%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% -module(stdlib_bench_SUITE). -compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct_event.hrl"). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[{ts_install_cth,[{nodenames,2}]}]}]. all() -> [{group,unicode},{group,base64},{group,binary}, {group,gen_server},{group,gen_statem}, {group,gen_server_comparison},{group,gen_statem_comparison}]. groups() -> [{unicode,[{repeat,5}], [norm_nfc_list, norm_nfc_deep_l, norm_nfc_binary, string_lexemes_list, string_lexemes_binary ]}, %% Only run 1 binary match repeat as it is very slow pre OTP-22. %% The results seem to be stable enough anyway {binary, [{repeat, 1}], [match_single_pattern_no_match, matches_single_pattern_no_match, matches_single_pattern_eventual_match, matches_single_pattern_frequent_match]}, {base64,[{repeat,5}], [decode_binary, decode_binary_to_string, decode_list, decode_list_to_string, encode_binary, encode_binary_to_string, encode_list, encode_list_to_string, mime_binary_decode, mime_binary_decode_to_string, mime_list_decode, mime_list_decode_to_string]}, {gen_server, [{repeat,5}], cases(gen_server)}, {gen_statem, [{repeat,3}], cases(gen_statem)}, {gen_server_comparison, [], [single_small, single_medium, single_big, sched_small, sched_medium, sched_big, multi_small, multi_medium, multi_big]}, {gen_statem_comparison, [], [single_small, single_big, sched_small, sched_big, multi_small, multi_big]}]. cases(gen_server) -> [simple, simple_timer, simple_mon, simple_timer_mon, generic, generic_timer]; cases(gen_statem) -> [generic, generic_log, generic_log100, generic_fsm, generic_fsm_transit, generic_statem, generic_statem_log, generic_statem_log100, generic_statem_transit, generic_statem_complex]. init_per_group(gen_server, Config) -> compile_servers(Config), [{benchmark_suite,"stdlib_gen_server"}|Config]; init_per_group(gen_statem, Config) -> compile_servers(Config), [{benchmark_suite,"stdlib_gen_statem"}|Config]; init_per_group(gen_server_comparison, Config) -> compile_servers(Config), [{cases,cases(gen_server)}, {benchmark_suite,"stdlib_gen_server"}|Config]; init_per_group(gen_statem_comparison, Config) -> compile_servers(Config), [{cases,cases(gen_statem)}, {benchmark_suite,"stdlib_gen_statem"}|Config]; init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. init_per_suite(Config) -> Config. end_per_suite(Config) -> Config. init_per_testcase(_Func, Conf) -> Conf. end_per_testcase(_Func, _Conf) -> ok. compile_servers(Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), Files = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(DataDir, "{simple,generic}*.erl")), _ = [{ok, _} = compile:file(File) || File <- Files], ok. comment(Value) -> C = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Value])), {comment, C}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -define(REPEAT_NORM, 5). norm_nfc_list(Config) -> Bin = norm_data(Config), {_N, Mean, _Stddev, Res} = unicode_util_SUITE:time_count(nfc, list, Bin, ?REPEAT_NORM), comment(report(1000.0*Res / Mean)). norm_nfc_deep_l(Config) -> Bin = norm_data(Config), {_N, Mean, _Stddev, Res} = unicode_util_SUITE:time_count(nfc, deep_l, Bin, ?REPEAT_NORM), comment(report(1000.0*Res / Mean)). norm_nfc_binary(Config) -> Bin = norm_data(Config), {_N, Mean, _Stddev, Res} = unicode_util_SUITE:time_count(nfc, binary, Bin, ?REPEAT_NORM), comment(report(1000.0*Res / Mean)). string_lexemes_list(Config) -> %% Use nth_lexeme instead of lexemes to avoid building a result of %% large lists which causes large differences between test runs, gc? Bin = norm_data(Config), Fun = fun(Str) -> string:nth_lexeme(Str, 200000, [$;,$\n,$\r]), 200000 end, {_N, Mean, _Stddev, Res} = string_SUITE:time_func(Fun, list, Bin, 15), comment(report(1000.0*Res / Mean)). string_lexemes_binary(Config) -> %% Use nth_lexeme instead of lexemes to avoid building a result of %% large lists which causes large differences between test runs, gc? Bin = norm_data(Config), Fun = fun(Str) -> string:nth_lexeme(Str, 200000, [$;,$\n,$\r]), 200000 end, {_N, Mean, _Stddev, Res} = string_SUITE:time_func(Fun, binary, Bin, ?REPEAT_NORM), comment(report(1000.0*Res / Mean)). %%% report(Tps) -> ct_event:notify(#event{name = benchmark_data, data = [{suite,"stdlib_unicode"},{value,round(Tps)}]}), Tps. norm_data(Config) -> DataDir0 = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), DataDir = filename:join(lists:droplast(filename:split(DataDir0))), File = filename:join([DataDir,"unicode_util_SUITE_data","NormalizationTest.txt"]), {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File), Bin. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% match_single_pattern_no_match(_Config) -> Binary = binary:copy(<<"ugbcfuysabfuqyfikgfsdalpaskfhgjsdgfjwsalp">>, 1000000), comment(test(100, binary, match, [Binary, <<"o">>])). matches_single_pattern_no_match(_Config) -> Binary = binary:copy(<<"ugbcfuysabfuqyfikgfsdalpaskfhgjsdgfjwsalp">>, 1000000), comment(test(100, binary, matches, [Binary, <<"o">>])). matches_single_pattern_eventual_match(_Config) -> Binary = binary:copy(<<"ugbcfuysabfuqyfikgfsdalpaskfhgjsdgfjwsal\n">>, 1000000), comment(test(100, binary, matches, [Binary, <<"\n">>])). matches_single_pattern_frequent_match(_Config) -> Binary = binary:copy(<<"abc\n">>, 1000000), comment(test(100, binary, matches, [Binary, <<"abc">>])). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% decode_binary(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, decode, [encoded_binary()])). decode_binary_to_string(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, decode_to_string, [encoded_binary()])). decode_list(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, decode, [encoded_list()])). decode_list_to_string(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, decode_to_string, [encoded_list()])). encode_binary(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, encode, [binary()])). encode_binary_to_string(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, encode_to_string, [binary()])). encode_list(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, encode, [list()])). encode_list_to_string(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, encode_to_string, [list()])). mime_binary_decode(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, mime_decode, [encoded_binary()])). mime_binary_decode_to_string(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, mime_decode_to_string, [encoded_binary()])). mime_list_decode(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, mime_decode, [encoded_list()])). mime_list_decode_to_string(_Config) -> comment(test(base64, mime_decode_to_string, [encoded_list()])). -define(SIZE, 10000). -define(N, 1000). encoded_binary() -> list_to_binary(encoded_list()). encoded_list() -> L = random_byte_list(round(?SIZE*0.75)), base64:encode_to_string(L). binary() -> list_to_binary(list()). list() -> random_byte_list(?SIZE). test(Mod, Fun, Args) -> test(?N, Mod, Fun, Args). test(Iter, Mod, Fun, Args) -> F = fun() -> loop(Iter, Mod, Fun, Args) end, {Time, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> lspawn(F) end), report_mfa(Iter, Time, Mod). loop(0, _M, _F, _A) -> garbage_collect(), ok; loop(N, M, F, A) -> _ = apply(M, F, A), loop(N - 1, M, F, A). lspawn(Fun) -> {Pid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(Fun()) end), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Rep} -> Rep end. report_mfa(Iter, Time, Mod) -> Tps = round((Iter*1000000)/Time), ct_event:notify(#event{name = benchmark_data, data = [{suite, "stdlib_" ++ atom_to_list(Mod)}, {value, Tps}]}), Tps. %% Copied from base64_SUITE.erl. random_byte_list(N) -> random_byte_list(N, []). random_byte_list(0, Acc) -> Acc; random_byte_list(N, Acc) -> random_byte_list(N-1, [rand:uniform(255)|Acc]). make_big_binary(N) -> list_to_binary(mbb(N, [])). mbb(N, Acc) when N > 256 -> B = list_to_binary(lists:seq(0, 255)), mbb(N - 256, [B | Acc]); mbb(N, Acc) -> B = list_to_binary(lists:seq(0, N-1)), lists:reverse(Acc, B). simple(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(simple, single_small, Config)). simple_timer(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(simple_timer, single_small, Config)). simple_mon(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(simple_mon, single_small, Config)). simple_timer_mon(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(simple_timer_mon, single_small, Config)). generic(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic, single_small, Config)). generic_log(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_log, single_small, Config)). generic_log100(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_log100, single_small, Config)). generic_timer(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_timer, single_small, Config)). generic_statem(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_statem, single_small, Config)). generic_statem_log(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_statem_log, single_small, Config)). generic_statem_log100(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_statem_log100, single_small, Config)). generic_statem_transit(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_statem_transit, single_small, Config)). generic_statem_complex(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_statem_complex, single_small, Config)). generic_fsm(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_fsm, single_small, Config)). generic_fsm_transit(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comment(do_tests(generic_fsm_transit, single_small, Config)). single_small(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), single_small, Config). single_medium(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), single_medium, Config). single_big(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), single_big, Config). sched_small(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), sched_small, Config). sched_medium(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), sched_medium, Config). sched_big(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), sched_big, Config). multi_small(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), multi_small, Config). multi_medium(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), multi_medium, Config). multi_big(Config) when is_list(Config) -> comparison(?config(cases, Config), multi_big, Config). comparison(Cases, Kind, Config) -> Cases = ?config(cases, Config), [RefResult|_] = Results = [do_tests(Case, Kind, Config) || Case <- Cases], Normalized = [norm(Result, RefResult) || Result <- Results], {Parallelism, Message} = bench_params(Kind), Wordsize = erlang:system_info(wordsize), MSize = Wordsize * erts_debug:flat_size(Message), What = io_lib:format("#parallel gen_server instances: ~.4w, " "message flat size: ~.5w bytes", [Parallelism, MSize]), Format = lists:flatten( ["~s: "] ++ [[atom_to_list(Case),": ~s "] || Case <- Cases]), C = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, [What] ++ Normalized)), {comment, C}. norm(T, Ref) -> try Ref / T of Norm -> io_lib:format("~.2f", [Norm]) catch error:badarith -> "---" end. -define(MAX_TIME_SECS, 3). % s -define(MAX_TIME, 1000 * ?MAX_TIME_SECS). % ms -define(CALLS_PER_LOOP, 5). do_tests(Test, ParamSet, Config) -> BenchmarkSuite = ?config(benchmark_suite, Config), {Client, ServerMod, ServerArg} = bench(Test), {Parallelism, Message} = bench_params(ParamSet), Fun = create_clients(Message, ServerMod, ServerArg, Client, Parallelism), {TotalLoops, AllPidTime} = run_test(Fun), try ?CALLS_PER_LOOP * round((1000 * TotalLoops) / AllPidTime) of PerSecond -> ct_event:notify( #event{ name = benchmark_data, data = [{suite,BenchmarkSuite},{value,PerSecond}]}), PerSecond catch error:badarith -> "Time measurement is not working" end. -define(COUNTER, n). simple_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = simple_server:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server:reply(P, M), simple_client(N+1, M, P). simple_client_timer(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = simple_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer:reply(P, M), simple_client_timer(N+1, M, P). simple_client_mon(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = simple_server_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_mon:reply(P, M), simple_client_mon(N+1, M, P). simple_client_timer_mon(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = simple_server_timer_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer_mon:reply(P, M), _ = simple_server_timer_mon:reply(P, M), simple_client_timer_mon(N+1, M, P). generic_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = generic_server:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server:reply(P, M), generic_client(N+1, M, P). generic_timer_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = generic_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server_timer:reply(P, M), _ = generic_server_timer:reply(P, M), generic_timer_client(N+1, M, P). generic_statem_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), generic_statem_client(N+1, M, P). generic_statem_transit_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = generic_statem:transit(P, M), _ = generic_statem:transit(P, M), _ = generic_statem:transit(P, M), _ = generic_statem:transit(P, M), _ = generic_statem:transit(P, M), generic_statem_transit_client(N+1, M, P). generic_statem_complex_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), _ = generic_statem:reply(P, M), generic_statem_complex_client(N+1, M, P). generic_fsm_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = generic_fsm:reply(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:reply(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:reply(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:reply(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:reply(P, M), generic_fsm_client(N+1, M, P). generic_fsm_transit_client(N, M, P) -> put(?COUNTER, N), _ = generic_fsm:transit(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:transit(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:transit(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:transit(P, M), _ = generic_fsm:transit(P, M), generic_fsm_transit_client(N+1, M, P). bench(simple) -> {fun simple_client/3, simple_server, term}; bench(simple_timer) -> {fun simple_client_timer/3, simple_server_timer, term}; bench(simple_mon) -> {fun simple_client_mon/3, simple_server_mon, term}; bench(simple_timer_mon) -> {fun simple_client_timer_mon/3, simple_server_timer_mon, term}; bench(generic) -> {fun generic_client/3, generic_server, [term]}; bench(generic_log) -> {fun generic_client/3, generic_server, [term,{debug,[log]}]}; bench(generic_log100) -> {fun generic_client/3, generic_server, [term,{debug,[{log,100}]}]}; bench(generic_timer) -> {fun generic_timer_client/3, generic_server_timer, term}; bench(generic_statem) -> {fun generic_statem_client/3, generic_statem, [term]}; bench(generic_statem_log) -> {fun generic_statem_client/3, generic_statem, [term,{debug,[log]}]}; bench(generic_statem_log100) -> {fun generic_statem_client/3, generic_statem, [term,{debug,[{log,100}]}]}; bench(generic_statem_transit) -> {fun generic_statem_transit_client/3, generic_statem, [term]}; bench(generic_statem_complex) -> {fun generic_statem_complex_client/3, generic_statem_complex, term}; bench(generic_fsm) -> {fun generic_fsm_client/3, generic_fsm, term}; bench(generic_fsm_transit) -> {fun generic_fsm_transit_client/3, generic_fsm, term}. %% -> {Parallelism, MessageTerm} bench_params(single_small) -> {1, small()}; bench_params(single_medium) -> {1, medium()}; bench_params(single_big) -> {1, big()}; bench_params(sched_small) -> {parallelism(), small()}; bench_params(sched_medium) -> {parallelism(), medium()}; bench_params(sched_big) -> {parallelism(), big()}; bench_params(multi_small) -> {400, small()}; bench_params(multi_medium) -> {400, medium()}; bench_params(multi_big) -> {400, big()}. small() -> small. medium() -> lists:seq(1, 50). big() -> lists:seq(1, 1000). parallelism() -> case erlang:system_info(multi_scheduling) of enabled -> erlang:system_info(schedulers_online); _ -> 1 end. create_clients(M, ServerMod, ServerArg, Client, Parallel) -> fun() -> ServerPid = ServerMod:start(ServerArg), PidRefs = [spawn_monitor(fun() -> Client(0, M, ServerPid) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1, Parallel)], timer:sleep(?MAX_TIME), try AllPidsN = collect(PidRefs, []), TotalLoops = lists:sum(AllPidsN), TotalLoops after ok = ServerMod:stop(ServerPid) end end. collect([], Result) -> Result; collect([{Pid, Ref}|PidRefs], Result) -> N = case erlang:process_info(Pid, dictionary) of {dictionary, Dict} -> {?COUNTER, N0} = lists:keyfind(?COUNTER, 1, Dict), N0; undefined -> % Process did not start in ?MAX_TIME_SECS. 0 end, exit(Pid, kill), receive {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> ok end, collect(PidRefs, [N|Result]). run_test(Test) -> {T1, _} = statistics(runtime), Result = Test(), {T2, _} = statistics(runtime), {Result, T2 - T1}.