%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
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%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%


%% Standard interface.


-type orddict() :: [{term(), term()}].


-spec new() -> orddict().

new() -> [].

-spec is_key(Key::term(), Dictionary::orddict()) -> boolean().

is_key(Key, [{K,_}|_]) when Key < K -> false;
is_key(Key, [{K,_}|Dict]) when Key > K -> is_key(Key, Dict);
is_key(_Key, [{_K,_Val}|_]) -> true;		%Key == K
is_key(_, []) -> false.

-spec to_list(orddict()) -> [{term(), term()}].

to_list(Dict) -> Dict.

-spec from_list([{term(), term()}]) -> orddict().

from_list(Pairs) ->
    lists:foldl(fun ({K,V}, D) -> store(K, V, D) end, [], Pairs).

-spec size(orddict()) -> non_neg_integer().

size(D) -> length(D).

-spec fetch(Key::term(), Dictionary::orddict()) -> term().

fetch(Key, [{K,_}|D]) when Key > K -> fetch(Key, D);
fetch(Key, [{K,Value}|_]) when Key == K -> Value.

-spec find(Key::term(), Dictionary::orddict()) -> {'ok', term()} | 'error'.

find(Key, [{K,_}|_]) when Key < K -> error;
find(Key, [{K,_}|D]) when Key > K -> find(Key, D);
find(_Key, [{_K,Value}|_]) -> {ok,Value};	%Key == K
find(_, []) -> error.

-spec fetch_keys(Dictionary::orddict()) -> [term()].

fetch_keys([{Key,_}|Dict]) ->
fetch_keys([]) -> [].

-spec erase(Key::term(), Dictionary::orddict()) -> orddict().

erase(Key, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key < K -> [E|Dict];
erase(Key, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
    [E|erase(Key, Dict)];
erase(_Key, [{_K,_Val}|Dict]) -> Dict;		%Key == K
erase(_, []) -> [].

-spec store(Key::term(), Value::term(), Dictionary::orddict()) -> orddict().

store(Key, New, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key < K ->
store(Key, New, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
    [E|store(Key, New, Dict)];
store(Key, New, [{_K,_Old}|Dict]) ->		%Key == K
store(Key, New, []) -> [{Key,New}].

-spec append(Key::term(), Value::term(), Dictionary::orddict()) -> orddict().

append(Key, New, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key < K ->
append(Key, New, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
    [E|append(Key, New, Dict)];
append(Key, New, [{_K,Old}|Dict]) ->		%Key == K
    [{Key,Old ++ [New]}|Dict];
append(Key, New, []) -> [{Key,[New]}].

-spec append_list(Key::term(), ValueList::[term()], orddict()) -> orddict().

append_list(Key, NewList, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key < K ->
append_list(Key, NewList, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
    [E|append_list(Key, NewList, Dict)];
append_list(Key, NewList, [{_K,Old}|Dict]) ->		%Key == K
    [{Key,Old ++ NewList}|Dict];
append_list(Key, NewList, []) ->

-spec update(Key::term(), Fun::fun((term()) -> term()), orddict()) -> orddict().

update(Key, Fun, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
    [E|update(Key, Fun, Dict)];
update(Key, Fun, [{K,Val}|Dict]) when Key == K ->

-spec update(term(), fun((term()) -> term()), term(), orddict()) -> orddict().

update(Key, _, Init, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key < K ->
update(Key, Fun, Init, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
    [E|update(Key, Fun, Init, Dict)];
update(Key, Fun, _Init, [{_K,Val}|Dict]) ->		%Key == K
update(Key, _, Init, []) -> [{Key,Init}].

-spec update_counter(Key::term(), Incr::number(), orddict()) -> orddict().

update_counter(Key, Incr, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key < K ->
update_counter(Key, Incr, [{K,_}=E|Dict]) when Key > K ->
    [E|update_counter(Key, Incr, Dict)];
update_counter(Key, Incr, [{_K,Val}|Dict]) ->		%Key == K
update_counter(Key, Incr, []) -> [{Key,Incr}].

-spec fold(fun((term(),term(),term()) -> term()), term(), orddict()) -> term().

fold(F, Acc, [{Key,Val}|D]) ->
    fold(F, F(Key, Val, Acc), D);
fold(F, Acc, []) when is_function(F, 3) -> Acc.

-spec map(fun((term(), term()) -> term()), orddict()) -> orddict().

map(F, [{Key,Val}|D]) ->
    [{Key,F(Key, Val)}|map(F, D)];
map(F, []) when is_function(F, 2) -> [].

-spec filter(fun((term(), term()) -> term()), orddict()) -> orddict().

filter(F, [{Key,Val}=E|D]) ->
    case F(Key, Val) of
	true -> [E|filter(F, D)]; 
	false -> filter(F, D)
filter(F, []) when is_function(F, 2) -> [].

-spec merge(fun((term(), term(), term()) -> term()), orddict(), orddict()) ->

merge(F, [{K1,_}=E1|D1], [{K2,_}=E2|D2]) when K1 < K2 ->
    [E1|merge(F, D1, [E2|D2])];
merge(F, [{K1,_}=E1|D1], [{K2,_}=E2|D2]) when K1 > K2 ->
    [E2|merge(F, [E1|D1], D2)];
merge(F, [{K1,V1}|D1], [{_K2,V2}|D2]) ->	%K1 == K2
    [{K1,F(K1, V1, V2)}|merge(F, D1, D2)];
merge(F, [], D2) when is_function(F, 3) -> D2;
merge(F, D1, []) when is_function(F, 3) -> D1.