%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2015. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(erl_scan_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2, init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2]). -export([error_1/1, error_2/1, iso88591/1, otp_7810/1, otp_10302/1, otp_10990/1, otp_10992/1, otp_11807/1]). -import(lists, [nth/2,flatten/1]). -import(io_lib, [print/1]). %% %% Define to run outside of test server %% %-define(STANDALONE,1). -ifdef(STANDALONE). -compile(export_all). -define(line, put(line, ?LINE), ). -define(config(A,B),config(A,B)). -define(t, test_server). %% config(priv_dir, _) -> %% "."; %% config(data_dir, _) -> %% ".". -else. -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -endif. init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> Config. end_per_testcase(_Case, _Config) -> ok. suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap,{minutes,20}}]. all() -> [{group, error}, iso88591, otp_7810, otp_10302, otp_10990, otp_10992, otp_11807]. groups() -> [{error, [], [error_1, error_2]}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %% (OTP-2347) error_1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?line {error, _, _} = erl_scan:string("'a"), ok. %% Checks that format_error works on the error cases. error_2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?line lists:foreach(fun check/1, error_cases()), ok. error_cases() -> ["'a", "\"a", "'\\", "\"\\", "$", "$\\", "2.3e", "2.3e-", "91#9" ]. assert_type(N, integer) when is_integer(N) -> ok; assert_type(N, atom) when is_atom(N) -> ok. check(String) -> Error = erl_scan:string(String), check_error(Error, erl_scan). %%% (This should be useful for all format_error functions.) check_error({error, Info, EndLine}, Module0) -> {ErrorLine, Module, Desc} = Info, true = (Module == Module0), assert_type(EndLine, integer), assert_type(ErrorLine, integer), true = (ErrorLine =< EndLine), String = lists:flatten(Module0:format_error(Desc)), true = io_lib:printable_list(String). %% Tests the support for ISO-8859-1 i.e Latin-1. iso88591(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?line ok = case catch begin %% Some atom and variable names V1s = [$Á,$á,$é,$ë], V2s = [$N,$ä,$r], A1s = [$h,$ä,$r], A2s = [$ö,$r,$e], %% Test parsing atom and variable characters. {ok,Ts1,_} = erl_scan_string(V1s ++ " " ++ V2s ++ "\327" ++ A1s ++ " " ++ A2s), V1s = atom_to_list(element(3, nth(1, Ts1))), V2s = atom_to_list(element(3, nth(2, Ts1))), A1s = atom_to_list(element(3, nth(4, Ts1))), A2s = atom_to_list(element(3, nth(5, Ts1))), %% Test printing atoms A1s = flatten(print(element(3, nth(4, Ts1)))), A2s = flatten(print(element(3, nth(5, Ts1)))), %% Test parsing and printing strings. S1 = V1s ++ "\327" ++ A1s ++ "\250" ++ A2s, S1s = "\"" ++ S1 ++ "\"", {ok,Ts2,_} = erl_scan_string(S1s), S1 = element(3, nth(1, Ts2)), S1s = flatten(print(element(3, nth(1, Ts2)))), ok %It all worked end of {'EXIT',R} -> %Something went wrong! {error,R}; ok -> ok %Aok end. %% OTP-7810. White spaces, comments, and more... otp_7810(Config) when is_list(Config) -> ?line ok = reserved_words(), ?line ok = atoms(), ?line ok = punctuations(), ?line ok = comments(), ?line ok = errors(), ?line ok = integers(), ?line ok = base_integers(), ?line ok = floats(), ?line ok = dots(), ?line ok = chars(), ?line ok = variables(), ?line ok = eof(), ?line ok = illegal(), ?line ok = crashes(), ?line ok = options(), ?line ok = token_info(), ?line ok = column_errors(), ?line ok = white_spaces(), ?line ok = unicode(), ?line ok = more_chars(), ?line ok = more_options(), ?line ok = anno_info(), ok. reserved_words() -> L = ['after', 'begin', 'case', 'try', 'cond', 'catch', 'andalso', 'orelse', 'end', 'fun', 'if', 'let', 'of', 'receive', 'when', 'bnot', 'not', 'div', 'rem', 'band', 'and', 'bor', 'bxor', 'bsl', 'bsr', 'or', 'xor'], [begin ?line {RW, true} = {RW, erl_scan:reserved_word(RW)}, S = atom_to_list(RW), Ts = [{RW,{1,1}}], ?line test_string(S, Ts) end || RW <- L], ok. atoms() -> test_string("a b", [{atom,{1,1},a},{atom,{2,18},b}]), test_string("'a b'", [{atom,{1,1},'a b'}]), test_string("a", [{atom,{1,1},a}]), test_string("a@2", [{atom,{1,1},a@2}]), test_string([39,65,200,39], [{atom,{1,1},'AÈ'}]), test_string("ärlig östen", [{atom,{1,1},ärlig},{atom,{1,7},östen}]), ?line {ok,[{atom,_,'$a'}],{1,6}} = erl_scan_string("'$\\a'", {1,1}), ?line test("'$\\a'"), ok. punctuations() -> L = ["<<", "<-", "<=", "<", ">>", ">=", ">", "->", "--", "-", "++", "+", "=:=", "=/=", "=<", "=>", "==", "=", "/=", "/", "||", "|", ":=", "::", ":"], %% One token at a time: [begin W = list_to_atom(S), Ts = [{W,{1,1}}], ?line test_string(S, Ts) end || S <- L], Three = ["/=:=", "<=:=", "==:=", ">=:="], % three tokens... No = Three ++ L, SL0 = [{S1++S2,{-length(S1),S1,S2}} || S1 <- L, S2 <- L, not lists:member(S1++S2, No)], SL = family_list(SL0), %% Two tokens. When there are several answers, the one with %% the longest first token is chosen: %% [the special case "=<<" is among the tested ones] [begin W1 = list_to_atom(S1), W2 = list_to_atom(S2), Ts = [{W1,{1,1}},{W2,{1,-L2+1}}], ?line test_string(S, Ts) end || {S,[{L2,S1,S2}|_]} <- SL], PTs1 = [{'!',{1,1}},{'(',{1,2}},{')',{1,3}},{',',{1,4}},{';',{1,5}}, {'=',{1,6}},{'[',{1,7}},{']',{1,8}},{'{',{1,9}},{'|',{1,10}}, {'}',{1,11}}], ?line test_string("!(),;=[]{|}", PTs1), PTs2 = [{'#',{1,1}},{'&',{1,2}},{'*',{1,3}},{'+',{1,4}},{'/',{1,5}}, {':',{1,6}},{'<',{1,7}},{'>',{1,8}},{'?',{1,9}},{'@',{1,10}}, {'\\',{1,11}},{'^',{1,12}},{'`',{1,13}},{'~',{1,14}}], ?line test_string("#&*+/:<>?@\\^`~", PTs2), test_string(".. ", [{'..',{1,1}}]), test_string("1 .. 2", [{integer,{1,1},1},{'..',{1,3}},{integer,{1,6},2}]), test_string("...", [{'...',{1,1}}]), ok. comments() -> ?line test("a %%\n b"), ?line {ok,[],1} = erl_scan_string("%"), ?line test("a %%\n b"), {ok,[{atom,{1,1},a},{atom,{2,2},b}],{2,3}} = erl_scan_string("a %%\n b", {1,1}), {ok,[{atom,{1,1},a},{comment,{1,3},"%%"},{atom,{2,2},b}],{2,3}} = erl_scan_string("a %%\n b",{1,1}, [return_comments]), {ok,[{atom,{1,1},a}, {white_space,{1,2}," "}, {white_space,{1,5},"\n "}, {atom,{2,2},b}], {2,3}} = erl_scan_string("a %%\n b",{1,1},[return_white_spaces]), {ok,[{atom,{1,1},a}, {white_space,{1,2}," "}, {comment,{1,3},"%%"}, {white_space,{1,5},"\n "}, {atom,{2,2},b}], {2,3}} = erl_scan_string("a %%\n b",{1,1},[return]), ok. errors() -> ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{string,$',"qa"}},1} = erl_scan:string("'qa"), %' {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{string,$',"qa"}},{1,4}} = %' erl_scan:string("'qa", {1,1}, []), %' ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{string,$","str"}},1} = %" erl_scan:string("\"str"), %" {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{string,$","str"}},{1,5}} = %" erl_scan:string("\"str", {1,1}, []), %" ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,char},1} = erl_scan:string("$"), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,2}} = erl_scan:string("$", {1,1}, []), test_string([34,65,200,34], [{string,{1,1},"AÈ"}]), test_string("\\", [{'\\',{1,1}}]), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string('$\\a', {1,1})}), % type error ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:tokens([], '$\\a', {1,1})}), % type error ?line "{a,tuple}" = erl_scan:format_error({a,tuple}), ok. integers() -> [begin I = list_to_integer(S), Ts = [{integer,{1,1},I}], ?line test_string(S, Ts) end || S <- [[N] || N <- lists:seq($0, $9)] ++ ["2323","000"] ], ok. base_integers() -> [begin B = list_to_integer(BS), I = erlang:list_to_integer(S, B), Ts = [{integer,{1,1},I}], ?line test_string(BS++"#"++S, Ts) end || {BS,S} <- [{"2","11"}, {"5","23234"}, {"12","05a"}, {"16","abcdef"}, {"16","ABCDEF"}] ], ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{base,1}},1} = erl_scan:string("1#000"), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{base,1}},{1,2}} = erl_scan:string("1#000", {1,1}, []), test_string("12#bc", [{integer,{1,1},11},{atom,{1,5},c}]), [begin Str = BS ++ "#" ++ S, ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,integer}},1} = erl_scan:string(Str) end || {BS,S} <- [{"3","3"},{"15","f"}, {"12","c"}] ], ?line {ok,[{integer,1,239},{'@',1}],1} = erl_scan_string("16#ef@"), {ok,[{integer,{1,1},239},{'@',{1,6}}],{1,7}} = erl_scan_string("16#ef@", {1,1}, []), {ok,[{integer,{1,1},14},{atom,{1,5},g@}],{1,7}} = erl_scan_string("16#eg@", {1,1}, []), ok. floats() -> [begin F = list_to_float(FS), Ts = [{float,{1,1},F}], ?line test_string(FS, Ts) end || FS <- ["1.0","001.17","3.31200","1.0e0","1.0E17", "34.21E-18", "17.0E+14"]], test_string("1.e2", [{integer,{1,1},1},{'.',{1,2}},{atom,{1,3},e2}]), ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,float}},1} = erl_scan:string("1.0e400"), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,float}},{1,8}} = erl_scan:string("1.0e400", {1,1}, []), [begin {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,float}},1} = erl_scan:string(S), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,float}},{1,_}} = erl_scan:string(S, {1,1}, []) end || S <- ["1.14Ea"]], ok. dots() -> Dot = [{".", {ok,[{dot,1}],1}, {ok,[{dot,{1,1}}],{1,2}}}, {". ", {ok,[{dot,1}],1}, {ok,[{dot,{1,1}}],{1,3}}}, {".\n", {ok,[{dot,1}],2}, {ok,[{dot,{1,1}}],{2,1}}}, {".%", {ok,[{dot,1}],1}, {ok,[{dot,{1,1}}],{1,3}}}, {".\210",{ok,[{dot,1}],1}, {ok,[{dot,{1,1}}],{1,3}}}, {".% öh",{ok,[{dot,1}],1}, {ok,[{dot,{1,1}}],{1,6}}}, {".%\n", {ok,[{dot,1}],2}, {ok,[{dot,{1,1}}],{2,1}}}, {".$", {error,{1,erl_scan,char},1}, {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,char},{1,3}}}, {".$\\", {error,{1,erl_scan,char},1}, {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,char},{1,4}}}, {".a", {ok,[{'.',1},{atom,1,a}],1}, {ok,[{'.',{1,1}},{atom,{1,2},a}],{1,3}}} ], [begin R = erl_scan_string(S), R2 = erl_scan_string(S, {1,1}, []) end || {S, R, R2} <- Dot], {ok,[{dot,_}=T1],{1,2}} = erl_scan:string(".", {1,1}, text), [1, 1, "."] = token_info(T1), {ok,[{dot,_}=T2],{1,3}} = erl_scan:string(".%", {1,1}, text), [1, 1, "."] = token_info(T2), {ok,[{dot,_}=T3],{1,6}} = erl_scan:string(".% öh", {1,1}, text), [1, 1, "."] = token_info(T3), {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,char},{1,3}} = erl_scan:string(".$", {1,1}), {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,char},{1,4}} = erl_scan:string(".$\\", {1,1}), test_string(". ", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(". ", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(".\n", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(".\n\n", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(".\n\r", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(".\n\n\n", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(".\210", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(".%\n", [{dot,{1,1}}]), test_string(".a", [{'.',{1,1}},{atom,{1,2},a}]), test_string("%. \n. ", [{dot,{2,1}}]), {more,C} = erl_scan:tokens([], "%. ",{1,1}, return), {done,{ok,[{comment,{1,1},"%. "}, {white_space,{1,4},"\n"}, {dot,{2,1}}], {2,3}}, ""} = erl_scan_tokens(C, "\n. ", {1,1}, return), % any loc, any options [test_string(S, R) || {S, R} <- [{".$\n", [{'.',{1,1}},{char,{1,2},$\n}]}, {"$\\\n", [{char,{1,1},$\n}]}, {"'\\\n'", [{atom,{1,1},'\n'}]}, {"$\n", [{char,{1,1},$\n}]}] ], ok. chars() -> [begin L = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("$\\~.8b", [C])), Ts = [{char,{1,1},C}], ?line test_string(L, Ts) end || C <- lists:seq(0, 255)], %% Leading zeroes... [begin L = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("$\\~3.8.0b", [C])), Ts = [{char,{1,1},C}], ?line test_string(L, Ts) end || C <- lists:seq(0, 255)], %% $\^\n now increments the line... [begin L = "$\\^" ++ [C], Ts = [{char,{1,1},C band 2#11111}], ?line test_string(L, Ts) end || C <- lists:seq(0, 255)], [begin L = "$\\" ++ [C], Ts = [{char,{1,1},V}], ?line test_string(L, Ts) end || {C,V} <- [{$n,$\n}, {$r,$\r}, {$t,$\t}, {$v,$\v}, {$b,$\b}, {$f,$\f}, {$e,$\e}, {$s,$\s}, {$d,$\d}]], EC = [$\n,$\r,$\t,$\v,$\b,$\f,$\e,$\s,$\d], Ds = lists:seq($0, $9), X = [$^,$n,$r,$t,$v,$b,$f,$e,$s,$d], New = [${,$x], No = EC ++ Ds ++ X ++ New, [begin L = "$\\" ++ [C], Ts = [{char,{1,1},C}], ?line test_string(L, Ts) end || C <- lists:seq(0, 255) -- No], [begin L = "'$\\" ++ [C] ++ "'", Ts = [{atom,{1,1},list_to_atom("$"++[C])}], ?line test_string(L, Ts) end || C <- lists:seq(0, 255) -- No], test_string("\"\\013a\\\n\"", [{string,{1,1},"\va\n"}]), test_string("'\n'", [{atom,{1,1},'\n'}]), test_string("\"\n\a\"", [{string,{1,1},"\na"}]), %% No escape [begin L = "$" ++ [C], Ts = [{char,{1,1},C}], ?line test_string(L, Ts) end || C <- lists:seq(0, 255) -- (No ++ [$\\])], test_string("$\n", [{char,{1,1},$\n}]), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,4}} = erl_scan:string("$\\^",{1,1}), test_string("$\\\n", [{char,{1,1},$\n}]), %% Robert's scanner returns line 1: test_string("$\\\n", [{char,{1,1},$\n}]), test_string("$\n\n", [{char,{1,1},$\n}]), ?line test("$\n\n"), ok. variables() -> test_string(" \237_Aouåeiyäö", [{var,{1,7},'_Aouåeiyäö'}]), test_string("A_b_c@", [{var,{1,1},'A_b_c@'}]), test_string("V@2", [{var,{1,1},'V@2'}]), test_string("ABDÀ", [{var,{1,1},'ABDÀ'}]), test_string("Ärlig Östen", [{var,{1,1},'Ärlig'},{var,{1,7},'Östen'}]), ok. eof() -> ?line {done,{eof,1},eof} = erl_scan:tokens([], eof, 1), {more, C1} = erl_scan:tokens([]," \n", 1), ?line {done,{eof,2},eof} = erl_scan:tokens(C1, eof, 1), {more, C2} = erl_scan:tokens([], "abra", 1), %% An error before R13A. %% ?line {done,Err={error,{1,erl_scan,scan},1},eof} = ?line {done,{ok,[{atom,1,abra}],1},eof} = erl_scan_tokens(C2, eof, 1), %% With column. ?line {more, C3} = erl_scan:tokens([]," \n",{1,1}), ?line {done,{eof,{2,1}},eof} = erl_scan:tokens(C3, eof, 1), {more, C4} = erl_scan:tokens([], "abra", {1,1}), %% An error before R13A. %% ?line {done,{error,{{1,1},erl_scan,scan},{1,5}},eof} = ?line {done,{ok,[{atom,_,abra}],{1,5}},eof} = erl_scan_tokens(C4, eof, 1), %% Robert's scanner returns "" as LeftoverChars; %% the R12B scanner returns eof as LeftoverChars: (eof is correct) ?line {more, C5} = erl_scan:tokens([], "a", 1), %% An error before R13A. %% ?line {done,{error,{1,erl_scan,scan},1},eof} = ?line {done,{ok,[{atom,1,a}],1},eof} = erl_scan_tokens(C5,eof,1), %% With column. {more, C6} = erl_scan:tokens([], "a", {1,1}), %% An error before R13A. %% {done,{error,{1,erl_scan,scan},1},eof} = {done,{ok,[{atom,{1,1},a}],{1,2}},eof} = erl_scan_tokens(C6,eof,1), %% A dot followed by eof is special: ?line {more, C} = erl_scan:tokens([], "a.", 1), ?line {done,{ok,[{atom,1,a},{dot,1}],1},eof} = erl_scan_tokens(C,eof,1), ?line {ok,[{atom,1,foo},{dot,1}],1} = erl_scan_string("foo."), %% With column. {more, CCol} = erl_scan:tokens([], "a.", {1,1}), {done,{ok,[{atom,{1,1},a},{dot,{1,2}}],{1,3}},eof} = erl_scan_tokens(CCol,eof,1), {ok,[{atom,{1,1},foo},{dot,{1,4}}],{1,5}} = erl_scan_string("foo.", {1,1}, []), ok. illegal() -> Atom = lists:duplicate(1000, $a), ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},1} = erl_scan:string(Atom), ?line {done,{error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},1},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], Atom++". ", 1), QAtom = "'" ++ Atom ++ "'", ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},1} = erl_scan:string(QAtom), ?line {done,{error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},1},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], QAtom++". ", 1), Var = lists:duplicate(1000, $A), ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,var}},1} = erl_scan:string(Var), ?line {done,{error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,var}},1},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], Var++". ", 1), Float = "1" ++ lists:duplicate(400, $0) ++ ".0", ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,float}},1} = erl_scan:string(Float), ?line {done,{error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,float}},1},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], Float++". ", 1), String = "\"43\\x{aaaaaa}34\"", ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,character}},1} = erl_scan:string(String), ?line {done,{error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,character}},1},"34\". "} = %% Would be nice if `34\"' were skipped... %% Maybe, but then the LeftOverChars would not be the characters %% immediately following the end location of the error. erl_scan:tokens([], String++". ", 1), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},{1,1001}} = erl_scan:string(Atom, {1,1}), ?line {done,{error,{{1,5},erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},{1,1005}},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], "foo "++Atom++". ", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},{1,1003}} = erl_scan:string(QAtom, {1,1}), ?line {done,{error,{{1,5},erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},{1,1007}},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], "foo "++QAtom++". ", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,var}},{1,1001}} = erl_scan:string(Var, {1,1}), ?line {done,{error,{{1,5},erl_scan,{illegal,var}},{1,1005}},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], "foo "++Var++". ", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,float}},{1,404}} = erl_scan:string(Float, {1,1}), ?line {done,{error,{{1,5},erl_scan,{illegal,float}},{1,408}},". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], "foo "++Float++". ", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,4},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,14}} = erl_scan:string(String, {1,1}), ?line {done,{error,{{1,4},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,14}},"34\". "} = erl_scan:tokens([], String++". ", {1,1}), ok. crashes() -> ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([-1])}), % type error ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("$"++[-1])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("$\\"++[-1])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("$\\^"++[-1])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([$",-1,$"],{1,1})}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("\"\\v"++[-1,$"])}), %$" ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([$",-1,$"])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("% foo"++[-1])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("% foo"++[-1],{1,1})}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([a])}), % type error ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("$"++[a])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("$\\"++[a])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("$\\^"++[a])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([$",a,$"],{1,1})}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("\"\\v"++[a,$"])}), %$" ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([$",a,$"])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("% foo"++[a])}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("% foo"++[a],{1,1})}), ?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([3.0])}), % type error ok. options() -> %% line and column are not options, but tested here ?line {ok,[{atom,1,foo},{white_space,1," "},{comment,1,"% bar"}], 1} = erl_scan_string("foo % bar", 1, return), ?line {ok,[{atom,1,foo},{white_space,1," "}],1} = erl_scan_string("foo % bar", 1, return_white_spaces), ?line {ok,[{atom,1,foo},{comment,1,"% bar"}],1} = erl_scan_string("foo % bar", 1, return_comments), ?line {ok,[{atom,17,foo}],17} = erl_scan_string("foo % bar", 17), ?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("foo % bar", {a,1}, [])}), % type error ?line {ok,[{atom,_,foo}],{17,18}} = erl_scan_string("foo % bar", {17,9}, []), ?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("foo % bar", {1,0}, [])}), % type error ?line {ok,[{foo,1}],1} = erl_scan_string("foo % bar",1, [{reserved_word_fun, fun(W) -> W =:= foo end}]), ?line {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string("foo % bar",1, % type error [{reserved_word_fun, fun(W,_) -> W =:= foo end}])}), ok. more_options() -> {ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T1],{19,20}} = erl_scan:string("foo", {19,17},[]), {19,17} = erl_scan:location(T1), {done,{ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T2,{dot,_}],{19,22}},[]} = erl_scan:tokens([], "foo. ", {19,17}, [bad_opt]), % type error {19,17} = erl_scan:location(T2), {ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T3],{19,20}} = erl_scan:string("foo", {19,17},[text]), {19,17} = erl_scan:location(T3), "foo" = erl_scan:text(T3), {ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T4],1} = erl_scan:string("foo", 1, [text]), 1 = erl_scan:line(T4), 1 = erl_scan:location(T4), "foo" = erl_scan:text(T4), ok. token_info() -> {ok,[T1],_} = erl_scan:string("foo", {1,18}, [text]), {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:category(foo)}), % type error {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:symbol(foo)}), % type error atom = erl_scan:category(T1), foo = erl_scan:symbol(T1), {ok,[T2],_} = erl_scan:string("foo", 1, []), 1 = erl_scan:line(T2), undefined = erl_scan:column(T2), undefined = erl_scan:text(T2), 1 = erl_scan:location(T2), {ok,[T3],_} = erl_scan:string("=", 1, []), '=' = erl_scan:category(T3), '=' = erl_scan:symbol(T3), ok. anno_info() -> {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo,erl_scan:line(foo)}), % type error {ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T0],_} = erl_scan:string("foo", 19, [text]), 19 = erl_scan:location(T0), 19 = erl_scan:end_location(T0), {ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T3],_} = erl_scan:string("foo", {1,3}, [text]), 1 = erl_scan:line(T3), 3 = erl_scan:column(T3), {1,3} = erl_scan:location(T3), {1,6} = erl_scan:end_location(T3), "foo" = erl_scan:text(T3), {ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T4],_} = erl_scan:string("foo", 2, [text]), 2 = erl_scan:line(T4), undefined = erl_scan:column(T4), 2 = erl_scan:location(T4), "foo" = erl_scan:text(T4), {ok,[{atom,_,foo}=T5],_} = erl_scan:string("foo", {1,3}, []), 1 = erl_scan:line(T5), 3 = erl_scan:column(T5), {1,3} = erl_scan:location(T5), undefined = erl_scan:text(T5), ok. column_errors() -> ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{string,$',""}},{1,3}} = % $' erl_scan:string("'\\",{1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{string,$",""}},{1,3}} = % $" erl_scan:string("\"\\",{1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{string,$',""}},{1,2}} = % $' erl_scan:string("'",{1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{string,$",""}},{1,2}} = % $" erl_scan:string("\"",{1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,2}} = erl_scan:string("$",{1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,{string,$',"1234567890123456"}},{1,20}} = %' erl_scan:string(" '12345678901234567", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,{string,$',"123456789012345 "}}, {1,20}} = %' erl_scan:string(" '123456789012345\\s", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,{string,$","1234567890123456"}},{1,20}} = %" erl_scan:string(" \"12345678901234567", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,{string,$","123456789012345 "}}, {1,20}} = %" erl_scan:string(" \"123456789012345\\s", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,{string,$',"1234567890123456"}},{2,1}} = %' erl_scan:string(" '12345678901234567\n", {1,1}), ok. white_spaces() -> ?line {ok,[{white_space,_,"\r"}, {white_space,_," "}, {atom,_,a}, {white_space,_,"\n"}], _} = erl_scan_string("\r a\n", {1,1}, return), ?line test("\r a\n"), L = "{\"a\nb\", \"a\\nb\",\nabc\r,def}.\n\n", ?line {ok,[{'{',_}, {string,_,"a\nb"}, {',',_}, {white_space,_," "}, {string,_,"a\nb"}, {',',_}, {white_space,_,"\n"}, {atom,_,abc}, {white_space,_,"\r"}, {',',_}, {atom,_,def}, {'}',_}, {dot,_}, {white_space,_,"\n"}], _} = erl_scan_string(L, {1,1}, return), ?line test(L), ?line test("\"\n\"\n"), ?line test("\n\r\n"), ?line test("\n\r"), ?line test("\r\n"), ?line test("\n\f"), ?line [test(lists:duplicate(N, $\t)) || N <- lists:seq(1, 20)], ?line [test([$\n|lists:duplicate(N, $\t)]) || N <- lists:seq(1, 20)], ?line [test(lists:duplicate(N, $\s)) || N <- lists:seq(1, 20)], ?line [test([$\n|lists:duplicate(N, $\s)]) || N <- lists:seq(1, 20)], ?line test("\v\f\n\v "), ?line test("\n\e\n\b\f\n\da\n"), ok. unicode() -> ?line {ok,[{char,1,83},{integer,1,45}],1} = erl_scan_string("$\\12345"), % not unicode ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,character}},1} = erl_scan:string([1089]), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,2}} = erl_scan:string([1089], {1,1}), {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},1} = erl_scan:string("'a"++[1089]++"b'", 1), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},{1,6}} = erl_scan:string("'a"++[1089]++"b'", {1,1}), ?line test("\"a"++[1089]++"b\""), {ok,[{char,1,1}],1} = erl_scan_string([$$,$\\,$^,1089], 1), {error,{1,erl_scan,Error},1} = erl_scan:string("\"qa\x{aaa}", 1), "unterminated string starting with \"qa"++[2730]++"\"" = erl_scan:format_error(Error), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,_},{1,11}} = erl_scan:string("\"qa\\x{aaa}",{1,1}), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},{1,12}} = erl_scan:string("'qa\\x{aaa}'",{1,1}), {ok,[{char,1,1089}],1} = erl_scan_string([$$,1089], 1), {ok,[{char,1,1089}],1} = erl_scan_string([$$,$\\,1089], 1), Qs = "$\\x{aaa}", {ok,[{char,1,$\x{aaa}}],1} = erl_scan_string(Qs, 1), {ok,[Q2],{1,9}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{aaa}", {1,1}, [text]), [{category,char},{column,1},{line,1},{symbol,16#aaa},{text,Qs}] = token_info_long(Q2), U1 = "\"\\x{aaa}\"", {ok,[{string,_,[2730]}=T1],{1,10}} = erl_scan:string(U1, {1,1}, [text]), {1,1} = erl_scan:location(T1), "\"\\x{aaa}\"" = erl_scan:text(T1), {ok,[{string,1,[2730]}],1} = erl_scan_string(U1, 1), U2 = "\"\\x41\\x{fff}\\x42\"", {ok,[{string,1,[$\x41,$\x{fff},$\x42]}],1} = erl_scan_string(U2, 1), U3 = "\"a\n\\x{fff}\n\"", {ok,[{string,1,[$a,$\n,$\x{fff},$\n]}],3} = erl_scan_string(U3, 1), U4 = "\"\\^\n\\x{aaa}\\^\n\"", {ok,[{string,1,[$\n,$\x{aaa},$\n]}],3} = erl_scan_string(U4, 1), %% Keep these tests: ?line test(Qs), ?line test(U1), ?line test(U2), ?line test(U3), ?line test(U4), Str1 = "\"ab" ++ [1089] ++ "cd\"", {ok,[{string,1,[$a,$b,1089,$c,$d]}],1} = erl_scan_string(Str1, 1), {ok,[{string,{1,1},[$a,$b,1089,$c,$d]}],{1,8}} = erl_scan_string(Str1, {1,1}), ?line test(Str1), Comment = "%% "++[1089], {ok,[{comment,1,[$%,$%,$\s,1089]}],1} = erl_scan_string(Comment, 1, [return]), {ok,[{comment,{1,1},[$%,$%,$\s,1089]}],{1,5}} = erl_scan_string(Comment, {1,1}, [return]), ok. more_chars() -> %% Due to unicode, the syntax has been incompatibly augmented: %% $\x{...}, $\xHH %% All kinds of tests... ?line {ok,[{char,_,123}],{1,4}} = erl_scan_string("$\\{",{1,1}), ?line {more, C1} = erl_scan:tokens([], "$\\{", {1,1}), ?line {done,{ok,[{char,_,123}],{1,4}},eof} = erl_scan_tokens(C1, eof, 1), ?line {ok,[{char,1,123},{atom,1,a},{'}',1}],1} = erl_scan_string("$\\{a}"), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,4}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,5}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{",{1,1}), ?line {more, C3} = erl_scan:tokens([], "$\\x", {1,1}), ?line {done,{error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,4}},eof} = erl_scan:tokens(C3, eof, 1), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,5}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{",{1,1}), ?line {more, C2} = erl_scan:tokens([], "$\\x{", {1,1}), ?line {done,{error,{{1,1},erl_scan,char},{1,5}},eof} = erl_scan:tokens(C2, eof, 1), ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,character}},1} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{g}"), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,5}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{g}", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,6}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{}",{1,1}), ?line test("\"\\{0}\""), ?line test("\"\\x{0}\""), ?line test("\'\\{0}\'"), ?line test("\'\\x{0}\'"), ?line {error,{{2,3},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{2,6}} = erl_scan:string("\"ab \n $\\x{g}\"",{1,1}), ?line {error,{{2,3},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{2,6}} = erl_scan:string("\'ab \n $\\x{g}\'",{1,1}), ?line test("$\\{34}"), ?line test("$\\x{34}"), ?line test("$\\{377}"), ?line test("$\\x{FF}"), ?line test("$\\{400}"), ?line test("$\\x{100}"), ?line test("$\\x{10FFFF}"), ?line test("$\\x{10ffff}"), ?line test("\"$\n \\{1}\""), ?line {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,character}},1} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{110000}"), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,12}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{110000}", {1,1}), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,4}} = erl_scan:string("$\\xfg", {1,1}), ?line test("$\\xffg"), ?line {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,4}} = erl_scan:string("$\\xg", {1,1}), ok. %% OTP-10302. Unicode characters scanner/parser. otp_10302(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% From unicode(): {error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},1} = erl_scan:string("'a"++[1089]++"b'", 1), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,atom}},{1,12}} = erl_scan:string("'qa\\x{aaa}'",{1,1}), {ok,[{char,1,1089}],1} = erl_scan_string([$$,1089], 1), {ok,[{char,1,1089}],1} = erl_scan_string([$$,$\\,1089],1), Qs = "$\\x{aaa}", {ok,[{char,1,2730}],1} = erl_scan_string(Qs, 1), {ok,[Q2],{1,9}} = erl_scan:string(Qs,{1,1},[text]), [{category,char},{column,1},{line,1},{symbol,16#aaa},{text,Qs}] = token_info_long(Q2), U1 = "\"\\x{aaa}\"", {ok,[T1],{1,10}} = erl_scan:string(U1, {1,1}, [text]), [{category,string},{column,1},{line,1},{symbol,[16#aaa]},{text,U1}] = token_info_long(T1), U2 = "\"\\x41\\x{fff}\\x42\"", {ok,[{string,1,[65,4095,66]}],1} = erl_scan_string(U2, 1), U3 = "\"a\n\\x{fff}\n\"", {ok,[{string,1,[97,10,4095,10]}],3} = erl_scan_string(U3, 1), U4 = "\"\\^\n\\x{aaa}\\^\n\"", {ok,[{string,1,[10,2730,10]}],3} = erl_scan_string(U4, 1,[]), Str1 = "\"ab" ++ [1089] ++ "cd\"", {ok,[{string,1,[97,98,1089,99,100]}],1} = erl_scan_string(Str1,1), {ok,[{string,{1,1},[97,98,1089,99,100]}],{1,8}} = erl_scan_string(Str1, {1,1}), OK1 = 16#D800-1, OK2 = 16#DFFF+1, OK3 = 16#FFFE-1, OK4 = 16#FFFF+1, OKL = [OK1,OK2,OK3,OK4], Illegal1 = 16#D800, Illegal2 = 16#DFFF, Illegal3 = 16#FFFE, Illegal4 = 16#FFFF, IllegalL = [Illegal1,Illegal2,Illegal3,Illegal4], [{ok,[{comment,1,[$%,$%,$\s,OK]}],1} = erl_scan_string("%% "++[OK], 1, [return]) || OK <- OKL], {ok,[{comment,_,[$%,$%,$\s,OK1]}],{1,5}} = erl_scan_string("%% "++[OK1], {1,1}, [return]), [{error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,character}},1} = erl_scan:string("%% "++[Illegal], 1, [return]) || Illegal <- IllegalL], {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,5}} = erl_scan:string("%% "++[Illegal1], {1,1}, [return]), [{ok,[],1} = erl_scan_string("%% "++[OK], 1, []) || OK <- OKL], {ok,[],{1,5}} = erl_scan_string("%% "++[OK1], {1,1}, []), [{error,{1,erl_scan,{illegal,character}},1} = erl_scan:string("%% "++[Illegal], 1, []) || Illegal <- IllegalL], {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,5}} = erl_scan:string("%% "++[Illegal1], {1,1}, []), [{ok,[{string,{1,1},[OK]}],{1,4}} = erl_scan_string("\""++[OK]++"\"",{1,1}) || OK <- OKL], [{error,{{1,2},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,3}} = erl_scan:string("\""++[OK]++"\"",{1,1}) || OK <- IllegalL], [{error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,2}} = erl_scan:string([Illegal],{1,1}) || Illegal <- IllegalL], {ok,[{char,{1,1},OK1}],{1,3}} = erl_scan_string([$$,OK1],{1,1}), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,2}} = erl_scan:string([$$,Illegal1],{1,1}), {ok,[{char,{1,1},OK1}],{1,4}} = erl_scan_string([$$,$\\,OK1],{1,1}), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,4}} = erl_scan:string([$$,$\\,Illegal1],{1,1}), {ok,[{string,{1,1},[55295]}],{1,5}} = erl_scan_string("\"\\"++[OK1]++"\"",{1,1}), {error,{{1,2},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,4}} = erl_scan:string("\"\\"++[Illegal1]++"\"",{1,1}), {ok,[{char,{1,1},OK1}],{1,10}} = erl_scan_string("$\\x{D7FF}",{1,1}), {error,{{1,1},erl_scan,{illegal,character}},{1,10}} = erl_scan:string("$\\x{D800}",{1,1}), %% Not erl_scan, but erl_parse. {integer,0,1} = erl_parse_abstract(1), Float = 3.14, {float,0,Float} = erl_parse_abstract(Float), {nil,0} = erl_parse_abstract([]), {bin,0, [{bin_element,0,{integer,0,1},default,default}, {bin_element,0,{integer,0,2},default,default}]} = erl_parse_abstract(<<1,2>>), {cons,0,{tuple,0,[{atom,0,a}]},{atom,0,b}} = erl_parse_abstract([{a} | b]), {string,0,"str"} = erl_parse_abstract("str"), {cons,0, {integer,0,$a}, {cons,0,{integer,0,55296},{string,0,"c"}}} = erl_parse_abstract("a"++[55296]++"c"), Line = 17, {integer,Line,1} = erl_parse_abstract(1, Line), Float = 3.14, {float,Line,Float} = erl_parse_abstract(Float, Line), {nil,Line} = erl_parse_abstract([], Line), {bin,Line, [{bin_element,Line,{integer,Line,1},default,default}, {bin_element,Line,{integer,Line,2},default,default}]} = erl_parse_abstract(<<1,2>>, Line), {cons,Line,{tuple,Line,[{atom,Line,a}]},{atom,Line,b}} = erl_parse_abstract([{a} | b], Line), {string,Line,"str"} = erl_parse_abstract("str", Line), {cons,Line, {integer,Line,$a}, {cons,Line,{integer,Line,55296},{string,Line,"c"}}} = erl_parse_abstract("a"++[55296]++"c", Line), Opts1 = [{line,17}], {integer,Line,1} = erl_parse_abstract(1, Opts1), Float = 3.14, {float,Line,Float} = erl_parse_abstract(Float, Opts1), {nil,Line} = erl_parse_abstract([], Opts1), {bin,Line, [{bin_element,Line,{integer,Line,1},default,default}, {bin_element,Line,{integer,Line,2},default,default}]} = erl_parse_abstract(<<1,2>>, Opts1), {cons,Line,{tuple,Line,[{atom,Line,a}]},{atom,Line,b}} = erl_parse_abstract([{a} | b], Opts1), {string,Line,"str"} = erl_parse_abstract("str", Opts1), {cons,Line, {integer,Line,$a}, {cons,Line,{integer,Line,55296},{string,Line,"c"}}} = erl_parse_abstract("a"++[55296]++"c", Opts1), [begin {integer,Line,1} = erl_parse_abstract(1, Opts2), Float = 3.14, {float,Line,Float} = erl_parse_abstract(Float, Opts2), {nil,Line} = erl_parse_abstract([], Opts2), {bin,Line, [{bin_element,Line,{integer,Line,1},default,default}, {bin_element,Line,{integer,Line,2},default,default}]} = erl_parse_abstract(<<1,2>>, Opts2), {cons,Line,{tuple,Line,[{atom,Line,a}]},{atom,Line,b}} = erl_parse_abstract([{a} | b], Opts2), {string,Line,"str"} = erl_parse_abstract("str", Opts2), {string,Line,[97,1024,99]} = erl_parse_abstract("a"++[1024]++"c", Opts2) end || Opts2 <- [[{encoding,unicode},{line,Line}], [{encoding,utf8},{line,Line}]]], {cons,0, {integer,0,97}, {cons,0,{integer,0,1024},{string,0,"c"}}} = erl_parse_abstract("a"++[1024]++"c", [{encoding,latin1}]), ok. %% OTP-10990. Floating point number in input string. otp_10990(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {'EXIT',_} = (catch {foo, erl_scan:string([$",42.0,$"],1)}), ok. %% OTP-10992. List of floats to abstract format. otp_10992(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {cons,0,{float,0,42.0},{nil,0}} = erl_parse_abstract([42.0], [{encoding,unicode}]), {cons,0,{float,0,42.0},{nil,0}} = erl_parse_abstract([42.0], [{encoding,utf8}]), {cons,0,{integer,0,65},{cons,0,{float,0,42.0},{nil,0}}} = erl_parse_abstract([$A,42.0], [{encoding,unicode}]), {cons,0,{integer,0,65},{cons,0,{float,0,42.0},{nil,0}}} = erl_parse_abstract([$A,42.0], [{encoding,utf8}]), ok. %% OTP-11807. Generalize erl_parse:abstract/2. otp_11807(Config) when is_list(Config) -> {cons,0,{integer,0,97},{cons,0,{integer,0,98},{nil,0}}} = erl_parse_abstract("ab", [{encoding,none}]), {cons,0,{integer,0,-1},{nil,0}} = erl_parse_abstract([-1], [{encoding,latin1}]), ASCII = fun(I) -> I >= 0 andalso I < 128 end, {string,0,"xyz"} = erl_parse_abstract("xyz", [{encoding,ASCII}]), {cons,0,{integer,0,228},{nil,0}} = erl_parse_abstract([228], [{encoding,ASCII}]), {cons,0,{integer,0,97},{atom,0,a}} = erl_parse_abstract("a"++a, [{encoding,latin1}]), {'EXIT', {{badarg,bad},_}} = % minor backward incompatibility (catch erl_parse:abstract("string", [{encoding,bad}])), ok. test_string(String, ExpectedWithCol) -> {ok, ExpectedWithCol, _EndWithCol} = erl_scan_string(String, {1, 1}, []), Expected = [ begin {L,_C} = element(2, T), setelement(2, T, L) end || T <- ExpectedWithCol ], {ok, Expected, _End} = erl_scan_string(String), test(String). erl_scan_string(String) -> erl_scan_string(String, 1, []). erl_scan_string(String, StartLocation) -> erl_scan_string(String, StartLocation, []). erl_scan_string(String, StartLocation, Options) -> case erl_scan:string(String, StartLocation, Options) of {ok, Tokens, EndLocation} -> {ok, unopaque_tokens(Tokens), EndLocation}; Else -> Else end. erl_scan_tokens(C, S, L) -> erl_scan_tokens(C, S, L, []). erl_scan_tokens(C, S, L, O) -> case erl_scan:tokens(C, S, L, O) of {done, {ok, Ts, End}, R} -> {done, {ok, unopaque_tokens(Ts), End}, R}; Else -> Else end. unopaque_tokens([]) -> []; unopaque_tokens([Token|Tokens]) -> Attrs = element(2, Token), Term = erl_anno:to_term(Attrs), T = setelement(2, Token, Term), [T | unopaque_tokens(Tokens)]. erl_parse_abstract(Term) -> erl_parse_abstract(Term, []). erl_parse_abstract(Term, Options) -> Abstr = erl_parse:abstract(Term, Options), unopaque_abstract(Abstr). unopaque_abstract(Abstr) -> erl_parse:anno_to_term(Abstr). %% test_string(String, Expected, StartLocation, Options) -> %% {ok, Expected, _End} = erl_scan:string(String, StartLocation, Options), %% test(String). %% There are no checks of the tags... test(String) -> %% io:format("Testing `~ts'~n", [String]), [{Tokens, End}, {Wtokens, Wend}, {Ctokens, Cend}, {CWtokens, CWend}, {CWtokens2, _}] = [scan_string_with_column(String, X) || X <- [[], [return_white_spaces], [return_comments], [return], [return]]], % for white space compaction test {end1,End,Wend} = {end1,Wend,End}, {end2,Wend,Cend} = {end2,Cend,Wend}, {end3,Cend,CWend} = {end3,CWend,Cend}, %% Test that the tokens that are common to two token lists are identical. {none,Tokens} = {none, filter_tokens(CWtokens, [white_space,comment])}, {comments,Ctokens} = {comments,filter_tokens(CWtokens, [white_space])}, {white_spaces,Wtokens} = {white_spaces,filter_tokens(CWtokens, [comment])}, %% Use token attributes to extract parts from the original string, %% and check that the parts are identical to the token strings. {Line,Column} = test_decorated_tokens(String, CWtokens), {deco,{Line,Column},End} = {deco,End,{Line,Column}}, %% Almost the same again: concat texts to get the original: Text = get_text(CWtokens), {text,Text,String} = {text,String,Text}, %% Test that white spaces occupy less heap than the worst case. ok = test_white_space_compaction(CWtokens, CWtokens2), %% Test that white newlines are always first in text: WhiteTokens = select_tokens(CWtokens, [white_space]), ok = newlines_first(WhiteTokens), %% Line attribute only: [Simple,Wsimple,Csimple,WCsimple] = Simples = [element(2, erl_scan:string(String, 1, Opts)) || Opts <- [[], [return_white_spaces], [return_comments], [return]]], {consistent,true} = {consistent,consistent_attributes(Simples)}, {simple_wc,WCsimple} = {simple_wc,simplify(CWtokens)}, {simple,Simple} = {simple,filter_tokens(WCsimple, [white_space,comment])}, {simple_c,Csimple} = {simple_c,filter_tokens(WCsimple, [white_space])}, {simple_w,Wsimple} = {simple_w,filter_tokens(WCsimple, [comment])}, %% Line attribute only, with text: [SimpleTxt,WsimpleTxt,CsimpleTxt,WCsimpleTxt] = SimplesTxt = [element(2, erl_scan:string(String, 1, [text|Opts])) || Opts <- [[], [return_white_spaces], [return_comments], [return]]], TextTxt = get_text(WCsimpleTxt), {text_txt,TextTxt,String} = {text_txt,String,TextTxt}, {consistent_txt,true} = {consistent_txt,consistent_attributes(SimplesTxt)}, {simple_txt,SimpleTxt} = {simple_txt,filter_tokens(WCsimpleTxt, [white_space,comment])}, {simple_c_txt,CsimpleTxt} = {simple_c_txt,filter_tokens(WCsimpleTxt, [white_space])}, {simple_w_txt,WsimpleTxt} = {simple_w_txt,filter_tokens(WCsimpleTxt, [comment])}, ok. test_white_space_compaction(Tokens, Tokens2) when Tokens =:= Tokens2 -> [WS, WS2] = [select_tokens(Ts, [white_space]) || Ts <- [Tokens, Tokens2]], test_wsc(WS, WS2). test_wsc([], []) -> ok; test_wsc([Token|Tokens], [Token2|Tokens2]) -> [Text, Text2] = [Text || Text <- [erl_scan:text(T) || T <- [Token, Token2]]], Sz = erts_debug:size(Text), Sz2 = erts_debug:size({Text, Text2}), IsCompacted = Sz2 < 2*Sz+erts_debug:size({a,a}), ToBeCompacted = is_compacted(Text), if IsCompacted =:= ToBeCompacted -> test_wsc(Tokens, Tokens2); true -> {compaction_error, Token} end. is_compacted("\r") -> true; is_compacted("\n\r") -> true; is_compacted("\n\f") -> true; is_compacted([$\n|String]) -> all_spaces(String) orelse all_tabs(String); is_compacted(String) -> all_spaces(String) orelse all_tabs(String). all_spaces(L) -> all_same(L, $\s). all_tabs(L) -> all_same(L, $\t). all_same(L, Char) -> lists:all(fun(C) -> C =:= Char end, L). newlines_first([]) -> ok; newlines_first([Token|Tokens]) -> Text = erl_scan:text(Token), Nnls = length([C || C <- Text, C =:= $\n]), OK = case Text of [$\n|_] -> Nnls =:= 1; _ -> Nnls =:= 0 end, if OK -> newlines_first(Tokens); true -> OK end. filter_tokens(Tokens, Tags) -> lists:filter(fun(T) -> not lists:member(element(1, T), Tags) end, Tokens). select_tokens(Tokens, Tags) -> lists:filter(fun(T) -> lists:member(element(1, T), Tags) end, Tokens). simplify([Token|Tokens]) -> Line = erl_scan:line(Token), [setelement(2, Token, erl_anno:new(Line)) | simplify(Tokens)]; simplify([]) -> []. get_text(Tokens) -> lists:flatten( [T || Token <- Tokens, (T = erl_scan:text(Token)) =/= []]). test_decorated_tokens(String, Tokens) -> ToksAttrs = token_attrs(Tokens), test_strings(ToksAttrs, String, 1, 1). token_attrs(Tokens) -> [{L,C,length(T),T} || Token <- Tokens, ([C,L,T] = token_info(Token)) =/= []]. token_info(T) -> Column = erl_scan:column(T), Line = erl_scan:line(T), Text = erl_scan:text(T), [Column, Line, Text]. token_info_long(T) -> Column = erl_scan:column(T), Line = erl_scan:line(T), Text = erl_scan:text(T), Category = erl_scan:category(T), Symbol = erl_scan:symbol(T), [{category,Category},{column,Column},{line,Line}, {symbol,Symbol},{text,Text}]. test_strings([], _S, Line, Column) -> {Line,Column}; test_strings([{L,C,Len,T}=Attr|Attrs], String0, Line0, Column0) -> {String1, Column1} = skip_newlines(String0, L, Line0, Column0), String = skip_chars(String1, C-Column1), {Str,Rest} = lists:split(Len, String), if Str =:= T -> {Line,Column} = string_newlines(T, L, C), test_strings(Attrs, Rest, Line, Column); true -> {token_error, Attr, Str} end. skip_newlines(String, Line, Line, Column) -> {String, Column}; skip_newlines([$\n|String], L, Line, _Column) -> skip_newlines(String, L, Line+1, 1); skip_newlines([_|String], L, Line, Column) -> skip_newlines(String, L, Line, Column+1). skip_chars(String, 0) -> String; skip_chars([_|String], N) -> skip_chars(String, N-1). string_newlines([$\n|String], Line, _Column) -> string_newlines(String, Line+1, 1); string_newlines([], Line, Column) -> {Line, Column}; string_newlines([_|String], Line, Column) -> string_newlines(String, Line, Column+1). scan_string_with_column(String, Options0) -> Options = [text | Options0], StartLoc = {1, 1}, {ok, Ts1, End1} = erl_scan:string(String, StartLoc, Options), TString = String ++ ". ", {ok,Ts2,End2} = scan_tokens(TString, Options, [], StartLoc), {ok, Ts3, End3} = scan_tokens_1({more, []}, TString, Options, [], StartLoc), {end_2,End2,End3} = {end_2,End3,End2}, {EndLine1,EndColumn1} = End1, End2 = {EndLine1,EndColumn1+2}, {ts_1,Ts2,Ts3} = {ts_1,Ts3,Ts2}, Ts2 = Ts1 ++ [lists:last(Ts2)], %% Attributes are keylists, but have no text. {ok, Ts7, End7} = erl_scan:string(String, {1,1}, Options), {ok, Ts8, End8} = scan_tokens(TString, Options, [], {1,1}), {end1, End1} = {end1, End7}, {end2, End2} = {end2, End8}, Ts8 = Ts7 ++ [lists:last(Ts8)], {cons,true} = {cons,consistent_attributes([Ts1,Ts2,Ts3,Ts7,Ts8])}, {Ts1, End1}. scan_tokens(String, Options, Rs, Location) -> case erl_scan:tokens([], String, Location, Options) of {done, {ok,Ts,End}, ""} -> {ok, lists:append(lists:reverse([Ts|Rs])), End}; {done, {ok,Ts,End}, Rest} -> scan_tokens(Rest, Options, [Ts|Rs], End) end. scan_tokens_1({done, {ok,Ts,End}, ""}, "", _Options, Rs, _Location) -> {ok,lists:append(lists:reverse([Ts|Rs])),End}; scan_tokens_1({done, {ok,Ts,End}, Rest}, Cs, Options, Rs, _Location) -> scan_tokens_1({more,[]}, Rest++Cs, Options, [Ts|Rs], End); scan_tokens_1({more, Cont}, [C | Cs], Options, Rs, Loc) -> R = erl_scan:tokens(Cont, [C], Loc, Options), scan_tokens_1(R, Cs, Options, Rs, Loc). consistent_attributes([]) -> true; consistent_attributes([Ts | TsL]) -> L = [T || T <- Ts, is_integer(element(2, T))], case L of [] -> TagsL = [[Tag || {Tag,_} <- defined(token_info_long(T))] || T <- Ts], case lists:usort(TagsL) of [_] -> consistent_attributes(TsL); [] when Ts =:= [] -> consistent_attributes(TsL); _ -> Ts end; Ts -> consistent_attributes(TsL); _ -> Ts end. defined(L) -> [{T,V} || {T,V} <- L, V =/= undefined]. family_list(L) -> sofs:to_external(family(L)). family(L) -> sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(L)).