%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(unicode). -export([characters_to_list/1, characters_to_list_int/2, characters_to_binary/1, characters_to_binary_int/2, characters_to_binary/3, bom_to_encoding/1, encoding_to_bom/1, characters_to_nfd_list/1, characters_to_nfd_binary/1, characters_to_nfc_list/1, characters_to_nfc_binary/1, characters_to_nfkd_list/1, characters_to_nfkd_binary/1, characters_to_nfkc_list/1, characters_to_nfkc_binary/1 ]). -export_type([chardata/0, charlist/0, encoding/0, external_chardata/0, external_charlist/0, latin1_char/0, latin1_chardata/0, latin1_charlist/0, latin1_binary/0, unicode_binary/0]). -type encoding() :: 'latin1' | 'unicode' | 'utf8' | 'utf16' | {'utf16', endian()} | 'utf32' | {'utf32', endian()}. -type endian() :: 'big' | 'little'. -type unicode_binary() :: binary(). -type charlist() :: maybe_improper_list(char() | unicode_binary() | charlist(), unicode_binary() | nil()). -type chardata() :: charlist() | unicode_binary(). -type external_unicode_binary() :: binary(). -type external_chardata() :: external_charlist() | external_unicode_binary(). -type external_charlist() :: maybe_improper_list(char() | external_unicode_binary() | external_charlist(), external_unicode_binary() | nil()). -type latin1_binary() :: binary(). -type latin1_char() :: byte(). -type latin1_chardata() :: latin1_charlist() | latin1_binary(). -type latin1_charlist() :: maybe_improper_list(latin1_char() | latin1_binary() | latin1_charlist(), latin1_binary() | nil()). %%% BIFs %%% %%% characters_to_binary/2 (will trap to characters_to_binary_int/2 %%% if InEncoding is not {latin1 | unicode | utf8}) %%% characters_to_list/2 (will trap to characters_to_list_int/2 if %%% InEncoding is not {latin1 | unicode | utf8}) -export([bin_is_7bit/1, characters_to_binary/2, characters_to_list/2]). -spec bin_is_7bit(Binary) -> boolean() when Binary :: binary(). bin_is_7bit(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec characters_to_binary(Data, InEncoding) -> Result when Data :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(), InEncoding :: encoding(), Result :: binary() | {error, binary(), RestData} | {incomplete, binary(), binary()}, RestData :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(). characters_to_binary(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). -spec characters_to_list(Data, InEncoding) -> Result when Data :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(), InEncoding :: encoding(), Result :: list() | {error, list(), RestData} | {incomplete, list(), binary()}, RestData :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(). characters_to_list(_, _) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). %%% End of BIFs -spec characters_to_list(Data) -> Result when Data :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(), Result :: list() | {error, list(), RestData} | {incomplete, list(), binary()}, RestData :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(). characters_to_list(ML) -> unicode:characters_to_list(ML,unicode). -spec characters_to_binary(Data) -> Result when Data :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(), Result :: binary() | {error, binary(), RestData} | {incomplete, binary(), binary()}, RestData :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(). characters_to_binary(ML) -> try unicode:characters_to_binary(ML,unicode) catch error:AnyError -> TheError = case AnyError of system_limit -> system_limit; _ -> badarg end, {'EXIT',{new_stacktrace,[{Mod,_,L,_}|Rest]}} = (catch erlang:error(new_stacktrace, [ML])), erlang:raise(error,TheError,[{Mod,characters_to_binary,L}|Rest]) end. -spec characters_to_binary(Data, InEncoding, OutEncoding) -> Result when Data :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(), InEncoding :: encoding(), OutEncoding :: encoding(), Result :: binary() | {error, binary(), RestData} | {incomplete, binary(), binary()}, RestData :: latin1_chardata() | chardata() | external_chardata(). characters_to_binary(ML, latin1, latin1) when is_binary(ML) -> ML; characters_to_binary(ML, latin1, Uni) when is_binary(ML) and ((Uni =:= utf8) or (Uni =:= unicode)) -> case unicode:bin_is_7bit(ML) of true -> ML; false -> try characters_to_binary_int(ML,latin1,utf8) catch error:AnyError -> TheError = case AnyError of system_limit -> system_limit; _ -> badarg end, {'EXIT',{new_stacktrace,[{Mod,_,L,_}|Rest]}} = (catch erlang:error(new_stacktrace, [ML,latin1,Uni])), erlang:raise(error,TheError, [{Mod,characters_to_binary,L}|Rest]) end end; characters_to_binary(ML,Uni,latin1) when is_binary(ML) and ((Uni =:= utf8) or (Uni =:= unicode)) -> case unicode:bin_is_7bit(ML) of true -> ML; false -> try characters_to_binary_int(ML,utf8,latin1) catch error:AnyError -> TheError = case AnyError of system_limit -> system_limit; _ -> badarg end, {'EXIT',{new_stacktrace,[{Mod,_,L,_}|Rest]}} = (catch erlang:error(new_stacktrace, [ML,Uni,latin1])), erlang:raise(error,TheError, [{Mod,characters_to_binary,L}|Rest]) end end; characters_to_binary(ML, InEncoding, OutEncoding) -> try characters_to_binary_int(ML,InEncoding,OutEncoding) catch error:AnyError -> TheError = case AnyError of system_limit -> system_limit; _ -> badarg end, {'EXIT',{new_stacktrace,[{Mod,_,L,_}|Rest]}} = (catch erlang:error(new_stacktrace, [ML,InEncoding,OutEncoding])), erlang:raise(error,TheError,[{Mod,characters_to_binary,L}|Rest]) end. -spec bom_to_encoding(Bin) -> {Encoding, Length} when Bin :: binary(), Encoding :: 'latin1' | 'utf8' | {'utf16', endian()} | {'utf32', endian()}, Length :: non_neg_integer(). bom_to_encoding(<<239,187,191,_/binary>>) -> {utf8,3}; bom_to_encoding(<<0,0,254,255,_/binary>>) -> {{utf32,big},4}; bom_to_encoding(<<255,254,0,0,_/binary>>) -> {{utf32,little},4}; bom_to_encoding(<<254,255,_/binary>>) -> {{utf16,big},2}; bom_to_encoding(<<255,254,_/binary>>) -> {{utf16,little},2}; bom_to_encoding(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> {latin1,0}. -spec encoding_to_bom(InEncoding) -> Bin when Bin :: binary(), InEncoding :: encoding(). encoding_to_bom(unicode) -> <<239,187,191>>; encoding_to_bom(utf8) -> <<239,187,191>>; encoding_to_bom(utf16) -> <<254,255>>; encoding_to_bom({utf16,big}) -> <<254,255>>; encoding_to_bom({utf16,little}) -> <<255,254>>; encoding_to_bom(utf32) -> <<0,0,254,255>>; encoding_to_bom({utf32,big}) -> <<0,0,254,255>>; encoding_to_bom({utf32,little}) -> <<255,254,0,0>>; encoding_to_bom(latin1) -> <<>>. -define(GC_N, 200). %% arbitrary number %% Canonical decompose string to list of chars -spec characters_to_nfd_list(chardata()) -> [char()]. characters_to_nfd_list(CD) -> case unicode_util:nfd(CD) of [GC|Str] when is_list(GC) -> GC++characters_to_nfd_list(Str); [CP|Str] -> [CP|characters_to_nfd_list(Str)]; [] -> [] end. -spec characters_to_nfd_binary(chardata()) -> unicode_binary(). characters_to_nfd_binary(CD) -> list_to_binary(characters_to_nfd_binary(CD, ?GC_N, [])). characters_to_nfd_binary(CD, N, Row) when N > 0 -> case unicode_util:nfd(CD) of [GC|Str] -> characters_to_nfd_binary(Str, N-1, [GC|Row]); [] -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))] end; characters_to_nfd_binary(CD, _, Row) -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))|characters_to_nfd_binary(CD,?GC_N,[])]. %% Compability Canonical decompose string to list of chars. -spec characters_to_nfkd_list(chardata()) -> [char()]. characters_to_nfkd_list(CD) -> case unicode_util:nfkd(CD) of [GC|Str] when is_list(GC) -> GC++characters_to_nfkd_list(Str); [CP|Str] -> [CP|characters_to_nfkd_list(Str)]; [] -> [] end. -spec characters_to_nfkd_binary(chardata()) -> unicode_binary(). characters_to_nfkd_binary(CD) -> list_to_binary(characters_to_nfkd_binary(CD, ?GC_N, [])). characters_to_nfkd_binary(CD, N, Row) when N > 0 -> case unicode_util:nfkd(CD) of [GC|Str] -> characters_to_nfkd_binary(Str, N-1, [GC|Row]); [] -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))] end; characters_to_nfkd_binary(CD, _, Row) -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))|characters_to_nfkd_binary(CD,?GC_N,[])]. %% Canonical compose string to list of chars -spec characters_to_nfc_list(chardata()) -> [char()]. characters_to_nfc_list(CD) -> case unicode_util:nfc(CD) of [CPs|Str] when is_list(CPs) -> CPs ++ characters_to_nfc_list(Str); [CP|Str] -> [CP|characters_to_nfc_list(Str)]; [] -> [] end. -spec characters_to_nfc_binary(chardata()) -> unicode_binary(). characters_to_nfc_binary(CD) -> list_to_binary(characters_to_nfc_binary(CD, ?GC_N, [])). characters_to_nfc_binary(CD, N, Row) when N > 0 -> case unicode_util:nfc(CD) of [GC|Str] -> characters_to_nfc_binary(Str, N-1, [GC|Row]); [] -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))] end; characters_to_nfc_binary(CD, _, Row) -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))|characters_to_nfc_binary(CD,?GC_N,[])]. %% Compability Canonical compose string to list of chars -spec characters_to_nfkc_list(chardata()) -> [char()]. characters_to_nfkc_list(CD) -> case unicode_util:nfkc(CD) of [CPs|Str] when is_list(CPs) -> CPs ++ characters_to_nfkc_list(Str); [CP|Str] -> [CP|characters_to_nfkc_list(Str)]; [] -> [] end. -spec characters_to_nfkc_binary(chardata()) -> unicode_binary(). characters_to_nfkc_binary(CD) -> list_to_binary(characters_to_nfkc_binary(CD, ?GC_N, [])). characters_to_nfkc_binary(CD, N, Row) when N > 0 -> case unicode_util:nfkc(CD) of [GC|Str] -> characters_to_nfkc_binary(Str, N-1, [GC|Row]); [] -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))] end; characters_to_nfkc_binary(CD, _, Row) -> [characters_to_binary(lists:reverse(Row))|characters_to_nfkc_binary(CD,?GC_N,[])]. %% internals characters_to_list_int(ML, Encoding) -> try do_characters_to_list(ML,Encoding) catch error:AnyError -> TheError = case AnyError of system_limit -> system_limit; _ -> badarg end, {'EXIT',{new_stacktrace,[{Mod,_,L,_}|Rest]}} = (catch erlang:error(new_stacktrace, [ML,Encoding])), erlang:raise(error,TheError,[{Mod,characters_to_list,L}|Rest]) end. % XXX: Optimize me! do_characters_to_list(ML, Encoding) -> case unicode:characters_to_binary(ML,Encoding) of Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> unicode:characters_to_list(Bin,utf8); {error,Encoded,Rest} -> {error,unicode:characters_to_list(Encoded,utf8),Rest}; {incomplete, Encoded2, Rest2} -> {incomplete,unicode:characters_to_list(Encoded2,utf8),Rest2} end. characters_to_binary_int(ML,InEncoding) -> try characters_to_binary_int(ML,InEncoding,unicode) catch error:AnyError -> TheError = case AnyError of system_limit -> system_limit; _ -> badarg end, {'EXIT',{new_stacktrace,[{Mod,_,L,_}|Rest]}} = (catch erlang:error(new_stacktrace, [ML,InEncoding])), erlang:raise(error,TheError,[{Mod,characters_to_binary,L}|Rest]) end. characters_to_binary_int(ML, InEncoding, OutEncoding) when InEncoding =:= latin1, OutEncoding =:= unicode; InEncoding =:= latin1, OutEncoding =:= utf8; InEncoding =:= unicode, OutEncoding =:= unicode; InEncoding =:= unicode, OutEncoding =:= utf8; InEncoding =:= utf8, OutEncoding =:= unicode; InEncoding =:= utf8, OutEncoding =:= utf8 -> unicode:characters_to_binary(ML,InEncoding); characters_to_binary_int(ML, InEncoding, OutEncoding) -> {InTrans,Limit} = case OutEncoding of latin1 -> {i_trans_chk(InEncoding),255}; _ -> {i_trans(InEncoding),case InEncoding of latin1 -> 255; _ -> 16#10FFFF end} end, OutTrans = o_trans(OutEncoding), Res = ml_map(ML, fun(Part,Accum) when is_binary(Part) -> case InTrans(Part) of List when is_list(List) -> Tail = OutTrans(List), <<Accum/binary, Tail/binary>>; {error, Translated, Rest} -> Tail = OutTrans(Translated), {error, <<Accum/binary,Tail/binary>>, Rest}; {incomplete, Translated, Rest, Missing} -> Tail = OutTrans(Translated), {incomplete, <<Accum/binary,Tail/binary>>, Rest, Missing} end; (Part, Accum) when is_integer(Part), Part =< Limit -> case OutTrans([Part]) of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> <<Accum/binary, Binary/binary>>; {error, _, [Part]} -> {error,Accum,[Part]} end; (Part, Accum) -> {error, Accum, [Part]} end,<<>>), case Res of {incomplete,A,B,_} -> {incomplete,A,B}; _ -> Res end. cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,0:1,_:5>>) -> 1; cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,1:1,0:1,_:4,R/binary>>) -> case R of <<>> -> 2; <<1:1,0:1,_:6>> -> 1; _ -> false end; cbv(utf8,<<1:1,1:1,1:1,1:1,0:1,_:3,R/binary>>) -> case R of <<>> -> 3; <<1:1,0:1,_:6>> -> 2; <<1:1,0:1,_:6,1:1,0:1,_:6>> -> 1; _ -> false end; cbv(utf8,_) -> false; cbv({utf16,big},<<A:8>>) when A =< 215; A >= 224 -> 1; cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:2>>) -> 3; cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:10>>) -> 2; cbv({utf16,big},<<54:6,_:10,55:6,_:2>>) -> 1; cbv({utf16,big},_) -> false; cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8>>) -> 1; % or 3, we'll see cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8,54:6,_:2>>) -> 2; cbv({utf16,little},<<_:8,54:6,_:2,_:8>>) -> 1; cbv({utf16,little},_) -> false; cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8>>) -> 3; cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8,X:8>>) when X =< 16 -> 2; cbv({utf32,big}, <<0:8,X:8,Y:8>>) when X =< 16, ((X > 0) or ((Y =< 215) or (Y >= 224))) -> 1; cbv({utf32,big},_) -> false; cbv({utf32,little},<<_:8>>) -> 3; cbv({utf32,little},<<_:8,_:8>>) -> 2; cbv({utf32,little},<<X:8,255:8,0:8>>) when X =:= 254; X =:= 255 -> false; cbv({utf32,little},<<_:8,Y:8,X:8>>) when X =< 16, ((X > 0) or ((Y =< 215) or (Y >= 224))) -> 1; cbv({utf32,little},_) -> false. ml_map([],_,{{Inc,X},Accum}) -> {incomplete, Accum, Inc, X}; ml_map([],_Fun,Accum) -> Accum; ml_map([Part|_] = Whole,_,{{Incomplete, _}, Accum}) when is_integer(Part) -> {error, Accum, [Incomplete | Whole]}; ml_map([Part|T],Fun,Accum) when is_integer(Part) -> case Fun(Part,Accum) of Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> case ml_map(T,Fun,Bin) of Bin2 when is_binary(Bin2) -> Bin2; {error, Converted, Rest} -> {error, Converted, Rest}; {incomplete, Converted, Rest,X} -> {incomplete, Converted, Rest,X} end; % Can not be incomplete - it's an integer {error, Converted, Rest} -> {error, Converted, [Rest|T]} end; ml_map([Part|T],Fun,{{Incomplete,Missing}, Accum}) when is_binary(Part) -> % Ok, how much is needed to fill in the incomplete part? case byte_size(Part) of N when N >= Missing -> <<FillIn:Missing/binary,Trailing/binary>> = Part, NewPart = <<Incomplete/binary,FillIn/binary>>, ml_map([NewPart,Trailing|T], Fun, Accum); M -> NewIncomplete = <<Incomplete/binary, Part/binary>>, NewMissing = Missing - M, ml_map(T,Fun,{{NewIncomplete, NewMissing}, Accum}) end; ml_map([Part|T],Fun,Accum) when is_binary(Part), byte_size(Part) > 8192 -> <<Part1:8192/binary,Part2/binary>> = Part, ml_map([Part1,Part2|T],Fun,Accum); ml_map([Part|T],Fun,Accum) when is_binary(Part) -> case Fun(Part,Accum) of Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> ml_map(T,Fun,Bin); {incomplete, Converted, Rest, Missing} -> ml_map(T,Fun,{{Rest, Missing},Converted}); {error, Converted, Rest} -> {error, Converted, [Rest|T]} end; ml_map([List|T],Fun,Accum) when is_list(List) -> case ml_map(List,Fun,Accum) of Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> ml_map(T,Fun,Bin); {error, Converted,Rest} -> {error, Converted, [Rest | T]}; {incomplete, Converted,Rest,N} -> ml_map(T,Fun,{{Rest,N},Converted}) end; ml_map(Bin,Fun,{{Incomplete,Missing},Accum}) when is_binary(Bin) -> case byte_size(Bin) of N when N >= Missing -> ml_map([Incomplete,Bin],Fun,Accum); M -> {incomplete, Accum, <<Incomplete/binary, Bin/binary>>, Missing - M} end; ml_map(Part,Fun,Accum) when is_binary(Part), byte_size(Part) > 8192 -> <<Part1:8192/binary,Part2/binary>> = Part, ml_map([Part1,Part2],Fun,Accum); ml_map(Bin,Fun,Accum) when is_binary(Bin) -> Fun(Bin,Accum). i_trans(latin1) -> fun(Bin) -> binary_to_list(Bin) end; i_trans(unicode) -> i_trans(utf8); i_trans(utf8) -> fun do_i_utf8/1; i_trans(utf16) -> fun do_i_utf16_big/1; i_trans({utf16,big}) -> fun do_i_utf16_big/1; i_trans({utf16,little}) -> fun do_i_utf16_little/1; i_trans(utf32) -> fun do_i_utf32_big/1; i_trans({utf32,big}) -> fun do_i_utf32_big/1; i_trans({utf32,little}) -> fun do_i_utf32_little/1. i_trans_chk(latin1) -> fun(Bin) -> binary_to_list(Bin) end; i_trans_chk(unicode) -> i_trans_chk(utf8); i_trans_chk(utf8) -> fun do_i_utf8_chk/1; i_trans_chk(utf16) -> fun do_i_utf16_big_chk/1; i_trans_chk({utf16,big}) -> fun do_i_utf16_big_chk/1; i_trans_chk({utf16,little}) -> fun do_i_utf16_little_chk/1; i_trans_chk(utf32) -> fun do_i_utf32_big_chk/1; i_trans_chk({utf32,big}) -> fun do_i_utf32_big_chk/1; i_trans_chk({utf32,little}) -> fun do_i_utf32_little_chk/1. o_trans(latin1) -> fun(L) -> list_to_binary(L) end; o_trans(unicode) -> o_trans(utf8); o_trans(utf8) -> fun(L) -> do_o_binary(fun(One) -> <<One/utf8>> end, L) end; o_trans(utf16) -> fun(L) -> do_o_binary(fun(One) -> <<One/utf16>> end, L) end; o_trans({utf16,big}) -> o_trans(utf16); o_trans({utf16,little}) -> fun(L) -> do_o_binary(fun(One) -> <<One/utf16-little>> end, L) end; o_trans(utf32) -> fun(L) -> do_o_binary(fun(One) -> <<One/utf32>> end, L) end; o_trans({utf32,big}) -> o_trans(utf32); o_trans({utf32,little}) -> fun(L) -> do_o_binary(fun(One) -> <<One/utf32-little>> end, L) end. do_o_binary(F,L) -> case do_o_binary2(F,L) of {Tag,List,R} -> {Tag,erlang:iolist_to_binary(List),R}; List -> erlang:iolist_to_binary(List) end. -dialyzer({no_improper_lists, do_o_binary2/2}). do_o_binary2(_F,[]) -> <<>>; do_o_binary2(F,[H|T]) -> case (catch F(H)) of {'EXIT',_} -> {error,<<>>,[H|T]}; Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> case do_o_binary2(F,T) of {error,Bin2,Rest} -> {error,[Bin|Bin2],Rest}; Bin3 -> [Bin|Bin3] end end. %% Specific functions only allowing codepoints in latin1 range do_i_utf8_chk(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf8_chk(<<U/utf8,R/binary>>) when U =< 255 -> case do_i_utf8_chk(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf8_chk(<<_/utf8,_/binary>> = Bin) -> {error, [], Bin}; do_i_utf8_chk(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv(utf8,Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin,N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf16_big_chk(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf16_big_chk(<<U/utf16,R/binary>>) when U =< 255 -> case do_i_utf16_big_chk(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf16_big_chk(<<_/utf16,_/binary>> = Bin) -> {error, [], Bin}; do_i_utf16_big_chk(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf16,big},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf16_little_chk(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf16_little_chk(<<U/utf16-little,R/binary>>) when U =< 255 -> case do_i_utf16_little_chk(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf16_little_chk(<<_/utf16-little,_/binary>> = Bin) -> {error, [], Bin}; do_i_utf16_little_chk(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf16,little},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf32_big_chk(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf32_big_chk(<<U/utf32,R/binary>>) when U =< 255 -> case do_i_utf32_big_chk(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf32_big_chk(<<_/utf32,_/binary>> = Bin) -> {error, [], Bin}; do_i_utf32_big_chk(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf32,big},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf32_little_chk(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf32_little_chk(<<U/utf32-little,R/binary>>) when U =< 255 -> case do_i_utf32_little_chk(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf32_little_chk(<<_/utf32-little,_/binary>> = Bin) -> {error, [], Bin}; do_i_utf32_little_chk(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf32,little},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. %% General versions do_i_utf8(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf8(<<U/utf8,R/binary>>) -> case do_i_utf8(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf8(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv(utf8,Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin,N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf16_big(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf16_big(<<U/utf16,R/binary>>) -> case do_i_utf16_big(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf16_big(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf16,big},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf16_little(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf16_little(<<U/utf16-little,R/binary>>) -> case do_i_utf16_little(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf16_little(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf16,little},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf32_big(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf32_big(<<U/utf32,R/binary>>) -> case do_i_utf32_big(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf32_big(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf32,big},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end. do_i_utf32_little(<<>>) -> []; do_i_utf32_little(<<U/utf32-little,R/binary>>) -> case do_i_utf32_little(R) of {error,Trans,Rest} -> {error, [U|Trans], Rest}; {incomplete,Trans,Rest,N} -> {incomplete, [U|Trans], Rest, N}; L when is_list(L) -> [U|L] end; do_i_utf32_little(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> case cbv({utf32,little},Bin) of N when is_integer(N) -> {incomplete, [], Bin, N}; false -> {error, [], Bin} end.