)) end end. %% loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents, TimeoutType, Time, TimeoutMsg, TimeoutOpts) -> %% case Time of infinity -> %% Cancel any running timer loop_timeouts_cancel( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents, TimeoutType); 0 when TimeoutOpts =:= [] -> %% Relative timeout zero %% - cancel any running timer %% handle timeout zero events later %% loop_timeouts_cancel( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, [{TimeoutType,TimeoutMsg}|TimeoutEvents], TimeoutType); _ -> %% (Re)start the timer TimerRef = erlang:start_timer(Time, self(), TimeoutMsg, TimeoutOpts), {TimerRefs,TimeoutTypes} = Timers, case TimeoutTypes of #{TimeoutType := OldTimerRef} -> %% Cancel the running timer, %% update the timeout type, %% insert the new timer ref, %% and remove the old timer ref Timers_1 = {maps:remove( OldTimerRef, TimerRefs#{TimerRef => TimeoutType}), TimeoutTypes#{TimeoutType := TimerRef}}, cancel_timer(OldTimerRef), loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers_1, Seen#{TimeoutType => true}, TimeoutEvents); #{} -> %% Insert the new timer type and ref Timers_1 = {TimerRefs#{TimerRef => TimeoutType}, TimeoutTypes#{TimeoutType => TimerRef}}, loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers_1, Seen#{TimeoutType => true}, TimeoutEvents) end end. %% %% Helper function for the ugly mis-optimization workaround %% loop_timeouts_cancel below %% %% Do not inline! %% loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents, TimeoutType) -> %% loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen#{TimeoutType => true}, TimeoutEvents). %% Loop helper to cancel a timeout %% loop_timeouts_cancel( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, {TimerRefs,TimeoutTypes} = Timers, Seen, TimeoutEvents, TimeoutType) -> %% Ugly mis-optimization workaround %% %% This function body should have been: %% Timers_1 = cancel_timer_by_type(TimeoutType, Timers), %% loop_timeouts( %% P, Debug, S, %% Events, NextState_NewData, %% NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, %% Timers_1, Seen#{TimeoutType => true}, TimeoutEvents). %% %% Since cancel_timer_by_type is inlined there is a code path %% that checks if TimeoutType is a key in the map TimeoutTypes %% and if not simply makes Timers_1 = Timers and then does %% the map update of Seen and loops back to loop_timeouts/12. %% This code path does not contain any external call and the %% map update is an instruction, so that should be a simple %% and fast path. %% %% The other code path when TimeoutType is a key in the map %% TimeoutTypes calls erlang:cancel_timer/1 which forces %% all live registers (about 13 of them) out on the stack %% and back again afterwards. %% %% Unfortunately the optimization of common subexpressions %% sees that both these function exits are identical and %% joins them. Then during register allocation the common %% function exit is adapted for the code path that spills %% all live registers to the stack. So also the simple %% and fast path spills all live registers around its %% map update... Bummer! %% %% So this workaround duplicates cancel_timer_by_type/2 here, %% and makes the function exits differ - the slow case %% calls a helper function above to update Seen, and %% the fast case updates Seen in this function. This tricks %% the common subexpression optimizer into not joining %% these two code paths. %% %% So the helper function above must not be inlined, please! %% case TimeoutTypes of #{TimeoutType := TimerRef} -> Timers_1 = cancel_timer_by_ref_and_type( TimerRef, TimeoutType, TimerRefs, TimeoutTypes), loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers_1, Seen, TimeoutEvents, TimeoutType); #{} -> loop_timeouts( P, Debug, S, Events, NextState_NewData, NextEventsR, Hibernate, TimeoutsR, Postponed, Timers, Seen#{TimeoutType => true}, TimeoutEvents) end. %% Continue state transition with prepending timeout zero events %% before event queue reversal i.e appending timeout zero events %% loop_prepend_timeout_events(P, Debug, S, TimeoutEvents, EventsR) -> {Debug_1,Events_1R} = prepend_timeout_events(P, Debug, S, TimeoutEvents, EventsR), loop_done(P, Debug_1, S, Events_1R, []). %% Place inserted events first in the event queue %% loop_done(P, Debug, S, NextEventsR, Events) -> case NextEventsR of [] -> loop_done(P, Debug, S, Events); [E1] -> loop_done(P, Debug, S, [E1|Events]); [E2,E1] -> loop_done(P, Debug, S, [E1,E2|Events]); _ -> loop_done(P, Debug, S, lists:reverse(NextEventsR, Events)) end. %% %% State transition is done, keep looping if there are %% enqueued events, otherwise get a new event %% loop_done(P, Debug, S, Q) -> %%% io:format( %%% "loop_done: state_data = ~p,~n" %%% " postponed = ~p, Q = ~p,~n", %%% " timers = ~p.~n" %%% [S#state.state_data,,S#state.postponed,Q,S#state.timers]), case Q of [] -> %% Get a new event loop(P, Debug, S); [Event|Events] -> %% Loop until out of enqueued events loop_event(P, Debug, S, Event, Events) end. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Server loop helpers %% Parse an option list for erlang:start_timer/4 to figure out %% if the timeout will be absolute or relative %% parse_timeout_opts_abs(Opts) -> parse_timeout_opts_abs(Opts, false). %% parse_timeout_opts_abs(Opts, Abs) -> case Opts of [] -> Abs; [{abs,Abs_1}|Opts] when is_boolean(Abs_1) -> parse_timeout_opts_abs(Opts, Abs_1); _ -> badarg end. %% Enqueue immediate timeout events (timeout 0 events) %% %% Event timer timeout 0 events gets special treatment since %% an event timer is cancelled by any received event, %% so if there are enqueued events before the event timer %% timeout 0 event - the event timer is cancelled hence no event. %% %% Other (state_timeout and {timeout,Name}) timeout 0 events %% that are after an event timer timeout 0 event are considered to %% belong to timers that were started after the event timer %% timeout 0 event fired, so they do not cancel the event timer. %% prepend_timeout_events(_P, Debug, _S, [], EventsR) -> {Debug,EventsR}; prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S, [{timeout,_} = TimeoutEvent|TimeoutEvents], []) -> %% Prepend this since there are no other events in queue case Debug of ?not_sys_debug -> prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S, TimeoutEvents, [TimeoutEvent]); _ -> {State,_Data} = S#state.state_data, Debug_1 = sys_debug( Debug, P#params.name, {in,TimeoutEvent,State}), prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug_1, S, TimeoutEvents, [TimeoutEvent]) end; prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S, [{timeout,_}|TimeoutEvents], EventsR) -> %% Ignore since there are other events in queue %% so they have cancelled the event timeout 0. prepend_timeout_events(P, Debug, S, TimeoutEvents, EventsR); prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S, [TimeoutEvent|TimeoutEvents], EventsR) -> %% Just prepend all others case Debug of ?not_sys_debug -> prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug, S, TimeoutEvents, [TimeoutEvent|EventsR]); _ -> {State,_Data} = S#state.state_data, Debug_1 = sys_debug( Debug, P#params.name, {in,TimeoutEvent,State}), prepend_timeout_events( P, Debug_1, S, TimeoutEvents, [TimeoutEvent|EventsR]) end. %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Server helpers reply_then_terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug, S, Q, Replies) -> do_reply_then_terminate( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug, S, Q, listify(Replies)). %% do_reply_then_terminate( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug, S, Q, []) -> terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug, S, Q); do_reply_then_terminate( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug, S, Q, [R|Rs]) -> case R of {reply,From,Reply} -> case from(From) of true -> reply(From, Reply), Debug_1 = ?sys_debug( Debug, P#params.name, {out,Reply,From}), do_reply_then_terminate( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, P, Debug_1, S, Q, Rs); false -> terminate( error, {bad_reply_action_from_state_function,R}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S, Q) end; _ -> terminate( error, {bad_reply_action_from_state_function,R}, ?STACKTRACE(), P, Debug, S, Q) end. terminate( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, #params{module = Module} = P, Debug, #state{state_data = {State,Data}} = S, Q) -> case erlang:function_exported(Module, terminate, 3) of true -> try Module:terminate(Reason, State, Data) of _ -> ok catch _ -> ok; C:R:ST -> error_info(C, R, ST, Debug, P, S, Q), erlang:raise(C, R, ST) end; false -> ok end, _ = case Reason of normal -> terminate_sys_debug(Debug, P, State, Reason); shutdown -> terminate_sys_debug(Debug, P, State, Reason); {shutdown,_} -> terminate_sys_debug(Debug, P, State, Reason); _ -> error_info(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, P, S, Q) end, case Stacktrace of [] -> erlang:Class(Reason); _ -> erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace) end. terminate_sys_debug(Debug, P, State, Reason) -> ?sys_debug(Debug, P#params.name, {terminate,Reason,State}). error_info( Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, #params{ name = Name, callback_mode = CallbackMode, state_enter = StateEnter} = P, #state{postponed = Postponed} = S, Q) -> Log = sys:get_log(Debug), ?LOG_ERROR(#{label=>{gen_statem,terminate}, name=>Name, queue=>Q, postponed=>Postponed, callback_mode=>CallbackMode, state_enter=>StateEnter, state=>format_status(terminate, get(), P, S), log=>Log, reason=>{Class,Reason,Stacktrace}, client_info=>client_stacktrace(Q)}, #{domain=>[otp], report_cb=>fun gen_statem:format_log/1, error_logger=>#{tag=>error}}). client_stacktrace([]) -> undefined; client_stacktrace([{{call,{Pid,_Tag}},_Req}|_]) when is_pid(Pid) -> if node(Pid) =:= node() -> case process_info(Pid, [current_stacktrace, registered_name]) of undefined -> {Pid,dead}; [{current_stacktrace, Stacktrace}, {registered_name, []}] -> {Pid,{Pid,Stacktrace}}; [{current_stacktrace, Stacktrace}, {registered_name, Name}] -> {Pid,{Name,Stacktrace}} end; true -> {Pid,remote} end; client_stacktrace([_|_]) -> undefined. format_log(#{label:={gen_statem,terminate}, name:=Name, queue:=Q, postponed:=Postponed, callback_mode:=CallbackMode, state_enter:=StateEnter, state:=FmtData, log:=Log, reason:={Class,Reason,Stacktrace}, client_info:=ClientInfo}) -> {FixedReason,FixedStacktrace} = case Stacktrace of [{M,F,Args,_}|ST] when Class =:= error, Reason =:= undef -> case code:is_loaded(M) of false -> {{'module could not be loaded',M},ST}; _ -> Arity = if is_list(Args) -> length(Args); is_integer(Args) -> Args end, case erlang:function_exported(M, F, Arity) of true -> {Reason,Stacktrace}; false -> {{'function not exported',{M,F,Arity}},ST} end end; _ -> {Reason,Stacktrace} end, {ClientFmt,ClientArgs} = format_client_log(ClientInfo), CBMode = case StateEnter of true -> [CallbackMode,state_enter]; false -> CallbackMode end, {"** State machine ~tp terminating~n" ++ case Q of [] -> ""; _ -> "** Last event = ~tp~n" end ++ "** When server state = ~tp~n" ++ "** Reason for termination = ~w:~tp~n" ++ "** Callback mode = ~p~n" ++ case Q of [_,_|_] -> "** Queued = ~tp~n"; _ -> "" end ++ case Postponed of [] -> ""; _ -> "** Postponed = ~tp~n" end ++ case FixedStacktrace of [] -> ""; _ -> "** Stacktrace =~n** ~tp~n" end ++ case Log of [] -> ""; _ -> "** Log =~n** ~tp~n" end ++ ClientFmt, [Name | case Q of [] -> []; [Event|_] -> [error_logger:limit_term(Event)] end] ++ [error_logger:limit_term(FmtData), Class,error_logger:limit_term(FixedReason), CBMode] ++ case Q of [_|[_|_] = Events] -> [error_logger:limit_term(Events)]; _ -> [] end ++ case Postponed of [] -> []; _ -> [error_logger:limit_term(Postponed)] end ++ case FixedStacktrace of [] -> []; _ -> [error_logger:limit_term(FixedStacktrace)] end ++ case Log of [] -> []; _ -> [[error_logger:limit_term(T) || T <- Log]] end ++ ClientArgs}. format_client_log(undefined) -> {"", []}; format_client_log({Pid,dead}) -> {"** Client ~p is dead~n", [Pid]}; format_client_log({Pid,remote}) -> {"** Client ~p is remote on node ~p~n", [Pid, node(Pid)]}; format_client_log({_Pid,{Name,Stacktrace}}) -> {"** Client ~tp stacktrace~n" "** ~tp~n", [Name, error_logger:limit_term(Stacktrace)]}. %% Call Module:format_status/2 or return a default value format_status( Opt, PDict, #params{module = Module}, #state{state_data = {State,Data} = State_Data}) -> case erlang:function_exported(Module, format_status, 2) of true -> try Module:format_status(Opt, [PDict,State,Data]) catch Result -> Result; _:_ -> format_status_default( Opt, {State, atom_to_list(Module) ++ ":format_status/2 crashed"}) end; false -> format_status_default(Opt, State_Data) end. %% The default Module:format_status/3 format_status_default(Opt, State_Data) -> case Opt of terminate -> State_Data; _ -> [{data,[{"State",State_Data}]}] end. -compile({inline, [listify/1]}). listify(Item) when is_list(Item) -> Item; listify(Item) -> [Item]. -define(cancel_timer(TimerRef), case erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef) of false -> %% No timer found and we have not seen the timeout message receive {timeout,(TimerRef),_} -> ok end; _ -> %% Timer was running ok end). -compile({inline, [cancel_timer/1]}). cancel_timer(TimerRef) -> ?cancel_timer(TimerRef). %% Cancel timer if running, otherwise no op %% %% Remove the timer from Timers -compile({inline, [cancel_timer_by_type/2]}). cancel_timer_by_type(TimeoutType, {TimerRefs,TimeoutTypes} = Timers) -> case TimeoutTypes of #{TimeoutType := TimerRef} -> ?cancel_timer(TimerRef), {maps:remove(TimerRef, TimerRefs), maps:remove(TimeoutType, TimeoutTypes)}; #{} -> Timers end. -compile({inline, [cancel_timer_by_ref_and_type/4]}). cancel_timer_by_ref_and_type( TimerRef, TimeoutType, TimerRefs, TimeoutTypes) -> ?cancel_timer(TimerRef), {maps:remove(TimerRef, TimerRefs), maps:remove(TimeoutType, TimeoutTypes)}.