%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(maps). -export([get/3, filter/2,fold/3, map/2, size/1, new/0, update_with/3, update_with/4, without/2, with/2, iterator/1, next/1]). %% BIFs -export([get/2, find/2, from_list/1, is_key/2, keys/1, merge/2, put/3, remove/2, take/2, to_list/1, update/3, values/1]). -opaque iterator(Key, Value) :: {Key, Value, iterator(Key, Value)} | none | nonempty_improper_list(integer(), #{Key => Value}). -type iterator() :: iterator(term(), term()). -export_type([iterator/2, iterator/0]). -dialyzer({no_improper_lists, iterator/1}). -define(IS_ITERATOR(I), is_tuple(I) andalso tuple_size(I) == 3; I == none; is_integer(hd(I)) andalso is_map(tl(I))). %% Shadowed by erl_bif_types: maps:get/2 -spec get(Key,Map) -> Value when Key :: term(), Map :: map(), Value :: term(). get(_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec find(Key,Map) -> {ok, Value} | error when Map :: #{Key => Value, _ => _}. find(_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %% Shadowed by erl_bif_types: maps:from_list/1 -spec from_list(List) -> Map when List :: [{Key,Value}], Key :: term(), Value :: term(), Map :: map(). from_list(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %% Shadowed by erl_bif_types: maps:is_key/2 -spec is_key(Key,Map) -> boolean() when Key :: term(), Map :: map(). is_key(_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec keys(Map) -> Keys when Map :: #{Key => _}, Keys :: [Key]. keys(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %% Shadowed by erl_bif_types: maps:merge/2 -spec merge(Map1,Map2) -> Map3 when Map1 :: map(), Map2 :: map(), Map3 :: map(). merge(_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %% Shadowed by erl_bif_types: maps:put/3 -spec put(Key,Value,Map1) -> Map2 when Key :: term(), Value :: term(), Map1 :: map(), Map2 :: map(). put(_,_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec remove(Key,Map1) -> Map2 when Key :: term(), Map1 :: map(), Map2 :: map(). remove(_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec take(Key,Map1) -> {Value,Map2} | error when Map1 :: #{Key => Value, _ => _}, Map2 :: #{_ => _}. take(_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec to_list(Map) -> [{Key,Value}] when Map :: #{Key => Value}. to_list(Map) when is_map(Map) -> to_list_internal(erts_internal:map_next(0, Map, [])); to_list(Map) -> erlang:error({badmap,Map},[Map]). to_list_internal([Iter, Map | Acc]) when is_integer(Iter) -> to_list_internal(erts_internal:map_next(Iter, Map, Acc)); to_list_internal(Acc) -> Acc. %% Shadowed by erl_bif_types: maps:update/3 -spec update(Key,Value,Map1) -> Map2 when Map1 :: #{Key := _, _ => _}, Map2 :: #{Key := Value, _ => _}. update(_,_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec values(Map) -> Values when Map :: #{_ => Value}, Values :: [Value]. values(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %% End of BIFs -spec new() -> Map when Map :: #{}. new() -> #{}. -spec update_with(Key,Fun,Map1) -> Map2 when Map1 :: #{Key := Value1, _ => _}, Map2 :: #{Key := Value2, _ => _}, Fun :: fun((Value1) -> Value2). update_with(Key,Fun,Map) when is_function(Fun,1), is_map(Map) -> case Map of #{Key := Value} -> Map#{Key := Fun(Value)}; #{} -> erlang:error({badkey,Key},[Key,Fun,Map]) end; update_with(Key,Fun,Map) -> erlang:error(error_type(Map),[Key,Fun,Map]). -spec update_with(Key,Fun,Init,Map1) -> Map2 when Map1 :: #{Key => Value1, _ => _}, Map2 :: #{Key := Value2 | Init, _ => _}, Fun :: fun((Value1) -> Value2). update_with(Key,Fun,Init,Map) when is_function(Fun,1), is_map(Map) -> case Map of #{Key := Value} -> Map#{Key := Fun(Value)}; #{} -> Map#{Key => Init} end; update_with(Key,Fun,Init,Map) -> erlang:error(error_type(Map),[Key,Fun,Init,Map]). -spec get(Key, Map, Default) -> Value | Default when Map :: #{Key => Value, _ => _}. get(Key,Map,Default) when is_map(Map) -> case Map of #{Key := Value} -> Value; #{} -> Default end; get(Key,Map,Default) -> erlang:error({badmap,Map},[Key,Map,Default]). -spec filter(Pred, MapOrIter) -> Map when Pred :: fun((Key, Value) -> boolean()), MapOrIter :: #{Key => Value} | iterator(Key, Value), Map :: #{Key => Value}. filter(Pred,Map) when is_function(Pred,2), is_map(Map) -> maps:from_list(filter_1(Pred, iterator(Map))); filter(Pred,Iterator) when is_function(Pred,2), ?IS_ITERATOR(Iterator) -> maps:from_list(filter_1(Pred, Iterator)); filter(Pred,Map) -> erlang:error(error_type(Map),[Pred,Map]). filter_1(Pred, Iter) -> case next(Iter) of {K, V, NextIter} -> case Pred(K,V) of true -> [{K,V} | filter_1(Pred, NextIter)]; false -> filter_1(Pred, NextIter) end; none -> [] end. -spec fold(Fun,Init,MapOrIter) -> Acc when Fun :: fun((Key, Value, AccIn) -> AccOut), Init :: term(), Acc :: AccOut, AccIn :: Init | AccOut, MapOrIter :: #{Key => Value} | iterator(Key, Value). fold(Fun,Init,Map) when is_function(Fun,3), is_map(Map) -> fold_1(Fun,Init,iterator(Map)); fold(Fun,Init,Iterator) when is_function(Fun,3), ?IS_ITERATOR(Iterator) -> fold_1(Fun,Init,Iterator); fold(Fun,Init,Map) -> erlang:error(error_type_iter(Map),[Fun,Init,Map]). fold_1(Fun, Acc, Iter) -> case next(Iter) of {K, V, NextIter} -> fold_1(Fun, Fun(K,V,Acc), NextIter); none -> Acc end. -spec map(Fun,MapOrIter) -> Map when Fun :: fun((Key, Value1) -> Value2), MapOrIter :: #{Key => Value1} | iterator(Key, Value1), Map :: #{Key => Value2}. map(Fun,Map) when is_function(Fun, 2), is_map(Map) -> maps:from_list(map_1(Fun, iterator(Map))); map(Fun,Iterator) when is_function(Fun, 2), ?IS_ITERATOR(Iterator) -> maps:from_list(map_1(Fun, Iterator)); map(Fun,Map) -> erlang:error(error_type_iter(Map),[Fun,Map]). map_1(Fun, Iter) -> case next(Iter) of {K, V, NextIter} -> [{K, Fun(K, V)} | map_1(Fun, NextIter)]; none -> [] end. -spec size(Map) -> non_neg_integer() when Map :: map(). size(Map) when is_map(Map) -> erlang:map_size(Map); size(Val) -> erlang:error({badmap,Val},[Val]). -spec iterator(Map) -> Iterator when Map :: #{Key => Value}, Iterator :: iterator(Key, Value). iterator(M) when is_map(M) -> [0 | M]; iterator(M) -> erlang:error({badmap, M}, [M]). -spec next(Iterator) -> {Key, Value, NextIterator} | 'none' when Iterator :: iterator(Key, Value), NextIterator :: iterator(Key, Value). next({K, V, I}) -> {K, V, I}; next([Path | Map]) when is_integer(Path), is_map(Map) -> erts_internal:map_next(Path, Map, iterator); next(none) -> none; next(Iter) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Iter]). -spec without(Ks,Map1) -> Map2 when Ks :: [K], Map1 :: map(), Map2 :: map(), K :: term(). without(Ks,M) when is_list(Ks), is_map(M) -> lists:foldl(fun maps:remove/2, M, Ks); without(Ks,M) -> erlang:error(error_type(M),[Ks,M]). -spec with(Ks, Map1) -> Map2 when Ks :: [K], Map1 :: #{K => V, _ => _}, Map2 :: #{K => V}. with(Ks,Map1) when is_list(Ks), is_map(Map1) -> maps:from_list(with_1(Ks, Map1)); with(Ks,M) -> erlang:error(error_type(M),[Ks,M]). with_1([K|Ks], Map) -> case Map of #{K := V} -> [{K,V}|with_1(Ks, Map)]; #{} -> with_1(Ks, Map) end; with_1([], _Map) -> []. error_type(M) when is_map(M) -> badarg; error_type(V) -> {badmap, V}. error_type_iter(M) when is_map(M); ?IS_ITERATOR(M) -> badarg; error_type_iter(V) -> {badmap, V}.