%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(base64_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). %% Test server specific exports -export([all/0, suite/0, groups/0, group/1]). %% Test cases must be exported. -export([base64_encode/1, base64_decode/1, base64_otp_5635/1, base64_otp_6279/1, big/1, illegal/1, mime_decode/1, mime_decode_to_string/1, roundtrip_1/1, roundtrip_2/1, roundtrip_3/1, roundtrip_4/1]). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test cases starts here. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap,{minutes,4}}]. all() -> [base64_encode, base64_decode, base64_otp_5635, base64_otp_6279, big, illegal, mime_decode, mime_decode_to_string, {group, roundtrip}]. groups() -> [{roundtrip, [parallel], [roundtrip_1, roundtrip_2, roundtrip_3, roundtrip_4]}]. group(roundtrip) -> %% valgrind needs a lot of time [{timetrap,{minutes,10}}]. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test base64:encode/1. base64_encode(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Two pads <<"QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==">> = base64:encode("Aladdin:open sesame"), %% One pad <<"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=">> = base64:encode(<<"Hello World">>), %% No pad "QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2Ft" = base64:encode_to_string("Aladdin:open sesam"), "MDEyMzQ1Njc4OSFAIzBeJiooKTs6PD4sLiBbXXt9" = base64:encode_to_string(<<"0123456789!@#0^&*();:<>,. []{}">>), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test base64:decode/1. base64_decode(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Two pads <<"Aladdin:open sesame">> = base64:decode("QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="), %% One pad <<"Hello World">> = base64:decode(<<"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=">>), %% No pad <<"Aladdin:open sesam">> = base64:decode("QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2Ft"), Alphabet = list_to_binary(lists:seq(0, 255)), Alphabet = base64:decode(base64:encode(Alphabet)), %% Encoded base 64 strings may be devided by non base 64 chars. %% In this cases whitespaces. "0123456789!@#0^&*();:<>,. []{}" = base64:decode_to_string( "MDEy MzQ1Njc4 \tOSFAIzBeJ \niooKTs6 PD4sLi \r\nBbXXt9"), "0123456789!@#0^&*();:<>,. []{}" = base64:decode_to_string( <<"MDEy MzQ1Njc4 \tOSFAIzBeJ \niooKTs6 PD4sLi \r\nBbXXt9">>), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% OTP-5635: Some data doesn't pass through base64:decode/1 correctly. base64_otp_5635(Config) when is_list(Config) -> <<"===">> = base64:decode(base64:encode("===")), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% OTP-6279: Guard needed so that function fails in a correct %% way for faulty input, i.e. function_clause. base64_otp_6279(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {'EXIT',{function_clause, _}} = (catch base64:decode("dGVzda==a")), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Encode and decode big binaries. big(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Big = make_big_binary(300000), B = base64:encode(Big), true = is_binary(B), 400000 = byte_size(B), Big = base64:decode(B), Big = base64:mime_decode(B), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Make sure illegal characters are rejected when decoding. illegal(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {'EXIT',{function_clause, _}} = (catch base64:decode("()")), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% mime_decode and mime_decode_to_string have different implementations %% so test both with the same input separately. Both functions have %% the same implementation for binary/string arguments. %% %% Test base64:mime_decode/1. mime_decode(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Test correct padding <<"one">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b25l">>), <<"on">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b24=">>), <<"o">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"bw==">>), %% Test 1 extra padding <<"one">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b25l= =">>), <<"on">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b24== =">>), <<"o">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"bw=== =">>), %% Test 2 extra padding <<"one">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b25l===">>), <<"on">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b24====">>), <<"o">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"bw=====">>), %% Test misc embedded padding <<"one">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b2=5l===">>), <<"on">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b=24====">>), <<"o">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"b=w=====">>), %% Test misc white space and illegals with embedded padding <<"one">> = base64:mime_decode(<<" b~2=\r\n5()l===">>), <<"on">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"\tb =2\"¤4=¤= ==">>), <<"o">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"\nb=w=====">>), %% Two pads <<"Aladdin:open sesame">> = base64:mime_decode("QWxhZGRpbjpvc()GVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="), %% One pad to ignore, followed by more text <<"Hello World!!">> = base64:mime_decode(<<"SGVsb)(G8gV29ybGQ=h IQ= =">>), %% No pad <<"Aladdin:open sesam">> = base64:mime_decode("QWxhZGRpbjpvcG¤\")(VuIHNlc2Ft"), %% Encoded base 64 strings may be divided by non base 64 chars. %% In this cases whitespaces. <<"0123456789!@#0^&*();:<>,. []{}">> = base64:mime_decode( <<"MDEy MzQ1Njc4 \tOSFAIzBeJ \nio)(oKTs6 PD4sLi \r\nBbXXt9">>), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Repeat of mime_decode() tests %% Test base64:mime_decode_to_string/1. mime_decode_to_string(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Test correct padding "one" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b25l">>), "on" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b24=">>), "o" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"bw==">>), %% Test 1 extra padding "one" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b25l= =">>), "on" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b24== =">>), "o" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"bw=== =">>), %% Test 2 extra padding "one" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b25l===">>), "on" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b24====">>), "o" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"bw=====">>), %% Test misc embedded padding "one" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b2=5l===">>), "on" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b=24====">>), "o" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"b=w=====">>), %% Test misc white space and illegals with embedded padding "one" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<" b~2=\r\n5()l===">>), "on" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"\tb =2\"¤4=¤= ==">>), "o" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"\nb=w=====">>), %% Two pads "Aladdin:open sesame" = base64:mime_decode_to_string("QWxhZGRpbjpvc()GVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="), %% One pad to ignore, followed by more text "Hello World!!" = base64:mime_decode_to_string(<<"SGVsb)(G8gV29ybGQ=h IQ= =">>), %% No pad "Aladdin:open sesam" = base64:mime_decode_to_string("QWxhZGRpbjpvcG¤\")(VuIHNlc2Ft"), %% Encoded base 64 strings may be divided by non base 64 chars. %% In this cases whitespaces. "0123456789!@#0^&*();:<>,. []{}" = base64:mime_decode_to_string( <<"MDEy MzQ1Njc4 \tOSFAIzBeJ \nio)(oKTs6 PD4sLi \r\nBbXXt9">>), ok. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- roundtrip_1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> do_roundtrip(1). roundtrip_2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> do_roundtrip(2). roundtrip_3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> do_roundtrip(3). roundtrip_4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> do_roundtrip(4). do_roundtrip(Offset) -> Sizes = lists:seq(Offset, 255, 4) ++ lists:seq(2400-6+Offset, 2440, 4), do_roundtrip_1(Sizes, []). do_roundtrip_1([NextSize|Sizes], Current) -> Len = length(Current), io:format("~p", [Len]), do_roundtrip_2(Current), Next = random_byte_list(NextSize - Len, Current), do_roundtrip_1(Sizes, Next); do_roundtrip_1([], Last) -> io:format("~p", [length(Last)]), do_roundtrip_2(Last). do_roundtrip_2(List) -> Bin = list_to_binary(List), Base64Bin = base64:encode(List), Base64Bin = base64:encode(Bin), Base64List = base64:encode_to_string(List), Base64Bin = list_to_binary(Base64List), Bin = base64:decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:decode_to_string(Base64Bin), Bin = base64:mime_decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:mime_decode_to_string(Base64Bin), append_roundtrip(8, Bin, List, Base64Bin), prepend_roundtrip(8, Bin, List, Base64List), interleaved_ws_roundtrip(Bin, List, Base64List). append_roundtrip(0, _, _, _) -> ok; append_roundtrip(N, Bin, List, Base64Bin0) -> Base64Bin = <<Base64Bin0/binary,"\n">>, Bin = base64:decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:decode_to_string(Base64Bin), Bin = base64:mime_decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:mime_decode_to_string(Base64Bin), Base64List = binary_to_list(Base64Bin), Bin = base64:decode(Base64List), List = base64:decode_to_string(Base64List), Bin = base64:mime_decode(Base64List), List = base64:mime_decode_to_string(Base64List), append_roundtrip(N-1, Bin, List, Base64Bin). prepend_roundtrip(0, _, _, _) -> ok; prepend_roundtrip(N, Bin, List, Base64List0) -> Base64List = [$\s|Base64List0], Bin = base64:decode(Base64List), List = base64:decode_to_string(Base64List), Bin = base64:mime_decode(Base64List), List = base64:mime_decode_to_string(Base64List), Base64Bin = list_to_binary(Base64List), Bin = base64:decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:decode_to_string(Base64Bin), Bin = base64:mime_decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:mime_decode_to_string(Base64Bin), prepend_roundtrip(N-1, Bin, List, Base64List). %% Do an exhaustive test of interleaving whitespace (for short strings). interleaved_ws_roundtrip(Bin, List, Base64List) when byte_size(Bin) =< 6 -> interleaved_ws_roundtrip_1(lists:reverse(Base64List), [], Bin, List); interleaved_ws_roundtrip(_, _, _) -> ok. interleaved_ws_roundtrip_1([H|T], Tail, Bin, List) -> interleaved_ws_roundtrip_1(T, [H|Tail], Bin, List), interleaved_ws_roundtrip_1(T, [H,$\s|Tail], Bin, List), interleaved_ws_roundtrip_1(T, [H,$\s,$\t|Tail], Bin, List), interleaved_ws_roundtrip_1(T, [H,$\n,$\t|Tail], Bin, List); interleaved_ws_roundtrip_1([], Base64List, Bin, List) -> Bin = base64:decode(Base64List), List = base64:decode_to_string(Base64List), Bin = base64:mime_decode(Base64List), List = base64:mime_decode_to_string(Base64List), Base64Bin = list_to_binary(Base64List), Bin = base64:decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:decode_to_string(Base64Bin), Bin = base64:mime_decode(Base64Bin), List = base64:mime_decode_to_string(Base64Bin), ok. random_byte_list(0, Acc) -> Acc; random_byte_list(N, Acc) -> random_byte_list(N-1, [rand:uniform(255)|Acc]). make_big_binary(N) -> list_to_binary(mbb(N, [])). mbb(N, Acc) when N > 256 -> B = list_to_binary(lists:seq(0, 255)), mbb(N - 256, [B | Acc]); mbb(N, Acc) -> B = list_to_binary(lists:seq(0, N-1)), lists:reverse(Acc, B).