%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(rand_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2 ]). -export([interval_int/1, interval_float/1, seed/1, api_eq/1, reference/1, basic_stats_uniform_1/1, basic_stats_uniform_2/1, basic_stats_normal/1, plugin/1, measure/1 ]). -export([test/0, gen/1]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). % Default timetrap timeout (set in init_per_testcase). -define(default_timeout, ?t:minutes(3)). -define(LOOP, 1000000). init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> Dog = ?t:timetrap(?default_timeout), [{watchdog, Dog} | Config]. end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config), test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog), ok. suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> [seed, interval_int, interval_float, api_eq, reference, {group, basic_stats}, plugin, measure ]. groups() -> [{basic_stats, [parallel], [basic_stats_uniform_1, basic_stats_uniform_2, basic_stats_normal]}]. init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %% A simple helper to test without test_server during dev test() -> Tests = all(), lists:foreach(fun(Test) -> try ok = ?MODULE:Test([]), io:format("~p: ok~n", [Test]) catch _:Reason -> io:format("Failed: ~p: ~p ~p~n", [Test, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]) end end, Tests). algs() -> [exs64, exsplus, exs1024]. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% seed(doc) -> ["Test that seed and seed_s and export_seed/0 is working."]; seed(suite) -> []; seed(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Algs = algs(), Test = fun(Alg) -> try seed_1(Alg) catch _:Reason -> test_server:fail({Alg, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()}) end end, [Test(Alg) || Alg <- Algs], ok. seed_1(Alg) -> %% Check that uniform seeds automatically, _ = rand:uniform(), S00 = get(rand_seed), erase(), _ = rand:uniform(), false = S00 =:= get(rand_seed), %% hopefully %% Choosing algo and seed S0 = rand:seed(Alg, {0, 0, 0}), %% Check that (documented?) process_dict variable is correct S0 = get(rand_seed), S0 = rand:seed_s(Alg, {0, 0, 0}), %% Check that process_dict should not be used for seed_s functionality _ = rand:seed_s(Alg, {1, 0, 0}), S0 = get(rand_seed), %% Test export ES0 = rand:export_seed(), ES0 = rand:export_seed_s(S0), S0 = rand:seed(ES0), S0 = rand:seed_s(ES0), %% seed/1 calls should be unique S1 = rand:seed(Alg), false = (S1 =:= rand:seed_s(Alg)), %% Negative integers works _ = rand:seed_s(Alg, {-1,-1,-1}), %% Check that export_seed/1 returns 'undefined' if there is no seed erase(rand_seed), undefined = rand:export_seed(), %% Other term do not work {'EXIT', _} = (catch rand:seed_s(foobar, os:timestamp())), {'EXIT', _} = (catch rand:seed_s(Alg, {asd, 1, 1})), {'EXIT', _} = (catch rand:seed_s(Alg, {0, 234.1234, 1})), {'EXIT', _} = (catch rand:seed_s(Alg, {0, 234, [1, 123, 123]})), ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% api_eq(doc) -> ["Check that both api's are consistent with each other."]; api_eq(suite) -> []; api_eq(_Config) -> Algs = algs(), Small = fun(Alg) -> Seed = rand:seed(Alg), io:format("Seed ~p~n",[rand:export_seed_s(Seed)]), api_eq_1(Seed) end, _ = [Small(Alg) || Alg <- Algs], ok. api_eq_1(S00) -> Check = fun(_, Seed) -> {V0, S0} = rand:uniform_s(Seed), V0 = rand:uniform(), {V1, S1} = rand:uniform_s(1000000, S0), V1 = rand:uniform(1000000), {V2, S2} = rand:normal_s(S1), V2 = rand:normal(), S2 end, S1 = lists:foldl(Check, S00, lists:seq(1, 200)), S1 = get(rand_seed), {V0, S2} = rand:uniform_s(S1), V0 = rand:uniform(), S2 = get(rand_seed), Exported = rand:export_seed(), Exported = rand:export_seed_s(S2), S3 = lists:foldl(Check, S2, lists:seq(1, 200)), S3 = get(rand_seed), S4 = lists:foldl(Check, S3, lists:seq(1, 200)), S4 = get(rand_seed), %% Verify that we do not have loops false = S1 =:= S2, false = S2 =:= S3, false = S3 =:= S4, S2 = rand:seed(Exported), S3 = lists:foldl(Check, S2, lists:seq(1, 200)), ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% interval_int(doc) -> ["Check that uniform/1 returns values within the proper interval."]; interval_int(suite) -> []; interval_int(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Algs = algs(), Small = fun(Alg) -> Seed = rand:seed(Alg), io:format("Seed ~p~n",[rand:export_seed_s(Seed)]), Max = interval_int_1(100000, 7, 0), Max =:= 7 orelse exit({7, Alg, Max}) end, _ = [Small(Alg) || Alg <- Algs], %% Test large integers Large = fun(Alg) -> Seed = rand:seed(Alg), io:format("Seed ~p~n",[rand:export_seed_s(Seed)]), Max = interval_int_1(100000, 1 bsl 128, 0), Max > 1 bsl 64 orelse exit({large, Alg, Max}) end, [Large(Alg) || Alg <- Algs], ok. interval_int_1(0, _, Max) -> Max; interval_int_1(N, Top, Max) -> X = rand:uniform(Top), if 0 < X, X =< Top -> ok; true -> io:format("X=~p Top=~p 0<~p<~p~n", [X,Top,X,Top]), exit({X, rand:export_seed()}) end, interval_int_1(N-1, Top, max(X, Max)). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% interval_float(doc) -> ["Check that uniform/0 returns values within the proper interval."]; interval_float(suite) -> []; interval_float(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Algs = algs(), Test = fun(Alg) -> _ = rand:seed(Alg), interval_float_1(100000) end, [Test(Alg) || Alg <- Algs], ok. interval_float_1(0) -> ok; interval_float_1(N) -> X = rand:uniform(), if 0.0 < X, X < 1.0 -> ok; true -> io:format("X=~p 0<~p<1.0~n", [X,X]), exit({X, rand:export_seed()}) end, interval_float_1(N-1). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% reference(doc) -> ["Check if exs64 algorithm generates the proper sequence."]; reference(suite) -> []; reference(Config) when is_list(Config) -> [reference_1(Alg) || Alg <- algs()], ok. reference_1(Alg) -> Refval = reference_val(Alg), Testval = gen(Alg), case Refval =:= Testval of true -> ok; false -> io:format("Failed: ~p~n",[Alg]), io:format("Length ~p ~p~n",[length(Refval), length(Testval)]), io:format("Head ~p ~p~n",[hd(Refval), hd(Testval)]), %% test_server:fail({Alg, Refval -- Testval}), ok end. gen(Algo) -> Seed = case Algo of exsplus -> %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed rand:seed_s({exsplus, [12345678|12345678]}); exs64 -> %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed rand:seed_s({exs64, 12345678}); exs1024 -> %% Printed with orig 'C' code and this seed rand:seed_s({exs1024, {lists:duplicate(16, 12345678), []}}); _ -> rand:seed(Algo, {100, 200, 300}) end, gen(?LOOP, Seed, []). gen(N, State0 = {#{max:=Max}, _}, Acc) when N > 0 -> {Random, State} = rand:uniform_s(Max, State0), case N rem (?LOOP div 100) of 0 -> gen(N-1, State, [Random|Acc]); _ -> gen(N-1, State, Acc) end; gen(_, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This just tests the basics so we have not made any serious errors %% when making the conversion from the original algorithms. %% The algorithms must have good properties to begin with %% %% Check that the algorithms generate sound values. basic_stats_uniform_1(Config) when is_list(Config) -> [basic_uniform_1(?LOOP, rand:seed_s(Alg), 0.0, array:new([{default, 0}])) || Alg <- algs()], ok. basic_stats_uniform_2(Config) when is_list(Config) -> [basic_uniform_2(?LOOP, rand:seed_s(Alg), 0, array:new([{default, 0}])) || Alg <- algs()], ok. basic_stats_normal(Config) when is_list(Config) -> io:format("Testing normal~n",[]), [basic_normal_1(?LOOP, rand:seed_s(Alg), 0, 0) || Alg <- algs()], ok. basic_uniform_1(N, S0, Sum, A0) when N > 0 -> {X,S} = rand:uniform_s(S0), I = trunc(X*100), A = array:set(I, 1+array:get(I,A0), A0), basic_uniform_1(N-1, S, Sum+X, A); basic_uniform_1(0, {#{type:=Alg}, _}, Sum, A) -> AverN = Sum / ?LOOP, io:format("~.10w: Average: ~.4f~n", [Alg, AverN]), Counters = array:to_list(A), Min = lists:min(Counters), Max = lists:max(Counters), io:format("~.10w: Min: ~p Max: ~p~n", [Alg, Min, Max]), %% Verify that the basic statistics are ok %% be gentle we don't want to see to many failing tests abs(0.5 - AverN) < 0.005 orelse test_server:fail({average, Alg, AverN}), abs(?LOOP div 100 - Min) < 1000 orelse test_server:fail({min, Alg, Min}), abs(?LOOP div 100 - Max) < 1000 orelse test_server:fail({max, Alg, Max}), ok. basic_uniform_2(N, S0, Sum, A0) when N > 0 -> {X,S} = rand:uniform_s(100, S0), A = array:set(X-1, 1+array:get(X-1,A0), A0), basic_uniform_2(N-1, S, Sum+X, A); basic_uniform_2(0, {#{type:=Alg}, _}, Sum, A) -> AverN = Sum / ?LOOP, io:format("~.10w: Average: ~.4f~n", [Alg, AverN]), Counters = tl(array:to_list(A)), Min = lists:min(Counters), Max = lists:max(Counters), io:format("~.10w: Min: ~p Max: ~p~n", [Alg, Min, Max]), %% Verify that the basic statistics are ok %% be gentle we don't want to see to many failing tests abs(50.5 - AverN) < 0.5 orelse test_server:fail({average, Alg, AverN}), abs(?LOOP div 100 - Min) < 1000 orelse test_server:fail({min, Alg, Min}), abs(?LOOP div 100 - Max) < 1000 orelse test_server:fail({max, Alg, Max}), ok. basic_normal_1(N, S0, Sum, Sq) when N > 0 -> {X,S} = rand:normal_s(S0), basic_normal_1(N-1, S, X+Sum, X*X+Sq); basic_normal_1(0, {#{type:=Alg}, _}, Sum, SumSq) -> Mean = Sum / ?LOOP, StdDev = math:sqrt((SumSq - (Sum*Sum/?LOOP))/(?LOOP - 1)), io:format("~.10w: Average: ~7.4f StdDev ~6.4f~n", [Alg, Mean, StdDev]), %% Verify that the basic statistics are ok %% be gentle we don't want to see to many failing tests abs(Mean) < 0.005 orelse test_server:fail({average, Alg, Mean}), abs(StdDev - 1.0) < 0.005 orelse test_server:fail({stddev, Alg, StdDev}), ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plugin(doc) -> ["Test that the user can write algorithms"]; plugin(suite) -> []; plugin(Config) when is_list(Config) -> _ = lists:foldl(fun(_, S0) -> {V1, S1} = rand:uniform_s(10000, S0), true = is_integer(V1), {V2, S2} = rand:uniform_s(S1), true = is_float(V2), S2 end, crypto_seed(), lists:seq(1, 200)), ok. %% Test implementation crypto_seed() -> {#{type=>crypto, max=>(1 bsl 64)-1, next=>fun crypto_next/1, uniform=>fun crypto_uniform/1, uniform_n=>fun crypto_uniform_n/2}, <<>>}. %% Be fair and create bignums i.e. 64bits otherwise use 58bits crypto_next(<<Num:64, Bin/binary>>) -> {Num, Bin}; crypto_next(_) -> crypto_next(crypto:rand_bytes((64 div 8)*100)). crypto_uniform({Api, Data0}) -> {Int, Data} = crypto_next(Data0), {Int / (1 bsl 64), {Api, Data}}. crypto_uniform_n(N, {Api, Data0}) when N < (1 bsl 64) -> {Int, Data} = crypto_next(Data0), {(Int rem N)+1, {Api, Data}}; crypto_uniform_n(N, State0) -> {F,State} = crypto_uniform(State0), {trunc(F * N) + 1, State}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Not a test but measures the time characteristics of the different algorithms measure(Suite) when is_atom(Suite) -> []; measure(_Config) -> Algos = [crypto64|algs()], io:format("RNG uniform integer performance~n",[]), _ = measure_1(random, fun(State) -> {int, random:uniform_s(10000, State)} end), _ = [measure_1(Algo, fun(State) -> {int, rand:uniform_s(10000, State)} end) || Algo <- Algos], io:format("RNG uniform float performance~n",[]), _ = measure_1(random, fun(State) -> {uniform, random:uniform_s(State)} end), _ = [measure_1(Algo, fun(State) -> {uniform, rand:uniform_s(State)} end) || Algo <- Algos], io:format("RNG normal float performance~n",[]), io:format("~.10w: not implemented (too few bits)~n", [random]), _ = [measure_1(Algo, fun(State) -> {normal, rand:normal_s(State)} end) || Algo <- Algos], ok. measure_1(Algo, Gen) -> Parent = self(), Seed = fun(crypto64) -> crypto_seed(); (random) -> random:seed(os:timestamp()), get(random_seed); (Alg) -> rand:seed_s(Alg) end, Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> Fun = fun() -> measure_2(?LOOP, Seed(Algo), Gen) end, {Time, ok} = timer:tc(Fun), io:format("~.10w: ~pµs~n", [Algo, Time]), Parent ! {self(), ok}, normal end), receive {Pid, Msg} -> Msg end. measure_2(N, State0, Fun) when N > 0 -> case Fun(State0) of {int, {Random, State}} when is_integer(Random), Random >= 1, Random =< 100000 -> measure_2(N-1, State, Fun); {uniform, {Random, State}} when is_float(Random), Random > 0, Random < 1 -> measure_2(N-1, State, Fun); {normal, {Random, State}} when is_float(Random) -> measure_2(N-1, State, Fun); Res -> exit({error, Res, State0}) end; measure_2(0, _, _) -> ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Data reference_val(exs64) -> [16#3737ad0c703ff6c3,16#3868a78fe71adbbd,16#1f01b62b4338b605,16#50876a917437965f, 16#b2edfe32a10e27fc,16#995924551d8ebae1,16#9f1e6b94e94e0b58,16#27ec029eb0e94f8e, 16#bf654e6df7fe5c,16#b7d5ef7b79be65e3,16#4bdba4d1c159126b,16#a9c816fdc701292c, 16#a377b6c89d85ac8b,16#7abb5cd0e5847a6,16#62666f1fc00a0a90,16#1edc3c3d255a8113, 16#dfc764073767f18e,16#381783d577ca4e34,16#49693588c085ddcb,16#da6fcb16dd5163f3, 16#e2357a703475b1b7,16#aaa84c4924b5985a,16#b8fe07bb2bac1e49,16#23973ac0160ff064, 16#1afbc7b023f5d618,16#9f510f7b7caa2a0f,16#d5b0a57f7f5f1084,16#d8c49b66c5f99a29, 16#e920ac3b598b5213,16#1090d7e27e7a7c76,16#81171917168ee74f,16#f08489a3eb6988e, 16#396260c4f0b2ed46,16#4fd0a6a6caefd5b2,16#423dff07a3b888a,16#12718773ebd99987, 16#e50991e540807cb,16#8cfa03bbaa6679d6,16#55bdf86dfbb92dbf,16#eb7145378cce74a8, 16#71856c224c846595,16#20461588dae6e24d,16#c73b3e63ced74bac,16#775b11813dda0c78, 16#91f358e51068ede0,16#399955ef36766bc2,16#4489ee072e8a38b1,16#ba77759d52321ca0, 16#14f519eab5c53db8,16#1f754bd08e4f34c4,16#99e25ca29b2fcfeb,16#da11927c0d9837f8, 16#1eeb0f87009f5a87,16#a7c444d3b0db1089,16#49c7fbf0714849ad,16#4f2b693e7f8265cb, 16#80e1493cbaa8f256,16#186f345bcac2661e,16#330065ae0c698d26,16#5235ed0432c42e93, 16#429792e31ddb10bb,16#8769054bb6533cff,16#1ab382483444201f,16#2216368786fc7b9, 16#1efea1155216da0b,16#782dc868ba595452,16#2b80f6d159617f48,16#407fc35121b2fa1b, 16#90e8be6e618873d1,16#40ad4ec92a8abf8e,16#34e2890f583f435,16#838c0aef0a5d8427, 16#ed4238f4bd6cbcfa,16#7feed11f7a8bb9f0,16#2b0636a93e26c89d,16#481ad4bea5180646, 16#673e5ad861afe1cc,16#298eeb519d69e74d,16#eb1dd06d168c856,16#4770651519ee7ef9, 16#7456ebf1bcf608f1,16#d6200f6fbd61ce05,16#c0695dfab11ab6aa,16#5bff449249983843, 16#7aba88471474c9ac,16#d7e9e4a21c989e91,16#c5e02ee67ccb7ce1,16#4ea8a3a912246153, 16#f2e6db7c9ce4ec43,16#39498a95d46d2470,16#c5294fcb8cce8aa9,16#a918fe444719f3dc, 16#98225f754762c0c0,16#f0721204f2cb43f5,16#b98e77b099d1f2d1,16#691d6f75aee3386, 16#860c7b2354ec24fd,16#33e007bd0fbcb609,16#7170ae9c20fb3d0,16#31d46938fe383a60]; reference_val(exs1024) -> [16#9c61311d0d4a01fd,16#ce963ef5803b703e,16#545dcffb7b644e1a,16#edd56576a8d778d5, 16#16bee799783c6b45,16#336f0b3caeb417fa,16#29291b8be26dedfa,16#1efed996d2e1b1a8, 16#c5c04757bd2dadf9,16#11aa6d194009c616,16#ab2b3e82bdb38a91,16#5011ee46fd2609eb, 16#766db7e5b701a9bb,16#d42cb2632c419f35,16#107c6a2667bf8557,16#3ffbf922cb306967, 16#1e71e3d024ac5131,16#6fdb368ec67a5f06,16#b0d8e72e7aa6d1c1,16#e5705a02dae89e3b, 16#9c24eb68c086a1d3,16#418de330f55f71f0,16#2917ddeb278bc8d2,16#aeba7fba67208f39, 16#10ceaf40f6af1d8d,16#47a6d06811d33132,16#603a661d6caf720a,16#a28bd0c9bcdacb3c, 16#f44754f006909762,16#6e25e8e67ccc43bc,16#174378ce374a549e,16#b5598ae9f57c4e50, 16#ca85807fbcd51dd,16#1816e58d6c3cc32a,16#1b4d630d3c8e96a6,16#c19b1e92b4efc5bd, 16#665597b20ddd721a,16#fdab4eb21b75c0ae,16#86a612dcfea0756c,16#8fc2da192f9a55f0, 16#d7c954eb1af31b5,16#6f5ee45b1b80101b,16#ebe8ea4e5a67cbf5,16#1cb952026b4c1400, 16#44e62caffe7452c0,16#b591d8f3e6d7cbcf,16#250303f8d77b6f81,16#8ef2199aae4c9b8d, 16#a16baa37a14d7b89,16#c006e4d2b2da158b,16#e6ec7abd54c93b31,16#e6b0d79ae2ab6fa7, 16#93e4b30e4ab7d4cd,16#42a01b6a4ef63033,16#9ab1e94fe94976e,16#426644e1de302a1f, 16#8e58569192200139,16#744f014a090107c1,16#15d056801d467c6c,16#51bdad3a8c30225f, 16#abfc61fb3104bd45,16#c610607122272df7,16#905e67c63116ebfc,16#1e4fd5f443bdc18, 16#1945d1745bc55a4c,16#f7cd2b18989595bb,16#f0d273b2c646a038,16#ee9a6fdc6fd5d734, 16#541a518bdb700518,16#6e67ab9a65361d76,16#bcfadc9bfe5b2e06,16#69fa334cf3c11496, 16#9657df3e0395b631,16#fc0d0442160108ec,16#2ee538da7b1f7209,16#8b20c9fae50a5a9e, 16#a971a4b5c2b3b6a,16#ff6241e32489438e,16#8fd6433f45255777,16#6e6c82f10818b0dc, 16#59a8fad3f6af616b,16#7eac34f43f12221c,16#6e429ec2951723ec,16#9a65179767a45c37, 16#a5f8127d1e6fdf35,16#932c50bc633d8d5c,16#f3bbea4e7ebecb8,16#efc3a2bbf6a8674, 16#451644a99971cb6,16#cf70776d652c150d,16#c1fe0dcb87a25403,16#9523417132b2452e, 16#8f98bc30d06b980e,16#bb4b288ecb8daa9a,16#59e54beb32f78045,16#f9ab1562456b9d66, 16#6435f4130304a793,16#b4bb94c2002e1849,16#49a86d1e4bade982,16#457d63d60ed52b95]; 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