%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Purpose: Test suite for the 'maps' module. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------- -module(maps_SUITE). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -export([all/0, suite/0]). -export([t_update_with_3/1, t_update_with_4/1, t_get_3/1, t_filter_2/1, t_fold_3/1,t_map_2/1,t_size_1/1, t_iterator_1/1, t_iterator_2/1, t_with_2/1,t_without_2/1]). %%-define(badmap(V,F,Args), {'EXIT', {{badmap,V}, [{maps,F,Args,_}|_]}}). %%-define(badarg(F,Args), {'EXIT', {badarg, [{maps,F,Args,_}|_]}}). %% silly broken hipe -define(badmap(V,F,_Args), {'EXIT', {{badmap,V}, [{maps,F,_,_}|_]}}). -define(badkey(K,F,_Args), {'EXIT', {{badkey,K}, [{maps,F,_,_}|_]}}). -define(badarg(F,_Args), {'EXIT', {badarg, [{maps,F,_,_}|_]}}). suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap,{minutes,1}}]. all() -> [t_update_with_3,t_update_with_4, t_get_3,t_filter_2, t_fold_3,t_map_2,t_size_1, t_iterator_1, t_iterator_2, t_with_2,t_without_2]. t_update_with_3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> V1 = value1, V2 = <<"value2">>, V3 = "value3", Map = #{ key1 => V1, key2 => V2, "key3" => V3 }, Fun = fun(V) -> [V,V,{V,V}] end, #{ key1 := [V1,V1,{V1,V1}] } = maps:update_with(key1,Fun,Map), #{ key2 := [V2,V2,{V2,V2}] } = maps:update_with(key2,Fun,Map), #{ "key3" := [V3,V3,{V3,V3}] } = maps:update_with("key3",Fun,Map), %% error case ?badmap(b,update_with,[[a,b],a,b]) = (catch maps:update_with([a,b],id(a),b)), ?badarg(update_with,[[a,b],a,#{}]) = (catch maps:update_with([a,b],id(a),#{})), ?badkey([a,b],update_with,[[a,b],Fun,#{}]) = (catch maps:update_with([a,b],Fun,#{})), ok. t_update_with_4(Config) when is_list(Config) -> V1 = value1, V2 = <<"value2">>, V3 = "value3", Map = #{ key1 => V1, key2 => V2, "key3" => V3 }, Fun = fun(V) -> [V,V,{V,V}] end, Init = 3, #{ key1 := [V1,V1,{V1,V1}] } = maps:update_with(key1,Fun,Init,Map), #{ key2 := [V2,V2,{V2,V2}] } = maps:update_with(key2,Fun,Init,Map), #{ "key3" := [V3,V3,{V3,V3}] } = maps:update_with("key3",Fun,Init,Map), #{ key3 := Init } = maps:update_with(key3,Fun,Init,Map), %% error case ?badmap(b,update_with,[[a,b],a,b]) = (catch maps:update_with([a,b],id(a),b)), ?badarg(update_with,[[a,b],a,#{}]) = (catch maps:update_with([a,b],id(a),#{})), ok. t_get_3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Map = #{ key1 => value1, key2 => value2 }, DefaultValue = "Default value", value1 = maps:get(key1, Map, DefaultValue), value2 = maps:get(key2, Map, DefaultValue), DefaultValue = maps:get(key3, Map, DefaultValue), %% error case ?badmap(a,get,[[a,b],a,def]) = (catch maps:get([a,b],id(a),def)), ok. t_without_2(_Config) -> Ki = [11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99], M0 = maps:from_list([{{k,I},{v,I}}||I<-lists:seq(1,100)]), M1 = maps:from_list([{{k,I},{v,I}}||I<-lists:seq(1,100) -- Ki]), M1 = maps:without([{k,I}||I <- Ki],M0), %% error case ?badmap(a,without,[[a,b],a]) = (catch maps:without([a,b],id(a))), ?badmap(a,without,[{a,b},a]) = (catch maps:without({a,b},id(a))), ?badarg(without,[a,#{}]) = (catch maps:without(a,#{})), ok. t_with_2(_Config) -> Ki = [11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99], M0 = maps:from_list([{{k,I},{v,I}}||I<-lists:seq(1,100)]), M1 = maps:from_list([{{k,I},{v,I}}||I<-Ki]), M1 = maps:with([{k,I}||I <- Ki],M0), %% error case ?badmap(a,with,[[a,b],a]) = (catch maps:with([a,b],id(a))), ?badmap(a,with,[{a,b},a]) = (catch maps:with({a,b},id(a))), ?badarg(with,[a,#{}]) = (catch maps:with(a,#{})), ok. t_filter_2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> M = #{a => 2, b => 3, c=> 4, "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 4}, Pred1 = fun(K,V) -> is_atom(K) andalso (V rem 2) =:= 0 end, Pred2 = fun(K,V) -> is_list(K) andalso (V rem 2) =:= 0 end, #{a := 2,c := 4} = maps:filter(Pred1,M), #{"b" := 2,"c" := 4} = maps:filter(Pred2,M), #{a := 2,c := 4} = maps:filter(Pred1,maps:iterator(M)), #{"b" := 2,"c" := 4} = maps:filter(Pred2,maps:iterator(M)), %% error case ?badmap(a,filter,[_,a]) = (catch maps:filter(fun(_,_) -> ok end,id(a))), ?badarg(filter,[<<>>,#{}]) = (catch maps:filter(id(<<>>),#{})), ok. t_fold_3(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Vs = lists:seq(1,200), M0 = maps:from_list([{{k,I},I}||I<-Vs]), #{ {k,1} := 1, {k,200} := 200} = M0, Tot0 = lists:sum(Vs), Tot1 = maps:fold(fun({k,_},V,A) -> A + V end, 0, M0), true = Tot0 =:= Tot1, Tot2 = maps:fold(fun({k,_},V,A) -> A + V end, 0, maps:iterator(M0)), true = Tot0 =:= Tot2, %% error case ?badmap(a,fold,[_,0,a]) = (catch maps:fold(fun(_,_,_) -> ok end,0,id(a))), ?badarg(fold,[<<>>,0,#{}]) = (catch maps:fold(id(<<>>),0,#{})), ok. t_map_2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Vs = lists:seq(1,200), M0 = maps:from_list([{{k,I},I}||I<-Vs]), #{ {k,1} := 1, {k,200} := 200} = M0, M1 = maps:map(fun({k,_},V) -> V + 42 end, M0), #{ {k,1} := 43, {k,200} := 242} = M1, M2 = maps:map(fun({k,_},V) -> V + 42 end, maps:iterator(M0)), #{ {k,1} := 43, {k,200} := 242} = M2, %% error case ?badmap(a,map,[_,a]) = (catch maps:map(fun(_,_) -> ok end, id(a))), ?badarg(map,[<<>>,#{}]) = (catch maps:map(id(<<>>),#{})), ok. t_iterator_1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> %% Small map test M0 = #{ a => 1, b => 2 }, I0 = maps:iterator(M0), {K1,V1,I1} = maps:next(I0), {K2,V2,I2} = maps:next(I1), none = maps:next(I2), KVList = lists:sort([{K1,V1},{K2,V2}]), KVList = lists:sort(maps:to_list(M0)), %% Large map test Vs = lists:seq(1,200), M2 = maps:from_list([{{k,I},I}||I<-Vs]), KVList2 = lists:sort(iter_kv(maps:iterator(M2))), KVList2 = lists:sort(maps:to_list(M2)), ok. t_iterator_2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Vs = lists:seq(1,200), Maps = [#{ a => 1, b => 2 }, maps:from_list([{{k,I},I}||I<-Vs])], Optimize = [speed, memory], Ordered = [true, false], [test_iterator(Map, Opt, Ord) || Map <- Maps, Opt <- Optimize, Ord <- Ordered], ok. test_iterator(Map, Opt, Ord) -> Opts = #{ optimize => Opt, ordered => Ord }, test_iterator_1(maps:iterator(Map, Opts), Map, Opts). test_iterator_1(Iter, OrigMap, Opts) -> erlang:display(Opts), KVs = iter_kv(Iter), case Opts of #{ ordered := true } -> KVs = lists:sort(maps:to_list(OrigMap)); #{ ordered := false } -> OrderedKVs = lists:sort(KVs), OrderedKVs = lists:sort(maps:to_list(OrigMap)) end. iter_kv(I) -> case maps:next(I) of none -> []; {K,V,NI} -> [{K,V} | iter_kv(NI)] end. t_size_1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> 0 = maps:size(#{}), 10 = maps:size(maps:from_list([{{"k",I},I}||I<-lists:seq(1,10)])), 20 = maps:size(maps:from_list([{{"k",I},I}||I<-lists:seq(1,20)])), 30 = maps:size(maps:from_list([{{"k",I},I}||I<-lists:seq(1,30)])), 40 = maps:size(maps:from_list([{{"k",I},I}||I<-lists:seq(1,40)])), 50 = maps:size(maps:from_list([{{"k",I},I}||I<-lists:seq(1,50)])), 60 = maps:size(maps:from_list([{{"k",I},I}||I<-lists:seq(1,60)])), 600 = maps:size(maps:from_list([{{"k",I},I}||I<-lists:seq(1,600)])), %% error case ?badmap(a,size,[a]) = (catch maps:size(id(a))), ?badmap(<<>>,size,[<<>>]) = (catch maps:size(id(<<>>))), ok. id(I) -> I.