%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

-export([all/1, borderline/1, atomic/1, long_names/1,
	 create_long_names/1, bad_tar/1, errors/1, extract_from_binary/1,
	 extract_from_open_file/1, symlinks/1, open_add_close/1, cooked_compressed/1,


all(suite) -> [borderline, atomic, long_names, create_long_names,
	       bad_tar, errors,
	       extract_from_binary, extract_from_binary_compressed,
	       symlinks, open_add_close, cooked_compressed,

borderline(doc) ->
    ["Test creating, listing and extracting one file from an archive",
     "multiple times with different file sizes. ",
     "Also check that the file attributes of the extracted file has survived."];
borderline(Config) when is_list(Config) ->

    %% Note: We cannot use absolute paths, because the pathnames will be
    %% too long for the limit allowed in tar files (100 characters).
    %% Therefore, strip off the current working directory from the front
    %% of the private directory path.

    ?line {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
    ?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line TempDir = remove_prefix(Cwd++"/", filename:join(RootDir, borderline)),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(TempDir),

    ?line Record = 512,
    ?line Block = 20 * Record,

    ?line lists:foreach(fun(Size) -> borderline_test(Size, TempDir) end,
			[0, 1, 10, 13, 127, 333, Record-1, Record, Record+1,
			 Block-Record-1, Block-Record, Block-Record+1,
			 Block-1, Block, Block+1,
			 Block+Record-1, Block+Record, Block+Record+1]),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([TempDir]),


borderline_test(Size, TempDir) ->
    ?line Archive = filename:join(TempDir, "ar_"++integer_to_list(Size)++".tar"),
    ?line Name = filename:join(TempDir, "file_"++integer_to_list(Size)),
    ?line io:format("Testing size ~p", [Size]),

    %% Create a file and archive it.
    ?line {_, _, X0} = erlang:now(),
    ?line file:write_file(Name, random_byte_list(X0, Size)),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:create(Archive, [Name]),
    ?line ok = file:delete(Name),

    %% Verify listing and extracting.
    ?line {ok, [Name]} = erl_tar:table(Archive),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract(Archive, [verbose]),

    %% Verify contents of extracted file.
    ?line {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Name),
    ?line true = match_byte_list(X0, binary_to_list(Bin)),

    %% Verify that Unix tar can read it.
    ?line tar_tf(Archive, Name),


tar_tf(Archive, Name) ->
    case os:type() of
	{unix, _} ->
	    tar_tf1(Archive, Name);
	_ ->

tar_tf1(Archive, Name) ->
    ?line Expect = Name ++ "\n",
    ?line cmd_expect("tar tf " ++ Archive, Expect).

%% We can't use os:cmd/1, because Unix 'tar tf Name' on Solaris never
%% terminates when given an archive of a size it doesn't like.

cmd_expect(Cmd, Expect) ->
    ?line Port = open_port({spawn, make_cmd(Cmd)}, [stream, in, eof]),
    ?line get_data(Port, Expect).

get_data(Port, Expect) ->
	{Port, {data, Bytes}} ->
	    ?line get_data(Port, match_output(Bytes, Expect, Port));
	{Port, eof} ->
	    Port ! {self(), close}, 
		{Port, closed} ->
		{'EXIT',  Port,  _} -> 
	    after 1 ->				% force context switch
	    ?line match_output(eof, Expect, Port)

match_output([C|Output], [C|Expect], Port) ->
    ?line match_output(Output, Expect, Port);
match_output([_|_], [_|_], Port) ->
    ?line kill_port_and_fail(Port, badmatch);
match_output([X|Output], [], Port) ->
    ?line kill_port_and_fail(Port, {too_much_data, [X|Output]});
match_output([], Expect, _Port) ->
match_output(eof, [], _Port) ->
match_output(eof, _Expect, Port) ->
    ?line kill_port_and_fail(Port, unexpected_end_of_input).

kill_port_and_fail(Port, Reason) ->
    exit(Port, die),

make_cmd(Cmd) ->
    case os:type() of
	{win32, _} -> lists:concat(["cmd /c",  Cmd]);
	{unix, _}  -> lists:concat(["sh -c '",  Cmd,  "'"])

%% Verifies a random byte list.

match_byte_list(X0, [Byte|Rest]) ->
    X = next_random(X0),
    case (X bsr 26) band 16#ff of
	Byte -> match_byte_list(X, Rest);
	_ -> false
match_byte_list(_, []) ->

%% Generates a random byte list.

random_byte_list(X0, Count) ->
    random_byte_list(X0, Count, []).

random_byte_list(X0, Count, Result) when Count > 0->
    X = next_random(X0),
    random_byte_list(X, Count-1, [(X bsr 26) band 16#ff|Result]);
random_byte_list(_X, 0, Result) ->

%% This RNG is from line 21 on page 102 in Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming,
%% Volume II, Seminumerical Algorithms.

next_random(X) ->
    (X*17059465+1) band 16#fffffffff.

atomic(doc) ->
    ["Test the 'atomic' operations: create/extract/table, on compressed "
     "and uncompressed archives."
     "Also test the 'cooked' option."];
atomic(suite) -> [];
atomic(Config) when list(Config) ->
    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
    ?line DataFiles = data_files(),
    ?line Names = [Name || {Name,_,_} <- DataFiles],
    io:format("Names: ~p", [Names]),

    %% Create an uncompressed archive.  The compressed flag should still be
    %% allowed when listing contents or extracting.

    ?line Tar1 = "uncompressed.tar",
    ?line erl_tar:create(Tar1, Names, []),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar1, []),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar1, [compressed]),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar1, [cooked]),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar1, [compressed,cooked]),
    %% Create a compressed archive.

    ?line Tar2 = "compressed.tar",
    ?line erl_tar:create(Tar2, Names, [compressed]),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar2, [compressed]),
    ?line {error, Reason} = erl_tar:table(Tar2, []),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar2, [compressed,cooked]),
    ?line {error, Reason} = erl_tar:table(Tar2, [cooked]),
    ?line ok = io:format("No compressed option: ~p, ~s",
			 [Reason, erl_tar:format_error(Reason)]),

    %% Same test again, but this time created with 'cooked'

    ?line Tar3 = "uncompressed_cooked.tar",
    ?line erl_tar:create(Tar3, Names, [cooked]),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar3, []),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar3, [compressed]),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar3, [cooked]),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar3, [compressed,cooked]),
    ?line Tar4 = "compressed_cooked.tar",
    ?line erl_tar:create(Tar4, Names, [compressed,cooked]),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar4, [compressed]),
    ?line {error, Reason} = erl_tar:table(Tar4, []),
    ?line {ok, Names} = erl_tar:table(Tar4, [compressed,cooked]),
    ?line {error, Reason} = erl_tar:table(Tar4, [cooked]),
    ?line ok = io:format("No compressed option: ~p, ~s",
			 [Reason, erl_tar:format_error(Reason)]),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([Tar1,Tar2,Tar3,Tar4|Names]),


%% Returns a sequence of characters.

char_seq(N, First) ->
    char_seq(N, First, []).

char_seq(0, _, Result) ->
char_seq(N, C, Result) when C < 127 ->
    char_seq(N-1, C+1, [C|Result]);
char_seq(N, _, Result) ->
    char_seq(N, $!, Result).

data_files() ->
    Files = [{"first_file", 1555, $a},
	     {"small_file", 7, $d},
	     {"big_file", 23875, $e},
	     {"last_file", 7500, $g}],

create_files([{Name, Size, First}|Rest]) ->
    ok = file:write_file(Name, char_seq(Size, First)),
create_files([]) ->

long_names(doc) ->
    ["Test to extract an Unix tar file containing filenames longer than 100 ",
    "characters and empty directories."];
long_names(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
    ?line Long = filename:join(DataDir, "long_names.tar"),

    %% Try table/2 and extract/2.
    ?line case erl_tar:table(Long, [verbose]) of
	      {ok,List} when is_list(List) ->
		  ?line io:format("~p\n", [List])

    %% To avoid getting too long paths for Windows to handle, extract into
    %% the current directory (which is the test_server directory). Its path
    %% is quite a bit shorter than the path to priv_dir.
    ?line {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract(Long),
    ?line Base = filename:join([Cwd, "original_software", "written_by",
				"still", "not_long_enough",

    %% Verify that the empty directory was created.
    ?line EmptyDir = filename:join(Base, "empty_directory"),
    ?line {ok, #file_info{type=directory}} = file:read_file_info(EmptyDir),

    %% Verify that the files were created.
    ?line {ok,First} = file:read_file(filename:join(Base, "first_file")),
    ?line {ok,Second} = file:read_file(filename:join(Base, "second_file")),
    ?line "Here"++_ = binary_to_list(First),
    ?line "And"++_ = binary_to_list(Second),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([filename:join(Cwd, "original_software"),EmptyDir]),


create_long_names(doc) ->
    ["Creates a tar file from a deep directory structure (filenames are ",
     "longer than 100 characters)."];
create_long_names(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
    Dirs = [aslfjkshjkhliuf,

    ?line DeepDir = make_dirs(Dirs, []),
    ?line AFile = filename:join(DeepDir, "a_file"),
    ?line Hello = "hello, world\n",
    ?line ok = file:write_file(AFile, Hello),
    ?line TarName = filename:join(PrivDir,  "my_tar_with_long_names.tar"),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:create(TarName, [AFile]),

    %% Print contents.
    ?line ok = erl_tar:tt(TarName),

    %% Extract and verify.
    ?line ExtractDir = "extract_dir",
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(ExtractDir),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract(TarName, [{cwd,ExtractDir}]),
    ?line {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(ExtractDir, AFile)),
    ?line Hello = binary_to_list(Bin),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([ExtractDir,TarName,hd(Dirs)]),


make_dirs([Dir|Rest], []) ->
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
    ?line make_dirs(Rest, Dir);
make_dirs([Dir|Rest], Parent) ->
    ?line Name = filename:join(Parent, Dir),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(Name),
    ?line make_dirs(Rest, Name);
make_dirs([], Dir) ->

bad_tar(doc) ->
    ["Try erl_tar:table/2 and erl_tar:extract/2 on some corrupted tar files."];
bad_tar(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line try_bad("bad_checksum", bad_header, Config),
    ?line try_bad("bad_octal",    bad_header, Config),
    ?line try_bad("bad_too_short",    eof, Config),
    ?line try_bad("bad_even_shorter", eof, Config),

try_bad(Name0, Reason, Config) ->
    %% Intentionally no ?line macros here.

    DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
    PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    Name = Name0 ++ ".tar",
    io:format("~nTrying ~s", [Name]),
    Full = filename:join(DataDir, Name),
    Opts = [verbose, {cwd, PrivDir}],
    Expected = {error, Reason},
    case {erl_tar:table(Full, Opts), erl_tar:extract(Full, Opts)} of
	{Expected, Expected} ->
	    io:format("Result: ~p", [Expected]),
	    case catch erl_tar:format_error(Reason) of
		{'EXIT', CrashReason} ->
		    test_server:fail({format_error, crashed, CrashReason});
		String when list(String) ->
		    io:format("format_error(~p) -> ~s", [Reason, String]);
		Other ->
		    test_server:fail({format_error, returned, Other})
	{Other1, Other2} ->
	    io:format("table/2 returned ~p", [Other1]),
	    io:format("extract/2 returned ~p", [Other2]),
	    test_server:fail({bad_return_value, Other1, Other2})

errors(doc) ->
    ["Tests that some common errors return correct error codes ",
     "and that format_error/1 handles them correctly."];
errors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),

    %% Give the tar file the same name as a directory.
    ?line BadTar = filename:join(PrivDir, "bad_tarfile.tar"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(BadTar),
    ?line try_error(erl_tar, create, [BadTar, []], {BadTar, eisdir}),

    %% Try including non-existent files in the tar file.
    ?line NonExistent = "non_existent_file",
    ?line GoodTar = filename:join(PrivDir, "a_good_tarfile.tar"),
    ?line try_error(erl_tar, create, [GoodTar, [NonExistent]],
		    {NonExistent, enoent}),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([GoodTar,BadTar]),

try_error(M, F, A, Error) ->
    io:format("Trying ~p:~p(~p)", [M, F, A]),
    case catch apply(M, F, A) of
	{'EXIT', Reason} ->
	ok ->
	{error, Error} ->
	    case catch erl_tar:format_error(Error) of
		{'EXIT', FReason} ->
		    test_server:fail({format_error, crashed, FReason});
		String when list(String) ->
		    io:format("format_error(~p) -> ~s", [Error, String]);
		Other ->
		    test_server:fail({format_error, returned, Other})
	Other ->
	    test_server:fail({expected, {error, Error}, actual, Other})

%% remove_prefix(Prefix, List) -> ListWithoutPrefix.

remove_prefix([C|Rest1], [C|Rest2]) ->
    remove_prefix(Rest1, Rest2);
remove_prefix(_, Result) ->

extract_from_binary(doc) ->
    "Test extracting a tar archive from a binary.";
extract_from_binary(Config) when list(Config) ->
    ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line Long = filename:join(DataDir, "no_fancy_stuff.tar"),
    ?line ExtractDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "extract_from_binary"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(ExtractDir),
    %% Read a tar file into a binary and extract from the binary.
    ?line {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Long),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract({binary, Bin}, [{cwd,ExtractDir}]),

    %% Verify.
    Dir = filename:join(ExtractDir, "no_fancy_stuff"),
    ?line true = filelib:is_dir(Dir),
    ?line true = filelib:is_file(filename:join(Dir, "a_dir_list")),
    ?line true = filelib:is_file(filename:join(Dir, "EPLICENCE")),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([ExtractDir]),


extract_from_binary_compressed(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    %% Test extracting a compressed tar archive from a binary.
    ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line Name = filename:join(DataDir, "cooked_tar_problem.tar.gz"),
    ?line ExtractDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "extract_from_binary_compressed"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(ExtractDir),
    ?line {ok,Bin} = file:read_file(Name),

    %% Try taking contents.
    ?line {ok,Files} = erl_tar:table({binary,Bin}, [compressed]),
    ?line io:format("~p\n", [Files]),
    ?line 19 = length(Files),
    %% Trying extracting from a binary.
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract({binary,Bin}, [compressed,{cwd,ExtractDir}]),
    ?line {ok,List} = file:list_dir(filename:join(ExtractDir, ddll_SUITE_data)),
    ?line io:format("~p\n", [List]),
    ?line 19 = length(List),

    %% Clean up while at the same time testing that all file
    %% were extracted as expected.
    lists:foreach(fun(N) ->
			  File = filename:join(ExtractDir, N),
			  io:format("Deleting: ~p\n", [File]),
			  ?line ok = file:delete(File)
		  end, Files),

    %% Clean up the rest.
    ?line delete_files([ExtractDir]),


extract_from_open_file(doc) ->
    "Test extracting a tar archive from an open file.";
extract_from_open_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line Long = filename:join(DataDir, "no_fancy_stuff.tar"),
    ?line ExtractDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "extract_from_open_file"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(ExtractDir),

    ?line {ok, File} = file:open(Long, [read]),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract({file, File}, [{cwd,ExtractDir}]),

    %% Verify.
    Dir = filename:join(ExtractDir, "no_fancy_stuff"),
    ?line true = filelib:is_dir(Dir),
    ?line true = filelib:is_file(filename:join(Dir, "a_dir_list")),
    ?line true = filelib:is_file(filename:join(Dir, "EPLICENCE")),

    %% Close open file.
    ?line ok = file:close(File),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([ExtractDir]),


symlinks(doc) ->
    "Test that archives containing symlinks can be created and extracted.";
symlinks(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line Dir = filename:join(PrivDir, "symlinks"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
    ?line ABadSymlink = filename:join(Dir, "bad_symlink"),
    ?line PointsTo = "/a/definitely/non_existing/path",
    ?line Res = case file:make_symlink("/a/definitely/non_existing/path", ABadSymlink) of
		    {error, enotsup} ->
			{skip, "Symbolic links not supported on this platform"};
		    ok ->
			symlinks(Dir, "bad_symlink", PointsTo),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([Dir]),
symlinks(Dir, BadSymlink, PointsTo) ->
    ?line Tar = filename:join(Dir, "symlink.tar"),
    ?line DerefTar = filename:join(Dir, "dereference.tar"),

    %% Create the archive.

    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(Dir),
    ?line GoodSymlink = "good_symlink",
    ?line AFile = "a_good_file",
    ?line ALine = "A line of text for a file.",
    ?line ok = file:write_file(AFile, ALine),
    ?line ok = file:make_symlink(AFile, GoodSymlink),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:create(Tar, [BadSymlink, GoodSymlink, AFile], [verbose]),

    %% List contents of tar file.

    ?line ok = erl_tar:tt(Tar),

    %% Also create another archive with the dereference flag.

    ?line ok = erl_tar:create(DerefTar, [AFile, GoodSymlink], [dereference, verbose]),

    %% Extract files to a new directory.

    ?line NewDir = filename:join(Dir, "extracted"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(NewDir),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract(Tar, [{cwd, NewDir}, verbose]),

    %% Verify that the files are there.

    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(NewDir),
    ?line {ok, #file_info{type=symlink}} = file:read_link_info(BadSymlink),
    ?line {ok, PointsTo} = file:read_link(BadSymlink),
    ?line {ok, #file_info{type=symlink}} = file:read_link_info(GoodSymlink),
    ?line {ok, AFile} = file:read_link(GoodSymlink),
    ?line Expected = list_to_binary(ALine),
    ?line {ok, Expected} = file:read_file(GoodSymlink),

    %% Extract the "dereferenced archive"  to a new directory.

    ?line NewDirDeref = filename:join(Dir, "extracted_deref"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(NewDirDeref),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract(DerefTar, [{cwd, NewDirDeref}, verbose]),

    %% Verify that the files are there.

    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(NewDirDeref),
    ?line {ok, #file_info{type=regular}} = file:read_link_info(GoodSymlink),
    ?line {ok, #file_info{type=regular}} = file:read_link_info(AFile),
    ?line {ok, Expected} = file:read_file(GoodSymlink),
    ?line {ok, Expected} = file:read_file(AFile),


long_symlink(Dir) ->
    ?line Tar = filename:join(Dir, "long_symlink.tar"),
    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(Dir),

    ?line AFile = "long_symlink",
    ?line FarTooLong = "/tmp/aarrghh/this/path/is/far/longer/than/one/hundred/characters/which/is/the/maximum/number/of/characters/allowed",
    ?line ok = file:make_symlink(FarTooLong, AFile),
    ?line {error,Error} = erl_tar:create(Tar, [AFile], [verbose]),
    ?line io:format("Error: ~s\n", [erl_tar:format_error(Error)]),
    ?line {FarTooLong,symbolic_link_too_long} = Error,

open_add_close(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
    ?line Dir = filename:join(PrivDir, "open_add_close"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(Dir),

    ?line [{FileOne,_,_},{FileTwo,_,_},{FileThree,_,_}] = oac_files(),
    ?line ADir = "empty_dir",
    ?line AnotherDir = "another_dir",
    ?line SomeContent = filename:join(AnotherDir, "some_content"),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(ADir),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(AnotherDir),
    ?line ok = file:make_dir(SomeContent),

    ?line TarOne = filename:join(Dir, "archive1.tar"),
    ?line {ok,AD} = erl_tar:open(TarOne, [write]),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:add(AD, FileOne, []),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:add(AD, FileTwo, "second file", []),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:add(AD, FileThree, [verbose]),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:add(AD, ADir, [verbose]),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:add(AD, AnotherDir, [verbose]),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:close(AD),

    ?line ok = erl_tar:t(TarOne),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:tt(TarOne),

    ?line {ok,[FileOne,"second file",FileThree,ADir,SomeContent]} = erl_tar:table(TarOne),

    ?line delete_files(["oac_file","oac_small","oac_big",Dir,AnotherDir,ADir]),


oac_files() ->
    Files = [{"oac_file", 1459, $x},
	     {"oac_small", 99, $w},
	     {"oac_big", 33896, $A}],

cooked_compressed(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    %% Test that a compressed archive can be read in cooked mode.
    ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
    ?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
    ?line Name = filename:join(DataDir, "cooked_tar_problem.tar.gz"),

    %% Try table/2 and extract/2.
    ?line {ok,List} = erl_tar:table(Name, [cooked,compressed]),
    ?line io:format("~p\n", [List]),
    ?line 19 = length(List),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:extract(Name, [cooked,compressed,{cwd,PrivDir}]),

    %% Clean up while at the same time testing that all file
    %% were extracted as expected.
    lists:foreach(fun(N) ->
			  File = filename:join(PrivDir, N),
			  io:format("Deleting: ~p\n", [File]),
			  ?line ok = file:delete(File)
		  end, List),

    %% Clean up.
    ?line delete_files([filename:join(PrivDir, ddll_SUITE_data)]),

memory(doc) ->
    ["Test that an archive can be created directly from binaries and "
     "that an archive can be extracted into binaries."];
memory(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
    ?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),

    ?line FileBins = [{"bar/fum", <<"BARFUM">>},{"foo", <<"FOO">>}],
    ?line Name1 = filename:join(DataDir, "memory.tar"),
    ?line ok = erl_tar:create(Name1, FileBins, [write,verbose]),
    ?line {ok,Extracted1} = erl_tar:extract(Name1, [memory,verbose]),
    ?line FileBins1 = lists:sort(Extracted1),

    ?line io:format("FileBins: ~p\n", [FileBins]),
    ?line io:format("FileBins1: ~p\n", [FileBins1]),
    ?line FileBins = FileBins1,

    ?line Name2 = filename:join(DataDir, "memory2.tar"),
    ?line {ok,Fd} = erl_tar:open(Name2, [write]),
    ?line [ok,ok] = [erl_tar:add(Fd, B, N, [write,verbose]) || {N,B} <- FileBins],
    ?line ok = erl_tar:close(Fd),
    ?line {ok,Extracted2} = erl_tar:extract(Name2, [memory,verbose]),
    ?line FileBins2 = lists:sort(Extracted2),
    ?line io:format("FileBins2: ~p\n", [FileBins2]),
    ?line FileBins = FileBins2,

    %% Clean up.
    ?line ok = delete_files([Name1,Name2]),

%% Delete the given list of files.
delete_files([]) -> ok;
delete_files([Item|Rest]) ->
    case file:delete(Item) of
	ok ->
	{error,eperm} ->
	    file:change_mode(Item, 8#777),
	    delete_files(filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Item, "*"))),
	{error,eacces} ->
	    %% We'll see about that!
	    file:change_mode(Item, 8#777),
	    case file:delete(Item) of
		ok -> ok;
		{error,_} ->
		    file:change_mode(Item, 8#777),
	{error,_} -> ok