%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(lib). -export([flush_receive/0, error_message/2, progname/0, eval_str/1]). -export([extended_parse_exprs/1, extended_parse_term/1, subst_values_for_vars/2]). -export([format_exception/6, format_exception/7, format_stacktrace/4, format_stacktrace/5, format_call/4, format_call/5, format_fun/1, format_fun/2]). -spec flush_receive() -> 'ok'. flush_receive() -> receive _Any -> flush_receive() after 0 -> ok end. %% %% Functions for doing standard system format i/o. %% -spec error_message(Format, Args) -> 'ok' when Format :: io:format(), Args :: [term()]. error_message(Format, Args) -> io:format(<<"** ~ts **\n">>, [io_lib:format(Format, Args)]). %% Return the name of the script that starts (this) erlang %% -spec progname() -> atom(). progname() -> case init:get_argument(progname) of {ok, [[Prog]]} -> list_to_atom(Prog); _Other -> no_prog_name end. %% eval_str(InStr) -> {ok, OutStr} | {error, ErrStr'} %% InStr must represent a body %% Note: If InStr is a binary it has to be a Latin-1 string. %% If you have a UTF-8 encoded binary you have to call %% unicode:characters_to_list/1 before the call to eval_str(). -define(result(F,D), lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, D))). -spec eval_str(string() | unicode:latin1_binary()) -> {'ok', string()} | {'error', string()}. eval_str(Str) when is_list(Str) -> case erl_scan:tokens([], Str, 0) of {more, _} -> {error, "Incomplete form (missing .)??"}; {done, {ok, Toks, _}, Rest} -> case all_white(Rest) of true -> case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Toks) of {ok, Exprs} -> case catch erl_eval:exprs(Exprs, erl_eval:new_bindings()) of {value, Val, _} -> {ok, Val}; Other -> {error, ?result("*** eval: ~p", [Other])} end; {error, {_Line, Mod, Args}} -> Msg = ?result("*** ~ts",[Mod:format_error(Args)]), {error, Msg} end; false -> {error, ?result("Non-white space found after " "end-of-form :~ts", [Rest])} end end; eval_str(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> eval_str(binary_to_list(Bin)). all_white([$\s|T]) -> all_white(T); all_white([$\n|T]) -> all_white(T); all_white([$\t|T]) -> all_white(T); all_white([]) -> true; all_white(_) -> false. %% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option. %% The annotations of the returned expressions are locations. %% %% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs ("items"). %% Known items are represented by variables in the erl_parse tree, and %% the items themselves are stored in the returned bindings. -spec extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) -> {'ok', ExprList, Bindings} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()], ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()], Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(), ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info(). extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) -> Ts = tokens_fixup(Tokens), case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts) of {ok, Exprs0} -> {Exprs, Bs} = expr_fixup(Exprs0), {ok, reset_expr_anno(Exprs), Bs}; _ErrorInfo -> erl_parse:parse_exprs(reset_token_anno(Ts)) end. tokens_fixup([]) -> []; tokens_fixup([T|Ts]=Ts0) -> try token_fixup(Ts0) of {NewT, NewTs} -> [NewT|tokens_fixup(NewTs)] catch _:_ -> [T|tokens_fixup(Ts)] end. token_fixup(Ts) -> {AnnoL, NewTs, FixupTag} = unscannable(Ts), String = lists:append([erl_anno:text(A) || A <- AnnoL]), _ = (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(String), NewAnno = erl_anno:set_text(fixup_text(FixupTag), hd(AnnoL)), {{string, NewAnno, String}, NewTs}. unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _}, {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) -> {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, function}; unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Fun'}, {'<', A3}, {atom, A4, _}, {'.', A5}, {atom, A6, _}, {'.', A7}, {integer, A8, _}, {'>', A9}|Ts]) -> {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9], Ts, function}; unscannable([{'<', A1}, {float, A2, _}, {'.', A3}, {integer, A4, _}, {'>', A5}|Ts]) -> {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, pid}; unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Port'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _}, {'>', A5}|Ts]) -> {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Ts, port}; unscannable([{'#', A1}, {var, A2, 'Ref'}, {'<', A3}, {float, A4, _}, {'.', A5}, {float, A6, _}, {'>', A7}|Ts]) -> {[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7], Ts, reference}. expr_fixup(Expr0) -> {Expr, Bs, _} = expr_fixup(Expr0, erl_eval:new_bindings(), 1), {Expr, Bs}. expr_fixup({string,A,S}=T, Bs0, I) -> try string_fixup(A, S) of Value -> Var = new_var(I), Bs = erl_eval:add_binding(Var, Value, Bs0), {{var, A, Var}, Bs, I+1} catch _:_ -> {T, Bs0, I} end; expr_fixup(Tuple, Bs0, I0) when is_tuple(Tuple) -> {L, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(tuple_to_list(Tuple), Bs0, I0), {list_to_tuple(L), Bs, I}; expr_fixup([E0|Es0], Bs0, I0) -> {E, Bs1, I1} = expr_fixup(E0, Bs0, I0), {Es, Bs, I} = expr_fixup(Es0, Bs1, I1), {[E|Es], Bs, I}; expr_fixup(T, Bs, I) -> {T, Bs, I}. string_fixup(A, S) -> Text = erl_anno:text(A), FixupTag = fixup_tag(Text, S), (fixup_fun(FixupTag))(S). new_var(I) -> list_to_atom(lists:concat(['__ExtendedParseExprs_', I, '__'])). reset_token_anno(Tokens) -> [setelement(2, T, (reset_anno())(element(2, T))) || T <- Tokens]. reset_expr_anno(Exprs) -> [erl_parse:map_anno(reset_anno(), E) || E <- Exprs]. reset_anno() -> fun(A) -> erl_anno:new(erl_anno:location(A)) end. fixup_fun(function) -> fun function/1; fixup_fun(pid) -> fun erlang:list_to_pid/1; fixup_fun(port) -> fun erlang:list_to_port/1; fixup_fun(reference) -> fun erlang:list_to_ref/1. function(S) -> %% External function. {ok, [_, _, _, {atom, _, Module}, _, {atom, _, Function}, _, {integer, _, Arity}|_], _} = erl_scan:string(S), erlang:make_fun(Module, Function, Arity). fixup_text(function) -> "function"; fixup_text(pid) -> "pid"; fixup_text(port) -> "port"; fixup_text(reference) -> "reference". fixup_tag("function", "#"++_) -> function; fixup_tag("pid", "<"++_) -> pid; fixup_tag("port", "#"++_) -> port; fixup_tag("reference", "#"++_) -> reference. %%% End of extended_parse_exprs. %% `Tokens' is assumed to have been scanned with the 'text' option. %% %% Can handle pids, ports, references, and external funs. -spec extended_parse_term(Tokens) -> {'ok', Term} | {'error', ErrorInfo} when Tokens :: [erl_scan:token()], Term :: term(), ErrorInfo :: erl_parse:error_info(). extended_parse_term(Tokens) -> case extended_parse_exprs(Tokens) of {ok, [Expr], Bindings} -> try normalise(Expr, Bindings) of Term -> {ok, Term} catch _:_ -> Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)), {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}} end; {ok, [_,Expr|_], _Bindings} -> Loc = erl_anno:location(element(2, Expr)), {error,{Loc,?MODULE,"bad term"}}; {error, _} = Error -> Error end. %% From erl_parse. normalise({var, _, V}, Bs) -> {value, Value} = erl_eval:binding(V, Bs), Value; normalise({char,_,C}, _Bs) -> C; normalise({integer,_,I}, _Bs) -> I; normalise({float,_,F}, _Bs) -> F; normalise({atom,_,A}, _Bs) -> A; normalise({string,_,S}, _Bs) -> S; normalise({nil,_}, _Bs) -> []; normalise({bin,_,Fs}, Bs) -> {value, B, _} = eval_bits:expr_grp(Fs, [], fun(E, _) -> {value, normalise(E, Bs), []} end, [], true), B; normalise({cons,_,Head,Tail}, Bs) -> [normalise(Head, Bs)|normalise(Tail, Bs)]; normalise({tuple,_,Args}, Bs) -> list_to_tuple(normalise_list(Args, Bs)); normalise({map,_,Pairs}, Bs) -> maps:from_list(lists:map(fun %% only allow '=>' ({map_field_assoc,_,K,V}) -> {normalise(K, Bs),normalise(V, Bs)} end, Pairs)); %% Special case for unary +/-. normalise({op,_,'+',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I; normalise({op,_,'+',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> I; normalise({op,_,'+',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> F; normalise({op,_,'-',{char,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I; %Weird, but compatible! normalise({op,_,'-',{integer,_,I}}, _Bs) -> -I; normalise({op,_,'-',{float,_,F}}, _Bs) -> -F; normalise({'fun',_,{function,{atom,_,M},{atom,_,F},{integer,_,A}}}, _Bs) -> %% Since "#Fun" is recognized, "fun M:F/A" should be too. fun M:F/A. normalise_list([H|T], Bs) -> [normalise(H, Bs)|normalise_list(T, Bs)]; normalise_list([], _Bs) -> []. %% To be used on ExprList and Bindings returned from extended_parse_exprs(). %% Substitute {value, A, Item} for {var, A, ExtendedParseVar}. %% {value, A, Item} is a shell/erl_eval convention, and for example %% the linter cannot handle it. -spec subst_values_for_vars(ExprList, Bindings) -> [term()] when ExprList :: [erl_parse:abstract_expr()], Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(). subst_values_for_vars({var, A, V}=Var, Bs) -> case erl_eval:binding(V, Bs) of {value, Value} -> {value, A, Value}; unbound -> Var end; subst_values_for_vars(L, Bs) when is_list(L) -> [subst_values_for_vars(E, Bs) || E <- L]; subst_values_for_vars(T, Bs) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple(subst_values_for_vars(tuple_to_list(T), Bs)); subst_values_for_vars(T, _Bs) -> T. %%% Formatting of exceptions, mfa:s and funs. %% -> iolist() (no \n at end) %% I is the current column, starting from 1 (it will be used %% as indentation whenever newline has been inserted); %% Class, Reason and StackTrace are the exception; %% FormatFun = fun(Term, I) -> iolist() formats terms; %% StackFun = fun(Mod, Fun, Arity) -> boolean() is used for trimming the %% end of the stack (typically calls to erl_eval are skipped). format_exception(I, Class, Reason, StackTrace, StackFun, FormatFun) -> format_exception(I, Class, Reason, StackTrace, StackFun, FormatFun, latin1). %% -> iolist() | unicode:charlist() (no \n at end) %% FormatFun = fun(Term, I) -> iolist() | unicode:charlist(). format_exception(I, Class, Reason, StackTrace, StackFun, FormatFun, Encoding) when is_integer(I), I >= 1, is_function(StackFun, 3), is_function(FormatFun, 2) -> S = n_spaces(I-1), {Term,Trace1,Trace} = analyze_exception(Class, Reason, StackTrace), Expl0 = explain_reason(Term, Class, Trace1, FormatFun, S, Encoding), FormatString = case Encoding of latin1 -> "~s~s"; _ -> "~s~ts" end, Expl = io_lib:fwrite(FormatString, [exited(Class), Expl0]), case format_stacktrace1(S, Trace, FormatFun, StackFun, Encoding) of [] -> Expl; Stack -> [Expl, $\n, Stack] end. %% -> iolist() (no \n at end) format_stacktrace(I, StackTrace, StackFun, FormatFun) -> format_stacktrace(I, StackTrace, StackFun, FormatFun, latin1). %% -> iolist() | unicode:charlist() (no \n at end) format_stacktrace(I, StackTrace, StackFun, FormatFun, Encoding) when is_integer(I), I >= 1, is_function(StackFun, 3), is_function(FormatFun, 2) -> S = n_spaces(I-1), format_stacktrace1(S, StackTrace, FormatFun, StackFun, Encoding). %% -> iolist() (no \n at end) format_call(I, ForMForFun, As, FormatFun) -> format_call(I, ForMForFun, As, FormatFun, latin1). %% -> iolist() | unicode:charlist() (no \n at end) format_call(I, ForMForFun, As, FormatFun, Enc) when is_integer(I), I >= 1, is_list(As), is_function(FormatFun, 2) -> format_call("", n_spaces(I-1), ForMForFun, As, FormatFun, Enc). %% -> iolist() (no \n at end) format_fun(Fun) -> format_fun(Fun, latin1). %% -> iolist() (no \n at end) format_fun(Fun, Enc) when is_function(Fun) -> {module, M} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, module), {name, F} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, name), {arity, A} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity), case erlang:fun_info(Fun, type) of {type, local} when F =:= "" -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"~w">>, [Fun]); {type, local} when M =:= erl_eval -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"interpreted function with arity ~w">>, [A]); {type, local} -> mfa_to_string(M, F, A, Enc); {type, external} -> mfa_to_string(M, F, A, Enc) end. analyze_exception(error, Term, Stack) -> case {is_stacktrace(Stack), Stack, Term} of {true, [{_,_,As,_}=MFAL|MFAs], function_clause} when is_list(As) -> {Term,[MFAL],MFAs}; {true, [{shell,F,A,_}], function_clause} when is_integer(A) -> {Term, [{F,A}], []}; {true, [{_,_,_,_}=MFAL|MFAs], undef} -> {Term,[MFAL],MFAs}; {true, _, _} -> {Term,[],Stack}; {false, _, _} -> {{Term,Stack},[],[]} end; analyze_exception(_Class, Term, Stack) -> case is_stacktrace(Stack) of true -> {Term,[],Stack}; false -> {{Term,Stack},[],[]} end. is_stacktrace([]) -> true; is_stacktrace([{M,F,A,I}|Fs]) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A), is_list(I) -> is_stacktrace(Fs); is_stacktrace([{M,F,As,I}|Fs]) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), length(As) >= 0, is_list(I) -> is_stacktrace(Fs); is_stacktrace(_) -> false. %% ERTS exit codes (some of them are also returned by erl_eval): explain_reason(badarg, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"bad argument">>; explain_reason({badarg,V}, error=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> % orelse, andalso format_value(V, <<"bad argument: ">>, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason(badarith, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"an error occurred when evaluating an arithmetic expression">>; explain_reason({badarity,{Fun,As}}, error, [], _PF, _S, Enc) when is_function(Fun) -> %% Only the arity is displayed, not the arguments As. io_lib:fwrite(<<"~ts called with ~s">>, [format_fun(Fun, Enc), argss(length(As))]); explain_reason({badfun,Term}, error=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> format_value(Term, <<"bad function ">>, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason({badmatch,Term}, error=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> Str = <<"no match of right hand side value ">>, format_value(Term, Str, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason({case_clause,V}, error=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> %% "there is no case clause with a true guard sequence and a %% pattern matching..." format_value(V, <<"no case clause matching ">>, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason(function_clause, error, [{F,A}], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> %% Shell commands FAs = io_lib:fwrite(<<"~w/~w">>, [F, A]), [<<"no function clause matching call to ">> | FAs]; explain_reason(function_clause, error=Cl, [{M,F,As,Loc}], PF, S, Enc) -> Str = <<"no function clause matching ">>, [format_errstr_call(Str, Cl, {M,F}, As, PF, S, Enc),$\s|location(Loc)]; explain_reason(if_clause, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"no true branch found when evaluating an if expression">>; explain_reason(noproc, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"no such process or port">>; explain_reason(notalive, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"the node cannot be part of a distributed system">>; explain_reason(system_limit, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"a system limit has been reached">>; explain_reason(timeout_value, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"bad receive timeout value">>; explain_reason({try_clause,V}, error=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> %% "there is no try clause with a true guard sequence and a %% pattern matching..." format_value(V, <<"no try clause matching ">>, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason(undef, error, [{M,F,A,_}], _PF, _S, Enc) -> %% Only the arity is displayed, not the arguments, if there are any. io_lib:fwrite(<<"undefined function ~ts">>, [mfa_to_string(M, F, n_args(A), Enc)]); explain_reason({shell_undef,F,A,_}, error, [], _PF, _S, Enc) -> %% Give nicer reports for undefined shell functions %% (but not when the user actively calls shell_default:F(...)). FS = to_string(F, Enc), io_lib:fwrite(<<"undefined shell command ~ts/~w">>, [FS, n_args(A)]); %% Exit codes returned by erl_eval only: explain_reason({argument_limit,_Fun}, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"limit of number of arguments to interpreted function" " exceeded">>, []); explain_reason({bad_filter,V}, error=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> format_value(V, <<"bad filter ">>, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason({bad_generator,V}, error=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> format_value(V, <<"bad generator ">>, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason({unbound,V}, error, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"variable ~w is unbound">>, [V]); %% Exit codes local to the shell module (restricted shell): explain_reason({restricted_shell_bad_return, V}, exit=Cl, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> Str = <<"restricted shell module returned bad value ">>, format_value(V, Str, Cl, PF, S); explain_reason({restricted_shell_disallowed,{ForMF,As}}, exit=Cl, [], PF, S, Enc) -> %% ForMF can be a fun, but not a shell fun. Str = <<"restricted shell does not allow ">>, format_errstr_call(Str, Cl, ForMF, As, PF, S, Enc); explain_reason(restricted_shell_started, exit, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"restricted shell starts now">>; explain_reason(restricted_shell_stopped, exit, [], _PF, _S, _Enc) -> <<"restricted shell stopped">>; %% Other exit code: explain_reason(Reason, Class, [], PF, S, _Enc) -> PF(Reason, (iolist_size(S)+1) + exited_size(Class)). n_args(A) when is_integer(A) -> A; n_args(As) when is_list(As) -> length(As). argss(0) -> <<"no arguments">>; argss(1) -> <<"one argument">>; argss(2) -> <<"two arguments">>; argss(I) -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"~w arguments">>, [I]). format_stacktrace1(S0, Stack0, PF, SF, Enc) -> Stack1 = lists:dropwhile(fun({M,F,A,_}) -> SF(M, F, A) end, lists:reverse(Stack0)), S = [" " | S0], Stack = lists:reverse(Stack1), format_stacktrace2(S, Stack, 1, PF, Enc). format_stacktrace2(S, [{M,F,A,L}|Fs], N, PF, Enc) when is_integer(A) -> [io_lib:fwrite(<<"~s~s ~ts ~ts">>, [sep(N, S), origin(N, M, F, A), mfa_to_string(M, F, A, Enc), location(L)]) | format_stacktrace2(S, Fs, N + 1, PF, Enc)]; format_stacktrace2(S, [{M,F,As,_}|Fs], N, PF, Enc) when is_list(As) -> A = length(As), CalledAs = [S,<<" called as ">>], C = format_call("", CalledAs, {M,F}, As, PF, Enc), [io_lib:fwrite(<<"~s~s ~ts\n~s~ts">>, [sep(N, S), origin(N, M, F, A), mfa_to_string(M, F, A, Enc), CalledAs, C]) | format_stacktrace2(S, Fs, N + 1, PF, Enc)]; format_stacktrace2(_S, [], _N, _PF, _Enc) -> "". location(L) -> File = proplists:get_value(file, L), Line = proplists:get_value(line, L), if File =/= undefined, Line =/= undefined -> io_lib:format("(~ts, line ~w)", [File, Line]); true -> "" end. sep(1, S) -> S; sep(_, S) -> [$\n | S]. origin(1, M, F, A) -> case is_op({M, F}, n_args(A)) of {yes, F} -> <<"in operator ">>; no -> <<"in function ">> end; origin(_N, _M, _F, _A) -> <<"in call from">>. format_errstr_call(ErrStr, Class, ForMForFun, As, PF, Pre0, Enc) -> Pre1 = [Pre0 | n_spaces(exited_size(Class))], format_call(ErrStr, Pre1, ForMForFun, As, PF, Enc). format_call(ErrStr, Pre1, ForMForFun, As, PF, Enc) -> Arity = length(As), [ErrStr | case is_op(ForMForFun, Arity) of {yes,Op} -> format_op(ErrStr, Pre1, Op, As, PF, Enc); no -> MFs = mf_to_string(ForMForFun, Arity, Enc), I1 = string:length([Pre1,ErrStr|MFs]), S1 = pp_arguments(PF, As, I1, Enc), S2 = pp_arguments(PF, As, string:length([Pre1|MFs]), Enc), Long = count_nl(pp_arguments(PF, [a2345,b2345], I1, Enc)) > 0, case Long or (count_nl(S2) < count_nl(S1)) of true -> [$\n, Pre1, MFs, S2]; false -> [MFs, S1] end end]. format_op(ErrStr, Pre, Op, [A1], PF, _Enc) -> OpS = io_lib:fwrite(<<"~s ">>, [Op]), I1 = iolist_size([ErrStr,Pre,OpS]), [OpS | PF(A1, I1+1)]; format_op(ErrStr, Pre, Op, [A1, A2], PF, Enc) -> I1 = iolist_size([ErrStr,Pre]), S1 = PF(A1, I1+1), S2 = PF(A2, I1+1), OpS = atom_to_list(Op), Pre1 = [$\n | n_spaces(I1)], case count_nl(S1) > 0 of true -> [S1,Pre1,OpS,Pre1|S2]; false -> OpS2 = io_lib:fwrite(<<" ~s ">>, [Op]), Size1 = iolist_size([ErrStr,Pre|OpS2]), {Size2,S1_2} = size(Enc, S1), S2_2 = PF(A2, Size1+Size2+1), case count_nl(S2) < count_nl(S2_2) of true -> [S1_2,Pre1,OpS,Pre1|S2]; false -> [S1_2,OpS2|S2_2] end end. pp_arguments(PF, As, I, Enc) -> case {As, printable_list(Enc, As)} of {[Int | T], true} -> L = integer_to_list(Int), Ll = length(L), A = list_to_atom(lists:duplicate(Ll, $a)), S0 = unicode:characters_to_list(PF([A | T], I+1), Enc), brackets_to_parens([$[,L,string:slice(S0, 1+Ll)], Enc); _ -> brackets_to_parens(PF(As, I+1), Enc) end. brackets_to_parens(S, Enc) -> B = unicode:characters_to_binary(S, Enc), Sz = byte_size(B) - 2, <<$[,R:Sz/binary,$]>> = B, [$(,R,$)]. printable_list(latin1, As) -> io_lib:printable_latin1_list(As); printable_list(_, As) -> io_lib:printable_list(As). mfa_to_string(M, F, A, Enc) -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"~ts/~w">>, [mf_to_string({M, F}, A, Enc), A]). mf_to_string({M, F}, A, Enc) -> case erl_internal:bif(M, F, A) of true -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"~w">>, [F]); false -> case is_op({M, F}, A) of {yes, '/'} -> io_lib:fwrite(<<"~w">>, [F]); {yes, F} -> atom_to_list(F); no -> FS = to_string(F, Enc), io_lib:fwrite(<<"~w:~ts">>, [M, FS]) end end; mf_to_string(Fun, _A, Enc) when is_function(Fun) -> format_fun(Fun, Enc); mf_to_string(F, _A, Enc) -> FS = to_string(F, Enc), io_lib:fwrite(<<"~ts">>, [FS]). format_value(V, ErrStr, Class, PF, S) -> Pre1Sz = exited_size(Class), S1 = PF(V, Pre1Sz + iolist_size([S, ErrStr])+1), [ErrStr | case count_nl(S1) of N1 when N1 > 1 -> S2 = PF(V, iolist_size(S) + 1 + Pre1Sz), case count_nl(S2) < N1 of true -> [$\n, S, n_spaces(Pre1Sz) | S2]; false -> S1 end; _ -> S1 end]. %% Handles deep lists, but not all iolists. count_nl([E | Es]) -> count_nl(E) + count_nl(Es); count_nl($\n) -> 1; count_nl(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> count_nl(binary_to_list(Bin)); count_nl(_) -> 0. n_spaces(N) -> lists:duplicate(N, $\s). is_op(ForMForFun, A) -> try {erlang,F} = ForMForFun, _ = erl_internal:op_type(F, A), {yes,F} catch error:_ -> no end. exited_size(Class) -> iolist_size(exited(Class)). exited(error) -> <<"exception error: ">>; exited(exit) -> <<"exception exit: ">>; exited(throw) -> <<"exception throw: ">>. to_string(A, latin1) -> io_lib:write_atom_as_latin1(A); to_string(A, _) -> io_lib:write_atom(A). size(latin1, S) -> {iolist_size(S),S}; size(_, S0) -> S = unicode:characters_to_list(S0, unicode), true = is_list(S), {string:length(S),S}.