%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% This module tests the ordsets, sets, and gb_sets modules.




-import(lists, [foldl/3,reverse/1]).

all(suite) ->

init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
    ?line Dog = ?t:timetrap(?t:minutes(5)),

fin_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
    Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config),

create(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    test_all(fun create_1/1).

create_1(M) ->
    ?line D0 = M:empty(),
    ?line [] = M:to_list(D0),
    ?line 0 = M:size(D0),

store(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    test_all([{0,132},{253,258},{510,514}], fun store_1/2).

store_1(List, M) ->
    ?line D0 = M:from_list(List),

    %% Make sure that we get the same result by inserting
    %% elements one at the time.
    ?line D1 = foldl(fun({K,V}, Dict) -> M:enter(K, V, Dict) end,
		     M:empty(), List),
    ?line true = M:equal(D0, D1),

%%% Helper functions.

dict_mods() ->
    Orddict = dict_test_lib:new(orddict, fun(X, Y) -> X == Y end),
    Dict = dict_test_lib:new(dict, fun(X, Y) ->
					   lists:sort(dict:to_list(X)) == 
					       lists:sort(dict:to_list(Y)) end),
    Gb = dict_test_lib:new(gb_trees, fun(X, Y) ->
					     gb_trees:to_list(X) == 
						 gb_trees:to_list(Y) end),

test_all(Tester) ->
    ?line Pids = [spawn_tester(M, Tester) || M <- dict_mods()],
    collect_all(Pids, []).

spawn_tester(M, Tester) ->
    Parent = self(),
    spawn_link(fun() ->
		       random:seed(1, 2, 42),
		       S = Tester(M),
		       Res = {M:size(S),lists:sort(M:to_list(S))},
		       Parent ! {result,self(),Res}

collect_all([Pid|Pids], Acc) ->
	{result,Pid,Result} ->
	    collect_all(Pids, [Result|Acc])
collect_all([], Acc) ->

test_all(ListTemplate, Tester) ->
    List = random_list(ListTemplate),
    test_all(fun(M) -> Tester(List, M) end).

all_same([H|T]) ->
    all_same_1(T, H).

all_same_1([H|T], H) ->
    all_same_1(T, H);
all_same_1([], _) -> ok.

rnd_list(Sz) ->
    rnd_list_1(Sz, []).

random_list([{Low,High}|T]) ->
    random_list(lists:seq(Low, High)++T);
random_list([Sz|T]) when is_integer(Sz) ->
random_list([]) -> [].

rnd_list_1(0, Acc) ->
rnd_list_1(N, Acc) ->
    Key = atomic_rnd_term(),
    Value = random:uniform(100),
    rnd_list_1(N-1, [{Key,Value}|Acc]).

atomic_rnd_term() ->
    case random:uniform(3) of
	 1 -> list_to_atom(integer_to_list($\s+random:uniform(94))++"rnd");
	 2 -> random:uniform();
	 3 -> random:uniform(50)-37